The Teaching Profession: Formal Education Refers To The Hierarchically Structured

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 Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, habits,  The Greek Thinkers flourished in order to counteract the
..attitudes, interest, skills, and abilities and other human qualities influences of the Sophists who were not Athenians, among them
..through training, self-activity, and transmitting these vital were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
 Socrates was a Greek Thinker who believed that knowledge
..elements of human civilization to posterity.
is virtue and all virtuous actions are based on knowledge.
 The three TYPES OF EDUCATION are Formal Education,  Plato believed that the social class the person
..Non-formal Education, and Informal Education. belongs to determine their education.
 Formal education refers to the hierarchically structured  Aristotle believed that virtue is brought by doing not by
..and chronologically graded learning, organized and provided by knowing and advanced the idea that man is a social animal and must
..formal schools and where certification is required for the ..learner use his reason to attain his ultimate end, which is ‘the
to progress through the grades or move on to higher ..levels. summumbonum’ or highest/supreme Good.
 The Ancient Roman civilization contributed
 Non-formal education refers to any school-based
pragmatic and progressive education.
..educational activities undertaken by the DECS and other
 There are three TEACHING METHODS that Jesus Christ
..agencies aimed at attaining specific learning objectives for a used and contributed, which are the Parable, Conversational
..particular learner. Method, and Proverbial or Gnomic Method.
 Informal education is a type of education that can be  Christian Education became part of the mainstream
..acquired anytime and anywhere, also known as the education society in Rome when Emperor Constantine proclaimed Christianity
..for all seasons. as the official religion of the Roman world.
 The different MEDIEVAL MOVEMENTS in education are
 The two theories concerning the exact ORIGIN OF
Monasticism, Scholasticism, The Medieval University, Chivalry, and
..EDUCATION are the Theory of Divine Education and the The Guild System.
..Theory of Evolution.  Monasticism is where education was a religious
 The Theory of Divine Creation advocates that God discipline, strict, rigid, and punishment was severe.
..equipped man with intellect and free will.  Charlemagne supported the Monastic schools and even
 The Theory of Evolution believes that education started established court schools to educate his constituents.
 Scholasticismis where education was an intellectual
..when the primitive man began his quest to find ways and means
discipline and its purpose was to bring reason to faith and support feed, clothe, shelter and protect himself, and compete with theology by using logic.
..other animals for survival.  St. Thomas of Aquinas was one of the foremost
 Ancient civilizations such as the Jewish, Chinese, proponents of the Scholastic movement.
..Egyptian, Greeks, and the Roman Civilizations have all  The Medieval University started as
..CONTRIBUTED TO EDUCATION. “universitasmagistrorumetscholarium” or corporation of
teachers and students, chartered by the pope or the kings.
 The Ancient Jewish civilization contributed religious
 Emperor Frederick I chartered the first organized university, University of Bologna in 1158.
 The Ancient Chinese civilization contributed  THE MEDIEVAL UNIVERSITY was composed of a Studium education. generale (student body), Nation, Councilors, Facultas, Dean, and
 The Ancient Egyptian Civilization contributed practical Rector.
and empirical education.  Chivalry is where education was used as a social discipline,
where a boy of noble birth has to pass through several stages to be
 The Ancient Greek Civilization contributed liberal and
fully accepted as a member of his social class.
..democratic education.
 Under CHIVALRY, a boy of noble birth has to go through as
 The Sophists in ancient Greek were the wandering
a page, squire, and knight to be fully accepted as a member
..scholars who went to Athens to teach Athenian boys by
of his social class.
collecting ..fees from them. • page is an attendant to the noble courts at the age of
 Protagoras was the most famous sophist who stated 7 years old.
that man is the measure of all things. 

 first textbook on using of visual aids in classroom teaching.
• squire is an attendant to a knight at the age of  Francis Bacon suggested the used of inductive method of
14 years old. teaching and believed that all scientific progress must be based on
•A knight is a full-pledged warrior who has vowed to nature.
protect the women and the poor, defend the church  Richard Mulcaster argued that education should be in
and the state, attack the wicked, and shed blood for the accordance with the nature of the child and its aim is to secure the
sake of his country and his fellow countrymen. expression and development of childish tendencies and not to
•The Guild System provided education for the middle suppress them.
class that acquired their fortune from the profits in  WolgangRatke advocated that everything should
commercial and industrial endeavors brought by the constantly be repeated to ensure mastery.
“Crusades”.  Disciplinism is a philosophy, which believes that education
 Renaissance is considered as the revival of ancient is based on discipline.
..learning brought by the discovery of the “New World” by  John Locke is an advocate of Disciplinism and believed that
..Christopher Columbus, the fascinating stories of Marco Polo when the child is born his mind can be compared to a “tabula rasa”,
..about the wealth and technology of the East, the invention of the or a blank tablet and experiences will be the ones to write on that
..printing press and other events. tablet.
 Humanism is a philosophy that believes that  Naturalism is an educational philosophy, which adheres to aims to liberate man from the oppressive and the belief that education should be in accordance with the nature of
..demanding medieval institutions like the church and the the child.
..state to enable him to fully develop his potentials.  Jean Jacques Rosseau believed that man at birth is
 Italian or Individual humanism stressed that individual naturally good and societal influences make man evil, and that the
..freedom is a prerequisite to the achievement of a rich and stronger the body, the more it obeys and the weaker the body the
..fulfilled life. more it commands.
 Northern or Social Humanism advocated that  The Psychological Movement in Education calls for the is an avenue for societal regeneration. application of basic psychological principles like individual differences,
 Reformation highlighted the protests of the people transfer of learning and other to the educative process.
..who were dissatisfied by the policies of the Roman Catholic  Among the educators who belong to the PSYCHOLOGICAL
..Church caused by the massive corruption and indulgences of MOVEMENT were Johan Heinrich Pestalozzi, Johan
..the church. Friedrich Herbart, Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel and
 Martin Luther, considered as the father of Reformation, Maria Montessori.
..wrote the 95 theses that denounces the Catholic Church and  Johan Heinrich Pestalozzi advocated that learning is
..posted it in the doorpost of his Cathedral on October 31, 1517. through observation and experience and education is basically a
 Catholic Counter – Reformation was the response of “contact of souls” and the teacher must feel respect and sympathy
..the Roman Catholic Church to the protests of the “Reformers” for the children he teaches.
..led by Rev. Martin Luther.  Johan Friedrich Herbart was known for the Herbatian
 Realism was an educational philosophy that advocates Method of Teaching, which is composed of Preparation,
..that education should be concerned with the actualities of life Presentation, Association, Generalization, and Application.
..and prepare for its concrete duties.  Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel established a child-
 The proponents of REALISTIC EDUCATION were John centered school in 1840, which came to be known as
..Milton, Francois Rubelais, Michael de Montaigne, John Amos “Kindergarten”.
..Comenius, Francis Bacon, Richard Mulcaster, and WolgangRatke.  Maria Montessori developed a child-centered
 John Milton believed that boys should study formal curriculum and emphasized manipulation and experimentation
..grammar and formal education must be emphasized. to promote independence and creativity.
 Francois Rubela is suggested that education should be  The Sociological Movement in Education is where
made attractive and pleasant rather than compulsive. education is looked upon as the process geared toward
 Michael de Montaigne emphasized the use of field the propagation, perpetuation, and improvement of the
..trips/educational tours in the teaching – learning process and society and the total development of an individual.
..introduced the concept of finishing schools.  John Dewey, a proponent of the sociological movement,
 John Amos Comenius wrote “OrbisPictusSensualism” or believed that education must be democratic and considered as life
..the World of Sensible Things Pictured, which is considered as the and not just the preparation for life.

 John Dewey postulated the famous “Learning by Doing  EO No. 189 issued on June 10, 1987, placed all public
Dictum”, which states that the learner learns best if he secondary school teachers under the administrative supervision and
 is an active participant in the teaching learning process. control of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports.
 teacher has a right and duty to determine the academic  RA1079 approved on June 15, 1959 provided that Civil
..marks and the promotions of learners in the subject or grades Service eligibility shall have no time limit.
..he handles, provided that such determination shall be in  RA No. 1425 approved on June 12, 1956 prescribed the
..accordance with generally accepted procedures of evaluation inclusion in the curricula of all schools, both public and private, from
..and measurement. elementary schools to the universities, the life, works and writings of
 To manage an off-task behavior, a teacher should Jose Rizal especially the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
..always consider not only the goodness of one but of the entire  RA No. 4670 known as the “Magna Carta for Public School
..class. Teacher” approved on June 18, 1966 to promote and improve the
 It is a responsibility of teachers to seek correctives social and economic status of public school teachers, their living and
for what may appear to be an unprofessional and working conditions, their employment and career prospects.
unethical conduct of any associate.  RA 6655 known as the “Free Public Secondary Education
 Asking what a student wants to be when he/she Act of 1988” approved on May 26, 1988 provided for free public
..grows up is an indication of Idealism, where ideas that exist in secondary education to all qualified citizens and promote quality
..the mind are the only reality. education to all levels.
 Pursuing a degree in Education to fulfill a dream of  RA6728 known as the “Act Providing Government
..becoming a teacher shows Realism, where it stresses that Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education” was
..reality is not in the mind but in the external world. approved on June 10, 1989 and provided for tuition fee supplement
 In accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional for students in private high schools, vocational and technical courses
..Teachers, every teacher shall participate in the Continuing whose schools charge less than 1,500 pesos tuition fee.
..Professional Education (CPE).  RA 7079 known as the “Campus Journalism Act of 1991” was
 In a situation where mutual attraction and subsequent signed into law on July 5, 1991 to provide for the promotion and develop between teacher and learner, the teacher shall protection of press freedom in the campus by providing for the
..exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal, gossip establishment and maintenance of a student publication in all levels
..and preferential treatment of the learner. of education in both public and private schools.
 In accordance to RA 7836, every teacher shall be  RA 7610 enacted on June 17, 1992 otherwise known as the
..physically, mentally and morally fit. Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation
 The Education Act of 1982 provided for the and Discrimination Act, or the Anti-Child Abuse Law further
..establishment and maintenance of an integrated system of amended by RA 9231 in order to strengthen the law for the protection of the Filipino Children from abuse exploitation
 In the Education Act of 1982, Section 2this act shall and for the elimination of the worst forms of child labor.
..apply to and govern both formal and non-formal system in  RA 7731 passed on June 2, 1994 stated that those who
..public and private schools in all levels of the entire failed the NCEE shall no longer be denied or refused enrolment by
..educational system. any School, College, or University to any post-secondary program
 Act No. 2706 , also known as “Private School Law”, necessitating a minimum of four (4) years.
..enacted on March 10, 1917 made the recognition and  RA 7743 approved on June 17, 1994 provided for the
..inspection of private schools and colleges by the Secretary of establishment of Public Libraries and Reading Centers in all
..Public Instruction obligatory so as to maintain a standard of Barangays all over the country to be undertaken by the National
..efficiency on all private schools and colleges in the country. Library in coordination with the Department of Interior and Local
 Commonwealth Act No. 578 enacted on June 8, 1940, Government (DILG).
..conferred the status of “persons in authority” upon the  RA 7784 known as an “Act to Strengthen Teacher Education
teachers, ..professors, and person charged with the supervision in the Philippines by Establishing Centers of Excellence” approved on
of public or ..duly recognized private schools, colleges, August 4, 1994 provided that there shall be identified, designated,
universities. established, and developed in strategic places in each of the regions
 EO No. 27 issued on July 4, 1986 seeks to include courses in the country, one or more centers of excellence for teacher
or subjects on hum rights in the school curricula, in education based on a set of criteria provided.
textbooks, and other reading materials and in the  RA 7796 known as the Technical Education Skills
qualifying examinations on government service. Development Act of 1994 or the “TESDA Act of 1994” approved on 

..August 25, 1994 provided for the creation of the Technical economical that confronts the society and is able to arrive at solutions
..Education Skills Development Authority or TESDA. in order to reconstruct society.
 RA 7797 was passed on August 18, 1994, and provided  Perennialism maintains that education involves
..for the lengthening o f the school calendar from two hundred .. confronting the problems and questions that have
.. (200)days but not more than two hundred twenty (220) days challenged people over the centuries.
..beginning in the school year 1995-1996.  Teachers are not punishers but counselors as mandated by
 RA 7877, known as the “Anti Sexual Harassment Act of the law that no teacher should inflict corporal punishments to the
..1995” was signed into law on February 14, 1995, provided that students.
..all forms of sexual harassment in the employment, education or  Essentialism is concerned with the fundamental of environment are unlawful. education skill and knowledge without which a person can’t be either
 RA 7880 known as the “Fair and Equitable Access to individually or socially efficient.
Education Act”, which states that the “State shall  A Pragmatist teacher is one who focuses on the thinks at
provide for the development of its citizenry as work and what works is not only for himself but also for the entire
represented by all legislative districts ensuring then fair community.
and equitable access to the infrastructure and tools  In line with Reconstructivism, emphasis in education should
necessary for quality education.” be on how to become economically self-reliant.
 RA 8047 known as the “Book Publishing Industry  Partnership between the school administrators, faculty and
Development Act”, recognized that the book publishing the community is the best attribute to bring about better programs
industry has a significant role in national development, and initiatives.
considering that books which are its products are  Respect for authority requires the teachers to be careful
instrumental in the citizenry’s intellectual, technical and with the statements he/she tells about superiors especially in front of
cultural development – the basic social foundation for his/ her students.
the economic and social growth of the country.  An integral part of the teaching process is classroom
 management.
 RA 8941 known as the “Flag and Heraldic Code of the  The Fundamental Moral Principle is “Do Good and avoid
..Philippines approved on February 12, 1998 proved the design of evil.”
..the National Flag, hoisting and display of the National Flag,  “Moral example has greater effect on pupils’ discipline than
..conduct of flag raising ceremony, Pledge to the Flag, the laws and codes of punishment,” is an advice for teachers from
..National Anthem, and the National Motto. Confucius.
 RA 8545 amended RA 6728 to establish a fund for  According to Max Scheler’s Hierarchy of Values, Values of
..the purpose of subsidizing salaries of private school teachers. the Holy is the highest form of values.
 RA 9155 known as “An Act Instituting A Frame of Work Of  The Ten Commandments is the basic foundation of
..Governance For Basic Education, Establishing Authority and Christian morality, which guides their behavior and dealing with
..Accountability, Renaming the Department of Education, Culture moral issues.
..and Sports As The Department of Education” was approved on  Epicurianism is a philosophy that is summarized by, “Eat,
..August 11, 2001. drink and be merry for tomorrow you will die.”
 Progressivism connotes growth and development and is  Plato is an idealist that believes that the truth is
..described by engaging students in problem solving activities that universal and changeless. a reflection of the personal and social experiences that can  A theory of philosophy that defines views about learner, the ..them in solving their own real-life problem. teachers and the school is the Philosophy of Education.
 Progressivism is where there is an environment that  The ten countries that belong to the ASEAN are Philippines,
..stimulates or invites participation, involvement and the Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand,
..democratic process. Vietnam, and Singapore.
 Existentialism is defined as the philosophy of  The ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY are 10 countries
..subjectivity of self-hood whose fundamental doctrine proclaims working together with a market of 600 million people with the goal’s freedom in the accomplishment of his destiny. of free trade.
 Reconstructivism covers the underlying factors that  Free trade includes the flow of goods, services, investment
..constitute reality or society and where students are encouraged capital, skilled labor and professional mobility. become involved in the problems whether political, social or  
 


