Playing Card Mixer: Topics/Skills: Teamwork, Communication Supplies

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Playing card Mixer:

Topics/Skills: Teamwork, Communication


 Deck of Cards

Objective: For participants to find their categorical team and complete tasks as a team


 20 minutes


1. Each participant receives a card from a deck of playing cards.

2. The facilitator will call out a characteristic of the cards i.e. suits
3. Participants will need to find the rest of the people in their category.
4. Once the teams have been formed, facilitator will ask the group questions for them to
get to know one another.
5. Facilitator will then call out a different category and have participants form new groups.
6. Facilitator will then ask another question for the groups to discuss.
7. This process can continue for as long as the facilitator sees fit (usually 2-3 rounds is
sufficient for this activity).


 Large Group Discussion

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