Parallel Postulates Revised
Parallel Postulates Revised
Parallel Postulates Revised
1 Introduction
In this paper we focus on the formalization of results about Euclid’s 5th postulate:
“If two lines are drawn which intersect a third in such a way that the sum of
the inner angles on one side is less than two right angles, then the two lines
inevitably must intersect each other on that side if extended far enough.”
This postulate is of historical importance because for centuries, many mathe-
maticians believed that this statement was rather a theorem which could be de-
rived from the first four Euclid’s postulates. History is rich with incorrect proofs
of Euclid’s 5th postulate. In 1763, Klügel provided, in his dissertation written un-
der the guidance of Kästner, a survey of about 30 attempts to “prove” Euclid’s
parallel postulate” [Klu63]. Legendre published a geometry textbook Eléments de
géométrie in 1774. Each edition of this popular book contained an (incorrect) proof
of Euclid’s postulate. Even in 1833, one year after the publication by Bolyai of
an appendix about non-euclidean geometry, Legendre was still convinced of the
validity of his proofs of Euclid’s 5th postulate:
“Il n’en est pas moins certain que le théorème sur la somme des trois angles
du triangle doit être regardé comme l’une de ces vérités fondamentales qu’il
est impossible de contester, et qui sont un exemple toujours subsistant de la
certitude mathématique qu’on recherche sans cesse et qu’on n’obtient que
bien difficilement dans les autres branches des connaissances humaines.”1
– Adrien Marie Legendre [Leg33]
These proofs are incorrect for different reasons. Some proofs rely on an as-
sumption which is more or less explicit but that the author takes for granted.
Some other proofs are incorrect because they rely on a circular argument.
Proving the equivalence of different versions of the parallel postulate requires
extreme rigor, as Richard J. Trudeau has written:
“Pursuing the project faithfully will require that we take the extreme mea-
sure of shutting out the entreaties of our intuitions and imaginations - a
forced separation of mental powers that will quite understandably be con-
fusing and difficult to maintain [...].”
– Richard J. Trudeau [Tru86]
be regarded as one of those fundamental truths which is impossible to dispute and which
are an enduring example of mathematical certitude, which one continually pursues and which
one obtains only with difficulty in the other branches of human knowledge.” The English
translation is borrowed from [LP13].
2 Neutral geometry designates the set of theorems which are valid in both Euclidean and
hyperbolic geometry. Therefore, for any given line and any given point, there exists at least
a line parallel to this line and passing through this point. This renders elliptic geometry
inconsistent with neutral geometry.
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 3
2 The context
In this section, we will first present the axiomatic system that we used as a basis
for our proofs.
It is crucial to be precise about the context and the definitions. This paper
is about equivalence properties, but an equivalence is relative to a theory and
a logic. We prove the equivalences within the higher order intuitionistic logic of
Coq and using Tarski’s axiom system for neutral geometry. Using the language
of logic, the assertion saying that P and Q are equivalent formally means3 that :
T |= P ⇔ Q holds for a given theory T . It could be the case that T |= P ⇔ Q
holds because both T |= P and T |= Q hold. For every version P of the parallel
postulates presented in this paper it is also true that T 6|= P , but we do not
prove the independence results. Defining accurately the theory T is of primary
3 The meaning of equivalence does not seem to be clear for everyone. For instance, in the
French version of the wikipedia page about the parallel postulate (april 2015) one can read that
(our own translation) : “These propositions are roughly equivalent to the axiom of parallels. By
equivalent, we mean that using some adapted vocabulary, these axioms are true in Euclidean
geometry but not true in elliptic nor spherical geometry”. Thanks to a theorem of Szmielew,
it is true that this definition of equivalence is equivalent to the logical one when you have the
continuity axiom, but it is far from obvious.
4 Pierre Boutry et al.
interest because the equivalence results depend on the precise definition of T . For
example, Millman and Parker [MP81, p. 226] have shown that the Pythagorean
theorem is equivalent to the parallel postulate in the context of an axiom system
in the style of Birkhoff axioms based on a ruler and protractor [Bir32]. Yet there
is a Cartesian plane over a (non-archimedean) Pythagorean field4 which does not
verify the parallel postulate: see example 18.4.3 [Har00, p. 161]).
Proofs are given within Tarski’s system of neutral geometry. We adopted the ax-
ioms given in [SST83] excluding the axiom corresponding to Euclid’s 5th postulate.
For an explanation of the axioms and their history see [TG99]. Table 1 lists the
axioms for neutral geometry. The consistency of this axiom system has been me-
chanically proven by Makarios [Mak12]. As we already mentioned, Makarios has
also proven formally the independence of the parallel postulate in this axiom sys-
tem using the Klein-Beltrami model [BS60]. One should notice that he could have
employed the Poincaré disk model, which also satisfies the axioms of Tab. 1. These
two properties make Tarski’s system of geometry suitable for proofs of equivalence
of statements of Euclid’s parallel postulate.
Let us recall that Tarski’s axiom system is based on a single primitive type
depicting points and two predicates, namely congruence and betweenness. AB≡CD
states that the segments AB and CD have the same length. A B C means that
A, B and C are collinear and B is between A and C (and B may be equal to A or
C ).
A1 Symmetry AB ≡ BA
A2 Pseudo-Transitivity AB ≡ CD ∧ AB ≡ EF ⇒ CD ≡ EF
A3 Cong Identity AB ≡ CC ⇒ A = B
A4 Segment construction ∃E, A B E ∧ BE ≡ CD
A5 Five-segment AB ≡ A0 B 0 ∧ BC ≡ B 0 C 0 ∧
AD ≡ A0 D0 ∧ BD ≡ B 0 D0 ∧
A B C ∧ A0 B 0 C 0 ∧ A 6= B ⇒ CD ≡ C 0 D0
A6 Between Identity A B A⇒A=B
A7 Inner Pasch A P C ∧ B Q C ⇒ ∃X, P X B ∧ Q X A
A8 Lower Dimension ∃ABC, ¬A B C ∧ ¬B C A ∧ ¬C A B
A9 Upper Dimension AP ≡ AQ ∧ BP ≡ BQ ∧ CP ≡ CQ ∧ P 6= Q
⇒ A B C ∨ B C A ∨ C A B.
The symmetry axiom (A1 on Tab.1) for equidistance together with the transi-
tivity axiom A2 for equidistance imply that the equidistance relation is an equiv-
alence relation between pair of points.
The identity axiom for equidistance A3 ensures that only degenerated segments
can be congruent to a degenerated segment.
D D0 D0
A B C A0 B0 C 0
A B C A0 B 0 C0
the Poincaré disk model. The figure on the left hand side will illustrate the validity of the
axiom or lemma in Euclidean geometry. The figure on the right hand side will either depict
the validity of the statement in the Poincaré disk model or exhibit a counter-example. We
exhibit a counter-example for statements which are equivalent to the parallel postulate.
6 Pierre Boutry et al.
us to prove the weak form. The inner form enunciates Pasch’s axiom without any
case distinction. Indeed, it indicates that the line BP must meet the triangle ACQ
on the side AQ, as Q is between B and C (Fig. 3).
The lower 2-dimensional axiom A8 asserts that the existence of three non-
collinear points.
The upper 2-dimensional axiom A9 means that all the points are coplanar.
Since A, B and C are equidistant to P and Q, which are different, they belong to
the hyperplane consisting of all the points equidistant to P and Q. Because the
upper 2-dimensional axiom specifies that A, B and C are collinear, this hyperplane
is of dimension one and it fixes the dimension of the space to two. It forbids the
existence of the point C 0 (Fig. 4).
With the second class, we also assume that we can reason by cases on the point
equality (point equality decidability). This axiom does not appear in [SST83],
although reasoning by cases on point equality is done as soon as the second chap-
ter (the first chapter being dedicated to the axioms), because it is a tautology
in classical logic, while the logic of Coq is intuitionist. We say that a predicate
is decidable when it verifies the excluded middle property. We have shown pre-
viously [BNSB14a], by modifying and reordering the proofs of [SST83] that we
had formalized that decidability of point equality implies decidability of the main
predicates defined in [SST83] besides the intersection of two lines.
Finally, the third class corresponds to the axioms of planar neutral geometry
(A1-A9) with excluded middle for point equality.
We have proven formally that Hilbert’s axioms Group I, II and III are bi-
interpretable with Tarski’s axiom A1-A9 [BN12, BBN16b]. Hence, the result pre-
sented in this paper are also valid in this axiom system, the models of which are
called Hilbert-planes by Hartshorne [Har00].
In this paper, we classify different statements of the parallel postulate into four
categories. Throughout this section, we will focus on one postulate for each of
these four categories. These four main postulates are equivalent in Archimedean
neutral geometry using classical logic. However, in an intuitionistic logic, and in a
non-Archimedean context, they are not equivalent.
Class Tarski_neutral_dimensionless :=
Tpoint : Type;
Bet : Tpoint -> Tpoint -> Tpoint -> Prop;
Cong : Tpoint -> Tpoint -> Tpoint -> Tpoint -> Prop;
cong_pseudo_reflexivity : forall A B, Cong A B B A;
cong_inner_transitivity : forall A B C D E F,
Cong A B C D -> Cong A B E F -> Cong C D E F;
cong_identity : forall A B C, Cong A B C C -> A = B;
segment_construction : forall A B C D,
exists E, Bet A B E /\ Cong B E C D;
five_segment : forall A A’ B B’ C C’ D D’,
Cong A B A’ B’ ->
Cong B C B’ C’ ->
Cong A D A’ D’ ->
Cong B D B’ D’ ->
Bet A B C -> Bet A’ B’ C’ -> A <> B -> Cong C D C’ D’;
between_identity : forall A B, Bet A B A -> A = B;
inner_pasch : forall A B C P Q,
Bet A P C -> Bet B Q C ->
exists X, Bet P X B /\ Bet Q X A;
lower_dim : exists A, exists B, exists C,
~ (Bet A B C \/ Bet B C A \/ Bet C A B)
Class Tarski_neutral_dimensionless_with_decidable_point_equality
‘(Tn : Tarski_neutral_dimensionless) :=
point_equality_decidability : forall A B : Tpoint, A = B \/ ~ A = B
Class Tarski_2D
‘(TnEQD : Tarski_neutral_dimensionless_with_decidable_point_equality) :=
upper_dim : forall A B C P Q,
P <> Q -> Cong A P A Q -> Cong B P B Q -> Cong C P C Q ->
(Bet A B C \/ Bet B C A \/ Bet C A B)
6 In constrast to Euclid, we treat the words “postulate” and “axiom” as synonyms. However,
we will restrict the use of the word “postulate” to statements of the parallel postulate. For
the reader interested in the difference between these two words in terms of meaning we refer
to [Pam06].
