Hippocampal Afterdischarges in Rats. I. Effects of Antiepileptics
Hippocampal Afterdischarges in Rats. I. Effects of Antiepileptics
Hippocampal Afterdischarges in Rats. I. Effects of Antiepileptics
Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
Hippocampal afterdischarges (ADs) are considered to be a model of complex partial seizures. To study the
pharmacology of these ADs, stimulation electrodes were implanted into the dorsal hippocampus of 33 male Wistar rats.
Stimulation (15-s series of monophasic rectangular pulses with a duration of 1 ms and frequency of 8 Hz) was applied
four times with interstimulation intervals of 15 min. Drugs (carbamazepine 50 and 100 mg/kg; clonazepam 0.2 and
0.5 mg/kg; ethosuximide 125 and 250 mg/kg; phenobarbital 40 and 80 mg/kg) as well as solvent and isotonic saline
were injected intraperitoneally 2 min after the cessation of the first AD. Duration of AD, of the latent period between
AD and recurrent AD and duration of recurrent AD and the number of wet dog shakes were measured. ADs were
markedly shortened by both doses of clonazepam and phenobarbital and by the higher dose of carbamazepine. The
action of ethosuximide was negligible. Wet dog shakes were influenced in the same way as AD duration. Recurrent
ADs were more sensitive to antiepileptics than ADs and wet dog shakes.
Key words
Rat • Hippocampus • Epileptic afterdischarge • Antiepileptics • Wet dog shakes
– wet dog shakes (Lerner-Natoli et al. 1984). All these 100 mg/kg) and clonazepam (CZP, Rivotril® Roche, 0.2
phenomena were used as measures in our study. or 0.5 mg/kg) were dissolved in a mixture of
We decided to test classical antiepileptics with propyleneglykol, ethanol and water in a ratio 5:2:3. All
different spectrum of clinical efficacy as well as the drugs were injected in a volume of 1 ml/kg, only the
mechanisms of action – carbamazepine, phenobarbital, higher dose of CBZ had to be administered in a volume
clonazepam and ethosuximide (Holland and Ferrendelli of 2 ml/kg. Therefore, four control groups had to be
2002, Macdonald 2002a,b, Olsen 2002). The results of formed: one without any treatment (always the first
our study might be used as a reference for studies of the experimental session), the second treated with
action of potential anticonvulsants. physiological saline (1 ml/kg) to make clear that the
injection itself did not influence the ADs, the third and
Methods the fourth were injected with a mixture of
propyleneglykol, ethanol and water in doses of 1 (for
The experiments were approved by Animal Care CZP and lower dose of CBZ) and 2 (for the higher dose
and Use Committee of the Institute of Physiology to be in of CBZ) ml/kg, respectively. Individual rats were used
agreement with the Animal Protection Law of the Czech for two (exceptionally only one) control sessions and two
Republic. sessions with the same drug. Four animals first received
Surgery: Thirty-three adult male Wistar rats the lower and in the next session the higher dose of the
were surgically prepared under pentobarbital anesthesia antiepileptic drug and the order was reversed in the
(Nembutal® Abbot, 50 mg/kg i.p.). A triple stainless remaining four (or five in the case of phenobarbital) rats.
steel electrode (two teflon-coated wires with an outer Individual dose groups consisted of 8-9 rats, control
diameter of 0.1 mm for stimulation, the third one for groups were substantially higher because all animals
registration) was inserted stereotaxically into the dorsal underwent control stimulation (see Table 1).
left hippocampus, the double recording electrode into the Recording procedure: EEG was recorded in
right hippocampus [coordinates: AP=3.5 mm; L=3 mm; reference as well as bipolar connections 15 s before
H=4 mm according to Fifková and Maršala (1960)]. stimulation, during the stimulation, AD and at least three
Moreover, flat silver cortical electrodes were placed min after the end of AD. The animals were allowed to
epidurally over frontal and occipital areas of both recover after each session for at least three days, mostly
hemispheres. A screw in the nasal bone served as an for one week. Three or four sessions were performed on
indifferent electrode. All the electrodes were joined to a each animal because of the stability of hippocampal ADs.
