Math Unit - Geometric Thinking
Math Unit - Geometric Thinking
Math Unit - Geometric Thinking
Table of Contents
Student Learning:
After completing grade one, students should already be able to sort 2-D and 3-D objects
using only one attribute, and they should be able to explain the reasoning behind their sort. They
should be able to replicate complex 2-D and 3-D shapes and objects, and they should also be able
to identify 2-D shapes in their environment as parts of 3-D objects. Some common
misconceptions may include students being unable to distinguish between a 2-D shape and a 3-D
object, or some students may believe that shapes differ based on their size, orientation, or colour.
At the end of this unit, students will complete a shape scavenger hunt, during which they will
identify 2-D and 3-D shapes in their environment.
Create a sort with one rule Presentation, math journal Anecdotal notes
Create a sort with two rules Collection of product, engage Anecdotal notes
in discussion
observe, take
anecdotal notes,
collect net
● Differentiated Instruction
○ or differentiated instruction, students will be allowed to learn at their own levels
and pace through the multiple forms of assessment and the different hands-on
activities that are used to teach this unit. Oral presentations of knowledge,
journals (learning logs), observation of students at work, etc. are all ways that
help for DI in the classroom. Additionally, allowing students to work in groups,
facilitating activity stations, incorporating kinesthetic/tactile aspects to lessons
and introducing discovery-based learning aids with inclusion within the classroom
as well as the engagement of all learners.F
● Bloom’s Taxonomy
○ Each lesson is designed for students to follow the Bloom’s Taxonomy by
beginning with remembering (either present or past concepts learned),
understanding the content for each lesson, applying the content being taught
(either through group work or mini-projects), analyzing (seeing and understanding
how concepts of each lesson in the unit connect), evaluating (either agree, be able
to argue, or connect with the content that has being taught), and creating through
each “end of lesson” evaluation project.
● Tier 1-3
○ The teacher will ensure that all three tiers have been met by providing students
with the opportunity to work individually, in small groups, as well as with the
class as a whole. The teacher will conduct formative assessment during each
lesson to ensure that all students are grasping the content. For those students who
may need additional support, the teacher may choose to adapt lessons to ensure
that these students have an opportunity to work one-on-one with the teacher, or
that they have a chance to work with peers who may be able to support them
during classroom tasks.
○ During this math unit, the teacher will ensure that any food manipulatives brought
into the classroom are allergy-free. Those students who may be inclined to eat
inedible objects may sit with an EA while handling small objects, such as formal
manipulatives. In a classroom with students who may have physical
exceptionalities, lessons will be adapted to minimize movement or to make
movement easier. Those students who are identified as gifted in the classroom
may choose to work on an extension project if this unit proves to be below their
learning level.
● Geoboards
● Elastics
● Geoboard cards
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Set up the computer and the Smart ● Students will stand up and make sure
Board. they have enough room that they
● Ask students to stand up and spread won’t hit other students.
out ensuring that they cannot hit ● They will then participate in the video.
anyone with their arms. ● Students will then sit on the mat and
● Play the youtube video- answer the questions asked by the teacher.
(This video reviews various 2-D shapes,
and it also for students to get up and moving)
● Have the students sit down on the
classroom mat.
● Ask the students what shapes they saw
in the video and what they know about
● If all the students do not answer, give
them prompts by mimicking the
song’s actions.
● Once all the shapes have been
reviewed (Circle, Square, Triangle,
Rectangle, Oval), the teacher will then
explain that they are going to work in
teams and rotate from table to table
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● The teacher will then explain each ● Students will listen to the instructions
table activity. for each activity.
1. 2D Shape Pizza- Students will create ● Students will split into groups.
their own shape pizza. They will need ● Students will participate in each
to design their pizzas with the shapes station and rotate after the allotted
provided. Once they are done, they time.
will raise their hands, the teacher will
come and take picture of it for later.
Once the teacher has taken a picture of
it, they will get the students to fill out
a sheet (appendix A) and count and
record how many of each shape they
have used.
