Think Clearly Now
Think Clearly Now
Think Clearly Now
Felt that this whole world and system you find yourself in is
somehow not real?
Felt like a stranger in this world? You are aware of your own
conscious intelligence and that you have a body, but it is just
that, a body that is not “you”. You are not the entity of flesh
and blood that is using the body, but that you are the stranger
within that body and merely looking out through the windows
called “eyes”, observing this world.
Have you ever wondered, “is it all a dream, or is this all real?
What if none of this is real?”
Felt that the sky could “crack open” at some time and reveal an
underlying reality that you are sure is just below the visible
threshold of all you see?
Have you ever vaguely felt that there is more going on than you
may have full understanding or knowledge of? Have you ever
felt or suspected that a lot of what has been happening, reported
on, or claimed as fact in this world may all be a con? Have you
“Now the guy in the bed next to me is really not well – lung
problems and out of surgery. Restless, rattley etc, moans and
groans. After near a day of it, it is decided it’s back to surgery
for him. He admitted in a trembling voice how scared he was,
and anyone could see that. There was no way he was anywhere
near ready to peacefully depart this world. I got to thinking
how sad it is that we have been failed by Christianity or its
sectarian religions. We have not been taught our place in
eternity, time, or space. We have not been given a full nor true
understanding of our nature or make up. The ritualized
garbage and hollow prayers, words, and creeds of millennia
have failed to prepare this single man to face death with peace
or dignity.” (Bob 4 September 2004)
More than ever I now question myself. In view of the risks
inherent with open-heart surgery (the valve replacement) and
by-pass, how exactly am I ready if such a thing happens, to
“meet my maker”? How can I accept that the last mortal face I
see may be those in the operating theatre, and the last words
heard be: “I am going to give you the anesthetic now.”
“Then I woke up or was fully aware – with full awareness of
all the levels referred to. It was SO QUIET. SO peaceful.
Then I knew “this is dead” – but I was fully
awake/aware/alive; but I knew I was dead. Hastily I
‘submerged’ back into the previous level so as to re-emerge to
mortality – DEAD AGAIN. A third time lucky, if you call
access to only 3 – 4 levels lucky. But if association with fellow
mortals is lucky, then I am lucky.” (Bob 4 September 2004)
Prior to 2003, like a lot of people, I had a vague idea that all was
not right with our species on this earth. There was nothing I
could specifically identify as a universal cause of so many
human problems, troubles, worries, and woes in so many diverse
areas. Many things are not good or could be better. However
like most people (or so it seems) I kept playing the game of
being a compliant little citizen, not thinking to try to look behind
the curtains to identify who was our puppet master and certainly
just accepting of “our lot”. I was accepting of our life of “bread
and circuses”. I was thankful to be born when and where I was
born. Historically speaking they are peaceful and civilized,
enlightened days. Or so it seems at times if one is not in the
hostile zones. Countless others constantly suffer miserably.
Dad was feeling pain at the level of about 2/10, around quarter
to seven in the morning, so I convinced him to call an
ambulance which arrived 15 minutes later.
He was put into the assesment room at A and E, they ran (word
not readable) a scan everything seemed well it looked as though
dad would be out by mid afternoon after the blood test was
returned. I told dad I would go out for a smoke and bring him
back a cup of tea.
While I was away dad felt intense pain, 9/10 so a nurse went to
get him some morphine.
When I walked into the room with dad’s tea he was having a
cardiac arrest, he was seizuring, frothing at the mouth making
horrible gargling (gagging?) sounds, his heart line was flat and
his face was dark purple blue as though he was dead.
Immediately I began to panic while the doctors cut off his
singlet and began CPR. They shoved a tube down his throat to
open his airway and pump oxygen into him as a last resort they
used one shock on dad to start his heart. Dad made a terrible
gurgling sound and he was sweating profusely and while I held
his hand trying not to cry, it was all clammy. When dad came to
he was scared and disoriented not knowing where he was or
how he got there and his primary worry was contacting work.
Immediately dad was given numerous injections and put on an
IV. As they went to wheel dad to coronary care his last words
were “don’t leave me”. I rang mum and told her to come to the
hospital. The doctors told me to wait in the heart cares living
room till all dads machinery was connected. I waited 30
minutes when I saw mum, the reason why doctors havent got me
yet was because dad had another cardiac arrest this time it took
15 minutes and 8 electric shocks to resussatate (sic) him.
Time went by and recovery was slow and very painful. I had
discovered that one does NOT know what is happening as one is
dying in this manner, and it is not painful beyond the brief initial
“stab of pain”. The real pain is experienced as one crawls back
to life and resumes existence in a traumatized body. That body
hurts badly.
Some 16 months later it was time for the surgery and the repairs.
During this time I became aware that I was indeed lucky to be
alive at all, and was in effect having a second chance at life. My
entire way of life and thinking was changed. Being aware that
there was no assurance that I would return from surgery I
decided to make notes wherever possible about the experience,
mainly for my own presumed future reference. Those notes
These are some of the reasons one goes into mental hibernation
at times to search more fully one’s understanding and reasoning
as to “what it is all about”, or maybe, “what it was all about”.
To find peace with the thought that those faces and words in the
theatre may be the last of mortality.
Logically and surely there is but one ultimate and “top” GOD.
Yet from the state of man, one could be excused for thinking
that there are many. Worse than that, the followers of one
perceived god make war with and kill those that follow a
different perceived god. It’s seen as a case of ‘our god is the
only one, and anyone who dares think differently must be
killed’. Now although that may seem and sound a totally stupid
thought, that is precisely what has been happening on this planet
for millennia, perhaps from the start of man.
To find out, I say search your own heart and mind. You
probably will not find the answer to this in conventional
religions. Bear in mind the body is dust of the earth, it is born
of dust, it is sustained by dust or elements of the earth, and there
comes a time when it will return to those same elements, to dust
of the earth. Yet it lives, loves, laughs, begets the next
generation, and thinks. All mankind of all races colours etc are
of the same dust of the earth. The dust of Africa is as it is in
New Zealand, Asia, or Africa. There can be neither doubt nor
dispute that we are, in the flesh, all of one common substance
and heritage. (It is a strange thing that the things we presume to
own or possess, houses, lands, cars etc etc, outlast us, perchance
indicating that those ‘possessions’ actually possessed us)
Something sustains us, turning dust into carrots, cattle and fish,
as well as mortal humans, using solar energy to fuel a self-
sustaining, recycling system. Mortals that pass on are returned
to dust and, yes, the dust recycled. Some 6 billion current
inhabitants of earth created from the few inches of global
topsoil, which provides the sustenance and food source for that
many, generation after generation. Yes I see a hand that I
cannot identify, and I call that ‘GOD’. That GOD sustains all of
us freely and equally. It is man alone that has made any
inequality that has deemed the status of one as more than that of
another. It is man alone that has for selfish greed taken more
than an equitable share, called that inequitable share ‘wealth’
and demanded the adoration of those from whom it was taken.
It is man alone that despises others who dare think differently,
or who look differently to his image of ideal, or control less than
he, thus deemed of supposed lower standing and importance.
But some call this GOD by one name, and others use a different
name. As a child I was subtly taught to mistrust (even secretly
despise) those of another Christian group or sect. It still
happens, regardless of all the talk of Christian unity etc. “We
worship GOD this way, and HE accepts only that manner of
worship.” “But you at least are better than ‘those’ who worship
that god of a different name in a different (and most absurd)
manner.” It goes on and on doesn’t it? Man made divisions, all
in error.
Yes, I see the hand of GOD in all things. Yes, I see the error of
mankind and of his ways and of his institutions, governments,
religions, his society and values. Yes I understand the vision of
unfulfilled and unfulfilable utopia.
I have seen through it and have seen truth. I do not fear, yes, I
am ready.
Being the day before surgery it has been a day of meetings with
lots of participants in the event and its consequences.
Then there is a small risk, about 1% (they love the single digit
don’t they?) of an allergic or bad reaction/shock to the
anesthetic. (it gets hard to remember it all, that’s why I’m
writing it now, but cannot post this writing for weeks yet – if I
I gotta get medications started tonight, about 9pm. I’m told and
I hear a urine test still to be done. There are a lot of people
involved. I’ve only mentioned the ‘specialists’, not the support
staff at all.
Now the guy in the bed next to me is really not well – lung
problems and out of surgery. Restless, rattley etc, moans and
groans. After near a day of it, it is decided It’s back to surgery
for him. He admitted in a trembling voice how scared he was,
and anyone could see that. There was no way he was
anywhere near ready to peacefully depart this world. I got to
thinking how sad it is that we have been failed by Christianity
or its sectarian religions. We have not been taught our place
in eternity, time, or space. We have not been given a full nor
true understanding of our nature or make up. The ritualized
garbage and hollow prayers, words, and creeds of millennia
have failed to prepare this single man to face death with peace
or dignity. (We lack understanding of life and death.)
but that was just as I was told. There is only one vague memory,
vague, waking up and being spoken to: “Do you know where
you are?”…later, “Do you know what happened?” Yes to both.
Wellington Hospital and had surgery – it seemed to satisfy as
the insistence went away. Something in my throat, holding it
open – I cannot close it, nor can I really try. Later I am aware
of a plastic throat tube being pulled out from my throat – sore.
Then blessed unconsciousness takes me away.
THURSDAY (9TH) can’t have been much better (than the day
before) Little to no memories (of events or things of this day) I
was out of intensive care ward and even the step down ward. I
walked to ward 31. Bad dreams – horrible.
real, but I also could plainly see that she is and was of the same
substance as me. Daniel is real. But we are also the same, and
while I was thus cataloguing people etc that “IT” bit.
Tea is shit, jelly was shit and the mince pure muck. Mash spuds
like muck. I’ll go for a walk now and hope my confusion ends.
End of notes.
The truth is that mankind has known such a thing for thousands
of years. However any claims for such have been studiously
ignored by science etc. for all this time on the basis that it could
not be proven. Whereas one culture may have given the name
“prana” to the phenomena, other cultures and tongues gave it
other names. No matter the name, the claims and principle
remained the same.
One may ask or wonder, “how is it, or can it be, that a probable
infinite number of dimensions (or realities etc., call them as you
will) can exist simultaneously, in the same “place” or space?” I
am not yet going to ask or address the issue of “where” all of
this is taking place, of “how big” it all is, nor how much space it
actually occupies. (E.g. Does it indeed occupy the entire
cosmos, and then some.) Indeed I still have a sneaking
suspicion that perhaps none of it is actually “real”. It may be
“just” information existing within the quantum sea and
“vibrating” at a level we can perceive or it may all be simply a
mental construct. Although “who’s mental construct?” would
be a most challenging of questions when I come to consider that
one, and be assured the question is on the agenda when the time
is right. However I understand the very fabric of the universe
itself, that quantum sea, is intelligent. Or is intelligence. I read
an article recently wherein the author likened our reality to a
mere hologram and thought that somewhat appropriate. Other
issues and questions need to be dealt with first.
The “event” of birth marks our individual creation and entry into
this space and time of our temporal world and universe. At this
point it is not an issue of if there was any former or prior state or
existence, and that will not be discussed at this time.
Even Darwin realised the data of his era did not provide clear-
cut evidence that his theory was correct. Especially troubling
was the absence of "transitional species" in the fossil record.
Those were needed to prove that, over vast amounts of time,
species did in fact gradually transform into other, "higher"
The truth is that some lengthy fossil timelines are missing, but
many more are well accounted for. Those have been thoroughly
examined in the past 140-plus years, to no avail. In any other
occupation, a 140-year-long trek up a blind alley would indicate
a wrong approach has been taken. But not to scientists. They
blithely continue forward, convinced of the absolute rightness of
their mission and confident their fabled missing link will be
found beneath the next overturned rock. Sooner or later, they
believe, one of their members will uncover it, so they all work in
harmonious concert towards that common goal. Individually,
though, it's every man and woman for themselves.
Can you specify the kind of gradual change you're referring to?
Well, maybe. So let's make sure the isolated population can't get
back with the main group until crossbreeding is no longer
If it's impossible to cross, how did the isolated group get there
in the first place?
changed environment?
Exactly! How would they adapt? Could they just will themselves
to grow thicker fur or stronger muscles or larger size?
There are two basic forms of plants and animals: wild and
domesticated. The wild ones far outnumber the domesticated
ones, which may explain why vastly more research is done on
the wild forms. But it could just as easily be that scientists shy
away from the domesticated ones because the things they find
when examining them are so far outside the accepted
evolutionary paradigm.
varieties. Later on, in the Far East, came wheat, millet, rice and
yams. Later still, in the New World, came maize (corn), peppers,
beans, squash, tomatoes and potatoes.
So wild varieties were entirely too small, entirely too tough and
nutritionally inappropriate for humans. They needed to be
greatly expanded in size, greatly softened in texture and
overhauled at the molecular level--which would be an imposing
challenge for modern botanists, much less Neolithic farmers.
Botanists know they have a serious problem here, but all they
can suggest is that it simply had to have occurred by natural
means because no other intervention--by God or You Know
What--can be considered under any circumstances. That
unwavering stance is maintained by all scientists, not just
botanists, to exclude overwhelming evidence such as the fact
that in 1837 the Botanical Garden in St Petersburg, Russia,
began concerted attempts to cultivate wild rye into a new form
of domestication. They are still trying, because their rye has lost
none of its wild traits, especially the fragility of its stalk and its
small grain. Therein lies the most embarrassing conundrum
botanists face.
rain won't knock the seeds and grains off their stalks. At
maturity, they become so brittle that a breeze will shatter them
and release their cargo to propagate. Such a high degree of
brittleness makes it impossible to harvest wild plants because
every grain or seed would be knocked loose during the
harvesting process.
The cheetah is the most easily tamed and trained of all the big
cats. No reports are on record of a cheetah killing a human. It
seems specifically created for high speeds, with an
aerodynamically designed head and body. Its skeleton is lighter
than other big cats; its legs are long and slim, like the legs of a
greyhound. Its heart, lungs, kidneys and nasal passages are
enlarged, allowing its breathing rate to jump from 60 per
minute at rest to 150 bpm during a chase. Its top speed is 70
miles per hour, while a thoroughbred tops out at around 38
mph. Nothing on a savanna can outrun it. It can be outlasted,
but not outrun.
When the results were in, none of the geneticists could believe it.
They had to run their samples through again and again to be
certain. Even then, there was hesitancy about announcing it.
Everyone knew there would be a firestorm of controversy,
starting with the palaeontologists--who would be given the
intellectual equivalent of a black eye and a bloody nose and
their heads dunked into a toilet for good measure! This would
publicly embarrass them in a way that had not happened since
the Piltdown hoax was exposed.
Fat. Humans have ten times as many fat cells attached to the
Head Hair. All primates have head hair that grows to a certain
length and then stops. Human head hair grows to such lengths
that it could be dangerous in a primitive situation. Thus, we
have been forced to cut our head hair since we became a
species, which may account for some of the sharp flakes of
stones that are considered primitive hominid "tools".
Skulls. The human skull is nothing like the primate skull. There
is hardly any fair morphological comparison to be made, apart
from the general parts being the same. Their design and
assembly are so radically different as to make attempts at
comparison useless.
When all of the above is taken together--the inexplicable puzzles
presented by domesticated plants, domesticated animals and
humans--it is clear that Darwin cannot explain it, modern
scientists cannot explain it, not Creationists nor Intelligent
Design proponents. None of them can explain it, because it is
not explainable in only Earthbound terms.
I believe that what Darwin observed with his own eyes and
research is the truth, and that modern scientists would see it as
clearly as he did if only they had the motivation or the courage
to seek it out. But for now, they don't so, until then, we can only
poke and prod at them in the hope of some day getting them to
notice our complaints and address them. In order to poke and
prod successfully, more people have to be alerted to the fact that
another scientific fraud is being perpetrated.
The fat lady is nowhere in sight, but that doesn't mean she's not
suiting up.
Have you ever looked out of a window on a stormy night, or
day, and been awed, perhaps frightened or even terrified by the
tempestuous and raging world out there, and been somewhat
comforted by the thought that you are somewhat safe within the
confines of your current condition/location? Your world is
violently shaking, the sounds can be terrible, others may be
suffering, but in your “cocoon” you feel safe. In so observing,
have you ever been thankful for your safety from exposure to
such terrible experiences that so obviously are presented to
“those” out there who are not so safe or protected? You are not
vulnerable nor susceptible to the horrors or discomforts that are
obviously there for others, less prepared or less protected
“others”. You know people can perish in such conditions, yet
you know you are “safe”.
Let me share some fascinating real facts about this earth. You
will now know where to find these things when next you want to
refer to them.
even help cause rains, preserve and maintain top soil; top soil
provides forests: rainfall failed. When the rains finally came
then floods were the result of no forests, silted up waterways….
The civilization failed and now is a ruin. This is not a unique
“one off” scenario.
There exists only one type of rodent that can open the nut pods
produced by the brazil nut tree. These pods are formidable. It
took a test human with a saw half an hour to open the nut pod.
The nuts are within the pod, kind of like the segments of a
mandarin within the outer skin of that fruit. Now the rodent
probably can not eat all of the nuts in one or two sessions, so
like rodents (squirrels etc) they know to bury those left over as a
stash for “later”. It seems only those nuts so buried, and
forgotten, by the rodent, end up sprouting and becoming
potential brazil nut trees. (who will be looking for orchid
smelling female bees to promote mating with obsessive male
bees, and as an aside, trusting the local rodents have flourished.)
Does that dream body ever question its existence? Does it ever
ask the classical questions: “who am I”, “what’s it all about?’,
“where did I come from”, “why am I here”, or “where am I
going”. Probably not. In many respects it seems like a ‘dumbed
down’ version of our perceived intelligence and ourselves.
Certainly from the waking state some of its acts etc appear
rather strange if not outrightly stupid. Is that dream body aware
of its true nature? I doubt it because generally we are not
possessed of that knowledge even in a waking state. Is it aware
of its temporary nature, or even its fleshless existence? It does
not need flesh, and functions perfectly in its environment.
Perhaps it would find the concept of ‘flesh’ or the need for such
an encumbrance rather pointless or unintelligible, were it given
to philosophical thoughts. Yet this body came from somewhere
and has its origins. Likewise it will ‘go back’ somewhere, and
yet having gone back, will return again. Probably such thoughts
are quite invalid, as the dream body quite simply is really “us”
operating in a different dimension or manner, without the
physical body.
Let’s have a lightning tour of life as we know or experience it.
You may then at your leisure flesh it out and consider its
component elements. You may be surprised how rewarding this
may be.
and now is this: From its very beginnings the individual is solely
nourished by the elements of the earth. There is nothing I know
of that is assimilated into the body at any time that is not of the
earth. (That is a great and diversified “evolution” to explain isn’t
Lets stop for a moment and look at the human body, or for that
matter almost any other body that shares the experience of life,
and see if we can come to some interesting thoughts.
The body design and its parts seem dedicated to specific mortal
requirements and functions, but bear in mind that it will not
function without the sum total being present, functioning, and
accounted for. There is however a generous redundancy built
into the system. We find that the ‘body’ is an ultimate gestalt.
The sum total certainly being more than the total of its
components. Now no matter how I address this, nor in what
order or method, some will scream with disagreement, so in
reading the following bear in mind: Yes, I know there are many
ways to present this, I could go according to systems: endocrine,
circulatory etc etc. But, hey, it’s my writing and I will do this
my way, as it is ample for the illustration. If you want it another
way it’s OK, just take time out now and spend the time
contemplating it your way, it doesn’t matter, it’s another road to
Rome. Probably just as good, just as valid, just as interesting,
perhaps more educational. But like the opening lines state, there
must be thousands of ways to present….
