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Kalthoom Ali
Practicum 3a
Antoinette Wiseman
April 22, 2018

Answer the questions below Name: Kalthoom Ali Mohammed
Competence Sustained Teaching
Introduction -Warmer Describe the setting, the grades you taught and explain the
purpose of this placement:
I was in Rashed Bin Humaid kindergarten, and I teach KG2, I attend
and observed two subjects, English and Arabic. The classroom was
organized, and in the class we have different centers like literacy,
numeracy, role play.

Professionalism Explain how you collaborated with other staff in activities that
involve the community during this placement.

I helped the teachers when they need help, and I build a good
relationship with them for example one day in the morning one
student come early and his teacher she sit with him and she
should go to talk with the principle to talk with her, and she saw
me and asked me to sit with student 2 minutes, and I sit with the
Also in global day I enjoyed with them to prepare with the stuff, I
did activities, also I practice the student for the dancing.
When we went to the trip I helped my MST to let the student to
make a line up and count them. Also I joined to do the assembly
about the weather and the teacher helped us.

Planning for Learning (including What difficulties did you face in planning seven differentiated
Knowledge and Understanding lesson plans to ensure that they included a range of activity types
of Content) for the whole class, groups, and individuals

The difficulties that I faced during the TP was, the activities and
the time of the activities, for example I did different activities, and
some students finish early so I fixed by doing different activities
for different levels.
Also I faced difficulty with the technology, because in my lesson
plan I should use the computer to play a song of sound, but it
wasn’t work so I use plan B which was singing the song.

Implementing and Managing Explain what you did to make sure that your modeling /
Learning (including behaviour demonstration of the tasks you set your students was clear and
management, language, and effective.
delivery) When I planning for the lesson I makes different level activities
and I tried with my nephews, and before the class start I make
sure that I have model for each activity and in circle time I used
the model to explain the activities.
Monitoring, Assessment, and What strategies did you use to monitor student progress across a
Evaluation range of connected teaching sessions including class, group, pair,
and individual work

I used different strategies to assets the student for example I

observed the student during the lesson and I used chick list, and I
asked them questions like WH question, opining questions.
Reflection on Practice Which teaching strategies did you find were particularly effective
and explained why with reference to educational theory and/or

When I did the activities with the children I lit them to do it

alone and I did the activities for groups in different level,
according to Vygotsky to apply Zone of Proximal Development,
foe example if the student in low level didn’t know, the high
level student help them.

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