2. Build shapes with toothpicks and
playdough - Following the guidelines
on the shape cards, students will build
each shape using toothpicks and
3. Shape Sort - Pictures will be placed
on the table. Students will sort them,
based on their shape, into the correct
place on the sorting sheet. (Appendix
4. Geoboard Shapes - Using a
geoboard, students will make the
shapes that are on the provided cards.
(Appendix C)
5. ‘Count the Sides’ Activity sheet-
Students will colour the appropriate
shapes that match the amount of sides.
(Appendix D)
● After explaining each activity, the
teacher will split the students into
groups, and they will rotate after the
allotted time. Remember to take
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● After all each group has rotated ● Students will meet the teacher back at
through each station, the teacher will the mat. Each student will pick out
call the students back to the mat to two blocks from the jar of pattern
complete a class discussion of blocks. They must give two attributes
attributes. that are the same and two attributes
● The activity will begin with the that differ between the two shapes.
teacher modeling it for the students. Each person will have a turn.
They will pull two shapes from the jar ● Any student who struggles with this
of pattern blocks. The teacher will activity will have the opportunity to
then explain two ways in which the ask their elbow partner for help.
shapes are the same and two ways that
the shapes differ.
● The teacher will review the term
● The teacher will then explain to
students that during the first station,
the students were only doing activities
that involved finding one similar
attribute between shapes; however,
during their task they just completed,
they were able to provide two similar
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Ask the students to regroup at the mat. ● Students will remain seated at the mat
They will then read the story, The for the duration of the story.
Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns. ● Students will use their math journals
This story introduces the concept of to write about their favorite shape and
how shapes can change when their where it can be found in real life. I.e:
lines are manipulated. Pizza is the same shape as a circle.
● Ask students to write about their
favorite shape in their math journals.
Where can this shape be found in real
life? Ask them to draw the shape and
- This lesson would be a review of materials learned in grade one and a very brief
introduction to what students will be learning in this unit. The teacher should use the
products of this lesson as a method of formative assessment to determine which
students grasp the concepts introduced during the first grade. This lesson will help the
teacher determine if they need to reteach the material, or if any students will need
additional support during this unit. Products from this lesson may include:
- The picture of students’ shape pizzas as well as their write-up;
- Anecdotal notes taken during discussions;
- Students’ math journals;
- Anecdotal notes taken during the observation of the center rotations;
- And the “Count the Sides” activity sheet.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● The teacher will do a review of ● Actively listen during the review led
content learned during the previous by the teacher.
2-D 5E lesson.
● The teacher will prompt students to ● Partake and contribute to the
explore the different attributes of exploration of attributes of shapes led
shapes with questions. by the teacher.
● True or False Game - Each side of the ● Take part in the True or False Game
room represents either ‘True’ or by offering the answers to the
‘False’. Read out questions and have question/statement given by the
students move from side to side teacher.
depending on their answers. Questions
could include, but aren’t limited to, the
following examples...
○ A circle has 2 sides
○ A triangle has 4 points
○ A triangle has 3 sides
○ A rectangle and square have
the same amount of sides
○ A rectangle and square have
the same length of sides
○ A rectangle has 4 sides that are
all the same length
● Following this short review, the ● Actively listen to the teacher while
teacher will explain the different they explain the different Shape
stations students will be traveling to. Stations and what will be done at each
1. Playdough Mats (Appendix F) - one.
Students will model the shapes
displayed on the various playdough
mats using the playdough provided at
the station. These mats will have
different shapes, of different sizes,
outline on the mats - which students
will then fill in using playdough.
2. Popsicle Stick Shapes - Students will
create a triangle, square and rectangle
using popsicle sticks and a circle using
Wiki Sticks (as you can’t make a
circle with popsicle sticks). Students
will construct their popsicle stick
shapes using the glue sticks at the
station. A shape sheet (Appendix E)
with a visual of the shapes, different
attributes, and names will be provided
for students to look off of.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Split students into equal groups, with ● Students will gather with their groups,
varying skill levels and strengths. and travel to their first station.
Assign groups to a station to begin
their rotation.
● Ensure to manage noise levels and be ● Students will keep their voices to an
available for questions. acceptable level and be sure they are
● Circulate throughout the classroom on task.
while students are learning, and take
anecdotal notes when needed.
