June 2013
Master’s thesis
Title Delivered
CO2 Absorption and Desorption Simulation with 1st of June 2013
Aspen HYSYS Availability
Student Number of Pages
Even Solnes Birkelund 98
The last years it has been an increasing global interest to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases to
the atmosphere. One of the most important greenhouse gases is CO2. To reduce CO2 emissions
carbon capture and storage (CCS) is the most realistic approach. With today’s technology absorption
by an amine solution is the most developed and applicable method for post-combustion CO2 capture.
But this technology is very energy demanding. To reduce the energy demand this technology must
be optimized to realize this process as a beneficial method for large scale CO2 capture.
This thesis considers three different configurations for absorption by an amine mixture aimed to
reduce the energy demand. The different configurations are the standard absorption process, a
vapour recompression and a lean split with vapour recompression. Aspen HYSYS has been used as
the simulation tool. To compare the different models equally the CO2 removal efficiency was kept at
85% and the minimum temperature approach in the lean/rich heat exchanger was 5K. Kent-
Eisenberg was used as the thermodynamic model for the aqueous amine solution and Peng-Robinson
for the vapour phase.
All configurations were evaluated due to the energy cost. The lean split with vapour recompression
had the lowest energy cost with 81 MNOK/year. However, the vapour recompression had only a
slightly higher cost equal to 85 MNOK/year. The standard absorption process was simulated to have
an energy cost of 120 MNOK/year. At these values 1.15 M ton CO2/year are removed.
A capital cost estimation of the configurations has also been conducted. This capital cost estimation
has considered equipment, engineering and installation cost. The standard absorption process was
estimated to have the lowest capital cost by 514 MNOK. The two other modifications were more
expensive. The biggest difference was due to the extra compressor. The lean split with vapour
recompression had a cost of 768 MNOK, while the vapour recompression had a cost of 832 MNOK.
Some sensitivity calculations have also been conducted, especially for the vapour recompression.
Under these conditions the following parameter values were optimal: CO2 removal efficiency of 84-
86%, flash tank pressure at 110-120 kPa, 14-16 stages in the absorption column.
More research should be done to verify values due to uncertainties in the models and cost estimates.
Keywords Supervisor
CO2 Absorption, amine Associate Professor Lars Erik Øi, Telemark
HYSYS University College.
Vapour recompression
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... 4
Preface ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 11
3. Process description.......................................................................................................... 19
4.2.4. Capital cost estimation ....................................................................................... 30
5.1.1. Process description of the Aspen HYSYS standard base case ........................... 34 Specifications for the Aspen HYSYS standard base case .......................... 35 Results for the Aspen HYSYS standard base case ..................................... 36
5.1.2. Process description of the Aspen HYSYS vapour recompression base case ..... 37 Specifications for the Aspen HYSYS vapour recompression base case..... 38 Results for the Aspen HYSYS vapour recompression base case ............... 39
5.1.3. Process description of the Aspen HYSYS lean split with vapour recompression
base case............................................................................................................................ 40 Specifications for the Aspen HYSYS lean split with vapour recompression
base case 41 Results for the Aspen HYSYS lean split with vapour recompression base
case 43
5.3. Sensitivity calculation in the Aspen HYSYS standard absorption model ................. 44
5.3.1. Variation of lean amine circulation rate in the Aspen HYSYS standard
absorption model ............................................................................................................... 44
5.4. Sensitivity calculation for the Aspen HYSYS vapour recompression model ........... 45
5.4.1. Variation of the lean amine circulation rate in the Aspen HYSYS vapour
recompression model ........................................................................................................ 45
5.4.2. Variation of number plates in the absorption column in the Aspen HYSYS
vapour recompression model ............................................................................................ 46
5.4.3. Variation of the flash tank pressure in the Aspen HYSYS vapour recompression
model 47
7.2.1. Evaluation of the sensitivity calculations for the Aspen HYSYS standard
absorption model ............................................................................................................... 52 Evaluation of the case: Variation of lean amine circulation in the Aspen
HYSYS standard absorption model .............................................................................. 52
7.2.2. Evaluation of the sensitivity calculations for the Aspen HYSYS vapour
recompression model ........................................................................................................ 53 Evaluation of the case: Variation of the lean amine circulation rate in the
Aspen HYSYS vapour recompression model ............................................................... 53 Evaluation of the case: Variation of number plates in the absorption column
in the Aspen HYSYS vapour recompression model ..................................................... 53 Evaluation of the case: Variation of the flash tank pressure in the Aspen
HYSYS vapour recompression model .......................................................................... 53
This Master’s thesis was done during the spring semester 2013 at the Faculty of Science and
Technology at the University of Tromsø (UiT).
I want to thank my supervisor Associate Professor Lars Erik Øi from Telemark University
College for guidance and reliable communication despite the long distance between the
working locations.
I also want to thank my fellow graduating student Trond Vegard Sørensen for motivation and
Nomenclature, abbreviation and symbol list
MEA Monoethanolamine
List of tables
Table 1: Cost index for 2010 and 2013 [26] ............................................................................ 31
Table 2: Specifications for the sour feed to the absorber ......................................................... 33
Table 3: Specifications for lean amine to absorber .................................................................. 35
Table 4: Specifications and data for the rest of the model ....................................................... 35
Table 5: Results for the Aspen HYSYS standard base case .................................................... 36
Table 6: Specifications for lean amine to absorber .................................................................. 38
Table 7: Specifications for the recompressed stream to the stripper........................................ 38
Table 8: Specifications and data for the rest of the model ....................................................... 38
Table 9: Results for the Aspen HYSYS vapour recompression base case............................... 39
Table 10: Specifications for lean amine to absorber ................................................................ 41
Table 11: Specifications for the semi-lean stream to absorber ................................................ 41
Table 12: Specifications for the recompressed stream to the stripper...................................... 41
Table 13: Specifications and data for the rest of the model ..................................................... 42
Table 14: Results for the Aspen HYSYS lean split with vapour recompression base case ..... 43
Table 15: The Aspen HYSYS base case simulation results ..................................................... 51
Table 16: Equipment cost in 2010 currency [23] ..................................................................... 57
Table 17: Compressor cost [27] ............................................................................................... 58
Table 18: Absorber dimensions................................................................................................ 58
Table 19: Absorber cost ........................................................................................................... 58
Table 20: Desorber cost............................................................................................................ 59
Table 21: Lean/rich heat exchanger cost .................................................................................. 60
Table 22: Capital cost ............................................................................................................... 60
List of figures
Figure 1: The principal of a combined heat and power plant [5] ............................................. 14
Figure 2: Simplified figure of the standard absorption process [8].......................................... 19
Figure 3: Simplified figure of an absorption process with a vapour recompression
modification [8] ........................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 4: Simplified figure of a lean split with vapour recompression modification [8] ......... 23
Figure 5: The user interface of the basic absorption model in Aspen HYSYS ........................ 34
Figure 6: The user interface of the vapour recompression model in Aspen HYSYS .............. 37
Figure 7: The user interface of the lean split with vapour recompression model in Aspen
HYSYS ..................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 8: Lean amine circulation rate, CO2 removal efficiency and heat demand for the Aspen
HYSYS standard absorption model ......................................................................................... 44
Figure 9: Lean amine circulation rate, CO2 removal efficiency and heat demand for the Aspen
HYSYS vapour recompression model ..................................................................................... 45
Figure 10: Effect of variation on the number of plates in the absorption column for the Aspen
HYSYS vapour recompression model ..................................................................................... 46
Figure 11: Effect of flash tank pressure variation on the equivalent work for the Aspen
HYSYS vapour recompression model ..................................................................................... 47
1. Introduction
This master’s thesis is about optimization of CO2 removal processes from a low pressure flue
gas from a natural gas combined heat and power plant simulated in Aspen HYSYS. The work
is done at the University of Tromsø (UiT).
