SAP ABAP Reports Indian Payroll Driver
SAP ABAP Reports Indian Payroll Driver
SAP ABAP Reports Indian Payroll Driver
Function Modules used within report and the associated call statement:
No SAP FUNCTION MODULES are executed within this report code!
Text Symbol: Q45 = --> Earliest closing date of payroll periods concerned is Text Symbol: Q44 = ... Payroll periods with posting date : Text Symbol: Q43 = ... Payroll periods with end date : Text Symbol: Q42 = ... Payroll periods with start date : Text Symbol: Q41 = --> Payroll periods concerned are... Text Symbol: Q40 = with posting date Text Symbol: Q39 = to Text Symbol: Q38 = --> pay period from Text Symbol: Q37 = Examine pay period Text Symbol: Q36 = TCRT from previous period, however after refreshing MTD etc. Text Symbol: Q14 = This information is needed to determine the tax class Text Symbol: P25 = (see matchcode W) Text Symbol: P13 = No entry in table & for key & Text Symbol: NA2 = Name at birth Addit. Prefix Title Text Symbol: NA1 = Last name First name Text Symbol: LD6 = Total of derived wagetypes not equal 100 percent Text Symbol: LD5 = Interval Startnr CompDt Begin End Periods Text Symbol: LD4 = INTERVAL Text Symbol: LD3 = CRED Text Symbol: LD2 = WagetypeCl Interval Amount Text Symbol: L64 = limit is adjusted against the relevant components of Income from Other Sources in the descending order of their tax rates. Text Symbol: L63 = ***If Income under head salaries (/426) is less than the first Income slab limit (not-taxable) then the remaining amount of this Text Symbol: L62 = *******Projection of Annual Regular Income on Actual Basis****** Text Symbol: L61 = *******Projection of Annual Regular Income on Nominal Basis****** Text Symbol: L60 = Short gain income tax rate Text Symbol: L59 = ***Section 89 relief: implementation & emloyee level switch status Text Symbol: L58 = ***Difference in tax with and w/o arrears for current year (Delta tax) Text Symbol: L57 = Delta Tax current year = Tax with arrears in current year - Tax w/o arrears in current year Text Symbol: L56 = Delta tax cur. yr .| Delta tax prev. yr/s| Total relief amount Text Symbol: L55 = ***Sum of difference in tax with and w/o arrears for prev. year/s(Delta tax) Text Symbol: L54 = Total relief amount = Delta tax current year - Delta tax prev. year/s Text Symbol: P26 = Begin payroll log Text Symbol: Q13 = However no value in proc. class $ Text Symbol: Q12 = wage type $ indicated taxable in processing class $ Text Symbol: Q11 = unemployment insurance. Please specify it in P0209 Text Symbol: Q10 = System could not determine the state for Text Symbol: Q09 = WORK TAX AREA entry is necessary Text Symbol: Q08 = Allocation percentage of WORK TAX AREA exceeds 100 Text Symbol: Q07 = Pmnt date: Text Symbol: Q06 = Infotype: W4 for fed. tax missing Text Symbol: Q05 = Infotype: Res. tax area missing Text Symbol: Q04 = Invalid check date for pay period Text Symbol: Q03 = VOID_RESULT under const. Text Symbol: Q02 = Bonus date will be ignored Text Symbol: Q01 = Tag der Bonuszahlung mu angegeben werden! Text Symbol: Q00 = Start of log for garnishments/cession of wages Text Symbol: P70 = Payroll area time unit: Text Symbol: P69 = P.scale time unit: Text Symbol: P68 = Payroll area : Text Symbol: P67 = The time units from derived payroll area and pay scale are incompatible Text Symbol: P40 = Leave type & does not exist in leave year & Text Symbol: P27 = End payroll log Text Symbol: SF4 = Zulssige Schemen Text Symbol: S02 = FYear| PresentTaxDelta (A) | Old Tax Delta (B) | Relief Amount (A-B) | Text Symbol: RTC = Too many numbers requested from number range Text Symbol: RTB = Number is last number in number range
