Group Dynamics 1

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Group Dynamics: it’s

characteristics, stages, types

What is Group Dynamics?
Group dynamics deals with the attitudes and behavioral patterns of a
group. Group dynamics concern how groups are formed, what is their
structure and which processes are followed in their functioning. Thus, it is
concerned with the interactions and forces operating between groups.

What is A Group?
Every organization is a group unto itself. A group refers to two or more
people who share a common meaning and evaluation of themselves and
come together to achieve common goals. In other words, a group is a
collection of people who interact with one another; accept rights and
obligations as members and who share a common identity.

Characteristics of a Group:
Regardless of the size or the purpose, every group has similar
(a) 2 or more persons (if it is one person, it is not a group)

(b) Formal social structure (the rules of the game are defined)

(c) Common fate (they will swim together)

(d) Common goals (the destiny is the same and emotionally connected)

(e) Face-to-face interaction (they will talk with each other)

(f) Interdependence (each one is complimentary to the other)

(g) Self-definition as group members (what one is who belongs to the

(h) Recognition by others (yes, you belong to the group).

Process/Stages of Group Development/Evolution:

Group Development is a dynamic process. How do groups evolve? There
is a process of five stages through which groups pass through. The
process includes the five stages: forming, storming, forming, performing,
and adjourning.

The first stage in the life of a group is concerned with forming a group. This
stage is characterized by members seeking either a work assignment (in a
formal group) or other benefit, like status, affiliation, power, etc. (in an
informal group). Members at this stage either engage in busy type of
activity or show apathy.

The next stage in this group is marked by the formation of dyads and triads.
Members seek out familiar or similar individuals and begin a deeper
sharing of self. Continued attention to the subgroup creates a differentiation
in the group and tensions across the dyads / triads may appear. Pairing is a
common phenomenon. There will be conflict about controlling the group.

The third stage of group development is marked by a more serious concern
about task performance. The dyads/triads begin to open up and seek out
other members in the group. Efforts are made to establish various norms
for task performance.
Members begin to take greater responsibility for their own group and
relationship while the authority figure becomes relaxed. Once this stage is
complete, a clear picture will emerge about hierarchy of leadership. The
norming stage is over with the solidification of the group structure and a
sense of group identity and camaraderie.

This is a stage of a fully functional group where members see themselves
as a group and get involved in the task. Each person makes a contribution
and the authority figure is also seen as a part of the group. Group norms
are followed and collective pressure is exerted to ensure the Process of
Group effectiveness of the group.

The group may redefine its goals Development in the light of information
from the outside environment and show an autonomous will to pursue
those goals. The long-term viability of the group is established and

In the case of temporary groups, like project team, task force, or any other
such group, which have a limited task at hand, also have a fifth stage, This
is known as adjourning.

The group decides to disband. Some members may feel happy over the
performance, and some may be unhappy over the stoppage of meeting
with group members. Adjourning may also be referred to as mourning, i.e.
mourning the adjournment of the group.

The readers must note that the four stages of group development
mentioned above for permanent groups are merely suggestive. In reality,
several stages may go on simultaneously.
Types of Groups:
One way to classify the groups is by way of formality – formal and informal.
While formal groups are established by an organization to achieve its
goals, informal groups merge spontaneously. Formal groups may take the
form of command groups, task groups, and functional groups.

1. Command Groups:
Command groups are specified by the organizational chart and often
consist of a supervisor and the subordinates that report to that supervisor.
An example of a command group is a market research firm CEO and the
research associates under him.

2. Task Groups:
Task groups consist of people who work together to achieve a common
task. Members are brought together to accomplish a narrow range of goals
within a specified time period. Task groups are also commonly referred to
as task forces. The organization appoints members and assigns the goals
and tasks to be accomplished.

Examples of assigned tasks are the development of a new product, the

improvement of a production process, or designing the syllabus under
semester system.

Other common task groups are ad hoc committees, project groups, and
standing committees. Ad hoc committees are temporary groups created to
resolve a specific complaint or develop a process are normally disbanded
after the group completes the assigned task.

3. Functional Groups:
A functional group is created by the organization to accomplish specific
goals within an unspecified time frame. Functional groups remain in
existence after achievement of current goals and objectives. Examples of
functional groups would be a marketing department, a customer service
department, or an accounting department.

In contrast to formal groups, informal groups are formed naturally and in

response to the common interests and shared values of individuals. They
are created for purposes other than the accomplishment of organizational
goals and do not have a specified time frame. Informal groups are not
appointed by the organization and members can invite others to join from
time to time.

Informal groups can have a strong influence in organizations that can either
be positive or negative. For example, employees who form an informal
group can either discuss how to improve a production process or how to
create shortcuts that jeopardize quality. Informal groups can take the form
of interest groups, friendship groups, or reference groups.

i. Interest Group:
Interest groups usually continue over time and may last longer than general
informal groups. Members of interest groups may not be part of the same
organizational department but they are bound together by some other
common interest.

