March Newsletter
March Newsletter
March Newsletter
ie February 2019
MQI Times
Mary Queen
Of Ireland NS
MQI Times
Active School News Green School News Language Day For Teachers
Sports Conditioning We were working in our Teachers will have a language
For the next 8 weeks Noel and Steven will school garden this week with day on Friday 15th March to train
be doing sports with us in the hall. We do Martina. We planted for the new language curriculum.
warm ups, stretches, balancing and daffodils, carrots, cucumber, Please note theUnion
Credit schoolQuiz
will be
games. They will also do classroom rocket, cress, beetroot, and closed on this day.
lessons with us such as how to take our spring onions. We had great
heartbeats, pulses, and the benefits of fun. We hope they grow into
physical activities. Thank you to Noel and lovely plants and vegetables!
Steven, we wish you would stay all year!
By Teegan and Tamara
By Zoe Lenehan and Jack Delaney.
Shake and Wake Prizes At the Airport
Last week, we did shake and wake every We were winners of the DAA
day. It helps to wake us up. We do Calendar competition. Congratulations to Lucy
different exercises to music, such as We went to the Dublin Airport February Jamie
McGarvey, Dates Meaney,
to Remember
Sheila Whelan Céilí 5 th
– Thoughtful Tuesday
jumping jacks, stretches, high knees, to get our photos taken and Bethany Gilshenan, Soha Ahmed
Preparations for our annual Sheila
lunges and even the ‘hype’! Sometimes 6 th
– Vision and Hearing tests for
to be presented with a poster and Emma Fox, who represented
we makeCéilí willown
up our be beginning thisend.
dances at the Junior Infants
of our poems. We were so ourth school so well at the
month. Students will be participating
By Keegan O’Connell and Kaylum Taplin. in 12 February- Swimming begins
happy and proud for this weekend for the Credit Union
Irish Dance Classes with Carole. The 18th – 22nd – School closed for
achievement. We really Quiz. They should be very proud
Céilí will take place on Monday 11th enjoyed writing the limericks. midterm break.
March, all are welcome! We look of ththeir performance.
School Book Rental Scheme We spent some time learning 26 – Swimming
forward to seeing you there. about limericks first and that
Please note that a savings scheme is Upcoming events in March:
available for all families for 2019/20 helped us with our own
1st – Non Uniform Day.
school book fees. Please enquire in the poems.
5th – Thoughtful Tuesday
By Lara Shelley, Annabel
office for further details. 11th - Sheila Whelan Céilí
Callan, Jareth Cole and Robbie
15th – School closed
Swimming Lessons Doyle.
Swimming lessons begin on
Tuesday 12th February. Please
see our previously sent letter
for everything your child needs
for their lessons. February 2019
Mary Queen
Of Ireland NS
MQI Times
Lateness To School Ceremony Of Light
Lateness to school has become an issue in recent months. Congratulations to our 6th Class students who
School begins at 9am. If your child is not signed in by 9.30am participated in the Ceremony Of Light on
they will be marked absent for that day. Also, please note Tuesday the 5th February.
that you must provide us with a note if you are collecting
your child early from school. Thank you for your
Parent’s Association News What we Learned at School
The next non uniform day will be the 1st March. St Brigid
St Brigid’s Day was on 1st February. St. Brigid
Table Quiz - The Parents Association will be holding a prayed to God a lot. She was very kind to
Fundraising Table Quiz on Friday 8th March 2019 in the Lord everyone. She wanted to build a church, but
Mayor's Pub in Swords - Tickets Available from the Parents the king wouldn’t give her any land. She
Association on [email protected] or via the Facebook asked for land the same size as her cloak, and
Page. Individual Tickets €10.00 or Table of 4 €40.00. Get when she put her cloak down, it grew bigger
your tickets early as spaces will be limited. and bigger! The king was sorry and helped
her to build her church.
Bags to School - Bags to School Clothing Collection will be By Josh Jenkinson and Patryk Gasiorowski
collecting on 28th March 2019. You can drop off before this
date, please contact us [email protected] or via the Tighe and Jamie from the Junior Room With
Facebook Page. Their St. Brigid’s Cloaks.
Healthy Lunches
We would like to remind students and parents of the
importance of our Healthy Eating Policy in MQI. Children
receive a healthy low sugar and low salt lunch from Glanmór
Foods each day. Home lunches that are brought in must
always be healthy, and must not contain more than 0.5g of
sugar and salt. The only drinks permitted at school are milk
and water.
Places still available in Breakfast Club and After School Club.
Contact Sandra Tynan (086)4481324
Talk on ‘Members of the Traveller
We will be having a guest speaker on 15th
February to talk to our students about the
lives of members of the Traveller Community
in Ireland.