Traditional Occupations From The Past

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The Grundtvig Project



The Common Book

Traditional Occupations from the Past

Prepared for The Grundtvig Project

by Councillor J. Jones

April 2009
Table of Contents

Cyprus 1
Menai Bridge Town Council

Canolfan Tysilio
Romania 4
Wood Street

Menai Bridge
Italy 7

Lithuania 10 WALES

Wales 13
Tel: 01248 - 716959

Sincere Thanks to our Friends in Cyprus, Italy, Lithuania, Romania and

Wales for all of their time, effort and contributions towards this book.

“The Dance of the Bed” - During weddings the relatives of the couple dance
wishing them a good marriage life.

Family - A picture from 1940 wearing their everyday costumes.

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In The Mines - Very close to our village there is a cement industry. People from our village The Blacksmith at Cadnant ,Menai Bridge. One of the old crafts which were important to a
use to work for the cement company. rural community. The Blacksmith was still at the same site until the late 1960’s.

A Farmer - Pyrgos village is famous for vegetables and especially for tomatoes A Fisherman on the shore of the Menai Strait near Gorad Island. Fishing was one of the main
pastimes in the old days and along with boating provided many people with either food or a living
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Menai Bridge Fire Brigade at the end of the 19 th century - The Fire Brigade was formed in Preparation for Christmas time - In the past, a few days before Christmas, almost every family in
Menai Bridge in 1898 and the horse drawn engine served the whole of Anglesey except for Holy the village use to kill a pig, which they had reared in their garden.

The Horse Fair at the Menai Bridge Fair. The Fair started in the 17 th century and was originally held A donkey - People used this sympathetic animal for transportation
4 times a year as a hiring Fair when all the local farmers hired their farm workers. This is held
annually on October 24th

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The art of sewing in Breaza - Older than Art, Folk Art is so rich and varied in shape and expression. Water Street , Menai Bridge leads down to the Strait where boats landed bringing passengers and
Reflecting the conditions of life, economic and historical changes. Folk Art also expresses the goods. On the right is the Coffee House which later became the War Memorial Institute and is
desires, aspirations and artistic conceptions about the world and life. Passed down the now the Community Centre where the Pensioners Club meets.
generations, folk art has an extremely united character, every generation remembering it’s own
contribution, confirming the existence of an age old culture.

Weaver - On interior decorations, women were working alone, developing the weaving art. The Tan y Bont, Menai Bridge- examples of traditional housing in the town.
carpets are made from red cotton with black and white patterns and the favorite patterns are the
floral and animals ones. The weaving of painted carpets by the richness of colour’s and patterns is
a way of preserving our ancient traditions

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Author Unknown - “Easter eggs” - Samogitians have preserved their dialect, customs and features Distaff and spindle - The entire work of preparing of the fibres is made with a precise purpose:
of character. Every year Easter is celebrated on the actual day and lots of Easter customs and the transforming of these fibres into fabrics that are needed inside houses or for clothes. Relating
traditions are observed. The lady in this photograph is holding the Coloured Easter eggs – both to certain local customs, when more women worked together, the distaff should have an
unique and representative of the native land. attractive shape for the young ones to be proud of.

Author Ms Aldona Kuprelyte - “Folk artist Kazys Striaupa” - It is worth visiting folk artist Kazys Shingle splitter - The wood still plays an important part in constructions. From the roof’s top they
Striaupa who lives in the village of Dovainiai, Plungė district. In the collection made by the folk are placed tile by tile in various shapes until the entire roof is covered.
artist, you can see interesting carvings of wood about history, religion and humorous sceneries
describing the life in the village.

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The Cooper - This profession developed because of multiple population needs. For the barrels Author Ms Ilona Vaitiekute - “Diversity of Colour’s” - 73 year old woman, Mrs. Aldona Simutienė
sold in the marketplace the cooper wanted in exchange to barter, and this was rarely for money. knits various needle points in the folk style from her youth. Usually she used to create the gloves
The cooper gave shape to the wood for receiving in his heart the spirits traditionally home made and socks. This occupation was inherited from her mother.
and for the stories told around fire.

The Smith - The last smith from our area still works in Breaza, and from time to time starts the old Author Mr Kestutis Vaitkus - “Weaver” - Weaving is one of the oldest professions. Since 2002 the
oven and remembers an ancient profession, which soon will become history. Culture Centre of Plungė district municipality, has been implementing the project “Inside the
Samogitian environment”. In 2008 the theoretical – practical workshop “Manufacture of
traditions” was held in Plateliai, Plungė district. The participant Mrs. Laimutė Puidokienė is in this

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Author Ms Ilona Vaitiekute - “Among the school pupils” - Mrs. Aldute Kazlauskiene is the English Work In The Fields - The photo represents an old shepherd who, together with his young son,
language teacher, expert of her occupation. She has 40 years of academic experience. All her grazes the cows in the fields. The sheep farming in the whole of Calabria, has represented in the
leisure time is spent with pupils and all her heart is given to them. last century an important activity. It is possible to notice that the sheep farming was practiced in
impassable grounds, where it was not possible to cultivate the ground.

Author Mr Kestutis Vaitkus -”SHAPES OF THE SPIRIT“. WORRIMENT - Samogitia (the land of the Old Farmer - The photo depicts an old farmer while returning home with his ass. The picture
ethnic group of Lithuania) is famous for crosses, chapels, roofed crosses and making wooden dates back to 1800 and fully describes the rural reality of the time. Poverty and Dignity - the
sculptures of Men of God. The Cross-Craft is symbolic has been declared Masterpiece of the donkey, in the Calabrian culture represented the tool. He was used to plough the fields, to carry
UNESCO Oral and Intangible Heritage of the Humanity in May 2001. people and products. It was a wealthy man who owned an ass.

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In the 50’s, the rustic world it was putting forward, if slowly, the mechanisation of agriculture. In This photo depicts an elderly woman in front of her handloom. The weaving was a real art.
the threshing many countrymen participated and were assigned an exact task. In ancient times, women weavers lived and worked in close proximity with their loom. They put
in great effort and dedication when producing their work..

Guardian - The photo depicts a young keeper with a friend. The control of the property was Women in procession during the celebration of the Patron Saint of San. Severina.
entrusted to young people. They worked with the weapons using them to boast - as shown in the

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