PPP Poll of TX-SEN For Giffords

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Texas Survey Results

Q1 Do you approve or disapprove of President Q6 How important is the issue of gun safety to you
Donald Trump’s job performance? when you’re deciding who to vote for: very
important, somewhat important, not too
Approve ....................................................... 49%
important, or not important at all?
Disapprove ................................................... 46%
Very Important.............................................. 55%
Not sure ....................................................... 5%
Somewhat Important .................................... 22%
Q2 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable
opinion of the Democrats in Congress? Not Too Important......................................... 11%

Favorable ..................................................... 36% Not Important At All....................................... 8%

Unfavorable.................................................. 55% Not Sure....................................................... 4%

Q7 Generally speaking, do you think gun laws
Not sure ....................................................... 9%
should be stronger, less strong, or kept as they
Q3 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable are now?
opinion of the Republicans in Congress?
Stronger ....................................................... 52%
Favorable ..................................................... 24%
Less Strong.................................................. 13%
Unfavorable.................................................. 65%
Keep As They Are Now................................. 33%
Not sure ....................................................... 11%
Not Sure....................................................... 2%
Q4 If the election for US Senate were held today,
and the candidates were Democrat Beto Q8 Do you think private citizens carrying guns in
O’Rourke and Republican Ted Cruz, who would public make you safer or less safe?
you vote for? Make You Safer............................................ 45%
Beto O'Rourke.............................................. 42% Make You Less Safer ................................... 40%
Ted Cruz ...................................................... 48% Not sure ....................................................... 15%
Not Sure....................................................... 10% Q9 Which are you worried about more: Congress
Q5 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable doing nothing to address gun violence, or,
opinion of the NRA, or National Rifle Congress going too far in restricting access to
Association? guns?

Favorable ..................................................... 49% Doing Nothing To Address Gun Violence ....... 48%
Going Too Far In Restricting Access To
Unfavorable.................................................. 43% Guns ............................................................ 45%
Not Sure....................................................... 9% Not sure ....................................................... 7%

May 21-22, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

Survey of 861 Texas voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
Q10 Are you more likely or less likely to support a Q13 This year alone, there have been more deaths
candidate who has an A rating from the NRA, from shootings in schools than deaths among
or would it not make difference? military service members abroad, but Ted Cruz
still refuses to take action to strengthen our
More Likely................................................... 37%
nation’s gun laws. Does this give you very
Less Likely ................................................... 40% serious concerns, somewhat serious concerns,
minor concerns or no real concerns about Ted
Wouldn't Make a Difference .......................... 19%
Not Sure....................................................... 4%
Very Serious Concerns ................................. 48%
Q11 Ted Cruz has received thousands of dollars
from the NRA and opposes even common- Somewhat Serious Concerns........................ 11%
sense gun safety laws like criminal background Minor Concerns ............................................ 9%
checks on all gun sales and keeping guns out
of the hands of domestic abusers. Does this No Real Concerns ........................................ 30%
give you very serious concerns, somewhat Not Sure....................................................... 2%
serious concerns, minor concerns or no real
Q14 Having heard this information, let me ask you
concerns about Ted Cruz?
again: If the election for US Senate were held
Very Serious Concerns ................................. 45% today, and the candidates were Democrat Beto
O’Rourke and Republican Ted Cruz, who would
Somewhat Serious Concerns........................ 13%
you vote for?
Minor Concerns ............................................ 14%
Beto O'Rourke.............................................. 43%
No Real Concerns ........................................ 24%
Ted Cruz ...................................................... 46%
Not Sure....................................................... 4%
Not Sure....................................................... 12%
Q12 Ted Cruz supports weakening gun laws right
Q15 I’m going to read you some statements about
when we need to be improving them. In the
Beto O’Rourke, and then ask you if it would
wake of the shootings in Las Vegas and
make you much more likely, somewhat more
Sutherland Springs, He voted to force every
likely, somewhat less likely or much less likely
state to allow people to carry concealed guns,
to vote for him, or if it doesn’t make a
even if they don’t meet the requirements of the
difference. Here’s the first one: Beto O’Rourke
state they are in. Does this give you very
believes that we have all seen the damage that
serious concerns, somewhat serious concerns,
an assault weapon can do, killing too many,
minor concerns or no real concerns about Ted
too quickly. It's time to face the fact that not all
guns should be allowed on our streets, which is
Very Serious Concerns ................................. 47% why he supports banning assault weapons.
Somewhat Serious Concerns........................ 12% Much More Likely To Vote For Him................ 44%
Minor Concerns ............................................ 13% Somewhat More Likely To Vote For Him........ 7%
No Real Concerns ........................................ 25% Somewhat Less Likely To Vote For Him ........ 7%
Not Sure....................................................... 3% Much Less Likely To Vote For Him ................ 28%
Doesn't Make a Difference............................ 11%
Not Sure....................................................... 4%

