Graphene FET On Diamond For High-Frequency Electronics
Graphene FET On Diamond For High-Frequency Electronics
Graphene FET On Diamond For High-Frequency Electronics
2, FEBRUARY 2022
Abstract — Transistors operating at high frequencies are frequency of oscillation that lagged considerably due to non-
the basic building blocks of millimeter-wave communication negligible gate resistances.
and sensor systems. The high charge-carrier mobility and In GFETs, the maximum frequency of oscillation is in part
saturation velocity in graphene can open way for ultra- limited by poor drain current saturation which results in a non-
fast field-effect transistors with a performance even better
than what can be achieved with III-V-based semiconductors. negligible drain output conductance [4]. In 2016, an extrinsic
However, the progress of high-speed graphene transistors transit frequency ( f T ) of 50 GHz and a maximum oscillation
has been hampered by fabrication issues, influence of frequency ( f max ) of 40 GHz was achieved for a gate length
adjacent materials, and self-heating effects. Here, we report of 200 nm using quasi-freestanding bilayer epitaxial graphene
on the improved performance of graphene field-effect tran- grown on a SiC (0001) substrate [5]. Recently, using an
sistors (GFETs) obtained by using a diamond substrate. improved fabrication process for CVD GFETs, Bonmann et al.
An extrinsic maximum frequency of oscillation fmax of up
to 54 GHz was obtained for a gate length of 500 nm. Fur-
demonstrated an extrinsic f T of 34 GHz and a matching
thermore, the high thermal conductivity of diamond pro- f max of 37 GHz for 500-nm GFETs with promising scaling
vides an efficient heat-sink, and the relatively high optical behaviour [6]. In order to minimise the output conductance
phonon energy of diamond contributes to an increased it is essential to minimize the number of charge carriers not
charge-carrier saturation velocity in the graphene channel. induced by the field such as carriers due to contaminants
Moreover, we show that GFETs on diamond exhibit excellent and traps in the adjacent materials, or carriers induced by
scaling behavior for different gate lengths. These results self-heating.
promise that the GFET-on-diamond technology has the
potential of reaching sub-terahertz frequency performance. Another performance-limiting factor is the influence on
the charge-carrier velocity due to optical-phonon scattering
Index Terms — Diamond, field-effect transistors, with the materials surrounding the graphene channel. Hence,
graphene, maximum frequency of oscillation, MOGFETs, surrounding materials with high optical-phonon energies are
optical phonons, saturation velocity, transit frequency.
preferred since there is a direct correlation between the
charge-carrier velocity and the transit frequency as confirmed
I. I NTRODUCTION by ref [7].
G RAPHENE is a 2D material with unique electrical
properties such as extremely high charge-carrier velocity
useful for transit types of devices [1]. There has been extensive
In this work, we utilize both the high surface optical phonon
energy and the high thermal conductivity of diamond as a
substrate to increase the GFET performance. A record high
research and progress on high-frequency graphene electronics extrinsic f max of 54 GHz was achieved for a top-gated GFET
since the first top-gated graphene field-effect transistor (GFET) on a single-crystal diamond substrate. We estimate the charge-
was demonstrated in 2007 [2]. In 2012, excellent GFET carrier saturation velocity being as high as 3.2 · 107 cm/s.
performance with intrinsic transit frequencies above 400 GHz Finally, we show that the high-frequency performance scales
was achieved for a 67-nm gate length GFET [3]. However, with the gate length, which indicates that GFETs on diamond
this excellent performance was not matched by the maximum have the potential of reaching sub-terahertz frequencies.
Manuscript received November 27, 2021; accepted December 27,
2021. Date of publication December 28, 2021; date of current version II. M ETHODS
January 27, 2022. This work was supported in part by the European Top-gated dual-channel RF GFETs were fabricated on a
Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant high-quality free-standing single-crystal diamond substrate.
881603, in part by the Swedish Research Council under Grant 2017-
04504, and in part the Swedish Energy Agency under Grant 48591-1. The commercially available diamond substrate was homoepi-
The review of this letter was arranged by Editor G. Han. (Corresponding taxially grown in the (100) direction using chemical vapor
author: M. Asad.) deposition (CVD) by Element Six Ltd [8]. Fig. 1(a) shows
M. Asad, A. Vorobiev, K. Jeppson, and J. Stake are with an optical micrograph of a set of GFETs with gate lengths
the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers
University of Technology, 41296 Gothenburg, Sweden (e-mail: (L g ) varying from 0.5 μm to 2 μm and a total gate width
[email protected]). of 30 μm. Fig. 1(b) shows a SEM image of a 0.5 μm
S. Majdi and J. Isberg are with the Division for Electricity, Department two-finger GFET. For illustration, Fig. 1(c) shows a three-
of Electrical Engineering, Uppsala University, 75103 Uppsala, Sweden.
Color versions of one or more figures in this letter are available at dimensional view of the GFET layout. As a first step of the fabrication process, monolayer CVD graphene was transferred
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LED.2021.3139139 on to the diamond substrate, followed by deposition of a
0741-3106 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
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