1.1. Purpose
The aim of this paper:
The purpose with this paper is to optimize the energy demand of CO2 removal processes in
the simulation tool Aspen HYSYS. It is also an objective to estimate the energy and capital
cost for the different configurations. The different configurations are the standard absorption
process, a vapour recompression modification and a lean split with vapour recompression
modification. For the vapour recompression modification sensitivity analysis are conducted to
optimize the energy consumption.
For a real process there is some equipment that is necessary for operation which is not
considered in this paper. Auxiliary systems like pumps, fans, DCC, a water wash system, or
an amine reclaimer are not considered. A short explanation of these parts is presented in
section 3.4: Equipment not considered. Pressure drop and heat losses throughout the process
equipment are neither considered.
1.2. Background
The last years it has been an increasing international agreement that CO2 is a dangerous
greenhouse gas and that the human made CO2 emissions to the atmosphere must be managed
to control the climate changes. The climate change meetings in Kyoto, Copenhagen, Cancun
etc. has been activities to set accepted emissions and a plan of how to control the climate
changes. Based on this a new area of focus has grown forth. This area is the focus of carbon
capture and storage (CCS). This work is a supplement to the carbon capture part. The idea is
that when CO2 is captured it can be transported to and stored inside geological structures, e.g.
inside produced reservoirs. These geological structures must however have an impermeable
layer so the CO2 is completely isolated from the atmosphere. This storage technology is
already implemented on a few existing process facilities in Norway. At the LNG production
plant at Hammerfest CO2 is captured, transported and injected back to the geologic structure
beneath the seabed. This technology is also used at Sleipner. However, these capturing
processes are from high pressure streams. But because of the increase of focus on CCS other
big pollution objects have had an increasing interest. One of these is natural gas power plants.
In Norway there are currently a few of these power plants. On some of the offshore facilities a
small gas turbine is the only source of electricity. But onshore there are currently three natural
gas power plants. One is at Kårstø, another is at Melkøya, and the last one is at Mongstad.
The one at Mongstad is a combined power and heat plant. On the concession application
Statoil estimated the plant to have a capacity to generate 280 MW electricity and 350 MW
heat. And at normal production the plant stands for about 1, 3 million tons of CO2 each year
[1] [2]. Therefore, development of technology for CO2 removal from power plants will be an
important step towards reducing and controlling CO2 emissions. Today there are several
known methods to remove CO2. Chemical and physical absorption are two different methods,
some other methods are; adsorption, use of membranes or cryogenic separation. A short
presentation of these possible CO2 removal processes are presented in chapter 1.4.
When the concession for a power plant at Mongstad was accepted there was not set a
requirement that a CO2 removal process must be in place [1]. However, there were
discussions on a political level that this must happen. But CO2 removal by the known
technology is very expensive and the government decided that a test center is going to
optimize the known technology of how to extract CO2 from flue gases. This test centre is
called Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM). The test center’s owners is a joint corporation
between Gassnova (75,12%), Statoil (20,00%), Shell (2,44%) and Sasol (2,44%). Gassnova
has the share majority and it is through this company the government is managing the
research process. TCM started up in May 2012 and has a flue gas feed flow rate about 10%
(100 000 ton CO2/year) of the full scale case [3]. Currently there are two companies with a
CO2 removal technology they want to test. The first company is Alstom. They test a
technology which is based on absorption with an aqueous ammonia mixture. The second
company is Aker Clean Carbon. They are testing a technology based on absorption with an
aqueous amine mixture. With the known technology CO2 removal from a post combustion
power plant is expected to reduce the total energy efficiency of the plant from about 58% to
about 50% [13]. And this excludes transportation and storage of CO2. Therefore it is
necessary to optimize the known technology or invent new technology for this to be accepted
as benefitting. Based on this, the main purpose with the technology center is to develop, test
and verify technologies to reduce cost, technology, environmental and financial risk of the
CO2 removal process. TCM will be the first step towards commercializing the process as a
life worthy product.
Removing CO2 from a stream has been done for many years. But this is either in small scale
or from high pressure petroleum streams. When removing from a high pressure stream the
conditions are quite different. The known technology must be adapted to low pressure in big
scale. TCM is a pilot plant which has a size that means that the results of this testing can be
extrapolated to full scale plants all around the world. There are two different ways of applying
a post-combustion CO2 removal process based on absorption to a power plant. The first way
is to include the CO2 removal process into the design phase. The other way is to apply the
process onto an existing plant. Chemical absorption post-combustion can be implemented in
both ways, and this is one important factor that makes this way of CO2 capture very
interesting [4]. In addition, it is important to note that one type of technology is not always the
best solution. Different operation and investment costs and the planed life-time of a process
are factors that may change what is the best choice in a specific case.
It can also be mentioned that most work on this topic is likely not public information. Most
companies have no interest in publishing their research on technology which may be a
competitive advantage. Therefore it is expected that some scientific work is done but has not
been published by companies as Aker Clean Carbon, Alstrom, Fluor, Mitsubishi, HTC Energy
and other similar companies with a strong interest in this type of technology. However, there
are a few institutions that have an interest in publishing their work, i.e. education institutes.
combusted air/natural gas is first used directly on the gas turbine, and then the flue gas
produce steam which is used in the steam turbine. Both turbines are used to produce electrical
- CO2 has no heating value. Therefore removing CO2 will increase the heating value of
a combustible mixture.
- When gas is transported in pipelines to customers CO2 will increase the load on the
- CO2 crystallizes at low temperatures. So when natural gas is liquefied to LNG the CO2
content must be below a certain value to not plug small channels, i.e. heat exchangers.
- In presents of water CO2 forms an acid which corrode metal pipes.
- CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
- Achieve sale gas specifications.
To remove CO2 a few different technologies are available. These technologies are physical or
chemical absorption, adsorption, cryogenic separation, and membranes. Each of these
technologies has its field of use.
Adsorption is based on the principle of having a fluid to be adsorbed onto a solid surface.
When this process is used there must be two adsorption lines in parallel. This is because the
regeneration happens by changing pressure or temperature, and therefore one line must
always be able to adsorb while the other regenerates. This process might not be suitable for
large scale CO2 removal from a natural gas based power plant. At this scale, the low
adsorption capacity might be a big challenge. In addition, the flue gas that is treated must
have a high CO2 concentration because of the low selectivity of most adsorbents [6].
Physical absorption
Physical absorption is based on absorbing CO2 into a solvent which may be described by the
equation of Henry’s law. Henry’s law says that the relation between the concentration and the
partial pressure of a component in a mixture is directly proportional. Because of this, physical
absorption is only suitable if the partial pressure of CO2 is quite high. According to [7],
physical absorption is a more suitable method when CO2 concentration is higher than 15%
and at high partial pressures.