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 9
Just as Tarski’s parallel postulate becomes strictly stronger than Playfair’s postu-
late by dropping the law of excluded middle, Playfair’s postulate becomes strictly
stronger than the triangle postulate when dropping Archimedes’ axiom. Indeed,
Max Dehn, a student of Hilbert, has shown that Playfair’s postulate is indepen-
dent from the axioms of planar neutral geometry extended with the triangle pos-
tulate [Deh00]: he gave a non-Archimedean model in which the triangle postulate
holds and Playfair’s postulate does not. One could then think that Archimedes’ ax-
iom is the missing link between these postulates. Actually, Greenberg has showed
that, in order to prove that the triangle postulate implies Playfair’s postulate, a
corollary of Archimedes’ axiom is sufficient [Gre10], which we will refer to as Green-
berg’s axiom8 (Fig. 18). In fact, Greenberg proves that this axiom is a corollary
of Archimedes’ axiom by proving that it follows from Aristotle’s axiom9 (Fig. 17),
itself following from Archimedes’ axiom. Greenberg defines Aristotle’s and Green-
berg’s axioms in the following way.
“Given any acute angle, any side of that angle, and any challenge segment
P Q, there exists a point Y on the given side of the angle such that if X is
the foot of the perpendicular from Y to the other side of the angle, then
Y X > P Q.”
7 As mentioned in Section 2.1.1, we assume the decidability of the point equality, which is
a tautology in classical logic.
8 One should remark that this axiom is not named after Greenberg in [Gre10].
9 For the sake of conciseness, we adopted the same name as Greenberg for this axiom which
Similarly, when dropping Archimedes’ axiom, the triangle postulate becomes strictly
stronger than Bachmann’s Lotschnittaxiom. Bachmann demonstrated that this
postulate, that he named Lotschnittaxiom, was strictly weaker than the triangle
postulate [Bac73]. Pambuccian proved that Aristotle’s axiom is sufficient to prove
that the triangle postulate is implied by Bachmann’s Lotschnittaxiom [Pam94].
Pambuccian’s proof uses Pejas’ classification of Hilbert planes [Pej61] and, up to
our knowledge, there is no synthetic proof of the fact that this corollary is suffi-
cient, therefore we did not formalize this proof.
We can summarize the results from the previous subsections using Fig. 5.
Decidability of
Archimedes’ Aristotle’s Greenberg’s
axiom axiom axiom
of lines
Bachmann’s Tarski’s
Triangle Playfair’s
Lotschnit- parallel
postulate postulate
taxiom postulate
These independence results confirm that the theory in which the statements
are proven needs to be precisely defined. Moreover, they illustrate the fact that
some postulates can cease to be equivalent if the logic is changed. Therefore,
the notion of equivalence is not only relative to the theory but also to the logic.
Since, in this paper, we classify parallel postulates according to the theory and
the logic in which they are equivalent, we will now introduce a few notations for
the different kinds of equivalence that will be considered. Let us denote by N the
axioms of planar neutral geometry (A1-A9) with decidability of point equality, by
A Archimedes’ axiom and by G Greenberg’s axiom. We adopt the symbols |=LJ
and |=LK to differentiate the intuitionistic and the classical setting. We say that
two properties P and Q are respectively NLJ -equivalent, NLJ -equivalent, NLJ -
equivalent or NLK -equivalent if N |=LJ P ⇔ Q, N ; G |=LJ P ⇔ Q, N ; A |=LJ
P ⇔ Q or N |=LK P ⇔ Q. The rest of this paper will be organized according to
10 We use <
b for the strict comparison between angles.
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 11
3.2 Formal definitions of acute angles, parallelism and the sum of non-oriented
In order to formalize these four postulates and these four axioms, we first need
to define acute angles, parallelism and the sum of non-oriented angles. Indeed,
Tarski’s parallel postulate is the only postulate expressed without any definition11 .
Thus, this section will be dedicated to defining these concepts. In this paper, the
exact Coq syntax of the axioms, definitions and main theorems is listed without
any pretty printing, to give the reader the opportunity to check what is the exact
statement we proved. For the auxiliary lemmas and all the proofs, we will use
classical mathematical notations. The proofs given in this paper serve only as a
documentation; the correctness of the results is assured by the mechanical proof
checker. Recall that for each postulate, we will provide the figure representing the
statement in the Euclidean plane and a counter-example in Poincaré disk model.
Having a counter-example in non-Euclidean geometry is interesting, as Szmielew
proved (assuming full continuity) that every statement which is false in hyperbolic
geometry and correct in Euclidean geometry is equivalent to the fifth parallel
postulate [Szm59] (we formalize this theorem in Section 11).
In this section we define parallelism, which will be one of the most important
definitions for this work. In [SST83] one can find two definitions of parallelism.
The common way of defining it is to consider two lines as parallel if they belong to
the same plane but do not meet. This implies that we will also define collinearity
and coplanarity. The other definition of parallelism includes the previous one and
add the possibility for the lines to be equal. Therefore we will talk about strict
parallelism in the first case and about parallelism in the second.
This predicate corresponds to Definition 4.10 of [SST83]. Among the first defi-
nitions which are introduced, there is the predicates expressing collinearity. It can
be defined using only the betweeness predicate. Col A B C expresses that A, B and
C are collinear if and only if one of the three points is between the other two.
11 That is the reason why Tarski chose this postulate, as he wanted to avoid definitions in
Definition Coplanar A B C D :=
exists X, (Col A B X /\ Col C D X) \/
(Col A C X /\ Col B D X) \/
(Col A D X /\ Col B C X).
X2 C
X3 X3
A B A X1
Definition Par_strict A B C D :=
A <> B /\ C <> D /\ Coplanar A B C D /\ ~ exists X, Col X A B /\ Col X C D.
This predicate corresponds to Definition 12.2 of [SST83]. Note that one could
have chosen other definitions. For instance, one could have defined two lines (when
we consider lines, it is implied that the two points defining them are distinct) to be
parallel when they are at constant distance. According to Papadopoulos [Pap12],
this definition was introduced by Posidonius, an early commenter of Euclid’s El-
ements. As we will see in Section 6, an implicit change in a definition can have
severe consequences in the validity of a proof.
Definition Par A B C D :=
Par_strict A B C D \/ (A <> B /\ C <> D /\ Col A C D /\ Col B C D).
This section will be devoted to the definition of the sum of non-oriented angles.
It is based on the notions of congruence of angles and sides of line, which will be
presented in this section. It should be pointed out that there is no definition for
the sum of non-oriented angles in [SST83].
Definition CongA A B C D E F :=
A <> B /\ C <> B /\ D <> E /\ F <> E /\
exists A’, exists C’, exists D’, exists F’,
Bet B A A’ /\ Cong A A’ E D /\
Bet B C C’ /\ Cong C C’ E F /\
Bet E D D’ /\ Cong D D’ B A /\
Bet E F F’ /\ Cong F F’ B C /\
Cong A’ C’ D’ F’.
D D0
C C0
A F0
This predicate corresponds to Definition 11.2 of [SST83]. Two angles are said to
be congruent if one can prolong the sides of the angles to obtain congruent triangles
(Fig. 7). A B C =b D E F means that angles ∠ABC and ∠DEF are congruent. It
should be noticed that even though the definition does not explicitly states that
BA0 ≡ EF 0 or BC 0 ≡ ED0 , these congruences are provable thanks to Satz 2.11
of [SST83]. This proposition corresponds to a degenerate case of the five-segment
axiom A5 (Fig. 2). This is technically important in Tarski’s system of geometry,
as it allows us to have fewer axioms in the system. However, the non-degenerate
case of this axiom is independent of the other axioms of our theory to which one
would add the degenerate case of this axiom [Hil60]. It is therefore questionable
to assume such axioms when using intuitionistic logic. Nevertheless, as proved
in [Bee15] and [BNSB14a], assuming the decidability of point equality suffices to
recover all the propositions of [SST83] in an intuitionistic setting.
Definition TS A B P Q :=
A <> B /\ ~ Col P A B /\ ~ Col Q A B /\ exists T, Col T A B /\ Bet P T Q.
the coplanarity (Fig. 6), namely when the intersection point is between the two
points defining one of the lines (Fig. 8). In this case one says that these first two
points are on opposite sides of the other line. A B indicates that P and Q are
on opposite sides of line AB . This definition being a special case of coplanarity,
it has the advantage of being valid in spaces of dimension higher than two. This
notion is absent in Euclid’s Elements [EHD02], in which the relative position of
the points on the figure is not justified, but inferred from the figure.
Definition OS A B P Q := exists R, TS A B P R /\ TS A B Q R.
The last predicate needed to be able to define the sum of non-oriented angles
captures the property for two points to be on the same side of a line. This predicate
corresponds to Definition 9.7 of [SST83]. The name of this predicate corresponds
the abbreviation for one side. Two points are said to be on the same side of a line
if there exists a third point with which both of the points are on opposite side of
this line (Fig. 9). A B indicates that P and Q are on the same side of line AB .
Definition SumA A B C D E F G H I :=
exists J, CongA C B J D E F /\ ~ OS B C A J /\ CongA A B J G H I.
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 15
Definition TriSumA A B C D E F :=
exists G H I, SumA A B C B C A G H I /\ SumA G H I C A B D E F.
The triangle postulate expresses a property about the sum of the interior angles
of a triangle, so we decided to define a predicate stating that the sum of the interior
angles of a triangle is congruent to a specific angle. Namely, S (4ABC ) = b DEF
means that the sum of the interior angles of triangle ABC is congruent to angle
∠DEF . The fact that we did not define the sum of angles as a function but as
a predicate motivated this choice. Indeed, it avoids carrying the witness of the
partial sum of the first two angles. Of course, to be able to talk about the sum of
the angles of a triangle, it has to be commutative and associative. We will later see
that it is only the case under certain conditions that are fulfilled when considering
the interior angles of a triangle.
C0 B C A
C0 C
coincide with P . This predicate is symmetric in its last two points, but we usually
choose to prioritize the first of these points to define the ray. Thus, most of the
time, P A B will express the fact that B belongs to the ray P A.
Definition InAngle P A B C :=
A <> B /\ C <> B /\ P <> B /\ exists X, Bet A X C /\ (X = B \/ Out B X P).
Definition Acute A B C :=
exists A’, exists B’, exists C’, Per A’ B’ C’ /\ LtA A B C A’ B’ C’.
3.3 Formalization of the four particular versions of the parallel postulate and of
the continuity axioms
This postulate (Fig. 13) is the official version of the parallel postulate found
in [SST83]. The statement, due to Lorentz [Gup65], is a modification of an implicit
assumption made by Legendre while attempting to prove that Euclid’s parallel
postulate was a consequence of Euclid’s other axioms, namely Legendre’s parallel
postulate which will be introduced in Section 7.3. This version is particularly
interesting, as it has the advantages of being easily expressed only in term of
betweenness, and being valid in spaces of dimension higher than two.
