Edinburgh Paper 2
Edinburgh Paper 2
Edinburgh Paper 2
Farshid Sarrafzadeh-Rezaei* DVM, DVSc & R Eddie Clutton BVSc, MRCVS, DVA, Diplomate ECVAA, MRCA
*Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Urmia, Urmia, Western Azerbaijan, IRAN
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Easter Bush, Roslin, Midlothian, UK
Correspondence: R Eddie Clutton, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Easter Bush, Roslin,
Midlothian, EH25 9RG, UK. E-mail: [email protected]
Animals Twenty-five dogs (seven male 18 female) Conclusion and clinical relevance Post-tetanic count
undergoing surgery; mean age: 4.8 years; mean monitoring beginning >5 minutes after the TOFC at
body weight 22 kg. nU–mCF = 0 provided a reliable estimate of T1’s
return at ulnar and facial NMUs.
Methods Thirty minutes after acepromazine (0.05
Keywords dogs, halothane, post-tetanic count, vec-
mg kg)1) and morphine (0.5 mg kg)1) pre-medica-
tion, anaesthesia was induced with intravenous (IV)
thiopental and maintained with halothane, N2O and
O2. The lungs were mechanically ventilated and end-
tidal halothane concentration (FE¢HAL) maintained at
1.04%. Neuromuscular transmission was monitored During profound neuromuscular blockade, supra-
using the train-of-four count (TOFC) at one nF–mNL maximal nerve stimulation using the train-of-four
and both nU–mCF units. Vecuronium (50 lg kg)1 (TOF) or single twitch stimulation patterns fails to
IV) was injected after 15 minutes constant FE¢HAL. evoke muscular contraction and complicates the
When the first twitch (T1) at both nU–mCF units had monitoring of neuromuscular transmission. How-
disappeared (t = 0) one (randomly allocated) ulnar ever, tetanic stimulation augmented acetylcho-
nerve was stimulated every 5 minutes using PTC; line release for approximately 90–120 seconds in
TOF stimulation continued at the other sites. The response to low-frequency stimulation (Bowman
PTC was plotted against the interval between et al. 1984) and so ‘twitches’ may be detected in
Post-tetanic count in dogs F Sarrafzadeh-Rezaei and RE Clutton
profoundly relaxed subjects – albeit for a short and either gender presented at the Hospital for
period – after tetanic nerve stimulation. Viby-Mog- Small Animals, University of Edinburgh over a
ensen et al. (1981) capitalized on post-tetanic 6-month period for surgery in which neuromusc-
facilitation to develop the post-tetanic count (PTC) – ular blockade was used as part of the anaesthetic
a stimulation pattern for monitoring intense technique.
neuromuscular blockade. The pattern consisted of The mean [±standard deviation (SD); range] age of
5 seconds of 50 Hz tetanic stimulation, a 3-second animals studied was 4.8 ± 3.1 (0.5–10) years and
interval, and then single-twitch stimulation at 1 Hz mean body mass was 22 ± 7.8 (10–39) kg. Five
applied until no further measurable responses were entire males, two castrated males, eight entire
present. The number of post-tetanic responses females and 10 neutered females were studied. Other
(twitches) may be counted by palpation or force characteristics are detailed in Table 1. Animals not
displacement transduction (Howardy-Hansen et al. in full health (based on medical history, physical,
1984). Simultaneously measuring TOF responses in haematological and biochemical examination),
one limb and the PTC in the other, Viby-Mogensen extremes of age (<6 months and >10 years), the
et al. (1981) reported a correlation between the extremely lean or obese and those receiving medica-
PTC and the time until spontaneous recovery of tion known to affect neuromuscular transmission
TOF. Consequently, PTC not only quantifies the were excluded from study. The project was approved
depth of intense neuromuscular blockade, but can by the Institutional Ethical Review Committee.