It seems all things about the body are for, and specific to the
physical dimension, this earth, which is as one would expect, for
it is 100% of the earth. This is why, like a beautiful rose, it starts
as a bud, blossoms beautifully, is attractive, develops beautifully
to maturity then wilts and withers. Finally it will fall off and
return to the earth of the ground below. We are as roses,
flowers, and like them we thrive on fertilizer, water, and sun,
also are subject to fungus, disease, and wilful people who go
about cutting roses. And life in society reflects the rose garden.
People see and admire the buds, love and adore the blooming
flower and the mature blossom, and ignore or even fail to see
the wilting rose. I am sure you see the analogy here. I for one
am now largely invisible in this world.
This “mortal” flesh body is created of and for this earth. Thus
it is “gross” elements of the earth and will and does die to this
earth. The dream body dies to its realm as we awaken. But
learn a lesson. Having died, it still lives on to experience
endless new dreams. It “always” exists, surviving countless
“deaths”. The dream body does not need flesh, it is not of the
The baby, all and everywhere, died to its former existence, else
it would not have arrived here. Only mortal flesh is made here.
Earth is a “body” factory.
The flesh body is made of elements of the earth, “dust of the
earth”, to be populated or inhabited by some manifestation of
intelligence, an individual, that is not a natural component or
property of the materials of the physical earth. Mere meat,
flesh, does not have the property of intelligence nor
consciousness. That intelligence is “cosmic” stuff, not “star
stuff” which is the lifeless chemical elements of the universe,
the byproducts of known material fusion and ejected by stars.
The elemental earth body is a work unit, purpose built
specifically to accommodate the new arrival, the “new to this
earth” individual. If that expected “new arrival” does not arrive
or stay remained encased in the flesh, that body of earth is re-
cycled as dead, or dying matter. Back to the earth that gave it.
There just seems to be no reasonable or logical way one can
consider the “new arrival”, the inhabitant, to be a natural
component, element, by-product or whatever, of the newly made
and readied earth body. Flesh, blood and bone, are lifeless and
totally devoid of intelligence as manifest by “individuals”.
The dream body died, as the body woke to find itself still in
And its free, all you have to do is ask questions, discover the
answers - then question the answers. When you find yourself
answering most of the questions yourself and those answers
raise more questions, chances are you’re onto the right thing.
004 -MIND..
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can
achieve” – so I learned in the late 1960’s in early sales
training. (Napoleon Hill or W. Clement Stone.)
sitting alongside the net in the middle, you have a player to your
right and one to the left. (I am observant, and saw the knowing
looks on many faces as they resolved ‘you won’t catch me out
on this obvious demonstration’. I didn’t have to catch them out,
their own mind did it, let me explain.)
taken over.
We put ourselves down, and have become
used to this masochistic posture, this
weakness, this indecisiveness...
but we are in reality free,
a centre of cosmic energy.
Your will is your power - don't pretend
you don't have it - or you wont.
(Bernard Gunther)
Just possibly there is no “here and now”, but just that cosmic
universal “NOW” that the cosmic GOD/entity alone was
presumed to experience, not bound by time and space as it
seems to us “mortals”. It has long been suggested that in fact
there only exists a state called “now”. Perhaps that state of
“now” only appears to change and move to create an illusion of
passage of time. Certainly we can only ever really exist in, and
experience a condition of “now”. Are all other experiences in
the mind? Remember science now understands that in physics,
at sub-atomic levels there does exist a universal “now” that
transcends time and space as we know them.
I for one have had difficulty coming to grips with “linear time”
and its consequences and paradoxes. One is forced to conclude
and accept that there must of necessity be untold and unlimited
local “now” states. Individuals being separated/distanced by
space, each individual as the centre of his own sphere, have a
unique “now” not experienced by anyone else exactly as he
experiences his “now”. The distances, no matter how small,
mean that all events conveyed by sight or sound experience a
delay in transmission from person to person, caused by the
limiting speeds of light and sound. End result – each person’s
“now” varies. Not a very practical situation it would seem. Or
is there something wrong with that picture and logical
the waking side of the dream, all of that and the experiences are
illusion. Illusion that evaporates into nothing but perhaps a
memory once we have “passed on” from the sleeping dream
state and entered back into our conscious waking state.
Equally, I am sure, when we are in the sleep/dream state, that
side is deemed the reality, and perhaps our waking state is not
even known about, acknowledged as existent, nor considered as
any form of recognizable reality. It begins to appear that
generally each state is largely unaware and ignorant of the other
state. They are as strangers each to the other. How absolutely
fascinating that is, and what potentials could exist when the two
states meet and merge each with the powers and abilities of the
other. Each state is of course a manifestation of the same
Individual. A fractured and fragmented Individual.
Sitting here firmly rooted into the waking conscious mortal state
with its perceptions of reality and linear time, there is something
unsettling about this evident lack of cohesive consistency of
experiences and yet of us having a body form and experiences
that are demonstrably illusion when awake or conscious. At the
same time also being able to know that we have in reality a
second form or manifestation (the dream body and experiences)
seemingly independent of the other. Yet such certainly seems to
be the reality of the situation. Are we beginning to see much
strangeness in this situation? Do we begin to see some flaws
appearing in our understanding of what we generally and
unhesitatingly accept as ourselves? Are time and space as
“we” understand it, a reality? In fact, are even “we” a
That “event” is our arrival into this state and place we call “life
on earth, mortality here and now”. Just as each fragment or chip
of glass has no memory or concept of its origin in the larger
pane, so we have no memory or concept of our true source or
Now that raises yet another question that needs to be asked and
hopefully understood. I think that is a sure sign that logic has
not failed, when progress is still able to be made without coming
to an impassable "brick wall”, or sinking to religion’s trick of
dismissing issues as a “mystery of god”, or science’s trick of
dismissal as a “missing link” or a not yet found/discovered
ends as does the movie or the novel, and we are able to see the
distinction between those and what we consider to be the “real”.
Where is the distinguishing line between what I suspect is
illusion and that which passes as reality? Is it really seamless?
The dream goes on. The illusion continues. I live and exist
within my own purpose created life and cosmos. All else are
“props”. Everyone is the same. Thus billions of cosmic
individual’s bubbles exist, some overlapping, often enclosing
complete bubbles that are not our own individual ones. As one
bubble is extinguished others come into existence, sometimes at
the same time, sometimes sharing only a piece of time,
sometimes one never experiencing the other.
Each bubble inhabitant has his own “illusion” life, world, and
cosmos. Each shares his illusion, his individual reality with
others that co-exist. Each shares his experiences, his beliefs,
values, perceptions with others. We share our perceived
universe and we accept the thoughts and perceptions of others,
from numerous sources, even ancient records. We accept these
as valid and thus perceive all that is so presented to us as actual
and factual reality – we imprint it into our “mind” and it
becomes our ongoing reality. Thus we participate in shared
“communal” illusions. But are “facts” (perceptions,
interpretations mostly) presented to us necessarily actual or
factual? “It aint necessarily so.” For example, there exist
numerous alternative perceptions as to who built the ancient
pyramids of Egypt, of why and when. In short there are
different realities to different people for the same data. We have
all heard of, and probably experienced “differences of opinion”
from other people. This is a simple case of the same
information or data being interpreted differently with the result
that their “facts” are somewhat different from our acceptable
In this sphere we see things made that rust, rot, fall apart, get
lost and ultimately recycle into the recycling cosmos. Is
anything new in a cosmos seen as unknown billions of years old
that has given life experience to undreamed of numbers? Could
well be that untold thousands of years ago in perceived linear
time man on earth made planes and bombs also, and dreamed he
was the ultimate purpose of “it all”. It cannot be doubted that
undreamed of numbers of life cycles must have passed and that
it is increasingly obvious that this tiny span of existence here
and now is not the reason for the existence of an entire cosmos.
(What a waste of resources if that were the case) It is an
indisputable reality that other Individuals enter and leave our
personally experienced cosmos.
out, being somewhat all mentally wired up the same, make the
same choices and judgments, and thus make the same mistakes.
So yes, Napoleon and Adolf both thought the Russian plains
invasion was a good idea. Both made the same mistake as no
doubt countless un-named others in antiquity have, and yet
future others will also. We cannot and will not learn from books
or history, because our mentality and perceptions are that we
alone are “special”. Thus some blunder on, oblivious to the fact
that the hordes facing them are each unto themselves equally
“special” and not sharing our plans or dreams. Endlessly
repeating history.
Perhaps its time to move on from this and turn thoughts to such
things as “what then is our individual potential?” Perhaps we
should gently prod at that which was previously held or believed
to be the impenetrable, imponderable mysteries. I think there is
a ray of light and understanding shining from behind the doors
closed on knowledge. Maybe we CAN gain that knowledge and
in the words of Genesis, “become as one of” the gods. I believe
that in asking the right questions in the right sequence we can
build upon understanding until a perfect knowledge is attained.
If you haven’t done so already that is. These are generally not
understood, and will have a profound effect on how your life
will unfold henceforth.
1: You are not your body. That body, a bag of flesh and bones
etc., elements of this temporal earth is really “just” a bio-
mechanical device that the true you uses solely while operating
in this temporal, earther, mortal, or call it what you will,
dimension. When a body is “dead” and being buried or
otherwise disposed of, it is not that person that is being buried
or whatever, but literally just the mortal star stuff remains. If
you have trouble understanding this, then go back to bobslegacy
and have a read or re-read of the appropriate sections. “You”
get around in it, and view only a limited amount of what is
available (because the mortal eyes and senses are effectively
So if the dentist says you need a root canal, or a doctor says you
need chemotherapy or radiotherapy, you may probably be
much better off not taking that advice. Learn to think for
yourself and to doubt or at least reserve decision on all things till
you have done a full job of researching for the truth.
Some 40 years later, the guru has not showed up. What did
show up were a lot of teachers of falsehoods and errors. If you
look for the quick fix, it is almost guaranteed you will be
shunted down a sidetrack to become anchored and stunted in
some total dead end and erroneous path. I know of many good
people blindly believing they have achieved ultimate heaven on
earth, truth or wisdom, singing their hymns, or chanting the
mantras while anchored with a teacher at a “dead end going
nowhere” or “no further than here” state. Although things may
feel good at first, however like eating tasty but bad oysters,
ultimately it’ll do you no good. So be wary of the feel good
proselyters, the select groups that may promise heaven either
now on earth or later as some vague unearned reward. You
must learn all things for yourself, and you must prove all things
for yourself. You will need to question all things and accept
I know of one religious group which teaches that once the leader
has spoken or made a proclamation, then it is not the prerogative
of members to even think about the issue, but to accept it as the
word of god himself. (Yes “himself”) Now that’s a guaranteed
recipe for disasters at all sorts of levels.
Have you ever vaguely felt that there is more going on than you
may have full understanding or knowledge of? Have you ever
felt or suspected that a lot of what has been happening, reported
on, or claimed as fact in this world may all be a con? Have you
ever really wondered why or marveled about the sheer amount
of disharmony, conflict, confusion, and abuses of all sorts so
prevalent in the world? Are you a little concerned about the
seeming progressive impoverishment and enslavement of the
world’s populations?
All this and more, lots more, will be dealt with as we progress.
We will make every effort to present all things without the
trappings of awe, mystery, and all of the pompous
pretentiousness common to those expounding matters that touch
on religion and science. I make no claims for the accuracy of
anything, and certainly do not present anything as one with
authority or a mandate from undisclosed “higher sources”.
These will be the reasonings, correlations, and thinking of Bob
alone. Please do not be offended if somethings so presented go
One could go on and on, quoting the words. But just the few
words above give us some unbelievable information. Factual
information based on physics.
Here Goes.
The quantum sea is the fabric upon which all things seem to be
painted, the origin of all we can see, understand, that can exist
ever in any dimension. It IS THE CANVAS. THIS IS WHERE
interesting is that for millennia we have heard of it through the
“mystics”, as prana, the spirit world etc etc. By logic it
More than these, shall we say three levels, there are lots more.
Does reality become a little clouded yet? But wait there’s more.
The mind can only experience “NOW”, for the mind can only
exist in “NOW”. Accept that this “NOW” as known by the
mind can recall. It can ‘recall’, ‘re-live’, ‘project’ etc, but
observe when doing so it must momentarily release the
possession of it’s current concept or observations of “now”. In
reality, it is only changing its patterns and concepts of a current
or “now” reality to visualize the memory or thought, and that is
still happening “NOW”. This is the mind that earlier I proposed
was the actual author of all we experience. I suspect that is true,
as the mind also experiences our dreams which in memory
terms have equal validity to claim as factual events. This
“NOW” is seemingly given substance by our ever-changing
experiences on earth. But as the “NOW” changes, that which
was mentally viewed or reviewed before, is gone and only
available as memory, just as are dreams. And these dream
memories we must admit are as acceptable and real as, if not at
times better than, reality on earth. Oh dear, what is real, what is
Now you have always already known or been prepared for that..
Everything that can exist, happen, or occur must have its roots
in the quantum sea because that quantum sea, the very fabric of
the universe, permeates and contains the entire cosmos. That
obviously includes our minds, our mortal bodies of this
dimension, and all the various phenomena to which we have
alluded. The interesting question is: “At what level or depth
within the Quantum Sea does each have its origin or roots, and
across how many levels or realities does each extend, to be
discernible from our level?”
Felt like a stranger in this world? You are aware of your own
conscious intelligence and that you have a body, but it is just
that, a body that is not “you”. You are not the entity of flesh
and blood that is using the body, but that you are the stranger
within that body and merely looking out through the windows
called “eyes”, observing this world.
Felt that this whole world and system you find yourself in is
somehow not real? Although it all seems and appears solid and
tangible, you suspect that somehow “things” are just not right. It
is as though it’s all unreal, a stage as the great bard once said,
and we are mere actors on some cosmic stage.
Felt that the sky could “crack open” at any time and reveal an
underlying reality that you are sure is just below the visible
threshold of all you see? Reality is there but it’s hidden from us.
Have you ever wondered, “is this life and world all a dream, or
is any of all this real? What if none of this is real?”
Ever wondered why and how our mind, or presumably the mind,
for that is what we are “told”, creates or enables things and
events, and just how and why do or can we become what we
think about? (“The Secret” etc. etc. Success Through a Positive
Mental Attitude. 1000’s of books deal with the transmutation of
desire, thoughts etc. into (terrestrial) reality.) Is there a “power”
or “force” that causes or enables all things and that we are
generally and in most people’s cases, unaware of it?
The search for a unified theory has since baffled the best minds
for decades. Proof as always is elusive. Trouble is the scientific
community and such like always seek some sort of repeatable at
will demonstrable physical evidence. I believe this is a
completely invalid criteria or approach, and at best has limited
value to settling disputed or dubious matters solely limited to
this “mortal and temporal world”. Such an attitude prohibits
those demanding it from acceptance of obvious facts. Such as:
where is the evidence that faith healing works, when there are
people produced that say they have been so healed; there is no
proof that aliens, UFO’s etc. exist when thousands give
testimony of them; etc. etc. In any case, why should one even
bother with such attitudes as to vainly attempt to convince such
that proof exists? We shall see that many things are in fact
incapable of being proven.
made for a most compelling case for the reality and actuality of
many different and varied phenomena.
Is it just a body, flesh and bones etc. which is dust of this earth,
star stuff, returning to that which gave it, or is it the total end to
the intelligent entity that ‘used’ the body? Are we laying to rest
just an empty shell, or is it what was once the total person?
Something that logically fits in to a “big picture” would be
helpful in understanding so many different ideas put out about
death and survival of death, or perhaps understanding the real
situation that is involved with death.
But what if all such phenomena and events were the by-
products or minor manifestations of a single cause, of one single
reality, a reality before us, but just unseen and unrecognized?
Let’s be real here. Some things really hurt the head to try to
understand or figure out, and I’m not just talking about physics
in all its disciplines. And lets also ask, why do some have
greater capacity than others? Could it be that some are more
awake than others, speaking of capacity only, and not
We have all heard it said or read it. The claims of the sages, the
mystics etc. that this entire world is illusion. Now what does or
can that possibly mean? Seems solid and real to me, so should I
attempt to understand this claim? I mean, so many for so long
Who were the once so active “Gods” and where are they now,
1000s of years later?
Do “gods” exist?
What are angels, guardian angels, devils and demons all about?
So if such as these exist and are not only in the minds of man,
what are they, where are they and why is there a seeming
interaction between them and us? Genesis (bible) seems to
indicate at one time some of such came and lived and bred with
mortal humanity. Now that’s one huge claim not to be ignored
So much myth, legend, folk lore from all over the world, from
so many cultures and different ages exist that one is almost
compelled to accept that there just may be some actual and
factual basis for perhaps some such claims. Even if of the same
origin and realm as the angels, devils and demons, they demand
some intelligent understanding and placement in the order of
Is there life after death or is death just a part of the cycle life:
This type of question has been posed for the entire history of
man. Obviously it is of vital importance and interest to all.
Alas it is also the cause of so much confusion and so many
conflicting claims, not to mention the cause of so much
contention and abuse.
Why and how can our minds create a sustained illusion that
becomes our reality?
Why is the human gifted with such ability? Flesh and blood, the
products of this temporal world surely would or should not be so
advanced “mentally”.
Now how can this be? How does one get to satisfactorily
explain this type of phenomena?
Now lets cut this short and look at just one more inescapable
conclusion. A conclusion that reveals yet another (the 4th so far
in this limited count) realm into which our conscious
intelligence has access. The documentary “The Day I Died”
reveals many people whom have literally had a very real “death”
experience. It is salted with validating commentary from
physicists, researchers etc., and the evidence would be
acceptable in a court of law, but not to “proof seekers”. There is
no doubt these people went “somewhere” and had various
experiences, and yes, brought back memories of events that
transpired at the time. Many more must have experienced that
realm, including myself, because there seems no other
explanation as to how or where their individual conscious
intelligence survived when the body and brain had ceased their
functioning. They came back to a repaired and restored body as
themselves, complete with all attributes and memories, and at
times even slightly improved or “changed” a little. (My
personal “changed a little” included the immediate ability to
change my entire lifestyle without any difficulty. Then there are
the “mental” and “value” changes…..)
seems may be only one small facet of our real selves, the true
“us” if you will.
Once one understands the situation we are currently in, then one
will become able to more fully understand the self, its place and
potential in the grand scheme of things. Then when one so
understands and appreciates the greater reality situation, one
will be able to see past the dream of mundane mortality and
(hopefully) gravitate naturally towards higher ideals than most
mortals ever see or realize.
With mental exercise and this working model you will now be
able to answer those questions posed above. You will
understand that we swim in a sea of cosmic quantum realities,
and that we are, in the mortal state, generally tuned to perceive
just one reality, and that reality is just an illusion. You will
soon be able to figure out for yourself who the gods are and
from whence they come. Likewise you will figure out the logical
cause of any and all phenomena. You will no longer be subject
to blind faith or ignorance.
Some will claim to reveal your true self. Some will claim to be
“jedi knights” in other dimensions and thus attempt to gain your
wealth and adoration. Some will seek to gain followers based
on such claims and to gain great personal dominion. No doubt a
false Christ or so will arise with marvelous claims. Given time,
competition and persecutions could follow. Eventually even
wars could result.