Chemical absorption
This process is based on the principle to have CO2 from a flue gas to be chemical absorbed by
a solvent. The chemical reaction needs to form a weak intermediate compound so that the
absorbent may be regenerated. To apply regeneration a pressure reduction or an increase in
temperature is required. The solvent can be ammonia, different amines, or a mixture of
amines. Since exhaust gas from a power plant is at low pressure, the process will be very heat
demanding. According to [8] amine absorption systems are considered to be the best suited
technology for removing CO2 from flue gases in the power sector.
Cryogenic separation
Cryogenic separation is the process where CO2 is separated from the flue gas by condensing.
The principle exploits the difference in the boiling point for the components. According to [6]
and [9] this physical process is suitable for flue gas streams with CO2 concentrations above
90%, and this process is more suitable to capture CO2 from flue gases from an oxyfuel power
Membrane separation is based on two flows that are separated by a membrane. The membrane
is most often a thin, nonporous, polymeric film which is semipermeable. Some species move
faster through the membrane than others and in this way CO2 is separated from the feed.
However, the selectivity and the fraction CO2 removed of this process is low. A multistage
separation is required to capture a higher amount which leads to a higher investment and
operation cost [6] [10].
2. Literature about different CO2 absorption
The idea with this chapter is to give a short presentation of some general research about CO2
removal at low pressure conditions, and then mention some research on the different
configurations used in this work.
A few years ago there was not done much research on CO2 removal in big scale from a low
pressure flue gas. But the last years the political interest in CO2 emission management has
stimulated and motivated for more extensive research. The aim of most of this research is to
reduce the energy and/or cost demand of a process. This can either be done by configuring the
physical process equipment or by changing process parameters for optimization of a specific
modification. Based on this several possible CO2 absorption configurations have been
theoretically tested and evaluated. Because of the high cost of a large scale process much of
the research done are based on work with different simulation tools. These simulation tools
are software programs like Aspen HYSYS, Aspen plus, K-Spice and Pro/II. The use of these
tools ease the massive calculations required to simulate a close-to-real process. Calculations
like material balance, energy balance, vapour/liquid equilibrium, equations of states are
solved quickly. These tools are especially practical when complex or large quantities of
calculations are required.
During the literature review several interesting works was found [11] presents fifteen different
process flow sheet modifications. The work does also have a focus on the patent information
related to each modification. More interesting work found are [6] which consists of a state-of-
the-art review for post-combustion CO2 capturing, and [12] which considers removal of CO2
from exhaust gas.
Standard absorption process
In much research found the standard absorption model has been used as a reference case.
When different modifications or process parameters have been optimized the improvement
has been related to this base case. In the paper [13] a presentation of a combined cycle gas
power plant and the standard absorption process are given. In this work the energy
consumption of the CO2 removal process was calculated, and it was concluded that the
process reduces the efficiency of the power plant from about 58 to 50%.
In the paper [14], [15], [16], and [17] it is concluded that a vapour recompression
modification is perhaps the most interesting choice of modification because the process
achieves a large energy reduction with a limited increase in complexity. Some research is
done in [8] about net present value maximization on a vapour recompression model. This
paper conclude that the optimum flash tank pressure is at 1,2 bar.
In several papers found different split stream modifications are presented and simulated.
Perhaps the most interesting one are simulated in [15]. In that paper a simulation of a lean
split stream with a vapour recompression modification are accomplished. The results are
interesting and gave less reboiler and compressor duty compared to the vapour recompression
3. Process description
This chapter is meant to give a presentation of the three configurations used in this work. First
is the standard absorption process presented, then a vapour recompression modification, and
last a lean split with vapour recompression modification. Principles and the process
equipment are also briefly explained. Equipment which is required in a real process but not
considered in the model are also mentioned. After this, sections about column stage
equilibrium in Aspen HYSYS, the property package, and the solvent are presented.
Figure 2 shows the configurations of the standard absorption process. The flue gas enters the
absorption column in the bottom part. Here the exhaust is climbing upward due to buoyancy.
At the same time an aqueous solution enters at the top and flows downward. This aqueous
solution will mainly consist of the solvent and water, but it will also consist of some CO2.
Because of the layout inside the column the exhaust gas and the aqueous solution will have a
big contact surface. During this contact CO2 will be absorbed into the aqueous solution. In
this way the exhaust will when exiting at the top of the column have a lower CO2 content. The
aqueous solution will exit the absorption column at the bottom. Inside the column there is an
arrangement that optimize the liquid/vapour contact surface. This arrangement may be plates,
structured or random packing. Each plate or a specific high of these may be called a stage, and
the number of stages is one of the factors that decide how much CO2 that will be removed.
Theoretical you can assume chemical and vapour/liquid equilibrium over each plate. But in
reality there is a deviation between the composition change to equilibrium and the actual
composition change of the components. This deviation is what decides the efficiency at each
plate. This efficiency may be called the Murphee efficiency. A definition of the Murphee
efficiency can be found in chapter 3.5. From the bottom of the absorption column the liquid
(rich amine) will be pumped through a lean/rich heat exchanger. In this side of the heat
exchanger the rich amine stream will be heated. After this the rich amine will enter the
desorption column/stripper. In the desorption column there is a condenser at the top and a
boiler in the bottom, and here the CO2 vaporizes from the aqueous mixture. The vapour rises
and the liquid, which mostly consist of the solvent and water, flows downwards. In this way
the amine can be reused, while the CO2 can be extrapolated from the stream as a top product.
Furthermore, when CO2 is captured it is ready for transportation and storage as a link in the
chain of CCS. In the desorption column the principle about Murphee efficiency is also valid.
From the bottom of the desorption column the liquid part (lean amine) is pumped through the
lean/rich heat exchanger. In this heat exchanger the lean amine will be cooled. After leaving
this heat exchanger the temperature is still too high, therefore is the stream further cooled by
another heat exchanger which uses cheap and available fluids, e.g. water. The lean amine is
supposed to be cooled to the wanted/optimal absorption temperature before entering the
absorber. At this point the lean amine is mixed with a make-up stream of water and amine.
These make-up streams are supposed to fill in the lost amine and water from the product
streams leaving the system. When the make-up steams are mixed together with the lean amine
stream the mixed stream enters the absorption column to fulfill the cycle.
3.2. A vapour recompression process
Figure 3: Simplified figure of an absorption process with a vapour recompression modification [8]
There are several differences from a vapour recompression absorption modification and the
standard absorption process. The main changes are as follows:
- One extra flash tank, a compressor, a small increase in the complexity of the lean/rich
heat exchanger.
- The reboiler duty will decrease due to the extra stream coming from the compressor.
- Some additional electricity is required to operate the compressor.
- Small modifications for the lean/rich heat exchanger may be required.
- The stripper need to accommodate a slightly increase in the vapour flow for a vapour
recompression model [8].
- The CO2 loading (mole CO2/mole MEA) in the lean amine will decrease. The CO2
loading in the rich amine stream leaving the absorber will however be on about the
same value. This means that a lower lean amine flow rate is required for the same
amount of CO2 removed.
The blue square in figure 3 shows the change in the required physical equipment compared to
the standard absorption process. This blue box contains the recompression part of the process.
From the bottom of the stripper the liquid goes through a valve which reduces the pressure in
the stream. This pressure reduction causes some of the liquid to vaporize. The vapour/liquid
mixture enters then a flash tank where the vapour and the liquid are separated. The vapour is
then slightly cooled in the lean/rich heat exchanger (not illustrated in figure 3) and
recompressed before it enters the desorption column. By doing this the heat in this stream
causes a reduction in the reboiler duty. But while the reboiler duty reduces an extra duty for
the compressor is added to the system. While the vapour part is recompressed, the liquid from
the flash tank follows the same path as in the standard absorption process.