be used to predict the time elapsing before reversible Food was withheld overnight and water removed
block, i.e., when the first twitch in TOF (Caldwell 1 hour before pre-anaesthetic medication, which
et al. 1986; Engbaek et al. 1990) is present. was acepromazine (ACP, C-Vet; Grampian Pharma-
The PTC has not been evaluated in dogs. This is ceutical Ltd, Lancashire, UK) 0.05 mg kg)1 mixed
unfortunate because profound neuromuscular block- in the same syringe with morphine (Celltech Phar-
ade is desirable in operative procedures where sudden maceuticals Limited, Berkshire, UK) 0.5 mg kg)1
unexpected movement may be catastrophic, e.g. and administered by intramuscular injection into
spinal, intracranial or intra-ocular surgery, or where the lumbar epaxial muscles 30 minutes before
the operation involves nerve-muscle units (NMUs) induction of anaesthesia. A cannula was placed in
resistant to neuromuscular blocking agents. Marked the cephalic vein and an injection cap connected.
variation in individual sensitivity to muscle relaxants General anaesthesia was induced with intravenous
also ensures profound relaxation occurs in a pro- (IV) 2.5% thiopental given to effect. The trachea
portion of animals given normal or even low doses. was intubated with a cuffed endotracheal tube and
This is more likely when neuromuscular trans- anaesthesia maintained with halothane delivered
mission is monitored in sensitive NMUs. Hall et al. from a calibrated vaporizer (Fluotec vaporizer;
(2001) considered the n. ulnaris–mm. carpi flexorii Cyprane, Keighley, UK) and carried in an O2:N2O
(nU–mCF); unit to be most useful for monitoring (1:2) mixture via an appropriate anaesthetic breath-
neuromuscular blockade in dogs, in part because ing system (Mapleson A, D, F or circle). Ringer’s
Cullen et al. (1980) failed to establish normal facial lactate solution was infused at 10 mL kg)1 hour)1.
muscle responses in dogs. Recent study indicated the For approximately 15 minutes after induction dogs
reliability of facial mechanomyography in dogs and breathed spontaneously, but intermittent positive
revealed the relative sensitivity of the n. facialis–m. pressure ventilation was later imposed using a
nasolabialis (nF–mNL) unit to vecuronium compared mechanical ventilator (Manley Pulmovent, Model
with m. ulnaris–mm. carpi flexorii (Sarrafzadeh-Rezaei MPP; BOC Medishield, London UK). A paediatric
& Clutton 2009). The objective of the current study flow restrictor was used in animals weighing
was to evaluate the PTC for predicting the return of <12 kg (Tunstall 1973). Before surgery began, gas
reversible vecuronium-induced blockade at the flows were set at 200 mL kg)1 minute)1, but these
nU–mCF and at m. facialis–m. nasolabialis units in were later adjusted to maintain end-tidal carbon
halothane-anaesthetized dogs. dioxide tensions (PE¢CO2) between 5.0 and 5.8 kPa
(38–44 mmHg) (Millennia Model 3500, Vital Signs
Monitoring System; In Vivo Research Inc, Orlando,
Materials and methods
FL, USA). The vaporizer settings were adjusted to
Neuromuscular blockade was produced with vecu- maintain FE¢HAL concentrations at 1.2· published
ronium (50 lg kg)1) in 25 dogs of various breeds MAC values (Eger et al. 1965) i.e., 1.04%.
2009 The Authors. Journal compilation 2009 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, 36, 246–254 247
Post-tetanic count in dogs F Sarrafzadeh-Rezaei and RE Clutton
Data presented as mean ± standard deviation; [range]. The mean body masses between
groups were significantly (p < 0.005)* different. CCL, cranial cruciate ligament.
