Lesson Plan Template: Story The Red Riding Hood

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Lesson Plan Template

Name of Student Teacher Amna Ahmed

School: Day Care Center
Lesson Plan Template

Story The Red Riding Hood

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)

Control the student in the circle center

1. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
Introducing the lesson by using motivational methods (Pop-Up book)
Activities must address the classroom levels (High – medium – low)

2. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)

If students listen to me and follow the direction most or all the time (That means they are well behaved and I
achieved my goal for this lesson).

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome:

Pre-Kinder 1 English Listen to parent’s rules - Do not walk alone

– seek help when you feel unsafe

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

Circle area:
Registered for the Quran and national of United Arab  I will prepare all the material on the table before
Emiratis song I start the lesson.
Pop-Up book – Flash card of story image for  I will chick on all of the materials for my
reviewing –Board activities and have some alternative materials.

 I will make sure the registered is working.


Activity Math: Flash card – Clip Key vocabulary

Activity Art: Plastic plates – Glue – Colored pencils Leila – wolf – Grand mother –hunter
– color paper

Activity Science: Paper - Colored pencils

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Morning greeting: I will say Good Morning Student, they will say good morning Teacher Amna . I will ask
them How are you today? They will say good.

Day and date: I will tell them that we will sing let see how is her today, after that I will will sing with
student days of the week song and I will say Today is ? yesterday was? They will respond Monday. and in
the end we will say Today is Sunday how are you today I’m fine thank you

And I will give them positive prize by saying ‘’ well done everyone’’, then I will ask them what is
the weather out site, the student will say sunny and its hot


1. I will start my lesson by using Pop-Up book, I will explain each page and ask them question
such as What do you see in this page, how many apple tree in this page, what do you think
will happen next, Who do you think is stranger.
2. Then show them a flash card with the story image the student has to remember witch of the
image is happening first. Student have to think before answer.
3. Then I will tell them that we have great activities on each station and I will explain all
activity in the circle area by saying (in the math activity you will do this and that’ ’and
Time: 15 min

remind them that after they finish they can move to another table.

4. Transitions:

1. If student finish from the activity, they can move to another activity.
Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Science station (Find health food)

The student will have to found health food such as apple – orange and match it to Grand
mother basket by using pencil, after that student can color the health food if they want.
Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Art station (Making Leila Face ).

- Students will have a paper and they will use the color paper to create Lelia face.
- Student will develop their creativity in this activity and develop their fine motor skill.
Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

Math station (Complete the pattern)

- Each student will have Flash card and clip that have image.
Time: 15 min

- Student will complete the pattern and put the missing image by using clip image.
- This activity will help student to develop their thinking skill and improve the mathematical

skill in children

- Sing clean up song.

15 min

- Set on the mat.

- Ask them what we did in each station.


- Show the student their work.


I will use take notice during observe to assess the students and I will see if the student understands the lesson
or not, taking all student work picture. Document children works. For example, put it in their profile.

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