Nevertheless, <>
is worth reviewing in detail (including its some five or six
detailed, elaborate webpages). Hoagland notes, among many
other things, that the anomalous energy being radiated by the
giant planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune can be
explained by Hyperdimensional Physics. In essence, these
planets’ energy output is “over unity”, i.e. they are giving off
more energy than is being absorbed from the Sun energy
impinging upon them. Furthermore, when Uranus and Neptune
are “normalized” (i.e. their different distances from the Sun are
taken into account), these two planets are roughly equal in their
output. Hoagland then explains that all of this can be accounted
for if we assume:
That statement says quite a bit. Reread it and think about it.
Hoagland <>
thus makes an excellent argument that Hyperdimensional
Physics is not only good science, but is highly relevant to our
modern world.
f + F @ p / Ö2
Ö5 @ p / Ö2 or Ö10 @ p
For a long time now, in some cases for many decades, various
voices have been raised in protest and to enable public
awareness of various real dangers being foisted upon humanity.
They have largely been ignored, and the small percentages that
have not ignored the warnings but joined the aware group of
We will look into that very basic question in a section that deals
with the education system imposed upon us by our diligent and
vigilant government authority. We are carefully brought up and
Generally fearing death, they do not know how to die with grace
or dignity, and often do not know how to live with grace and
dignity. Worst of all, few will ever question the “status quo”
and seek to understand anything that is not available at the mall.
Our earth has existed, we are told, some 4-5 billion years, and
the known or perceived universe some 15 or more billion years.
At the edges of our perceived (bubble shaped?) universe
How many universes are there then? The question almost has
no meaning. It’s too vast to really come to grips with, as is its
age. Tens or possibly hundreds of billions of years according to
our time measure may be a painfully inadequate guess. This
principle of overlapping universes endlessly reaching out in
every direction from any starting point, consuming and creating
unimaginable space/time would severely damage the commonly
It seems and smells like the Jehovah thing is a very local and
probably unreal event indeed. Looking at it coldly in the light
of ancient literature discovered over the past 100 years or so, it
seems to be an adopted and adapted tribal thing. After all, other
groups, tribes and nations around the earth had equally valid and
equally realistic claims to the sole revelation of (a) god.
Strangely and tellingly all these (local) gods have a prejudiced
favour for the ‘locals’. There is an almost uncomfortable
localness of each such claimed god. For decades I had
unformed questions as to why god would seem to be so local,
prejudiced, and secretive, not to mention so limited in the
allocation of his “dealing with us” time. Seems like one just
passing through. Sure all religions can seem to justify all those
issues, but that is all it is: justifying those things by apologists in
action. I submit they are all false and in error because of the
inconsistency and patent unjustness of the premiss. “The”
ultimate god could not be so inconsistent in dealing with his
claimed creations that he could only be judged as downright
nasty as times. A god who is recorded to be loving, jealous,
vengeful, destructive and gives obvious preference is surely not
to be trusted, especially when he operates for a limited time only
in a limited area with a select group. Generally of course he is
totally unknown and unrevealed to any others not of the
favoured group or generation. Also the god of Genesis is
obviously not omniscient.
species not of our ‘kind’. All life, of whatever form, indeed all
matter of whatever form, is a creation of and part of the fabric of
the universe and constantly bathes within it.
"People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach
conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant."
-Helen Keller
Let’s briefly discuss the bible and its source. The Old
Testament is a record of the race/nation of which the Jews and
Arabs seem the sole survivors. Others are only there because of
interactions. They trace and claim ancestry back to one
Abraham. (Abram) Abraham’s father, Terah, left Ur of the
Chaldees and is thus Sumerian of origin. Note that this Abraham
is also stated as commanding what amounts to a small army.
times the god seems quite nasty and destructive to man, and at
other times very helpful. This nastier and destructive nature of
the god/gods of Genesis is largely glossed over and certainly not
brought up by various “clergy” of Christendom who attempt to
convince us that god is always a god of love who would never
hurt or harm any of his “children”. What utter rubbish that is
and how easy to demonstrate gods genocidal and human hating
It seems that about some 12,000 years ago new cultures and
civilizations spontaneously seemed to spring up all over the
globe. We see various sciences saying that about then animals
were domesticated, crops and plants also developed (supposedly
by primitive man from wild varieties, but that is dealt with
elsewhere) and homo sapiens sapiens were established in the
world. Before this period there is almost no indications of
substantial culture to be had.
There are in fact those who fearlessly claim that the god of
Christendom is in fact quite an evil human hating “individual”,
and let’s face it, there is sufficient evidence and historical record
to give some credibility to that line of thinking. More on that
and associated issues as we progress. I am not presenting any
particular line of thought as absolute fact, but exploring and
analysing existing materials in an effort to make sense of so
many subjects that if considered alone simply make no sense,
have no seemingly valid cause, and appear totally unrelated to
anything else whatsoever.
beasts. Before beasts that are now cattle could be made useful
for mankind they had to be tamed and domesticated. The same
holds true for all the beasts for which mankind has a regular use.
However we have dealt with this issue in more depth earlier, and
I raise the issue again only as an introduction to discussion of
the likelihood that the entire human race is currently being
manipulated, domesticated, and make entirely compliant. I
suspect that the non-compliant will be among the first to be
eliminated if I am right, and that in due course, possibly quite
soon, a culling of the species may begin. Quite possibly the
killings such as are recorded in “203b-They’re Coming to Take
Me Away” may be merely a “practice run” to see just what can
be done with impunity. Pol Pot determined that his country’s
population would be reduced from some 7 million to just 1
million. No one stood in his way, and the killings continued
unabated with the “world’s Policeman”, the USA as it likes to
think of itself, and others, doing nothing about it. It took
neighbouring Vietnam, a communist country, to step in, invade
and end the slaughter, in about 1 month. That would evidence
to any reasonable person that if a country or amalgamation with
arms at their disposal such as the USA has, the madness could
have ended much faster and far earlier. It need not have lasted 4
years. Why was this allowed to happen? Yes, “allowed to
happen”. Now it gets weird, really weird and uncomfortable.
The United Nations has supported the ideal that the world’s
population would be reduced from near its current 7 billion to
around 1 to 2 billion.
“Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present
themselves before the LORD, and Satan came among them.
And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence cometh thou?
And Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro
in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.”
(Job 1:6-7 KJV)
Those are just two quotes from the bible that are representative
of a vast amount of information from that book that should alert
us to the fact that there is indeed more going on, and more
agendas afoot than most people either know or care to know
about. Short verses that relate a story to the effect that in what
most people think of as a peaceful “heaven”, often presumed the
sole habitation of an enthroned God being constantly
worshipped and adored by hosts of (harp playing) devoted
angels, there is or has been serious disharmony that at some time
in an obviously past time resulted in war. The losers were
exiled to planet earth and literally walk among mankind.
Let’s paint a picture and see what that picture solves and
eliminates from our dusty “mysteries” folder.
Let us call the intelligent beings “species A”. And let us call
the lesser intelligent and inferior being or race “species Z”. It is
recorded (Sumerian) that the original modified humans (as we
now know them) were borne by selected females of “species
A”, and presumably thus born into the world in the normal way.
It is also recorded that the embryo of combined “species Z” and
“species A” was transplanted into the females of the latter
species. Thus the resultant new species, lets call them “species
X”, for in effect they are a crossbreed, were truly “in the image”
of their “creators”. In short, the genes of species “A” were
spliced in to those of species “Z”. Whereas even less than 100
years ago such a proposition would have been preposterous, not
to mention heresy, today in a world of cloned sheep, genetically
engineering of life forms including plants, perhaps even this is
not too far away from us, the descendants of species X.
These are they who in council decreed “let us make man in our
image, male and female…” (Genesis) Bear in mind the title
“man” applies only to us, the “species X”. They are not and
were never “man”. (Man being Adam or earther) Some of them
played the part and role of “gods” to us, and remarkably this
exact scenario is central to the storyline of the movie “Zardoz”.
There an earth-based group of immortals lived isolated from
beastial mortals, but maintained communications through
certain of their ranks, some of whom played the role of being
gods to the lesser mortals. Quite a revealing movie to see, as it
reveals the god of the movie, (who calls himself Zardoz) as a
clever immortal playing at being the Wizard of oz, and
manipulating events, even to the hero’s breeding and birth, from
“behind the curtains”.
In a nutshell, that was the start of the plot, and as they say, all
the rest is mere detail. However in splicing the genes together
the (genetic) engineer, called a “god”, made the new species a
little too smart for their proposed basic purposes and
specifications, and made them so that the final edition was
actually able to breed and self produce. Seems this was not in
the original production plans, and whether intentional or not,
became the source of huge problems. At least one of the chief
executive expressed horror with words along the lines of “who
told you that you are naked….” (Genesis again) And all of the
stuff that goes along with knowing about nakedness, sex, and so
Procreation, the ability to self produce and breed, was indeed the
“fruit” of the “tree of life” thing that it seems was expressly
forbidden and not allowed to this newly created species. Think
about it. The creating “gods” would have little control over a
species that had the ability and propensity to get out of control.
Worse still is the simple fact of mathematics involved in any
breeding, even if a single breeding pair is all that exists. Two
becomes four (or more) four becomes eight, eight becomes
sixteen etc. Recall the story of the horse shoes. The noble was
reluctant to pay a farrier’s price, so the farrier suggested 1cent
the first nail, and double it for each succeeding nail. The
ignorant noble agreed and the farrier laughed away to himself as
he placed the 16 nails. After 16 nails or generations, 65,536.
Worse, if the humans had long life spans as Genesis indicates,
we may have close to the sum total of the entire “breed” alive
simultaneously. That’s in excess of 130,000 per breeding pair in
a relatively short time. Words like “rabbits” and “small city”
come to mind. Control could get very difficult if not
impossible. No wonder an elimination decree was made later.
More on human numbers later.
The good news is that the entire executive was not “anti” the
new species X mankind. It is recorded that some who are
named, including the engineer who “created” us, actually
protected and preserved us. But for mankind, a new species
trying to survive in a hostile world, our troubles were only
beginning. It is recorded that some of our species were so
favoured as to be able to live with and among some of them, and
they thus lived in “paradise”, ate the food of the gods, food that
gave them greater life span than those on the "outside” living in
“hell”. A real problem arose as it is recorded, when some of
those of species “A” decided that our human females were really
cute and desirable little creatures. They wanted them for more
than one wants mere brute labour or domestic pets. It is
recorded that some of these “sons of god” saw the human
daughters of men as fair and took of them wives…. (Genesis yet
Lets take a break from the scenario, and figure out some of
what this means.
Also recall that it is recorded that they walk among us and are
not identifiable as “not us”. These are they who met physically
with Abraham at his tent door, who then went to Sodom and
The probable fact that we are not the prime species on earth but
were preceded by a vastly superior race that in fact were
responsible for our existence, the then newly developed “homo
sapiens sapiens”, resolves the following issues from a huge
portfolio of ancient mysteries:
possibility and truth. (The old “if these structures exist, and
they do, then they have to be built by us, -because there is no
one else- and that means they cannot be more than “x” years
old.” way of thinking.) At least we have advanced from the
older school of belief still held by some fundamentalists that
nothing can pre-date 4004 BC because that was when god
created the earth.
Big bang theory and evolution are rigidly taught as fact, not
theory, and to contradict or question them is to run the reality of
ridicule and personal attack. It would be self-evident that any
super race upon the earth with control of its wealth and
governments in its hands would surely demand these be taught.
This way dumbed down humans would not question their own
origin, but accept it as a mere accident of nature, an evolution of
matter. Creation or intervention need to be excluded simply
because it could lead to their discovery by us. Sure, the current
and accepted “scientific” way tells we are alone and supreme in
a galaxy devoid of intelligence apart from our own. It would be
difficult to imagine a more effective censorship and embargo on
information than the enforced teaching, acceptance and
adherence to these flawed theories. As one great writer once
said: Theory = best guess. There is none so ignorant as one who
thinks he already knows all there is that is knowable.
before our human race was fashioned, and that we are unwitting
participants in their conflicts. I see none as exclusively on “our”
side. I do not see the “angels” as totally benign white clad
winged and halo wearing entities endlessly singing the praises
of god while seeking good works to perform among mankind.
Sorry about that, in plain language they are “not us” and have
their own agenda and concerns, and we represent one of those
concerns. I also believe they are now dealing with those
World Populations
Perhaps (again) all the movies picturing the massive death and
destruction of the human race and the pathetic state of the post-
apocalyptic survivors are being produced to prepare us for what
is probably ahead of us. I doubt “they” want “us” totally
destroyed, but the figures above show that once we are and were
below the 1 billion figure there were no global problems or large
scale culling of our species. Population control targets see the
bulk of humanity done away with. Famine, plague, and wars
will ensure that once unleashed upon us.
Human future?
When I was a primary school child I suspected that all was not
well or right with the Christian God as taught and presented. I
figured and thought that if indeed I focused and concentrated
upon the image of a small golden elephant that I had as a pencil
sharpener, it could probably be just as effective as the worship
and prayers to a false god. Heck of a thought for a young man
not in his teens. And now I have in my own mind dismissed and
terminated not only the Christian deity, but also those of all
mortal’s religions. Where would that leave us? What shall fill
the void?
The following article (in italics) is copied from off the Internet
and is freely available. I have reproduced it in full as I doubt
that many readers would bother or have the ability or time to
search out information for themselves. It of vital concern and
relative to the issues being presented as it is indicative of
something far more nefarious than mere lunacy. “Something” is
afoot and a vast amount of resources, time and energy is being
expended to implement just this one universal component action
that seems designed solely to debilitate, dumb down, and
enslave the entire human species. This one component when
added to other similar seemingly unrelated components spell out
in very large letters that all the suspicions behind numerous so
called conspiracy theories (really conspiracy facts) are almost
certainly well founded. The entire human race and species is
being wilfully targeted and marked for destruction, or
decimation at the least.
"I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was
an official of the great IG Farben chemical industries and was
also prominent in the Nazi movement at the time. I say this with
all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent
nearly 20 years' research into the chemistry, biochemistry,
physiology and pathology of fluorine--any person who drinks
artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more
will never again be the same person mentally or physically."
CHARLES E. PERKINS, Chemist, 2 October 1954.
Quoting Einstein's nephew, Dr. E.H. Bronner (a chemist who
had also been a prisoner of war during WWII) in a letter printed
in The Catholic Mirror, Springfield, MA, January 1952:
Related Research:
The Crime and Punishment of I. G. Farben
by Joseph Borkin (out of print book search)
"We are told by the fanatical ideologists who are advocating the
fluoridation of the water supplies in this country that their
purpose is to reduce the incidence of tooth decay in children,
and it is the plausibility of this excuse, plus the gullibility of the
public and the cupidity of public officials that is responsible for
the present spread of artificial water fluoridation in this
country. However - and I want to make this very definite and
positive - the real reason behind water fluoridation is not to
benefit children's teeth. If this were the real reason, there are
many ways in which it could be done which are much easier,
cheaper and far more effective. The real purpose behind water
fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to
domination, control and loss of liberty."
1945. May. Newburgh's water was fluoridated, and over the next
10 years its residents were studied by the New York State
Health Department.
In these examples not only did “they” come and take them
away, but there was little if anything anyone was able to do
USA: We have dealt with how the USA came into being largely
because its citizens were allowed to carry arms, but this right did
not apply equally to everyone. By the late 1800s there were
some 4 million slaves in the USA and about one quarter million
free blacks. Disarmament laws were created across the land but
were designed to allow only 1 race to freely possess weapons.
“No slave may use firearms even in self defence” Louisiana
1806. “Free Negroes may not carry firearms.” Florida 1831,
Mississippi 1852, Alabama 1866, Louisiana post civil war.
“White citizen patrols shall enter into all Negro homes … and
lawfully seize … arms, weapons, and ammunition.” Florida
1825. “It shall not be lawful for any freed man, Malatto, or free
person of color … to own firearms … or other deadly
weapons….” Alabama 1866. “Dealers must record the race of
all buyers of pistols and ammunition.” Mississippi 1906.
Current gun laws still require race to be stated and recorded.
Between 1880 and 1965 (See it’s not all “stuff” that happened
over 100 years ago.) mobs of citizens forcibly took and lynched
some 3,500 defenceless unarmed black people. Consider one
case where one intended lynch victim was saved because of the
presence of just one handgun. A local sheriff was holding a
man in his cell and left the jail for a while leaving his 14 year
old daughter “in charge”. A mob gathered intent on taking the
man by force and murdering him by common called lynching.
The girl took up a handgun and confronted the mob, vowing to
shoot anyone who stepped forward to make good the threats.
Not one coward in the mob stood forward. The sheriff returned
and the mob disbanded. What a lifesaving difference just one
gun can make.
In 1864 those who had the only guns, US troops, gunned down
150 Indians at Sand Creek Colorado, almost all women, children
and old men.
In this case the “wrong and lawless ideas” were held to be those
of the Armenians, a Christian minority in a mostly Moslem
country. It was decreed that “Since the collective society is
endangered … they must all be killed, men, women, and
children without discrimination.” And to this end a well-
established and proven method was used in the genocide. (I will
always refuse to grace mass murder and genocide with the
words “ethnic cleansing”. It is cold-blooded methodical and
systematic slaughter on a massive scale. Sadly it is done so
The targeted group were separated from society, this after they
had been forced to surrender all weapons after a brutal forced
Strict licensing laws recorded who had guns and where they
were. The country was now defenceless and under the control
of a government out of control.
Between 1929 and 1934 the Ukraine was singled out for a
purge, and grain production quotas that were impossible to meet
were enforced by armed soldiers. After 10 years of forced
disarmament and weapons confiscation the civilians were
The first stage for total control was already in place and stage
two was very soon implemented. A mass seizure of guns and
weapons from any remotely considered as political opponents,
or for those matter undesirables, was started. As a result of raids
carried out and obedient civilians surrender of guns, the
population was almost totally unarmed and defenceless by 1938.
In 1938 new and very specific gun laws were effected. No Jews
were allowed to have ownership or access to guns. It was
decreed that no Jew be in possession of weapons, guns, clubs,
knives, sharp edged weapons, and those found with such were to
be sent immediately to already established concentration camps.
Remaining weapons were surrendered. In November of 1938
the so-called “night of broken glass” followed by massive
persecution was unleashed upon the defenceless Jews. A
“holocaust” followed and millions of European Jews were
slaughtered in specially designed death camps and factories.
One rare example of resistance arose when some in the Warsaw
ghetto, a holding “pen” where people were forced to wait for
their turn before transportation to the death factories, got hold of
some weapons and said “no more” to the Nazis. Without
population disarmament and specifically Jewish disarmament
things could have been so very different and so many innocents
may not have been mercilessly slaughtered.
1937 to 1939 witnessed the Sino Japanese war and the civilian
population was forced into the army. It is estimated 4,000,000
died at both the hands of their own army and that of the
invading Japanese. Those refusing to fight for whatever reason
were summarily killed. In 1937 the city of Nanking was
defended by 300,000 Chinese troops, but they threw down their
weapons in the face of an invading army of 225,000 Japanese
troops. The unarmed civilians of the city now lay helplessly
before the invaders. Hundreds of thousands of unarmed
civilians died, having no defence as weapons were forbidden.
Their own government and its army were solely to blame.
He imposed worse than tight gun and weapon control from the
start of course, and any permits allowed stated that even the
lending of a weapon within a family was forbidden. No guns
were to be owned, no self-defence allowed, and everyone forced
to disarm, except the Khmir rouge of course. Once the
disarmament was in place the troubles began.
and intellectuals, “kill 3 million of them and the rest will eat out
of our hands” 1,500,000 civilians died. Those deaths must be
attributed to their own government.
