January 28, 2011: Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates

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Debbie Barker-Principal

19910 Stonelodge, Katy, TX 77450

Phone: 281.237.5450
Fax: 281.644.1575
KISD Website: www.katyisd.org
PE PTA Website: pattison.txpta.org

January 28, 2011

Upcoming Dates Pattison Colts Receive Houston Rodeo Recognition

Several Pattison students were winners in the Houston Livestock Show and
Wednesday Rodeo art contest! Their artwork was judged against 575 other pieces from
February 2 KISD students –the best of the best! These students are: Ashton Beckley
100th Day of School/ (5th), Michelle Gelman (5th), Jenna Seo (4th), Corinne Owen (4th),
Ground Hog Day Kevina Seo (3rd), Marlaine Frelier (3rd), Claire Stockard (2nd), Kayla
Kaculi (2nd), Gillian Winchester (1st), Shrishti Chhajlani (1st), Ella Wet-
Core Essentials: more (K), and Tera Le (K). We are so proud of these young artists for all
Wear purple their achievements!

CiCi’s Pizza Night (Mason)

One of these students, Michelle Gelman, was selected by the judges to
receive the TOP honor for KISD! She was awarded the Best of Show!! Her
sculpture of a horse and rider, titled “Don’t Mess with Texas”, will be dis-
February 3
played at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo where thousands of visi-
KISD Spelling Bee
tors will get to enjoy it. She will attend an award ceremony at the rodeo to
receive her prize. We are so very delighted for Michelle for making us Patti-
Friday son Proud!
February 4
Pattison Spirit Wear Day
Reflections Update: Pattison Students Dances to Sate
Donuts with Dad
7:15-7:45 a.m. The Pattison PTA proudly congratulates Jackson
Bayhi for his Reflections dance category entry
Yard Sign Sale Pick Up “Dancing with a Special Star,” which qualified for
the State competition!
Last Day:
Fun Run Registration The Council had 223 entries this year from ele-
mentary schools, junior high schools and senior
high schools in our area. A total of 21 entries
PATTISON POST EDITOR qualified for State. The National PTA’s judging
Shelley Eastland process is due on March 2 and we wish Jackson
[email protected] the best of luck with his entry! Way to go!

Article Deadline:
Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Pattison PTA Wants to Say:
Calling All Dads
Are your kids ready for a Rock-
ing and Rolling good time? Join us for Pattison’s
Then leave your Pattison stu- “Donuts with Dad”
dents with us at the Mason Road Friday, February 4, 2011
Skate Center for a night of roller 7:15 – 7:45 a.m.
skating fun on Pattison PTA's
Please join your child/children for
dime (while you enjoy some quality time for your-
self)! Why? To say "Thank you" to all of our won- Donuts, milk, juice, & coffee
derful PTA members and families. Because of your
Any questions please contact
generosity, we are close to achieving a 100 percent Elizabeth Bucher
PTA membership participation at Pattison for this 281-829-5395/ [email protected].
school year.