Basic Ed TESDA Higher Education 
Level 8 DOCTORAL 


Level 5 DIP OMA
Level 4 NC IV
Level 3 NC III
Level 2 12 NC II
Level 1 10 NC I

 
 Philosophy is defined as the quest for truth  Professional Qualification Framework is a national policy
..based on logical reasoning aside from the factual describing the levels of educational qualifications and sets the
..observation. standards for qualification outcomes.
 The BRANCHES OF PHILOSOPHY are Metaphysics,  Priori is the reasoning that knowledge comes from pure
..Epistemology, Axiology, and Logic. reason alone, and knowledge is independent and comes
 Metaphysics deals with the nature of being and reality, from experience.
..essence, truth, space, time, causation, essence of God, and the  Axiology seeks to rationalize the questions like what is
..origin and The subdivisions under METAPHYSICS are value and what are the values to be desired in living and the likes.
Cosmology, ..CENTEReleology, and Ontology.  The two subdivisions of AXIOLOGY are Ethics and Aesthetics.
Cosmology explains and theorized on the origin and the  Ethics is defined as the art and science that deals with the
nature of morality of human acts.
the universe including creationism and evolutionism.  Morality means the distinction between right and wrong.
 Teleology explains the purpose in the universe.  Aesthetics is fundamentally concerned with beauty and
 Ontology deals with the meaning of existence and tries standards or tests of values.
to resolve the question of whether existence is  Logic is the science and art of correct thinking and correct
identical with space, time, nature, spirit or God. reasoning.
 Epistemology is the study of knowledge.  The different areas of concern of LOGIC are Induction,
 The subdivisions under EPISTEMOLOGY are Agnosticism, Deduction, Syllogism, and Dialect.
Skepticism, Posteriori, and Priori.  Induction is reasoning that is done through the process of
 Agnosticism is the doctrine that conclusive knowledge of inferring a general law or principle from the observation of particular
ultimate reality is an outright impossibility and claims instances to a general conclusion.
that it is impossible for man to prove the existence of  Deduction is reasoning through a process that is from a
God. general principle to specific included within the scope of that
 Skepticism is the doctrine that any true knowledge is principle.
impossible and everything is open to doubt.  Syllogism is argumentation in which a conclusion is
 The advocates of SKEPTICISM were Pyrrho and Rene derived from two propositions called premises.
..Descartes.  Major term is the predicate of conclusion found in major

 Posteriori advanced the idea that knowledge  Minor term is the subject of conclusion – found in minor
comes from experience. premise.
 Concupiscence refers to the bodily appetites or  Middle term is found in two premises and not in the
..tendencies like love, hatred, joy, grief, passion, daring, fear, and conclusion.
..anger.  Dialect is a means of discovering the truth by proceeding
 Fear is shrinking back of the mind from danger. from an assertion or thesis to a denial or antithesis and finally
 Violence is an external force applied by a free reconciling the two into synthesis.
..cause, which impair man’s free will.  Human act is an act that proceeds from the deliberate free
 Habit is born of frequently repeated acts. will of man.
 Law is defined as an ordinance of reason  Acts of Man is an act that does not proceed from the
..promulgated for the common good by the one who is in deliberate free will of man is sometimes instinctive.
..charge of the society.  The three TYPES OF HUMAN ACTS in relation to reason are
 The different TYPES OF LAW are According to author, Good, Evil, and Indifferent.
..According to duration, According to manner of promulgation  Good is in harmony with the dictates of right reason.
of ..physical, According to prescription and According to effect  Evil is in opposition to the dictates of reason.
of ..violation.  Indifferent is when it stands in no positive relation to the
 Conscience is a practical judgment of reason upon which dictates. individual act is considered good, which is to be performed or  The ELEMENTS OF HUMAN ACTS are Knowledge,
..evil, which is to be avoided. Freedom, and Voluntariness.
 The STATES OF CONSCIENCE are correct or true certain,  The MODIFIERS OF HUMAN ACTS are Ignorance,
erroneous, and doubtful. Concupiscence, Fear, Violence, and Habit.
 Values are anything that can be desired and something  Ignorance is the absence of intellectual knowledge in man.
..chosen from alternatives acted upon and enhances creative  Primary values are chosen, acted upon, necessary for
..integration and development of human personality. authentic development of man and is chosen from alternatives.
 The PROPERTIES OF VALUE are Relative,  Secondary values are obligatory values.
..Subjective, Objective, Bipolar, and Hierarchal.  Moral/Ethical are obligatory in character and is the basic
 Relative is the subject to change, good for what and for and urgent in life and activities of man.
..whom.  Religious is the ultimate Divine Value.
 Subjective is good for one but not for others.  Cultural value includes poetry, music, painting, and
 Objective has an absolute character. unique characteristics important to a culture.
 Bipolar is good and bad such as beautiful – ugly.  The FOURFOLD TEST OF ROBIN WILLIAMS to determine
 Hierarchal is scaled graduation and according to cultural values are Extensiveness, Duration of Value, Intensity, and
..priority. Prestige of value carrier.
 The ten (10) CLASSIFICATIONS OF VALUES according to  SOCIAL VALUES are friendship, family ties, and the likes.
..Andres are Useful or utilitarian, Pleasurable or delectable,  The hierarchy of values refers to the different scales or
..Befitting or becoming good, Accidental values, Natural human graduation of prioritizing values.
..values, Primary values and Secondary values, Moral/Ethical,  PLATO’S HIERARCHY OF VALUES is Knowledge, Honor,
..religious, Cultural Value, and Social values. Money/ business, Pleasure, and Passion.
 Useful or utilitarian is where other useful things are  MAX SCHELLER’S HIERARCHY OF VALUES is Pleasure values,
..obtained from it. Vital or welfare values, Spiritual or cultural, and Sacred.
 Pleasurable or delectable provides pleasure to the  Defective norms of morality are the different philosophical
..subject. beliefs about morality, which somehow do not conform to the
 Befitting or becoming good develops, completes and universally accepted standards of human morality.
..perfects the subject.  Existentialists believe that education should enable man
 Accidental values are temporal, impermanent, and to make choices for his life.
..variable.  Essentialism ascribes ultimate reality to essence embodied
 Natural human values befit man every place at every in a thing perceptible to the senses.
..time.  The DEFECTIVE NORMS OF MORALITY are Hedonism,
 The MODERN PHILOSOPHIES OF EDUCATION are Utilitarianism, Moral Rationalism, Moral Evolution, Moral

..Humanism, Realism, Disciplinism, Rationalism, Naturalism, the total amount of happiness that one can achieve.
..Idealism, Pragmatism, Progressivism, Existentialism, and  The types of UTILITARIANISM are individual or egoism, and
..Essentialism. social or altruism, which is the greatest good for the greatest
 Humanism was a philosophy that rejected number.
..supernaturalism, regarded man as a natural object and asserted  Moral rationalism is the belief that human reason is the
..the essential dignity and worth of man and his capacity to ..achieve sole source of all moral laws advocated by Immanuel Kant of Prussia.
self-realization through the use of reason and scientific ..method.  Moral Evolutionism is the idea that morality is not absolute
 Realism is the type of education in which natural but keeps on changing until such time that it reaches the
..phenomena and social institutions rather than language and perfect state, which is advocated by Friedrich Nietszche.
..literature are made the chief subjects of study.  Moral Positivism advocates that state laws are the bases of
 Realism advocates that education should be all moral laws, ergo it is good if it is in accordance with the laws and
..concerned with the actualities of life and prepare for its anything that opposes the state laws must be rejected as advocated
..concrete duties. by Thomas Hobbes.
 Disciplinism asserted that the mind is made up of certain  Moral Sensism is the belief that man is endowed with
..faculties such as memory, reason, will, judgment, etc. and each ..of special moral sense that can distinguish good or evil meaning that an
which needs special activities for its training and development.
action is moral if it is in harmony with this human sense and immoral
 Rationalism claimed that human reason was the sole if not in harmony with this sense.
..source of knowledge and the sole determiner whether things or
 Communism is an economic theory, which is based on the
..actions were acceptable or not.
ideals of a classless society, which denies the existence of God, views
 Naturalism advocated that education should be in religion as opium and does not recognize human freedom and
accordance with the nature of the child meaning all immortality of man’s soul.
educational practices should be focused towards the
 In a highly pluralistic society, a teacher should implement a
natural development of all
learning environment that is safe, secure, and gender sensitive.
the innate talents and abilities of the child.
 According to Confucius, Rousseau and Mencius, “Man in
 Idealism holds that knowledge is independent of sense nature is good,” the characteristic of man makes him easier to be
..perception or experience and lays stress on the mental idea, taught.
..intrinsic or spiritual value rather than physical fact or material  RA 9155 or the Governance of Basic Education Act
..value. transfers the functions, programs, and activities of the Department
 Idealism claims that education must provide for the of Education to the Philippine Sports Commission.
..development of the mind of every pupil, and in order to realize  Learning to live Together is vital in building a genuine and
..this, the school must concentrate on intellectual, moral lasting culture of peace in the world.
..judgment, and aesthetic development of the students.  “The principles of spontaneity as against artificiality will
 Pragmatism is the doctrine that claims that the make you accomplish something. Leave nature to itself and you will
..meaning of a proposition or idea lies in its practical have harmony.” is an advice from the Taoist.
..consequences.  Philippine Education Placement Test allows out-of-school
 Pragmatists are concerned with the total development youth and others who did not finish school to have and equitable
..of the child through experiencing or through self-activity. access to education.
 Progressivism claims that the child’s growth and  In a multicultural education, teachers must consider
..development as an individual depend on his experiences and children’s cultural identities and be aware of their own biases.
..self-activity.  Under the Pillar of Learning to Know, the role of the teacher
 Existentialism emphasizes the freedom of human is to be facilitator, catalyst, monitor, and evaluator of learning because
beings to make choices in a world where there are no the process of learning to think is a lifelong one and can be enhance
absolute values outside man himself. by every kind of human experience.
..Positivism, Moral Sensism, and Communism.  Doctrine of Salvation is best described as the highest
 Hedonism is the belief that morality is determined by goal of the faithful.
..the acquisition of pleasure.  The first essential characteristic of culture is that it is
 Utilitarianism refers to actions that are geared toward learned.
 According to Paulo Freire, man’s ultimate vocation and  The most important component in educational reform is
..destiny is humanization, which can be achieved through the the parent’s involvement.

..process of conscientization, a process of becoming aware of the  According to Plato, the idea of higher education helps the
..contradictions existing within oneself and in society, and of souls to search for truth, which illuminated it.
..`gradually being able to bring about personal and social  UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific
..transformations. and Cultural Organization, which aim to promote peace and security
 RA 9155 or the Governance of Basic Education Act in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through
..considered the school as the “heart of the formal education education, science, culture, and communication.
..system.”  The medium/media of instructions in schools during the
 Socrates is known for his Socratic Dialogue, where a Spanish era was/were Spanish.
..student uses the question-and-answer as a model for  The philosophers that were proponents of
..discussion. PERENNIALISM were Robert Hutchins and Mortimer Adler.
 Ethics/morality can be summed up in doing what is  Paolo Freire was known as a Social Reconstructionist.
..right (especially if it is for the common good) and avoid what is  The basis of partnership between community and school
..evil. are mutual trust for one another’s values, perspectives and
 The pillar of learning that is concerned on the material experiences.
development rather than the human development is  The philosophy of Confucius is Humanistic, where it
Learning to Do. occupies mainly with Human relationship and Virtues.
 As provided by the Code of Ethics for Teachers, in line  RA 9155 changed DECS to DepEd and transferred the
..with RA 7836, a teacher shall at all times, be imbued with the sports to Philippines Sports Commission and culture to the
..spirit of professional loyalty, mutual confidence, and faith in National Commission for the Culture and Arts. another, self-sacrifice for the common good and full  Organizational chart is a diagram that shows the different
..cooperation with colleagues. positions in the schools structure, the different channels
 As provided in Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution on available and the flow of communication.
..Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports,
..Section 3, when all requirements are met, religion should be
..taught within the regular class hours.

