Physical Training Reverts Hippocampal Electrophysiological Changes in Rats Submitted To The Pilocarpine Model of Epilepsy

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Physiology & Behavior 83 (2004) 165 171

Physical training reverts hippocampal electrophysiological changes in rats

submitted to the pilocarpine model of epilepsy
Ricardo Mario Aridaa,b,*, Emilio Rafael Garrido Sanabriaa, Andre Cesar da Silvaa,
Leonardo Coutinho Fariaa, Fulvio Alexandre Scorzaa,b, Esper Abrao Cavalheiroa
Laboratorio de Neurologia Experimental, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo-Escola Paulista de Medicina (UNIFESP/EPM), Rua Botucatu 862,
Vila Clementino, CEP 04023-900 Sao Paulo, Brazil
Laboratorio de Neurociencias, Nucleo de Pesquisas Tecnologicas-Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes (NPT/UMC), Sao Paulo, Brazil

Received 4 May 2004; received in revised form 9 August 2004; accepted 12 August 2004


Physical exercise and fitness programs in patients with epilepsy are still a matter of controversy. Effects of physical exercise in animals
with epilepsy have been demonstrated. To further investigate the possible mechanisms by which physical activity interferes with
epileptogenesis, the present work was aimed to study the effect of aerobic exercise on bin vitroQ hippocampal electrophysiological parameters
observed in rats submitted to the pilocarpine model of epilepsy. Electrophysiological changes were monitored by extracellular field potentials
recorded from CA1 area. Control rats and rats with epilepsy were submitted to an aerobic exercise program. The number of population spikes
(PS) and slope of field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSP) were analyzed. Trained rats with epilepsy exhibited a reduction in PS when
compared with nontrained rats with epilepsy in different concentrations of extracellular potassium or bicuculline. Physical training also
enhanced the late phase of LTP in rats with epilepsy. Our results indicate that physical training reduces CA1 hyperresponsiveness and can
modify synaptic plasticity in rats submitted to the pilocarpine model of limbic epilepsy.
D 2004 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Keywords: Physical training; Exercise; Epilepsy; Pilocarpine; Long-term potentiation; Population spikes

1. Introduction objectives to assess physical fitness by using standardized

tests of physical endurance [13] or physical training
The relationship of physical exercise and epilepsy, and programs [4]. But there is no clear evidence for short- and
the implications of epilepsy for physical fitness programs long-term effects of physical exercise on epileptogenesis.
have been controversial. Several patients have been Previous studies from our laboratory [5,6] have analyzed the
unnecessarily cautioned against participation in physical effect of physical exercise on two experimental models of
activities. temporal lobe epilepsy. In a first study, we observed that
Most of the relevant literature has compared physical and chronic physical activity in rats was able to retard the
social activities in patients with epilepsy based on ques- development of the amygdala kindling, an experimental
tionnaires and/or clinical studies. They also directed their model of progressive epileptogenesis [5]. In a subsequent
study, by using the pilocarpine model of epilepsy in rats [7],
it was shown that physical training (aerobic physical
program) reduces the frequency of spontaneous recurrent
* Corresponding author. Laboratorio de Neurologia Experimental, seizures during the chronic period of this epilepsy model
Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo-Escola Paulista de Medicina, Rua
Botucatu 862, Vila Clementino, CEP 04023-9000, Sao Paulo, SP. Brazil.
[6]. Aiming to understand the basic mechanisms by which
Tel.: +55 11 55764508; fax: +55 11 55739304. physical activity would modify the natural course of
E-mail address: [email protected] (R.M. Arida). epilepsy in animals, the objective of the present work was
0031-9384/$ - see front matter D 2004 Published by Elsevier Inc.
166 R.M. Arida et al. / Physiology & Behavior 83 (2004) 165171