● Split time at the stations equally, and ● Students will clean up their station at
set a timer up on the SmartBoard, so the one-minute warning and rotate
that students can be aware of time quietly when prompted.
remaining at the specific station. Give
a one minute warning so they can tidy
their stations/put away materials
before moving on.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● After the stations are complete, ● Students will get their math journals
students will get their math journal and take a seat on the mat. They will
and come sit on the carpeted area. The label and draw a circle, square,
teacher will prompt the students to rectangle and triangle in their journal
label and draw a circle, rectangle, upon the request of the teacher.
square and triangle in their math
● To close this lesson, the teacher will ● Take part in the conversation and offer
facilitate a conversation with the class their ideas/opinions about the stations.
about the stations, including which
ones students liked and which ones
students did not like.
● Anecdotal notes
● Observation
● Participation in Discussions/Questions
● Popsicle Stick Shape collection - If a student did not complete all shapes, chances are
the Teacher observed the student’s ability in creating these shapes at another station. If
not, the Teacher can check the student’s drawing of the shapes in their math journals.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● The teacher will gather students on the ● Students will sit quietly on the mat.
● The teacher will ask students to come ● Students will actively listen and
up to the paperbag, and select a shape volunteer to participate if they would
out of it. They will then explain the like.
attributes to the class as a review of
the lesson. Repeat until all shapes
have been described.
● Collection of Paper Plate Project - Use the attributes described by students to assess
their understanding.
● Collection of Shape Shifter Activity Sheet - Use the attributes described by students to
assess their understanding.
● Participation in Discussions/Questions
● Laminated Woozle cards (Appendix H) - at the corner of the teacher’s desk
● Chart paper - on the easel at the front of the room
● Markers - in the back closet
● Writing utensils - at the writing station
● Paper - at the writing station
What the teacher will do: What the student will do:
● Prior to the lesson, the teacher will ● The students will participate in the
print off multiple sets of woozle cards discussion about comparing and
on different colours of cardstock, contrasting the woozles providing
laminate them, and cut them out input when asked.
(Appendix H)
● The teacher will introduce students to
the woozles.
● The teacher will ask students to look
at the woozles and compare them. The
teacher will then ask the students to
explain some of the differences
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● The teacher will divide students into ● The students will divide into pairs, and
pairs. return to their desks with their
● The teacher will provide each student materials.
with a pair of woozles, a piece of ● The students will draw a t-chart on the
paper, and a writing utensil. provided paper. The headings for their
● The teacher will then explain the t-chart should read “Woozle #1” and
activity. “Woozle #2.”
● Under each heading, the students will
record the distinctive characteristics of
each woozle (example, Woozle #1 has
a curvy body, etc.).
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● The teacher will ask the students to ● The students will participate in the
return to the classroom carpet with discussion.
their t-charts.
● The teacher will then ask them to
provide some of the distinguishing
characteristics of their woozles,
recording their results on a large piece
of chart paper.
The teacher will engage in formative assessment to evaluate students’ progress. The teacher
will assess students by engaging them in class discussion, observing them during the sorting
activity, and taking anecdotal notes to record any difficulties students may be having to later
address them through conferencing or differentiated activities.
● Laminated Woozle cards - at the corner of the teacher’s desk (Appendix H)
● Chart paper with venn diagrams - on the easel at the front of the room
● Markers - in the back closet
● Writing utensils - at the writing center
● Paper - at the writing center
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● The teacher will divide students into ● The students will pair up and return to
pairs. They will give each student a their desks with their materials.
large sheet of chart paper with a venn ● Each pair of students will sort their
diagram already drawn on it and two woozles into the designated
chosen categories from the categories.
brainstorming session written over ● Once the students have completed
each bubble. The teacher will also their venn diagrams, they are to ask
provide each pair of students with a the teacher to take a picture of their
set of woozles. sort.
● The teacher will explain to students
that they are to sort their woozles into
the categories provided.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Once the students have finished their ● The students will record the results of
venn diagrams, the teacher will their sort on the paper provided.
provide them with a piece of paper
and writing utensils.
● The teacher will then explain that the
students should record the results of
their sort on their piece of paper.