For a vapour recompression process there is only a small increase in the amount of physical
equipment. This increase is only considered to slightly increase the overall acquisition cost for
the process. However, due to the reduction in the reboiler duty the total energy required will
in spite of the extra electricity demand decrease. In the work [18] the energy demand is
considered for a few different configurations. One of these considerations is the vapour
recompression process and the basic process. This work conclude that if the vapour
recompression model have a temperature approach in the lean/rich heat exchanger of Δ5K the
investment cost and energy demand compared to a standard absorption process can be
approximately increased and reduced by respectively 2,77% and 9,37%. From these numbers
it is quite clear that it is possible to significantly reduce the cost and that it therefore is very
important to optimize the process.
3.3. A lean split with vapour recompression process
Figure 4: Simplified figure of a lean split with vapour recompression modification [8]
The difference from this modification compared to the vapour recompression modification is
that the lean amine stream from the stripper is splitted into two streams. One of the streams
goes through the same process as in the vapour recompression modification, but the other
stream (called semi-lean) goes directly through the lean/rich heat exchanger then a pump and
a cooler brings the medium to the wanted pressure and temperature condition before entering
the absorption column. By doing this the high temperature (120 °C) provides additional
heating in the lean/rich heat exchanger which will affect the reboiler duty.
As mentioned in chapter 2 this process has been simulated to require less reboiler and
compressor duty compared to the vapour recompression modification [15]. This process does
however have a more complex lean/rich heat exchanger, one more pump and cooler, more
piping, and an extra inlet to the absorption column. This means that investment and operation
costs should be evaluated and compared to the standard absorption process and the vapour
recompression modification.
3.4. Equipment not considered
In addition to the components that are mentioned above there is some equipment that is
necessary for a real process to be operational. The most important equipment is a direct
contact cooler (DCC), an amine reclaimer, a fan, and a water wash system:
- DCC: The available pressure and thermal energy in the flue gas are used as the energy
source in the power and heat plant, but still the temperature may be as high as 200°C.
Since the wanted inlet temperature to the absorber is about 25-40°C the thermal
energy need to be reduced. This means that upstream from the absorption column a
direct contact cooler is required to chill the flue gas so that the temperature reaches the
wanted/optimized operation temperature in the absorption column. This DCC consists
of a column and a water circulation system. The column acts as the direct cooler
where process water is cooling the flue gas which streams upwards. For the water
circuit a pump, cooler and a splitter are required. A splitter is required because of a
change in the water saturation limit in the flue gas, i.e. water condenses from the flue
gas inside the column.
- Flue gas fan: If the flue gas needs a small pressure increase a fan may be used. A fan
will also give the process more stability and a bigger flexibility when considering the
pressure operating condition.
- Amine reclaimer: Because the amine solvent degrades over time due to oxidative and
thermal reactions a system to reclaim the solvent is necessary. This amine reclaimer
bleeds of some of the lean amine stream and vaporizes the solvent. The part of the
stream which is not recovered is considered a waste product.
- Water wash section: The solvent in this study is MEA, and this solvent has a relatively
high vapour pressure. A high vapour pressure will lead to a significant vaporization
loss in the absorption column. This means that the MEA content will be quite high in
the pure product stream. To greatly reduce the loss of MEA it is possible to integrate a
water wash column.
the software simulation program. This efficiency is called Murphee efficiency, and is defined
Where y i, n+1 is the mole fraction of species i in the vapour phase leaving stage n+1, and yi is
the mole fraction of species i leaving stage n, and y*i is the mole fraction of species i in
equilibrium with the liquid leaving stage n [10].
This Murphee efficiency will not be constant through the columns. In reality the efficiency is
slightly different on each plate. The driving force of the absorption is based on the chemical
and vapour/liquid equilibrium.
All these restrictions are fulfilled in the simulations. This package uses Kent-Eisenberg or Li-
Mather as the thermodynamic model for the aqueous amine solution. According to [19] Kent-
Eisenberg is validated as an approach to correlate the equilibrium solubility of acid gases in a
MEA solution. The model chosen is Kent-Eisenberg during the simulations. But Li-Mather
was tested to check the deviation between these two. For the vapour phase it is only expected
a small deviation from an ideal solution. This means that the basic ideal gas law could be
applied. However, the small deviation may easily be taken care of by considering the phase
mixture non-ideal. Therefore the vapour phase is calculated as non-ideal. For this non-ideal
vapour phase Aspen HYSYS uses the equation of state Peng-Robinson to calculate the
fugacity coefficient. No other choices are available. And for calculation of enthalpy/entropy a
curve fit approach is used. This amine package is also capable of simulating blended solvents
made up of two of the following amines: MEA, DEA, MDEA, TEA, DGA, and DIPA. The
absorption is an exothermic process and the temperature will therefore vary inside the
absorption column, and since the heat effects are an important factor in amine treating
processes it is worth mentioning that this is properly taken into account in the amines property
package [19].
For the vapour phase several other equations of state could have been used. The small
deviation expected from an ideal mixture gives a wide range of choices. However, here the
most complex equation is used because it is expected to give a slightly more accurate result
with no increase in effort. For the liquid phase Li-Mather could have been used as as the
thermodynamic model for the aqueous amine solution.
The advantages with MEA as solvent are that it has a high reactivity, high absorbing capacity
on a mass basis, reasonable thermal stability and degradation rate [21]. But the use of MEA as
the solvent does have some disadvantages. MEA has a relatively high vapour pressure which
will lead to a significant vaporization loss. This can however be limited by a simple water
wash system. Another disadvantage with MEA is the high heat of reaction. A high heat of
reaction means that more energy must be added in the regeneration process [12]. In addition,
CO2 is corrosive if water is present.
It is not easy to find a optimized absorption temperature for MEA. In a chemical reaction a
high temperature is favored, but the equilibrium in this process will favor a lower
temperature. Therefore it is not easy to optimize the absorber inlet temperature. However, as
mentioned does MEA have a high reactivity. This means that MEA does not need as high
operation temperature compared to some other amines.
The reaction is between a weak base and a weak acid. CO2 solved in H2O is a weak acid,
while MEA solved in H2O is a weak base. The reaction of CO2 and MEA is considered by
Different solvents
In the work [12] different amines than MEA has been shortly evaluated in a standard
absorption model. Dietanolamine (DEA) and methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) in water are two
popular solvents when CO2 are removed at high pressures, but these do not seem to give
better results than MEA. Either does a mixture of MEA and MDEA. In addition, most papers
found on this topic have been using an MEA, and therefore it is easier to compare different
results when based on the same specifications.
4. Energy and economical estimation methods
4.1. Energy estimation method
In this process there are two types of energy demand, thermal heat and electricity. These two
cannot be compared on an equal basis. Therefore the electricity and the thermal heat required
will be kept separated. But in the sensitivity cases a method to estimate the combined energy
demand is very practical. This combined energy is called equivalent thermodynamic work. In
this method the thermal energy demand for the system will be recalculated into the amount of
electricity lost due to the thermal energy used, and then the compressor and pump duties will
be added.