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 19
C1 B B1
C2 C1 B2
A1 A2
Playfair’s postulate (Fig. 14) is one of the best-known versions of the par-
allel postulate for the modern reader. This postulate corresponds to Satz 12.13
in [SST83]. Note that it does not state the existence of the parallel line but only
its uniqueness, because the existence can be proved from the axioms of Tarski’s
neutral geometry (Satz 12.10 of [SST83]). Proclus, another early commenter of
Euclid’s Elements, already recognized that an incorrect proof of Euclid’s postulate
by Ptolemy was making this implicit assumption.
20 Pierre Boutry et al.
This postulate (Fig. 15) corresponds to Proposition I.32 in [EHD02] and Satz 12.23
in [SST83]. We formalized it slightly differently, as it precisely formulates that the
sum is equal to a straight angle instead of two right angles. Nevertheless, we have
proved that the sum of an angle with itself is equal to a straight angle if and only
if the angle is right. This postulate results of a failed attempt at proving Euclid’s
parallel postulate due to Legendre. This statement was implicitly used in one of
Legendre’s proofs. Interestingly, the sum of the angles of a triangle allows to set
apart hyperbolic, Euclidean and elliptic geometry. This sum is respectively lower,
equal or higher than two right angles in hyperbolic, Euclidean and elliptic case.
This postulate (Fig.16) expresses that, given that the lines P Q and QR are
perpendicular, the lines P Q and P P1 are perpendicular and the lines QR and RR1
are perpendicular, we know that the lines P P1 and RR1 must intersect. Here,
the perpendicularity hypotheses are expresses using the Per predicates, hence we
had to add non-degeneracy hypotheses to exclude the cases where the points P
and Q as well as the points Q and R are equal. However, since the property is
trivially true in the cases where P = P1 or R = R1 we did not exclude these cases.
According to Hartshorne [Har00], it “characterizes geometries in which the angle
sum of a triangle differs at most infinitesimally” from two right angles.
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 21
P P1 S P
Archimedes’ axiom can be expressed almost directly using the betweeness and
congruence predicates. Following Duprat’s work [Dup10], we defined it inductively
without introducing the natural numbers. To state Archimedes’ axiom, we first
formalized the fact that “there exists some positive integer n and n + 1 points
A1 , · · · , An+1 on line AB , such that Aj is between Aj−1 and Aj +1 for 2 < j < n,
Aj Aj +1 and AB are congruent for 1 < j < n, A1 = A and An+1 = C ” as the Grad
predicate. This predicate and its variants, which will be presented in Section 7.3,
represent the only inductive definitions of our library. Actually, we will not specify
that “D is between A1 and An+1 ” in our definition but we will use the definition
for non-strict comparison between segments from [SST83].
this point is between C and D and the segments AB and CE are congruent. For
convenience, this witness, which is needed for proving different properties about
this order relation, is omitted by this predicate.
Using this predicate, it suffices to assert that CD ≤ A1 An+1 , which allow us
to set A1 = A and to have A1 , · · · , An+1 on line AB .
Before defining Aristotle’s axiom, we need to introduce the notion of strict com-
parison between segments.
Definition Lt A B C D := Le A B C D /\ ~ Cong A B C D.
This predicate corresponds to Definition 5.14 of [SST83]. The reason for the
non-strict comparison to appear before the strict one is simple. Unlike Hilbert,
Tarski uses a non-strict betweenness relation. In order to obtain a strict comparison
of segments, it suffices to exclude the case where they are congruent.
We are now ready to state Aristotle’s axiom.
Axiom 3 (Aristotle’s axiom).
This axiom is very close to the statement from Greenberg [Gre10] that we gave
in Subsection 3.1.2. Here the acute angle is the angle ∠ABC (Fig. 17). Compared
to Greenberg’s statement, we had to add the condition that this angle is non-null12 .
Moreover, since the triangle BXY can be proved non-degenerate from the other
assumptions, we can establish that X is the foot of the perpendicular from Y to
the other side of the angle by specifying that BXY is a right triangle with the right
angle at vertex X . The other subtle difference is the fact that our version states the
12 Non-degeneracy conditions are often omitted in textbook proofs.
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 23
existence of both points X and Y . This is due to the fact that one cannot define
a function for the orthogonal projection in our current axiom system. In order to
obtain such a function, one would either need a stronger axiom system where one
would introduce function symbols in the axioms which are not already quantifier-
free, or one would require an extra axiom. For example, one could have used the
constructive definite description axiom provided by the standard library:
Axiom constructive_definite_description :
forall (A : Type) (P : A->Prop), (exists! x, P x) -> { x : A | P x }.
As for Aristotle’s axiom, this axiom does not differ much from Greenberg’s
statement seen in Subsection 3.1.2. Again the acute angle is the angle ∠ABC
(Fig. 18). The ray r is given through point R. In order to make sure this ray is well
defined we had to add the condition that points Q and R are different. Finally the
point S asserted to exist corresponds to the point R from the statement given by
Both of these axioms are consequences of Archimede’s axiom, but not con-
versely [Gre88, Gre10]. Indeed Aristotle’s axiom is a weaker axiom than Archimede’s
axiom and Greenberg’s axiom is a consequence of Aristotle’s axiom.
24 Pierre Boutry et al.
In this section, we present the postulates which are NLJ -equivalent to Playfair’s
postulate in planar neutral geometry. Some of these properties are expressed using
definitions present in [SST83]. Thus we also give these definitions in this section.
Then we will discuss the formalization of the equivalence proofs.
Here, we introduce eight postulates which are NLJ -equivalent to Postulate 2 (Play-
fair’s postulate). They correspond to properties about various subjects, namely
parallelism, perpendicularity, angles and distance. This variety of subjects repre-
sents a specificity of the parallel postulate. We will see in the next section how
this variety affected the way we proved the equivalence of all of these statements.
Postulate 5 (Postulate of transitivity of parallelism).
C2 C1
A1 B2 A1
The first of these postulates (Fig. 19) is the postulate of transitivity of par-
allelism. It states that, given two lines A1 A2 and C1 C2 parallel to the same line
B1 B2 , these lines are also parallel. This postulate, which corresponds to Propo-
sition I.30 in [EHD02] and Satz 12.15 in [SST83], would have been inconsistent
with the other axioms if we would have taken Euclid’s definition of the parallelism
(wikipedia’s translation), which matches what we identify as strict parallelism:
“Parallel straight lines are straight lines which, being in the same plane and
being produced indefinitely in either direction, do not meet one another in
either direction.”
Indeed, it is possible for lines A1 A2 and C1 C2 to be equal. One should notice here
that again definitions are essential.
Postulate 6 (Midpoint converse postulate).
This postulate (Fig. 20) is a part of the converse of the midpoint theorem and
corresponds to a special case of the intercept theorem. We will therefore refer to it
as midpoint converse postulate. This postulate expresses that, in a non-degenerate
triangle ABC , the intersection point Q of side AC with the parallel to a side AB
which passes through the midpoint P of side BC is the midpoint of side AC .
One should notice that the midpoint theorem is valid in planar neutral geometry,
whereas its converse is equivalent to the parallel postulate. Indeed, it follows easily
from the Satz 13.1 of [SST83]. It is interesting to remark that the second part of
the converse of the midpoint theorem, namely that, in any triangle, the midline
(the segment P Q on Fig. 20) is congruent to half of the basis (the segment AB
on Fig. 20), is equivalent to another statement of the parallel postulate which is
strictly weaker than the triangle postulate in the theory of metric planes [AP16,
26 Pierre Boutry et al.
This postulate (Fig. 21) is commonly known as alternate interior angles theo-
rem. It asserts that a line falling on parallel lines makes the alternate angles equal
to one another. One can remark that this postulate, like others, was a proposition
in [EHD02] (a part of Proposition I.29) as well as in [SST83] (Satz 12.21). However,
Satz 12.21 of [SST83] is an equivalence and enunciates more than the alternate
interior angles theorem. One side of the equivalence corresponds to the alternate
interior angles theorem, while the other corresponds to its converse, which is valid
in neutral planar geometry, just as for the previous postulate.
Postulate 8 (Consecutive interior angles postulate).
Definition Perp_at X A B C D :=
A <> B /\ C <> D /\ Col X A B /\ Col X C D /\
(forall U V, Col U A B -> Col V C D -> Per U X V).
We recall that we already defined a predicate for right triangles, but this def-
inition included the case where the sides of the right angle could be degenerate.
Therefore, in order to define perpendicularity using this predicate, one must know
the intersection point of the perpendicular lines and exclude the case of the degen-
erate right triangle. AB ⊥ CD means that lines AB and CD meet at a right angle
in X (Fig. 23). The part of the definition that specifies that any point on the first
line together with any point on the second line and the intersection point form a
right angle is essential to the possibility of choosing any couple of different points
to represent the lines.
This predicate and the previous one correspond to Definition 8.11 of [SST83].
Most of the time, we just want to consider the perpendicularity of two lines AB
and CD without specifying the point in which they meet. In such cases, we will
use AB ⊥ CD.
28 Pierre Boutry et al.
Definition postulate_of_parallelism_of_perpendicular_transversals :=
forall A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2,
Par A1 A2 B1 B2 -> Perp A1 A2 C1 C2 -> Perp B1 B2 D1 D2 ->
Par C1 C2 D1 D2.
B1 C2 C2
D1 B2
A1 A1
D1 A2
C1 C1
due to the fact that it can be easily deduced from the perpendicular transversal
postulate and its converse. This could explain why it does not appear as a proposi-
tion in the most well-known axiomatic developments of Euclidean geometry, which
are those of Euclid [EHD02], Hilbert [Hil60] and Tarski [SST83]. Nevertheless, it
is listed amongst the statements equivalent to the parallel postulate in [Gre93]
and [Mar98]. It asserts that two lines, each perpendicular to one of a pair of par-
allel lines, are parallel. It is easy to take this property for granted and assume it
implicitly since it corresponds to Satz 12.9 in [SST83], which is valid in neutral
planar geometry, when the two lines known to be parallel are equal.
Postulate 11 (Universal Posidonius’ postulate).
B3 B1
B2B3 B1 B4 B4
A3 A1 A2 A4
A3 A1 A2 A4
Definition Perp2 A B C D P :=
exists X, exists Y, Col P X Y /\ Perp X Y A B /\ Perp X Y C D.
This predicate corresponds to Definition 13.9 of [SST83]. AB CD not only
means that the lines AB and CD have a common perpendicular XY but also that
XY passes through the point P . One should remark that AB CD implies, in
neutral planar geometry, that the lines AB and CD are parallel. However, not
any pair of parallel lines share a common perpendicular. In fact, in hyperbolic
geometry, ultraparallel lines only share a unique common perpendicular, and lim-
iting parallels do not share any common perpendicular [BS60]. Therefore, even
in the case of ultraparallel lines, there may be no common perpendicular passing
through a given point, since it suffices that this point lies outside their unique
common perpendicular.
