Pbsi Ecology Outline
Pbsi Ecology Outline
Pbsi Ecology Outline
Virginia Standards of BIO.8 The student will investigate and understand dynamic equilibria within populations, communities, and
Learning (VA SOLs) ecosystems. Key concepts include:
a) interactions within and among populations including carrying capacities, limiting factors, and growth curves;
Project Summary Students will be given the task to assess the effect kudzu, an invasive species, has on native plants. In teams of 3 to 4,
(Write a summary of the students will be take to two local habitats, one that has been infected with kudzu, and one that has not. They will need
project students will do, to come up with their own research question, and they will need to record data on one aspect of a native plant in both
include student role, species, and they will need to compare the data between the two to determine if they can quantify the damage of
issue, problem or kudzu. This project will culminate in a presentation of their results, and a proposed solution to minimize the impact of
challenge, action taken, kudzu.
and purpose/beneficiary)
Students will have two 25 meter transects one inhabited with kudzu, and one without, and they will measure things like
plant frequency, coverage, and plant density. After compiling data from the two transects, students will be tasked with
comparing the two transects with data like a Shannon index, the coverage of the kudzu plant, and density of other
plants. They will then present their results in a presentation.
Driving Question How do invasive plant species, such as kudzu, alter the equilibrium of local habitats?
Entry Event I will show a short video about the effects of the invasive species, the lionfish. I will use this video to transition into a
conversation about other invasive species my students can think of and how they impact habitats. I will expect my
students to mostly suggest other animals, like the lionfish, and then I will pose the question, what about plants? How do
plants interact wit each other? In what ways do plants compete? We will have a discussion on this topic, which will lead
me into introducing the project.
P R O J E C T D E S I G N : O V E R V I E W page 2
Making Products Public As a group, students will present (e.g trifold, short video, PowerPoint) their research on how the kudzu alters the
State how students will equilibrium on the local habitat. These presentations will be made public by inviting the whole school to stop by, listen,
disseminate their and ask questions. In addition, parents will also be invited to come see the presentations.
products (e.g.
presentations, movie,
posters, flyers, etc.) at
the end of project.
Final Product(s) Learning Outcomes/Targets Checkpoints/Formative Assessments Instructional Strategies for All Learners
Research report, knowledge, understanding & success skills needed to check for learning and ensure provided by teacher, other staff, experts; includes
Presentations, by students to successfully complete products students are on track scaffolds, materials, lessons aligned to learning
Performances, Products outcomes and formative assessments
and/or Services
Data Notebook Ability to clearly and concisely Notebooks will be checked after Before going doing the field work,
record data each visit to the transects I will model how I would set up
Ability to record their data I will provide feedback in their my notebook
analysis notebooks I will ask my students to set up
their notebooks in the same
Ability to formulate a testable Students will need to propose their After the discussion following the
Research Question research questions research question to me before video about lionfish, we will
proceeding with their research discuss as a class what makes a
research question testable
Communication of their results Students must submit their As a class, we will look at
Final Presentation The ability to collaborate with presentations to me before examples of how scientists go
their research groups finalizing them about publishing and presenting
their research
Franklin, W. (2008). Investigating effects of invasive species on plant community structure. The American Biology Teacher, 70(8), 479-482.
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