Pictogram Lesson
Pictogram Lesson
Pictogram Lesson
Grade Level: 2B
Subject: Math
Learning Outcome: By the end of this lesson students will be able to:
Warmer activity: Buzz game (children say buzz when they reach a multiple of three and a number which
contains the digit three 1 2 buzz 4 5 buzz 7 8 buzz etc.) until all the 3-time table buzzed.
The students will have a worksheet that has a pictogram table and questions.
The low-level student will have ( Fruit bowl worksheet)
The high-level students will have ( dount shop worksheet)
They will read the table to find answers to the questions below.
in the appropriate place.After they finish I will be asking the students some questions about their pictogram
- Which pet was the least ?
- Which pet was the most ?
- How many cats were in the shop?
- How many rabbiits were in the shop?
- How many pets were in the shop?
Assessment (to be done during activity time, who and what will be assessed?)
Reflection WWW/EBI
WWW:- I have explained the learning outcomes to the students and explained the difficult keywords in the
learning objectives so that they can easily understand the purpose of the lesson.
EBI:- If I revise a table time 3 before I started the game with them. Also, If I explained the game to them before
starting because most of them did not understand the game well.
I used the sings to manage student’s behavior during the tasks and the main activity.
I created different worksheet based on student’s ability. Each student had a sheet to complete it based on
his/her ability.
To set tasks for students who finish quickly to avoid disturbing other students who didn't finish yet.