(Example: There are __ pink woozles.
There are __ woozles that have hair.
__ woozles are pink and have hair. __
woozles are not pink and don’t have
● The teacher will post the pictures of
each pairs’ sort as well as their
recorded results in the classroom.
The teacher will assess this lesson through formative assessment. This assessment will be
completed by observing students during the activity, engaging them in class discussion, and
collecting students’ completed venn diagrams and recorded results. The teacher will take
anecdotal notes to record any difficulties students may having, so they may later be addressed.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Have students sit on class mat ● Students will sit on the mat and listen
● Using the whiteboard draw this pattern to the teacher.
out: ● They will answer the sorting rule
● Once the activity is completed, they
will return to their desks.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Give the students attribute blocks. ● Return to desks and wait for attribute
● Ensure each student has enough to blocks.
create at least one sorting rule. ● Practice creating their own sorting
● While students are practicing, rule.
circulate around the room and note ● Return to the mat and listen to new
which students appear to be instructions.
struggling. ● Return to their desk and draw their
● After an appropriate amount of time own sorting rule on the provided
has been given, have the students stop paper. They must also be able to
and return to the mat. explain their sorting rule.
● Tell them they are working really hard
and doing a great job.
● Explain to them they are going to do
the same thing, but the only difference
is they must draw their sort on a piece
of paper provided.
● Send them back to their desk with a
piece of paper.
● Circulate around the room and assist
any students who need it.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Once the students have finished their ● Return to mat with sorting rules.
sort drawing, have them return to the ● Present the rule to the class.
mat with it. ● Write and draw in their math journal
● Have each student present their sort what their sort rule is.
rule to the class. While they present,
take anecdotal notes about each
student’s sorting rule.
● Hand out their math journals.
● Get the students to write and draw
what their sorting rule is.
● Anecdotal notes
● Sorting activity creation
● Presentation notes
● Math Journal
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Have the students sit on the class mat ● Students will sit on the mat in the front
at the front of the room. of the class.
● Ask the students what a sorting rule is. ● They will participate in the class
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● The teacher will hand out the activity ● Students will sit at their desks.
sheets to students. (Appendix I) ● Students will complete the activity
● The teacher will ensure that the sheet.
attribute blocks are out on the table.
● The teacher will circulate and make
sure that students stay on track.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Activity sheet
● Anecdotal notes for paddle board activity
What teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Set up the stations with the materials ● Students will actively listen to the
ready to go prior to starting the lesson. Teacher while they explain the
● The teacher will then explain each of different shape stations and what they
the stations the students will be will be doing at each one.
traveling to.
1. 2-D and 3-D connections - Students
will sort the items shown on the cards
(Appendix K) first by 2-D shapes
(Triangle, Circle, Square and
Rectangle) on the provided mat.
● After each group has rotated through ● Students will come to the mat
each station, the teacher will call the
students back to the mat to complete a
class discussion of 3-D shapes.
● Instruction of faces, vertices, and
edges in respect to 3-D shapes. ● Students will actively listen to the
● Have students work with a group teacher’s explanation of the meaning
(same one as during the stations) to of the terms faces, vertices, and edges
count the number of faces, vertices, in respect to 3-D Shapes.
and edges of a cube, cylinder, ● Students will gather in the same
pyramid, sphere and cone using 3-D groups they were in for their station
block manipulatives. The group will work and record the number of faces,
record their findings on a the 3-D vertices and edges of a cube, cylinder,
shapes activity sheet (Appendix M). pyramid, sphere and cone using the
● Go over this same information at the correlating manipulatives on the
front of class, and make a poster for activity sheet.
reference ● Students will contribute to the
information discussed to aid the
teacher in creating a reference poster.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● The teacher will gather students on the ● Students will actively listen and
mat and lead them through the book, contribute to the discussion during the
Cubes, Cones, Cylinders and Spheres read aloud of the book Cubes, Cones,
by Tana Hoban. Cylinders and Spheres conducted by
● This book has no words and only the teacher.
pictures, which will be great for
leading students in discussion and
exercising new information learned.