Text Symbol: RTA = Number range soon exceeded Text Symbol: RT1 = Origin of CCode CreTy CreNo ReqDate Text Symbol: RT0 = Origin of bank trans. Text Symbol: RM1 = Payroll cannot be repeated Text Symbol: RET = Log Travel expenses Total Target Std. LU rate Text Symbol: RB9 = Tag der Bonuszahlung wird ignoriert! Text Symbol: RB8 = Tag der Bonuszahlung mu angegeben werden! Text Symbol: R9B = IT and V0 are incompatible Text Symbol: R89 = Too many splits (&) in table & Text Symbol: R88 = Bal. for table EP <> 0, wage types in PRCL.32 incorrectly coded Text Symbol: R77 = Time measurement not yet initialized Text Symbol: R62 = Tabelle $ in Operation TABLE nicht untersttzt Text Symbol: R48 = ungltiges Feld $ in Zeile: Text Symbol: R06 = Invalid parametrization of operation & in line : Text Symbol: QAH = There are two tax authorities at the same tax level Text Symbol: QA1 = No address infotype found for the employee Text Symbol: TC1 = Nr Empf Bkrs PBer Kostenstl Auftrag Lstart Send Bkrs PBer Kostenstl Text Symbol: X99 = Off-cycle payroll Text Symbol: X98 = Payroll reason Text Symbol: X19 = HR form name Text Symbol: X16 = Display variant remun.statement Text Symbol: X11 = No remuneration statement Text Symbol: X09 = HR form name Text Symbol: X08 = Also display time data processing log Text Symbol: X07 = Display variant for log Text Symbol: X06 = Display variant remun.statement Text Symbol: X05 = Remuneration statement parameters Text Symbol: X04 = Test options Text Symbol: X03 = Log Text Symbol: X02 = Details for reporting Text Symbol: X01 = General program control Text Symbol: URL = ?... Text Symbol: U32 = Table ARRRS Text Symbol: U29 = Table LS Text Symbol: TR9 = T558C-keydate liegt auerhalb des Abrechnungszeitraums: Lohnart Text Symbol: TK2 = Nr Variable Information Text Symbol: TK0 = PP No CoCde Plant Cost ctr Perc. Text Symbol: Q99 = Payroll already released or correction phase active! Text Symbol: Q75 = Table ACCR Text Symbol: Q74 = - number: Text Symbol: Q73 = - amount: Text Symbol: Q72 = Text Symbol: Q71 = Calend. days Text Symbol: Q70 = Workdays Text Symbol: Q69 = Working hours Text Symbol: Q68 = - the following factor is used as a basis Text Symbol: Q67 = - the following amount is used as a basis Text Symbol: Q66 = - the following number is used as a basis Text Symbol: Q65 = Fill ACCR from WType Text Symbol: Q64 = Fill table ACCR from table $RT Text Symbol: Q63 = APZNR MOD0X FSTAF SCDAF Text Symbol: Q62 = Table $AF Text Symbol: Q61 = No entry in T549Q for PERMO $ and DATE $ Text Symbol: Q60 = unknown Text Symbol: Q59 = LAST period : Text Symbol: Q58 = CURRENT period : Text Symbol: Q57 = Current APER : Text Symbol: Q56 = Information on payment period Text Symbol: Q76 = ABART LGART APZNR C1ZNR EDATE
Text Symbol: Q98 = Parameters not valid Text Symbol: Q97 = Operation SETDL Parameter ZUORD req's DARLxxyy in P0015-ZUORD Text Symbol: Q95 = P Wgtp AP# C1# Date Number Amount Text Symbol: Q93 = Text Symbol: Q92 = Tax company Text Symbol: Q91 = GET_LAST_PERIOD not yet changed! Text Symbol: Q90 = IMPORT-T not yet changed! Text Symbol: Q89 = IMPRT W not yet changed! Text Symbol: Q88 = IMPRT R not yet changed! Text Symbol: Q87 = IMPRT O not yet changed! Text Symbol: Q86 = IMPRT N not yet changed! Text Symbol: Q85 = IMPRT F only in LPBEG RCF Text Symbol: Q84 = Delay and last: do nothing Text Symbol: Q83 = LOPEN not