BC0057-Object Oriented Analysis & Design
BC0057-Object Oriented Analysis & Design
BC0057-Object Oriented Analysis & Design
These steps are shown in below figure. However, as with all iterative and
incremental processes, the three steps are not necessarily always performed in
the order shown in the figure a change in one model will simply trigger
corresponding revisions of the other two models.
Extracting the Entity Classes Step 1:
Functional Modeling -- Use Cases
There are two possible use cases for the elevator problem,
Press an Elevator Button, and
Press a Floor Button
Functional Modeling -- Use Cases
Question 6 What are the reasons that operations not added during the analysis
There are two reasons:
Second, the operations to be allocated to the classes are deduced from the
interaction diagrams of the realizations of the use cases. In more detail, the messages
in interaction diagrams are used to deduce the operations of the information system.
However, these interaction diagrams of realizations of use cases are produced after
the class diagram. In other words, first we determine the initial class diagram, and later
the interaction diagrams of the realizations of the use cases. We then use these
interaction diagrams to deduce the operations; only then can we allocate the
operations to the classes.