Newsletter 7th May 2018

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Epuni Primary School

Monday 7th May

Sharing our news with the School Community
Namaste, Hola, Kia Orana, Bonjour, Talofa Lava,
Konnichi wa and Kia Ora

Welcome back to Term Two. It is great to see everyone return

after the holiday break all refreshed and keen to begin our busy
term. As part of the learning around our school vision and
values students worked on some art pieces last term. These
are now on display in the office area and look fantastic.

Whai ake i ngā whetū - Reaching for the stars together

Manaakitanga - Respect Tūtika - Responsibility
Manawaroa - Resilience Whanaungatanga – Relationships

Phone - (04) 939 7702 This term the value we will be focusing on as a school is Manawaroa –
Resilience. Each Friday ‘Sharing Time’ the student leaders will interpret this
Facebook - value into a short play to share with the rest of the school. Teachers will be
Visit Epuni Primary School sharing with students ways they can become more resilient and bounce back from difficult situations. Below are a few ideas/tips to talk through with your
EpuniPrimarySchool children to help them develop resilience.

Around The School…

1. Teach your child how to make friends. Encourage them to be a friend in order
to get friends.
Naenae Intermediate Open Day
Y6. Tuesday 29th May 1.15pm- 2. Help your child to find ways to help others.
2.30pm. Please ensure your child’s
permission slip has been returned to 3. Teach your child the importance of making time to eat properly, exercise, rest
the office for this trip. and have fun.
4. Help your child set goals and work towards them even when they are
Bright Day and Giant Walk challenging.
Friday 11th May. We will be holding
a Giant Walk as part of our Road 5. Help your child learn to trust themselves to solve problems and make good
Safety Week. This will begin at decisions.
Celebration of Learning, in the Hall,
where we will share what we know 6. Teach your child that change is a normal part of life.
about road safety, from here we will
take part in a whole School walk Last term part of the fencing around ‘The Children’s Garden’ was blown down. On
around the block. This is also Bright Monday and Tuesday 14th and 15th May, weather permitting, every student is
Day where we will wear our going to paint and add their own design to a fence paling. This will be a fun time
brightest clothes, this will allow us with lots of activity. If you are able to spare some time to help us with this, please
to be seen when we are walking let your child/ren’s class teacher know. We have been very fortunate to have all
along the footpath."
the palings donated to us by Bunnings in Petone.

Dog Safety .
I look forward to touching base with you during the term.
Our students will be taking part in a
dog safety class on Wednesday 9th
May 9-10am—seniors and 10-11am Nga Mihi Nui
for our juniors. Janet Evans
Fence Palings
Monday 14th May 11.40am Food for Thought Programme—Rm 3
Tuesday 15th May 11.40am A snapshot of the worksheet from the school visit at Pak n Save the seniors discovered.
Every day/Healthier Food Occasional/Sometimes
Public Notices….. Food
Breakfast Name of Food/Product Weet-Bix Nutrigrain
From School Health. Energy (kj) 1480 kj 1550 kj
Fat – total (g) 1.4 0.6
Help Prevent the Flu by staying at
home, washing your hands, cover Sugar (g) 2.8 26.7
your mouth and nose when
coughing and sneezing or get the flu Dietary Fibre (g) 10.1 5.1
vaccine. Flu vaccinations are
available at your GP or Pharmacist. Sodium (salt) (mg) 270 360
Rm6 – Whaea Karen Kahikatea
Kahikatea and the Rimu class made Anzac
Biscuits to think about what Anzac Day
means. We loved making the biscuits, the
children all thought they looked like pancakes
when they came out of the oven! They tasted
amazing though.

Rm5 – Mrs Hall

In Rimu we have changed our timetable
around so that we are doing writing and
reading first thing in the morning. We
have been writing about the baking we
did in Kahikatea on Tuesday and using
the Hairy MacLary story - Scattercat - to
help us learn about positional language
like under, over, beside, between, in
front of and behind.

Rm1 – Whaea Ancey

Kowhai have been working on
amazing pirate story writing,
and treasure maps.

Rm3 – Ms Dunseath & Mrs

Beautiful morning the seniors got to
practise for their cross country.

Mother’s Day Raffle

On sale now at the Front Office
Tickets $1.00 each
Drawn at Whanau Time
Friday 11th May

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