Postulate 12 (Alternative Playfair’s postulate).
In this section, we focus on the formalization of the proof that the postulates of
the previous subsection (Postulates 5-12) are indeed NLJ -equivalent to Postulate 2
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 31
C1 B1
B2 P
C2 C1
A1 A2
Theorem equivalent_postulates_without_decidability_of_intersection_of_lines :
obtaining a contradiction. For the reader who is not familiar with intuitionistic logic, we recall
that this is simply the definition of negation and this proof rule has nothing to do with the
proof by contradiction (to prove A it suffices to show that ¬A leads to a contradiction), which
is not valid in our intuitionistic setting.
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 33
11. 9.
12. 2.
7. 5.
8. 6.
find some of them in the literature14 . In [SST83], there is the proof of the impli-
cation from Postulate 2 to Postulate 5 (Satz 12.15). In [Bee16], the implication
from Postulate 2 to Postulate 7 (Lemma 6.6) as well as the implication from Pos-
tulate 2 to Postulate 5 (Lemma 6.8) are proved. Finally, in [Mar98], the proofs of
the equivalence between Postulate 7 and Postulate 8 (Theorem 21.4) and of the
implication from Postulate 9 to Postulate 10 (Theorem 23.7) are provided.
Putting together the implications from Fig. 29, we can prove the following
Let us now focus on the proof of the implication from Postulate 6 (Midpoint
converse postulate) to Postulate 2 (Playfair’s postulate). In order to present the
proof that we formalized, we will collect the lemmas that will be used throughout
this proof. We believe it is important to list these lemmas, since we saw that
it often happens that a statement is valid in neutral planar geometry and that
its converse is equivalent to the parallel postulate. By detailing these lemmas
and only deriving new facts from the application of these lemmas in our proofs,
we make sure we do not implicitly apply a statement equivalent to the parallel
postulate, unless we have proved it to follow from the statement from which we
are proving a consequence. However, we chose not to include trivial lemmas which
state permutation properties of the predicates (e.g. AB k CD ⇒ CD k AB ). We
also decided to omit lemmas allowing to weaken a statement (e.g. AB ks CD ⇒
AB k CD). Besides, one problem one encounters with Tarski’s system of geometry
is the fact that there is no primitive type line. Therefore, when considering a line,
one represents it by two different points. This implies that we need a lemma such
as C 6= D0 ⇒ AB k CD ⇒ Col C D D0 ⇒ AB k CD0 . This kind of lemma are easily
proven in neutral geometry. Moreover, the proofs of collinearity can be automated
by a reflexive tactic that we developed in [BNSB14b]. Therefore we will simply
use them implicitly, as one would do in a pen-and-paper proof.
14 Up to our knowledge the following proofs are the only ones that resemble the ones we
34 Pierre Boutry et al.
Lemma 1 (6.2115 ) Two points are equal if they are at the intersection of two different
Lemma 2 (7.8) The symmetric of a point with respect to another point is con-
Lemma 4 16 A line P Q which enters a triangle ABC on side AB and does not pass
through C must exit the triangle either on side AC or on side BC.
in [SST83].
16 This lemma is present in [BN12] as it corresponds to Hilbert’s version of Pasch’s axiom.
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 35
The proof of Proposition 1, while being simple, illustrates the impact of working
in an intuitionistic setting rather than a classical one. Indeed, in this proof we assert
the existence of points at the intersection between two lines, namely the points
B3 and C3 . Since we do not assume Axiom 1 (decidability of intersection of lines)
these points can be proved to exist from the axioms. However, it often happens
that, in a proof, the existence of a point at the intersection between two lines is
derived by contradiction, rendering it only valid in a classical setting. Thus, with a
view to prove Theorem 1, we had to be very careful not to employ such arguments.
This section follows the same outline to that used in the previous section. First, we
present the postulates which are NLJ -equivalent to Postulate 1 (Tarski’s parallel
postulate), together with the necessary definitions. Second, we will discuss the
formalization of the equivalence proofs.
We introduce here eight new postulates. All are NLJ -equivalent to Tarski’s parallel
postulate. Three pairs among these eight postulates could appear to be quite
similar. Two of these pairs even express a seemingly analogous property, or so
it would seem. We will examine the slight differences which, while considering
a pair of these postulates, render unclear whether one is stronger, equivalent or
weaker than the other one. These postulates will correspond to properties about
parallelism, intersection, perpendicularity, triangles or angles. As in the previous
section, the subjects of these postulates are widely different.
Postulate 13 (Proclus’ postulate).
The first of these postulates (Fig. 31) is known as Proclus’ postulate. It asserts
that if a line intersects one of two parallel lines, then it intersects the other. One
can remark that this statement is the contrapositive of Postulate 5 (the postulate
of transitivity of parallelism). It is constructively stronger than its contrapositive,
which follows from the fact that in intuitionistic logic, an implication is not equiv-
alent to its contrapositive. In fact, only one of the implications remains valid when
dropping the law of excluded middle, namely (P ⇒ Q) ⇒ (¬Q ⇒ ¬P ).
Postulate 14 (Alternative Proclus’ postulate).
This postulate (Fig. 32) is a special case of Postulate 13. Compared to it,
Postulate 14 presents the same modifications as the one we applied to Postulate 2
(Playfair’s postulate) to obtain Postulate 12 (Alternative Playfair’s postulate).
Therefore we decided to name it alternative Proclus’ postulate. We recall that
there may be more than one parallel to a given line passing by a given point.
Thus, considering a particular one can be more convenient. We would like to
stress that this postulate, unlike the next postulates which will resemble another
previously defined postulate, really is just defined as a mean to ease some proofs
of implication.
Postulate 15 (Triangle circumscription principle).
This postulate (Fig. 34) expresses that, for any given acute angle, any point
together with its orthogonal projection on one side of the angle form a line which
intersects the other side. It will be designated as inverse projection postulate. It
is interesting to notice that although this postulate belongs to the strongest class
of postulates that we will consider, a modification of its statement (Postulate 31)
would render it much weaker to the point that it would belong to the weakest class
of postulates we will consider. It could seem like it trivially implies Postulate 1
(Tarski’s parallel postulate). Indeed, one could think it suffices to construct the
orthogonal projection of the considered point on the bisector of the angle (which
makes an acute angle with both sides of the angles) and, with the inverse projection
postulate, to assert the existence of a point on the other side of the angle which is
collinear with these two points. However, betweenness properties required in the
statement of Postulate 1 would not be satisfied and one would not be able to prove
the implication in such fashion.
38 Pierre Boutry et al.
The next postulates that we will present were introduced by Beeson in [Bee16].
In this paper, Beeson uses strict betweenness, similarly to Hilbert. Since we assume
the axioms of Tarski’s system of geometry, in which the betweenness is non-strict,
we need to define the strict betweenness.
In [Bee15], Beeson mentions that the strict and non-strict betweenness “are
interdefinable (even constructively)”. We adopted his definition of the strict be-
tweenness in terms of the non-strict betweenness. One can remark that, since we
assumed the decidability of point equality, in case we would have had to define the
non-strict betweenness in terms of the strict betweenness, we could have adopted a
simpler version of Beeson’s definition. Actually, he applies Gödel-Gentzen transla-
tion to the formula that we would have chosen to obtain a constructively valid def-
inition. We could have chosen to define A B C as A B C ∨A = B ∨B = C , while
he defines it ¬ (¬A B C ∧ A 6= B ∧ B 6= C ). Nevertheless, under the assumption
of the decidability of point equality, these two definitions are equivalent.
Postulate 17 (Euclid 5).
This postulate (Fig. 35) is the first of two postulates introduced in [Bee16] by
Beeson. It is a formulation of Euclid’s parallel postulate in Tarski’s language. He
denotes it as Euclid 5. He writes that Euclid 5 is
“If a straight line falling on two straight lines make the interior angles on
the same side less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if produced
indefinitely, meet on that side on which are the angles less than the two
right angles.”
He reads “make the interior angles on the same side less than two right angles”
into line P U being in the interior of the angle ∠QP R while lines P R and QS make
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 39
consecutive interior angles17 with P Q equal to two right angles. Seeing that, in
neutral planar geometry, making consecutive interior angles equal to two right an-
gles is the same as making alternate interior angles equal, he uses this equivalent
statement. In his definition, given that the two straight lines that make alternate
interior angles equal are P R and QS , he formulates it as the quadrilateral P RQS
having its diagonals meeting in their midpoint. Yet, it is not obvious that a quadri-
lateral having its diagonals meeting in their midpoint means that their opposite
sides make alternate interior angles equal. This property follows from Satz 7.13
of [SST83], which is provable in neutral planar geometry and uses the definition
of angle congruence.
Postulate 18 (Strong parallel postulate).
This postulate (Fig. 36), also introduced and named as strong parallel postulate
by Beeson in [Bee16], results of the modification of Euclid 5. Both its hypotheses
and its conclusion are weaker compared to it. The point U defined in the previous
postulate is not supposed to lie inside one of the considered alternate interior
angles, but to lie outside line P R. That is, the interior angles on the same side are
no longer required to make less than two right angles, but prevented to sum exactly
to two right angles. Moreover, the strict betweenness predicates in the conclusion
are replaced by collinearity predicates. That is, the two straight lines making
interior angles which do not sum to two right angles are asserted to meet without
any indication on the side of this intersection. Finally, contrary to Postulate 17,
the lines P R and SQ can be equal. This hypothesis was crucial for Postulate 17
as it avoids the case where P = U in which the postulate is false. Because both
the hypotheses and the conclusion are weaker compared to Euclid 5, it is not
evident whether these modifications render the strong parallel postulate stronger
than Euclid 5, equivalent, or weaker.
17 We previously referred to interior angles on the same side of a straight line as consecutive
interior angles.
40 Pierre Boutry et al.
This postulate (Fig. 37) greatly resembles the previous one. Therefore we de-
cided to name it alternative strong parallel postulate. In this version we make
explicit the concept of sum of angles. In the same fashion as for the triangle pos-
tulate, the fact that the interior angles on the same side do not sum to exactly
two right angles is formulated as this sum not being equal to a straight angle. Fur-
thermore, one can notice that, compared to the previous postulate, the lines AB
and CD, which correspond to the lines P R and QS , are not equal. This is a due
to the hypothesis stating that A and D are on the same side of line BC . Nonethe-
less, since in the axiom system we adopted, the degenerate case of this statement
is trivial and the line equality is decidable, this difference does not impact the
possibility for these two postulates to be equivalent.