When: Thursday, February 17, 2011 Looking for Creative Volunteers

6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
(early dismissal, no school Friday) Needed for Grades K, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th
Where: Mason Road Skate Center
535 Applewhite Drive, Katy, TX 77450 We are getting creative, memorable
and personal with our grade-level auc-
tion projects! The yard sign sale
Note: Mason Road Skate center will be closed to the
helped fund these projects. I am look-
public and this is a private event for Pattison stu- ing for one or more volunteers from
dents K-5th Grade (no older or younger siblings). each grade, to create these projects. I
would like to personalize the projects with the stu-
THE DETAILS: dent’s art work or yearbook pictures. These projects
Be on the look out for your should take about 2-4 hours of your time – or less
flyer coming home in your with a group of people or depending on the project
child's communication folder! you choose and how detailed and creative you want
If you have a single PTA mem- to be! We can talk more about ideas and details at
bership, you are entitled to one an upcoming meeting to be announced soon! Please
free child's admission for your note that we are still keeping the grade-level pottery/
Pattison students. Admission for ceramic pieces in the silent and live auction. These
each additional Pattison student in your family is new projects are to replace the themed auction bas-
only $3.00 at the door on the night of the event. kets only. If you are interested, please contact Kim
Gattis at [email protected] or 832-276-3446 by
If you have a family membership, all of your Pattison Friday, February 18.
students are free! Not a member? Its NOT too late!
You can join by returning the flyer which will be sent
home in the Communication folder next week or
available on the Pattison PTA Website, with the re-
Pattison Yard Sign Pick Up
quested information and payment for membership Pattison yard signs will be
by February 8. Admission at the door is $7.00 per
child for non-PTA members. Questions? Email available for pick up Friday
them to [email protected]. during Donuts with Dads.
Any extra signs will be sold
Elizabeth Bucher and Cyndi Tabor for $15 on a first-come-first-
1st VP Programs 2nd VP Membership served basis if you didn’t pre-
order one.
Extra Boxes Needed in Art Pattison Chili Cook-Off Coming
Calling all Chefs! Think you
The Art Team is collecting shoebox-sized cook the world's best chili,
boxes to use as part of well then prove it! On Thurs-
a display. We will drape day, February 10 the PTA
the boxes with velvet Hospitality Committee will
and place artwork atop host the very-popular Pattison
them. If you can spare Chili Cook-off. This event is open to one and all
any extra boxes of this so don't hesitate to join the "throw down!” Prizes
size we would be most and bragging rights are up for grabs. Contact
grateful! Laura LaBard at [email protected] to enter or
for more information.
Mrs. Maggitti and Mrs. Martin
Calling All Volunteers
I know many of you spend a lot of
time outside of school during the
Fun Run Deadline Spring semester with Sock Hop, Car-
nival, Auction, Valentine’s Parties
and Fifth Grade Celebrations. KISD
This is a FINAL REGISRATION counts these hours, and it is part of my job to re-
REMINDER for the upcoming Pat- port them each month. PLEASE email me with
tison Fun Run scheduled for the number of hours you work out of school only
Wednesday, February 9. The entry so I can accurately reflect all the amazing time we
deadline is this Friday, February 4 spend working for our children and the school.
in order to receive a t-shirt. Please email me at: [email protected].

The run/walk will be approximately If you are leading a team for one of the above
one mile through the neighborhood events please also report the number of volun-
surrounding Pattison. Upon completion we will teers working with you to help ensure everyone’s
have refreshments and door prizes in the gym. time is counted. I welcome requests to check my
records to confirm my list is complete and all the
With registration every participant will receive two volunteers’ hours are being recorded. I am happy
glow bracelets to help light the way to wellness!! to do this and it just takes a few minutes.
There are two options for registration including the
option to get a very AWESOME Fun Run t-shirt. Workroom Update:
Everyone must register in order to participate and I also want to thank all my stalwart volunteers in
receive a t-shirt. So don’t forget, the deadline for reg- the workroom who have continued their awesome
istration is Friday, February 4! Contact Mrs. Tron- work for the start of this semester. The schedule
cale or Mrs. McCabe with any questions. has been finalized; sorry for the delay and I trust
you received your copy. Please
Thanks, contact me if you did not.
Mandy Troncale
[email protected] Thanks,
Sandy McCabe Iona Reitsma,
[email protected] Volunteer Coordinator
If you drive your child to school. . .

Parents, we need your help! All children

being driven to school MUST be dropped
off in Parent Drive (at the front doors) of
Pattison. We ask that you refrain from
pulling into the surrounding neighbor-
hoods and letting your children out or pulling into the staff park-
ing lot and dropping off your children. The side streets around
Pattison ARE NOT designated as drop-off areas for parents want-
ing to circumvent the line in Parent Drive. Under no circum-
stances should you ever let your child out of the car before
reaching the front drive walkway. All students being driven to
Pattison should be dropped off at the front doors!

Katy ISD provides bus service for students living in

the surrounding neighborhoods. Your child
should be riding the bus to and from school ex-
cept for the occasional circumstance that re-
quires you to drive, such as bringing a big pro-
ject to school, getting up late and missing the
bus, or afternoon appointments.

Has your phone number Are you moving?

changed recently?
Please contact Laura Fisher,
Please make sure the school the registrar, to assure a
has all the contact numbers smooth transition. Contact-
ing her early allows teachers
needed to reach you in case
to plan and records to be
of an emergency. Home, ready upon withdrawal. Call
work, cell. Send a note with your child 281-237-5455 or email her
whenever a number changes, thanks! at [email protected].

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