 The three types of PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING are  Lewis Terman’s defines intelligence as the ability to learn in
..starting principles, guiding principles, and ending principles. terms of abstract ideas, while Colvin viewed intelligence as the ability
 Starting principles refer to the nature of the child, to adjust to new environment.
..psychological and physiological endowments.  Emotion is the blending of sensations caused by the
 Guiding principles are the methods of instruction, or profound and widespread changes in the body.
..the combination of techniques in carrying out the educative  row & Crow defined emotion as an effective experience
..process. that accompanies generalized inner adjustment, and mental and
 Ending principles are the educational aims and physiological stirred up states in the individual and that shows itself
..objectives, which are divided into two: psychological (growth in his overt behavior.
..and development of the child) and philosophical (based on the  Imitation is the tendency of the child to do according to
..culture of the people). what he sees or observes.
 Intelligence as defined by W. Stern is a general  Curiosity is the elementary form of interest where it is the
..capacity of an individual consciously to adjust his thinking to starting point of interest and the desire to discover. requirements.  Gregariousness refers to the desire of the individual to be
 A Goal is a statement of the intended general outcome with other people because man is a social being.
..of an instructional unit or program whereas a Learning  Play is the natural impulse possessed by men and animals
..Objective is a statement of one of several specific where it is an activity, which the individual engages in for the
..performances, the achievement of which contributed to the satisfaction of his desires.
..attainment of the goal.  Collecting and hoarding means the interest in keeping the
 The INBORN TENDENCIES OF THE CHILD are objects, which a child is interested to possess.
..Intelligence, Emotion, Imitation, Curiosity, Gregariousness, Play,
Collecting and hoarding, Competition, and Manipulation.
 Competition implies a struggle between two or more  According to Krathwohls’ Affective Domain, the lowest
..persons for the same object or purpose to equal or surpass level of affective behavior is Responding followed by Valuing,
..others, whereas rivalry suggests a personal contest for selfish Organization, and Characterization.
..ends, resulting in envy and jealousy.  A teacher manifests Expert Power when he shows his
 Manipulation is the natural impulse of the child, which students his vast knowledge of a subject matter.
..involves a skillful or dexterous management or control of  Referent Power is shown when teacher makes his
..actions by means of intellect. students feel important, accepted, and appreciated all the time.
 The features of COOPERATIVE LEA NING are face-to-  Signal Interference is an influence technique illustrated
..face interaction, positive interdependence, and group when a teacher would a look in a student’s eye to tell them that
..accountability for learning. he disapproves of their mischievous behavior.
 The theory of Multiple intelligence by Dr. Howard  Reward power of a teacher is his/her authority to give the
..Gardner, proposes eight different intelligences to account for a students the grade they deserve.
..broader range of human potential in children and adults  When teachers encourage active class participation through
..because he suggested that the traditional notion of intelligence individual and group activities, it allows the students to feel
..based on IQ testing is too limited. important in a group.
 The eight INTELLIGENCES ACCORDING TO GARDNER are individual and group activities, it allows the student
..linguistic, logical mathematical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic, to feel
..musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist and existential
..intelligence.  Applying rules and regulations on a case-to-case basis
 The CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FILIPINO LEARNERS does not promote sound classroom management.
..according to Gregorio are shyness, sensitiveness, lack of  Practices that promote SOUND CLASSROOM
..perseverance, lack of resourcefulness, and lack of industry. MANAGEMENT are enforcing firm and fair discipline in the
classroom, developing a system of coming in and going out of the
 According to Jean Jacques Rousseau, men in nature
room and establishing rules, regulations, and routines starting on
..are basically good and that the influences of society are what
..makes man evil. the first day of school.
 To develop POSITIVE BEHAVIOR in children,  An example of a “low-profile” classroom management is
when a teacher raises the pitch of his/her voice.
contribution, responsibility, and cooperation
must be emphasized.  An effective classroom management teaches the student
 Albert Bandura proposed a theory known as Social to develop self-control rather than dependence on others to control
..Learning Theory, which states that modeling is essential in their behavior.
..pedagogy.  “In Loco Parentis” or “instead of parent”, it is a legitimate
authority exercised by teachers in the classroom where they take on
 Operant Conditioning focuses on giving of reward to
some of the functions and responsibilities of a parent.
..students to increase the occurrence of repeating a desired
..behavior.  “With-it-ness,” according to Kounin, is one of the
characteristics of an effective manager where he/she is aware of all
 “Porma (Form) over substance” is a negative trait
the things happening around him/her.
..where a student focuses more on the outside appearance of the rather than the content.  The best way to manage an off-task behavior is to not
over-react, such as by making simple eye contact.
 “Tangible performance changes when learners undergo
..the learning process” serves as the basis of the utilization of  A teacher’s Referent Power means that she accepts the
..Performance Objectives. student the way they are, illustrated by being firm yet fair,
compassionate, and approachable.
 Individual Differences is a concept that expects
..teachers to provide varied learning activities to suit the needs  teacher that does follow-up questioning in order to elicit
..of the various learning style of the students. more from his students and to make them think more critically is
using the Probing type of questioning.
 Coherence is a characteristic of the instructional plan
that shows “interconnectedness” and smoothness from  Teachers providing activities for the whole-brain thinking
beginning to the end. and not just on one particular learning dimension is encouraging
 learning facilitation.
 Evaluation serves as the piece de resistance (finale) of
..Goal-Oriented Instruction.  The HIERARCHIES OF QUESTIONS that the teachers usually
ask regardless of the subjects being taught are

Knowledge (Memory) Questions, Comprehension  In order to develop logical-Mathematical skills in students,
Questions, Application Questions, Analysis Questions, teachers can use Problem Solving Activities.
Synthesis Questions, and Evaluation Questions.  According to Thorndike, punishment does not
 Knowledge (Memory) Questions trains the ability to guarantee the removal of negative behavior from the child.
..recall, bring to mind appropriate materials learned previously such  Mastering concepts in class through repetition is utilizing specific names, facts, places, figures, events, concepts, the Drill method.
..principles, and others.  Projective Technique allows the innermost thoughts of the
 Comprehension Questions trains the students to students to come out such as when a teacher would show
..understand oral and written communications and make use an ambiguous picture to students and ask them to respond
..of them.  to some questions.
 Application Questions requires the students to  An Anecdotal Record contains significant/untoward
transfer what they have learned to new situations with  incidents/ reports that happens to students.
 little or no supervision.  Well-managed and learning-productive class is shown
 Analysis Questions requires the students to breakdown when students are actively involved to reach the goal. idea into its parts, to distinguish these parts and know their  Intrapersonal intelligent pupils will learn best with
..relationships to one another. activities that call for more time with the self.
 Synthesis Questions is where the student puts together  Venn Diagram is a graphic organizer that can be used to
..or integrates a number of ideas or facts into new arrangement. illustrate the similarities and differences of two subjects.
 Evaluation Questions is where the students appraise,  A teacher who wants his students to work together
..criticize or judge the worth of an idea, a statement or a plan on harmoniously may incorporate Cooperative Learning in
..the basis of a set of criteria provided to them or which they his/her class, which allows the student to work together
..themselves have developed. promoting teamwork.
 BLOOM’S COGNITIVE TAXONOMY is as follows,  Fishbone Diagram is a graphic organizer commonly used to
..Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, illustrate cause and effect.
..and Evaluation, where Evaluation is the highest.  The best classroom device is the teacher
 Lesson Plan is the termed applied to the statement of because the devices themselves cannot teach.
objectives to be realized and the methods to be used in  To be able to respond to the teacher’s professional
the attainment of such objectives within the specified development needs is the rationale behind the teacher’s
 time. professional training programs.
 The COMPONENTS OF A LESSON PLAN are Objective,  Teachers in the community should not make
Subject Matter, Learning Activities, Evaluation, and him/herself aloof because he/she can still maintain objectivity
 Assignment. even if he/she is friendly with community members.
 Time line is a type of teaching tool appropriate for  As a “trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of
..graphically representing a lesson in chronological form. the nation and is under obligation to transmit to learners
 The ultimate test of a good classroom management such heritage,” teachers must conduct lessons on the life if it can be applied in the student’s daily lives. stories of Filipino heroes that allows the class to appreciate
 A Sequence Chain can be used as a graphic organizer to  the country’s rich cultural past.
present the Water Cycle.  Geography is the leading factor behind the proposal by the
 A Critiquing session allows the evaluation of member’s DepEd that lead schools must manage stand-alone schools in some by the group and encourages the giving of constructive far-flung areas.
..comments on how to improve the work of others.  The greatest contribution of EFA (Education for All) to the
 Coherence is the local organization and public is it gives opportunities for all kinds of learners where regular
..comprehensibility of lesson plan from start to finish. or special.
 The primary concern of using a teaching aid is that it  Realia should only be brought inside the room if it’s feasible.
..should be suited to the objective of the lesson.  Using a globe as a teaching aid or any tangible and scaled
 Simulation operates on the principle “I am what I should replica of something falls under Models.,’ and is when the teacher allows the student to put what they  To promote higher-order thinking skills, Divergent
..learned into practice. questions must be asked by the teacher because it allows the
students to think more creatively since it is an open ended types of
 questions.
 Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience refers to watching  In consensus decision making the teacher allows his
..demonstrations as an experience that is almost the same as the students to arrive into one specific plan of action through gathering
..actual one. the majority’s decision.
 In order to ensure the smooth transition of activities in  The task analysis model of lesson organization arranged in
..class, teacher should make the materials readily available and sequence is facts, concepts, principles, and generalization.
..accessible.  IPPD (Individual Plan for Professional Development) was
 The best time for teachers to set routine activities like developed for teachers to serve as a guide for the professional’s
rules in getting continuous learning and development.
materials and standing in line should be established  Information Processing Theory asserts that when learners
during the first day of school. treat information as personal and as part of his/her schema then
retrieving concepts contextually is a lot easier.
 Low-profile classroom control means the teacher
 According to Lev Vygotsky, guidance enables teachers
..manages behavior of students without disrupting the lesson.
to help learners acquire skills.
 An example of a low-profile classroom control
 Portfolio is one of the best ways to practice
..technique that teachers can employ in their classroom
outcome-based education.
..managing behavior without disrupting the lesson.
 Shared values are synonymous with vision-core values.
 The teacher should primarily consider appropriateness
 The concepts of Total Quality School Model must be
..of the device to the lesson.
applied by all stakeholders to make a school successful.
 If teachers want to focus on attitudinal change among
 Technical skill is a general term to address the competency
..her students, they must facilitate role-playing activities to allow
needs of various industries.
..the child to show his/her personal emotions.
 Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory encourages  Peer review is where one lets his/her classmate look at
his/her work for evaluation.
..teachers to present the lesson on wide variety of ways to
..consider the different intelligences of students.  Highlighting is where when conducting research or doing
readings, one uses colored writing instrument to emphasize key
 A classic characteristic of Operant Conditioning
..advocated by BF Skinner is the use of reinforcements. points.
 Phillips 66 is a technique wherein the group is divided  Teachers must be flexible so that their students could be
..into 6 groups and allows them to discuss a topic for 6 minutes. creative learners.
 Closed ended questions limit the ability of the  Global education allows students to be more
..students to think creatively and critically. accepting/tolerant of other cultures.
 Stakeholders, the key players of any
 The highest- level in Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of
..Needs is Self-Actualization. system/organization/process are composed of teachers, students,
parents, administrators and members of the community.
 Kohlberg developed the Moral development theory
 John Dewey’s contribution to the development of
..and pioneered in the use of moral dilemma technique.
sociological foundations in learning are education as a social process,
 Albert Bandura developed the Social Learning Theory
teaching of the basic R’s and the role of the school as an extension of
..and advocated “children learns from what they see in the
home-based education.
 Quality Educational System fosters coordination among
 Jerome Bruner postulated that learning is a
basic education, technical-vocation education and higher education
..simultaneous process of acquisition, transformation and
and has connection from level to level.
 The teacher is responsible for an enriching environment
 According to Erikson, identity and role confusion
that allows a highly diverse class to optimize their learning.
normally occur during high school.
 Alternative Learning System (ALS) is a type of learning that
 Modeling or learning through observation is central
life-long and is acquired from real-life activities and the Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura.
 interactions.
 Criterion is defined as an acceptable standard of
 Sign of an underachieving student is showing minimum effort
..performance and a statement that indicates a degree of
in every task.
 Reactive is the opposite of proactive. 
 Graphic organizers are used to illustrate relationships
 Guidance involves personal help given by someone
..among details, enables students to identify important ideas and
designed to assist the person where he wants to go, what he wants
..details and information are presented in concrete form.