found Text Symbol: Q82 = APRELPA: restriction not fulfilled Text Symbol: Q81 = Internal error APRELPA: &AF entry not found Text Symbol: Q80 = Set of BUKRS : Text Symbol: Q79 = No period found for LDCD Text Symbol: Q78 = ACCR wage types are linked to the last WPBP entry Text Symbol: Q77 = Number Amount Text Symbol: DIF = Difference Text Symbol: D46 = AMT Text Symbol: D45 = RTE Text Symbol: D44 = NUM Text Symbol: D43 = WTYPE Text Symbol: D31 = The increase factor is: Text Symbol: D30 = Valuation basis for processed month: Text Symbol: D29 = Valuation basis for base month: Text Symbol: D28 = Adapt average bases to increased benefits Text Symbol: D22 = Perform relevancy test for each imported period Text Symbol: D01 = Import periods for processing of averages Text Symbol: CVB = Specification & not intended for this type of ER share: Text Symbol: CS1 = # from to VS OZ SV Bf Fa Ki AV LA Pe LS FG JA PJ 69 35 68 Text Symbol: CD3 = the generation date (P0003-PKGAB) Text Symbol: CD2 = You are trying to read beyond Text Symbol: CD1 = Error when scanning personal calendar Text Symbol: CAD = With pars Text Symbol: CAC = Function Text Symbol: CAB = Year MoDy From/to No AT Number of hrs Text Symbol: BEG = Start time msrmnt Text Symbol: BAZ = T WTy. WS C1 C2 C3 AP CA Tr Ab V V# Designation Rate Number Total amount Text Symbol: AR1 = No payroll run is possible since HR preparation is running Text Symbol: H14 = Metro HRA Elig Text Symbol: H13 = Basis (Annual) = Basis(YTD) + Basis (Curr Mon) + Proj Months * Latest Value Text Symbol: H12 = * Text Symbol: H11 = + Text Symbol: H10 = Non Metro HRA Basis Text Symbol: H09 = Metro HRA Basis Text Symbol: H08 = Non Metro HRA Elig Text Symbol: H07 = = Text Symbol: H06 = Elig (Annual) = Elig(YTD) + Elig (Curr Mon) + Proj Months * Latest Value Text Symbol: H05 = Finding the annual basis Text Symbol: H04 = BEGDA | ENDDA |ACC| RENTFY | TOTMONS Text Symbol: H03 = Finding the Rent for HRA/CLA/COA in the Financial year and the no. of days for HRA/CLA/COA in coming months Text Symbol: H02 = BEGDA | ENDDA |ACC| BASIS | ELIGI | RENT | DIFF Text Symbol: H01 = Computation of monthly basis Text Symbol: EP1 = No Record Exists in EPF with split no. Text Symbol: END = End time msrmnt
Text Symbol: E01 = Error when reading table Text Symbol: DX2 = Incorrect entry in table T512C Text Symbol: DX1 = is missing for pers no. Text Symbol: DU5 = >....+....1....+....2....+....3.< Text Symbol: DU4 = Type Day indicator Text Symbol: DU1 = From___To_____JobType__MultEmp_Retiree_Lock___Start Text Symbol: 003 = Error while entering table NCALE in cluster PC Text Symbol: 002 = T5F2B (Process rolling periods) Text Symbol: 001 = T5F2B (Process seniority date) Text Symbol: $18 = Text Symbol: $17 = *************************************************************************** Text Symbol: $16 = * * Text Symbol: $15 = * selected report with the new text elements * Text Symbol: $14 = * Then start report RPUTXT00 to update the text pool of the * Text Symbol: $13 = * Please update the text elements in table T52CT instead of here * Text Symbol: $12 = * * Text Symbol: $11 = *************************************************************************** Text Symbol: $10 = * ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! * Text Symbol: $09 = *************************************************************************** Text Symbol: $08 = * * Text Symbol: $07 = * in the text pool of the report selected * Text Symbol: $06 = * Then start report RPUTXT00 to maintain the new text elements * Text Symbol: $05 = * Please maintain text elements in table T52CT instead of here * Text Symbol: $04 = * * Text Symbol: $03 = *************************************************************************** Text Symbol: $02 = * ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! * Text Symbol: $01 = *************************************************************************** Text Symbol: $00 = Last update on : 24/06/1998 17:43:47 Text Symbol: AD2 = District Text Symbol: AD1 = Street Text Symbol: ABK = "DUEVO"day string Text Symbol: ABJ = BEGDA ENDDA AWART LFZED KRGBD KRGED Text Symbol: ABI = Absences from infotype 2001: Table P2001 Text Symbol: ABH = Derived absence Text Symbol: ABG = BEGDA ENDDA AWART KLBEW Text Symbol: ABF = Division of absence : Table SPLIT_TAB. Text Symbol: ABE = Days: 1234567890123456789012345678901 Text Symbol: ABD = 1 2 3 Text Symbol: ABC = Granting of passive Berlin Allowance Text Symbol: ABB = Credited absence Text Symbol: ABA = Absence read Text Symbol: AB9 = BEGDA ENDDA AWART Text Symbol: AB8 = Determine start date for SI days reduction: Text Symbol: AB7 = First possible start date for SI day rdctn: Text Symbol: AB6 = BEGDA ENDDA AWART ABWTG Text Symbol: AB5 = Absences for interruption in payment of tax: Table OST AB Text Symbol: AB4 = Absences for interruption in payment of tax: Table ST AB Text Symbol: AAA = Argument Text Symbol: 801 = Key Text Symbol: 009 = Kein Eintrag in Tabelle: Text Symbol: L28 = *** Final PTAX wagetypes (Last Split Rounding, Refund if any and /3P3) Text Symbol: L27 = *** Prorated PTAX for Regio and Split assignment Text Symbol: L26 = *** Imported & Refund wagetypes for Retro Runs Text Symbol: L25 = Regio | NonMth | Begin Date | End Date | Proj Basis | PTax Paid | Slab Code |
PTax Amt | Tot PTAX Amt Text Symbol: L24 = *** Computation of Projected Basis and Ptax Amount Text Symbol: L23 = Set VOTYP = I for states : Text Symbol: L22 = PTX State(For Period) EQ Latest State(In Period). Text Symbol: L21 = Split # : Text Symbol: L20 = Basis = ( /119(IT)): Text Symbol: L19 = Basis = ( /118(IT) * Ptax days / WPBP Split days ) : Text Symbol: L18 = Computation Based on Basis Wagetype : Text Symbol: L17 = [CASE 16] OPTX & PTX exists. Prorated Computation on new basis (/118). Gross C/F State. VOTYP = I. C/F (RT - ORT) /3P2. Text Symbol: L16 = [CASE 16] OPTX & PTX exists. Prorated Computation on new basis (/118). Deduction C/F State. Text Symbol: L15 = [CASE 15] No Basis Computation as OPTX exists but No PTX. Gross C/F State. VOTYP = I. C/F ORT /3P2. Text Symbol: L14 = [CASE 15] No Basis Computation as OPTX exists but No PTX. Deduction C/F State. Text Symbol: L12 = [CASE 12] OPTX & PTX exists. Prorated Computation on new basis (/118). Text Symbol: L11 = [CASE 11] No Basis Computation as OPTX exists but No PTX. Text Symbol: L10 = [CASE 10 & 14] No OPTX But PTX exists. Prorated Computation on new basis (/118) . Text Symbol: L09 = [CASE 9 & 13] No Basis Computation as OPTX & PTX does not exist. Text Symbol: L08 = Basis = ( /3P2(ORT) * Ptax days / Old Ptax days ) : Text Symbol: L07 = [Case 1 to 8] Import /3P2 From ORT and Prorate. Text Symbol: L06 = PTX State(For Period) NE Latest State(In Period). Text Symbol: L53 = Tax with arrears | Tax w/o arrears | Delta Tax current year Text Symbol: L52 = ***Sec 89 switch for WT /650 -ve value Text Symbol: L51 = *** Income tax rates Text Symbol: L50 = Normal income |Long gain norm.income|Long gain sp. income |Short gain income |Other income |Total income Text Symbol: L49 = ***Total