Where QH is the total heat used in the reboiler, the steam turbine efficiency is assumed to be
75%, WC is the duty for the compressor, and WP is the summarized pump duties. To estimate
the thermal energy transformation to work the factor is used. This factor is the
maximum efficency of a Carnot engine, where work is transformed from thermal heat. If the
steam is assumed to be about 10K higher than the temperature in the reboiler, then TH
=130+273K. And if the steam is assumed to condense at 40 °C, TC = 313K. This method for
unifying the different energy values has also been used in literature by [18].
This means that the low pressure steam can produce electricity for about 0,223 of the thermal
energy, and therefore:
Where: Cn is the cost with capacity Sn. [22] estimates the values for these type of processes to
be between 0,6 and 0,7, and therefore a mid-value of 0,65 is chosen.
4.2.5. Currency index
Converting the currency from US dollar to NOK is done by the following equation:
5. Aspen HYSYS simulations
This chapter starts with a presentation of the three base cases in this work. The standard
absorption process, the vapour recompression modification, and the lean split with vapour
recompression modification in Aspen HYSYS. After this, a parameter variation chapter and
the sensitivity cases are presented as the last part.
For all the simulation cases the following parameters has been unchanged:
During the simulations it was experienced that the Modified HYSIM Inside-Out gave the best
convergence in both columns. The Murphee efficiency was kept at 15%. The adiabatic
efficiency in the pumps and the compressor was set to 75%, this is the default value in Aspen
HYSYS. Table 2 shows the feed parameters and values that were held constant in all
Parameter Value
Composition N2: 76,0 mole%
CO2: 3,3 mole%
H2O: 6,9 mole%
O2: 13,8 mole%
Temperature 40 °C
Pressure 101 kPa
Flow rate 1,09141 *10^5 kgmole/h
5.1. Base cases
For all base cases the specifications made and a figure of the model are presented. A picture
of the models can be found in appendix 2, 3 and 4. Last for each base case the results are
presented. For the three base cases the following parameters was kept constant:
There are set a few general requirements for the base cases. The CO2 removal efficiency was
set to approximately 85%. The inlet temperature to the absorption column for the flue gas and
all circulation streams was set to 40 °C.
Figure 5: The user interface of the basic absorption model in Aspen HYSYS
A figure of the standard model is shown by figure 5, and a bigger picture is found in appendix
2. The model consists of the following process equipment:
- Absorption column
- Rich amine pump
- Desorption column
- Lean/Rich amine heat exchanger
- Lean amine pump
- Water cooler
Some of the elements shown in figure 5 do only have a software function. These functions
are: The recycle functions, called RCY-1 and RCY-2. The mixer, called Mix-100. And the
adjust function, called ADJ-1.
Parameter Value
Composition MEA: 29,0 weight%
CO2:5,5 weight%
H2O: 65,5 weight%
Lean amine loading 0,263
Temperature 40 °C
Pressure 101 kPa
Flow rate 1,6 *10^5 kgmole/h
Parameter Value
Absorber - stages 14
Absorber - Murphree efficiency 0,15
Desorber - stages 10 + condenser + reboiler
Desorber - Murphree efficiency 1
Reboiler - temperature 120 °C
Desorber - Reflux ratio 0,1
Rich amine loading 0,434
Rich amine pump - inlet pressure 101 kPa
Rich amine pump - outlet pressure 200 kPa
Rich amine pump - inlet temperature 43,5 °C
Rich amine pump - adiabatic efficiency 75%
Heated rich amine - temperature 104,5 °C
Lean amine pump - inlet pressure 100 kPa
Lean amine pump - outlet pressure 400 kPa
Lean amine pump - adiabatic efficiency 75%
Make up Amine - Flow rate 45 kgmole/h
Make up Water - Flow rate 6150 kgmole/h
5.1.2. Process description of the Aspen HYSYS vapour recompression base case
Figure 6: The user interface of the vapour recompression model in Aspen HYSYS
The model layout is presented by figure 6, and a bigger picture of the model is attached in
appendix 3. The model consists of the following process equipment:
- Absorption column
- Rich amine pump
- Desorption column
- Valve
- Flash tank
- Lean vapour compressor
- Lean/Rich amine heat exchanger
- Lean amine pump
- Sea water cooler
Some of the elements shown in figure 6 do only have a software function. These functions
are: The recycle functions, called RCY-1 and RCY-2. The mixer, called Mix-100. And the
adjust function, called ADJ-1.
37 Specifications for the Aspen HYSYS vapour recompression base case
Table 6 contains the lean amine specifications. Table 7 shows the recompression stream
specifications. And in table 8 contains specifications and data for the rest of the model. The
Aspen HYSYS simulation results may be found in appendix 6.
Parameter Value
Composition MEA: 29,0 weight%
CO2:5,1 weight%
H2O: 65,9 weight%
Lean amine loading 24,4
Temperature 40 °C
Pressure 101 kPa
Flow rate 1,23 *10^5 kgmole/h
Parameter Value
Composition CO2: 10,8 weight%
H2O: 86,4 weight%
MEA: 2,8 weight%
Temperature 120 °C
Pressure 200 kPa
Flow rate 3985 kgmole/h
Parameter Value
Absorber - stages 16
Absorber - Murphree efficiency 0,15
Desorber - stages 10 + condenser + reboiler
Desorber - Murphree efficiency 1
Reboiler - temperature 120 °C
Desorber - Reflux ratio 0,3
Flash tank - pressure 115 kPa
Rich amine loading 46,8
Rich amine pump - inlet pressure 101 kPa
Rich amine pump - outlet pressure 200 kPa
Rich amine pump - inlet temperature 41,8 °C
Rich amine pump - adiabatic efficiency 75%
Lean amine pump - inlet pressure 115 kPa
Lean amine pump - outlet pressure 200 kPa
Lean amine pump - inlet temperature 105,3 °C
Lean amine pump - adiabatic efficiency 75%
Compressor - adiabatic efficiency 75%
Compressor - inlet pressure 115 kPa
Compressor - outlet pressure 200 kPa
Compressor - inlet temperature 99,4 °C
Compressor - outlet temperature 120 °C
Make up Amine - Flow rate 40 kgmole/h
Make up Water - Flow rate 4980 kgmole/h Results for the Aspen HYSYS vapour recompression base case
Results for the vapour recompression simulation are presented in table 9.
Table 9: Results for the Aspen HYSYS vapour recompression base case
5.1.3. Process description of the Aspen HYSYS lean split with vapour
recompression base case
Figure 7: The user interface of the lean split with vapour recompression model in Aspen HYSYS
The model layout is shown by figure 7, and a bigger picture of the model is attached in
appendix 4. The model consists of the following process equipment:
- Absorption column
- Rich amine pump
- Desorption column
- Valve
- Flash tank
- Lean vapour compressor
- Lean/Rich amine heat exchanger
- Lean amine pump
- Semi-lean pump
- Two water coolers
Some of the elements shown in figure 7 do only have a software function. These functions
are: The recycle functions, called RCY-1, RCY-3, and RCY-2. The mixer and splitter, called
Mix-100 and TEE-100. And the adjust function, called ADJ-1.
40 Specifications for the Aspen HYSYS lean split with vapour recompression
base case
Table 10, 11, and 12 contains specifications for the recirculation streams. Specifications and
data for the rest of the model are presented in table 13. The Aspen HYSYS simulation results
may be found in appendix 7.