Neuromuscular blockade was monitored initially using transcutaneous stainless steel electrodes
using the TOF stimulation pattern applied every passed over each nerve. The Microstim DB, which
12 seconds (83.3 mHz) to both n. facialis and the was used to deliver the PTC, delivered 20 impulses
left and right ulnar nerves. Three programmed at 1 Hz after 5 seconds of tetanic (50 Hz) stimula-
peripheral nerve stimulators were used: Bard stim- tion and a 3 second interval. The ulnar nerve was
ulators (Bard Biomedical, Buffalo, NY, USA) on the stimulated on the medial surface of the humero-
facial, and on one ulnar nerve, while a Microstim radial joint at the level of the olecranon. The dorsal
DB (Microstim DB; Viamed, Keighley, West York- buccal branch of the facial nerve was stimulated
shire, UK) was used on the other n. ulnaris. All using two electrodes 0.5–1.0 cm apart at the fourth
devices delivered four supramaximal (>60 mA) upper premolar tooth. Electrode position was
stimuli each of 0.3 ms duration applied at 2 Hz adjusted to ensure maximum responses. In all cases,
248 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation 2009 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, 36, 246–254
Post-tetanic count in dogs F Sarrafzadeh-Rezaei and RE Clutton
the cathode was positioned distally. The number spontaneously from neuromuscular blockade.
and strength of evoked responses (twitches) in the Mechanical lung ventilation was discontinued once
carpal flexor muscles were detected by palpation all four twitches had returned at the nF–mNL unit,
(Lee & Katz 1980) and by observation to determine although periodic lung inflation was imposed until
the train-of-four count (TOFC). Responses in the spontaneous breathing was judged to be adequate
nasolabial muscles were detected by palpating the on the basis of: a eupnoeic breathing pattern with
retraction of the lateral nasal fold. The brachium normal respiratory rate; pink mucous membranes;
and antebrachium of the monitored limbs were SPO2 values >90% PE¢CO2 values between 5.3 and
lightly wrapped in ‘bubble wrap’ and aluminium foil 6.0 kPa (40 and 45 mmHg).
in an attempt to prevent muscle cooling although
neither muscle nor skin temperature were recorded.
Neuromuscular blockade was produced with
vecuronium (Norcuron; Organon Laboratories The PTC at each recording was plotted against the
Ltd., Cambridge, UK) 50 lg kg)1 injected IV into interval (in minutes) between the time at recording
the injection port of the venous catheter 50– and the reappearance of T1 at the other nU–mCF
60 minutes after inhalation anaesthesia was begun, and the nF–uNL unit. An exponential regression
after FE¢HAL had been stable for at least 15 minutes line was tested (STATISTICA version 6; StatSoft, Ltd,
and after 15 trains had been delivered. Injection Bedford, UK) on the assumption that drug washout
was completed in <1 second during, which fluids from the neuromuscular junction followed a nega-
were infused at the greatest rate possible under tive exponential curve. The Mann–Whitney U-test
gravity. The time to disappearance of T4 (latent was used to compare differences between age, body
onset) and T1 (manifest onset) at both facial and mass, the onset of blockade and the return of T1 at
ulnar sites were recorded. Once profound block the face and ulnar nerve in two, subsequently
(TOFC = 0) was present in both nU–mCF units identified groups of subjects. Yates chi-square test
(t = 0) the nerve stimulation pattern was changed was used to compare the gender distribution
to PTC in one (randomly assigned) limb and was between these groups. Data are expressed as
monitored at 5 minute intervals thereafter. TOF mean ± SD. A p value £0.05 was considered to
stimulation was continued at 83.3 mHz in the indicate statistical significance.
contralateral limb and the nF–mNL unit until the
TOFC was 4 in both. Animals were defined as being
resistant to the vecuronium if the PTC either never
achieved a zero value, or returned to ‡15 within On the basis of their response to PTC stimulation six
5 minutes of having done so, despite having a dogs appeared to be relatively resistant to vecuro-
complete loss of the TOFC. nium. These were not distinguishable from non-
Vital signs were monitored throughout anaesthe- resistant dogs in terms of age, gender distribution,
sia, the heart and lung sounds were auscultated breed or operation although they had a significantly
with an oesophageal stethoscope and the electro- lower (p < 0.005) body mass than nonresistant
cardiogram was displayed continuously. Oscillo- animals (Table 1).