To define a variant of Euclid 5 making an explicit use of the concept of sum of
angles, we need to be able to characterize the property for two angles to make less
than two right angles. Incidentally, a property very similar to this one is essential
when considering the sum of angles. According to Rothe [Rot14], if this property
is not satisfied, the considered angles cannot be added, because “the sum would
be an over-obtuse angle”. In fact, the sum of angles is neither an order-preserving
function nor an associative function when some of the considered sums correspond
to over-obtuse angles. For example, 160◦ = (20◦ +170◦ )+30◦ 6= 20◦ +(170◦ +30◦ ) =
180◦ .
Definition SAMS A B C D E F :=
A <> B /\ (Out E D F \/ ~ Bet A B C) /\
exists J, CongA C B J D E F /\ ~ OS B C A J /\ ~ TS A B C J.
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 41
The name of this predicate is the abbreviation for sum at most straight. Two
angles ∠ABC and ∠DEF do not make an over-obtuse angle if there exists a point J
such that C B J =b D E F , the angles ∠ABC and ∠CBJ are adjacent and the angle
∠ABJ is not an over-obtuse angle. As for the definition of sum of angles (SumA), we
specified that angles ∠ABC and ∠CBJ are adjacent by the fact that A and J are
not on the same side of line BC , to do without the disjunction of cases between the
cases where at least one of the angles is degenerate and the case where both angles
are non-degenerate and A and J are on opposite sides of line BC . Interestingly, by
formalizing straightforwardly “do not make an over-obtuse angle”, one also avoids
such a disjunction of cases. This predicate almost corresponds to property for two
angles to make less than two right angles. It just does not exclude the case where
the two angles make exactly two right angles. Analogously to the predicates for
order relations on segments and angles, it is straightforward to exclude this case.
Postulate 20 (Euclid’s parallel postulate).
10. 18.
11. 9. 15. 13.
12. 2. 1. 14.
7. 5. 17. 16.
8. 6. 20. 19.
This section is dedicated to the formalization of the proof that the postulates of
the previous subsection (Postulates 13-20) are indeed NLJ -equivalent to Postu-
late 1 (Tarski’s parallel postulate) as well as the formalization of the proof that
the postulates of Subsections 4.1 and 5.1 are indeed NLK -equivalent to Postulate 2
(Playfair’s postulate) and Postulate 1 (Tarski’s parallel postulate). As in the previ-
ous proof of equivalence, this equivalence is proved in the context of the Tarski_2D
type class from Tab. 2. The Coq statements corresponding to the NLJ -equivalence
of any two of Postulates 1, 13-20 is the following.
Theorem equivalent_postulates_without_decidability_of_intersection_of_lines_bis :
Theorem 2 Postulates 1, 13-20 are NLJ -equivalent and Postulates 1, 2, 5-20 are
NLK -equivalent.
Lemma 7 (12.9) Two lines perpendicular to the same line are parallel.
Lemma 8 (12.17) If A and B are distinct and if the segments AC and BD have the
same midpoint, then the lines AB and CD are parallel18 .
The following proposition is a classic, but we still give the proof, because we
are in a intuitionistic setting and we want to emphasize the use of the decidability
of intersection.
Proposition 2 Axiom 1 and Postulate 9 imply Postulate 15.
Given a non-degenerated tri- B2
angle ABC we wish to prove the C2
existence of point CC equidistant
to A, B and C (Fig. 40). Lemma 6 CC
lets us construct the perpendicu-
lar bisector C1 C2 of the segment C1
AB and the perpendicular bisec- B1
tor B1 B2 of the segment AC , since A
they are non-degenerate segment
Fig. 40: Axiom 1 and Postulate 9 imply Pos-
as ABC is a non-degenerate tri-
tulate 15.
angle. We now prove that it is im-
possible for lines B1 B2 and C1 C2 to not intersect to prove the existence of this
intersection19 . Assuming they do not intersect, then lines B1 B2 and C1 C2 are par-
allel by definition. Using the perpendicular transversal postulate we can deduce
18 It almost corresponds to the fact that the opposite sides of a non-degenerated quadrilateral
which has its diagonals intersecting in their midpoint are parallel. To fully correspond to this
fact one would need to add the hypothesis that A and D are distinct.
19 Note that we use here the decidability of intersection of lines.
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 45
that lines AC and C1 C2 are perpendicular. Finally Lemma 7 establishes that lines
AB and AC are parallel as they are both perpendicular to line C1 C2 . This implies
that A, B and C are collinear, which is false by hypothesis. Since it is impossi-
ble for lines B1 B2 and C1 C2 to not intersect, Axiom 1 lets us assert that Cc is
their intersection point, which is equidistant from A and B since it belongs to
its perpendicular bisector and equidistant from A and C since it belongs to its
perpendicular bisector. u t
Proof Given 4 points that we name R
P , Q, S and U (rather than A, B ,
C and D, to work with the same
name as those in the definition of
the strong parallel postulate) we
wish to prove that either there ex- S
ists a point I such that Col I S Q
and Col I P U or that there does
not exist such a point (Fig. 41). Fig. 41: Postulate 18 implies Axiom 1.
We first eliminate the case where
P lies on QS in which there exists such a point I , namely it is P . So we may
assume that ¬ Col P Q S and we then eliminate the case of P and U being equal,
as again there exists such a point I , namely Q (we could have also taken S to be
this point). So we may assume P and U to be different. Now we construct the
midpoint T of the segment P Q, using Lemma 5, and the symmetric point R of S
with respect to T , using Lemma 2. Finally we will distinguish two cases. Either
¬ Col P R U and the strong parallel postulate asserts there exists such a point I ,
provided that P T Q and R T S , which we easily prove as P and Q are different
and ¬ Col P Q S . The other case is when Col P R U . In this case we can prove that
lines QS and P U are strictly parallel, using Lemma 8 and the fact ¬ Col P Q S ,
and by definition of two lines being strictly parallel we know that there does not
exist such a point I . u
The same structure that was used in the previous two sections will be used through-
out this one. First, we present the postulates which are NLJ -equivalent to Postu-
late 3 (the triangle postulate), together with the necessary definitions. Second, we
will discuss the formalization of the equivalence proofs.
This section will study ten new postulates. All are NLJ -equivalent to the triangle
postulate. One, namely Postulate 21, is very similar to Postulate 3 (the triangle
postulate) but one could wrongly think it is strictly weaker than it. Furthermore,
46 Pierre Boutry et al.
three pairs of postulates will present the same kind of similarity. Despite these
resemblance, the subjects of these postulates are again mostly heterogeneous. In
fact, these postulates will affirm properties about triangles, equidistant lines, cir-
cles and quadrilaterals.
Postulate 21 (Postulate of existence of a triangle whose angles sum to two
rights) and Postulate 22 (Posidonius’ postulate).
Definition postulate_of_existence_of_a_triangle_whose_angles_sum_to_two_rights :=
exists A B C D E F, ~ Col A B C /\ TriSumA A B C D E F /\ Bet D E F.
Definition posidonius_postulate :=
exists A1 A2 B1 B2,
~ Col A1 A2 B1 /\ B1 <> B2 /\
forall A3 A4 B3 B4,
Col A1 A2 A3 -> Col B1 B2 B3 -> Perp A1 A2 A3 B3 ->
Col A1 A2 A4 -> Col B1 B2 B4 -> Perp A1 A2 A4 B4 ->
Cong A3 B3 A4 B4.
Definition postulate_of_existence_of_similar_triangles :=
exists A B C D E F,
~ Col A B C /\ ~ Cong A B D E /\
CongA A B C D E F /\ CongA B C A E F D /\ CongA C A B F D E.
“To every figure there exists a similar figure of arbitrary magnitude”. It asserts
that there exists two similar but non-congruent triangles. Wallis assumed this pos-
tulate in order to prove Euclid’s parallel postulate [Bon55] but could have instead
assumed Postulate 23. This postulate was also assumed by Laplace [Caj98]. More-
over, Gauss produced a proof of Euclid’s parallel postulate under the assumption of
the existence of a right triangle whose area is greater than any given area [Lew20].
“Zwar bin ich auf manches gekommen, was den meisten schon für einen
Beweis geltend würde, aber was in meinen Augen sogut wie Nichts beweiset,
z. B. wenn man beweisen könnte dass ein geradlinigtes Dreieck möglich sei,
dessen Inhalt grösser wäre als eine jede gegebne Fläche, so bin ich im Stande
die ganze Geometrie völlig streng zu beweisen.”21
– Carl Friedrich Gauss [GB99]
It is unclear if the right triangle is required to be similar to another given
right triangle. If so22 , and it is probable considering this sentence was part of an
informal letter from Gauss to Bolyai, Gauss’ assumption would be a special case
of Wallis’ postulate. One should point out that, even though the formalization of
this postulate is straightforward, the triangles need to be non-flat, as the non-
degeneracy conditions are often omitted in geometry texts.
Postulate 24 (Thales’ postulate) and Postulate 25 (Thales’ converse postu-
late) and Postulate 26 (Existential Thales’ postulate).
Definition existential_thales_postulate :=
exists A B C M, ~ Col A B C /\ Midpoint M A B /\ Cong M A M C /\ Per A C B.
21 “It is true that I have come upon much which by most people would be held to constitute
a proof; but in my eyes it proves as good as nothing. For example, if we could show that
a rectilinear triangle whose area would be greater than any given area is possible, then I
would be ready to prove the whole of [Euclidean] geometry absolutely rigorously.” The English
translation is borrowed from [Kli90].
22 Otherwise, it would provide yet another illustration of the gravity of definitions.
48 Pierre Boutry et al.
Fig. 43: Thales’ postulate (Postulate 24), Thales’ converse postulate (Postulate 25)
and existential Thales’ postulate (Postulate 26).
Definition Saccheri A B C D :=
Per B A D /\ Per A D C /\ Cong A B C D /\ OS A D B C.
Definition postulate_of_existence_of_a_right_saccheri_quadrialteral :=
exists A B C D, Saccheri A B C D /\ Per A B C.
We now focus on a postulate due to Saccheri, who made “the most elaborate
attempt to prove the ‘parallel postulate’” according to Coxeter [Cox98] and was
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 49
“perhaps before its time” [Har00]. In his attempt to prove Euclid’s parallel postu-
late, he considered a specific kind of quadrilaterals which have since been named
after him. These quadrilaterals arise when one studies points that are equidistant
to a line. Indeed, S A B C D is a quadrilateral such that the angles at A and D
are right and AB ≡ CD (Fig. 44). Still, one needs to add the fact that B and C
are on the same side of line AD23 . Saccheri’s investigation of such quadrilaterals
was influenced by Clavius’ work about Postulate 11 [Har00]. He considered three
cases for these quadrilaterals, when the remaining angles are either acute, right or
obtuse, known as Saccheri’s three hypotheses. He was meaning to prove Euclid’s
parallel postulate by eliminating the hypotheses of the acute and obtuse angle. As
we will see in the next section, in Archimedean neutral geometry, one can eliminate
the hypothesis of the obtuse angle. Nonetheless, one cannot eliminate the hypoth-
esis of the acute angle, which corresponds to hyperbolic geometry. Postulate 27
expresses that the hypothesis of the right angle holds and Postulate 28 expresses
that there exists a right Saccheri quadrilateral.