800,000 men women and children were singled out and brutally
butchered over a period of just 100 days by fellow civilians and
their own government and its agencies.
The next rule is probably that warning signs are there for all to
see as evidence of a government with the ability to go bad.
These signs to not guarantee things will turn bad, but the
potential is there and “machinery” is being put into place.
In all of the above cases the civilians are either totally disarmed
or forbidden ownership or the right to carry weapons.
Additionally any armaments that may be allowed must be
registered so that government and its agencies know who has the
weapons and where they are. Further and in most cases they
will also know the ethnic groups and the numbers of each group
in possession of armaments. The possible danger to the people
is escalated when those people become required to physically
surrender up those weapons to government. There will
generally be prosecutions and penalties for breaching firearm
laws. And red lights are flashing, sirens screaming, when
specific ethnic groups are singled out and discriminated against
for ownership of armaments. That would indicate they are
marked for some form of special and probably not good
attention from government. Never forget that a public without
armaments is a vulnerable population, unable to defend itself,
and that government or defence forces cannot be totally relied
upon for their safety. Nanking found itself deserted by army,
and its population was massacred. Ukraine, Tutsi and many
others found to their horror that their own army became the
instrument of their death.
governments know who we all are, where we are, our ages, state
of health, our ethnic groups, most likely our religious
persuasions, our financial status, and our work classification and
certainly if we possess armaments. That’s a lot of information
that in “bad” government or other hands could spell TROUBLE.
But the governments or powers that be know assuredly that as
long as the vast majority keep drinking the local tap water, keep
watching the TV and media and endlessly consuming products
while eating modern foods that we are as controllable as any
herd of cattle.
When people accept being disarmed they become surprisingly
easy to control and to kill. They have surrendered not only any
weapons they may have had, but they also surrender their
freedom and independence. They become totally dependent on
their government and its military. History shows this is not
really a safe or good practice. When innocent populations
become so defenseless others can slaughter them in mass with
the most ordinary of weapons, guns, knives, pitchforks, clubs, or
even simple box cutters.
criminals or the simply crazy. The criminals and the insane will
always have and get guns. Recently I saw a documentary about
police conducting raids on marihuana growers in New Zealand.
Mostly these were simple residential affairs and not large-scale
producers in a mega-buck illegal operation, yet in a large
number of cases firearms were found, and those invariably
unregistered and undeclared. The criminally minded have the
guns and will not give them up. It’s the trustworthy and honest
citizens who lose the firearms and the ability to rightfully defend
themselves and their family, or for that matter the community if
necessary. I ask what is the point of allowing a situation where
a crazed gunman is randomly killing people and a cowering
population must either wait their turn or until police with a gun
can be located and then arrive on the scene. You think this is
emotive claptrap? Tell that to the survivors of any of the above
historical and other similar situations.
If we humans treat our own species and race with such ruthless
callousness, how and what could we expect from those not of
our species, the “not-us” that probably exist?
No our true leaders, owners if you will, are not the various
governments around the globe, of whatever professed colour,
democratic, fascist, communist, etc. Simple thinking and
reasoning should expose this self-evident truth. If you haven’t
already thought about the above claim consider this:
Governments of all nations and countries come and go, even the
great communist Soviet Union has been disbanded. Their
various leaders change even more frequently, whereas those
who have almost total control over all governments remain
forever, unchanged with the exceptions of becoming wealthier,
more powerful, and greedier.
Now let me ask, if you wanted to rule the world, you would
want the powerful corporates on your side wouldn’t you? Or is
there something really basically wrong with that question?
Should it read, If you were the corporate bodies already ruling
the world you would want ownership of governments, and all
government departments and bureaucrats totally under your
control, wouldn’t you? Yes start to squirm uncomfortably right
now, because it is probably too late to change anything now.
We can only hope that for some brief time in perhaps a post-
apocalyptic future, some of humanity may live in freedom for a
brief time before yet another new empire is set up.
The article below records some facts about such bodies and is
freely available on the Internet. Again, this is but one sample of
a great wealth and abundance of material available.
Thus were born the East India Company, which led the British
colonisation of India, and Hudson's Bay Company, which
accomplished the same purpose in Canada. Almost from the
beginning, Britain deployed state military power to further
corporate interests--a practice that has continued to the present.
Also from the outset, corporations began pressuring government
At first, such charters as were granted were for a fixed time, and
legislatures spelled out the rules each business should follow.
Profit-making corporations were chartered to build turnpikes,
canals and bridges, to operate banks and to engage in industrial
manufacture. Some citizens argued against even these few,
limited charters, on the grounds that no business should be
"On top of the serious failures to unite blacks and whites, city
workers and country farmers," writes Howard Zinn, "there was
the lure of electoral politics. Once allied with the Democratic
party in supporting William Jennings Bryan for President in
1896 the pressure for electoral victory led Populism to make
deals with the major parties in city after city. If the Democrats
won, it would be absorbed. If the Democrats lost, it would
disintegrate. Electoral politics brought into the top leadership
the political brokers instead of the agrarian radicals... In the
election of 1896, with the Populist movement enticed into the
Democratic party, Bryan, the Democratic candidate, was
defeated by William McKinley, for whom the corporations and
the press mobilised, in the first massive use of money in an
election campaign."4
In Germany, Hitler led the Nazi Party to power, then cut wages
and subsidised industries.
The new populism draws some of its inspiration from the work
of the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy
(POCLAD), a populist "think-tank" that explores the legal basis
of corporate power. POCLAD believes that it is possible to
control - and, if necessary, dismantle corporations by amending
or revoking their charters.8
1. Grossman, Richard and Frank Adams, Taking Care of
Business: Citizenship and the Charter of Incorporation,
pamphlet, 1993, available at
What good fortune for those in power that the people do not think.” ~Adolf
Then what do you make of the fact that you can’t go to school in
Sweden until you are 7 years old? The reason the unsentimental
Swedes have wiped out what would be first and seconds grades
here is that they don’t want to pay the large social bill that
quickly comes due when boys and girls are ripped away from
their best teachers at home too early. It just isn’t worth the
price, say the Swedes, to provide jobs for teachers and therapists
if the result is sick, incomplete kids who can’t be put back
together again very easily.
In effect he told the Prussian people that the party was over, that
the nation would have to shape up through a new Utopian
institution of forced schooling in which everyone would learn
to take orders.
You need to know this because over the first 50 years, our
school’s Prussian design -- which was to create a form of state
socialism -- gradually forced out our traditional American
design, which in most minds was to prepare the individual to be
There were many more techniques of training, but all were built
around the premise that isolation from first-hand information,
and fragmentation of the abstract information presented by
teachers, would result in obedient and subordinate graduates,
properly respectful of arbitrary orders.
Over the next 50 years state after state followed suit, ending
schools of choice and ceding the field to a new government
monopoly. There was one powerful exception to this -- the
children who could afford to be privately educated. [Although it
may be relevant that not ALL private schools are geared to a
“real” education, but are simply more of the same as the public
schools, but are promoted as being for the elite.]
By 1889, a little more than 100 years ago, the crop was ready
for harvest. It that year the US Commissioner of Education,
Hall was one of the three men most responsible for building a
gigantic administrative infrastructure over the classroom. How
enormous that structure really became can only be understood
by comparisons: New York State, for instance, employs more
school administrators than all of the European Economic
Community nations combined.
Once you think that the control of conduct is what schools are
about, the word “reform” takes on a very particular meaning. It
means making adjustments to the machine so that young
subjects will not twist and turn so, while their minds and bodies
are being scientifically controlled. Helping kids to use their
minds better is beside the point.
Trust the people, give them choices, and the school nightmare
will vanish in a generation.
If you think that something is right just because everyone believes it, then you
are not thinking" - Vievienne Westwood
Victor Stenger [8] has also noted that, "Only three of the Ten
Commandments are codified into modern law, and those rules --
against killing, stealing, and bearing false witness -- predate the
time of Moses." Mr. Stenger has also written:
"In The Doctrine of the Mean 13, written about 500 B.C.E.,
Confucius says, 'What you do not want others to do to you, do
not do to others.'
"'I treat those who are good with goodness. And I also treat
often have been -- hotly debated to the point of all out war.
[There is also the curious aside of why would any "God" worthy
of the name require his creations to love him or her. Such a
neediness implies a degree of dysfunctional behaviour.]
[The notion that the rule should read: "Do unto others what you
would have them do unto themselves" is generally perceived to
be without merit among civilised folk, although it was the
manner in which the first draft of this page was inadvertently
written. <grin>]
"And when the Lord their god shall deliver them before thee;
thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make
no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them." --
Deuteronomy 7:2
"Those kings who, seeking to slay each other, fight with the
utmost exertion and do not turn back, go to heaven." -- ancient
Hindu code, the Law of Manu [3]
"It is necessary for all one hundred million subjects [of the
emperor] to be prepared to die with honour... If you see the
enemy, you must kill him, you must destroy the false and
establish the true... these are the cardinal points of Zen." --
Harada Sogaku [3]
But not to worry, there are five (or six) other possible
justifications for having religions.
Societal Bonding
Religions by their very nature tend to foster the idea that "birds
of a feather tend to flock together." There is something
enormously comforting in the idea that someone who might
otherwise be a stranger to you can be counted on for certain
behaviours by virtue of your knowing their religion and what is
therefore expected of them in dealing with others. There is a
marvellous sense of security in knowing that major surprises are
unlikely to arise, and that rules for aiding travellers, for
example, can be relied upon.
"In reality, the most secular countries -- those with the highest
proportion of atheists and agnostics -- are among the most
stable, peaceful, free, wealthy, and healthy societies." "And the
most religious nations -- wherein worship of God is in
abundance -- are among the most unstable, violent, oppressive,
poor, and destitute." The secular nations have "the lowest
homicide rates, infant mortality rates, poverty rates, and
illiteracy rates and among the highest levels of wealth, life
expectancy, educational attainment, and gender equality in the
world." [4] A noteworthy point is that there are fewer suicides in
religious countries.
The bad news, of course, is that once again religion has failed to
justify its existence. It may provide a type of societal bonding,
but the alternatives are much less difficult to deal with. Church
socials may be all the rage in some locales, but inevitably the
horrible lack or perceived lack of other alternative socials is
very likely the only thing keeping the church social a going
enterprise. There is a reason, for example, why Christian church
socials are almost never on a Saturday night.
Understanding of Purpose
The worst news is that religions have often avoided the issue of
why we must - as Douglas Adams has noted - put up with the
"inconvenience" of living on Earth. In fact, religions have
instead decided to blame the whole mess on us. This seeming
irrationality of why we're on earth might be, for example,
because we have "fallen from grace". Worst yet, we have
taken this fall ostensibly due to our own shortcomings, or better
yet because of the sex of someone long ago who really, really
blew it and thereafter doomed us all to wretchedness. Such
teaching is of course the ultimate example of Scapegoatology,
but does have the advantage of removing for all time any
personal responsibility for creating one's own reality.
It would seem likely that those who are not viewing life as
particularly fragile, i.e. the young and healthy, are unlikely give
up immediate gratification methods in order to seek and adhere
to beliefs which promise something on the other side of death. It
is likely that the higher percentages of atheism are among those
who perceive themselves furtherest from death. These denizens
do not really need religious faith.
No, the kind of faith that often provides the greatest degree of
comfort, solace, and/or relief is the kind which is based on no
evidence, and which is in fact contradicted by mountains of
evidence gathered from the religion of science, the shrines of
logic, and the temples of rationality. We're talking about the
kind of faith which assures one that a benevolent higher power
will always come to one's aid, and preferably in the most
dramatic fashion imaginable.
The real benefit of such wilfully ignorant faith, the kind where
the adherent never questions the source of his paradigm or
beliefs is an intuitive sense that everything will be just fine in
the final reel. It's a deep seated belief in Hollywood style justice
- despite the horrific examples of injustice in the world,
particularly in regards to the histories of religions. It's an
The irony is that the use of faith to make one feel good is almost
antithetical to many of the tenets of mainstream religions. When
women, homosexuals, non-believers, infidels, critics, clerics
and priests of other religions, stuffed animals, novels about
magic, et al are condemned and degraded by a religion, one
really has to wonder. Clearly, none of these religious claims of
evil support the intent to feel good - that is without making
others feel decidedly bad. Faith in order to feel good is not part
and parcel of most religions. Religious faith is, on the contrary,
about feeling remorse, guilt, and pain.
External Control
It has been noted [1], for example, that "Seattle, a city of highly
educated progressives, 'has 45 percent more dogs than children.'
Traditional Salt Lake City has '19 percent more kids than dogs.'"
Inasmuch as "Fertility is now highly correlated to political and
religious beliefs." The old "be fruitful and multiply and subdue
the earth" mentality of religions suggests that those people
feeling responsible for not continuing the gross overpopulation
of the earth will soon find themselves in ever increasing
disadvantage with respect to the number of voters on any given
issue. The 'Responsibles" are a minority who should be placed
on the endangered species list.
In any case, one must ultimately conclude... that there are really
no good reasons to have religion. Except, maybe, for dramatic
license and/or comedy relief.
On the other hand, it might be a very good idea for all of the
religions of the world to come together for a Grant Ecumenical
Council, figure out their commonality in terms of how to live a
good and rewarding life, and then agree to promote this set of
standards as a means for everyone to get along. This might be
just slightly better than the situation laughingly portrayed in The
Kingston Trio's Merry Little Minuet :
But we can be tranquil and thankful and proud, for man has
been endowed with a mushroomed shaped cloud. And we know
for certain that some lovely day, some one will set the spark off
[4] Phil Zuckerman, "Is Faith Good for Us?", Free Inquiry,
August/September 2006.
[8] Victor J. Stenger, "Do Our Values Come from God? The
Evidence Says No," Free Inquiry, August/September 2006.
Earlier I said that I have no time for religions, but please do not
be personally offended by that statement. Again do not confuse
the fact that there is a vast difference between “religion,
religious” and “spiritual”. Later we look more at what
“spiritual” involves and how it may be awakened.
In the previous article taken off the Internet, one will notice that
its writer on no occasion spoke against the man Jesus Christ, his
Now I am aware that any apologist worth the title will be able
to perform a plausible “spin” on many individual items. I have
heard many myself. (Oh that happened “x” hundred years ago,
and of course was wrong, but it doesn’t happen now and you
cannot judge us by what happened then… blah blah blah.) Two
thoughts come to mind immediately. First, yes I can judge
today by what happened “x” hundred years ago, even if today’s
people are not the ones responsible. Point is the immortal
institution of the church is unchanged and accountable. Second,
whereas one may be able to plausibly put a spin on one named
deficiency, there are still innumerable other deficiencies for
which to account. An army of spin-doctors would be needed to
patch up the rotting structure, and alas, all plausibility soon is
lost and the ship sinks under its own weight of defects. If
similar sins or acts were to be held accountable to any one
individual, such a one would have been hanged after just one or
two such charges.
Lets start off with just a small amount of reason and logic.
It was in fact this issue that really set me off on the journey of
discovery, I had to ask why the man in the bed next to me in
hospital was so terrified of death. What had happened that his
religion had not prepared him for this inevitability?
one become eligible for the reward. In effect your unstated sins
can be forgiven and overlooked, all you have to do is obediently
confess, submit, obey, pay the price because if you don’t you
will rot in hell forever and be prodded with pitchforks while you
are eternally roasted and tormented.
Protection racket it’s called. I do not accept that one has to obey
any laws or ordinances or religious dictates in order to get a
reward that in reality is already ours. In any case according to
the books used by the churches there should be no form of
priesthood held or used by mere mortal men, for the book of
Hebrews in the New Testament makes it clear that the intention
was for man to live free from any form of priesthood.
Celibacy for the priesthood when the New Testament states that
a deacon should be married. (1 Tim. 3:12, 4:1-3)
But this raises a double issue for the very idea or issue of “witch
hunts” is surely anathema to reality. Yet it still goes on in some
church groups.
These latter issues also raise that ugly facet of religion and the
churches, which is persecution, and killings on small and very
large scales. Individuals have died at the hands of the unholy
church, groups have been killed, entire cities have been
slaughtered (as in the crusades) and whole races have been
singled out for special attention. The frequency and death tolls
from numerous pogroms (organised massacre, especially of
Russian Jews) testify of that, as does the unfortunate fate of the
American natives.
These are but a few reasons why I am against religion. But not
against spirituality. Against churches but not the principles of
If conventional or orthodox religion is not be part of ones life or
is to be abandoned it becomes either necessary or wise to find
some suitable substitute or develop ones own inner strength to a
level of total impregnable independence.
For a time will come if it has not already, when one will feel or
experience a painful separation, a loss or void, and recognize the
need for either support or comfort or else depend upon ones own
inner strength. If one has not sufficient inner strength or
extraneous support, then the result will be distress with various
symptoms, or even depression. When (sectarian) religion is
given up it is at times like these when one will be tempted to, or
will return to ones former way of life, associates, or group.
Some may call that “backsliding”, but people also often “go
back” because of the lack of social life, recognition, or to
rekindle friendship with former associates who now shun them.
They feel ostracized and rejected.
Other causes will also prove most difficult and likewise, without
external support or sufficient inner strength may cause an
emotional spiral ending in depression. The list of causes is
almost endless, but will include the following, and I am sorry if
you think I should have mentioned other things.
chicken, and ready to roll into the theatre. Naturally I then had
to go over my own mental and emotional checklist and ask, “am
I ready for permanent death now”?
We have dealt at length with the nature of this earth and all in it
earlier in this book. Remember always that this universe, and
all that is in this world is an unsubstantial illusion, as substantial
as a hologram, and of no true substance. “Solid” is simply
illusion. This is not only a claim of “nutters” and mystics, but
also adequately verified in quantum physics. Your individual
intelligence, your personality and identity have absolutely no
physical source or natural place and do not originate within the
“material” manifest universe.
If you accept the body that you and others see as the one and
only you, then you will undoubtedly also accept or select some
particular role to play while on this earth. A particular role may
be selected and imposed on you by others, depending on where
or when, or into which race or family the body taken up at
mortal birth was born. Forgetfulness of who you really are
condemns you to that role for the term of your natural life on
earth. Do not confuse your current circumstances, health,
wealth, or any of a thousand such things as defining “you”. At
best or worst they just indicate your then current state, the result
of the role you choose to play or that was imposed upon you.
That certainly makes the book quite different from what I had
assumed and judged. Oh yes, do get hold of a copy of that book
and make it essential reading. Throughout that book Mr. Dyer
talks of and mentions “spirit” and “god” often. However his use
of the words mean something a bit different from what the
average sectarian Christian would infer.
If you have chosen any of the various flavours of Christianity to
follow in your life it’s a fair probability that you have a lot of
erroneous ideas or beliefs clogging up your mind and thinking.
Almost certainly you will follow the wrong old paradigm that
holds that you may “have” a vaguely defined and little
understood “spirit”. You will probably also have been told we
are all “sinners” and separated from “God”. To resolve this
problem you will have learned that we must seek forgiveness,
repent, pay the “dues” in various ways (confession private or
public, obey various ordinances, submit totally to some form of
“one up on you” priesthood, pay money generally in large
amounts, probably a designated percentage of earnings, and
henceforth obey and refrain from various things or activities.
Hard isn’t it?) and only then will you have a good chance of
being re-united with “God” one day.
Step one is to recognize that you are not limited to your body
and the circumstances in which you now find yourself in this
life. That idea is just not true. You are a very part of the fabric
of the universe, call that god if you wish, but you are an alive
and active intelligent part of it. This means that you are not
and never were separated from god. That god is even now
within every part of your total being.
