Basic Dental Materials: Factors Affecting Solubility
Basic Dental Materials: Factors Affecting Solubility
Basic Dental Materials: Factors Affecting Solubility
The smaller the particle size, less is the film thickness. The thickness is lesser than the
size of the particles because, during mixing the particles are crushed and dissolved. The
thickness can also be reduced by applying pressure on the casting during seating.
Zinc phosphate cements are good thermal insulators and may be effective in reducing
galvanic effects.
The primary retentive mechanism of zinc phosphate is micromechanical. The cemented
restoration is held by mechanical interlocking of the set cement with surface roughness
on the tooth and restoration.
pH of the cement
The acidity is high at the time of insertion due to phosphoric acid. At the time of
cementation, the pH is 2 (approx.). As time passes the acidity reduces. By the end of 24
hours the pH is 5.5, which is still in the acidic range (neutral value is 7).
Pulpal response
The pulp response may be classified as moderate.
Pulp protection
A thickness of dentin as great as 1.5 mm can be penetrated by the acid of the cement. If
dentin is not protected against infiltration of this acid, pulpal injury may occur, especially
during the first few hours.
23 Avoid thin mixes.
24 Pulp protection should be carried out in deep cavities through the use of an
intervening liner or base:
Dental Cements 7
Zinc oxide-eugenol
Calcium hydroxide
Cavity varnish
23 Some patients are extremely sensitive to the acid. Cementation of a restoration such
as a crown or FPD on to vital teeth can cause severe sensitivity or pain. An anesthesia
should be used in these instances.
The set cement is opaque.
Spatula used Stainless steel.
Mixing time 1 min. 15 seconds.
Powder to liquid ratio 1.4 gm/0.5 ml
A cool glass slab is used in order to delay the setting and allow more powder to be
incorporated before the matrix formation occurs. The liquid should be dispensed just
before mixing.
The powder is added in small increments. Mixing is done with stainless spatula using
brisk circular motion. Each increment is mixed for 15 to 20 seconds. A large area is
covered during mixing in order to dissipate the exothermic heat (Fig. 7.5). Maximum
amount of powder should be incorporated in the liquid to ensure minimum solubility and
maximum strength. Note: An appropriate consistency is attained by addition of more
powder to the liquid and not by allowing a thin mix to thicken.
The crown should be seated immediately and held under pressure till set. Field of
operation should be dry. Varnish is applied at the margins, where the cement is exposed.
23 Long track record with proven reliability.
24 Good compressive strength.
23 No chemical adhesion. Not indicated if the retention is poor.
24 No anticariogenic property.
25 Pulp irritation.
26 Poor esthetics; cannot be used with translucent (all ceramic) restorations like crowns
and veneers.
Copper cements are basically modified zinc phosphate cements. Silver salts or copper
oxide are sometimes added to the powders of the zinc phosphate cements to increase their
‘antibacterial’ properties. Copper cements gradually fell out of favor because of their
poor biological properties. It was highly acidic and the copper was considered toxic to the
cell. This may have been due to the extremely high copper content (97%) in certain
cements (Ames). There has been a renewed interest in copper cements recently. New
formulations have come out with lower copper content (2%). It is claimed that these new
generation copper cements are safe and is especially recommended for indirect pulp
capping and where there is active caries.
23 Temporary fillings in children.
24 Intermediate restorations.
25 For retention of silver cap splints in oral surgery.
26 Indirect pulp capping.
27 As base beneath composite restorations.
Classified according to the percentage of the copper oxide that is used as a replacement
for the zinc oxide.
Commercial Examples Ames copper (discontinued), Doc’s Best Red and White copper kit
(Fig. 7.6).
Copper oxide (if cuprous oxide is used—cement is red, if cupric oxide is used, the
cement is black)
Zinc oxide
Liquid used is clear phosphoric acid.
Dental Cements 7
Biological properties: They have poor biological properties. Because its pH is 5.3, it is
irritant to the pulp.
They are bactericidal or bacteriostatic.
The chemistry of the copper cements is very similar to that of the zinc phosphate cements
and they are manipulated in the same manner.
23 Primarily for luting permanent restorations.
24 As bases and liners.
25 Used in orthodontics for cementation of bands.
26 Also used as root canal fillings in endodontics.
5888 Powder and liquid in bottles (Fig. 7.7 A)
5889 Water settable cements (Fig. 7.7 B)
5890 As precapsulated powder/liquid system.
Commercial Examples
Poly F (Dentsply), Durelon and Durelon Maxicap (encapsulated) (3M ESPE), Carboco
(Voco), Imibond P (Imicryl), Hy Bond polycarboxylate (Shofu).
Figures 7.7 A and B: (A) Representative zinc polycarboxylate cement products; (B) A water settable cement.
acid goes into the solution and the reaction proceeds as described for the conventional
Zinc oxide — Basic ingredient
Magnesium oxide — Principal modifier and also aids in sintering
Oxides of bismuth and aluminum — Small amounts
Stannous fluoride — Increases strength, modifies setting time
and imparts anti-cariogenic properties
Aqueous solution of polyacrylic acid or
Copolymer of acrylic acid with other unsaturated carboxylic acids, i.e. iticonic, maleic, or
tricarballylic acid.