Postulate 29 (Postulate of right Lambert quadrilaterals) and Postulate
30 (Postulate of existence of a right Lambert quadrilateral).
Definition Lambert A B C D :=
A <> B /\ B <> C /\ C <> D /\ A <> D /\ Per B A D /\ Per A D C /\ Per A B C.
Definition postulate_of_existence_of_a_right_lambert_quadrialteral :=
exists A B C D, Lambert A B C D /\ Per B C D.
The last postulates that we analyze in this section are closely related to to
Saccheri quadrilaterals. Indeed, they regard quadrilaterals that were also studied
by Saccheri, though they are named after Lambert [Gre10]. L A B C D has right
angles at A, B and D (Fig. 45). The reason why Saccheri studied them is be-
cause by taking N such that A N D and M such that B M C in a Saccheri
quadrilateral S A B C D, one obtains two Lambert quadrilaterals L N M B A and
L N M C D. Lambert proceeded in the same way as Saccheri in his attempt at
proving Euclid’s parallel postulate, namely, disproving the obtuse case and trying
23 Quadrilaterals are usually implicitly assumed to be non-crossed.
50 Pierre Boutry et al.
to derive a contradiction from the acute case [Gre93]. Postulate 29 and Postu-
late 30 state, respectively, that all Lambert quadrilaterals are rectangles and that
there exists a rectangle. One could think that this postulate is close to Postulate 4
(Bachmann’s Lotschnittaxiom), but Postulate 4 asserts the existence of an inter-
section point, while Postulate 29 states the perpendicularity of two lines known to
In this section, we address the formalization of the proof that the postulates of the
previous subsection (Postulates 21-30) are indeed NLJ -equivalent to Postulate 3
(the triangle postulate), as well as the NLJ -equivalence between Postulate 3 and
Postulate 2 (Playfair’s Postulate). Exactly like in the previous proofs of equiva-
lence, the first equivalence is proved in the context of the Tarski_2D type class
from Tab. 2. The Coq statement corresponding to the NLJ -equivalence of any two
of Postulates 3, 21-30 is the following.
Theorem equivalent_postulates_without_any_continuity :
One can remark, from the graphical summary of the implications we proved
(Fig. 46), that Postulate 27 (the postulate of right Saccheri quadrilaterals) plays
a very central role. There is a simple explanation for it: most of these proofs
correspond to the formalization of the proofs of some of Saccheri’s propositions
given in [Mar98]. In this book, Martin establishes equivalences between each of
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 51
30. 27.
29. 21.
26. 3.
25. 22.
24. 23.
Saccheri’s three hypotheses and whether certain angles are acute, right or obtuse.
Most of these implications follow easily from these propositions. In order to for-
malize Martin’s proofs, we often proceeded by disjunction of cases on Saccheri’s
three hypotheses. One should point out that, because case distinctions cannot be
performed in existence proofs in Beeson’s modification of Tarski’s axioms [Bee15],
some of the proofs we mechanized would not be valid in his axiomatic system.
We can now consider the visual representation of all the implications that we
formalized to prove Theorem 3 (Fig. 47). Comparing with Fig. 39 and Fig. 46, one
can see two extra implications displayed, namely from Postulate 3 to Postulate 12
(the alternative Playfair’s postulate) and from Postulate 7 (the alternate inte-
rior angles postulate) to Postulate 3. Indeed, these implications are not necessary
to prove that any two postulates that belong to the same circle are equivalent.
Nonetheless, in order to prove the following theorem, they are necessary.
Theorem 3 Postulates 3, 21-30 are NLJ -equivalent and Postulates 1-3, 5-30 are NLJ -
For the sake of completeness, we list the propositions given in [Mar98] that cor-
respond to the implications on Fig. 46. Theorems 22.3 and 22.10 allow us to prove
that Postulate 27 implies Postulate 29 and is implied by Postulate 30. The impli-
cations from Postulate 28 to Postulate 27 and from Postulate 27 to Postulate 3 are
respectively proved in Theorem 22.10 and Corollary 22.13. From Theorem 22.17
we could deduce that Postulate 27 implies Postulate 24 and is implied by Pos-
tulate 26. The fact that Postulate 24 implies Postulate 25 and that Postulate 21
implies Postulate 27 are showed in Theorem 23.7. The implications from Postu-
late 3 to Postulate 21, from Postulate 27 to Postulate 28, from Postulate 29 to
Postulate 30 and from Postulate 25 to Postulate 26 are trivial. Indeed, in each
of these implications, one needs to prove that a postulate implies another where
some of the universal quantifiers are replaced by existential ones. Thus one only
needs to assert the existence of a non-degenerated triangle, a Saccheri quadrilat-
eral, a Lambert quadrilateral and a non-degenerate right triangle. The proof that
Postulate 27 is equivalent to Postulate 22 is done in Theorem 23.6 for one side of
the equivalence (but using the notion of default for a triangle, which we avoided
in this section) and in Theorem 23.7 for the other side. Finally, the proof that
Postulate 27 is equivalent to Postulate 23 is left as exercise.
52 Pierre Boutry et al.
Lastly, we will detail one proof and compare another one to the pen-and-paper
proof from which it is inspired24 . Both of these proofs illustrate one of the main
difference between a theoretical proof and the actual Coq proof, namely dealing
with non-degeneracy conditions and betweenness properties. This difference repre-
sents one of the main difficulties that one encounters while formalizing a proof in
synthetic geometry. These proofs allow us to study the impact of using the tactics
developed in [BNSB14b] as well as their limitations. The proof we have chosen to
study is the fact that Postulate 7 (the alternate interior angles postulate) implies
Postulate 3 (the triangle postulate). The pen-and-paper proof is short:
Let ABC be a triangle, construct the parallel to AC through B (Fig. 48).
Then, the two pairs of alternate interior angles displayed on the figure are
congruent, and hence the sum of the three angles is the straight angle.
Now, we will compare this argument with the formal proof as formalized in
Coq. In order to present the rigorous proof of Proposition 4, we will collect five
lemmas that will be used throughout this proof.
Lemma 13 (12.2127 ) If two lines share a common transversal which makes a pair of
alternate angles equal to one another, then the two lines are parallel.
Now, we give in natural language the proof at the level of details needed for
the formalization.
24 These proofs have already been presented in French [GBN16].
25 Usually in geometry, we give two different constructions for the perpendicular to a given
line in a given point, whether the given point lies on the given line or not. If it does, we “erect”
a perpendicular at this given point, and if it does not, we “drop” a perpendicular from this
given point to this given line.
26 This corresponds to the fourth axiom of Group IV from [Hil60].
27 This lemma represents only the part that is valid in neutral planar geometry.
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 53
Lemma alternate_interior__triangle :
alternate_interior_angles_postulate ->
intros AIA A B C D E F HTrisuma.
elim(Col_dec A B C); [intro; apply (col_trisuma__bet A B C); auto|intro HNCol].
destruct(ex_conga_ts B C A C B A) as [B1 [HConga HTS]]; Col.
assert (HPar : Par A C B B1)
by (apply par_left_comm, par_symmetry, l12_21_b; Side; CongA).
apply (par_not_col_strict _ _ _ _ B) in HPar; Col.
assert (HNCol1 : ~ Col C B B1) by (apply (par_not_col A C); Col).
assert (HNCol2 : ~ Col A B B1) by (apply (par_not_col A C); Col).
destruct (symmetric_point_construction B1 B) as [B2 [HBet HCong]]; assert_diffs.
assert (HTS1 : TS B A B1 B2)
by (repeat split; Col; [intro; apply HNCol2; ColR|exists B; Col]).
assert (HTS2 : TS B A C B2)
by (apply (l9_8_2 _ _ B1); auto; apply os_ts1324__os; Side).
apply (bet_conga_bet B1 B B2); auto.
destruct HTrisuma as [D1 [E1 [F1 []]]].
apply (suma2__conga D1 E1 F1 C A B); auto.
assert (CongA A B B2 C A B).
apply conga_left_comm, AIA; Side.
apply par_symmetry, (par_col_par _ _ _ B1); Col; Par.
apply (conga3_suma__suma B1 B A A B B2 B1 B B2); try (apply conga_refl); auto;
54 Pierre Boutry et al.
Thanks to the tactics developed in [BNSB14b] the Coq proof is fairly close to
the proof we just gave. The first main difference is that we need to deduce two
non-degeneracy conditions, namely HNCol1 and HNCol2. The second main difference
is not visible here. In fact, the proof that we just gave is different from usual proof
that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is equal to two right angles, such
as the one given by Amiot [Ami70]28 . In Amiot’s proof, the fact that the angles
∠CAB and ∠ABB2 are alternate interior angles, HTS2 in the Coq proof, is stated
without a proof. This lack of justification for the relative position of the points
on the figure is a critic that the modern commentators of Euclid’s Elements often
make about Euclid’s proofs. However, Avigad et al. [ADM09] claim that these gaps
can be filled by some automatic procedure, justifying in some sense the gaps in
Euclid’s original proofs. This is where we reach the limits of our tactics: they only
handle incidence problems, permutation properties and compute the consequences
of the negation of the non-degeneracy conditions, but do not provide this kind of
justification. Therefore, it would be very useful to have an implementation of the
procedure proposed in [ADM09].
Our proof that Axiom 4 and Postulate 3 imply Postulate 12 is inspired from the
one Greenberg gives in [Gre10]. Nevertheless, we needed to make two modifications
to his proof. The first one is due to the fact that we used a different definition
for a point belonging to an angle, as we explained in Subsection 3.2.3. The other
modification that we made is due to the use of a proof assistant: because of it we
cannot skip the justification for the relative position of the points on the figure.
This section is devoted to the role of Archimedes’ axiom: we study the implica-
tions of assuming this property. We will first provide a proof of the independence of
Archimedes’ axiom from the axioms of Pythagorean planes29 . Then we will intro-
duce three postulates which we will prove NLJ -equivalent to Postulate 4 (Bach-
mann’s Lotschnittaxiom). In order to prove these postulates NLJ -equivalent to
the other postulates we presented in this paper we will introduce a new postulate,
which was implicitly assumed by Legendre in one of his attempts to prove Euclid’s
parallel postulate. Thus, we will refer to it as Legendre’s parallel postulate. Hav-
ing defined this postulate, we will formalize the proofs of Legendre’s Theorems.