Parameter Value
Composition MEA: 27,0 weight%
CO2:4,4 weight%
H2O: 68,6 weight%
Lean amine loading
Temperature 40 °C
Pressure 101 kPa
Flow rate 4,55 *10^4 kgmole/h
Parameter Value
Composition MEA: 29,0 weight%
CO2:5,1 weight%
H2O: 65,9 weight%
Temperature 40 °C
Pressure 101 kPa
Flow rate 5,29 *10^4 kgmole/h
Parameter Value
Composition CO2: 7,9 weight%
H2O: 89,3 weight%
MEA: 2,8 weight%
Temperature 120 °C
Pressure 200 kPa
Flow rate 1689 kgmole/h
Table 13: Specifications and data for the rest of the model
Parameter Value
Absorber - stages 24
Absorber - Murphree efficiency 0,15
Desorber - stages 6 + condenser + reboiler
Desorber - Murphree efficiency 1
Reboiler - temperature 120 °C
Desorber - Reflux ratio 0,3
Flash tank - pressure 100 kPa
Rich amine loading 0,537
Rich amine pump - inlet pressure 101 kPa
Rich amine pump - outlet pressure 291 kPa
Rich amine pump - inlet temperature 41,3 °C
Rich amine pump - adiabatic efficiency 75%
Lean amine pump - inlet pressure 100 kPa
Lean amine pump - outlet pressure 300 kPa
Lean amine pump - inlet temperature 101,8 °C
Lean amine pump - adiabatic efficiency 75%
Compressor - adiabatic efficiency 75%
Compressor - inlet pressure 100 kPa
Compressor - outlet pressure 200 kPa
Compressor - inlet temperature 99,4 °C
Compressor - outlet temperature 120 °C
Semi-lean amine pump - inlet pressure 100 kPa
Semi-lean amine pump - outlet pressure 111 kPa
Semi-lean amine pump - inlet temperature 46,5 °C
Semi-lean amine pump - adiabatic efficiency 75%
42 Results for the Aspen HYSYS lean split with vapour recompression base
Results for the lean split with vapour recompression simulation are presented in table 14.
Table 14: Results for the Aspen HYSYS lean split with vapour recompression base case
Many different parameters have been varied in the base cases to fulfill the requirements for
the removal efficiency and the minimum temperature approach in the lean/rich heat
exchanger. The removal efficiency was kept at 85%, and the minimum temperature approach
was 5K.
To fulfill these requirements there are a few parameters that are more significant than others.
These ones are the recirculation flow rate and temperature, number of stages in the absorption
and desorption column, Murphee efficiency, and the temperature in the rich amine feed to the
stripper. But to reach the required CO2 removal efficiency the main varied parameter was the
circulation rate(s) and composition(s).
For the sensitivity cases the parameter changes are explained in each sensitivity case chapter.
However, the parameter variation was continued until convergence problems occurred or as
long as it had a practical/theoretical purpose.
5.3. Sensitivity calculation in the Aspen HYSYS standard absorption model
In each subchapter is the purpose of the case presented. The chapter also contains something
about the methodology used.
5.3.1. Variation of lean amine circulation rate in the Aspen HYSYS standard
absorption model
For the standard absorption process it has been of interest to simulate the effect of a change in
lean amine circulation rate to verify the effect on the energy demand and CO2 removal
efficiency. This simulation may give a better understanding of which circulation rate that will
give the optimal CO2 removal efficiency based on the energy demand.
The lean amine circulation rate was varied from 1,3 *10^5 kgmole/h to 2,9 *10^5 kgmole/h
with a 0,1 *10^5 kgmole/h step size.
85,5 6,5
Murphee [%]
83,5 Lean amine circulation
5 rate [kgmole*10^5/h]
4,5 Heat consumption
81,5 [MJ/kg]
80,5 3,5
1,3 1,5 1,7 1,9 2,1 2,3 2,5 2,7 2,9
Lean amine circulation rate [kgmole*10^5 /h]
Figure 8: Lean amine circulation rate, CO2 removal efficiency and heat demand for the Aspen HYSYS
standard absorption model
5.4. Sensitivity calculation for the Aspen HYSYS vapour recompression
In each subchapter is the purpose of the case presented. The chapter also contains something
about the methodology used.
5.4.1. Variation of the lean amine circulation rate in the Aspen HYSYS vapour
recompression model
For the vapour recompression model it was interesting to vary the lean amine circulation flow
rate to the absorption column to find the optimal CO2 removal efficiency compared to the
equivalent thermodynamic work.
The circulation flow rate was varied from 1,10 *10^5 kgmole/h to 1,55 *10^5 kgmole/h with
0,05 *10^5 kgmole/h as the step size. The minimum temperature approach in the lean/rich
heat exchanger was kept constant at 5K. The equivalent work and CO2 efficiency was
calculated and noted.
620 88,0
Equivalent work [kJ/kg]
600 86,0
580 84,0
Equivalent work [kJ/kg]
560 82,0 CO2 removal [%]
540 80,0
520 78,0
1,10 1,20 1,30 1,40 1,50
Lean amine circulation [kgmole*10^5 /h]
Figure 9: Lean amine circulation rate, CO2 removal efficiency and heat demand for the Aspen HYSYS
vapour recompression model
5.4.2. Variation of number plates in the absorption column in the Aspen HYSYS
vapour recompression model
This case is supposed to give a understanding of how the number of plates in the absorption
column affect the lean amine circulation rate and the equivalent thermodynamic work
demand. This might also give some knowledge about the investment cost (number of plates)
compared to operation cost (energy demand).
In this simulation the lean amine circulation rate to the absorption column was varied while
the CO2 removal efficient was kept constant at 85%, and the minimum temperature approach
in the lean/rich heat exchanger was kept at 5K. The simulation was done by changing the
number of plates from 13 to 21. Below 13 and above 21 the absorption column did not
600 1,5 Equivalent work [kJ/kg]
550 1,4
500 Lean amine circualtion
1,2 [kgmole*10^5/h]
450 1,1
400 1
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Number of plates
Figure 10: Effect of variation on the number of plates in the absorption column for the Aspen HYSYS
vapour recompression model
5.4.3. Variation of the flash tank pressure in the Aspen HYSYS vapour
recompression model
The purpose with this case is to verify how a change in the flash tank pressure affects the
equivalent thermodynamic work of the process. When the flash tank pressure is changed the
potential of heating in the lean/rich heat exchanger will be affected due to a change in flow
rate. By keeping the minimum temperature approach constant the temperature to the stripper
will be affected.
The valve before the flash tank was used to vary the pressure from 90 to 150 kPa with a 5 kPa
step length while the minimum temperature approach was kept constant and the equivalent
thermodynamic work was recorded.
95 105 115 125 135 145
Flash tank pressure [kPa]
Figure 11: Effect of flash tank pressure variation on the equivalent work for the Aspen HYSYS vapour
recompression model
6. Simulation strategy and calculation sequence in
The calculation sequence in these Aspen HYSYS models was based on specified/guessed
composition, flow rate, pressure and temperature to the absorption column and to the
recompressed stream to the desorption column.
In the calculation sequence for the vapour recompression modification the absorption column
was calculated first. The following calculations were on the rich amine pump and then the
rich amine side of the heat exchanger. After this, the desorption column was solved, then the
pressure reduction in the valve. From here the recycle loop was calculated: Meaning first the
compressor and then checking the parameter values to the existing ones. If the aberration was
outside the accepted deviation manually iterations was done until the requirement was met
(recycle function was on ignore). When a solution is found the lean amine pump was
calculated. Then the lean side of the heat exchanger was solved. After this, the cooler was
solved, then the mixer and the valve. The last recycle function was also put on ignored while
modeling. This means that the composition was manually compared to the specified
composition in the lean amine feed to the absorption column.