The powder mixture is sintered at high temperature in order to reduce the reactivity and
then ground into fine particles.
When the powder and liquid are mixed, the surface of powder particles are attacked by
the acid, releasing zinc, magnesium and tin ions. These ions bind to the polymer chain via
the carboxyl groups. They also react with carboxyl groups of adjacent polyacid chains to
form cross-linked salts.
Compressive strength: 55 MPa. Polycarboxylate cement is inferior to zinc phosphate
cement in this respect.
Tensile strength: 6.2 MPa. Its tensile strength is slightly higher than that of zinc
phosphate cement.
The strength of the cement depends on
23 Increase in P/L ratio increases strength.
24 Molecular weight of polyacrylic acid also affects strength. A mix from a lower
viscosity liquid is weaker.
It tends to absorb water and is slightly more soluble (0.6% wt) than zinc phosphate. Thus
the marginal dissolution is more when used for cementing. It is more soluble in organic
acids like lactic acid. Low P/L ratio results in a significantly higher solubility and
disintegration in the oral cavity.
Dental Cements 7
Pulpal response—classified as mild. Despite the initial acidic nature of polycarboxylate
cement, The pH of the liquid is 1.0-1.7 and that of freshly mixed cement is 3.0-4.0. After
24 hours, pH of the cement is 5.0-6.0.
They are less irritant than zinc phosphate cement because:
23 The liquid is rapidly neutralized by the powder. The pH of polycarboxylate cement
rises more rapidly than that of zinc phosphate.
24 Penetration of polyacrylic acid into the dentinal tubules is less because of its higher
molecular weight and larger size. The histological reactions are similar to zinc oxide-
eugenol cements but more reparative dentine is observed with polycarboxylate.
An outstanding characteristic of zinc polycarboxylate cement is that the cement bonds
chemically with the tooth structure. The carboxyl group in the polymer molecules
chelates with calcium in the tooth structure.
Bond strength to enamel 3.4-13.1 MPa and to dentine 2.07 MPa.
Factors affecting bond
23 A clean dry tooth surface improves bonding.
24 If the inside surface of the metal crown is not clean, the cement cannot bond with the
metal. So to improve the mechanical bond, the surface should be carefully abraded
with a small stone or with airborne abrasives.
25 The presence of saliva reduces bond strength.
26 Unlike zinc phosphate cements, the adhesion is better to a smooth surface than to a
rough surface.
27 Does not adhere to gold or porcelain.
28 Adhesion to stainless steel is excellent. Thus it is used in orthodontics.
They are very opaque due to large quantities of unreacted zinc oxide.
Some manufacturers have attempted to incorporate fluoride within the cement.
However the fluoride release is limited when compared to glass ionomer cement.
They are good thermal insulators.
The tooth structure should be meticulously clean for proper bonding. To clean the
surface, 10% polyacrylic acid solution followed by rinsing with water, or 1 to 3%
hydrogen peroxide may be used. Then dry and isolate the tooth.
1.5 parts of powder to 1 part of liquid by wt.
The powder and liquid are taken on a cooled glass slab. The liquid is dispensed just prior
to the mixing, otherwise its viscosity increases. The powder is incorporated into the
liquid in bulk (90%) with a stiff cement spatula and
remaining powder is added to adjust consistency. The mix appears quite thick, but this
cement will flow readily into a thin film when seated under pressure.
Mixing time ranges from 30 to 40 seconds. Setting time can be from 7 to 9 minutes (The
setting time can be increased by cooling the glass slab. It also depends on method of
manufacture of powder and liquid).
Things to note
0 The cement should be used while the surface is still glossy. Loss of luster indicates
that the setting reaction has progressed to an extent that proper wetting of the tooth
surface by the mix is no longer possible. If the surface is not creamy and shiny and is
matted and tends to form cobwebs, the mix should be discarded.
1 After insertion the excess is not removed immediately as it passes through a rubbery
stage, it tends to get lifted from the cavity. Remove excess cement only when it has
hardened and breaks off.
2 The powder may be cooled, but the liquid should not be cooled since the viscosity of
the liquid increases.
Polycarboxylate cement adheres to instruments, so
0 Use alcohol as release agent for mixing spatula.
1 Instruments should be cleaned before the cement sets.
2 Excess cement from the spatula can be chipped off. Any remaining material is
removed by boiling in sodium hydroxide solution.
Limited fluoride release when compared to GIC.
These cements have been used extensively in dentistry since the 1890s. Depending on
their use they vary widely in their properties. In general, they are cements of low
strength. They are the least irritating of all dental cements and are known to have an
obtundant (sedative) effect on exposed dentin.
To improve the strength many modified zinc oxide-eugenol cements have been
introduced, e.g., EBA—alumina modified and polymer—reinforced zinc oxide-eugenol
cements non-eugenol zinc oxide cements are also available. They are suitable for patients
sensitive to eugenol.