Finally, we will present the formalization of Szmielew’s theorem, which opens the
28 The comment in French Wikipedia about Amiot’s proof seems to say that the proof is
valid only in Euclidean geometry because it use the construction of THE parallel to line AC
trough B. To be precise, the proof does not rely on the uniqueness of this line, only on its
existence, so this first step of the proof is valid also in hyperbolic geometry (but not in elliptic
geometry). The Wikipedia comment fails to notice that the proof relies on Postulate 7.
29 Here we use Greenberg’s denomination for models of Hilbert’s Axioms Group I, II, III and
IV [Gre10].
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 55
A4. P2.
A3. P1.
Fig. 49: Overview of the proof of the equivalence between Axiom 1, Axiom 3 and
Axiom 4.
In this section, we will first establish the NLJ -equivalence between Axiom 1 (Decid-
ability of intersection of lines), Axiom 3 (Aristotle’s axiom) and Axiom 4 (Green-
berg’s axiom) under the assumption that Postulate 2 (Playfair’s postulate) holds.
From this equivalence, and using a syntactic proof of the independence of Axiom 1,
we obtain a proof for the independence of Archimedes’ axiom from the axioms of
Pythagorean planes, which is not based on counter-models. We do not prove in
Coq this independence property, because it relies on a proof based on Herbrand’s
theorem, that we have not formalized.
To demonstrate the equivalence between Axiom 1, Axiom 3 and Axiom 4 we
will show the implications that are represented on Fig. 49. With a view to sim-
plifying this overview, we use the equivalences proved in the previous section to
replace any postulate NLJ -equivalent to Postulate 1 by Postulate 1 and similarly
for Postulate 2. We already showed that Postulate 1 (Tarski’s parallel postulate)
is implied by the conjunction of Postulate 2 and Axiom 1 (Proposition 2) and
that Postulate 1 implies Axiom 1 (Proposition 3). In [Gre10], Greenberg proves
that Axiom 4 follows from Axiom 3, itself following from Postulate 1. Therefore,
it remains to show that Postulate 1 can be derived from the conjunction Axiom 4
and Postulate 2. To the best of our knowledge, this proof is new and will therefore
be detailed30 .
Let us first collect two lemmas from planar neutral geometry needed for it.
31 CP AP
Lemma 14 (Crossbar) If B A and B C then P ∈
b A B C.
Lemma 15 Given two intersecting lines AB and CD and a point P not on line AB,
there exists a point Q on line CD such that A B.
30 We already presented this proof in French [GBN16].
31 This lemma is present in [Gre93] and [Har00] (Proposition 7.3) under the name of Crossbar
Theorem. Note that in [Har00], the statement look different but actually is the same, because
Hartshorne’s definition of a point being inside an angle is based on the two-side predicate,
whereas the definition we use (borrowed from [SST83]) states that the ray BP intersects the
segment AC.
56 Pierre Boutry et al.
Let us recall that Postulate 2 and Postulate 7 (the alternate interior angles
postulate) are NLJ -equivalent and that Postulate 1 and Postulate 13 (Proclus’
postulate) are also NLJ -equivalent. Proposition 5 lets us prove our claim.
Theorem 4 Axiom 1, Axiom 3 and Axiom 4 are NLJ -equivalent under the assumption
that Postulate 2 holds.
This theorem is quite peculiar because it asserts the equivalence between conti-
nuity axioms and a decidability property. Theorem 4 prove this equivalence under
the strong assumption that Postulate 2 holds.
Finally, since Axiom 1 is independent from the axioms of planar neutral ge-
ometry to which Postulate 2 is added, we get that both Axiom 3 and Axiom 4 are
also independent from these axioms. From the following proposition32 , we obtain
that Archimedes’ axiom is also independent from these axioms.
which depends on the Legendre’s first theorem (Theorem 6), will be discussed in the next
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 57
Unlike in the previous three sections, we will mostly just present the postulates
which are NLJ -equivalent to Bachmann’s Lotschnittaxiom (Postulate 4), together
with the necessary definitions. Indeed, the most interesting proof, in terms of
formalization, was the proof that these postulates are NLJ -equivalent with the
previously defined postulates. Therefore, we will focus mainly on the proof of
NLJ -equivalence which will be detailed in the next subsection.
Postulate 31 (Weak inverse projection postulate) and Postulate 32 (Weak
Tarski’s parallel postulate).
Definition ReflectL P’ P A B :=
(exists X, Midpoint X P P’ /\ Col A B X) /\ (Perp A B P P’ \/ P = P’).
P 0 •P
This predicate corresponds to Definition 10.3 of [SST83]. A B means that
P 0 •P
P is the image of P by the reflection with respect to the line AB . It is interesting
to see that for ReflectL P’ P A B to be true when A and B are equal, one must
A •B
have that P 0 and P are also equal. To define P Q, which expresses that the
A •B
58 Pierre Boutry et al.
32. 4.
Theorem equivalent_postulates_without_any_continuity_bis :
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 59
Definition legendre_s_parallel_postulate :=
exists A B C,
~ Col A B C /\ Acute A B C /\
forall T,
InAngle T A B C ->
exists X Y, Out B A X /\ Out B C Y /\ Bet X T Y.
This posulate formulates that there exists an acute angle such that, for every
point T in the interior of the angle, there is a point on each side of the angle such
that T is between these two points. Postulate 34 is pretty similar to Postulate 1
(Tarski’s parallel postulate). In fact, Postulate 34 mainly differs from Postulate 1
in two aspects. The first difference comes from the way in which the points A,
B and C defining the considered angle are quantified (Fig. 13). In this version of
the parallel postulate they are existentially quantified33 . The second difference is
about the relative position of the points, which is more precise in Postulate 1. Here,
the same situation as in Postulate 32 (Weak Tarski’s parallel postulate) occurs:
the point through which goes the line asserted to exist is not required to be further
away from B than the segment AC , which results in a weaker conclusion, namely
that the line intersects the sides of the angles without any precision with regards
to the position of the intersections relatively to A and C .
Let us then consider Legendre’s first theorem, which can be stated in the follow-
ing way.
The fact it is acute plays a minor role, contrary to the non-degeneracy condition, because if one
can find such an obtuse or right angle, every acute angle inside it fulfills the same properties.
60 Pierre Boutry et al.
B0 B1 B2 B3 Bn−2 Bn−1 Bn
A0 A1 A2 A3 An−2 An−1 An
Grad. Indeed, the theorem that is central for this proof, namely Theorem 22.18,
constructs pairs of points that, given two segments, correspond to the endpoints
of segments constructed by extending the given segments by their own lengths
the same number of times (the Ai and Bi for 1 ≤ i ≤ n on Fig. 5234 ). As our
formalization of Archimedes’ axiom does not use the concept of natural number,
we had to express that the segments are extended the same number of times, using
the following inductive predicate. Grad2 A B C D E F intuitively means that there
exists n such that AC ≡ nAB and DF ≡ nDE .
Inductive Grad2 : Tpoint -> Tpoint -> Tpoint -> Tpoint -> Tpoint -> Tpoint ->
Prop :=
| grad2_init : forall A B D E, Grad2 A B B D E E
| grad2_stab : forall A B C C’ D E F F’,
Grad2 A B C D E F ->
Bet A C C’ -> Cong A B C C’ ->
Bet D F F’ -> Cong D E F F’ ->
Grad2 A B C’ D E F’.
As often in induction proofs, the difficulty lied in finding the appropriate induc-
tive hypothesis. Moreover, the same difficulties as the ones presented in Section 6
arose. Having mechanized Theorem 22.18 of [Mar98], we could demonstrate The-
orem 6. The proposition that we showed is the following.
Theorem legendre_s_first_theorem :
archimedes_axiom ->
forall A B C D E F,
~ Col A B C ->
SumA C A B A B C D E F ->
Isi D E F B C A.
We should remark that the hypotheses of this theorem are not minimal. Indeed,
Greenberg provides a proof only relying on Axiom 4 (Greenberg’s axiom) [Gre93]
that we did not formalized yet.
The next theorem has already been proven in Section 6. It asserts that Postu-
late 21 (the postulate of existence of a triangle whose angles sum to two rights)
implies Postulate 3 (the triangle postulate) and can be stated in the following way.
34 The B are not known to be collinear, but the fact B B
i i i+1 ≡ B0 B1 and the quantity
nB0 B1 appear in this proof.
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 61
Since Theorem 7 is a corollary of Theorem 3, we will just give the Coq statement
corresponding to it.
Theorem legendre_s_second_theorem :
postulate_of_existence_of_a_triangle_whose_angles_sum_to_two_rights ->
C Y0
Y0 A X
B X0
B X0 A X
Let Y0 be a point on the given side of the angle and X0 be the foot of the
perpendicular from Y0 to the other side of the angle. Then, by letting n0 be a
positive integer such that n0 Y0 X0 > P Q and B be the vertex of the angle, one
could assume that Axiom 2 would let us conclude by constructing Y such that
n0 Y0 B ≡ Y B and dropping a perpendicular from Y on the other side of the angle.
Nevertheless, following [Mar98], it is much simpler to choose a positive n such
62 Pierre Boutry et al.
2n Y0 X0 > P Q and prove that a point Y such that n2n Y0 B ≡ Y B would suffice35 .
Therefore, we defined the following exponential variant of the predicate Grad.
Theorem legendre_s_third_theorem :
archimedes_postulate ->
triangle_postulate ->
Finally, the last theorem will complete Legendre’s flawed proof. It states that,
assuming Axiom 2, Postulate 21 (the postulate of existence of a triangle whose
angles sum to two rights) is a consequence of Postulate 34 (Legendre’s parallel
postulate). It can be phrased as follows.
Theorem legendre_s_fourth_theorem :
archimedes_postulate ->
legendre_s_postulate ->
that the defect of the triangle Ak+1 BCk+1 is at least the double of the defect of
the triangle Ak BCk . To conclude its proof, Legendre uses Archimedes’ axiom to
deduce that repeating this construction will lead to a triangle An BCn which has a
defect greater than two right angles. This last step need to be detailed in Coq, as it
makes the implicit assumption that Axiom 2 implies the Archimedean property for
angles. More precisely, the implicit assumption is that every non-degenerate angle
can be doubled enough times to obtain an obtuse angle. Therefore, we defined the
following variant of the predicate Grad.
