January 28, 2011: Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates
January 28, 2011: Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates
January 28, 2011: Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates
Article Deadline:
Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Pattison PTA Wants to Say:
Calling All Dads
Are your kids ready for a Rock-
ing and Rolling good time? Join us for Pattison’s
Then leave your Pattison stu- “Donuts with Dad”
dents with us at the Mason Road Friday, February 4, 2011
Skate Center for a night of roller 7:15 – 7:45 a.m.
skating fun on Pattison PTA's
Please join your child/children for
dime (while you enjoy some quality time for your-
self)! Why? To say "Thank you" to all of our won- Donuts, milk, juice, & coffee
derful PTA members and families. Because of your
Any questions please contact
generosity, we are close to achieving a 100 percent Elizabeth Bucher
PTA membership participation at Pattison for this 281-829-5395/ [email protected].
school year.
The run/walk will be approximately If you are leading a team for one of the above
one mile through the neighborhood events please also report the number of volun-
surrounding Pattison. Upon completion we will teers working with you to help ensure everyone’s
have refreshments and door prizes in the gym. time is counted. I welcome requests to check my
records to confirm my list is complete and all the
With registration every participant will receive two volunteers’ hours are being recorded. I am happy
glow bracelets to help light the way to wellness!! to do this and it just takes a few minutes.
There are two options for registration including the
option to get a very AWESOME Fun Run t-shirt. Workroom Update:
Everyone must register in order to participate and I also want to thank all my stalwart volunteers in
receive a t-shirt. So don’t forget, the deadline for reg- the workroom who have continued their awesome
istration is Friday, February 4! Contact Mrs. Tron- work for the start of this semester. The schedule
cale or Mrs. McCabe with any questions. has been finalized; sorry for the delay and I trust
you received your copy. Please
Thanks, contact me if you did not.
Mandy Troncale
[email protected] Thanks,
Sandy McCabe Iona Reitsma,
[email protected] Volunteer Coordinator
If you drive your child to school. . .