connector and fixed to the skull with a dental acrylic. The No significant differences were found when comparing
animals recovered for at least one week. the data from the first control session with those from the
Stimulation: Four 15-s stimulation trains of 1-ms fourth session with physiological saline.
monophasic rectangular pulses with an 8 Hz frequency Evaluation of results: Duration of the
were applied to the left hippocampus in each session. An afterdischarge (AD), duration of the latent period (L) and
interval between the end of AD and start of the of recurrent afterdischarge (rAD) were measured in the
subsequent stimulation was always 15 min. The voltage recording from the stimulated hippocampus. Moreover,
of the stimulation was twofold the threshold for wet dog shakes were registered by an observer. All values
elicitation of the evoked response in homolateral were expressed as a percentage of the given value to the
sensorimotor cortex by a single stimulus (Velíšek et al. corresponding value measured after the first, i.e.
1989). pretreatment stimulation in the ongoing session. This
Drugs: Drugs as well as vehicles were method enabled standardization of the responses for
administered intraperitoneally 2 min after the end of the further comparison.
first AD. The doses of antiepileptics used were based on Statistical evaluation was performed by means
published data (for review see Levy et al. 1995) as well of ANOVA (BMDP, University of California, Los
as on our data from experiments with pentetrazol-induced Angeles). The results concerning the AD and rAD
motor seizures. Phenobarbital sodium (PhB, Spofa, 40 or durations and the number of wet dog shakes (WDS) were
80 mg/kg) and ethosuximide (ESI, a gift from Gerot compared by Student-Newman-Keuls procedure (Miller
Pharmazeutika, 125 or 250 mg/kg) were dissolved in 1981). The incidence of all registered phenomena (i.e.
physiological saline, carbamazepine (CBZ, Sigma, 50 or AD, rAD and WDS) was compared using Fisher´s exact
2004 Antiepileptics and Hippocampal Afterdischarges 455
test (Lehman and d’Abrera 1975). The data for the values of currents previously used were calculated.
carbamazepine and clonazepam were compared to those The computed values ranged from 140 to 200 µA. The
obtained with the appropriate dose of the solvent, rats were then killed by an ether overdose and their brains
whereas phenobarbital and ethosuximide results were were removed for histological control of electrode
compared with the data from saline sessions. localization. The 33 rats included in this study had
Histological control: After the last session the electrode tips in dorsal hippocampus in CA1 area.
resistance of the stimulation electrodes was measured and
stimulation stimulation
Drug 2nd 3rd 4th 2nd 3rd 4th
The incidence of rAD and WDS following repeated stimulations of the hippocampus expressed as a number of rats exhibiting the
phenomenon/number of animals in the group. Left part - incidence of rAD; right part - incidence of WDS. Rows represent individual
groups in the experiment. Columns represent 2nd, 3rd, and 4th stimulation. - indicates the significant difference in comparison with the
appropriate controls (controls + NS for PhB and ESI; Solvent 1 for both doses of CZP and lower dose of CBZ; Solvent 2 for higher dose
of CBZ). For abbreviations see Method section.
Duration of ADs
P he nobarbital E th o s u x im id e
% 25 0 % 250
C ontrol C on tro l
S aline S a lin e
P hB 40 E S I 1 25
20 0 200
P hB 80 E S I 2 50
15 0 150
10 0 100
x x
50 x
50 x
x x
0 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
N o. of A D N o. o f A D
C arbam azepine C lonazepam
% 250 % 25 0
C o ntro l C o ntro l
S olve ns 1 S o lve n s
S olve ns 2 C Z P 0.2
200 20 0
C B Z 50 C Z P 0.5
C B Z 10 0
150 15 0
100 10 0 x x
o x x
50 x 50
x x
0 0
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
N o. of A D N o. o f A D
Fig. 2. Effects of antiepileptics on relative duration (Mean ± S.E.M.) of the first phase of hippocampal afterdischarge (proper AD)
following repeated stimulations. Values are related to the duration of the first afterdischarge, which is taken as 100 %. Upper left graph
– effects of phenobarbital (40 and 80 mg/kg); upper right graph – effects of ethosuximide (125 and 250 mg/kg); lower left graph –
effects of carbamazepine (50 and 100 mg/kg); lower right graph – effects of clonazepam (0.2 and 0.5 mg/kg). Abscissa – first, second,
third and fourth afterdischarges; ordinate - relative duration in %. Asterisks denote significant differences in comparison with the
corresponding controls, circle denotes significant difference between non-injected rats (control) and higher volume of the tricomponent
solvents used only for the 100-mg/kg dose of carbamazepine (solvent 2, i.e. 2 ml/kg).