11 do, or how we can best accomplish his physical, social,  Permissive allows the child to grope through situations too
..intellectual, and personal assets and liabilities as confronted by difficult for him to cope with, with no guidance and control.
..particular situations, so that he can make wise and intelligent  Ambivalent style occurs when opposite or conflicting values
..choices and embark upon suitable courses of action. exist in the parent/teacher himself, or one set of moral values is
 Discipline means instructing the child in the ethical followed in contrast with the other.
principles (right  Role modeling is where role is the part assumed by
from wrong), Why or Why Not, and How to decide anyone and modeling is the art of one who acts as a standard of
and act according to principles. imitation.
 Counseling is defined as helping individuals towards
 The four classifications of
overcoming obstacles for personal growth according to the
American Psychological Association.
authoritarian, permissive, ambivalent
The GOALS OF COUNSELING by Blackman and Silberman are
and role modeling.
problem definition, development and social history, establishing
 Authoritarian views the child as a mini-
specific goals of counseling, and to determine methods to be used
adult, which sets unrealistic expectations and
to bring out desired change.
goals for the child.
 Technology refers to material objects of use to  Device is any means other than the subject matter itself
..humanity, such as machines or hardware, but it can also that is by the teacher in presenting the subject matter to
..encompass broader themes, including systems, methods of the learner.
..organization, and techniques.  There are four CLASSIFICATIONS OF DEVICES, which are
 Educational technology is human invention and/or extrinsic, intrinsic, material devices, and mental devices.
..discoveries that satisfy educational needs and facilitate learning.  Extrinsic devices are used to supplement a method used
 The three main schools of thought or PHILOSOPHICAL such as picture, graph, filmstrips, slides, etc.
..FRAMEWORK behind educational technology are Behaviorism,  Intrinsic devices are used as a part of the method or
..Cognitivism, and Constructivism. teaching procedure such as pictures accompanying an article.
 BEHAVIORISM was the theoretical framework used by  Material devices are devices that have no bearing on the
..Ivan Pavlov, Edward Thorndike, Edward C. Tolman, Clark L. Hull, subject matter such as black board, chalk, books, pencils, etc.
..BF Skinner and others to describe and experiment with human  Mental devices are a kind of device that is related in form
..learning. and meaning to the subject matter being presented such as
 BF Skinner’s contribution includes his extensive writing questions, projects, drills, lesson plans, etc.
..on improvements of teaching based in his functional analysis of  Nonprojected Audiovisual Aids are those that do not
..Verbal Behavior and a system he called programmed instruction. require the use of audiovisual equipment such as a projector and
 Cognitive theories look beyond behaviors to explain screen, which includes charts, graphs, maps, illustrations,
..brain-based learning and consider how human memory work photographs, brochures, and handouts. promote learning.  Technology integration refers to using learning
 Constructivism is a conceptual model of learning that technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend
..refers to the role of learning to help the individual live or adapt skills. his personal world.  Educational media are channels or avenues or instruments
 Constructivism is defined as where the learner builds like books, magazines, television, Internet, etc.
..a personal understanding through appropriate learning  Instructional technology are concerned with instruction as
..activities and a good learning environment. contrasted to designs and operations of educational institutions.
 Connectivism is a learning theory for the digital age  Technology in Education refers to the application of
..where it combines relevant elements of many learning theories, technology in the operation of education institutions. structures, and technology to create a powerful  Technology of Education deals with the active use of mass
..theoretical construct for learning in the digital age. media and computer science for the individual pupils’ learning
 Audiovisual aids are defined as any device used process under the teacher’s supervision. aid in the communication of an idea.  Instructional Technology is a systematic way of designing,
carrying out and evaluating the total process of learning and
teaching in term of specific objectives.

 INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY in the instructional  According to the Traditionalist’s point of view, the role of
..process must be geared to interactive and meaningful learning, educational technology in learning is that it servers as a presenter of
..the development of creative and critical thinking, the knowledge, just like teachers.
..development and nurturing of teamwork and efficient and  The Contructivist’s view of the role of educational
..effective teaching. technology in learning is that it engages learners in active,
 Constructivists perceive technology as a partner in the constructive, intentional, authentic, and cooperative learners,
..learning process, for it makes the learner gather, think analyze, servers as tools to support knowledge construction, and is a social
..synthesize information and construct meaning with what medium to support learning by conversing. presents.  Contructivism is a framework of educational technology
 Computer-mediated communication (CMC) is a that believes that the role of teachers is to become facilitator
..paradigm in the school system where the teacher and providing guidance so that learns can construct their own knowledge.
..students interact through a computer.  When teachers represent and stimulate meaningful
 Computer-Based Teaching/Computer-Based real-world problems, situations and context in teaching, they are
..Learning means individualized (self-study) learning. using technology as context to support learning-by-doing.
 Computer-Aided Instruction is instructional  Technology as tools to support knowledge construction is
..techniques that vary both instruction and time according to used when learners produce organized, multimedia knowledge
..learner requirements. bases.
 The PHASES OF A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO  Technology as intellectual partner to support learning by
..TEACHING may be reduced to three, such as formulation of reflecting is used when technology help learners to articulate
..instructional objectives, the process of instruction itself, and and represent what they know.
..the assessment of learning, which will once more lead to the  Technology as information vehicles for exploring
..formulation of instructional objectives. knowledge to support learning-by-constructing is applied when
 Activities and technology for instruction must be technology is used for accessing needed information.
..appropriate to the lesson objectives, the learners, and the nature  Technology as a social medium to support learning by
..of the lesson content. conversing is applied when a teacher encourages her students to
 Edgar Dale’s research led to the development of the work on their assignments in groups using the social media network.
..Cone of Experience, which also became the basis of “learning-  Technology can be used as a tool for collaborating with” and/ or “experiential learning” or “action learning”. others, and for supporting discourse among knowledge-building
 Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience theorized that learners communities.
..retain more information by what they do as opposed to what  The most frequent reasons given for USING TECHNOLOGY
..they heard, read, or observed. FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING are to improve access to education
 Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience gives primary and training, to improve the quality of learning, to reduce the cost
importance on psychomotor experience and is a of education, and to improve the cost effectiveness of education.
model that incorporates several theories related to  Integrating technology with teaching means the use of
instructional design and learning process. learning technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplement, and
 Dale’s Cone of Experience implies to use many extend skills.
..instructional materials to help the students conceptualize his  A teacher using Power Point presentation with inserted
..experience, avoid teaching directly at the symbolic level of video clips in teaching manifests technology integration in teaching
..thought without adequate foundation of the concrete, and to and learning.
..strive to bring the students to the symbolic or abstract level to  The three LEVELS OF NTEGRATION are Simple/Basic
..develop their higher order thinking skills. Integration, Middle Level Integration, and High Level Integration.
 In Jerome Bruner’s knowledge representation, the  Simple/Basic Integration is employed in teaching-learning
..learners are taught through a sequence of actions, then process when there is no substantial change in the teaching-learning
..through a series of illustrations and through a series of symbols process from previous method.
.. (enactive to iconic to symbolic).  Middle Level Integration is when there is purposeful
 Jerome Bruner’s knowledge representation in teaching use of technology to support key learning areas. applied when the learners are taught by beginning with the  High Level Integration is where technology is the
..concrete, the uses pictures followed by symbols. central instructional tool.

 The different CONCEPTUAL MODELS OF LEARNING are  Charts are a diagrammatic representation of relationships
Meaningful Learning, Discovery Learning, Generative among individuals within an organization.
Learning, and Constructivism.  The different TYPES OF CHARTS are Time chart, Tree or
 Meaningful Learning is a conceptual model of learning stream chart, Flow chart, Organizational chart, Comparison and
..created by the application of educational technology that contrast chart, Pareto chart, and Gantt chart.
..enables students to willingly perform class work to find  Time chart is a tabular time chart the present data in
..educational technology that enables students to willingly ordinal sequence.
..perform class work to find connections between what they  Tree or stream chart depicts development, growth and
..already known and what they can learn. changes by beginning with a single course (trunk), which spreads out
 Discovery Learning is where new ideas and new into may branches or by beginning with the many tributaries, which
..decisions are generated in the learning process, regardless of then converge into a single channel.
..the need to move on and depart from organized activities.  A flow chart is a kind of chart that can be used to show
 Generative Learning is where learners create a and/or analyze a process from beginning to end.
..personal model or explanation to the new experiences on the  Organizational Chart shows how one part of the
..context of existing knowledge. organization relates to the other parts.
 Constructivism is where learning consists of what a  Comparison and contrast chart are used to show
..person can actively assemble for himself and not what can similarities and differences between two things.
..receive passively.  Pareto chart is a type of bar chart, prioritized in descending
 According to Lucido, the computer as a tutor does not order of magnitude or importance from left to right, which shows at a
..replace the teacher but assumes previous roles assigned to glance the factors that are occurring most.
..them.  Gantt chart is an activity time chart.
 Some examples of COMPUTER - ASSISTED  The different TYPES OF GRAPHS are Circle or Pie
..INSTRUCTIONS (CAI) are simulation programs, instructional graph, Bar graph, Pictorial graph, and Graphic, problem solving software, and multimedia encyclopedia Organizer.
..and electronic books.  Pie graph is a symbol recommended to represent parts of a
 Mass media is referred to as vehicles or various ways of whole.
..information and communication.  Bar graph is used in comparing the magnitude of similar
 Drawing may not be the real thing, but having a items at different entities or seeing relative sizes of the parts of a
..concrete visual aid that correctly represents the real thing is a whole.
..helpful aid.  Bar graph is a type of graph that illustrates a particular
 Diagrams are any line drawing that shows arrangements data series through rectangles.
..and relation as of parts to the whole, relative values, origins and  Pictorial graph makes use of picture symbols.
..development, chronological functions, distribution, etc.  Maps are a representation of the surface of the earth or
 The different TYPES OF DIAGRAMS are Affinity some part of it, according to Dale.
..Diagrams, Tree Diagram, and Fishbone Diagram.  The different TYPES OF MAPS are Physical Map,
 Affinity Diagrams are used to cluster complex, Relief map, Commercial or economic map, and Political
..unrelated data into natural and meaningful groups. Map.
 Tree Diagram are used to chart out, in increasing detail,  Physical map combines in a single projection data like
the various tasks that must be accomplished to altitude, temperature, rainfall, precipitation, vegetation, and soil.
complete a projects or  Relief map has three-dimensional representations and
achieve a specific objective. 38 shows contours of the physical data of the earth or part of the
 Fishbone Diagram, also called “cause-and-effect”
 Commercial or economic map also called product or
..diagram, is a structured form of brainstorming that graphically
industrial map since it shows land areas in relation to the economy.
..shows the relationship of possible cause and sub-causes
..directly related to and identifies effect/problems that is  Political map gives detailed information about country,
..commonly used to analyze work-related problems. provinces, cities and towns, roads and highways, where oceans,
rivers, and lakes are the main features.
 Strip drawings are commonly called comics or comic
..strips that can be used by teachers who wants to teach patterns  Virtual field trips are a way that can use for students to
..of dialogues among characters in a story. visit art museums that they may not have access to otherwise.

 Social action projects are a kind of Internet-based  An HTML is used to either create new web pages or modify
..project that has kids creating solutions to local, regional, existing ones.
..national, and international problems.
 To make the presentation readable, a match image
 Telementoring is pairing a student with a space
..scientist so the student can get first-hand information on should be selected or inserted in a slide or page.
..recent developments.  Content like text and images on a slide or page must be
 Keypals projects are a way to get kids communicating coherent to make them meaningful and readable.
with their peers to improve communication skills and  PDF (Portable Document Format) is a file format invented by
exchange information.
Adobe systems to save documents in smaller file size and retains the
 Never use copyrighted items unless the source is
..credited is a rule that can help teachers make sure they are original look of the original layout, fonts, and other graphic elements.
..complying with copyright laws when they use materials from  PDF is usually the format of documents downloaded such as
..Internet sites. an application form, to make it easer to transfer with its original
 WWW stands for World Wide Web, which is an format and appearance.
..interconnected system of electronic pages containing
 The BMP (bitmap) format is a commonly used graphic
..almost everything.
 Skype is a face-to-face communication that is made format for saving files.
..possible through a computer.  Students perform tasks to uncover what is to be learned in
 E-Mail is an electronic mail sent via the internet Discovery Learning.
..through a computer.  Multimedia is defined as an audiovisual package that
 Google is an internet search engine.
includes more than one instructional media such as text, graphics,
 Software is the term used to refer to a computer
audio, animation, and video clip.
 Chat room is a location in the internet set-up were a  Hypermedia is a multimedia packaged as educational
..teacher and a student can converse in real time by typing their computer software where information is presented and
..message to each other. student activities are integrated in a virtual learning
 A browser is a software package that allows one to look environment information on the internet in graphic rather than just text  HYPERMEDIA application is characterized as learner-
..format. controlled, and learner has a wide range of navigation routes.
 E-mail address is a series of symbols or letters that act  Learner-controlled means the learner make his own an address for a site on the internet. decisions on the path, flow, or events of instruction.
 Avatar is a 3 - D image that a person can choose to 
represent himself in virtual reality.  Aproductivity tool is technology as evidenced by its use in

 three-dimensional (3D) image presentation reproduced word processing, database, spreadsheets, graphics design and
 from a pattern of interference is a Hologram. desktop publishing.
 GPS (Global Positioning System) is an instrument that  The DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES that are used in the
..uses a satellite to pinpoint and exact location. GUI (Graphic classroom are computers, visual aids, digital cameras, video
..User Interface) is a software that displays option to user in
cameras, interactive whiteboard tools, and LCD projectors.
..graphic format consisting of menus and icons.
 Audio-visual is a material with combined sounds and  Computers can be used by teachers to demonstrate a new or sounds and video. lesson, present new material, illustrate how to use new programs,
 A file format that can be used by a student or a teacher and show new websites.
if they want to store or send video sequences on a  Class Website is a way where teachers can post homework,
network is MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group)
student work, famous quotes, trivia games, and so much more.
 JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a file
 Class blogs allow for students to maintain a running
..format for storing and sending graphic images on a network.
dialogue, like a journal, of thoughts, ideas, and assignments that also
 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the primary
provide for student comment and reiterative reflection.
programming language used to develop web pages.