The goals and objectives of group interests are specific to each group and
may not be related to organizational goals and objectives. An example of
an interest group would be students who come together to form a study
group for a specific class.

ii. Friendship Groups:

Friendship groups are formed by members who enjoy similar social
activities, political beliefs, religious values, or other common bonds.
Members enjoy each other’s company and often meet after work to
participate in these activities. For example, a group of employees who form
a friendship group may have a yoga group, a Rajasthani association in
Delhi, or a kitty party lunch once a month.

iii. Reference Groups:

A reference group is a type of group that people use to evaluate
themselves. The main objectives of reference groups are to seek social
validation and social comparison. Social validation allows individuals to
justify their attitudes and values while social comparison helps individuals
evaluate their own actions by comparing themselves to others. Reference
groups have a strong influence on members’ behavior. Such groups are
formed voluntarily. Family, friends, and religious affiliations are strong
reference groups for most individuals.

Turning Groups into Effective Teams:

All teams are groups but not all groups are teams. Teams often are difficult
to form because it takes time for members to learn how to work together.
People in every workplace talk about building the team, working as a team,
and my team, but few understand how to create the experience of team
work or how to develop an effective team. Belonging to a team, in the
broadest sense, is a result of feeling part of something larger than oneself.
It has a lot to do with your understanding of the mission or objectives of
your organization.
In a team-oriented environment, one contributes to the overall success of
the organization. One works with fellow members of the organization to
produce these results. Even though you have a specific job function and
you belong to a specific department, you are unified with other organization
members to accomplish the overall objectives. The bigger picture drives
your actions; your function exists to serve the bigger picture.

It is on record that teams are better than groups, because they are more
flexible and responsive to dynamic environment. A work group has no
opportunity to involve in collective works.

It is the work team whose members ‘work intensely on a specific, common

goal using their positive synergy, individual and mutual accountability, and
complementary skills’.

Team-building helps to increase intra-group and inter-group effectiveness

to bring members together, make them share their perception of each other
and understand each other’s point of view.

Thus, resolve problems and work together in a cooperative and

collaborative mode. Teams can be of four types – problem-solving teams
(only making suggestion), self-managed, teams (operate without a
manager), cross-functional teams (a group of experts from different
specialities), and virtual team (members collaborate online). In terms of
size, teams may be institutional (comprising of hundreds of members) and
operational (a small, cooperative group, in regular contact and contributes
responsibly to achieve task at hand).

Informal Group:
In every organisation along with formal groups there exists informal groups
which emerge naturally due to the response and common interests of the
members who can easily identify with the goals or independent activities of
the informal groups.

Sometimes the efforts may be driven by a common goal that may

compliment or work against the goals of the formal group. An informal
group can be defined as a group that evolves spontaneously, not shown in
the organization’s structure, with the objective of fulfilling personal and
social need of its members.

Informal Group Vs Informal Organisation:

An informal group is a voluntary group of people casually acquainted with
each other for their own personal fulfillment because they have some
common and shared backgrounds, characteristics and concerns (values /
interests / hobbies / friendship).

Whilst it is easy to differentiate between a formal group and a formal

organisation, the differences between informal group and informal
organisation tend to be difficult. The difference between informal
organization and informal group is that informal organisation is a larger
entity consisting of all informal groups in an organization.
Informal Organisation= Sigma Informal Groups:

An informal group is the nucleus of informal organization. When an informal

group adopts a formally defined structure and group processes, it no longer
remains an informal group.

Informal Group vs. Formal Group:

The two are different in very many ways.

Characteristics of Informal Groups:

1. Creation:
It is not created by the organisation but springs up spontaneously.

2. Satisfaction of Needs:
The needs which cannot be satisfied within the framework of formal
organisation, like social and psychological needs of people, such people
create informal groups.

3. Voluntary Membership:
Nobody is compelled to join an informal organization.

4. Multi-Group Membership:
A member of an informal group can be a member of more than one
informal group to pursue different interests.

5. Systems and Processes:

Members of such groups follow their own norms, leadership,
communication, etc. to remain cohesive. The communication channels are
referred to as ‘Grapevine’. Grapevine i.e., informal channel runs very fast to
spread the information across the organization.

6. Leadership:
Every informal group has a leader, selected by the group, and who is
capable of helping to realize their goals. The moment it is realized that the
leader is incapable, (s) he is replaced with a new leader.

Reasons for the Emergence of Informal Groups:

1. People working together may come together.

2. People with similar values, beliefs, attitudes, and interests often feel
attraction to come together.

3. Need satisfaction – to belong, to associate, etc.

4. Removal of monotony of routine tasks – to get rid of monotony and
psychological fatigue, job-related boredom and frustration provides an
opportunity to behave in a natural and relaxed manner.

5. Promotion of other interests and pursuit of goals – People join Rotary or

Lions Club to expand their contacts which may help them to satisfy their
personal goals.

Benefits of Informal Groups:

The benefits of an informal group are as follows:
1. Blending with formal group allows people to work for the formal

2. Informal work group lightens the workload for the formal manager.

3. Brings satisfaction and stability to the organisation as a whole.

4. Provides a useful channel of communication.

5. Encourages managers to plan and act more carefully.

Limitations of Informal Groups:

The limitations are as follows:
1. Resistance to Change because they do not want to deviate from existing
norms and learn new ways.

2. Informal group provides most fertile ground for Rumour Mongering

because of maliciousness, lack of proper communication systems and
processes and ambiguous circumstances.

3. Since a member of an informal group is also a member of a formal

group, at times it creates role conflict.
4. Creativity of group member (s) is restricted because of strong pressure
for conformity applied by the group.

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