Pictogram Lesson

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Student-Teacher: Mahra Mohammed Date: 2018 – 3 - 6

EPR 2603 Primary Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 2 Mini-lesson

Grade Level: 2B
Subject: Math
Learning Outcome: By the end of this lesson students will be able to:

-Use a pictogram to answer questions.

-Use information from a tally to complete a pictogram.

Resources Preparation (what do you need to do/make before

Markers -Check if the smart board is working
PowerPoint -Print all worksheets
Worksheet (Fruit bowl worksheet/ donut worksheet) -Write the LOs
Smart board -Prepare the materials
Interactive site -Seat the student in groups based on their ability.
Sticky note
Key vocabulary/ Target Language


Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Warmer activity: Buzz game (children say buzz when they reach a multiple of three and a number which
contains the digit three 1 2 buzz 4 5 buzz 7 8 buzz etc.) until all the 3-time table buzzed.

- Explain a block graph is not the only way to represent information.

- Do you know any other ways?
- Show powerpoint which introduces pictograms.Instead of a block we use a picture.Discuss the information
Time: 15 min

with the children.


At the end of the powerpoint we will make our own pictogram.

Each student will have post it note and they will draw their favourite pet by choosing one from the slide.
Then each student will stick his/her note on the board.

The students will have a worksheet that has a pictogram table and questions.
The low-level student will have ( Fruit bowl worksheet)
The high-level students will have ( dount shop worksheet)
They will read the table to find answers to the questions below.

Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

Students will complete the fruit bowl pictogram sheet. They will read the table to answer the questions.
I will guide them and support them if they are struggling or finding diffculities in solving the questions.
20 min

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Give everyone a post it note, they have to choose their favourite pet (from options given on slide). They
draw their pet on the post it note. One by one they have to come to the board and stick on their post it note

in the appropriate place.After they finish I will be asking the students some questions about their pictogram
- Which pet was the least ?
- Which pet was the most ?
- How many cats were in the shop?
- How many rabbiits were in the shop?
- How many pets were in the shop?

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

Students will answer the dount shop sheet . They will read the table to find the questions answers.

Closing (review learning -LO)

5 min

Ask questions that are not on the student worksheet.



Assessment (to be done during activity time, who and what will be assessed?)

Walking around the students and asking them:

What is a pictogram?
Can you give me an example of what we can show on one?
How is a pictogram the same as a table/ tally? How is it different?
What do the symbols represent? Can you explain this in a different way?

Reflection WWW/EBI

WWW:- I have explained the learning outcomes to the students and explained the difficult keywords in the
learning objectives so that they can easily understand the purpose of the lesson.

EBI:- If I revise a table time 3 before I started the game with them. Also, If I explained the game to them before
starting because most of them did not understand the game well.

I used the sings to manage student’s behavior during the tasks and the main activity.

I created different worksheet based on student’s ability. Each student had a sheet to complete it based on
his/her ability.

Next Steps in learning and teaching

To set tasks for students who finish quickly to avoid disturbing other students who didn't finish yet.

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