 Wireless classroom microphones enable students  Digital video-on-demand are replacement of hard copy hear their teachers clearer. videos (DVD, VHS, etc.) with digital video accessed from a central
 Chalkboards, bulletin boards and other server, which allows the teachers and students to access video clips
..traditional learning equipment are examples of immediately.
..educational technology.  Online media are streamed video websites that
 Mobile devices can be used to enhance the experience enhances a classroom lesson.
in the classroom by increasing the possibility of  Online study tools are tools that motivate studying by
feedback for professors. making studying individualized for the students.
 Interactive whiteboards provides touch control of  Digital games are provided as tools for the classroom that application that enhances the experience in the  provides the students with higher motivation.
..classroom through visual learning and interactive activities such  Podcasts enables teachers to reach a student and
can help sharpen students’ vocabulary, writing, editing, drawing, writing, or manipulating images in the computer.
public speaking, and presentation skill
 Curriculum is derived from the Latin word currere,  The Aim of Education in Reconstructionism is to
..which means, “run” or “move quickly.” improve and reconstruct society, since education is for change.
 Curriculum, according to traditional schools is a group  The GUIDELINES FOR A GOOD CURRICULUM must
..of subjects arranged in a certain sequence peculiar to a specific encourage inquiry and creativity, be democratic with regards to
..field for the purpose of instruction. procedure, accept individual differences, take into consideration
 Robert M. Hutchins believes that curriculum for basic scientific and scholarly findings and methods, minimize should emphasize 3Rs, and college education should memorization and maximize discovery, take into consideration the grounded on liberal education. potential for achievement through either the individual learner or
 Joseph Schwab believes that discipline is the the group, and must employ teacher resources in a multi-
..sole source of curriculum. dimensional role.
..Philosophical, Historical, Psychological, and Social. DEVELOPMENT are the Essentialist and Progressivist.
 The FOUR EDUCATION PHILOSOPHIES that relate to  The Essentialist considers the curriculum as
..curriculum are Perennialism, Essentialism, Progressivism, and something rigid composed of various subject areas, book-
..Reconstructionism. centered, and memorization method is used to master facts
 Perennialism believes that teachers help students think and skills.
..with reason based on the Socratic methods of oral exposition or  The PROGRESSIVIST includes the Pragmatists,
..recitation, explicit or deliberate teaching of tradition values. Experimentalists, Reconstructionists, and Existentialists.
 The Aim of Education in Perennialism is to educate  The Progressivists conceives the curriculum as something
..the rational person, and to cultivate the intellect. flexible based on areas of interest, learner-centered, and is aimed
 Essentialism is the physical foundation related to the toward the holistic development of the learner.
..statement, “The teacher is the sole authority in his/her subject  The three DIMENSIONS IN CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT
..area or field of specialization.” are Philosophic-Theological Dimensions, Psychological Dimensions,
 The Aim of Education in Essentialism is to promote the and Social Dimensions.
..intellectual growth of the individual and educate a competent  The PHI OSOPHIC-THEOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS includes
..person. Essentialism, Idealism, Pragmatism, Progressivism, Existentialism,
 Progressivism is where subjects are interdisciplinary, Reconstructionism, and Realism.
..integrative, and interactive.  Essentialism is value centered and includes ideals that are
 The Aim of Education in Progressivism is to promote essential to one’s culture and should never be forgotten.
..democratic and social living.  Idealism is the preservation of one’s freedom and the
 Reconstructionalism is where teachers act as agents of concentration should be on moral, intellectual, and aesthetic
..change and reform in various educational projects including development of the learner. 
..research.  Pragmatism believes that education must be useful to the

..society and that the meaning of ideas lies in it consequences.  Ralph Tyler views curriculum as it is based on students’
 Progressivism emphasizes self-activity and believes needs and interest, it is always related to instruction, subject matter
..that education must be flexible. is organized in terms of knowledge, skills, and values, the process
 Existentialism believes that education should enable emphasizes problem solving and curriculum aims to educate to make choices in life. generalist and not specialists.
 Reconstructionism aims to develop inherent powers of  “Learning should be organized so that students can
..the learner, and espouses a critical re-examination and experience success in the process of mastering the subject matter,” s
..reconstruction of the current problems and situations to modify related to Behaviorist Psychology.
..them.  Cognitive theorists believe that learning constitutes a
 Realism is education based on natural logical method for organizing and interpreting learning.
..phenomena and social institutions, and should be based  Humanistic psychologists believe that curriculum is
..on the actualities of life. concerned with the process not the products; personal needs not
 The Psychological Dimensions is the consideration of subject matter, psychological meanings and environmental
..the Principles and Laws of Learning such as Association, Field situations.

..Theories, etc.  “Society as ever dynamic, is a source of very fast changes
 The SOCIAL DIMENSION includes curriculum for which are difficult to cope with,” is related to the Social Foundations
..individual development (Individual or Italian Humanism), of Curriculum.
..curriculum for social development (Social or Northern  The Philosophical foundations of curriculum help in
..Humanism), and curriculum for individual and social answering what schools are for, what subjects are important, how
..development (Democratic Education, John Dewey). students should learn and what material and methods should be used.
3 Approches Of Curriculum Design  The Historical development of curriculum shows the
• Subject-Centered Curriculum is organized and on the different changes in the purposes, principles and content of the
..basis of separate and distinct subjects, each of which curriculum.
..embodies a body of knowledge and skills.  The three TYPES OF CURRICULUM PATTERNS are
 Child-Centered Curriculum is the child is considered Traditional, Integrative, and Unified.
..the center of educative process.  Subject, Correlated, and Broad-Fields Curriculum are under
 Problem-Centered Curriculum is where the child is the
..guided toward maturity within the context of the social group, TRADITIONAL CURRICULUM PATTERN.
..which helps the child to solve his problems.  Subject Curriculum is where the school subjects constitute
 Marsh and Willis viewed curriculum as “all experiences the bases for organizing school experiences of the learners and the class which are planned and enacted by the teacher, and various subjects are offered based on their logical relationship so as
..also learned by the students.” to meet the multifarious needs of the child.
 Caswell and Campbell viewed curriculum as “all  Correlated Curriculum articulates and establishes
..experiences children have under the guidance of teachers.” relationships between two or more subjects on the basis of a topic or
 a theme to help students gain a better understanding of the topic.
 John Dewey define curriculum as “the total learning  Broad-Fields Curriculum combines several specific areas
..experience of the individual.” into larger fields.
  Integrative Curriculum eliminates school subject division,
 Traditionalists view the curriculum as “a body of aims to foster integration of the learner to his socio-cultural milieu
..subject or subject matter prepare by the teacher for the and is leaner-centered and socially oriented.
..student to learn.”  Under INTEGRATIVE CURR CULUM PATTERN are Leaner-
 Centered, Experience Curriculum, and Core Curriculum.
 Curriculum theorists like Bobbit, Charters,  Learner-Centered organizes the learning experiences and
..Kilpatrick, Rugg and Caswell believes that curriculum is content around the life of the child.
..CHILD-CENTERED.  Experience Curriculum places emphasis on the immediate
 interests and needs of the child and not on the anticipated needs.
 Ralph Tyler believes that curriculum is a science and an  Core Curriculum also called social function or Area-of-
..extension of a school’s philosophy. Living Curriculum, where the learning experiences are organized on
 the

basis of major functions of social aspects of living  Content of the curriculum is the subject matter that is to be
intended to enable the learner to study the problems included.
that demand personal and social action.  Evaluation is the component of the curriculum that is
 The Unified Program is a balance between the direct where the methods and instruments that will be used to assess the
..teachings of the subject skills and unified learning experiences results of the curriculum.
..based on problems, which are life centered.  Interest in selecting subject matters is a criterion that
 The CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD CURRICULUM are should be considered in developing a curriculum.
..that it complements and cooperates with other programs of the  The CONSIDERATIONS that should be used in the selection, it provides for the logical sequence of subject of learning content of a curriculum are if its frequently and
..matter, is continuously evolving and is complex of detail. commonly used in daily life, suited to the maturity levels and abilities
 The seven TYPES OF CURRICULUM OPERATING IN of students, valuable in meeting the needs and the competencies of
..SCHOOLS are Recommended Curriculum, Written Curriculum, a future career.
..Taught Curriculum, Supported Curriculum, Assessed  Learning experiences are the components of the
..Curriculum, Learned Curriculum, and Hidden Curriculum curriculum that includes instructional strategies and methods that
..according to Glatthorn. put into action the goals, and use the contents in order to produce
 A recommended curriculum is a curriculum proposed an outcome. scholars and professional organizations.  The goals, instructional strategies, the learners, the
 The recommended curriculum is the curriculum that teachers, the content and all the materials needed in the
..may come from a national agency like the DepEd, CHED, DOST, curriculum are considered as the INPUT based on Stufflebeam’s
..or any professional organization who has stake in education. CIPP Model.
 A written curriculum is a curriculum that appears in  Hilda Taba’s model of curriculum development is called, district, or division documents. the “grassroots approach,” which means that teachers who teach
 Taught curriculum are the different planned activities, or implement the curriculum should participate in developing it.
..which are put into action in the classroom that are carried  In Ralph Tyler’s Model of curriculum development, the
..activities that are implemented in order to arrive at the considerations that should be made are purpose of the school,
..objectives or purposes of the written curriculum. education experiences related to the purpose, organization of the
 Supported curriculum are resources like textbooks, experiences and evaluation of the experiences/outcomes.
..computers, audio-visual materials, which support and help  The Humanistic Design Model in developing a curriculum is the implementation of the curriculum. attributed to Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. 51
 Assessed curriculum is that which is tested and
 The Managerial Approach in curriculum development is
when the school principal is the curriculum leader and at the same
 Learned curriculum refers to the learning outcomes of
time instructional leader.
..the students, which are indicated by the results of the tests and
 The Planning Phase of curriculum implementation includes
..changes in behavior that can either be cognitive, affective, or
..psychomotor. decisions about the needs of the learners, the achievable goals and
objectives to meet the needs, the selection of the content to be
 A hidden curriculum is the unintended curriculum,
taught, the motivation to carry out the goals, the strategies most fit
..which is not deliberately planned but may modify behavior or
..influence learning outcomes. to carry out the goals, and the evaluation process to measure
learning outcome.
 Peer influence, school environment, physical
..condition, teacher-learner interaction, mood of the teachers  Curriculum assessment is the process where a teacher
..and many other factors make up the hidden curriculum. would gather information about what his students know and can do.
 Objectives is the element or component of the  Curriculum Evaluation is the process of obtaining
..curriculum that provides the bases for the selection of learning information for judging the worth of an educational program,
..content and learning experiences which also set the criteria product, procedure, educational objectives or the potential utility of
..against which learning outcomes will be evaluated. alternative approaches designed to attain specified objectives.
 Learning experiences is the component of the
community is adhering to the Community Linkages (Domain 6)
..curriculum is the instructional strategies, resources and
NCBTS Domain.
..activities that will be employed.

 Curriculum planning includes decisions about the  UbD is anchored on three points that are INTERRELATED
..needs of learners, the achievable goals and objectives to meet ACADEMIC GOA S, which are acquiring knowledge, understanding
..the needs, the selection of the content to be taught, the content, and transferring or applying knowledge as it is understood.
..motivation to carry out the goals, the strategies most fit to  Teaching for Understanding, the main tenet of UbD, is
..carry out the goals and the evaluation process to measure where understanding is reached through the formulation of a “big
..learning outcomes. idea”, which would lead the students to an “understanding” or to
 Curriculum Development is the process of selecting, answer an “essential question” beyond the lessons taught.
..organizing, executing, and evaluating the learning experiences  Backward Design Concept exemplifies the concept of
..on the basis of the needs, abilities and interests of the learners, “teaching for understanding”, wherein curricula are based on a
..and on the basis of the nature of the society or community for desired result rather than the traditional method of constructing the
..the possibilities of improving the teaching-learning situation. curricula, focusing on facts and hoping than and understanding will
 Thematic teaching is a mode of instructional follow. used by teachers when teaching a subject  The three STEPS OF BACKWARD DESIGN are 1. Identifying
..focusing on a theme. desired results, 2. Defining acceptable evidence, and 3. Planning
 Generic Competency Model is where the subject learning experiences and instruction.
..specialist teaches his/her subject and activities will draw on  Defining acceptable evidence through the different types
..processes and skills important to each discipline. of assessment refers to the process by which educator will teach and
 Content-based instruction is the integration of content gauge the level of a student.
..learning with language teaching.  STAGE 3 OF THE BACKWARD DESIGN of the UbD-Based
 BEC was the national curricular innovation implement curriculum is when a teacher would prepare her lesson based on the
.. virtue of DepEd Order No. 43, s. 2002. following sequence: Explore, Firm-up, Deepen, and Transfer.
 The New Teacher Education Curriculum for BEEd  Medium of Instruction Rationalized refers to the use of
..and BSEd is implemented by virtue of CMO No. 30, s. mother tongue as medium of instruction from pre-school to Grade
..2004. III in President Aquino’s 10 ways to fix Philippine Education.
 The Learning Environment is the NCBTS domain where  Outcome-Based Education is an approach to education in
..a teacher creates an environment in her classroom that which decisions about the curriculum are driven by the exit learning
..promotes fairness, safe and conducive to learning. outcomes that the students should display at the end of the course.
 Diversity of Learners emphasizes the ideal that  Brain-Based Learning’s suggests that the brain learns
..teachers can facilitate the learning process even with diverse naturally, an approach to teaching based on research in
..learners, by recognizing and respecting individual differences neuroscience and allows teachers to connect learning to students’
..and by using knowledge about their differences to design real life experience.
..diverse ..sets of learning activities to ensure that all learners  Benjamin Bloom and Robert Mager defined educational
..can attain the desired goals. objectives as an explicit formulation of the ways in which students
 Personal Growth and Professional Development are expect to change by the educative process, and intent
..emphasizes the ideal that teachers value having a high personal communicated by statement describing a proposed changed in
..regard for teaching profession, concern for professional learners.
..development, and continuous improvements as teachers.  The three BIG DOMAINS of objectives are Cognitive,
 Social Regard for Learning focuses on the ideal that Affective,
 and Psychomotor Domains.
..teachers serve as positive and powerful role models of the value  Cognitive Domain is the domain of thought process, the pursuit of different efforts to learn. which includes knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis,
• A teacher that organizers the parents of his teachers synthesis,
 and evaluation.
..into a Homeroom Parent-Teacher Association so that he will be  Knowledge is the recall, remembering of prior learned to establish a learning environment that responds to the materials in terms of facts, concepts, theories and principles, also
..needs of the children and the known as the lowest cognitive level.
 Analysis is the ability to break down material into  Comprehension is the ability to grasp the meaning of
..component parts so that its organizational structure may be material and indicates the lowest form of understanding.
..understood.  Application is the ability to use the learned material in new
 Synthesis is the ability to put parts together to form a and concrete situation. whole. 
 