% 250 % 250
Co l 15 C on trol
Co l 17 S alin e
Co l 19 E S I 12 5
200 Co l 21 200
E S I 25 0
150 150
100 100
50 50
2 0 2 0 1 0
0 0
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
N o. of A D N o. o f A D
C arb a m a ze p in e C lo n a ze p a m
% 250 % 250
C ontrol C on tro l
S olv ens 1 S olv e ns
S olv ens 2 C Z P 0 .2
200 200
CBZ 50 C Z P 0 .5
C B Z 10 0
150 150
100 100
50 50
10 2 1 1 0 2 1
0 0
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
N o. of AD N o. o f A D
Fig. 3. Effects of antiepileptics on relative duration of recurrent hippocampal afterdischarges following repeated stimulations
(Mean ± S.E.M.). Columns are presented only if there are four or more values in one group; numbers instead of columns denote
number of animals exhibiting recurrent ADs. Other details as in Fig. 2.
458 Velíšek and Mareš Vol. 53
% 350 % 3 50
C on tro l C o ntrol
S alin e S aline
300 3 00
P hB 4 0 E S I 12 5
P hB 8 0 E S I 25 0
250 2 50
200 2 00
150 1 50
100 1 00 x
50 50
1 0 0 1 0
0 0
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
N o. of AD N o. of AD
C arb am aze pine C lonazep am
% 350 % 3 50
Control C on trol
Solvens 1 S olv ens 1
300 3 00
Solvens 2 C Z P 0.2
CBZ 50 C Z P 0.5
250 CBZ 100 2 50
200 2 00
150 1 50
100 1 00
50 50
2 1 1 1 11 0 3
0 0
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
N o . of AD N o. o f AD
Fig. 4. Effects of antiepileptics on relative number of wet dog shakes following repeated hippocampal stimulations (Mean ± S.E.M.).
Details as in Figs 2 and 3, only the numbers denote the number of rats exhibiting wet dog shakes.
The first phase of AD is followed by an EEG against hippocampal afterdischarges in our experiments.
depression (Mareš et al. 1985, Bragin et al. 1997). The It influenced all phenomena evaluated, the electro-
depression is interrupted by recurrent ADs first noted in physiological indices were more affected than the
the fifties of last century (Green and Shimamoto 1953). behavioral ones (WDS). The main site of action of
Recurrent afterdischarge proved out to be highly sensitive barbiturates is the binding site at the chloride ionophore
to the drug therapy. Unfortunately, the significance of in the supramolecular GABAA receptor/benzodiazepine
rADs has not yet been revealed in spite of the role played receptor/chloride ionophore complex, but other effects
by them in an increase of duration of ADs during the were also found (e.g. suppression of glutamatergic
kindling process (McNamara et al. 1980). excitation – Olsen 2002). Clonazepam which binds to the
The decreased duration of AD following the specific benzodiazepine site at the GABAA receptor and
treatment with the solvents used for carbamazepine and thus positively modulates this receptor (Macdonald
clonazepam suggests a depressant effect of alcohol which 2002a), exerted similar but less expressed action against
represents 20 % of the solvent. This is in agreement with hippocampal afterdischarges. The similarity of
studies in rats and cats (Swartzwelder et al. 1979, Lesse phenobarbital and clonazepam effects might be due to the
and Harper 1984). These studies described a shortening same supramolecular complex which is the target for
of ADs following alcohol in doses of 3 g/kg or 0.4- these drugs and it is also in agreement with previous
1.6 g/kg, respectively. In our experiment, the dose of studies with amygdaloid kindling (Albertson et al. 1981).