tonometry (Dinamap, Critikon, Model 1846SX, After vecuronium injection, the latent and man-
Tampa, FL, USA) was used to monitor arterial blood ifest onset times at the nF–mNL unit, were
pressure with the cuff positioned on the pelvic limb. 76 ± 17 seconds (48–120) and 94 ± 21 (48–132)
All dogs received 0.2 mg kg)1 meloxicam IV (Meta- seconds respectively. Corresponding values at the
cam; Boehringer Ingelheim, Bracknell, Berkshire, nU–mCF unit were 97 ± 21 seconds (48–144) and
UK) before surgery began. Mean arterial blood 118 ± 24 (48–168) seconds. The facial unit was
pressure was maintained >60 mmHg by increasing more sensitive to vecuronium than the nU–mCF
fluid infusion rate and, or by infusing dobutamine. group at the onset of blockade: in 21 dogs, the facial
A thermistor (Edale GC203 Digital Thermometer, T1 disappeared 31 ± 19 (12–72) seconds before T1
Longstanton, Cambridge, UK) was positioned in the at the nU–mCF unit, while in four dogs, T1
oesophagus at heart level and the temperature disappeared at both the facial and ulnar units
maintained at approximately 37 C [98.6 F] using within 12 seconds of each other.
a heated table, insulation and a high ambient The loss of T1 at one nU–mCF unit (when t = 0)
temperature. The dogs were allowed to recover corresponded to a range of values for the PTC in the
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Post-tetanic count in dogs F Sarrafzadeh-Rezaei and RE Clutton
contralateral unit: in 20 dogs at this time, PTC was resistant, and those that were not (Table 2). How-
20, two had PTCs of 19, in one animal it was 17 and ever, the time T1 returned to the nU–mCF unit was
in the remaining two there were no evoked significantly (p < 0.02) briefer in resistant animals.
responses detected. In all dogs, PTCs were a minima Plotting all data points revealed a weak inverse
at t = 5 minutes, but increased after this so that the relationship between PTC and the interval between
maximum possible value of 20 was counted in 19 recording time and T1’s reappearance at the contra-
dogs at t = 20 and was present in all 25 dogs when lateral nU–mCF unit and the facial muscle. Wide
t = 25 minutes (Fig. 1). There was considerable variation resulted from the high number of cases in
variation in the PTC count at each recording which PTC = 20 at t = 0 and data from the six
interval. Whilst T1 at the nU–mCF unit was elim- ‘resistant’ animals. However, when data from these
inated in all cases, PTC monitoring revealed that six and the t = 0 recording interval were excluded, the
dogs were relatively resistant to vecuronium. In x-y plots congregated along an exponential regres-
these, the PTC either never achieved a zero value, sion line for both ulnar (Fig. 2a) and facial units
(n = 4) or was restored to a high value (15 or more) (Fig. 2b). The gradient of the regression line in Fig. 2a
within 5 minutes of having done so (Fig. 1). There links PTC with time T1 returns and is given by: time
were no differences in latent and manifest onset (minutes) to nU–mCF T1 = 11.945)0.0918 · PTC;
times at both NMUs in the six dogs proving PTC- (r = )0.8409; p < 0.00001). An exponential line
Table 2 Responses of the n. facialis–m. nasolabialis and the n. ulnaris–mm. carpi flexorii nerve-muscle units to train-of-four
nerve stimulation in 25 halothane-anaesthetized dogs after vecuronium (50 lg kg)1). Animals were divided into
‘nonresistant’ and ‘resistant’ groups based on post-tetanic counts after vecuronium
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation; [range]. There were no differences in latent and manifest onset times at either site in
the six PTC-resistant dogs. A Mann–Whitney U-test indicated T1 returned at n. ulnaris–mm. carpi flexorii unit significantly (p < 0.02)*
more rapidly in resistant animals.