 Evaluation is the ability to pass judgment on something which makes the lessons relevant to the learners and easy to
..based on a given criteria. understand.
 Affective Domain is the domain of valuing, attitude and  Mother tongue - based multilingual education will allow
..appreciation, which includes receiving, responding, valuing, the students to learn best through their first language.
..organization, and characterization of value or value complex.  Spiral progression is where subjects are taught from the
 Receiving is the students’ willingness to pay attention simplest concepts to more complicated concepts through grade particular events, stimuli or classroom activities. levels in spiral progression.
 Responding is the active participation on the part of the  Senior High School is two years of specialized upper
..students. secondary education where students may choose a
 Valuing is concerned with the worth or value o a specialization.
..student attaches to a particular phenomenon, object, or  The subjects that Grades 11 and 12 will take are defined
..behavior. by their choice of career track, which may fall under either the
 Organization is concerned with bringing together Core Curriculum of specific Tracks.
..different values and building a value system.  The seven LEARNING AREAS under the Core Curriculum are
 Characterization of value or value complex is the Language Literature, Communication, Mathematics, Philosophy,
..development of a lifestyle based on a value system. Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences.
 Psychomotor Domain is the domain of the used of  The three TRACKS that each Senior High School Student can
..psychomotor attributes, which includes perception, set, guided choose from are Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, and
..response, mechanism, complex overt responses, adaptation, Sports and Arts.
and ..origination.  The ACADEMIC TRACK includes three strands: Business,
 Perception is the use of sense organs to guide motor Accountancy, Management (BAM); Humanities, Education, Social
..activities. Sciences (HESS); and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
 Set refers to the readiness to take a particular type of (STEM).
 Guided response is concerned with the early stages TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL LIVELIHOOD (TVL) TRACK include Agri-
in learning complex skills. Fishery Arts, Home Economics, Information and Communications
 Mechanism is where responses have become Technology (ICT), and Industrial Arts.
..habitual, and performance skills are executed with ease  The subjects under the SPORTS TRACK are Safety and First
..and confidence. Aid, Human Movement, Fundamentals of Coaching, Sports
 Complex overt responses are skillful performance and Officiating and Activity Management, Fitness, Sports and Recreation
..with complex movement patterns. Leadership, Psychosocial Aspects of Sports and Exercise, Fitness
 Origination refers to creating new movements and Testing and Basic Exercise Programming, Practicum (in-campus), and
..patterns to fit the situation. Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity
 The K-12 Basic Education Curriculum was officially (Apprenticeship).
..implemented by virtue of RA 10533.  The Certificates of Competency (COC) or National
 The K-12 Program provides sufficient time for mastery Certificate Level I (NC I) may be obtain by the students under the
..of concepts and skills, develops lifelong learners, and prepares Technical Vocational Education & Training after finishing Grade 10.
..graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills  A National Certificate Level II (NC II) may be obtain by a
..development, ..employment, and entrepreneurship. student after finishing a Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track in
 The SALIENT FEATURES of the K-12 Program are Grade 12, provided that he/she passes the competency-based
..Universal Kindergarten, Contextualization and Enhancement, assessment
 of
..Spiral Progression, Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual TESDA.
..Education, Senior High School, College and Livelihood  College and Livelihood Readiness, 21st Century Skills are
..Readiness, let Century Skills. skills that every graduate will be equipped with, which will prepare
 Universal Kindergarten lays the foundation for lifelong them to go into different paths.
..learning and for the total development of a child where the  Under the COLLEGE AND LIVELIHOOD READINESS, 21ST
..student learns the alphabet, numbers, shapes, and colors CENTURY SKILLS, every graduate will be equipped with Information,
..through games, songs and dances in their Mother Tongue. media and technology skills, Learning and innovation skills, Effective
 Contextualization and Enhancements includes communication skills, and Life and career skills.
..examples, activities, songs, poems, stories, and illustrations,  

 Components of the Educative Process are the learner,  The cephalocaudal trend is defined as the development
……teacher and the school. from head to foot where as the proximodistal trend is the earlier
 The factors affecting the growth and development of development of the body nearest the center.
……an individual are heredity and environmental influences.  The Ontogenetic principle of development states that the
 Heredity is the process by which the new organism is rate of development is unique to every individual where it is brought
……endowed with certain potentials (inherited from parents) for about by one’s heredity as well as environmental influences.
……his later development.  Individual differences refers to the idea that no two
 Environmental influences are the interaction between individuals are exactly the same or alike.
 individual’s inherited traits, his surrounding and his nurture.  In Piaget’s concrete operational stage, a teacher should
 Maturation is the process by which heredity exerts provide the activities that involves a child’s skills in classification and
..influence long after birth. order, which requires appropriate use of logic.
 The Phylogenetic principle of development states that  Psychoanalytic theory by Sigmund Freud emphasizes the
..development follows an orderly sequence, which is predictable importance of sensitive periods in development.
..and true to all members of a certain race.  Contrary to Freud’s theory that the primary motivation of
 The two predictable trends of development are human behavior is sexual nature, Erikson asserts that it is Social in
cephalocaudal trend and proximodistal trend. nature. (Psychosocial Theory)


 The superego is primarily concerned with the idea of  The factors affecting individual differences are age
right or wrong, and is often viewed as “conscience” of differences and personal adjustments, sex differences,
personality, according to Freud. family and community background, physical conditions,
 Based on Erikson’s theory on psychological emotional response and attitudes (EQ), and mental abilities
development, a child who is cold towards the people and specific aptitudes (IQ).
around him failed in the basic goal of “trust” in the  Stimulus-Response (S-R) or Association Theory of
stage “Trust vs. Mistrust”. Learning states that in every stimulus there is a
 Under Freud’s Phallic Stage in the Psychosexual corresponding response.
Development theory, a boy is closer to his mother  The three fundamental laws of learning by the Association
(Oedipus Complex) and a girl is closer to her father Theory are the law of readiness, law of exercise and law of
(Elektra Complex). effect.
 Based on Piaget’s developmental stage, when a grade 1  Law of Readiness is when an individual is prepared to
pupil likes to play with his friends, but gets angry when respond or act where allowing him to do so is satisfying, and
defeated is under Pre-operational Stage, which is preventing him would be annoying.
characterized by egocentricism  Law of Exercise is where the constant repetition of a
 According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, when one is response strengthens its connection with the stimulus,
asked to develop himself to the fullest, he is trying to while disuse of a response weakens it.
satisfy his Self-Actualization, wherein the person strives  Law of Effects is where learning is strengthened if it results
to develop himself to his full potentials. in satisfaction, but is weakened if it leads to vexation or
 According to Erikson, Piaget and Freud, play allows the annoyance.
child to learn physical skills as well as social skills.  The Theory of Condition of Learning states that the
 A child that is 3-5 years old, according to Erikson, is Ego- process of learning consists of acquisition of new ways of
centric. reacting to stimuli developed through attaching new
 Children who are two years of age are labeled as stimuli developed through attaching new stimuli to
“terrible two” by Erikson because of the assertiveness established modes of behavior.
and will of these children, illustrated by using the word  There are two types of conditioning theory, which are
“No!” classical condition and operant conditioning.
 Classical conditioning consists of eliciting a response by
means of a previously neutral or inadequate stimulus.

 Operant conditioning is a theory that believes one mental exercises n the classics, grammar, logic, mathematics, and
can train an organism either by presenting him a science on the assumption that such training makes a person equally
reward or punishment as a consequence of his effective in all areas where a given faculty is employed.
actions.  Identical elements is the theory of transfer of implies that
 Social Learning Theory of Learning viewed that school should list the aspects of situations that are
children’s learning process involves observation and important to the child even out of the school or in later
imitation. courses and teach the pupils to cope with different
 The Cognitive Field Theory of Learning defines identical experiences or situations in real life.
learning as a relativistic process by which a learner  Generalization by Charles Judd said that there are two
develops new insights and changes the old ones. levels or kinds of knowledge –wrote learning or
 Insight learning of Cognitive Field Theory postulated memorization without any meaning and generalized
that the more intelligent the organism and the more knowledge with many intellectual associations.
experiences he has the more capable he is of gaining  Gestalt theory of transfer is the belief that when transfer
higher insight. of learning occurs it is in the form of generalizations,
 Vector and Topological Theory of Cognitive Field concepts, or insights, which are developed in one learning
Theory states that individuals exist on a field of forces situation and employed in other situations.
within his environment that move, change, and give  Motivation is the stimulation of action toward a particular
him a degree stability and substance or define his objective where previously there was little or no action
behavior. toward that goal.
 Gestalt Learning of Cognitive Field Theory states that  The two types of motivation are intrinsic and extrinsic
learning involves the catching, and generalization of motivation.
insights, which often are acquired first on a nonverbal  Intrinsic motivation refers to the inherent or internal
level or the level of feeling and may be verbalized stimulus of the individuals to learn.
later or may not be verbalized at all.  Extrinsic motivation is based on incentives, which are
 Instrumental Conceptualism of Cognitive Field Theory artificial devices, which are employed to evoke attitude
believes that learning is thinking and thinking is the conducive to learning.
process whereby one makes sense out of the various  Insight learning is regarded as “serendipity” when an idea
and somehow unrelated facts through a process called suddenly strikes the mind and a solution to a problem is
conceptualization or categorization. arrived at.
 The Subsumption Theory by David Paul Ausubel  Metacognition is where a teacher is attempting to develop
considered that a primary process in learning is the student to think about their thinking, or to reason
subsumption in which new material is related to about one’s own thinking.
relevant ideas in the existing cognitive structure on a  Instincts are under the mental dimension of Id according to
substansive, non-verbatim basis. Freud.
 The theory on Conditions of Learning or the Gagné  According to Piaget, a child in the concrete operational
Assumption sates that different types of learning exist, stage cannot imagine the steps necessary to complete an
and that different instructional conditions are necessary algebraic equation.
for each type of learning  Fear of something that was caused by a painful experience
 The five major CATEGORIES OF L A NING according to in the past is an example of Classical Conditioning.
Gagné are verbal information, intellectual skills,  Operant condition theory is illustrated in a child who tries to
cognitive strategies, motor skills and attitudes. complete all tasks given to him correctly to have a candy as a
 Transfer of learning occurs when a person’s learning in “reward.”
one situation influences his learning and performance  Based on Thorndike’s theory that punishment will only
in other situations. weaken the response and not permanently remove it, a
 The major theories concerning TRANSFER OF child punished for stealing money won’t steal in the near
LEARNING are Mental discipline, Apperception, future but does not guarantee that the child won’t steal
Identical elements, Generalization, and Gestalt theory anymore.
of transfer.  The association and cognitive theories of learning are
• Mental discipline asserts that education is largely a complementary meaning they support each other in
matter of training or disciplining the mind with vigorous terms of principles and practice.
 Rewarding a child for doing things correctly is a  Socialization is the process by which the individual acquires
technique called Reinforcement, where it is a the social and cultural heritage of his society.
behavioral consequence that strengthens a behavior.  The three LEVELS OF SOCIALIZATION are vegetative level,
 A person possessing Interpersonal Intelligence is sentient level and rational level.
characterized by “people-orientedness skills” and has a  The Vegetative level of the socialization process is the
capacity to make people laugh. stage characterized by the preoccupation with food, where
 Reading disability in children who is neglected and the desire is primarily for survival.
abused is related to emotional factors.  The Sentient level is geared towards the satisfaction of
 The brain’s ability to change from experience is known sensual passions and desire.
as Plasticity.  The Rational level is where a person has already acquired
 John Watson’s quote, “Men are built not born” came morality and a sense of justice.
from his belief that environmental stimulation is  Status is the position a person occupies in a society by
directly affecting a person’s development. virtue of his age, birth, sex, marriage, occupation, and
 Attention Deficit Disorder is usually characterized by achievement.
impatience to wait for his/her turn during games,  The two TYPES OF STATUS are ascribed and achieved.
disregard for rules and show inability to delay  Ascribed status is a position assigned to an individual
gratification. without reference to his innate differences and abilities
 child who always fights with his/her classmates, who and is assigned at birth
has a very short attention span, and who has frequent  Achieved status is not assigned to an individual at birth,
tantrums is believed to be suffering from Attention but is left open for competition and individual effort.
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.  Role is the part that the individual is expected to play in his
 A child who treats his friends aggressively due to his past social group and is the sum of the culture patterns
experiences with his father who is also aggressive is associated with a particular status.
demonstrated by the Social Cognitive theory.  Social Deviations refers to the failure of the individual to
 Based on Jung’s theory, a child who prefers to be play the role expected from him by the society.
alone is an “Introvert”  Internalizations is the process of making an attitude or a
 Based on Gestalt’s psychology that states, “the whole is practice a part of one’s automatic and unthinking
more than the sum of all its parts,” a piece of music may responses
sound sad, but when each note is played, there is  Social order is the way the individual is expected to
nothing sad about it. behave in a society where he belongs in order to preserve
 Tabula Rasa or the belief that the mind is a “blank sheet” and maintain the tranquility of his social milieu.
will make the teacher conduct lessons that give sensory  Social control is the means by which people are led to fill
impressions because the teacher believes that by doing their expected roles in the society even against their will
so, he/she imprints salient inputs in the students’ mind. just to achieve social order.
 Society is a group of individuals with well defined  Anthropology is the study of human differences, cultural
limits which persists in time, thus enabling them to and biological against the background of the nature all
develop a set of common ideas, attitudes, interact humans share.
and of techniques for living and fitting together.  Culture is the complex whole, which includes knowledge,
 Group is a unit of interacting personalities with belief, art, law, morals, customs, and other capabilities and
interdependence of roles and status existing between habits acquired by man as a member of society as defined
them. by Edward B. Taylor.

