PPP Poll of TX-SEN For Giffords
PPP Poll of TX-SEN For Giffords
PPP Poll of TX-SEN For Giffords
Q1 Do you approve or disapprove of President Q6 How important is the issue of gun safety to you
Donald Trump’s job performance? when you’re deciding who to vote for: very
important, somewhat important, not too
Approve ....................................................... 49%
important, or not important at all?
Disapprove ................................................... 46%
Very Important.............................................. 55%
Not sure ....................................................... 5%
Somewhat Important .................................... 22%
Q2 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable
opinion of the Democrats in Congress? Not Too Important......................................... 11%
Favorable ..................................................... 49% Doing Nothing To Address Gun Violence ....... 48%
Going Too Far In Restricting Access To
Unfavorable.................................................. 43% Guns ............................................................ 45%
Not Sure....................................................... 9% Not sure ....................................................... 7%