Double-sided print or photocopy the next 2 diagrams ensuring that the lines are
exactly 10 cm in length and superimposed
Laminate the VAS Bedside card for patient use
For patients unable to provide a self-report of pain: scored 0-10 clinical observation
Face 0 1 2 Face score:
Face muscles Facial muscle Frequent to constant
relaxed tension, frown, frown, clenched jaw
Restlessness 0 1 2 Restlessness
Quiet, relaxed Occasional Frequent restless score:
appearance, restless movement may
normal movement, include extremities or Functional
movement shifting position head
Muscle tone* 0 1 2 Muscle tone
activity score#
Normal muscle Increased tone, Rigid tone score:
A – No limitation
tone flexion of
B – Mild limitation
fingers and
C – Severe limitation
toes #
Relative to baseline
Vocalization** 0 1 2 Vocalization
No abnormal Occasional Frequent or score:
sounds moans, cries, continuous moans,
whimpers and cries, whimpers or
grunts grunts
Consolability 0 1 2 Consolability
Content, Reassured by Difficult to comfort by score:
relaxed touch, touch or talk
Behavioral pain assessment scale total (0-10) /10
* Assess muscle tone in patients with spinal cord lesion or injury at a level above the lesion
injury. Assess patients with hemiplegia on the unaffected side.
** This item cannot be measured in patients with artificial airways.
Pain rating scales instructions
All patients are to have a functional activity score recorded in addition to the chosen
subjective score.
Instruct the patient to point to the position on the line between the faces to indicate
how much pain they are currently feeling. The far left end indicates "no pain" and the
far right end indicates "worst pain ever."
Instruct the patient to choose a number from 0 to 10 that best describes their current
pain. 0 would mean "no pain" and 10 would mean "worst possible pain."
Adults who have difficulty using the numbers on the visual/numerical rating scales can
be assisted with the use of the 6 facial expressions suggesting various pain intensities.
Ask the patient to choose the face that best describes how they feel. The far left face
indicates "no hurt" and the far right face indicates "hurts worst." Document number
below the face chosen.
The behavioral pain assessment scale is designed for use with nonverbal patients
unable to provide self-reports of pain.
*Relative to baseline refers to any restriction above any preexisting condition the
patient may already have.