 The seven KINDS OF GROUPS, which are the primary  The two KINDS OF CULTURE are non-material culture and
group, secondary group, in-group, out-group, peer material culture.
group, reference group, and voluntary associations.  Non-material culture is intangible, which includes beliefs,
 Social stratification is the system or process of assigning morals laws, customs, traditions, folkways, mores, etc.
men their respective ranks in a society based on income  Material culture is tangible and includes man’s
or wealth, education, occupation, and lifestyle. technologies, etc.
 Social mobility is the process of moving from one  The CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE are it is learned, all
social stratus to another, it ma either be horizontal, people have varied culture, it is a group product and it is
vertical, or lateral.

transmitted.  Culture shock is the term used to denote the feeling of
 The importance of culture is that through the depression, often expressed as homesickness, caused by
development of culture man can set aside certain laws living in a foreign environment
of nature to conform to his needs and man can  Cultural values refer to the collective ethical, aesthetics and
overcome his physical handicaps. religious values of the community including artistic
 Folkways are customary ways of behaving, which have inclination, poetry, music, painting, literature, and such
become habitual and repetitive to an individual group other practices, which the entire society considers as vital
such as caring for the elders and saying “po” and “opo”. elements of their existence.
 Mores occurs when folkways become compulsive for the  Filipino cultural values that makes the Filipino unique and
welfare of the society and it has acquired moral distinct from other peoples of the world includes non-
significance, where failure to conform to this results to rationalism, emotional closeness and security of the family,
ostracism or condemnation. authority, economic and social improvement, utangnaloob,
 Sub-culture refers to the attitude of a certain group to personalism, indolence, ningaskugon, mañana habit,
deviate from the habitual practices of the majority. hospitality, and fiesta syndrome.
 Cultural relativism refers to the practices considered  Non-rationalism is a Filipino cultural value that is the
immoral or taboo to a certain group of people, yet tendency to perceive thoughts, objects, events, and
moral to other societies, including polygamy and pre- persons as sacred.
marital sex.  NON-RATIONALISM includes animism, fatalism, social
 connection, which includes pakiusap, lagay, areglo, and acceptance, pakikisama, euphemism, and go-between.
palakasan.  Emotional closeness and security of the family is a Filipino
 Indolence means laziness. cultural value, which means there is a mutual dependence
 Ningaskugon means great enthusiasm at the beginning among relatives, granting special favors or privileges among
of a task but gradually fades. the immediate or even distant relatives.
 Mañana habit refers to procrastination or putting for  Authority refers to the emphasis on the power and
tomorrow what can be done today. importance of authority figure.
 Hospitality means cordially entertaining guests and  Economic and social improvement is the desire to
visitors even to the point of sacrificing their own improve the standard of living of his family and his
welfare. hometown.
 Fiesta syndrome refers to the lavish spending during  Utangnaloob means sense of gratitude.
fiestas and other occasions.  Personalism emphasizes the importance of the person
 with whom one has immediate face-to-face contact and
 Assessment of learning focuses on the development  The three CLASSIFICATIONS OF TESTS are according to
and utilization of assessment tools to improve the manner of response, according to method of preparation,
teaching-learning process. and according to the nature of answer.
 Measurement refers to the quantitative aspect of  Objective tests are tests, which have definite answers and
evaluation where it involves the outcomes that can be therefore are not subject to personal bias.
quantified statistically.  Teacher- made tests or educational tests are
 Measurement is also defined as the process in constructed by the teachers based on the contents of
determining and differentiating the information about different subjects taught.
the attributes or characteristics of things.  Diagnostic tests are used to measure a student’s strengths
 Evaluation is the qualitative aspect of determining the and weaknesses, usually to identify deficiencies in skills or
outcomes of learning and it involves value judgment. performance.
 Testing is a method used to measure the level of  Formative testing is done to monitor students’ attainment
achievement or performance of the learners. of the instructional objectives.
 Test consists of questions or exercises or other devices  Summative testing is done at the conclusion of
for measuring the outcomes of learning. instructional and measures the extent to which students
have attained the desired outcomes.
should be able to do or know as a result of taking the course.
 A standardized test is already valid, reliable and  Instruction consists of all the elements of the curriculum
objective and is a test for which contents have been designed to teach the subject, including the lesson plans,
selected and for which norms or standards have been study guide, and reading and homework assignment.
established.  Assessment is the process of gathering, describing or
 Standards or norms are the goals to be achieved, quantifying information about the performance of the
expressed in terms of the average performances of the learner and testing components of the subject.
population tested.  The factors to consider when constructing GOOD TEST
 Criterion-referenced measure is a measuring device ITEMS are validity, reliability, administrability, scorability,
with a predetermined level of success or standard on appropriateness, adequacy, fairness, and objectivity.
the part of the test-takers.  Validity refers to the degree to which a test measures
 Norm-referenced measure is a test that is scored on the what it is intended to measure.
basis of the norm or standard level of accomplishment  To test the validity of the test, it is to be pretested in order
by the whole group taking the tests. to determine of it really measures what it intends to
 The TYPES OF ASSESSMENT are Placement Assessment, measure or what it purports to measure.
Diagnostic Assessment, Formative Assessment, and  Reliability refers to the consistency of scores obtained by
Summative Assessment. the same person when retested using the same instrument
 Placement Assessment is concerned with the entry or one that is parallel to it.
performance of the student, where its purpose is to  The test of reliability is the consistency of the results
determine the prerequisite skills, degree of mastery of when it is determined to different groups of individuals
the course objectives and the best mode of learning. with similar characteristics in different places at
 Diagnostic assessment is a type of assessment given different times.
before instruction where it aims to identify the  Scorability states that the test should be easy to score,
strengths and weaknesses of the students regarding the directions for scoring should be clear, and the test
topics to be discussed. developer should provide the answer sheet and the
 Formative assessment is a type of assessment used to answer key.
monitor the learning progress of the students during or  Appropriateness mandates that the test items that the
after instruction. teacher construct must assess the exact performances
 Summative assessment is a type of assessment usually called for in the learning objectives.
given at the end of a course or unit.  Adequacy states that the test should contain a wide
 The MODES OF ASSESSMENT are Traditional sampling of items to determine the educational outcomes
Assessment, Performance Assessment, and or abilities so that the resulting scores are representative of
Portfolio Assessment. the total performance in the areas measured.
 Traditional assessment is in which student typically  Fairness mandates that the test should not be
select an answer or recall information to complete the biased to the examinees.
assessment.  Evaluation is used to examine the performance of
 Performance assessment is an assessment in which students and comparing and judging its quality.
students are asked to perform real-world tasks that  The TYPES OF V LIDITY are Content Validity, Criterion-
demonstrate meaningful application of essential related validity, and Concurrent Validity.
knowledge and skills.  Content validity is a validation that refers to the
 Portfolio assessment is based on the assumption that it relationship between a test and instructional objectives
is a dynamic assessment. and it establishes the content so that the test measures
 The most reliable tool for seeing the development in a  what it is supposed to measure.
student’s ability to write is a portfolio assessment.  Criterion-Related Validity is a type of validation that
 The KEY TO EFFECTIVE TESTING includes the Objectives, refers to the extent to which scores from a test relate to
Instruction, Assessment, and Evaluation. theoretically similar measures.
 Objectives is the specific statements of the aim of the
instruction, where it should express what the students 

 The two types of CRITERION-RELATED VALIDITY are  The three commonly used MEASURES OF CENTRAL
Construct Validity and Predictive Validity. TENDENCY are the mean, median and mode.
• Construct validity is a type of validation that  The mean of a set of scores is the arithmetic mean and is
measures the extent to which a test measures a found by summing the scores and dividing the sum by the
hypothetical and unobservable variable or quality, such number of scores.
as intelligence, math achievement, performance anxiety,  Median is the point that divides the distribution in half,
etc. which is half of the scores fall above the median and half
 Predictive validity is a type of validation that measure of the scores fall below the median.
the extent to which person’s current test results can be
 Mode is the most frequently occurring score in the
used to estimate accurately what that person’s distribution.
performance or other criterion, such as test score, will  Range is the difference between the highest score and the
be at a later time.
lowest score.
 Concurrent validity is a type of validation that require
 The variance measures how widely the scores in the
the correlation of the predictor or concurrent measure
distribution are spread about the mean.
with the criterion measure, which can be used to
 Variance is the average squared difference between the
determine whether a test is useful to use as a predictor
scores and the mean.
 or as a substitute measure. 
 Objectivity is the degree to which personal bias is  The standard deviation indicates how spread out the scores
eliminated in the scoring of the answers. are, but it is expressed in the same units as the original
 Nominal scales classify objects or events by assigning scores.
numbers to them, which are arbitrary and imply no  graph of a distribution of test scores is better understood
quantification, but the categories must be mutually that the frequency distribution or a table of numbers
exclusive and exhaustive. because the general shape of the distribution is clear from
 Ordinal scales classify and assign rank order. the graph.
 Interval scales or also known as equal interval or equal  A teacher must use an Essay type of test the student’s
unit is needed to be able to add or subtract scores. ability to organize ideas.
 Ratio scale is where the zero is not arbitrary; a score of  NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against a set mastery
level, which means that the tests fall under criterion –
zero includes the absence of what is being measured.
referenced test because it describes the student’s mastery
 Norm-referenced interpretation is where an
of the objectives.
individual’s score is interpreted by comparing it to the
 The first step in planning an achievement test is to
scores of a defined group, often called the normative
define the instructional objective.
 Skewed score distribution means the score are
 Criterion-Referenced Interpretation means
concentrated more at one end or the other end.
referencing an individual’s performance to some
 Normal distribution means that the mean, median, and
criterion that is a defined performance level.
mode are equal.
 The stages in TEST CONSTRUCTION are Planning the test,
 When the computed value or r for Math and Science is 0.90,
Trying Out the test, Establishing Test Validity,
it implies that the higher the scores in Math, the higher the
Establishing the Test Reliability, and Interpreting the
scores in Science because r=0.90 means a high positive
Test Score.
 correlation.
 Frequency distribution is a technique for describing a
 An objective that is in the highest level in Bloom’s taxonomy
set of test scores where the possible score values and
is rating three different methods of controlling tree growth
the number of persons who achieved each score are
because it deals with evaluation.
 Measures of central tendency is computed to know  Inferential is a type of statistics that draws conclusions
where on the scale of measurement a distribution is about the sample being studied.
located.  Generosity error is the error teachers commit when they
 Measures of dispersion is used to know how the scores tend to overrate the achievement of students identified by
are dispersed in the distribution.

and aptitude tests as gifted because they expect achievement  The analysis of Variance utilizing the F-test is the
and giftedness to go together. appropriate significance test to run between three or
 Portfolio assessment measures the students’ more means.
growth and development  In standard deviation, the higher the value of standard
 Formative testing is the test most fit for mastery deviation
learning because it is done after or during a discussion on the average, the scores are farther from the mean value,
where the feedback can be used to determine whether where as the smaller the value of the standard deviation on
the students have a mastery of the subject matter. the average, the scores are closer to the mean value.
 A characteristic of an imperfect type of matching set is  When the value of standard deviation is small, the scores
 that an item may have no answer at all. are concentrated around the mean value because the
 Determining the effectiveness of distracters is included smaller the value of the standard deviation the more
in an item analysis. concentrated the scores are to the mean value.
 Discrimination index is the difference between the  When the distribution is skewed the most appropriate
proportion of high-performing students who the item measure of central tendency is Median.
right and the proportion of  In the parlance of test construction, TOS means
low-students who got an item right. Table of Specifications.
 A positive discrimination index means that more  Range is a measure of variation that is easily affected
students from the upper group got the item correctly. by the extreme scores.
 A negative discrimination index takes place when the  Mode is the measure of central tendency that can be
proportion of the students who got an item right in the determined by mere inspection because mode can be
low performing group is greater than the students in identified by just counting the score/s that occurred the
the upper performing group. most in a distribution.
 Zero discrimination happens when the proportion of  The description of each criteria to serve as standard, very
the student who got an item right in the upper- clear descriptions of performance level, rating scale, and
performing group and low-performing group is equal. mastery levels of achievement are considerations that are
 When points in the scatter gram are spread evenly in important in developing a SCORING RUBRIC.
all directions, this means that there is no correlation  rubric is developmental.
 between two variables.  Performance-based assessment emphasizes process and
 A norm-referenced statement is comparing the product.
performance of a certain student with the  Kohlberg and other researchers used moral dilemma to
performance of other student/s. measure the awareness of values.
 Content is a type of validity that is needed for a  PROJECTIVE PERSONALITY TEST includes Sentence
test on course objectives and scopes. Completion test, Word Association test, and Thematic
 When there are extreme scores the mean will not be a Apperception Test.
very reliable measure of central tendency.  An anecdotal report is a note written by the teacher
 The sum of all the scores in a distribution always equals regarding incidents at the classroom that might need
the mean times the N because the sum of all the scores special attention in the
is equal to the product of the mean and the number of future.
scores (N). Formula: Mean =  One of the strengths of an autobiography as a
Summation of Scores/N technique for personality appraisal is it makes the
 Z-value can be used to compare the performance of the presentation of intimate experiences possible.
 Carl Roger is considered the main proponent of Non-
students, because it tells the number of standard
Directive counseling.
deviations equivalent to a raw score, where the higher  Sharing the secrets of a counselee with other members
the value of Z score, the better the performance of a of the faculty is in violation of confidentiality.
certain student is  Counselors can break confidentiality rule in cases of
planned suicide or planned hurting/killing of somebody.
 Mean is the measure of position that is
appropriate then the distribution is skewed
 Sinforoso Padilla is considered the father of  Split-half method and Kuder Rischardson measure
counseling in the Philippines. internal consistency of the test scores of the
 Portfolio is the pre-planned collection of samples of students.
student works, assessed results and other output  Test-retest measures the stability of the test scores.
 produced by the students.  Parallel method measures the equivalence.
 Assessment is said to be authentic when the teacher  The expression “grading on the curve” means the
gives students real-life tasks to accomplish. performance of a certain student compared to the
 The main purpose of a teacher using a standardized performance of other students in the group.
test is to engage in easy scoring.  Scoring rubrics has criteria of level of achievement to serve
 Marking on a normative basis follows the normal as standard, has a clear description of performance in each
distribution curve. level, and has a rating scheme.
 A scoring rubric is important in a self-assessment to be  When constructing a matching type of test the options
effective. must be greater than the descriptions, the directions must
 The main purpose of administering a pretest and a state the basis of matching, and the descriptions must be in
post-test to students is to measure gains in Column A and options in Column B.
learning.  Extended Essay test can effectively measure HOTS
 An assessment activity that is most appropriate to cognitive learning objectives.
measure the objective “ to explain the meaning of  An objective test can cover a large sampling of content
molecular bonding” for the group with strong areas, time-consuming to prepare, and there is a single or
interpersonal intelligence is to demonstrate molecular best answer.
bonding using students as atoms. Objective tests measures low-level thinking skills, such as
 Emphasis on grades and honors goes with the spirit of “ knowledge, comprehension, and application.
assessment of learning”.
 A reading teacher goes through an active, purposeful,  Analytic thinkers questions how the work was organized
and organized cognitive process that is used to make and the strategies the writer used.
sense of the world.  Open-mindedness means to be prepared to listen to
 The PROCESS that a reading teacher goes through to different points of views, and to not be restricted by
improve are becoming are of one’s thinking process, personal biases.
carefully examining one’s thinking process and the  Questioning includes searching for others conclusions that
thinking process of others, and practicing one’s could be supported by the evidence.
abilities.  To be Creative, the thinker must look at the problem or
 Critical thinking is a total approach to understanding issue at an entirely different way.
how one makes sense of the world that includes many  To be able to take a stand is to make sure that one’s
parts. argument is convincing and to know what one’s position
 Critical thinking is from the Greek work ‘kritikos,’ or  is on the issue.
critic, meaning to question, to make sense of, or to be To THINK CRITICALLY, a reading teacher:
able to analyze. Must carefully examine his/her thinking and the thinking of others,
 CRITICAL THINKERS are skeptical,fact- in order to clarify and improve on one’s own understanding.
oriented,analytic,open-  Should examine and test the suggested solution, to see if
minded,questioning,creative,willing to make a stand, they work.
and those who have the ability to separate fact from  Needs to test the ideas for flaws or defects and must not be
opinion. inhibited by the thought of being aggressive, destructive,
 To be skeptical, a reader doesn’t immediately believe retaliation, and over-evaluation.
that what’s on print is right.  Should engage in critical thinking activities such as active
 Fact-oriented desired the facts and to be convinced thinking, exploring situations with questions, using different
that these facts are relevant. perspectives to view a situation, and an organized way to
discuss ideas.