● The teacher will prompt students to
identify the 3-D shapes explored in the
book as well as the items they are
taking on in the ‘real world.’ The
teacher will get students to brainstorm
other items they know of that are
shaped like spheres, cylinders, cones,
pyramids and cubes.
- This lesson would act as an introduction to 3-D shapes moving on from 2-D shapes.
There is not much evaluation required for this lesson as it is being used merely to give
students the chance to be introduced to and to explore 3-D shapes, to see the
connections between 2-D and 3-D shapes, and to be exposed to the concepts, attributes
and terminology that will be used during the coming lessons. Anecdotal notes,
observations and conversations with students will be used, however, to look back upon
and to tailor coming lessons to address student difficulties or those who are excelling.
Some forms of formative assessment used during this lesson may include:
- Anecdotal notes taken during discussions and observations
- Conversations
- Observations during stations
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Split students into equal groups with ● Students will gather with their groups
varying skill levels and strengths. and travel to their first station.
Assign groups to a station to begin
their rotation.
● Ensure to manage noise levels and be ● Students will keep their voices to an
available for questions. acceptable level and be sure they are
● Circulate throughout the classroom on task. When the teacher is
while students are learning; be sure to interacting with students, they will
observe students’ authentic learning answer questions asked and show their
experiences and take anecdotal notes. understanding.
● Split up time at the stations equally,
and set a timer up on the SmartBoard, ● Students will clean up their stations at
so that students can be aware of time the one-minute warning and rotate
remaining at the specific station. Give quietly when prompted.
a one-minute warning, so they can tidy
their stations/put away materials
before moving on.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Following the stations, students will ● Students will bring their freezer bags
return back to their desks/tables and containing their nets to their
bring along their paper nets they made desks/tables.
at one of the learning stations.
● After everyone is settled, the next ● Students will actively listen to the
activity will be introduced - which is instructions being explained by the
the ‘3-D Robot Challenge’. teacher. Students will communicate
○ Students will be challenged to their understanding of the activity
create a robot or another before beginning. While working,
creation using the nets they students will keep their voices to a
made earlier at the learning respectable level. After completing,
center. Students will be students will put their creations into
allowed to create additional their freezer bags.
nets to add to their creation if
they would like.
○ This activity will be a part of
the next planned lesson
concerning describing 3D
shapes/objects. Their creations
will be returned to their labeled
freezer bag and kept safe by
the teacher.
*Note: An example of a net robot will be
handy to show students an example ● Students will actively listen to the
● At the conclusion of this lesson, the review and take part in the discussion
teacher will lead a quick review about concerning the learning stations.
the learning stations and the creation
of 3D shapes/objects.
● Observations from stations
● Anecdotal notes from stations
● Participation in discussions/questions
● Collection of net creations
● Scissors - communal tub of scissors located on the Class Supply Shelf in a labeled
● Glue Sticks - communal tub of glue sticks located on the Class Supply Shelf in a
labeled container
● Markers - communal tub of glue sticks located on the Class Supply Shelf in a labeled
● Edge, Face and Vertex Sheet (Appendix O) - Photocopies will be made beforehand and
kept in the left-hand corner of the teacher’s desk
● Net Creation Activity Sheet (Robot) (Appendix P) - Photocopies will be made
beforehand and kept in the left-hand corner of the teacher’s desk
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● The teacher will lead the students ● Students will listen to the teacher as
through the activity verbalizing the they explain the instructions of this
instructions and modeling the steps at activity and follow the steps lead by
the front of the class. the teacher.
○ Fold the piece of construction
paper in half and cut along the
crease, separating the sheet
into 2.
○ Turn one half of the sheet
vertically, take the top right
hand corner across the sheet
and line it up with the left-hand
○ Unfold, and repeat with the top
left hand corner. Then fold the
bottom portion of the paper up.
Unfold once more.
○ Turn the paper so that the
rectangle portion of the paper
is at the top. Then cut along the
crease that starts in the bottom
left-hand corner to the middle.
The bottom triangle is the
piece that will slide underneath
to create the pyramid when
○ After the cutting is complete,
students will take a marker and
label one triangle of the
pyramid “face”.
○ Students will then draw along
one of the creases of the
pyramid. They will draw an
arrow pointing to this line and
label it “edge”.