As mentioned, the adjust functions to the absorption/desorption column was set to ignored.
This was basically done because the convergence of the process was eased. The specifications
were manually changed in the system until the deviation was within the accepted limits. The
sensitivity of these adjust functions was set as default. Furthermore, the number of plates in
the absorption and desorption column was based on earlier works and on the try-and-failure
method. For both columns the used solver was the Modified HYSIM Inside-Out. This solver
method was experienced to give the best column convergence. The amine flow rate to the
absorption column was adjusted to achieve the requirement of 85% CO2 removal. Efficiency
in pumps and the compressor was set to 75%. The compositions in the make-up streams are
pure water and amine. The mole flow specifications for the two make up streams are imported
from the spreadsheet in the model. This spreadsheet sums all the lost amine and water from
the system, and from this spreadsheet the values are manually exported to the stream
specifications. For the mixer the outlet pressure is set to lowest inlet.
The simulation strategy concerning the lean split with vapour recompression modification was
based on the method of try-and-failure. To get a converged model for both the columns and
all recycle functions was very demanding. The specifications connected to the recycle
functions were manually updated. The three recycle functions increase the complexity of the
model dramatically compared to two recycle functions. The model is converged for all
columns and recycle functions. However, the complexity and low flexibility of the model
makes any reliable sensitivity analysis hard to achieve.
7. Evaluation of the Aspen HYSYS simulation
In this chapter the energy demands of the simulation results are evaluated by qualitative and
quantitative methods.
The boiler duty for each kg CO2 removed is calculated to 4,3 MJ/kg for the standard base
case, and 2,7 MJ/kg for both the vapour recompression and lean split with vapour
recompression base case. Compared to other research done as [15] and [14] these values are
approximately the same and is considered typical values for these types of modifications
based on flue gas from a natural gas power and heat plant. By comparing the compressor duty
for the base cases it is clear to see that the standard process is the best since it has none. But
for the other two modifications the lean split with vapour recompression is the best. It has
only about 40% of the compressor duty of the vapour recompression model. When
comparing the equivalent work for these modifications it is clear that the lean split with
vapour recompression modification is less energy demanding than the other two models. The
two modifications with the lowest equivalent work demand have an increase in the electricity
demand because of the compressor. However, the overall efficiency of the system will
increase because of the much lower reboiler duty consumption. The boiler uses stream from
the combined power and heat plant.
From table 15 it is clear that the energy cost is lowest for the lean split with vapour
recompression modification. This modification has 80,70 MNOK per year compared to 85,33
MNOK for the vapour recompression modification, and 120,36 MNOK each year for the
standard CO2 removal process. For these values the amount of CO2 removed is about 1,15 M
7.2.1. Evaluation of the sensitivity calculations for the Aspen HYSYS standard
absorption model Evaluation of the case: Variation of lean amine circulation in the Aspen
HYSYS standard absorption model
For the lean amine circulation rate in the standard process figure 8 shows that the CO2
removal efficiency is not increasing much after 85% with increasing circulation rate. At the
same time the thermal energy demand is increasing linear with increasing circulation rate.
This means that the simulation result indicates that the optimal CO2 removal efficiency will
be about 85% by considering the thermal energy demand in the reboiler.
7.2.2. Evaluation of the sensitivity calculations for the Aspen HYSYS vapour
recompression model Evaluation of the case: Variation of the lean amine circulation rate in the
Aspen HYSYS vapour recompression model
The effect of vary the lean amine circulation rate in the vapour recompression model is
presented in figure 9. The CO2 removal efficiency does have the same trend as for the
standard model; the slope reduces with increasing lean amine circulation rate. The equivalent
thermodynamic work does however not follow a linear line, but increases potentially with
increasing circulation rate. According to the figure the optimal CO2 removal efficiency will be
around 84-86%. At this efficiency the circulation rate will be about 1,20 – 1,25 * 10^5
kgmole/h, and the equivalent thermodynamic work will be at 580-600 kJ/kg. Evaluation of the case: Variation of the flash tank pressure in the Aspen
HYSYS vapour recompression model
The effect of variation in the flash tank pressure on the equivalent work demand is shown in
figure 11. The minimum temperature approach in the lean/rich heat exchanger is kept constant
at about 5K for all simulations. The figure shows that the optimal flash tank pressure will be
about 110-120 kPa when considering the energy saving. With increasing or decreasing flash
tank pressure from this range the equivalent work demand will increase. This illustrate that
the flash tank pressure should be at this value range to minimize the energy cost. However, it
should be mentioned that a minimization of the temperature approach will increase the
purchase/investment cost of the heat exchanger. In addition, a different temperature approach
may change the optimal flash tank pressure.
In paper [8] the optimum flash tank pressure has been evaluated to be at 1,2 bar. This value is
in line with the estimated value in this work.
8. Uncertainties in the simulations
When simulations were repeated small deviations in values occurs. This deviation is about
0,5%. This is expected to be because of starting values in the model and the accepted
sensitivity deviations in the software functions. This deviation may be reduced if the
sensitivities are reduced, i.e. tighter convergence limits.
The simulations were done with Kent-Eisenberg as the model for the aqueous solution. But a
test was conducted with Li-Mather to check the difference in calculation results. A change
between these two models gave an aberration of more than 2% change in the CO2 efficiency.
Simplified model
The three simulated models are only simplified processes. Heat losses from equipment are
neglected, and so are the pressure drops throughout the process. A real process will consist of
more equipment and components which will generate a higher pressure drop and even more
heat loss. As mentioned in chapter 3.4 a real process will have more auxiliary systems that
will increase the complexity and the electricity demand of the total system, but these are not
considered in this work.
One of the important discussions around these kinds of simulations is the complexity versus
the simplicity of different process/modification models. A complex model might be slightly
more accurate compared to a simplified model, but it will however be more information and
detail demanding, time consuming, and more column convergence problems will occur.
Adiabatic efficiencies
The adiabatic efficiency in the pumps was set to 75 %. This is the default value in Aspen
HYSYS. This value might not be accurate enough for a detailed pump power study. However,
the pump duty is relatively small compared to the compressor duty and the thermal heat
demand of the system, and will therefore not be important in this study. The adiabatic
efficiency for the compressor was also set to 75%, which is the default value in Aspen
The parameter value range limits for the amine package was fulfilled for all calculations
except for the lean split with vapour recompression modification. In this simulation some of
the streams between the columns were giving a warning. However, the streams connected to
the columns were within the amine package range.
9. Capital cost estimation of the Aspen HYSYS
base cases
The capital cost is defined as the total cost of equipment, engineering, and installing. The
equipment cost estimations made in this chapter are scaled and cost converted by equation 4.3
and 4.6 from table 16. Data not available there are from [27] or [15]. When the costs of the
equipment are estimated equation 4.4 are used to estimate the capital cost. All calculation
methods used are described in chapter 4. It is used three significant digits in this estimation.
Table 17: Compressor cost [27]
The absorber dimensions and cost for packing and skirt are presented in table 18 and 19.
9.4. Desorption column cost
Costs for the desorption column are scaled and the cost updated from [23].
The desorber packing and skirt costs are presented in table 20.
Table 21 contains the lean/rich heat exchanger costs for the different configurations.