to study the effects of an aerobic physical program on the groups were submitted to hippocampal electrophysiological
hippocampal electrophysiological characteristics of rats with analysis. Accordingly, rats were deeply anaesthetized with
epilepsy using the pilocarpine model. halothane before decapitation. The brain was quickly
removed and trimmed before being placed in the vibratome
(Vibraslice, Campden Instruments). Transverse hippocam-
2. Materials and methods pal slices (400 um) were cut in modified sucrose-based
artificial cerebrospinal fluid containing (in mM): sucrose,
Adult Wistar rats weighing 200280 g were housed 129.0; KCl, 3.0; NaH2PO4, 1.25; NaHCO3, 22; CaCl2, 1;
under environmentally controlled conditions (07001900 h MgSO4, 5 and d-glucose, 10. Slices were placed in a
light/dark cycle; 2224 8C) and permitted free access to holding chamber under incubation with standard ACSF for
food and water throughout the experiment. The procedures at least 1 h before recording. Then, slices were transferred
involving the animals and their care at the Experimental to the interface recording chamber with a temperature
Neurology Laboratory of the Federal University of Sao control system at 33F0.3 8C and flow rate fixed around
Paulo respected the Institutions guidelines, which comply 1.31.5 ml min 1. The ACSF medium was continuously
with national and international rules and policies. prewarmed at 30 8C and pregassed with a mixture of 95%
For the induction of epilepsy, rats were prepared O2 and 5% CO2. The standard ACSF (pH 7.4) was
according to established protocols [8]. Accordingly, sus- composed (in mM) of: NaCl, 129.0; KCl, 3.0; NaH2PO4,
tained seizures were induced by a single intraperitoneal 1.25; NaHCO3, 22; CaCl2, 1.8; MgSO4, 1.8 and d-
administration of pilocarpine hydrochloride (350 mg/kg; glucose, 10. For LTP experiments, field excitatory post-
Sigma, St. Louis, MO). Scopolamine methylnitrate synaptic potentials (fEPSPs) were obtained from apical
(Sigma) was injected (1 mg/kg, s.c.) 30 min before dendritic layer of CA1 area (stratum radiatum). Ortho-
pilocarpine in order to reduce peripheral cholinergic effects dromic population spikes (PS) were recorded with micro-
[8]. Following status epilepticus, the surviving animals were electrode positioned in stratum pyramidale. Those
continuously monitored by a video system during 24 h for extracellular recordings were obtained using glass micro-
detection of recurrent spontaneous seizures. Chronically pipettes filled with 1 M NaCl and having resistances of 4
epileptic rats suffering at least three seizures were submitted 6 MV. The recording electrode is placed approximately
to physical training sessions (trained rats with epilepsy; 200 Am below the top surface of the slice and at a distance
n=10). In brief, after familiarizing with the training of approximately 600 Am from the stimulation electrode in
apparatus for three consecutive days by placing them on a the stratum radiatum of CA1. Population spikes (PS) were
treadmill (Columbus Instruments) for 10 min/day at a speed studied in slices taken from 10 animals in each exper-
of 12 m/min at 0% degree incline, rats were submitted to an imental group. These responses were evoked by electrical
aerobic exercise program of 45 sessions on a treadmill, 6 stimulation of CA1 afferent fibers (Schaffer collaterals and
days per week. Each training session started with a 5-min commissural pathway) using a bipolar Teflon-insulated
warm-up at 1215 m/min. Running time and speed iridiumplatinum microelectrode gently placed a stratum
gradually increased from 30 min at 18 m/min during the radiatum towards CA3. Stimulus was delivered using
first 3 days to 60 min at 2225 m/min during the subsequent programmable-stimulator Master-8 (AMPI, Jerusalem,
days. The intensity of exercise (60% VO2max) was Israel) and stimulator isolator NL800 (Digitimer, England).
determined for each animal by the maximum O2 uptake The slice was stimulated at submaximal intensity until a
test. Maximum O2 uptake (VO2max) was measured with an stable response (13 mV fEPSP amplitude) was obtained.
open-circuit system (Columbus Instruments Oxymax Sys- The stimulus intensity is then adjusted so that the evoked
tem). The testing protocol for determination of VO2max was fEPSP apparently does not trigger postsynaptic cells to fire
as follows. After a warm-up at 12 m/min on a 0% grade for an action potential; that is, no contamination with PS is
5 min, treadmill speed was increased by 3 m/min every 3 observed. Test stimuli (0.05 Hz) were delivered using an
min until animals refused to run. The VO2 measurements isolation unit and ranged 100150 As duration pulses and
were realized before and at the end of the physical training 330 V. An inputoutput function was obtained using test
program. Another group of rats with epilepsy not submitted pulses at different incrementing intensity levels. For fEPSP
to training sessions (nontrained rats with epilepsy; n=10) and LTP experiments, test stimuli intensity was adjusted at
were used as control of the effect of physical activity on 3545% of the intensity that produced maximum slope
hippocampal electrophysiological parameters. Two other changes. In epileptic slices, stimulation of high intensities
groups of naive animals, one submitted to training sessions can trigger polyspiking activity (multiple population
as described above (control trained; n=10) and another spikes) that can mask the fEPSP. To avoid this problem,
group free of any treatment (control; n=10) were used as stimulus was set at the intensity in which no apparent
control of the influence of the epileptic condition on the contamination from PS appeared in the fEPSP. For PS,
hippocampal in vitro study. stimulus intensity was adjusted to evoke a PS about 50%
As already mentioned, following epilepsy induction and of maximal amplitude. During epileptiform responses,
the 45 days of physical training, animals from the four multiple PS commonly emerged from slow positively.
R.M. Arida et al. / Physiology & Behavior 83 (2004) 165171 167