Know that this god or power within you is the essential and
same power that creates all universes, governs all things and it
always was within you. Start thinking about that claim and in
time you will recognize the truth and reality of it. Once you
The big secret however is not to lose it once you have this
awareness, and know of its reality. Backsliding as mentioned
and defined above is a very serious and real risk. For this reason
it is wise to keep away from adverse and “negative” influences
and focus on “positive” things. For that reason I have made
some recommendations in this book. Some Internet web sites
have been mentioned and the book named above by Wayne W
Dyer. You will soon be able to sort out books that are
conducive and that magnify your “enlightenment”.
In the following matters the use of the word “god” in all lower
case (small letters) is intended to refer to the “fabric of the
universe” only, and does in no way refer to any god or concept
of god such as religions of any brand may interpreted the word.
certainly no validity for such claims. (It does not matter what
the Christian “fathers”, saints, or popes have said nor how long
ago it was said and subsequently believed. It is wrong
regardless of what any mortal has said.)
We are all a component part of the god who, being the fabric of
the universe, is the source of all things. To say we have sinned
against this true god is to claim sin against ones true self. If this
were possible or so, then a remedy is simple and immediate.
Forgive yourself. Stop beating yourself up and carrying some
burden of guilt around with you. Know that this is true and try
it if you have never done so already.
Never forget that we all are part of god. As such we all have the
ability to know what is “right” and what is “wrong”. (As
expressed in the universal “golden rule” philosophy, “do unto
others….) That is assuming we are of sound mind. Don’t laugh
yet; as there are degrees of “sound mind” that you may not
initially envisage. There are many walking among us who are
genuine or borderline “psychopaths” who can not be deemed
fully of sound mind. There are also habitual “criminals”
(kleptomaniacs, serial killers, serial “whatever”, addicts of all
sorts) who have their minds or consciences so blunted that they
also could not be deemed to be fully of sound mind.
Never accept or believe you are “evil” or “bad” and are thus
being punished by any “god”. God does not punish himself or
any individual facet of himself. He is not a masochist. That is a
non-valid Christian sectarian way of thinking and a cause of lots
of unnecessary grief.
Earlier in this book and the previous one we looked at the issue
and claim that “we become what we think about” and such
statements like “whatever the mind can conceive and believe,
the mind can achieve”. These are a sample from millions of
similar statements and sentiments that say it is us and our minds
once clear and focused that can cause the effect we are seeking.
Think about it this way: Imagine you have and control a super
abundance of all that could ever be needed by your children to
make them safe, secure, healthy, happy, independent or even
prosperous. You could also give them dignity and a feeling of
deserved worthiness. You have all this, but it is sitting idle and
not being used in any way at all. Your children are visibly
distressed and in some difficulty. (It could be health, need for
direction, any of the things listed in the cause of depression
listings above.) Would you be withholding from your children?
Would you refuse an insignificant portion of the unused bounty
if they did not act in some specific manner, or grovel and beg
help from you? No? What sort of god then would withhold
anything or predicate it upon humiliating conditions being met?
If I had the ability to reason out that the source of miracles is not
to be found in a few cases only at the hands of gods elect and
select few “priests” or “saints” and all else of the “devil” then
any one can come to the same conclusions without the need for
a degree or qualification in theology or philosophy. These are
self-evident truths. It is not “me” saying or avowing what is
written herein.
More correctly what must be identified and then resisted are all
those many causes and sources of things and results which we
judge as “evil” or not right, conducive to harmony, peace,
justice etc. If we put on our correct glasses and see what really
is, then we will see most human misery, war, and suffering of all
sorts can be laid squarely at the feet of human (or corporate and
government) causes. In many cases those that we have been
conditioned to trust, believe in, and to whom we have given
power and authority are the cause of the “evil”. Small wonder
that the churches promote belief in an ideal scapegoat (Satan)
and find support from other “powers that be”. Blame squarely
shifted because “it wasn’t me” it was the devil, or “he made me
do it”. Nice racket, good cop out, cover our tracks, blame
something else, earn money, excellent deception. No reality.
God is doing the same now as he was 100 years ago and
doubtless will be doing 100 years hence. And that is sustaining
the universe of which you are a part. At the “level” of the fabric
of the universe time and space as we understand it and live by in
this dimension and earth have no meaning. There is only an
eternal “here and now” that exists, and that is how and why
superposition (ability to be in two or more places at the same
time) omnipresence (being everywhere at the same time) and
omniscience (knowing what is happening or going on
everywhere in the same instance.) work and apply. There is no
application of “linear time”. Your and my concept of something
in the past or future does not compute, but something in the
“here and now” does compute. Effective prayer uses “here and
now” to set up conditions, resolutions, expectations etc. that will
remain established in our ever-changing “now” state, and that is
what will facilitate change from what else might have been.
Before one can begin any journey one must have some idea of
where they are going. Before one opens the mouth to speak one
must have some idea of what they are going to say. (Hopefully)
I once had a saying: “A true professional knows what to do and
what to say, and how to do it and how to say it, under any
conceivable circumstances.” I guess I still have that saying
Yet some people still use the “(if) it was meant to be” chain of
thought with reckless abandon. Or the similar and interesting
variation of “I wont do/get (the thing in question) now, but if it’s
still (there, available etc.) tomorrow/later/next time I’ll know it
was meant to be and I’ll (do it, get it, take it, etc.) then.” The
problem is that many people really accept thinking like this as
based on reality and the way their life and the universe around
them actually works. Thankfully every minutiae of our lives is
not authored at the level of the fabric of the universe, or at the
“hand” of god.
You can fully reclaim your life and become free from fear and
worry, free from addiction or despair. Equally important you
can become free from the dictates and demands of churchism
and its creeds. I do not say that you will be able to dip your
hand into the fabric of the universe, or another dimension and
produce your wealth or dreams, but be aware that such is not
impossible and seems to be a reality achieved by some. Nor do
I say that you will never be able to do that sort of thing.
Sometimes you will find your solution will require that you
change your circumstances, lifestyle, and circle of friends or
acquaintances so as to avoid certain undesirable events. This
may well be your solution of a lot of despair and hopeless
feelings associated with most sorts of addictions. Be aware of
all possibilities and do not short pay the wisdom or insights
found or “popping into your awareness” after prayerful
consideration of your issues and a request for guidance. Also it
may help to get some other perspective involved in the matter.
person who you now see in the mirror. You are on “this” side of
the mirror, the observer, and you really are untroubled by the
issues. Troubles are even more transitory and temporary than
life itself. Being neutral and the observer you are perfectly
placed and poised to be totally objective and help that person
out of difficulty. As is often said but little used or understood,
“ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and
it will be opened unto you.” (Matt 7:7 Luke 11:9 James 1:5)
Remember and know that although those words are in the bible,
they are not exclusive to those of Christendom, they are
universally applicable cosmic truths, and they are very true and
real in their promise and application.
In this book I have said that the fabric of the universe, the source
of all that is and can be, a.k.a. “god”, only operates in a “now”
state. There is no “past” and there is no “future”, linear time as
we understand it does not exist at the level of the source, the
Sound familiar?
If you can understand what follows, that will change and it will
“work” for you. Or rather, you will work for you.
“We are absolutely broke till next pay. We are always broke till
next pay. We never have any spare money or savings. We can
never afford or go on a holiday. Our car is always breaking
down and we can never afford to get it fixed or get a good one.”
Or a few variations of the same subject: “I wish we could earn
more money, get a better job, win the lottery, be as rich as the
ZZZ family.” And yet another variation of the same theme of
poverty: “Please God, help us get more wealth, I will
…(bargain) if you … please. Oh God help me get a better job,
car, house, whatever.”
The real issue and fault is that we have accepted and believe that
this is our current and now condition based on what was in the
past. Then we re-affirm that condition by whining about it. We
have overlooked or never knew that “god” only operates NOW
because that is all there is at the source. If god could speak he
may say “yes I hear you, you say you are poor and miserable,
OK fine no problem, you are having a satisfying whine, so be
Every time we say, whine, think (or pray) about “not having”,
“needing”, “hating”, “disliking” etc. that is what we are defining
ourselves as; a wanter, needer, hater, etc. Remember that law of
attraction to which we referred earlier? It goes to work to fulfill
our dominant thoughts by finding the circumstances and
conditions that best express them, especially if they have been
emotionalized. Like attracts like, misery loves misery. Later
we can really wallow in it and refuel the cycle. Notice when
you complain how often you will be joined by others who will
even try to outdo you in your misery, whining, and tales of woe.
It is sad but true that in a group of people the tendency is
generally to sink to the level of the “lowest” individual. That is
how “mob” mentality operates.
If you think about hating being overweight, you will have to act
on what you are thinking, and more “hating being overweight”
You can reclaim your life and live it the way you choose. You
must get a clear picture of what it is you want, focus on that, and
eliminate all foggy thinking that would have you believe you are
other than that already. Remember god is not only with you, but
is within you.
May you live long and prosper. May the force be with you.
In our last Episode, there was the hint that we were about to
welcome Man and his history in these Annals of Earth.
Moreover, Man’s arrival on the scene, supposedly in a starring
role, promised to be a dramatic event, complete with
controversy and wonderment. It was a tense moment, mitigated
only by the realization that there were a lot of unanswered
questions still on the books. The good news is that it’s now time
-- in this very episode -- to welcome Man onto the scene, begin
his history (and include a fair amount of herstory as well), and at
the same time, answer all the piddling little questions.
For while life has been merrily evolving along on the planet
Earth circa 1 million years B.C.E., back on the ranch on the
planet Nibiru -- that currently distant member of our solar
system -- evolution has marched and/or accelerated to the beat
of a different (and possibly hyper) drummer. Nibiru has,
according to the texts of Sumeria, not only developed an
intelligent civilization, but has even managed to develop blood
feuds and space flight, and inevitably to acquire imperialistic
Mind you, the texts did not say that Alalu came from Nibiru, but
rather from Heaven -- what we now recognize -- at least in these
Annals -- as being periodically located in the environs of the
asteroid belt. Was Alalu a fallen angel? By no means. Man, at
the time, was only a gleam in the eye of Homo erectus. He was
not ready for gods yet. And Alalu was not destined to be one of
The House of Anu had put an end to the rival house by deposing
its ruler Alalu, who in the best tradition of deposed rulers
escaped the planet of his birth and chose exile. Nibiru,
apparently, was not big enough for the both of them. Alalu was
thus forced to find greener pastures (and what greener pastures
can one find in the solar system, than Earth?). By descending to
dark-hued (Nibiruan for greener pastures) Earth, one assumes
that Alalu made the trip in a spaceship, probably with a retinue
of aides and supporters, and thereafter found refuge on an
unexplored planet.
trifle long, but keep in mind that it was two orbits of Nibiru, or
only two of their years.
toilet for a month might allow the bacteria therein to reach the
state of a civilization advanced enough to be capable of
achieving spaceflight. A thought to ponder.
Sar equals 3,600 Earth years -- 432,000 years before the Deluge.
432,000 years! Hmmmmmm.
mind. His place in the early parts of Genesis are of the highest
Gold may have been required for their space craft (as does our
modern day space program), and as noted in Hindu texts,
references to the celestial chariots of the gods refer to them
being covered with gold. But there is little need for spacecraft
except as a means to acquire gold from Earth, and thus this idea
is probably not correct. Instead, there appears to be a much
more important need of the metal, with its unique properties,
possibly some vital need back home on Nibiru, a need
conceivably affecting the very survival of life on Nibiru. One
theory Sitchin seemed fond of was that the Nibiruans needed the
precious metal in order to suspend gold particles in Nibiru’s
waning atmosphere and thus shield it from a critical dissipation.
Sitchin, however, has not been willing to defend this idea to any
great extent. The question must remain mute for a bit longer.
But we shall return to this all important detail a bit later in the
The Sumerian texts also note that Nibiru (or Marduk) made for
himself two abodes: One in the “Firmament”; the other, “in the
Deep” -- the latter being called the “Great Distant Abode", as
well as E.SHARRA (“Abode/Home of the Ruler/Prince”). The
abode in the Firmament is not entirely clear as to its exact name,
location, address, and/or zip code, but there is a possibility this
abode was on the planet Mars. This rather outrageous
suggestion will be revisited more than once as we progress in
these Annals.
The sea we today call the Arabian Sea, the body of water
between the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean was called in
antiquity the Sea of Erythrea, from whence we derive the word,
Earth. The first settlement of the Anunnaki on Earth was at a
place called E.RI.DU (“Home In a Faraway place”). The
Sumerian term for Earth’s globe and its firm surface was KI.
Note, for example, that the word, Anunnaki breaks down into
Later on after the battle, Hesiod spoke of Gaia as being the half
equivalent to Heaven: on one side she bore Urea, who “brought
forth long hills, graceful haunts of the goddess-Nymphs”; and
on the other side “she bore Pontus, the fruitless deep with its
raging swell.” The former would be on the side the firm lands
had formed from the crust of Tiamat; while on the other side
there was a hollow, an immense cleft into which the waters of
the erstwhile Tiamat must have poured. In effect, the fruitless
Pontus was the Pacific Ocean (where no fruit grows in the
extensive salt water). Apparently, the authors or compilers of
the Book of Genesis were not the only ones accepting the
Sumerian cosmogony (and also editing it to outline the
derivation of their own gods and Olympic dynasties).
And as in all major decision times, the ones on the front lines,
Enki and the Gang, were not going to be allowed to make the
decision. This was one for the Big Guy. And so, eight Sars and
28,800 Earth years after Enki’s landing, the Supreme Anu
arrived on Earth for a closer inspection. His gold train had been
threatened! It was time to step in and act authoritative.
“The gods clasped hands together, then cast lots and divided:
Anu to heaven went up; To Enlil the Earth was made subject;
That which the sea as a loop encloses [South Africa?], They
gave to the prince Enki.
Unfortunately, for Anu, the drama was not yet over. Kumarbi
had been left by Anu on the space platform orbiting the Earth.
When Anu returned “up to heaven” (or at least, enroute), the
two “gave battle” to one another. As Kumarbi momentarily
bested Anu in the wrestling (the Anunnaki’s preferred method
for settling differences), “Anu struggled free from the hands of
Kumarbi”. But then Kumarbi managed to grab Anu by his feet,
and “bit between his knees”, hurting Anu in his “manhood”.
Ouch, that must have hurt. (This, if you can believe it, was a
typical “hold” in Anunnaki wrestling.) Anu then took off for
was considered the medical center and was placed under the
control of SUD / NINHARSAG / NINTI (“She Who
Resuscitates”), a half-sister of both Enki and Enlil.
Gaining the support of the Igigi (who had been going around in
circles in their space platforms and were probably bored, as well
as possibly atrophying from the weightlessness), Alalu’s
grandson Kumarbi tossed aside his effectively tenured job as
cup-bearer, and attempted to seize mastery over Earth. Kumarbi
While this is all well and good for the war hero, it had an
unintended, undesirable effect. It planted the seed for future
conflict by establishing Ninurta higher in the hierarchical order
than even Enki. And while Ninurta was indeed Enlil’s Legal
Heir on Nibiru, having been born there, he was not necessarily
the next in line on Earth! Thus the son of Enlil and a son of
Enki were ultimately destined in the future to battle for control
of the Earth. But such is still in the future. Try to be patient.
[The Anunnaki] suffered the toil day and night, they were
complaining, backbiting, grumbling in the excavations.”
Enki “opened his mouth and addressed the gods.” He and his
Chief Medical Officer, his half- sister Ninti, had a plan: a
brilliant, and simultaneously, brazen and outrageous plan:
“Let her create a Primitive Worker; and let him bear the
Let the Worker carry the toil of the gods, let him bear the
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.” [Genesis
1:26, 27]
If you’ve ever wondered why God said, Let “us” make man in
“our” image... Now you know. Suddenly, the verse which
makes absolutely no sense, becomes crystal clear. The “us” was
Enki and Ninti, while the “our” was that of the Anunnaki. The
Biblical version, therefore agrees with the Sumerian. And on
the scientific front, the agreement is similarly precise. The
Sumerian timing, for example, was perfect, the evolution of
mankind beginning some 270,000 years ago. This, of course, is
an agreeable compromise date between the different geneticists
and paleoanthropologists immersed in the mtDNA debate.
But before you identify the God of Genesis with Enki (whose
“abode” is our solar system), note that it was the goddess Ninti
But Enki was not yet finished. It was clear to him and Ninti that
the use of young female Anunnaki to perform the roles of “birth
goddesses” was not a long term solution. The Anunnaki were
not eager to work in the mines, but giving birth in an assembly
line fashion did not have a great deal more glory or desirability.
Accordingly, unbeknownst to Enlil, and with the connivance of
Ninti, Enki contrived to improve upon the “primitive worker”,
and give the new creature one more genetic twist: granting to
“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful
and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it...” [Genesis
(6) The no-intermixing issue has also been resolved (see above),
and (7) one can even give credence to man evolving the ability
to speak. Certainly, the genes for the physical equipment to be
able to speak could have come from the Anunnaki, and there is
also the possibility that speech would be encouraged in the
mines (at least, discussions on the conduct of work, and the dire
need for the development of the world’s first employee
suggestion box).
(8) The Anunnaki creating Man for work in the South African
mines clearly locates mtDNA Eve in southern Africa
(Botswana, for example), and allows for any subsequent
migration from this central point. Shortly, we will point out that
a secondary, and on a time scale, later, focal point will be
generated in the Middle East -- just as the modern scientists of
such topics would find evidence for. (9) There is even the
possibility that Becky Cann’s statement that the migrating
Homo sapiens sapiens in leaving on a jet plane for Australia
“knew exactly where they were going”, can be explained. The
Anunnaki could easily have told them.
The question (10) on races has not quite been answered, but
there is the possibility that the different models of “primitive
worker” created by Man may have resulted in significant
variations, which later became type cast. There is also the
possibility that some races did not make it (not to mention the
fact that many offshoots might have been eliminated by the
Deluge -- the latter subject to be discussed in great detail in a
subsequent Episode). There is, finally, the “Tower of Babel”
biblical episode which may account for a great deal of linguistic
(12) But before we proceed, let us not forget that the half-sister
rule of Abraham and Sarah’s era clearly derives directly from
the Anunnaki’s rules of succession. As to the why of such rules,
the Anunnaki were not into explaining themselves to their
Meanwhile, back at the mines, the Anunnaki who had been laid
off from their work, were a bit at loose ends. Enlil, recognizing
that an idle Anunnaki mind is an authority-questioning
Anunnaki mind, took immediate action. Inviting the
unemployed Anunnaki back to Mesopotamia, a virtual vacation
paradise after the Abzu, Enlil thoughtfully put them to work
digging ditches, raising dikes, and deepening canals.
Theoretically, this was a fast improvement over their lot in
Africa. However, it didn’t take the Anunnaki long to yearn for
another version of “undocumented workers” for whom they
could assign all the dirty jobs (and at the same time, avoid
paying social security taxes). Enlil (no longer a fan of house
arrest) was quick to agree with the Mesopotamian Anunnaki that
the creatures with the thick black hair (man) were sorely needed
in Mesopotamia as well as in the Abzu.