250 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation 2009 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, 36, 246–254
Post-tetanic count in dogs F Sarrafzadeh-Rezaei and RE Clutton
Figure 2 The regression lines linking post-tetanic count (PTC) in the n. ulnaris–mm. carpi flexorii unit with the time (in
minutes) T1 returned at (a) the contralateral unit and at (b) the n. facialis–m. nasolabialis unit are described by the
expressions T1 return (minutes) at (a) 11.945)0.0918 · PTC (r = )0.8409; p < 0.00001) and at (b) 24.2498)0.044 · PTC
(r = )0.7018; p < 0.00001). In (a) negative values for T1 reappearance indicate that T1 returned before the
corresponding PTC.
also provided the best fit between PTC with T1 Comparing these equations to predict T1’s return at
return at nF–mNL (Fig. 2b) with the relationship the facial and ulnar units confirmed the suggestion
expressed as time (minutes) to T1 at nF–mNL = that the nasolabial muscles are more sensitive to
24.2498)0.044 · PTC; (r = )0.7018; p < 0.00001). vecuronium than the carpal flexor muscles. When
2009 The Authors. Journal compilation 2009 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, 36, 246–254 251
Post-tetanic count in dogs F Sarrafzadeh-Rezaei and RE Clutton
PTC was 10, the predicted time of T1’s reappearance PTC values recorded when t = 0. However, this
at the nU–mCF unit was 5 minutes, compared with does not detract from the technique’s clinical
16 minutes at the nF-mNL. In most dogs, there was a usefulness for two reasons. First, a high PTC
strong negative relationship between the ulnar PTC registered within a minute or two of T1’s
and the time taken for T1 to return at the facial and disappearance could be readily recognized and
contralateral ulnar NMU, providing readings were discounted as an indicator of impending recovery
not made within 5 minutes of T1 disappearance at from neuromuscular blockade. Second, ‘resistant’
the contralateral nU–mCF. dogs were readily identified by the persistence
of high PTC values, which in turn should warn of
potential inaccuracies in the test’s ability to predict
T1’s return.
The presence of a PTC when the TOFC was 0 indi- The presence of ‘resistant’ dogs in the current
cated that post-tetanic facilitation occurred at the study was difficult to explain – as is the mechanism
motor nerve terminals of n. ulnaris in canine, as well of their resistance. Individual variation in response
as human subjects and that the PTC was a useful to neuromuscular blocking agents is well recognized
indicator of profound neuromuscular blockade in in both humans with d-tubocurarine (Katz 1967)
this species. Furthermore, the PTC at the nU–mCF and atracurium (Katz et al. 1982) and in dogs with
usefully predicted the time when reversible blockade atracurium (Jones & Clutton 1984; Hall et al. 1985)
became established at the contralateral nU–mCF rocuronium (Alderson et al. 2007) and particularly
and the nF–mNL during recovery from profound cis-atracurium (Adams et al. 2001). In other stud-
vecuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade. In ies involving dogs, the incidence of notable resis-
medical studies, the relationship between time to T1 tance was considerably <6 of 25. One possible
reappearance and the PTC has been established for reason for the greater incidence reported here is the
vecuronium, atracurium and rocuronium (Bonsu low dose of vecuronium. However, if under-dosing
et al. 1987; Muchhal et al. 1987; Schultz et al. alone accounted for the failure to lower PTC values
2001) and has been described in terms of a non- in resistant animals, then a slower onset and a more
linear decrease with the square root of PTC (El-Orbany rapid recovery from block would have been
et al. 2003). The slope of the predicted mean curves expected. The absence of differences in latent and
in the current study (Figs 2a & b) generated when manifest onset times at both NMUs between resis-
certain data (vide infra) were excluded were similar to tant and nonresistant animals might be explained in
the regression lines derived for other intermediate- terms of a type II error, in which case further study
duration neuromuscular blocking drugs in human comparing larger groups of ‘resistant’ with ‘non-
patients (Howardy-Hansen et al. 1984; Bonsu et al. resistant’ dogs is required. The gender distribution
1987; Muchhal et al. 1987; Schultz et al. 2001). of resistant versus non-resistant animals in this
Differences in the absolute values obtained probably study was not statistically significant although all
arose because of different variables, i.e., drugs, doses, resistant animals were female. This is unexpected
experimental conditions and sensitivity of the human because women are more sensitive to atracurium
n. ulnaris–m. adductor pollicis unit compared with the (Xue et al. 1999) and rocuronium (Mencke et al.