To THINKING CREATIVELY, a reading teacher must:  The three main groups of READING THEORIES are Bottom-
 Use his/her cognitive skills to develop ideas that are up, Top-down, and Interactive.
unique, useful, and can be elaborated further.  Bottom-up also called data-driven processing, is where
 Discover an improved solution to a problem, or new reading is started with the input of some graphic signals or
ideas. stimulus.
 Organize ideas in a new way and make different  The role of the reader in the Bottom-up theory is to get
comparisons. meaning from the text based on the stimulus or the
 Not be inhibited by conformity, censorship, strict words used.
education, and the desire to find the solution hastily.  Top-down also called concept-driven processing, is where
 Comprehension according to the Constructivists is the reading begins with the cognitive processes occurring in the
act of making sense or constructing meaning of the reader’s mind as he/she reads.
text.  The role of the reader in the Top-down theory is to give
 The FACTORS THAT AFFECT comprehension are what meaning to the text based on the information already help
the reader brings to the reading situation within the reader’s prior knowledge.
(Developmental stages), the characteristics of the  Interactive theory depicts reading as the process of
written text (Print material),the learning context that constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction
defines the task and the purpose of the reader (reading among the reader’s existing knowledge, the information
situation), and the strategies consciously applied by the suggested by the written language, and the context of the
reader in order to obtain the meaning. reading situation.
 What the reader brings to the reading situation  The five STAGES OF READING DEVELOPMENT are Emergent
(DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES) includes the reader’s Literacy, Early Reading, Growing Independence, Reading to
background experience, knowledge of subject, Learn, and Abstract Reading.
vocabulary, purpose, and motivation.  Emergent literacy starts from birth to 5 years old where the
 The characteristic of the written text (PRINT MATERIAL) reader is characterized by rapid language growth,
includes the content, format, readability, concepts, experiences difficulty putting experiences into words, is
organization, and the author’s purpose. egocentric, likes the elements of rhyme, repetition and
 The learning context that defines the task and the alliteration, and learns primarily though direct sensory
purpose of the reader (READING SITUATION) includes contact and physical manipulation.
the setting, task, environment and the outcome  Early reading starts from Kindergarten to First Grade and is
 The strategies consciously applied by the reader to characterized by manipulating objects and ideas mentally,
obtain meaning is where a systematic plan, consciously can reason logically, have difficulty comprehending
adapted and monitored is applied to improve one’s underlying principles, and have evolving grasp of the
performance in learning. alphabet.
 The major COMPREHENSION STRATEGIES are the  Growing independence is from Grade Two to Grade Three,
Preparational Strategies, Organizational Strategies, where the reader is characterized by evolving fluency,
Elaboration Strategies, and Metacognitive Strategies. extensive reading of fiction and non-fiction, becoming more
 Under the PREPARATIONAL STRATEGIES are appreciative of stories of others, be able to judge their
Previewing, Activating Prior Knowledge, Setting reading affectively and personally, and may have difficulty
purpose and goals, and Predicting. explaining their preference.
 Under the ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIES are  Reading to learn are Grades Four though Six where the
Comprehending the main idea, Determining reader has a wide application of word-attack and
important details, Organizing details, Sequencing, comprehension skills, emphasis is placed on grasping
 Following directions, and Summarizing. informational text, vocabulary and conceptual load increase
 Under the ELABORATION STRATEGIES REVIEW are significantly, and an increase in words in listening
Making inferences, Imaging, Generating questions, and  Abstract reading starts from Grade Seven and Up where
evaluating or critical reading. the reader can construct multiple hypotheses and becomes
 more elaborate in evaluation of reading and reflects an
 Under the METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIES are evolving set of standards for judging.
Regulating, Checking, and Repairing.
 

 The factors that help EMERGENT LITERACY  Starting with whole texts provides grounding
LEARNERS’ READING DEVELOPMENT are Background instruction that provides basis for meaningful literacy
of Experiences, Language facility, Interest in reading, activities.
Social and emotional development, Physical  Shared reading of poems, or stories, using big books or
development, and Intelligence. charts are some examples of starting with whole texts.
 Background of experiences are exposure to various  Focusing on knowledge about the parts of language that
experiences, opportunities, and materials. may useful for reading and writing is where instruction
 BACKGROUND OF EXPERIENCES includes oral should include a planned, systematic effort to highlight
expression, listening and writing. specific textual features and literary devices as a variety of
 Language facility are the opportunities for oral materials are read, written, and discussed over time.
expression such as conversation, discussion, oral  In focusing on knowledge about the parts of language that
reports, storytelling, drama, etc. may be useful for reading and writing, highlighting specific
 Interest in reading includes oral reading, free silent textual features helps the children form generalizations
reading, recreational reading, close reading/study of about language that they can apply to their own
literation, book clubs, paperbacks, magazines and independent efforts to read and write.
newspapers, poetry reading, poetry collections, etc.  Returning to whole texts for application and practice are
 Social and emotion development are individual and planned opportunities to apply what has been learned
group communication and participation, where the about the parts of language that allow students to move
experiences are structured so that the child feels from simply knowing about a generalization to using that
accepted and secure, and develops desirable attitudes knowledge in a purposeful way.
toward himself and others.  The Four - Pronged Approach is a literature-based
 Language is a catalyst in social and emotional integrated approach to teaching beginning reading.
development.  The GOALS OF THE FOUR-PRONGED approach is the
 Physical development illustrates the importance of development of a genuine love for, habit, and enjoyment of
vision and hearing acuity. reading, critical thinking skills, oral language and correct
 In Physical development, the child’s needs to make grammatical structures, and decoding and encoding skills.
fine visual discrimination is important, suggesting early  The CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FOUR-PRONGED APPROACH
activities with forms and shapes, and letter are that it is literature-based, it integrates literature and
recognition. skills, it is a balanced approach, and it is made up of four
 Intelligence attests to the importance of mental age. components.
 Under Intelligence, prereading activities,  As a literature-based, the Four-Pronged approach used
socioeconomic factors, teachers, methods, and story or poem for developing genuine love for reading.
material are considered in each individual situation.  As a balanced approach, the Four-Pronged approach
 According to Savage, Beginning readers are anyone uses whole language approach and explicit instruction.
who has not been taught the conventional reading.  The FOUR COMPONENTS OF THE FOUR-PRONGED
 Beginning readers according to Folse is a person APPROACH are Genuine Love for Reading, Critical
learning to read in the second language. Thinking, Grammar and Oral Language Development, and
problem solvers, motivated through novelty, needing  The parts of the GRAMMAR AND ORAL LANGUAGE
DEVELOPMENT are Presentation lesson or introduction,
time for learning and bringing more than an empty shell
Teacher Modeling or Direct Instruction, Guided Practice,
to school. and Individual Practice.
 A child is never totally ready or unready to read. Teachers can help improve comprehension by:
 The right time to teach beginning reading is when  Assessing prior knowledge and help relate these
learners have achieved unity of their capabilities and knowledge to new ideas in the texts.
abilities with their interests.  Teaching words in the texts that label schemata
The appropriate approach in TEACHING BEGINNING important to the writer’s message.
READING is Starting with whole text, Focusing on  Helping students sharpen cognitive skills to be able to
knowledge about the parts of language that may be comprehend the tests
useful for reading and writing, and Returning to whole  And by showing the students the way writers organize
texts for application and practice. printed texts to help them “read the blueprint.”
 There are different COMPREHENSION STRATEGIES that information, while providing teachers with feedback on how well
can be applied Before Reading, While or During texts have been understood.
Reading, and After or Post Reading.  Techniques AFTER OR POST READING includes Follow-up
 Comprehension strategies Before Reading are Pre and During-Reading Activities, Have the students’
activities that can activate the students’ prior talk/write about what they read, make up tests on their
knowledge while extending, refining, and building the reading and encourage the students to respond to reading
schemata. “creatively. “
 The different effective comprehension strategies  Other STRATEGIES IN READING IN THE CONTENT AREAS are
BEFORE READING are Overview, Vocabulary Preview, Clink and Clunk, Circle-Seat-Center, Jigsaw, Partner
Structural Organizer, Student- Prediction, Reciprocal Teaching, and Think-Pair-
entered Study Strategies, and Teacher- Share/Think-Pair-Square.
Directed Lesson Frameworks.  Clink and Clunk is used to assess what information the
 Overview is a strategy in which teachers tell students have learned and what information needs to be
students about the selection or assignment prior to covered in more depth.
reading.  Clink and Clunk motivates students as they attempt to
 Vocabulary Preview is a strategy that starts from increase the information they understand (‘clinks’) and
identifying and selecting words that may cause decrease what they do not understand (‘clunks’)
problems, then proceeds to explaining in advance  Circle-Seat-Center is a strategy that allows the students to
there unfamiliar words to students. work in small peer groups and go over all the information
 Teaching unfamiliar words to students provides they would like the teacher to cover.
anchors for new information, which provides
 The circle group focuses on verbal learning, the Seat group
opportunities to relate unfamiliar concepts to familiar
ones, and is an aspect of developing the general focuses on visual learning, and the Center group focuses on
background knowledge necessary for comprehension. tactile learning, which allows the students who learn through
 Structural organizer is a strategy that teaches different modalities the opportunity to learn through their
students to focus their attention on the way the strength.
passages are organized.  Jigsaw allows the students to work with their peers and
 In Structural Organizer, the teachers should point out to learn information from one another.
the basic rhetorical frameworks underlying the  Jigsaw is a collaborative strategy that ensures the
discourse, call attention to specific plans of participation of all the students by allowing all members of
paragraph, signal words, main idea sentences, the class to receive information about an entire section in
headings, and subtitles.. a text.
 The Student-Centered Study Strategies includes  Partner Prediction gives students the opportunity to work
PQRST, Triple S Technique, OK5R, PQ4R, S4R, PQ5R with their peers and make prediction about a story or
that provides for previewing, student-centered section.
questions, and establishment of purpose.
 In Partner Prediction, being able to share their ideas with a
 Teacher-Directed Lesson Frameworks includes
partner encourages self-expression.
Directed Reading Activity (DRA), Directed Reading-
Thinking Activity (DRTA), Guided Reading Procedure,  Reciprocal Teaching allows the students to work
and Reciprocal Questioning (ReQuest), which gives together and to teach other as they take over the
teachers a plan on which they can build lessons while discussion.
some give students strategies for approaching the  Think-Pair-Share/Think-Pair-Square is a partner or group
texts. activity that allows students to work together to check for
 Comprehension Strategies While or During Reading are comprehension.
activities that can guide reader-text interactions, while
reading is taking place
are question answering, inserted questions, immediate
oral feedback, timelines and charts, listing main ideas,
outlining, paraphrasing, and summarizing
• Comprehension Strategies After or Post Reading are
activities that help students remember new ideas and


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