Did you ever wonder why there are two creation of man epics in
the Bible? If not, why not? Obviously, in addition to the latter
verses of the first chapter of Genesis, there follows another
version in the second chapter of Genesis, after God had taken to
resting on the seventh day. It would appear that the first
creation was for the miners of the Abzu, those created by Enki
and Ninti in the image of the Anunnaki. The second creation of
man was based on another motivation:
“And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and
every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not
caused it to rain upon the earth [apparently spending all his time
irrigating where it didn’t rain], and there was not a man to till
the ground.” [Genesis 2: 5]
For example, according to the Bible, God made man and placed
him in Eden. Then he threw him and his spouse out for no good
“And a river went out of Eden to water the garden: and from
thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of
the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of
Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good;
there is bdellium and the onyx stone. And the name of the
second river is Gihon; the same is it that compasseth the whole
land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel;
that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth
river is Euphrates.” [Genesis 2:10-14]
God created the Heaven and the Earth, created the flowers
and the herbs, established night and day, created the creatures,
formed man “of the dust of the ground”, planted a garden in
Eden, and then announced with great fanfare: “There’s gold in
them thar hills!”
Of course, it all makes sense if one buys into the Sumerian texts
and recalls that the “Prime Cause” for the Anunnaki to be on the
Earth in the first place was for the location, mining, processing
and shipping to Nibiru of gold in large quantities. What exactly
“bdellium” constitutes is not clear from the text, but I would
suggest it is the Elixir of Life, while the onyx stone is the
Philosopher’s Stone (the most sought-after elements of the
3. Will Enlil find out that his newly acquired slaves, the
advanced models of Homo sapiens sapiens, have the ability to
create little sapiens of their own? Can Enlil possibly miss the
fact that there are all these little sapiens running about? Will
Enlil insist on being called their Godfather? Will the art of puns
be introduced in time for the reader to understand the last joke?
4. Will Enki and Ninti get into trouble for their creativity
creating creative creatures such as man and woman? Will Anu
ground them? Will Enlil have a cat? Will the female get
blamed for everything?
(*) “Hanging is too good for anyone who makes puns. They
should be drawn and quoted.” [Fred Allen]
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our
likeness..." "So God created man in his own image, in the image
Why the plural tense? Are we talking about the “royal we”? If
so, then why was the proposal to make man in the plural tense,
but the actual act, in the singular? Basically, we must ask,
“What do you mean, “we”, white man?” All of which is also
applicable to:
"And the Lord God said, Behold the man is become as one of us,
to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and
take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever;" --
Genesis 3: 22 [emphasis added]
Become one of us, become a God? Man? Eat of the Tree of Life
and live forever? It might be justifiable as punishment to send
Man packing, but why bring up the tree of life thing? Obviously
the tree’s fruit was an eye opener for the naked couple, but...?
I can appreciate the daughters being fair, but “the sons of God”
is not at all clear -- at least in the context of there being only
one god. But if there were two or more... Then the “us” is
clear, even if only one “he” was the final version of created
man. And if more than two, why not have sons of God? (And
presumably daughters?) A pantheon!
"And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all
one language; and this they begin to do; and now nothing will
be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go
to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they
may not understand one another's speech." -- Genesis 11: 6-7
If the local gods and goddesses are not omnipotent, but simply
superior beings, then the concern for man’s getting “uppity”
makes sense. Otherwise, why would a tower built to reach
heaven give any concern to a true Supreme Being. Did God
actually think the Tower of Babel might reach the heavens? If
your kid tells you of his or her decision to build a Giza size
pyramid in the backyard, is this going to cause you a great deal
of worry?
[ God placed Man in the Garden of Eden -- then threw him out.
In the process, He blessed Man (Genesis 1:28), and then cursed
him (Genesis 3:17-19), as in:
"...cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of
it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring
forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the
sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the
ground; for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art, and unto
dust shalt thou return."
“Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats
of skins, and clothed them.” Genesis 3:21
Just as God show Adam and Eve the door, He gives them a door
[ He cursed Cain...
"Now art thou cursed from the earth... When thou tillest the
ground; it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a
fugitive and vagabond shalt thou be in the earth." -- Genesis
"And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth,
and it grieved him at his heart." -- Genesis 6:6
But then...
"But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." -- Genesis 6:8
The simplest answer is often the best. Therefore, how about the
idea that there was more than one local god? This does not
discount the possibility of a truly Supreme, Singular Being from
creating the heaven and the earth, but the down-to-earth
activities are inevitably the work -- and possibly the conflict --
of two or more gods.
Over the last fifty years or so, there have been found and
interpreted, libraries of clay tablets from the Sumerian
Civilization, circa 4,000 to 2,000 B.C.E. The Sumerian texts,
specifically the Epic of Creation is essentially the long version
of Genesis (or Genesis is the edited, condensed Reader’s Digest
version, or the executive summary of the Sumerian account. The
Sumerian texts are on six tablets, with a 7th glorifying God --
akin to the 7 days of Genesis. The Epic details the creation of
the planets (aka the firmament), and the separation of the
“waters”. (Keep in mind also that the Sumerian texts described
the creation and some characteristics of Uranus, Neptune and
Pluto -- with modern astronomy finding these planets only in the
last 150 years or so.)
The latter brings up the critical question of: “How was the
Sumerian knowledge obtained (who told them!)?
In Genesis, after God made the heaven (the firmament) and the
Earth, divided the waters, created grass, herbs and trees, placed
lights in the firmament, created the fishes, the fowl, the great
whales and animals, made man in his image, rested on the
seventh day; after which he watered the earth (Genesis 2:6),
formed man (again?) of the dust of the ground and breathed life
into him (such that he became a living soul -- Genesis 2:7),
created the Garden of Eden and placed man in it (Genesis 2:8),
then grew the tree of life in the midst of the garden, and the tree
of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:9), arranged for four
rivers, one to irrigate the garden (Genesis 2:10), and
immediately thereafter (Genesis 2:11) announced, "Thar's Gold
in Them Thar Hills"!
Roughly 29,000 years later (greater than the time for the
precession of the equinoxes -- and a strong implication of the
Anunnaki extremely long lifetimes), it became apparent that
acquiring gold from sea water was not living up to expectations.
Anu (the head honcho of Nibiru) and his heir-apparent, Enlil
("Lord of the Command") arrived on the scene to set things
The Compromise Plan was to mine the gold. Enki was placed in
charge of mining South Africa, while Enlil took over the
administrative duties in Sumer. Thousands of years later, more
Anunnaki began arriving, opening mines, and creating boom
towns. (See the movie: Paint Your Spaceship.)
This was not a sterling plan, however. [pardon the pun] There
were wars and mutinies. Turns out the Anunnaki are not into
tens of thousands of years of working the mines -- even for gold.
Enlil was then taken hostage, whereupon he blamed Enki
(naturally!). But Anu knew better (it’s the “Father knows best”
syndrome). The problem was that mining was hard work -- and
no fringe benefits for the last 130,000 years or so.
According to the Sumerian texts, the Number One God was Anu
(MARDUK in the Babylonian version), while in the creation of
Man, Enki was God. The Lord God referred to either Enlil
("Lord of the Command") or Enki ("Lord of Earth"). Enki made
man, Enlil created the Garden of Eden. Enki was the “serpent”
who genetically engineered man so he could procreate (eat of
the tree of knowledge of good and evil). Enlil is the God who
threw man out of the garden, and Enki who clothed him. Enlil
took Abel's offering, but ignored Cain's, cast Cain out and
cursed him; Enki gave him his passport to freedom. The other
players are identified in the Sumerian Family Tree.
The “sons of God” (not the Lord God), the "giants in the earth",
were the Anunnaki who found the female half-breeds to their
liking. Sumerian texts talk about the Anunnaki sons breeding
with human women, and creating "mighty men of renown."
Enlil hated it and vowed to kill off man. As luck would have it,
he got help. The Deluge and Flood.
folk are only too eager to help build the Ark. (“Noah,” by the
way, means Respite. Things had been altogether too dry on
earth prior to the Deluge and Flood.)
And of course, it was Enlil who did the Tower of Babel gig
(about 3400 B.C.E.). Enlil is definitely not a fan of man! Even
the stories of Abraham begin to make sense. Isaac and Ishmael
are simply a reprise of the Enlil and Enki drama -- the drama
which about 2000 B.C.E. flourished into all out war.
The gods of the ancient Egyptian Civilization: Ptah, Ra, Shu and
Tefnut, Geb, Seth and Nephtys, Osiris and Isis, Horus, Thoth --
all being identical with their Sumerian counterparts, and the
dating of Ra after the flood, Ptah’s rebuilding, the creation of
the Sphinx circa 10,000 B.C.E. (the Great Pyramid having been
constructed earlier); and even
In a word (or two), gold is the source for the ORME, the Star
Fire, the “What is it?” of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the
“white powder of gold” of the Ha Qabala, the key ingredient in
the long lives and powers of the Anunnaki -- and by implication
of their step-children, the members of the human race. Gold is
one route to the Tree of Life, as well as The Tree of Knowledge
of Good and Evil. Gold is the premier example of the Precious
Metals (gold, silver, rhodium, iridium, platinum, palladium,
osmium, and ruthenium).
Library of ialexandriah
Updated 22 August 2003
But the Anunnaki were more than just a pair of squabbling half-
brothers. They were the council of Gods and Goddesses, who
periodically met to consider their future actions with respect to
each other, and probably as a smaller, nondescript item on their
agenda, the fate of mankind. The Anunnaki, depending upon the
context, were the Nephilim, the gods that Abraham’s father,
Terah, (according to the book of Joshua) was reputed to have
served, the fallen angels, the lesser individuals of the race from
which Anu, Enki, Enlil, Inanna and the other notables had
sprung, and the “judges” over the question of life and death.
They were in fact the bene ha-elohim, which translates as “the
sons of the gods”, or equally likely, “the sons of the goddesses.”
For example, from Psalm 82:
Sitchin’s book, The 12th Planet, published in 1976 was the first
modern volume to begin to describe the Anunnaki, their arrival
on Earth supposedly some 485,000 years ago, and from where
they had come -- a planet called Nibiru. Sitchin believes Nibiru
to be in an orbit about our sun, but in a strongly elliptical orbit
which requires 3,600 Earth years to make a complete orbit.
Nibiru’s perihelion (closest point of approach to the Sun) is
thought to be within the main asteroid belt between Mars and
Jupiter, at a distance from the Sun of approximately 2.75 A.U.
(an A.U. being the distance from the Sun to the Earth). (the
Annals of Earth include a detailed description of how Nibiru
created the asteroid belt by destroying a planet, Tiamat, in
roughly the same orbit, and which created the Earth in the
While Sitchin and Gardner may disagree with the extent of the
long lives of the Anunnaki, it is clear that these gods and
goddesses, baring accidents or “Anunnaki-cide”, lived a very
long time. It has also been theorized that because of their long
lives, they do not quite move in “the fast lane” -- at least to the
extent humans do.
[1] Zecharia Sitchin, The 12th Planet, 1976, The Wars of Gods
and Men, 1985, Genesis Revisited, 1990, Divine Encounters,
1995, Avon Books, New York.
Library of ialexandriah
The initial effort was led by Ea; whose title, Enki, meant “Lord
of Earth”, and who was the son of the new ruler, Anu. Enki (or
Ea) set up shop at Eridu, near the northwest end of the Persian
Gulf at the point where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers meet the
Gulf -- and at a time long before the silting of the two great
rivers had extended the shoreline many miles to the southeast.
At Eridu, Enki began to recover gold from sea water.
Ninki, the Lady of Life (now we know where she received her
title!), carried the first “mixed worker” to term and gave birth
to a being she called the “Lulu.” Later, fourteen “birth
goddesses” (female Anunnaki) were used to produce additional
workers. This solution was only a moderate success in that the
Lulu was a hybrid and incapable of procreation (just as the
mule, a cross between horse and donkey, cannot reproduce
[1] Gardner, Laurence, Genesis of the Grail Kings, Bantam
Press, NY, 1999.
[2] Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, 1976, The Wars of Gods
and Men, 1985, The Lost Realms, 1990, Avon Books, New York.
The work of Gardner, Sitchin, and others makes it clear that the
extraterrestrial “gods and goddesses” were intervening and
lording over the human species with a vengeance! The
Anunnaki, specifically Enki and his half-sister Ninki, were
responsible for the genetic experiments which combined
Anunnaki DNA with that of Homo erectus in order to create
Homo sapiens sapiens, thus placing the human evolution far
ahead of schedule and with the added ingredient of
extraterrestrial DNA.
After the Flood and Deluge, however, there was a step wise
reduction in the patriarch’s lifetimes, from Shem (600 years) to
roughly 450 years for the next three patriarchs, to an average of
222 years for the next six -- including Abraham. A curious
result is that the five generations between Eber and Abraham
were already dead and presumably buried, at a time when the
four generations beginning with the son of Noah, Shem, were
still alive (and presumably kicking). [Waiting for an inheritance
must have been a lost art!]
[1] Sitchin, Zecharia, The Wars of Gods and Men, Avon Books,
New York, 1985; Genesis Revisited, Avon Books, New York,
1990; and others.
Library of ialexandriah
806-Archaeological Cover-ups
-- A Plot to Control History? --
The good news is that the players are obvious. Their game plan
and even their play-by-play tactics are transparent, once you
learn to spot them. However, it is not so easy to penetrate
through the smokescreen of propaganda and disinformation to
get to their underlying motives and goals. It would be
convenient if we could point to a plumber's unit and a boldface
liar like Richard Nixon, but this is a more subtle operation.
The bad news: the conspiracy is global and there are many
vested interest groups. A cursory investigation yields the usual
suspects: scientists with a theoretical axe to grind, careers to
further and the status quo to maintain. Their modus operandi is
"The Big Lie"--and the bigger and more widely publicised, the
better. They rely on invoking their academic credentials to
support their arguments, and the presumption is that no one has
the right to question their authoritarian pronouncements that:
1. there is no mystery about who built the Great Pyramid or
what the methods of construction were, and the Sphinx shows
no signs of water damage;
Science is a method that anyone can learn and apply. It does not
require a degree to observe and record facts and think critically
about them, especially in the non-technical social sciences. In a
free and open society, science has to be a democratic process.
This brings up the issue of The Big Lie and how it has been
promoted for generations in front of God and everyone. The
controversy over how the Great Pyramid was constructed is one
example. It could be easily settled if Egyptologists wanted to
resolve the dispute. A simple test could be designed and
arranged by impartial engineers that would either prove or
disprove their longstanding disputed theory--that it was built
using the primitive tools and methods of the day, circa 2500 BC.
Why would scientists try to hide the truth and avoid any test of
their hypothesis? Their motivations are equally transparent. If it
can be proved that the Egyptians did not build the Great
Pyramid in 2500 BC using primitive methods, or if the Sphinx
can be dated to 9000 BC, the whole house of cards comes
tumbling down. Orthodox views of cultural evolution are based
upon a chronology of civilisation having started in Sumeria no
earlier than 4000 BC. The theory does not permit an advanced
civilisation to have existed prior to that time. End of discussion.
Archaeology and history lose their meaning without a fixed
timeline as a point of reference.
The farmer who had been selling the stones to Cabrera was
arrested; he claimed to have found them in a cave but refused to
disclose the exact location to authorities, or so they claimed.
scale. NBC was deluged with letters from irate scientists who
called the producer "a fraud" and the whole program "a hoax".
I think we have some good leads on who "the Brain Police" are.
And I really do not think "conspiracy" is too strong a word--
because for every case of this kind of attempted suppression that
is exposed, 10 others are going on successfully. We have no
idea how many enigmatic artifacts or dates have been labelled
"error" and tucked away in storage warehouses or circular files,
never to see the light of day.
The public got wind of this fiasco but the government denied the
claim. However, official documents show that an embargo had
been placed on the site. Doutré is a student of New Zealand
history and archaeology. He is concerned because he says that
artifacts proving that there was an earlier culture which
preceded the Maori are missing from museums. He asks what
happened to several anomalous remains:
The public does not seem at all aware of the fact that the
scientific establishment has a double standard when it comes to
The series did not even bother to interview scientists who have
criticisms of Darwinism: not "creationists" but bona fide
scientists. To correct this deficiency, a group of 100 dissenting
scientists felt compelled to issue a press release, "A Scientific
Dissent on Darwinism", on the day the first program was
scheduled to go to air. Nobel nominee Henry "Fritz" Schaefer
was among them. He encouraged open public debate of
Darwin's theory:
(Does this sound like stories that came out of the Soviet Union
20 years ago when dissident scientists there started speaking
His response did not affect Piel's decision to bump Mims off the
popular column after just three articles.
So, the monitors of "good thinking" are not just the elite of the
scientific community, as we have seen in several cases; they are
television producers and magazine editors as well. It seems clear
that they are all driven by the singular imperative of furthering
"public science education", as the president of the Cambrian
Institute so aptly phrased it.
that it was far enough off the coast as too prevent any
contamination of the mainland, which later turned out to be
false. The data gathered from these experiments was used by
both Great Britain and the U.S. to develop bombs that were
better able to effectively disperse spores.
1944 U.S. Navy uses human subjects to test gas masks and
clothing. Individuals were locked in a gas chamber and exposed
to mustard gas and lewisite.
1945 May. Newburgh's water was fluoridated, and over the next
10 years its residents were studied by the New York State
Health Department.
1947 The CIA begins its study of LSD as a potential weapon for
use by American intelligence. Human subjects (both civilian and
military) are used with and without their knowledge.
out in 1963. Those born between 1941 and 1961 are thought to
be most at risk of having been infected.
1990 More than 1500 six-month old black and Hispanic babies
in Los Angeles are given an "experimental" measles vaccine that
had never been licensed for use in the United States. CDC later
admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being
injected to their children was experimental.
The disclosures that children may have been put at risk emerged
during a new investigation into the link between the growth
hormones and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), which caused a
major scandal when acknowledged in the Nineties . So far, 74
children have died of CJD after being treated with growth
hormones extracted from the bodies of victims of neurological
illnesses in the Eighties.
The latest claims suggest that in 1985 the institute sold a batch
of growth hormone to French hospitals without waiting for
safety checks which showed the batch to have cancer marker
cells at five times the permitted limit for use. The institute is
further alleged to have made no efforts to withdraw the batch
once it was aware of the risk.
Murphy, Sean.
No fire, no thunder: the threat of chemical and biological
Monthly Review Press,
New York , 1984
Piller, Charles.
Gene wars: military control over the new genetic technologies,
Beech Tree Books,
New York, 1988
On Line References
There is little doubt when the facts and case histories are laid
open and bared that untold death, debilitation, and injury are a
direct result of the vaccination “industry”.
1963. The mass vaccination campaigns of the 1950s and '60s
may be causing hundreds of deaths a year because of a cancer-
causing virus that contaminated the first polio vaccine,
according to scientists. Known as SV40, the virus came from
dead monkeys whose kidney cells were used to culture the first
Salk vaccines. Doctors estimate that the virus was injected into
tens of millions during the vaccination campaigns, including
several million in Canada, before being detected and screened
out in 1963. Those born between 1941 and 1961 are thought to
be most at risk of having been infected.
What is in a vaccine?
Not just bits of bacteria and viruses. No immune system is going
to react vigorously against a few dead or half alive (attenuated)
cells. To turn the immune system on a vaccine needs an immune
adjuvant added. These include aluminium and mercury which
are toxic in their own right. It may well be that autism following
MMR is actually a mercury problem.
Vaccines are made from bugs which are grown in animal tissues
including beef. There is evidence to suggest that the cases of
new variant CJD in young people may be due to direct injection
of prion from these tissue cultures.
Good hygiene
By good hygiene definitely I do not mean obsessively wiping
down working surfaces with antiseptic wipes. Indeed this is
counter productive because we need daily exposure to bacteria
to train and programme the immune system. What I recommend
is proper public health measures such as:
* Not pumping raw sewage into the seas for people to swim
* Not making animals travel hundreds of miles to slaughter
houses so they crap themselves on the way and get covered with
shit, contaminating meat subsequently. Please try to buy local
produce, or organic produce which has animal care standards.
