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Research Journal of Management Sciences ____________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1171

Vol. 2(2), 3-8, February (2013) Res. J. Management Sci.

Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) approach: An Overview

Rajesh Attri1, Nikhil Dev1 and Vivek Sharma2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, YMCA University of Science and Technology, Faridabad, INDIA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Institute of Technology and Management, Palwal, INDIA

Available online at:

Received 27th November 2012, revised 27th January 2013, accepted 1st February 2013
Interpretive structural modelling (ISM) is a well-established methodology for identifying relationships among specific items,
which define a problem or an issue. This approach has been increasingly used by various researchers to represent the
interrelationships among various elements related to the issue. ISM approach starts with an identification of variables,
which are relevant to the problem or issue. Then a contextually relevant subordinate relation is chosen. Having decided the
contextual relation, a structural self-interaction matrix (SSIM) is developed based on pairwise comparison of variables. After
this, SSIM is converted into a reachability matrix (RM) and its transitivity is checked. Once transitivity embedding is
complete, a matrix model is obtained. Then, the partitioning of the elements and an extraction of the structural model called
ISM is derived. In this paper, key concept of ISM approach is discussed in detail.

Keywords: ISM, SSIM, RM, variable, modelling.

Introduction issue or problem. However, the direct and indirect relationships

between the factors describe the situation far more accurately
It is generally felt that individuals or groups encounter than the individual factor taken into isolation. Therefore, ISM
difficulties in dealing with complex issues or systems. The develops insights into collective understandings of these
complexity of the issues or systems is due to the presence of a relationships.
large number of elements and interactions among these
elements. The presence of directly or indirectly related elements ISM starts with an identification of variables, which are relevant
complicates the structure of the system which may or may not to the problem or issue, and then extends with a group problem-
be articulated in a clear fashion. It becomes difficult to deal with solving technique. Then a contextually relevant subordinate
such a system in which structure is not clearly defined. Hence, it relation is chosen. Having decided on the element set and the
necessitates the development of a methodology which aids in contextual relation, a structural self-interaction matrix (SSIM) is
identifying a structure within a system. Interpretive structural developed based on pairwise comparison of variables. In the
modelling (ISM) is such a methodology1. next step, the SSIM is converted into a reachability matrix (RM)
and its transitivity is checked. Once transitivity embedding is
ISM is defined as a process aimed at assisting the human being complete, a matrix model is obtained. Then, the partitioning of
to better understand what he/she believes and to recognise the elements and an extraction of the structural model called
clearly what he/she does not know. Its most essential function is ISM is derived9.
organisational. The information added (by the process) is zero.
The value added is structural2. The ISM process transforms In this approach, a systematic application of some elementary
unclear, poorly articulated mental models of systems into visible notions of graph theory is used in such a way that theoretical,
and well-defined models. conceptual and computational leverage are exploited to explain
the complex pattern of contextual relationship among a set of
Interpretive structural modelling (ISM): ISM is an variables. ISM is intended for use when desired to utilise
interactive learning process. In this technique, a set of different systematic and logical thinking to approach a complex issue
directly and indirectly related elements are structured into a under consideration10.
comprehensive systematic model3,4. The model so formed
portrays the structure of a complex issue or problem in a Interpretive Structural Modeling is a computer-aided method for
carefully designed pattern implying graphics as well as words1, 5, developing graphical representations of system composition and
6, 7
. structure. ISM had its inception in Warfield’s4 perception of the
need, when attempting to couple science to policy, for “a set of
Interpretive structural modeling (ISM) is a well-established communication tools which have both a scientific and lay
methodology for identifying relationships among specific items, character serving as a linkage mechanism between science and
which define a problem or an issue8. For any complex problem the public, and having meaning for all who are involved” and
under consideration, a number of factors may be related to an which, in particular, are capable of communicating a holistic

International Science Congress Association 3

Research Journal of Management Sciences ________________________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1171
Vol. 2(2), 3-8, February (2013) Res. J. Management Sci.