Table 21: Lean/rich heat exchanger cost
Modification Cost
Standard 70700000
Vapour recompression 62100000
Lean split with vapour recompression 46600000
10. Evaluation of the capital cost estimation
The capital costs are presented in table 23. These costs include equipment, engineering, and
installation costs. In addition, [23] are based on assumed realistic types of materials. This
means that the different material costs are included in the capital costs.
It is quite clear that the standard process has the lowest capital cost with 515 MNOK. This is
because this process is the simplest with lowest amount of equipment. For the other two cases
the compressor cost are the most significant single major equipment which increase the cost
dramatically. Since the flow rate in the lean split with vapour recompression modification
does have a significant lower rate than the vapour recompression modification the compressor
cost is very different. This difference alone makes the vapour recompression modification the
most expensive with 832 MNOK, compared to 768 MNOK for the lean split with vapour
recompression modification.
The capital cost estimations is based on several methods and sources which has a latent
uncertainty attached. According to [22] do some of the methods used expect to have an
accuracy of ±50%.
In this work there are a few components which are not considered, e.g. a fan, fan motor, DCC
and some auxiliary equipment. This means that the capital cost estimation should be lower
than similar work. However, these costs will be approximately the same for all the different
base cases simulated in this work. And therefore, the costs can still be compared relative to
each other.
11. Recommendations for further research
It is of interest to verify results from this work. Therefore more research on the capital and
energy cost for these configurations are recommended. However, more simulations and cost
analysis for different modifications are also interesting.
The calculations in the lean split with vapour recompression model gave low energy and cost
results. Sensitivity calculation cases on this model may be very interesting for verifying and
optimize the modification. But to do this an improvement of the robustness/flexibility of the
model is necessary.
It is also strongly recommended that future capital cost analyses are done by commercial
software programs or handbooks to reduce the uncertainty of calculations as much as
In the future when some real data from a big scale CO2 removal plant are published
verifications of simulation tools and calculations would be very interesting.
12. Conclusion
In this work three different flow sheet configurations have been evaluated for post combustion
CO2 capture from a combined heat and power plant by the use of chemical absorption. The
simulations have been conducted in the simulation tool Aspen HYSYS. The configurations
evaluated are a standard absorption process, a vapour recompression modification, and a lean
split with vapour recompression modification. For all three configurations the energy
consumption and the capital cost have been evaluated. In addition, sensitivity cases have been
conducted for optimization, especially in the vapour recompression modification. The lean
split with vapour recompression was too complex and had too low flexibility to achieve
converged calculations in sensitivity cases.
For comparison of all three modifications the CO2 removal efficiency of 85%, feed
parameters, and the minimum temperature approach in the lean/rich heat exchanger of 5K was
kept constant. The energy consumption for steam and electricity was converted to energy cost
per year.
For all three configurations the lean split with vapour recompression modification had the
lowest energy cost with 81 MNOK/year when removing about 1,15 M ton CO2/year.
However, the vapour recompression modification had only a slightly higher cost equal to 85
MNOK/year. The standard absorption process had an energy cost of 120 MNOK/year.
The capital costs estimations for the three configurations gave the lowest cost for the standard
process with about 514 MNOK. The two other modifications were more expensive. The
biggest difference was due to the extra compressor. The lean split with vapour recompression
had a cost of 768 MNOK, while the vapour recompression modification had a cost of 832
Sensitivity calculations for the vapour recompression modification was analyzed to have the
following optimal values: CO2 removal efficiency of 84-86%, flash tank pressure at 110-120
kPa, 14-16 stages in the absorption column. It should however be noted that these values are
restricted to similar operational conditions and feed values.
The uncertainties are very high for the capital and energy cost estimations. More accurate
estimations are probably necessary to conclude which modification and parameters are the
most optimum.
13. References
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14. Appendices
Appendix 1 Master’s thesis task description
Appendix 4 Figure of the lean split with vapour recompression base case in Aspen HYSYS
Appendix 5 Aspen HYSYS report for the standard absorption base case
Appendix 6 Aspen HYSYS report for the vapour recompression base case
Appendix 7 Aspen HYSYS report for the lean split with vapour recompression base case
Appendix 1 Master’s thesis task description page 1 of 2
Task Description:
2. Simulations of CO2 capture with Aspen HYSYS absorption and desorption in an amine
solution. Evaluation of different options for reducing the energy consumption, especially by
using vapour recompression.
3. Calculate energy optimum and possibly cost optimum conditions for processes, especially
based on vapour recompression.
The most studied method for removal of CO2 from atmospheric exhaust is by the help of
amine solutions. HYSYS has been much used in projects for process simulation of CO2
removal. There are several possibilities to improve the existing models. Vapour
recompression is one of the most promising configurations for reducing the energy
Adress: Kjølnes ring 56, NO-3918 Porsgrunn, Norway. Phone: 35 57 50 00. Fax: 35 55 75 47.
Appendix 1 Master’s thesis task description page 2 of 2
Øi, L.E., Vozniuk, I.O. (2010). Optimizing CO2 absorption using split-stream
configuration, Processes and Technologies for a Sustainable Energy (PTSE), Ischia,
Italy, 27-30.6. Available at (30.8.2010).
Practical arrangements:
The work will mainly be carried out at the University of Tromsø, with a possible visit at the
TCM facility at Mongstad.
Adress: Kjølnes ring 56, NO-3918 Porsgrunn, Norway. Phone: 35 57 50 00. Fax: 35 55 75 47.
Appendix 2 Figure of the standard absorption base case in Aspen HYSYS page 1 of 1
Appendix 3 Figure of the vapour recompression base case in Aspen HYSYS page 1 of 1
Appendix 4 Figure of the lean split with vapour recompression base case in Aspen HYSYS page 1 of 1
Appendix 5 Aspen HYSYS report for the standard absorption base case page 1 of 5
Appendix 5 Aspen HYSYS report for the standard absorption base case page 2 of 5
Appendix 5 Aspen HYSYS report for the standard absorption base case page 3 of 5
Appendix 5 Aspen HYSYS report for the standard absorption base case page 4 of 5
Appendix 5 Aspen HYSYS report for the standard absorption base case page 5 of 5
Appendix 6 Aspen HYSYS report for the vapour recompression base case Page 1 of 6
Appendix 6 Aspen HYSYS report for the vapour recompression base case Page 2 of 6
Appendix 6 Aspen HYSYS report for the vapour recompression base case Page 3 of 6
Appendix 6 Aspen HYSYS report for the vapour recompression base case Page 4 of 6
Appendix 6 Aspen HYSYS report for the vapour recompression base case Page 5 of 6
Appendix 6 Aspen HYSYS report for the vapour recompression base case Page 6 of 6
Appendix 7 Aspen HYSYS report for the lean split with vapour recompression
Page 1 of 8
base case
Appendix 7 Aspen HYSYS report for the lean split with vapour recompression Page 2 of 8
base case
Appendix 7 Aspen HYSYS report for the lean split with vapour recompression Page 3 of 8
base case
Appendix 7 Aspen HYSYS report for the lean split with vapour recompression Page 4 of 8
base case
Appendix 7 Aspen HYSYS report for the lean split with vapour recompression Page 5 of 8
base case
Appendix 7 Aspen HYSYS report for the lean split with vapour recompression Page 6 of 8
base case
Appendix 7 Aspen HYSYS report for the lean split with vapour recompression Page 7 of 8
base case
Appendix 7 Aspen HYSYS report for the lean split with vapour recompression Page 8 of 8
base case