We should not be thinking about getting rid of the bug. This will
always be impossible simply because "nature abhors a vacuum"
and if you get rid of one bug, another will take its place.
In conclusion
These, as I say, are my beliefs. They may well change in the
future as I learn new things.
Vaccine Ingredients -
Formaldehyde, Aspartame,
Mercury, Etc
Vaccine Liberation Information
However the facts state that most canned tuna contains less
mercury contamination than tuna steaks, which come from
larger tuna. It's hard to tell how much, if any, mercury these
products contain. Smaller fish are safer, and so are fish like sole,
sardines, herring, bass, catfish, salmon and shellfish.
By Patricia Crutchfield
"It was a cruel tragedy that happened with our son," Laura
Bono said. Dr. Samuel Katz, chairman emeritus of paediatrics
at Duke, is considered one of the foremost authorities on
vaccines in the country. He raises doubts that thimerosal ever
hurt children. "Whenever we have a problem, we like to know
whose fault is it. Unfortunately, vaccines have become an easy
target," he said. Katz said, "The evidence to support these
claims is lacking." However, in 1999, he recommended drug
companies take thimerosal out of vaccines. A 2001 report from
the National Institute of Medicine also concluded the evidence
does not support the claims. Researchers conceded, "the
hypothesis is biologically plausible."
"Why is it that all people who smoke don't get cancer? The body
reacts differently to different antagonists," Salisbury attorney
Bill Graham said. Graham represents 40 families who believe
thimerosal hurt their children. He believes evidence is mounting
that federal regulators knew that thimerosal could be harmful
long before drug companies felt pressure to remove it from
vaccines. A study sanctioned by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention shows infants immunized with thimerosal
vaccines were 2.5 times more likely to develop neurological
disorders, but it was never released. Instead, the study continued
and the results changed. Graham questions why vaccines were
never recalled.
"Condemnation without investigation is the height of
ignorance." Albert Einstein
What good fortune for those in power that the people do not
think.” ~Adolf Hitler
No one has ever successfully proven that any child has ever
benefited from an injection of rotting matter combined with
nerve and brain destroying poisons, the actual ingredients of
vaccines. – Dewey
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight
you, then you win." ~Ghandi
"If you think you're too small to be effective, you've never been
in bed with a mosquito." - Betty Reese
"I know that most men, including those at ease with the
problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the
Before I seriously get into this writing I want you to know and
understand that for untold thousands of years the matters
covered in this work have been endlessly considered and
discussed, and been the subject of endless books, theories,
treatises and opinions. Know also that throughout human
history probably billions of people have been killed or died for
holding one point of view rather than another. There are many
viewpoints, many opinions, but most lack any logic or sound
reasoning. As, or if you read this work you will need to
constantly ask the questions: “Is this really worthwhile
pursuing? Does any of it matter or have any real meaning in my
life? Can it be of any value or importance at all?” I believe it to
be important. It is about our life and any possible meaning for
and of it.
Now the order of the creation as presented has been dealt with in
my 2nd and 3rd books. At this time I propose to record the
materials again for this book in an appendix. Likewise I have
dealt with the entity referred to as Jehovah (By whatever
spelling or pronunciation – you know to whom I refer.) Who is
the alleged creator of mankind, the human species, I have also
covered, and also I have dealt with the “adversary” the one
known among Christians as the devil, the serpent, as Satan.
Whereas the bible gives and leaves an uneasy feeling that there
is an unspoken and unrevealed relationship between this
“adversary” and the “Father” (ultimate god to Christians etc.)
and that “Father’s” son, Jesus, my writings clearly reveal what is
literally a family relationship, together with the “family” feuds
and disagreements, rivalry etc. I have also dealt with that
uncomfortable use of the plural personages words in Genesis,
the “us”, “our”, etc. as well as the seemingly inescapable
description of physical entities walking and audibly talking in
the “garden”. These are or were the imponderables of Genesis
until one has learned to “see clearly”, and to understand exactly
what the story or record is all about, and who “they” are, and
who “we” are.
dare not, nor has the right to even think to question what is
But as in the words of the famous song, “it ain’t necessarily so.”
(The words that you’re liable to read in the bible.)
Come on people. Let’s really think about all of this and not just
blindly accept it.
“And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him
until the breaking of the day.
And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will
not let thee go, except thou bless me.
And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.
And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name.
And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name?
And he blessed him there.
And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel for I have seen
God face to face, and my life is preserved.
Was it? Decades ago I thought not and I still am not sure as to
with whom he wrestled or what it was all about. I figured it had
to be a being of great power and authority, but who was in effect
“slumming” on earth with mere mortals.
Certainly I put this being in the same category as the ones who
Abraham met at his tent door, shared a meal with them, and who
then saw to it that Sara would have a child. It would seem those
same beings turned up and wiped out Sodom and Gomorrah
after evacuating Lot and his family. Most assuredly they were
not your normal human beings, and almost certainly not of our
species. They are “not us”. And that means “aliens” even if
you prefer to call them “angels”. Yet it was obvious from the
writings that they were not so different from our average mortal
“earther” or Adamite as to be recognizable as “not us”.
But the one with whom Jacob wrestled? Jacob asked of him for
a blessing, and he actually gave it, plus gave him a new name.
Who presumes to be able to confer blessings and to give new
names? A name ending with “el”. There is huge significance in
the word “el”. Jacob then claimed, “I have seen god face to
face, and my life is preserved.” Who would that indicate Jacob
thought of him as being? After careful analysis of the words I
always figured that Jacob believed he was wrestling with god, a
physical entity capable of physical combat. (This was to me one
of hundreds of biblical texts that led me to believe that “god”
simply had to be a physical entity, one who is manifest
“The gods clasped hands together, then cast lots and divided:
Anu to heaven went up; To Enlil the Earth was made subject;
That which the sea as a loop encloses [South Africa?], They
gave to the prince Enki.
Unfortunately, for Anu, the drama was not yet over. Kumarbi
had been left by Anu on the space platform orbiting the Earth.
When Anu returned “up to heaven” (or at least, enroute), the
two “gave battle” to one another. As Kumarbi momentarily
bested Anu in the wrestling (the Anunnaki’s preferred method
for settling differences), “Anu struggled free from the hands of
Kumarbi”. But then Kumarbi managed to grab Anu by his feet,
and “bit between his knees”, hurting Anu in his “manhood”.
Ouch, that must have hurt. (This, if you can believe it, was a
typical “hold” in Anunnaki wrestling.) Anu then took off for
Nibiru, disgraced and in pain, leaving Kumarbi behind with the
IGIGI manning the space platform. Thus was delivered in the
classic fashion of the Anunnaki the first blow that would
ultimately pave the way for the “War of the Olden Gods.” In
the interim...
I would point out that Jacob was en route to meet Esau, his
brother from whom he had taken the “birthright” and now settle
differences. Esau was as influential a person as Jacob and both
of the same “patriarchal line”; Esau was effectively the first-
born of the twins. My thoughts are that both would have been
well acquainted with the Anunnaki or with god by whatever
name or definition. (Assuming any of this has any reality at all,
and it appears more probable than the disjointed “story” pushed
upon us by the Christian orthodoxy. It would follow then that
probably Jacob met one of Esau’s Anunnaki confederates face
to face in combat, in wrestling, which is the Anunnaki’s
“preferred method of settling differences”. Again “settling
differences” was the precise mission of Jacob. After the
combat, the mission was a total success. Probably success was
assured because Jacob was capable of prevailing against Esau’s
champion. (Is it from this Anunnaki source that our human
history records millennia of “trial by combat” decisions?)
If you check the listings in the index under “gold” you will
readily find that very early in the book of Genesis it was
announced that gold was present on the earth. (Genesis 2:11) If
Now the reason for the Anunnaki’s need, yes need, for gold is
barely touched upon in the supplementary reading, but it does
provide information. Simply stated, it is widely claimed that
after refining and treatment in specific ways it was ingested,
used as a “food”. This is the ambrosia, the food of the gods.
This is the philosopher’s stone that gives eternal life. This is the
fountain of youth. This is the “what is it?” of Egypt. This is the
golden shewbread. This is the cone shaped golden “bread” on
ancient Egyptian walls. This is that which accounts for the
Anunnaki’s purported lifespan of thousands or even hundreds of
thousands of years. (Hence our mere mortal’s belief that the
gods live eternally.) For more information, some of which is
probably quite spurious or even “dodgy”, but do the research on
the Internet under “starfire” and “ORME”. Story goes that the
early ones of the human family were given and allowed access
to this specially treated and refined gold and made it part of the
diet that gave a very long life span. (As recorded in “Genesis”
in the case of the early patriarchs.) I have made reference to
those of the humans who lived in the compound of the gods, the
Anunnaki. They lived in “paradise” (E.DIN), with the “gods”,
shared the food, the ambrosia or whatever name is used, and
lived longer lives than those of the human species who lived in
“hell” outside of the compound. (Yes it was from such a
compound, Eden, from which it is recorded Adam and Eve were
This smells like a lot of local “gods”. And it probably is, and
that is just what is indicated in the Old Testament. (So
I did the research and it goes like this: Orthodoxy has it that
Moses went up upon Mt Sinai and met “god” there. However
lesser known is a relatively close mountain in Sinai, Serabit El
Khadim, where there existed at the time a vast complex
(conveniently referred to today as a temple complex) where gold
was refined and the “what is it” was allegedly produced. The
“what is it” is that substance of Anunnaki origin as above. Now
the interesting part goes like this, and I’ll quote from the King
James Bible. Immediately when he came down from that
mountain…. he finds them with a golden calf fashioned from
collected jewelry etc. whereupon…
“he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it in the fire,
and ground it to powder, and strawed it upon the water, and
made the children of Israel drink of it.”
Yes. Gold. Importance. Its all gods’ gold. Humans are created
labour. It is ingestible after “treatment” and confers long life
etc. They control it, they have it. Once they shared it but now
they don’t, and this is why we no longer live to be 1000 years
old. It’s all about these “aliens” you see… (“Aliens” meaning
simply not of our species, outsiders to us.)
No, I am not mad, but who will believe me? There is a lot more.
I read in a magazine that since about 2004 this millennia, the
gold deposits in Fort Knox etc have been confirmed as going
missing and replaced with spurious bars of bogus gold. Bars
that are largely tungsten with an overlay of about an eighth of an
inch of real gold, and outwardly undetectable as bogus. This
became proven with a shipment of such gold to China recently,
and their subsequent analysis of the bars. (Drilling into them to
confirm consistency throughout the bars) Although no one
seems to know or at least reveal where the real gold has gone,
and some people are “no longer around”, I have my firm
suspicions as to where the gold has gone. One word: Anunnaki.
After all, it is recorded that the acquisition of gold was the sole
purpose for their migration to our planet earth, setting up camp,
and “creating” us mortal ordinary humans.
EL and Elohim
Well then, it would certainly seem that what we are taught and
asked to believe and accept by and in the Christian churches and
sects of today has very little similarity to that which was known,
understood, or prevailed among millennia or our ancestors who
followed the supposed same god of today’s churches.
I cannot know how all of this sits with you, or how you feel
about it, but I am somewhat indignant about the entire orchestra
of errors foisted upon us.
I did a lot of bible study; I did a lot of thinking, and asked a lot
of questions. (I asked no man, but framed and posed the
questions to myself.) With a modicum of surprise I discovered
that all works for good (or indeed otherwise) and all “miracles”
are and were equally valid and acceptable, but only if one was
“neutral” or non-prejudiced. I “discovered” that when one
thinks one is tapping into the power of god, or anything else,
that in fact that is largely not the case at all, but rather they are
tapping into what I judged must be innate human qualities and
Later I found that not only did I no longer have a valid religion
based god and Jesus, but I also had no creator god as allegedly
revealed in Genesis.
I had to ask many more questions. If the god of Genesis was not
our creator, then who or what was? Was the obviously flawed
and deficient “theory of evolution” the answer? I just knew that
it could not be so.
Then one day I had cardiac arrests. Effectively I died twice that
day. Effectively I returned to mortal life twice that day. Damn,
the “power”, the “force” was still acting upon and with me. My
life in mortality had to continue. I hurt badly (physically and
procreate and die on it, and recycle into it. But we are still at
basic level, ‘matter’ with intelligence.
5. All matter is a form of, and interchangeable with
energy…Ultimately therefore our very mortal bodies are a
form of energy.
6. As matter is universally spread and the same, then the
universe itself is in reality energy. Energy with pockets,
spheres or bubbles of concentrated massed energy called
matter. There is no space or place where there is ‘nothing’,
or ‘no energy’. Thus energy or force, call it by any name, it is
the same concept and comprises everything that exists. (Call
it ‘prana’, ‘spirit’, ‘energy’, ‘the force’, give it any name, but
know that any such name is equally valid, just as we all drink
H2O, but call it ‘water’ or by the words of another language,
the name is irrelevant.)
7. If we as mortal humans are ‘matter’ which is ‘energy’ and
also ‘intelligent’ as above, then it follows any or all energy
must have similar properties, just as all ‘dust’ or particles
are of the same constitution and properties. It follows that
all energy has, or has the ability to manifest and possess
8. Likewise, if this earth is ‘evolving’ or progressing or
developing then it follows that the same should apply
universally. As below, so it is above; as above, so it is below.
9. If these postulations are not so, (7 & 8 above particularly)
then man must be recognized as the highest form (of energy
and everything that can exist)- as the ultimate object in the
entire universe.
10. This would seem totally absurd, as man is really relatively
insignificant and very low in the ‘pecking order’ of bubbles
or spheres of influence. Not only that, but consider his very
nature, and ask, “Can we allow or postulate that such a one
is the supreme form that does or can exist?” A savage beast
that is generically, totally self absorbed and selfish. A
ruthless being of low ethic and morals, who will exploit,
dominate, and much worse, separate his fellow from life
itself. We are ‘part’ of the energy, and ‘part’ of the matter.
Yet all the information is before us. Hopefully then it will find
meaning when it is understood and correlated into our own
knowledge, recognized by our fragment of intelligence. The
universal intelligence contains and reveals all things for it is the
sum total of all things. In many cases pure mental indigestion
and conceit prevent man from seeing the revealed information,
which is ‘reality’ or ‘truth’.
Not only are we of the same ‘matter’ but of the same energy
source, for there is only one universal energy source. We share
a common universal substance.
Not only then are we ‘all the same’, but also ‘partake of the
same’, have the same origins, end, and yes, GOD. We are all
part of it. This is equality that is very real, hence in reality
“there is neither Jew nor gentile, bond nor free.” There is none
above the other. How then should we act on earth?
(That is hard to date right now. Between 2005 and 2007. Like
as though that matters apart from perspective.)
Then wisdom cuts in and you know that anything you can ever
know has been known to someone, sometime, somewhere. But
what is IMPORTANT is that you have discovered it for
yourself. You literally have found a truth. You have an elation,
a zealous ‘gotta tell everyone’…then find ‘what the….this has
been revealed…it is known” - disappointing?? Yes, BUT DO
Here we go….
Big issue: Can you even see the ‘lines of influence’ of the
magnets, or of the mass that creates the sphere or bubble of
influence? No? But space is completely filled with such
bubbles of influence. Billions of bubbles existing and
interacting, influencing one the other in varying degrees. And
our personally created bubble in their midst. Some
spheres/bubbles will be within others, others only partially
within and overlapping others.
Plants seem to know which ants will steal their nectar, closing
when these ants are about, opening only when there is enough
dew on their stems to keep the ants from climbing. The more
sophisticated acacia actually enlists the protective services of
certain ants, which it rewards with nectar in return for the ants’
protection against other insects and herbivorous mammals.
…In the end, posited this German sage, was it not one of the
ultimate purposes of human bodies to serve vegetal life,
surrounding it by emitting carbon dioxide for the plants to
breathe, and manuring them with human bodies after death?
Did not flowers and trees finally consume man and, by
combining his remains together with raw earth, water, air, and
sunlight, transform and transmute human bodies into the most
glorious forms and colors?
reference from there. I see an axe fall in the distance but hear
the sound later, a flash of lightening and the resultant thunder
seconds later. Even the fall of the axe or flash of lightening took
some time to reach me.
Could it be that if we went out say 2000 light years and looked
back with focus on earth, we may see a Roman emperor? After
all, I read that we see stars as they were hundreds, thousands, or
millions of years ago. Reminds me of what I once read decades
ago, that there is a record of every event that ever happened in
the entire cosmos, the Akashic (spelling not sure) record,
Life exist on earth & new life must be either created at
conception or at birth,
Male or female determined by absolute chance at conception.
Offspring will manifest (mostly) one gender only of choice of
Gender is unimportant, and new individuals are born male or
female by chance, with no personality, they are ‘blanks’
Born into the world and takes the ‘star stuff’ elements from the
parents and is part of the earth.. It lives eats drinks and breathes
the very elements of the material universe. It is flesh, dust,
elemental matter, body taken from it and will return to it.. It will
live and die.
Death. End in dissolution of the entire entity. The body
dissolves back to elements, and no personality is likely to
survive, as this view accepts no existence of spirit, force or
Assumes GENDER is unimportant as the life/force/energy/god,
whatever, has NO GENDER. Male or female is a chance event,
accident of birth, and the new life created on earth assumes or
becomes whatever is provided. It thus has no personality and is
a ‘blank’. After death, the ‘life force’ leaves the mortal
elements on earth and re-joins the universal genderless force etc.
Leaves one eternally genderless and therefore non-individual, no
individual development. Is this pointless??
Here gender does ‘pre-exist’ as either M/F ying/yang whatever,
but individual personalities do not exist as such. Conditions of
‘B-1’ apply with a difference following death. Post-mortal one
continues as Male or Female but there are 2 alternatives now,
either to re-join the collective gender group and lose
individuality had on earth, OR continue as an individual M/F
which would be development and make the mortal life a
progressive stage. Perhaps not as pointless as ‘B-1’ type of life
Here not only does gender pre-exist, but so do individuals, Such
individuals by whatever criteria take up an appropriate M/F
body on earth. As such, the newborn mortal is not totally a
‘blank’ as in all the above alternatives, life on earth has the
additional role of providing a flesh body and experience to a
pre-existing individual. THE DREAM BODY AND THE
Well that’s the end of that little exercise and it is not exclusive.
What’s the point of this? Well if you don’t know it goes like
this: One day maybe you will be like me, knowing death is just a
knock away. For some it comes with a date attached to a
question mark. For others its more like a huge probability – we
have passed the figures acceptable to the actuary. You cannot
even get term insurance. There will come a time when every
mortal would question the options, want to know the
‘odds’…with out the jiving.
For a long time the other night I lie awake thinking about
various aspects of life and I caught a vision of our nature in this
world. It came about after contemplating the generally ignorant
and fallen state in which our species finds itself.
I think the reason for that attitude is that such discovery and
contemplation is not the scientific method, and may be used and
embarked upon by anyone who cares or dares. This means they
cannot control what is and what is not accepted, and thus cannot
be the gods of the dogma any longer. I will mean the loss of
their perceived power, authority, and control. Once that may
have been important to the world, when man was largely
ignorant and superstitious. Such men needed gods of dogma to
guide them and save them from deeper ignorance and
superstition. A lot of intelligent free thinkers exist now, and a
lot say ‘to hell with the dogma, the authority, we do not need a
professor or doctor to guide us in our thinking.’ Well these days
a lot of ‘others, outsiders’ or whatever have a lot of
contributions to make that are perhaps just as valid as data
established by scientific method.