income = normal income + long gain normal income + long gain special income + Short gain income + other income Text Symbol: L48 = ***Total income tax = normal income tax+ long gain normal income tax+ long gain special income tax+ Short gain IT+ other income tax Text Symbol: L47 = Normal income tax rate Text Symbol: L46 = Other income tax rate Text Symbol: L45 = Long gain special income tax rate Text Symbol: L44 = Long gain normal income tax rate Text Symbol: L43 = Normal income tax |Long gain normal tax|Long gain special tax|Short gain Income tax|Other income tax | Total income tax Text Symbol: L42 = Implement lvl Switch|Employee lvl Switch| Text Symbol: L41 = ***Final Section 89 relief (including relief outside SAP, if any) Text Symbol: L40 = ***Section 89 relief captured outside SAP payroll Text Symbol: L39 = ***Total Section 89 Relief amount Text Symbol: L38 = ***Yearwise Relief Computation Text Symbol: L37 = ***Final S89 table on which further processing will be done Text Symbol: L36 = ***S89 table formed from DT Text Symbol: L35 = ***S89 table imported from last period Text Symbol: L31 = *** Professional Tax Basis wagetypes Text Symbol: L30 = *** Old Professional Tax Results (OPTX) Text Symbol: L29 = *** Old Professional Tax Results (ORT) Text Symbol: H36 = CLA perk is Text Symbol: H35 = Non-Metro HRA Exemption is Text Symbol: H34 = V3 = Text Symbol: H33 = Total HRA Exemption = Text Symbol: H32 = Metro HRA Exemption is Text Symbol: H31 = Finding Perk value for CLA/COA Text Symbol: H30 = Finding HRA Exemption for METRO and NON-METRO Text Symbol: H29 = If (Elig - Rent) > 0, then add to Corresponding basis for CADTR = 1 or 4 Text Symbol: H28 = }
Text Symbol: H27 = { Text Symbol: H26 = / Text Symbol: H25 = Text Symbol: H24 = Basis = Basis + { /134(CRT) + /134(RT) - /133(RT)} / Total No of Months * CLA/COA Months Text Symbol: H23 = Find the annual payments and add to the CLA/COA basis to get Total Basis for the year. Text Symbol: H22 = Hotel (Elig-Rent) Basis Text Symbol: H21 = COA (Elig-Rent) Basis population < 4L Text Symbol: H20 = COA (Elig-Rent) Basis population > 4L Text Symbol: H19 = CLA (Elig-Rent) Basis Text Symbol: H18 = Hotel Basis Text Symbol: H17 = COA Basis population < 4L Text Symbol: H16 = COA Basis population > 4L Text Symbol: H15 = CLA Basis Text Symbol: L05 = OPTX State(REG) / PTX State(RGN) : Text Symbol: L04 = Retro Processing: Join on OPTX & PTX Text Symbol: L03 = STA(In period state)/GCF State: Text Symbol: L02 = Offcycle Basis Added to Basis (CNTR2/AMOUNT): Text Symbol: L01 = /ZP2 Added to Basis (Last Split): Text Symbol: KUZ = ItID TType AbsID PHol C1ZNR CDay WDays WHrs Text Symbol: KUG = C/S from to RefNo CShift L T CEA W Pay rate CuDiv Bo Sp Text Symbol: KET = WTYPE Designation Number Amount Text Symbol: I01 = Error: Standard wage maint. is deactivated Text Symbol: H51 = COA (Elig-Rent) Basis population > 10L and <25L Text Symbol: H50 = COA (Elig-Rent) Basis population > 25L Text Symbol: H49 = COA Basis Population < 10L Text Symbol: H48 = COA Basis Population > 25L Text Symbol: H47 = COA Basis Population > 10L and < 25L Text Symbol: H46 = COA (Elig-Rent) Basis Population <10L Text Symbol: H45 = COA Basis Population <10L Text Symbol: H42 = If Diff between Elig & Rent is -ve, then deduct from the perk if CADTR = 1 or 3 Text Symbol: H41 = Total Perk = Text Symbol: H40 = the minimum of the following three Text Symbol: H39 = Hotel perk is Text Symbol: H38 = COA perk is Text Symbol: H37 = the minimum of the Annual Rent & %age Salary