nU–mCF in dogs. 2000) than men. The same is probably true for
A PTC of 1 at the nU–mCF provided adequate vecuronium. The apparent volume of distribution of
indication of T1’s return at both ulnar and facial vecuronium in dogs and humans is of the same
units, where the minimum–maximum interval order as the extra-cellular fluid volume (Booij et al.
between these events was 6–15 and 13–31 minutes 1981). This is lower in women than men of similar
respectively. This confirmed the relative sensitivity mass, and theoretically renders the former more
of the facial NMUs and indicated that during sensitive to fixed vecuronium doses. Vecuronium’s
ophthalmic surgery, for example, a PTC of 1 at volume of distribution at steady state in women
the nU–mCF would mean that measureable muscle and men (164.8 ± 29.3 mL kg)1 versus 201.4 ±
activity in the face would not return for at least 75.8 mL kg)1 respectively) is significantly different
13 minutes. (Xue et al. 1998). The mean body mass of resistant
The high predictive value of PTC monitoring dogs was significantly lower than that of the
established in the current study depended on nonresistant cases although previous studies have
excluding data from ‘resistant’ cases, and high not indicated that smaller dogs are any more
252 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation 2009 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, 36, 246–254
Post-tetanic count in dogs F Sarrafzadeh-Rezaei and RE Clutton
resistant to relaxants than large ones (Jones 1985; response during intense neuromuscular blockade caused
Jones & Seymour 1985). Furthermore, excessively by atracurium. Br J Anaesth 59, 1089–1092.
lean and obese animals were excluded from the Booij LH, Vree TB, Hurkmans F et al. (1981) Pharmaco-
current study because obesity altered the human kinetics and pharmacodynamics of the muscle relaxant
drug Org NC-45 and each of its hydroxy metabolites in
subject’s response to vecuronium (Schwartz et al.
dogs. Anaesthesist 30, 329–333.
1992). Smaller animals have elevated metabolic
Bowman WC, Marshall IG, Gibb AJ (1984) Is there feed-
rates, which may be expected to accelerate a drug’s back control of transmitter release at the neuromuscular
disposition and clearance from the body thus junction? Semin Anesth 4, 275–283.
conferring the impression of resistance. On the Caldwell JE, Robertson EN, Baird WL (1986) Antago-
other hand, the body temperature of small dogs is nism of profound neuromuscular blockade induced by
likely to fall more rapidly than in large breeds, vecuronium or atracurium. Comparison of neostig-
which will increase sensitivity to vecuronium- mine with edrophonium. Br J Anaesth 58, 1285–
induced neuromuscular blockade through impaired 1289.
drug clearance and reduced rate of effect site Caldwell JE, Heier T, Wright PM et al. (2000) Tempera-
equilibration (Caldwell et al. 2000). Atypical ture-dependent pharmacokinetics and pharmaco-
dynamics of vecuronium. Anesthesiology 92, 84–93.
responders to PTC stimulation have been identified
Cullen LK, Jones RS, Snowdon SL (1980) Neuromuscu-
in human subjects (El-Orbany et al. 2003).
lar activity in the intact dog: techniques for record-
The value of the PTC to predict the return of ing evoked mechanical responses. Br Vet J 136,
reversible block depends on the relaxant (Viby- 154–159.