alcohol equaled 0.4 g/kg in the case of 2 ml of solvent/kg, Lower activity of clonazepam in our experiments might
i.e. the lowest dose used in the above mentioned studies. be related to the fact that benzodiazepines are more
This dose shortened the duration of ADs as well as of effective against fully developed kindled seizures than
rAD, decreased the incidence of rAD and the mean against focal activity in the archicortex (Burnham 1985).
number of wet dog shakes. The results with the 1 ml/kg Benzodiazepines are more effective against
dose of the solvent did not reach the level of statistical generalization than against generation of seizure activity
significance, but they have to be taken into account at (Macdonald 2002a). Our results with a marked
least as a potentiating factor. suppression of wet dog shakes (which have to be taken as
Phenobarbital was found to be highly potent an expression of the spread of epileptic activity from
2004 Antiepileptics and Hippocampal Afterdischarges 459
hippocampus into a generator localized probably in the T-type calcium channels; these channels are involved in
midbrain and further into the motor system) by thalamocortical epileptic phenomena (Coulter et al.
clonazepam is in agreement with this action. The role of 1989). Weak effects of the 125 mg/kg dose against
GABAA supramolecular complex in the suppression of hippocampal afterdischarges were expected (Mareš et al.
hippocampal afterdischarges and their behavioral 1984). However, this dose is able to abolish
correlates is clearly expressed, but their interpretation is pentylenetetrazol-induced spike-and-wave rhythm in rats
not simple. The increased number of GABA but not (Brabcová et al. 1993). This difference in the action
benzodiazepine receptors was described after limbic against two different types of seizures corresponds to the
stimulation (Shin et al. 1985) and the drugs acting clinical profile of ethosuximide; it is inactive against
antagonistically at the GABAA complex were found not complex partial seizures but highly effective against
to increase AD duration as well as the number of wet dog absence seizures (Sherwin 2002). Our data are also in
shakes (Burdette and Dyer 1987). Further analysis of the agreement with the inefficacy of ethosuximide against
role of the GABAergic system is necessary. hippocampal afterdischarges in vitro (Ohno and
Carbamazepine exerted a clear-cut action against Higashima 2002).
hippocampal afterdischarges in the present study in a Epileptic hippocampal afterdischarges represent
high dose of 100 mg/kg. Its main mechanism of action is a valuable model of human complex partial seizures.
a use-dependent blockade of voltage-gated sodium However, it appears that the action of anticonvulsants in
channels (Macdonald 2002b). Carbamazepine is used for this model does not fully correspond to the action of these
treatment of human complex partial seizures (Gupta and drugs in clinical practice. This might be due to the mass
Jeavons 1985) and we therefore expected a marked action activation of hippocampus by rhythmic electrical
in our model. This might be explained by an action of stimulation so that the model is very robust and could not
carbamazepine primarily against the spread of seizure be influenced easily.
activity (which is in agreement with its main mechanism Our results confirmed the relevance of
of action) with practically no action on the epileptic focus hippocampal afterdischarges as a model of human
itself as suggested by Hawkins et al. (1985). This is in complex partial seizures and may serve as a reference for
good agreement with our present data and also with an in pharmacological studies with new drugs.
vitro study (Olpe et al. 1985) which described a reduction
of fiber excitability following carbamazepine treatment. Acknowledgements
On the contrary, lack of the effect of the 50 mg/kg dose This study was supported by the Grant of the Ministry of
of carbamazepine on wet dog shakes does not support this Health of the Czech Republic No. NF 6474-3 and by the
explanation. Research Project AVOZ 5011922. Present address of
Mechanism of action of ethosuximide is L.V. is Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva
completely different from the above mentioned University, Bronx, NY, USA.
antiepileptic drugs. It exerts a specific action against
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Reprint requests
Pavel Mareš, M.D., D.Sc., Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Vídeňská 1083,
CZ-142 20 Prague 4, Czech Republic. Fax Number: +420 2 4106 2488. E-mail: maresp@biomed.cas.cz