Inductive GradAExp : Tpoint -> Tpoint -> Tpoint -> Tpoint -> Tpoint -> Tpoint ->
Prop :=
| gradaexp_init : forall A B C D E F, CongA A B C D E F -> GradAExp A B C D E F
| gradaexp_stab : forall A B C D E F G H I,
GradAExp A B C D E F ->
Isi D E F D E F -> SumA D E F D E F G H I ->
GradAExp A B C G H I.
axiom and the upper n-dimensional axiom, and Hn corresponds to En where Pos-
tulate 1 (Tarski’s parallel postulate) A10 is replaced by its negation. Hence this
result allows us to prove the equivalence of some statements with Tarski’s parallel
postulate by checking if it holds in Euclidean geometry and does not in hyper-
bolic geometry. Moreover, because both of these theories are decidable, this gives
a procedure deciding if a statement is equivalent to the parallel postulate. In this
section, we will formalize this result and we will then discuss the possibility for
the mechanization of such a procedure.
In Section 7.3, we formalized the fact that Postulate 1 is equivalent to Postu-
late 2 when assuming Archimedes’ axiom. With a view to proving this result, we
chose to use Postulate 2 in place of Postulate 1. We would like to stress that, while
Szmielew obtained her result through metamathematical properties, we present
here a synthetic proof, so the choice of the parallel postulate matters. This choice
was motivated by the fact that the negation of Postulate 2 was easier to work
with. However, her proof is valid in spaces of dimension higher than two, whereas
our proof is only valid in planar geometry. Another difference is that her proof
assumes the axiom of continuity, while our proof only assumes Archimedes’ axiom
(Axiom 2), which is strictly weaker than the axiom of continuity. Indeed, Cantor’s
axiom is independent from the axiom of planar Archimedean geometry [MB95],
and the axiom of continuity is equivalent to the conjunction of both of these ax-
ioms [Rot14]. We defined the negation of Postulate 2 in the following way.
We can point out that this definition (we will now refer to it as hyperbolic
plane postulate) is in fact the negation of a modification of Postulate 2. This
modification expresses the existence of a line and a point not on this line such that
there is a unique line parallel to this line passing by this point. This modification
was showed to be equivalent with Postulate 2 when assuming Axiom 4 for one
of the implications. Because of this we could not classify this modified version of
Postulate 2. This explains why we did not present it in Section 4. We now collect
four lemmas which will be used in the lemma at the core of this proof.
Lemma 16 Given a right triangle ABD with the right angle at vertex A, a point C
is construtible such that ABCD is a Saccheri quadrilateral.
Lemma 19 (12.6) Two points on a line strictly parallel to another one are on the
same side of this last line.
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 65
Proposition 7 The hyperbolic plane postulate holds under the hypothesis of the acute
Let us state Szmielew’s theorem. We will not detail its proof as it is a tautology
knowing the Legendre’s first theorem, the previous lemma and the NLJ -equivalence
between Playfair’s postulate and the hypothesis of right angle. Following are the
informal statement as well as its formulation in Coq. Note that it is the only
theorem we state in this paper that is expressed using second-order logic. In gen-
eral, second-order logic is rarely used in our formalization of geometry: it is used
only in intermediate definitions and statements needed for the proof of Pappus’
theorem [BN17].
Theorem szmielew_s_theorem :
archimedes_postulate ->
(forall P : Prop,
66 Pierre Boutry et al.
Even if Theorem 11 only allows us to prove NLJ -equivalence, it is a very power-
ful tool. Indeed, for any statement presenting only universal quantifiers, it suffices
to show it is a consequence of any of our 34 versions of the parallel postulate and
to provide a counterexample in hyperbolic geometry to prove its NLJ -equivalence
with Playfair’s postulate. Moreover, both En and Hn are decidable [Szm59]. There-
fore Theorem 11 render possible a mechanized procedure deciding if a statement
is equivalent to Playfair’s postulate, using the decidability of both theories. Ac-
tually, the quantifier elimination algorithm for real closed fields which has been
formalized by Cohen and Mahboubi in [CM12] can be connected to Tarski’s sys-
tem of geometry, thanks to our formalization of the arithmetization of Euclidean
geometry [BBN16a]. Following [Szm61] we could formalize the arithmetization of
hyperbolic geometry and extend the same quantifier elimination algorithm to this
system. However, we are not sure whether this method would work in practice,
because the quantifier elimination algorithm for real closed field by Cohen and
Mahboubi has not been designed to be efficient, but to provide a theoretical re-
sult. Furthermore, the Gröbner basis method has already been integrated into Coq
by Grégoire, Pottier and Théry [GPT11]. Our work on the arithmetization of Eu-
clidean geometry lets us use this method in our axiomatic system. Thus proving
that a statement presenting only universal quantifiers is a consequence of Play-
fair’s postulate could, in some case, be done by computation, although this would
require a significant formalization work.
8 Conclusion
We have described the formalization within the Coq proof assistant of the proof
that 34 versions of the parallel postulate are equivalent. The originality of our
proofs relies on the fact that first, the equivalence between these different versions
are proved in Tarski’s neutral geometry without using the continuity axiom nor
line-circle continuity, and second, we work in an intuitionistic logic. Assuming
decidability of point equality, we clarified the role of the decidability of intersection.
We obtained the formal proof that assuming decidability of point equality, some
versions of the parallel postulate imply decidability of the intersection of lines.
The formal proofs of equivalences consist of about 7k lines of code and rely on 44k
lines of code corresponding to a library for planar neutral geometry. The proofs
make heavy use of the tactics developed previously [BNSB14b]. The use of a proof
assistant was crucial to check these proofs. Indeed, it is extremely easy to make
a mistake in a pen-and-paper proof in this context. We have to be careful not to
use any of the many statements which are equivalent to the parallel postulate, as
well as not use classical reasoning.
This work can have several extensions. First, we can take advantage of our
large library in neutral geometry, and of the proof of the equivalence between the
different versions of the postulate, to obtain a library in hyperbolic geometry.
Second, we could weaken our axiom systems, to study the more constructive
version as defined by Beeson in [Bee16] where he assumes stability of equality,
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70 Pierre Boutry et al.
1. (Tarski’s parallel postulate) Given a point D between the points B and C and a point T
further away from A than D on the half line AD, one can build a line which goes through
T and intersects the sides BA and BC of the angle ∠ABC respectively further away from
B than A and C.
2. (Playfair’s postulate) There is a unique parallel to a given line going through some point.
3. (Triangle postulate) The sum of the angles of any triangle is two right angles.
4. (Bachmann’s Lotschnittaxiom) Given the lines l, m, r and s, if l and r are perpendicular,
r and s are perpendicular and s and m are perpendicular, then l and m must meet.
5. (Postulate of transitivity of parallelism) If two lines are parallel to the same line then these
lines are also parallel.
6. (Midpoint converse postulate) The parallel line to one side of a triangle going through the
midpoint of another side cut the third side in its midpoint.
7. (Alternate interior angles postulate) The line falling on parallel lines makes the alternate
angles equal one to one another.
8. (Consecutive interior angles postulate) A line falling on parallel lines makes the sum of
interior angles on the same side equal to two right angles.
9. (Perpendicular transversal postulate) Given two parallel lines, any line perpendicular to
the first line is perpendicular to the second line.
10. (Postulate of parallelism of perpendicular transversals) Two lines, each perpendicular to
one of a pair of parallel lines, are parallel.
11. (Universal Posidonius’ postulate) If two lines are parallel then they are everywhere equidis-
12. (Alternative Playfair’s postulate) Any line parallel to line l passing through a point P is
equal to the line that passes through P and shares a common perpendicular with l going
through P .
13. (Proclus’ postulate) If a line intersects one of two parallel lines then it intersects the other.
14. (Alternative Proclus’ postulate) If a line intersects in P one of two parallel lines which
share a common perpendicular going through P , then it intersects the other.
15. (Triangle circumscription principle) For any three non-collinear points there exists a point
equidistant from them.
16. (Inverse projection postulate) For any given acute angle, any point together with its or-
thogonal projection on one side of the angle form a line which intersects the other side.
17. (Euclid 5) Given a non-degenerated parallelogram P RQS and a point U strictly inside the
angle ∠QP R, there exists a point I such that Q and U are respectively strictly between S
and I and strictly between P and I.
18. (Strong parallel postulate) Given a non-degenerated parallelogram P RQS and a point U
not on line P R, the lines P U and QS intersect.
19. (Alternative strong parallel postulate) If a straight line falling on two straight lines make
the sum of the interior angles on the same side different from two right angles, the two
straight lines meet if produced indefinitely.
20. (Euclid’s parallel postulate) If a straight line falling on two straight lines make the interior
angles on the same side less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if produced
indefinitely, meet on that side on which are the angles less than the two right angles.
21. (Postulate of existence of a triangle whose angles sum to two rights) There exists a triangle
whose angles sum to two rights.
22. (Posidonius’ postulate) There exists two lines which are everywhere equidistant.
23. (Postulate of existence of similar but non-congruent triangles) There exists two similar but
non-congruent triangles.
24. (Thales’ postulate) If the circumcenter of a triangle is the midpoint of a side of a triangle,
then the triangle is right.
25. (Thales’ converse postulate) In a right triangle, the midpoint of the hypotenuse is the
26. (Existential Thales’ postulate) There is a right triangle whose circumcenter is the midpoint
of the hypotenuse.
27. (Postulate of right Saccheri quadrilaterals) The angles of any Saccheri quadrilateral are
28. (Postulate of existence of a right Saccheri quadrilateral) There is a Saccheri quadrilateral
whose angles are right.
Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study. 71
29. (Postulate of right Lambert quadrilaterals) The angles of any Lambert quadrilateral are
right i.e. if in a quadrilateral three angles are right, so is the fourth.
30. (Postulate of existence of a right Lambert quadrilateral) There exists a Lambert quadri-
lateral whose angles are all right.
31. (Weak inverse projection postulate) For any angle, that, together with itself, make a right
angle, any point together with its orthogonal projection on one side of the angle form a
line which intersects the other side.
32. (Weak Tarski’s parallel postulate) For every right angle and every point T in the interior
of the angle, there is a point on each side of the angle such that T is between these two
33. (Weak triangle circumscription principle) The perpendicular bisectors of the legs of a right
triangle intersect.
34. (Legendre’s parallel postulate) There exists an acute angle such that, for every point T in
the interior of the angle, there is a point on each side of the angle such that T is between
these two points.
Perp2 A B C D P AB CD The lines AB and CD have a com-
P mon perpendicular which passes
through P .
BetS A B C A B C B is strictly between A and C.
ABC + b2 The angles ∠ABC and ∠DEF do
not make an over-obtuse angle.
Saccheri A B C D S ABC D The quadrilateral ABCD is a Sac-
cheri quadrilateral.
Lambert A B C D L ABC D The quadrilateral ABCD is a
Lambert quadrilateral.
P 0 •P
ReflectL P’ P A B A B P 0 is the image of P by the reflec-
P 0 •P tion with respect to the line AB.
Perp bisect P Q A B P Q The line P Q is the perpendicular
bisector of the segment AB.
Defect A B C D E F D(4ABC) =
b DEF The angle ∠DEF is the defect of
the triangle ABC.