sense of the elements and their relations which define system particular relationship between elements is indicated by the
structure. presence of a directed line segment. It is this concept of
relatedness in the context of a particular relationship which
Warfield4 stipulates a set of requirements for these distinguishes a system from a mere aggregation of
communication tools which include i. Provision for the components11.
inclusion of the scientific elements ii. Means for exhibiting a
complex set of relations iii. Means for showing that complex set Characteristics of ISM: This methodology is interpretive as
of relations which permit continuous observation, questioning the judgment of the group decides whether and how the
and modification of the relations iv Congruence with the different elements are related. It is structural on the basis of
originators’ perceptions and analytical processes v. Ease of mutual relationship; an overall structure is extracted from the
learning by public (or, by inference, multidisciplinary) audience. complex set of elements. It is a modeling technique, as the
specific relationships and overall structure are portrayed in a
Graphical models or, more specifically, directed graphs digraph model. It helps to impose order and direction on the
(digraphs) appear to satisfy these requirements. In such a complexity of relationships among various elements of a
representation, the elements or components of a system are system3, 6. It is primarily intended as a group learning process,
represented by the “points” of the graph and the existence of a but individuals can also use it.

Literature review on Issue

List of factor related to an issue

Establishing contextual relationship between Xij

between variables (i, j) Obtaining expert opinion

Developing a structural self-interaction matrix Developing a reachibility matrix


Partitioning the reachibility matrix into different

Necessary modification

Developing the reachibility matrix in its conical


Removing transitivity from Developing digraph

the diagraph

Is there any
Replacing variables nodes with
relationship statements


Representing relationship statement into model for factors

related to an issue

Flow diagram for preparing ISM model

International Science Congress Association 4

Research Journal of Management Sciences ________________________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1171
Vol. 2(2), 3-8, February (2013) Res. J. Management Sci.

Steps involved in ISM methodology: Warfield4 developed a factors i and j will influence each other) (d) O for no relation
methodology that uses systematic application of some between the factors (i.e., barriers i and j are unrelated).
elementary notions of graph theory and Boolean algebra in such
a way that when implemented in a man machine interactive Based on the contextual relationships, the SSIM is developed.
mode, theoretical, conceptual and computational leverage is To obtain consensus, the SSIM should be further discussed by a
exploited to construct directed graph (a representation of the group of experts. On the basis of their responses, SSIM must be
hierarchical structure of the system). This methodology has at finalised.
least two desirable properties when compared to the similar
approaches namely simplicity in the sense of not requiring from Step 2: Reachability Matrix: The next step in ISM approach is
the user i.e. viewpoint of advance mathematical knowledge and to develop an initial reachability matrix from SSIM. For this,
efficiency in terms of economizing in computer time. SSIM is converted into the initial reachability matrix by
substituting the four symbols (i.e., V, A, X or O) of SSIM by 1s
The various steps involved in ISM modeling are as follows: i. or 0s in the initial reachability matrix.
Identify the elements which are relevant to the problem. This
could be done by a survey or group problem solving technique. The rules for this substitution are as follows: (a) If the (i, j) entry
ii. Establish a contextual relationship between elements with in the SSIM is V, then the (i, j) entry in the reachability matrix
respect to which pairs of elements would be examined. iii. becomes 1 and the (j, i) entry becomes 0. (b) If the (i, j) entry in
Develop a structural self-interaction matrix (SSIM) of elements. the SSIM is A, then the (i, j) entry in the matrix becomes 0 and
This matrix indicates the pair-wise relationship among elements the (j, i) entry becomes 1. (c) If the (i, j) entry in the SSIM is X,
of the system. This matrix is checked for transitivity. iv. then the (i, j) entry in the matrix becomes 1 and the (j, i) entry
Develop a reachability matrix from the SSIM. v. Partition the also becomes 1. (d) If the (i, j) entry in the SSIM is O, then the
reachability matrix into different levels. vi. Convert the (i, j) entry in the matrix becomes 0 and the (j, i) entry also
reachability matrix into conical form. vii. Draw digraph based becomes 0.
on the relationship given in reachability matrix and remove
transitive links. viii. Convert the resultant digraph into an ISM- Following these rules, the initial reachability matrix is prepared.
based model by replacing element nodes with the statements. ix. 1* entries are included to incorporate transitivity to fill the gap,
Review the model to check for conceptual inconsistency and if any, in the opinion collected during development of structural
make the necessary modifications. self-instructional matrix. After incorporating the transitivity
concept as described above, the final reachability matrix is
Various steps involved in ISM technique are illustrated in figure 1. obtained.
The various steps, which lead to the development of an ISM
model, are illustrated below. Step 3: Level partitions: From the final reachability matrix, for
each factor, reachability set and antecedent sets are derived. The
Step 1: Structural Self-Interaction Matrix (SSIM): ISM reachability set consists of the factor itself and the other factor
methodology suggests the use of the expert opinions based on that it may impact, whereas the antecedent set consists of the
various management techniques such as brain storming, nominal factor itself and the other factor that may impact it. Thereafter,
group technique, etc. in developing the contextual relationship the intersection of these sets is derived for all the factors and
among the variables10,12,13. For this purpose, experts from the levels of different factor are determined. The factors for which
industry and academia should be consulted in identifying the the reachability and the intersection sets are the same occupy the
nature of contextual relationship among the factors. These top level in the ISM hierarchy. The top-level factors are those
experts from the industry and academia should be well factors that will not lead the other factors above their own level
conversant with the problem under consideration. For analysing in the hierarchy. Once the top-level factor is identified, it is
the factors, a contextual relationship of ‘leads to’ or ‘influences’ removed from consideration. Then, the same process is repeated
type must be chosen. This means that one factor influences to find out the factors in the next level. This process is
another factor. On the basis of this, contextual relationship continued until the level of each factor is found. These levels
between the identified factors is developed. help in building the diagraph and the ISM model.