Mogensen et al. 1981) and the anaesthetic agents Eger EI II, Saidman LJ, Brandstater B (1965) Temperature
(Saitoh et al. 1998; El-Orbany et al. 2003) used. It dependence of halothane and cyclopropane anesthesia
also depends on the relaxant dose, at least with in dogs: correlation with some theories of anesthetic
rocuronium (Schultz et al. 2001). An examination action. Anesthesiology 26, 764–770.
of any of these factors in dogs would provide El-Orbany MI, Joseph NJ, Salem MR (2003) The rela-
avenues for further study. The possibility that low tionship of posttetanic count and train-of-four
vecuronium doses increased the dispersal of x-y responses during recovery from intense cisatracurium-
induced neuromuscular blockade. Anesth Analg 97,
plots linking PTC and predicted T1 return time
justifies an examination of higher doses, e.g.
Engbaek J, Ostergaard D, Skovgaard LT et al. (1990)
100 lg kg)1, in a larger number of dogs. However, Reversal of intense neuromuscular blockade follow-
more fundamental work examining the effects of ing infusion of atracurium. Anesthesiology 72,
breed, body mass and gender in dogs of similar age 803–806.
on the response to neuromuscular blocking agents Hall LW, Kellagher RE, Watkins SB (1985) Respiratory
seems overdue. problems after atropine and neostigmine in dogs. Br J
In a majority of halothane-anaesthetized dogs, Anaesth 57, 1046.
the PTC stimulation pattern applied at the n.ulnaris– Hall LW, Clarke KW, Trim CM (2001) Relaxation of skel-
m carpi flexorii unit reliably predicted the return of etal muscle. In: Veterinary Anaesthesia (10th edn). Hall
reversible vecuronium-induced neuromuscular LW, Clarke KW, Trim CM (eds). W.B. Saunders, London,
UK. p. 159.
blockade at the contralateral NMU and at the
Howardy-Hansen P, Viby-Mogensen J, Gottschau A et al.
n. facialis–m nasolabialis units providing monitoring
(1984) Tactile evaluation of the posttetanic count (PTC).
begins >5 minutes after T1 disappears. Anesthesiology 60, 372–374.
Jones RS (1985) Neuromuscular blocking action of
vecuronium in the dog and its reversal by neostigmine.
Res Vet Sci 38, 193–196.
Adams WA, Robinson KJ, Senior JM et al. (2001) The use Jones RS, Clutton RE (1984) Clinical observation on the
of the nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking drug use of the muscle relaxant atracurium in the dog.
cis-atracurium in dogs. Vet Anaesth Analg 28, 156– J Small Anim Pract 325, 473–477.
160. Jones RS, Seymour CJ (1985) Clinical observation on the
Alderson B, Senior JM, Jones RS et al. (2007) Use of use of vecuronium as a muscle relaxant in the dog.
rocuronium administered by continuous infusion in J Small Anim Pract 26, 213–218.
dogs. Vet Anaesth Analg 34, 251–256. Katz RL (1967) Neuromuscular effects of d-tubocurarine,
Bonsu AK, Viby-Mogensen J, Fernando PU et al. (1987) edrophonium and neostigmine in man. Anesthesiology
Relationship of post-tetanic count and train-of-four 28, 327–336.
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Katz RL, Stirt J, Murray AL et al. (1982) Neuromuscular Schultz P, Ibsen M, Østergaard D et al. (2001) Onset and
effects of atracurium in man. Anesth Analg 61, 730–734. duration of action of rocuronium – from tracheal intu-
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Saitoh Y, Tanaka H, Fujii Y et al. (1998) Post-tetanic burst Xue FS, An G, Liao X et al. (1998) The pharmacokinetics
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Vet Anaesth Analg 36, 55–62. Received 13 February 2008; accepted 8 April 2008.
254 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation 2009 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, 36, 246–254