May 21-22, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

Survey of 861 Texas voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
Q16 Here’s the next one: Too many politicians are Q19 In the election for President, did you vote for
afraid to stand up to special interests like the Republican Donald Trump, Democrat Hillary
NRA for fear of losing their next election. Beto Clinton, someone else, or did you not vote in
O’Rourke will always put the safety of our the election?
community first, not himself and certainly not
Donald Trump............................................... 50%
the gun lobby.
Hillary Clinton................................................ 42%
Much More Likely To Vote For Him................ 44%
Someone else / Did not vote in the election ... 8%
Somewhat More Likely To Vote For Him........ 8%
Q20 If you are a woman, press 1. If a man, press
Somewhat Less Likely To Vote For Him ........ 6% 2.
Much Less Likely To Vote For Him ................ 27% Woman ........................................................ 53%
Doesn't Make a Difference............................ 10% Man.............................................................. 47%
Not Sure....................................................... 4% Q21 If you are a Democrat, press 1. If a
Q17 Here’s the next one: People always say 'there's Republican, press 2. If an independent or a
nothing we can do to prevent gun violence', member of another party, press 3.
but Beto O’Rourke thinks that's simply not true. Democrat ..................................................... 36%
The truth is, 96 Americans are killed with guns
each day, but states that have passed stronger Republican ................................................... 41%
gun laws have shown gun laws can have an Independent / Other ..................................... 24%
impact, reducing gun violence by up to 40%.
Q22 If you are Hispanic or Latino, press 1. If white,
Much More Likely To Vote For Him................ 45% press 2. If African-American, press 3. If other,
press 4.
Somewhat More Likely To Vote For Him........ 7%
Hispanic ....................................................... 19%
Somewhat Less Likely To Vote For Him ........ 6%
White ........................................................... 64%
Much Less Likely To Vote For Him ................ 29%
African American .......................................... 12%
Doesn't Make a Difference............................ 9%
Other............................................................ 4%
Not Sure....................................................... 4%
Q23 If you are 18 to 45 years old, press 1. If 46 to
Q18 Having heard all the information in this poll, let
65, press 2. If you are older than 65, press 3.
me ask you again: If the election for US
Senate were held today, and the candidates 18 to 45........................................................ 24%
were Democrat Beto O’Rourke and Republican
46 to 65........................................................ 44%
Ted Cruz, who would you vote for?
Older than 65 ............................................... 32%
Beto O'Rourke.............................................. 44%
Ted Cruz ...................................................... 45%
Not Sure....................................................... 11%

May 21-22, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

Survey of 861 Texas voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
Q24 Which of the following best describes the Q25 Are you a parent of a school-aged child?
highest level of education you have received:
Yes............................................................... 19%
some high school but did not finish, high
school graduate, some college but did not No ................................................................ 81%
finish, 2-year college degree, 4-year college Q26 Have you or any of your friends or family had
degree, or post-graduate degree? to talk to their children about what to do in the
Some High School But Did Not Finish............ 5% event of a mass shooting?

High School Graduate................................... 17% Yes............................................................... 36%

Some College But Did Not Finish................... 23% No ................................................................ 64%

2 Year College Degree.................................. 11%

4 Year College Degree.................................. 24%
Post Graduate Degree.................................. 18%
Don't Care To Say ........................................ 2%

May 21-22, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

Survey of 861 Texas voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988

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