Heteroepitaxial Diamond Field-Effect Transistor For High Voltage Applications
Heteroepitaxial Diamond Field-Effect Transistor For High Voltage Applications
Heteroepitaxial Diamond Field-Effect Transistor For High Voltage Applications
1, JANUARY 2018 51
Abstract — The exceptional performance of diamond- single crystalline diamond film growth is the heteroepitaxial
based field-effect transistor technology is not restricted to growth method, which was established in the early 1990s [10].
devices that use single crystalline diamond alone. This letter Following this discovery, and with the same objective of single
explores the full potential of the heteroepitaxial diamond
field-effect transistor (HED-FET). HED-FET devices were crystalline growth, in-depth numerical research on refinement
fabricated with a long gate–drain length (LGD ) configuration of heteroepitaxial diamond growth on SiC has also been
using C–H bonded channels, and a high maximum current conducted [11]. The highly-oriented heteroepitaxial diamond
density of 80 mA/mm and a high ION /IOFF ratio of 109 were films have shown promise, with advantages similar to those
achieved. Additionally, the HED-FETs showed an average of conventional single crystalline diamond. It has previously
breakdown voltage of ≥500 V and comparatively high break-
down voltage of more than 1 kV. This letter represents a been shown that hydrogenated diamond-based single and poly-
significant step toward the realization of the potential of crystalline diamond FETs have surpassed a variety of previous
widely available heteroepitaxial diamond for use in FET FET performance levels, including those of low on resistance
applications. (R O N ) and high-frequency performance ( f max ) short gate-
Index Terms — Diamond, FETs, heteroepitaxial, drain length devices [12], [13], and we recently showed
two-dimensional hole gas, high voltage. that high-performance devices can also be achieved despite
the unappealing large grain boundaries and cracks in black
I. I NTRODUCTION polycrystalline diamond [14]. These however, did indicate
that few studies have explored the potential of heteroepitaxial
D IAMOND-BASED field-effect transistors (FETs) have
been established as promising candidates for use in
high-power electronic device applications in the near future.
diamond layers on a large-scale wafer for FET applications
and this has motivated the present work. Heteroepitaxial
Numerous papers have been published on diamond FETs and diamond FET (HED-FET) devices that use two-dimensional
have reported outstanding results, demonstrating performance hole gas (2DHG) systems were fabricated. These findings
levels with much of the work focusing on hydrogenated show that the HED-FET has similar I D Smax and I O N /I O F F
diamond devices due to its simple structure [1]–[3], high ratio characteristics to those of the homoepitaxial layer based
frequency [4]–[7], and temperature operations [8]. Diamond- FETs conventional device. This is the first work to report on
based FETs have also reported to offer stable operation at the breakdown voltages of HED-FETs.
high temperature ranging up to 400°C, and high breakdown
voltage devices have been realized to satisfy the robustness
requirements of devices for high voltage operation at an aver- On the 3C-SiC 001 grown on Si 001, nitrogen-doped
age electric field of 1 MV/cm [9]. One alternative method for heteroepitaxial diamond 001 substrate was synthesized by
microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD)
Manuscript received September 25, 2017; revised October 25, 2017; equipped with counter electrode and electronically isolated
accepted November 6, 2017. Date of publication December 1, 2017;
date of current version December 27, 2017. This work was supported substrate holder in situ by means of bias-enhanced nucleation.
in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Fundamental Research S from JSPS under Thorough crystallographic information has been reported else-
Grant 26220903 and in part by the Advanced Low Carbon Technology where [15]. HED-FET device fabrication processes started
Research and Development Program of JST. The review of this
letter was arranged by Editor D. G. Senesky. (Corresponding author: with the deposition of a 500 nm undoped homoepitaxial
Mohd Syamsul.) diamond layer by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposi-
M. Syamsul, N. Oi, S. Okubo, and T. Kageura are with the tion (PECVD). These layers contained unintended concen-
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Institute of Nano-Science and
Nano-Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan (e-mail: trations of boron and nitrogen dopants of <1014 cm−3 and
[email protected] ). <1016 cm−3 , respectively. Metal bilayers of gold and titanium
H. Kawarada is with the Faculty of Science and Engineering, for the source and drain electrodes were formed by sequential
Institute of Nano-Science and Nano-Engineering, Waseda University,
Tokyo 169-8555, Japan, and also with the Kagami Memorial Lab- deposition processes and were further annealed for 30 minutes
oratory for Material Science and Technology, Waseda University, in a hydrogen ambient at 450 °C to form a TiC layer on
Tokyo 169-0051, Japan. their undersides. Hydrogenation was performed for 6 min
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. across the entire surface using a 600°C H2 plasma. The sheet
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LED.2017.2774290 resistance, carrier density and carrier mobility values were
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