The number of PS was counted by inspecting the VO2max before and after the aerobic physical program
individual peak negativities in every response (usually among groups.
six sweeps at different stimulus intensities). Different
concentrations of potassium (3.5 and 8 mM) and 10 AM 3.3. Population spike responses in CA1 area
bicuculline were bath-applied to change excitability. Only
one slice was studied at the time in the interface chamber. The number of population spikes (PS) was compared
Two slices per animal were used. Control traces were at a stimulus intensity that evoked maximal-amplitude
recorded at test stimuli for at least 30 min in order to initial PS. Extracellular responses in CA1 stratum
establish baseline responses. To induce LTP, tetanic stimuli radiatum in control tissue were characterized by a single
were applied through the same bipolar electrode and population spike at different stimulus intensities as
consisted in two trains of high-frequency stimulation previously described [911]. There were no significant
(HFS) at 100 Hz (1-s duration) separated by 25-s interval. differences in number of PS between slices from control
After HFS, fEPSP responses at single test stimuli (0.05 and trained control rats when compared at several
Hz) were followed over time further than 1 h. The concentrations of extracellular potassium (3.5 mM K+
electrophysiological signals were amplified using AXO- and 8 mM K+) or 10 AM bicuculline (3.5 mM K+).
CLAMP2-B system (Axon Instruments), digitized (DIG- However, there was an increase in the number of PS in
IDATA 1200) and recorded in a personal computer using nontrained rats with epilepsy when compared to control
PCLAMP6 software. The population spike amplitude of rats at 3.5 mM K+ (nontrained rats with epilepsy=
the evoked responses was measured between the negative 3.0F0.3; controls=1.0F0.0, meanFS.E.M.) and 8 mM
peak and a line drawn on the top of the two positive peaks. K+ (nontrained rats with epilepsy=3.83F0.3; controls=
For fEPSP analysis, the rising slope of negative population 1.6F0.2, meanFS.E.M., pb0.05, ANOVA) concentrations
EPSP was measured by placing two cursors (2 ms (Fig. 1A and B). The analysis of number of population
separation) at about 25 ms following stimulation (at the spikes confirmed previous data showing hyperresponsive-
middle of fEPSP rising phase) using Clampfit 6 software. ness of epileptic tissue when compared with control
All fEPSPs data during the LTP experiments were divided slices. This abnormality was observed in slices of all
by mean fEPSP slope calculated during the pre-LTP animals with epilepsy but not submitted to the physical
(baseline) period. Successive normalized slope values were training program. Spontaneous epileptiform discharges as
then averaged and plotted versus time in a graph. brief paroxysms of multiple population spikes were
Statistical comparisons were made using paired or observed sporadically in nontrained rats with epilepsy
unpaired t-test or ANOVA with repeated measures as and trained rats with epilepsy, but this variable was not
appropriated. consistently studied in the present work. Trained rats with
epilepsy exhibited a significant reduction in hyperrespon-
siveness (3.5 mM K+=1.2F0.2; 8 mM K+=2.2F0.2;
3. Results Bic=2.6F0.2, meanFS.E.M.) when compared with non-
trained rats with epilepsy (3.5 mM K+=3.0F0.3; 8 mM
3.1. Behavioral data K + =3.8F0.3; Bic=4.71F0.4, meanFS.E.M., pb0.05,
ANOVA; Fig. 1A and B).
As already observed in previous experiments [6],
physical training was able to reduce the number of 3.4. Long-term potentiation of fEPSPs
spontaneous seizures in rats with epilepsy during the 45
days of observation (1.0F0.7 seizures per day for the Normal fEPSPs were recorded in control and trained
trained group versus 1.7F1.2 seizures per day for the control animals, consisting in negative outgoing potentials
nontrained group, meanFS.E.M., pb0.05). after Schaffer collateral stimulation. Baseline responses
for about 30 min were stable in all groups. The
3.2. VO2max data development of LTP was followed in all experimental
groups. There was no difference in the magnitude of LTP
After 45 days of exercise, there was a significant in control groups (Students t-test, p=0.12). Nontrained
increase in VO2max from 39.1 ml/kg/min [3344, 95% rats with epilepsy exhibited a significant reduction in
confidence interval (CI)] to 48.2 ml/kg/min (4453, 95% posttetanic potentiation as measured during 2 min
CI) ( pb0.01ANOVA analysis) in control trained rats. following LTP induction (ANOVA, pN0.05; Fig. 2).
Trained rats with epilepsy presented similar VO2max Posttetanic potentiation was significantly reduced in
values, and significant increase in VO2max from 38.2 trained rats with epilepsy when compared to control
ml/kg/min [3241, 95% confidence interval (CI)] to 47.6 and trained control rats (ANOVA, pb0.05) but not
ml/kg/min (4151, 95% CI) ( pb0.01ANOVA analysis). significantly when compared to nontrained rats with
VO2max generally occurred while rats ran at speeds of 32 epilepsy (ANOVA, pN0.05). The deficit in LTP was
38 m/min. No significant differences were found in sustained during the course of the experiment in rats with
168 R.M. Arida et al. / Physiology & Behavior 83 (2004) 165171