You get the idea, all of these are valid, working things that
science will have nothing to do with, BECAUSE I suspect, they
have no control of the scientific method and dogma. They
cannot preside as the high priests of science over things in the
public domain, over which they can have no control nor
discipline those who do not ‘toe the line’. They say a thing is
“not proven” and demand “proof”, claiming no “proof” exists of
this or that as yet. Do those healed by the faith healer not
constitute living proof, or do those healed ask for “proof”,
certification of their healing? Credential waving “authorities”
demand proof, but will only accept proof supplied and
forthcoming from their own ranks, and even they bury that
which is contrary to existing dogma or challenge the rulings or
opinions of “authority”. Very like church leaders who deny
revelation if it is contrary to what they already accept. Thus
science does only reject, but mocks, ridicules and would make
out as simple fools those who do not unquestioningly accept
their claimed, assumed, and presumed superior knowledge or
wisdom. More like superior ignorance. It’s the old kill the
messenger thing.
‘loyal church’ are not about to hear it nor receive it. Picture
this: God on throne, sees comet coming to earth, considers it and
the wisdom of giving a warning and instructions to a new
generation for an ‘ark’ (they have the technology, and I will
help) He makes the call…no answer. He thinks maybe call
Jerusalem next call, or Tokyo. He knows where not to call. But
is that attitude bad? It gets WORSE. If God is claimed to have
given revelation, so the article continues, and it goes contrary to
what the church ALREADY accepts, then the church leaders
being obviously infallible, declare that the revelation is false.
This leaves no room or way for god to get a hearing to correct
any wrong ideas, interpretations, or understandings of his
previous communications, not to mention to change his mind, or
alter, add etc to previous words. In other words, the leaders are
infallible, understand perfectly, need no more, need no “divine”
counsel or help, and will neither hear nor accept any more. 3
monkeys come to mind. Such are they who once declared the
world not only flat, but also the centre of all that can exist, and
man as the culmination of god’s 7 day work-a-thon. Now all
this flies in the face of reason does it not? This from a church
that taught the world IS flat, and IS the centre of the universe,
and God is a white caucasian obviously. Oh yes and male of
course. It follows then, said the doctors of divinity dogma, that,
being supreme, we can rape the world; do as we will, for god is
with us. Hmmm. Voltaire warns along the lines of beware the
man (church etc obviously included) that says, “believe as I do
or god will damn you….he means and will turn to “believe as I
do or I will kill you..”. How open minded is the ‘traditional
Christian church? They will stuff down your neck a one sided
“sharing” of ideas. No thanks; and yes, many dissenters have
perished, killed by their ‘holy’ hands. They would do it again if
only it would be undiscovered. You doubt me? Read about
“ethnic cleansing”. Individuals who do not comply on ethnic,
moral, religious, or god knows what grounds, are disposed of.
Killed. Welcome to planet earth and its life forms.
What is the nature and source of the animating force? Its fine to
say that man has a body of elements of the earth, that those
elements are recycled residue of stars. It’s a bag of chemicals of
(now) known and understood componentry. Its mostly space, its
illusionary, it is in reality energy. But whence comes the ‘force’
/whatever name you want to use, to ORGANISE this bag of
magical tricks? No way can a bag of protons, neutrons and
particles organize themselves. There is more than energy afoot
here for sure. Electricity has been around since year dot,
(Lightning etc.) yet has not evolved or organized. Our brain
waves and heartbeats are ‘energy’/electrical etc, yet break down
and cease. Science calls it entropy or whatever. Matter or
energy cannot organize itself. Yet something obviously does
this trick. For we exist. Do we not?
turn that into living tissue that will not only replicate itself, but
think, eat, love, laugh, cry, mourn, celebrate, hope, think,
reason, read, write, believe, hate, get sick, and one day die. A
lump of star dust cannot of or by itself do these things. No more
than a monkey with a typewriter and a zillion years can punch
out the complete works of Shakespeare. It is not in the realms
of reason, belief, nor mathematics. No more likely than
throwing together a BMW from a rock pile, or a space shuttle
from a car wrecking yard.
The Individual drifts into this life and becomes part of this
world. It is not a journey in space or maybe even time. It is an
event in the cosmic “now”. It submerges itself into a human
form and ‘forgets’ its identity etc. More on this later in another
essay. It adopts a form that maybe Plato referred to. The form
is perfect, but the adaptation may not be so perfect, for it is the
‘n’th generation or implementation of that same star dust
pattern, the ‘n’th- generation of the genetic materials. “Near
enough” is good enough for this ‘trip’, “not near enough” results
in termination. (Death to the embryo, fetus, infant etc) The
Individual has no imperfections of ‘form’ but the physical form
used in this ‘incarnation’ may have many imperfections. Birth
to mortality has just happened, and the Individual now literally
lives with the consequences, no longer manifest as the bright
radiant Individual. The Mortal Individual has begun its
incarnation and life on earth.
I do not intend to paint a long picture here, but just to give the
bones. The Individual is now a Mortal Individual but still the
original self. (Whatever that is) The difference is that it is now
TILL DEATH DO THEM PART. It is literally a part of what
we call GOD, come to the earth, and coupled with flesh which is
elements of the earth, united till the dissolution of the flesh in
‘mortal death’ - and what GOD has joined together (we are
warned) let no man put asunder. To terminate such a one is
WRONG. It is contrary to the workings of GOD. The flesh is
united with the Individual; it has become a union, a ‘marriage’
in mortality till death of the flesh. I do not pretend to
understand any accountability for violations etc.
We are all the same in every essence before, during, and After
Mortality. We are all part of the same Cosmic Force, The same
We are also all of the same earth matter, all share the same
recycled natures of the body, and all eat, drink and breathe of
the same star dust called earth. We are all dual Individuals, God
and man, married one to the other in sickness or in health till
death do part, with a warning for no one to put asunder, for no
one to divide the flesh. It is all just to good, logical, familiar,
and correct to doubt.
This is why Utopia has never been created and realized, and will
forever be only a vision. But beyond…
“Frank (her father) had done some work for some people and
they weren’t (I did punctuate that..this is exactly as the record
is) happy. We were there & I jumped the back fence. (seems I
was escaping?) ((the last bracketed note appears in the written
There has been quite a lot of questions asked, and a fair amount
of information thrown in so far, but let me just add a few
correlated matters. Now, no “proof”is offered up with these
matters and no references will be provided. It will be squarely
up to the reader to do the research, as only in doing that will the
veracity of the statements be established. In any case, has any
reader ever gone to the alleged source materials of writings that
meticuously list the sources, origins, authorities etc of any
claims? I have not. Also, as I propose this to be the end of the
How many and how often I wonder do some feel literally like
prisoners contained and held within the body they “walk around
in”? How many know or suspect that something is just not quite
right with the “setup”? We know and feel we are really and
literally looking out throught these little windows called “eyes”.
We, the real us, the Individual is within, contained, a prisoner,
and not of this earth, We know that “we” are NOT the material
framework we see that people perceive of as “us”. For this
reason and thus some of us make every attempt to dumb down
ourselves to rebel against the imprisoning body and releive the
pain of obvious confinement. Yes it is sabotage born of
frustration, misinformation, vague and ill defined resentment
caused by our ignorance of our very real nature. The perception
of “me” as being within looking out is there, but not fully
Why are kids “kids”? Probably only because they are so new at
experiencing their new “now” state that they have not adapted or
But who else cares about any of these things about which I have
As Julie pointed out to me, Most people are just too involved
with things that have successfully kept them busy and occupied
literally all their “lives”. They have no interest in such things.
After all, don’t almost all of us turn away those who try to bring
us “good news”to our doors. What can it possibly matter what
conclusions we accept as “our reality” to anyone except
ourselves? After all, a man convinced against his will is of the
same opinion still.
Years ago I wrote that there was a thought that all of this mortal
world and all within it was not only an illusion, but in fact
merely a “thought” within the mind of GOD. It is somewhere
within the preceding 3 books, but I cannot find the quotation
easily, and I am somewhat impatient to pursue the matter.
It has been said and suggested that all that is, even our
individual life experiences are not only illusion, but (perchance,
possibly, probably) mere thoughts in the mind of “GOD”.
Now ask: W H Y ?
Yet Christians believe “God” created us. How many ask “why”.
Seriously, ask the question: “Why?” Was he bored? As a self-
existent one, was he alone?
But these thoughts and paths are deviations from the quest for
an answer to the thought:
First, we should look to and understand our own life and our
ability to have a dream “life” and a “dream world. There are
realities here that have been dealt with in my previous books.
In this mortal life we have our body of flesh and blood that
functions well in this 3 or 4D world. So well indeed because it
was “purpose built” for this world and dimension. That’s the
fact, but it’s the “who, what, when, where and why” questions
that cause the disputes and misunderstandings. Understand that
regardless of origin, whether god created, alien intervention,
evolution or found growing in a cabbage patch, this body is
ideally designed and functional for this earth world.
Also fact is that this mortal human with or who is the flesh/bone
body has thoughts, dreams etc that are not a physical component
part of that marvelous body. He lies down, goes to sleep and at
times remembers his dreams.
Why not? For it will end just as surely as any dream ends.
‘It takes the line that there is definitely an outside world consisting of
particles which have location, size, hardness and so on. It is a little more
doubtful whether they have colour and smell; still, they are bona fide
particles which exist there whether or not we observe them.’
“….If several people listen to the same segment over and over
again and write down their independent interpretation, these
sometimes match, but very often they will be totally different and
perhaps even in different languages. When words can be
distinguished with any clarity, they seem to use the names of
those present, or of close friends, or to refer to circumstances
known to those involved. Raudive and others argue that this
proves that the communications come from the disembodied
dead, but the same facts support an alternative explanation.
Maybe then, just maybe, if no one is in the forest to hear the tree
falling then it makes no noise.
Who knows then what the effect of us becoming fully alert, and
turning this mortality into a totally and fully lucid dream? After
all, that can occur in our sleep and dream state in mortality with
some astounding results.
10 Commandments movie 483 Braindead 99
12000 175, 384, 404 Bread & circuses 194
2001 217 Bush, George W 241
432,000 years 344
Cambodia 225
Abduction 133, 187 Canaan 484
Abraham 166, 172, 385, 400, 350, Capacity 126
487 Celibacy 298
Achilles 187 Centre 101
Addiction 304 Cheetah 57
Afraid 103, 119 Chemicals 73
Africa 364, 366, 372 Chemotherapy 101, 160
Ages 189 Chemtrails 436-
AIDS 451 China 223, 415
Aliens 113, 133 Chromosomes 52, 56, 63
Amalgum 194 Church 321
Ambrosia 186, 492 Circumcision 486
Angels 130, 196, 487 Circus 193/4
Angular momentum 393-, 395 Civilization 189, 192-
Animal 55, 169 (spirits) Claim of bible 481
Anti-gravity 156 Climate 153
Anunnaki 176-, supp. reading Cold fusion 151
Apologists 294, 324 Cold war 238
Arabs/Israel 483 Comfort 281
Ark of covenant 497 Common cause 122
Armenians 220 Common law 270
Aspartame 214-, 440-, Compliant 162, 178, 204, 254
Astral 98, 109, 124, 137 Computer literacy 251
Astrology 150- Conspiracy 159
Atom bomb 149 Control 286
Atoms 72, 104 Corporates 187, 253-
Atrocities 266 Creation 36, 42, 108, 173
Authorities 42, 100, 161, 193 Creationists 43-
Awake 79 Cross 343
Axioms 504 Curtains 183
Cyclops 396
Background radiation 108
Backsliding 312 Darwin 45
Bible 37, 172, 278 Darwinism 415
Bible bashing 483 Davies, Paul 104
Big Bang 38, 167, 193 Death 39, 106, 112, 123, 140, 185,
Big Picture 97 201, 296, 305, 335
Birth 39, 74 Death experience 78
Birth Goddesses 362- Deluge 176, 384, 400
Body 72, 97 Democracy 218, 233, 263
Bohm 148 Dentists 100
Book burning 301 Depression 304
Bottleneck theory 58- Destiny 279, 232
Brain 99, 128 Devil 121, 130, 140, 196
Brain Wash 86, 134 Dhammapada 270
Diabetes 205 Forgive self 313
Dimensions 111, 120 Form 533
Division 245- Fragmented 99
Dogma 43, 295 Fraud 46, 135
Domestication 50-, 159, 178- Free Energy 151
Don’t know 262 Frisch, Otto 105
Doubt from inquiry 265 Future 88
Downsizing 239
Dream 70, 88, 536-, 548 Garden 184
Dust 76, 183 Genesis/Exodus 481
Dyer, Wayne 309- Genetic engineer 183
Genetic mutation 47
Ectoplasm 35, 135 Genocide 194, 198, 219-
Eden, Edin 368, 383 Glass 55
Education 161, 192, 251- Glumes 55
Einstein 35, 43, 148 God’s family 482
El and Elohim 497- Gods 130, 309-
El Nino 153 Gold 382, 387, 395-,341-, 378-
Electromagnetic 148 Missing today 496
Electroshock 160 Golden mean 154, 158
Electrons 104 Golden rule 217, 269, 289, 314
Elephants 33 Good & evil 131
Elohim 308 Government as parent 257
Embargo 118 Grass, handful of 515
Emotional Bluster 205 Gravity 147
Energy 32, 36, 106 Grief 302
Enki 176-, supp. reads Guatemala 226
Enlightenment 102 Guru 101
Environment 47
Eternal damnation – see Hell Hamarov 129
Evil 196, 319- Hawass, Zahi 407
Evolution 42-, 193, 397, 416 Hayflick limit 175
Expanding 38 Healing 85
Expectation 316 Heisenberg 106, 147
Experts 100, 161, 258 Hell 185, 287
Hercules 186
Fabric of Universe 108, 309-, 548- Here and now 83
Faith 85 Hidden 327
Healing 527 Highlander 187, 192
False memory 85, 133 Hitler 203, 209, 222-, 244
Farben, IG 207 Holocaust 196, 223
Fate 323 Hologram 310
Fear (see afraid) 87 Hong Kong education 252
Fechner 518 Humans 59
Fichte 253 Hyperdimensional physics 147-
Finance 163, 245 Hyperspace 119, 140
Fluoride 100, 160, 429- Hypnotism 110, 133-
Focus 322
Force 108, 119 Idi Amin 224
Forgetfulness 313 Ignorance 262-, 282
Illusion 73, 87, 108 Mary (blue) 298
Imaginary 84, 109, 134 Materialism 308
Indians, American 219, 401 Mathematics 37, 540
Infinite dimensions 32 Matrix, the 100
Influence god 271 Matter 38
Information 32, 34, 129 Maxwell 119, 146-
Inquiry leads to doubt 266 Meaning of life 102
Intellectuals 183, 214 Meaning see Purpose
Intelligence 32, 74 Media 160,193,238,244,superficial245
Intelligent Design 46 Medications 162
Iraq 197 Memory 109-, 129
Israel 131, 481- Mendel, Gregor 51
Christians are. 484 Mentor 101
Mexico 413
Jacob & Esau 487, 490 Microtubules 129
Japan Education 252 Microwaves 160
Jealous god 485 Mind 113, 542
Jedi 143 Missing link 46, 362
Jehovah 166, 190, 196, 295 Missing planet/s 150, 152
Jews 196, 222, 300 Mitochondral DNA 59, 397
Jigsaw 97 MKULTRA 433
Job (O.T.) 180, 319 Mobs 219
Judaism 295 Mormons 168
Jupiter 151 Mortal 83
Moses- God of 484
Kaku, Michio 119, 139 Egypt 484
Kaluza, Theodr 147 Gold 491-
Karma 323- Moulding 177
Kennedy 331 Multidimens.Strings 147
Kidney disease 205 Mutual Assured Destruction 275
Kindergarten 260
Kingmakers 389 Napoleon 253
Klein, Oskar 147 Nazis 100, 196, 206-, 222
Knowledge hidden 146-8 Neanderthal 188, 385, 365
Neolithic 56
L = MR2 154 Neutral 314, 318, 550
Laughter 332 Neutrino 105, 150
Laws of nature 138 New Zealand 413
Learning 104 Nippur 354
Lifespans 400, 487 Noah 175
Light speed 336 exceeded 148 Now 83, 87, 321-, 327, 519
Lineage 351
Linear Time 101, 321 Obedience taught 254
Little bit dead 100 Observer 114
Little Death 77 Omissions 482
Longevity 492 Omni… 32, 37
One god, not so 370
Mahabharata 269 ORME 387, 492
Marduk 384 Outlast 260
Mars 349 Overcoming 318
Recycled 73, 104, 123, 183
Pakistan 226 Real 84, 134
Paradise 186 Resurrected 106, 297
Past 88 Resuscitated 99, 136
Paul, St 98 Realities 110
Perceptions 103, 140 Romeo Error, the 119, 134
Personal attacks 407, 418 Reimann 119, 146
“Persons” 237 Reincarnation 124, 129, 133
Peru 410 Religion 161, 189, 244-, 334
Phenomena 87, 113, 119- Regression 133
Photo 303 Reluctance 142
Pillage 239 Rwanda 227
P.K. 112 Racism 243
Placebo 85 Reclaim 303-
Planck length 147 Random 48,87, 324
Planets 150
Plants 50, 514- Saint 113
Plate tectonics 193 Saturn 152
Pogroms 190, 299 Schoch, Dr Robert 407
Point people 115 Secret, the 132, 327
Pointlessness 122 Self-affirmation 331
Pol Pot 225 Self-awareness 82
Pope 298 Self-revealing 170
Population 197, control 179 Separated 311
Potential 105, 132 September 11 241
Prana 35, 108 Serabit 494
Prayer 285, 316- Serpent 179, 319, 384
Predestination 323 Sharing 136
Pre-history 181- Sinai 494
Promised land 483 Sinners 279, 297, 312-
Proof 87, 120, 126, 191, 528 Sleep 71, 88
Proselyters 102 Social bonding 274
Protest 159 Sodom & Gomorrah 487
Protons 550 Sons of god 174
Psychic surgery 135 South Africa mined 115000BC 372
Psychics 138 Soviet Union 221-, 233
Psychologists 86 Space/time 36, 38
Psychopaths 314 Speak, ability 366
Pulse (energy) 336 Speed of Light 336
Purpose 172- Spheres 510
Pye, Lloyd 43- Sphinx 175, 404-, 406
Spirituality 162, 248, 293
Quantum Interface 99 Stalin 209, 221-
Quantum Physics 104 Submissive 206
Sumerian 172-, 270,
Sun 154
Ra 386 Sun spot 152
Races, different 367 Superforce 104
Re-affirming 328- Super gravity 147
Rachises 55 Superstrings 147
Sweden education 252 Working class 163
Wrestling 352, 487
Taoism 269
Teachers 42 Yoda 330
Temporary death 100 Yuga 344
Tennis 85
Teotihuacan 156 Zardoz 183, 187
Terror, war on 241 Zero point energy 149
Therapist 133
Thinking 160, 285-
Thought, we are 548
Time/Space 36, 38, 310-
Titans 354-8
Transition species 46
Tree of Life 184
Tribal 168
Trinity 491
Turkey 220
TV 33
Waking up 141
Wars 198,217, 238, 243, 255, 266,318
Watchers 390
Watson, Lyall 118, 134
Weapons 217-
Wegener, Alfred 192
West, John A 407
Whining 328-
Weird experiences 543
Wired (the same) 83
Witches 299
Withholding 317
Wives 174
Wizard of Oz 180
Women 245, 283, 298