Keeping in mind the contextual relationship for each factor and Step 4: Conical matrix: Conical matrix is developed by
the existence of a relationship between any two factors (i and j), clustering factors in the same level across the rows and columns
the associated direction of the relationship is questioned. The of the final reachability matrix. The drive power of a factor is
following four symbols are used to denote the direction of derived by summing up the number of ones in the rows and its
relationship between two factors (i and j): (a) V for the relation dependence power by summing up the number of ones in the
from factor i to factor j (i.e., factor i will influence factor j) (b) A columns14, 15, 16. Next, drive power and dependence power ranks
for the relation from factor j to factor i (i.e., factor i will be are calculated by giving highest ranks to the factors that have
influenced by factor j) (c) X for both direction relations (i.e., the maximum number of ones in the rows and columns,

International Science Congress Association 5

Research Journal of Management Sciences ________________________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1171
Vol. 2(2), 3-8, February (2013) Res. J. Management Sci.

Step 5: Digraph: From the conical form of reachability matrix, Applications of ISM approach: ISM can be used at a high
the preliminary digraph including transitive links is obtained. It level of abstraction such as needed for long range planning. It
is generated by nodes and lines of edges7,14, 15,16. After removing can also be used at a more concrete level to process and
the indirect links, a final digraph is developed. A digraph is used structure details related to a problem or activity such as process
to represent the elements and their interdependencies in terms of design, career planning, strategic planning, engineering
nodes and edges or in other words digraph is the visual problems, product design, process re-engineering, complex
representation of the elements and their interdependence17,18. In technical problems, financial decision making, human
this development, the top level factor is positioned at the top of resources, competitive analysis and electronic commerce19, 20, 21,
the digraph and second level factor is placed at second position . Application of Interpretive structural modeling (ISM) process
and so on, until the bottom level is placed at the lowest position to analyze systems and problems in various fields is well
in the digraph. documented in literature such as:

Step 6: ISM Model: Digraph is converted into an ISM model Attri et al.16 have applied this approach for identifying and
by replacing nodes of the factors with statements. analysing their mutual interaction of the enablers in the
implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Attri
Advantages of ISM approach: ISM offers a variety of et al.15 have applied Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM)
advantages like: i The process is systematic; the computer is approach for identifying and analysing the barriers in the
programmed to consider all possible pair wise relations of implementation of Total Productive Maintenance. Saxena et
system elements, either directly from the responses of the al.23 have identified the key variables using direct as well as
participants or by transitive inference. ii The process is efficient; indirect interrelationships amongst the variables and presented
depending on the context, the use of transitive inference may the results of the application of ISM methodology to the case of
reduce the number of the required relational queries by from 50- ‘Energy conservation in the Indian cement industry. Saxena et
80 percent. iii No knowledge of the underlying process is al.24 have used this technique to identify the key factors,
required of the participants; they simply must possess enough objectives and activities for energy conservation in the Indian
understanding of the object system to be able to respond to the cement industry. They have superimposed some fuzzy
series of relational queries generated by the computer. iv It considerations to determine the hierarchy of variables and to
guides and records the results of group deliberations on complex identify the key variable of the system. Raj et al.14 have utilised
issues in an efficient and systematic manner. v It produces a ISM approach for analysing the mutual relationships between
structured model or graphical representation of the original the factors affecting the flexibility in FMS. Mandal and
problem situation that can be communicated more effectively to Deshmukh25 have analyzed some important vendor selection
others. vi It enhances the quality of interdisciplinary and criteria with the use of ISM that shows the inter-relationships of
interpersonal communication within the context of the problem criteria and their different levels. These criteria have been
situation by focusing the attention of the participants on one categorized depending on their driving and dependence power.
specific question at a time. vii It encourages issue analysis by Sharma et al.26 carried out ISM to develop a hierarchy of actions
allowing participants to explore the adequacy of a proposed list required to achieve the future objectives of waste management
of systems elements or issue statements for illuminating a in India. Singh et al.6 have utilized this technique for the
specified situation. viii It serves as a learning tool by forcing implementation of knowledge management in engineering
participants to develop a deeper understanding of the meaning industries. Thakkar et al.27 has used ISM approach for
and significance of a specified element list and relation. ix It evaluating and comparing supply chain relationships,
permits action or policy analysis by assisting participants in specifically when, small and medium scale enterprise (SME) is
identifying particular areas for policy action which offer considered as focal company.
advantages or leverage in pursuing specified objectives.
Ravi et al.10 used this methodology to determine the key reverse
Limitations of ISM approach: There may be many variable logistics variables, which the top management should focus so
to a problem or issue. Increase in the number of variables to a as to improve the productivity and performance of computer
problem or issue increases the complexity of the ISM hardware supply chains. Thakkar et al.28 have used ISM
methodology. So we can only consider limited number of approach to propose an integrated qualitative and quantitative
variables in the development of ISM model. Other variables approach to the development of a balanced scorecard (BSC) for
which are least affecting a problem or issue may not be taken a real life case company KVIC (Khadi and Village Industries
in the development of ISM model. Further experts help are Commission, organic food sector, India). Qureshi et al.29 applied
taken in analyzing the driving and dependence power of the this approach to model the key variables of logistics outsourcing
variable of a problem or issue. These models are not relationship between shippers and logistics service providers
statistically validated. Structural equation modeling (SEM), (LSPs) and to study their influence on productivity and
also commonly known as linear structural relationship competitiveness of the shipper company. Raj and Attri7 have
approach has the capability of testing the validity of such applied Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) approach for
hypothetical model. identifying and analysing the barriers in the implementation of

International Science Congress Association 6

Research Journal of Management Sciences ________________________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1171
Vol. 2(2), 3-8, February (2013) Res. J. Management Sci.

Total Quality Management (TQM). Faisal et al.30 have utilized systems perspective. ISM process transforms unclear, poorly
this to present an approach to effective supply chain risk articulated mental models of systems into visible and well-
mitigation by understanding the dynamics between various defined models. These models help to find the key factor related
enablers that help to mitigate risk in a supply chain. Faisal et to problem or issue. After identification of key factor or
al.31 applied this approach to identify various information risks element, strategy may be developed for dealing issue.
that could impact a supply chain, and developed a conceptual
framework to quantify and mitigate them. Agarwal et al.9 used ISM method is understandable to a variety of users in the
this methodology to identify interrelationship among the interdisciplinary groups, provides a means of integrating the
variables that have been identified for developing a framework diverse perceptions of participating groups, is capable of
for agility improvement of case supply chain. Singh et al.32 handling a large number of components and relationships
have utilized this technique to identify and develop the typical of complex systems, is heuristic in terms of assessing the
structural relationship among different factors for successful adequacy of model formulation, and leads to insights about
implementation of AMTs. Jharkharia and Shankar33 used this system behaviour. ISM is also easy to use and communicable to
methodology to identify the enablers affecting the IT a larger audience. These features of ISM approach has resulted
enablement of supply chain and to understand the mutual into wide use of this approach.
influences among these enablers. Bolanas et al.34 have utilized
this approach to improve decision making process among References
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