Fig. 1. Population spikes recorded in CA1 area under different experimental manipulations. Panel A shows electrophysiological recordings in control (a) and
control trained (b), nontrained rats with epilepsy (c) and trained rats with epilepsy (d). Notice a single population spike under 3.5 mM K+ and normal
responsiveness to 8 mM K+ and bicuculline application in (a) and (b). Nontrained rats with epilepsy (c) exhibiting hyperesponsiveness characterized by multiple
(*) population spikes in normal 3.5 mM K+ and higher responsiveness to 8 mM K+ and bicuculline. Trained rats with epilepsy (d) show hyperexcitability, and
apparently normal responsiveness to 8 mM K+ and bicuculline. Panel B shows statistical analysis confirming a reduction in the number of population spikes in
trained rats with epilepsy when compared to nontrained rats with epilepsy in extracellular 3.5 mM K+, 8 mM K+ and 3.5 mM K+ bicuculline concentrations
(*pb0.05). An increase in number of PS in nontrained rats with epilepsy was observed when compared to control rats at 3.5 mM K+ and 8 mM K+ concentrations
(**pb0.05). Analysis used repeated-measures ANOVA followed by multiple comparisons was used. Data are expressed as meanFS.E.M.

epilepsy (trained and nontrained). Analysis of time course 4. Discussion

of LTP from pooled data of trained rats with epilepsy
shows that, although a decrement of LTP was still present 4.1. Physical exercise reduces hyperexcitability in rats with
compared to control rats and trained control rats epilepsy
( pb0.05), it was significantly different in the late phase
of LTP (90 min) when compared with nontrained rats The main observation in our experiments is related
with epilepsy (Students t-test, pb0.05). Trained control to the fact that rats with epilepsy exposed to regular
rats exhibited higher levels of potentiation characterized physical training exhibited marked changes in epilepsy-
by a significant recovery of fEPSP slopes during this induced hippocampal electrophysiological abnormalities
phase (Fig. 2). when compared to their respective controls (nontrained
R.M. Arida et al. / Physiology & Behavior 83 (2004) 165171 169

Fig. 2. Analysis of LTP in hippocampal slices from different groups at different time intervals. (A) Representative traces from LTP experiments during baselines
( 2 min prior to high-frequency stimulation) and posttetanic stimulation (2, 60 and 90 min following stimulation). (B) The graph shows no differences between
slices from control and control trained rats before (2 min) and after high-frequency stimulation (2, 30, 60 and 90 min). Nontrained rats with epilepsy exhibit a
significant reduction in fEPSP slope when compared with the control group (*pb0.05). Trained rats with epilepsy present higher slope measurements after
high-frequency stimulation when compared to nontrained rats with epilepsy (**pb0.05). Those values were not significantly different compared to control
slices. Analysis used repeated-measures ANOVA followed by multiple comparisons. Data are expressed as meanFS.E.M.

rats with epilepsy). These changes were mainly charac- temporal lobe epilepsy [1214] and the present findings of
terized by a reduction in hippocampal population spike a reduction in CA1 hyperresponsiveness might be an bin
number in response to variable potassium extracellular vitroQ indicator of the chronic effect of physical exercise in the
concentration and to the addition of bicuculline in the epileptogenic process as previously observed bin vivoQ [5,6].
bathing milieu. These findings might be underlying the
processes by which physical training was able to reduce 4.2. Physical exercise partially rescue LTP impairment in
the number of spontaneous seizures in rats with rats with epilepsy
epilepsy [6]. However, a question that remains unsolved
and that deserves further investigation is related to the Our observations of deficits in the early phases of
mechanisms by which physical exercise could influence hippocampal LTP and of persistent deficit in posttetanic
or modify the electrophysiological properties of neuronal potentiation in trained rats with epilepsy are similar to those
networks. described by other authors in animals submitted to different
Hippocampal circuitry changes seem to mediate the origin models of chronic epilepsy [15,16]. However, late LTP
of chronic epileptogenesis in experimental models of hippocampal phases were significantly improved in our
170 R.M. Arida et al. / Physiology & Behavior 83 (2004) 165171

experimental animals when compared with the long-lasting Acknowledgements

deficits in LTP observed in nontrained rats with epilepsy.
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resulted in long-lasting survival of newborn cells and ships from CNPq.
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