○ Finally, they will then colour a
circle using a marker in the
middle (where the creases
meet) of the pyramid. Students
will draw an arrow to this
circle, and label it “vertex”.
○ Students will then glue their
foldable geometry insert into
their math journals and use a
paperclip to assemble the
● Following this activity, students will ● Students will complete the activity
complete an activity sheet (Edge, Face sheet about edges, faces and vertices
and Vertex Sheet) (Appendix O) that of 3-D shapes.
will have students practicing
describing 3-D objects.
● The teacher will then hand back the ● Students will work on the net creations
students’ net creations from the sheet based off of their robot/object.
previous lesson, along with a ‘Net
Creation’ activity sheet (Appendix P).
○ Students will have to identify
the types of 3-D shapes used
when creating their net robots
or objects.
○ They will then have to identify
the number of faces, vertices
and edges in each of the shapes
they have used.
○ Students will have to then add
the total number of vertices,
edges and faces that their
creations have total.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● After completing their ‘net creation’ ● Students will present their work to the
activity sheet, students will present teacher as well as their peers.
their creations and information
regarding the shapes they have used to
the class.
*Note: If a student feels uncomfortable doing
so, they are able to present to their table group
or the teacher privately.
● Presentation of net creation and information pertaining to their creation
● Collection of “Edge, Face and Vertex” worksheet
● 3-D Attribute blocks - Back cupboard
● 2-D Attribute blocks - Back cupboard
● Activity Sheet (Appendix Q) - On the teacher’s desk
● Chart paper and markers - Back of the class
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Have the students sit in groups at ● The students will listen and engage in
circle tables. Each table will be the class discussion and participate in
provided with the 3-D shapes to be the game.
discussed. ● They will engage in group
● The teacher will review the 3-D participation.
objects that have been previously ● They will listen to instruction.
taught (sphere, pyramid, cube, cone, ● They will then return to their tables.
● The teacher will then play a game with
the class. Using the 2-D attribute
blocks, show students a 2-D shape
(circle, square,or triangle). Provide a
variety of 3-D objects on the table and
ask the student to choose one that has
a face that matches the picture.
● As a group, the students will need to
determine which one may work and
show the teacher their selection.
● Once finished, bring the students to
the mat.
● Go over the vertices, faces and edges
of each shape. (Cube, sphere, cones,
cylinders, pyramids, rectangular
● Show the students the activity sheet
(Appendix Q).
● The students are required to fill the
sheet in with the proper answers.
● Send students back to tables where
they can use the 3-D attribute blocks.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● The teacher will send the students ● The students will return to their desks
back to their desk to complete the task. and complete activity sheet.
● Ensure students have 3-D attribute
blocks and the activity sheet
(Appendix Q).
● Circulate around the class and help if
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Once the students have completed the ● Student will participate in the class
sheet, the teacher will call the students discussion.
back to the carpet to regroup.
● The teacher will ask the students for
the answer to each shape and record
their responses on a large piece of
chart paper. (Copy activity sheet).
● Once they have answered each shape
question, ask if the students notice any
similarities; ie: what shapes have the
same amount of vertices, edges, etc.
Note the similarities on another piece
of chart paper.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● The teacher will review the 3-D ● The students will listen, engage in the
objects that have been previously class discussion, and participate in the
taught (sphere, pyramid, cube, cone, game.
● The teacher will then play a game with
the class found in Appendix R.
Students will take turns to help sort
the cards into the right categories.
● The teacher will instruct the students ● Students will listen to the instructions.
on how they must create their own ● The students will return to their desks
sorting rule using the activity sheet and find images in the flyers to help
(Appendix S) and flyers. Explain to create their sorting rule.
the students that they must cut pictures
from the flyer and make their own
sorting rule. They also must find
pictures that do not fit their sorting
● The teacher will send the students
back to their desks to complete the
● Ensure each student has scissors, glue
and flyers at each table.
● Circulate throughout the class and
help if needed.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Once the students have completed ● Each student will present their sort to
their collages, the teacher will call the the class. They need to ensure that
students back to the carpet to regroup. they describe their sorting rule.
● The teacher will ask each student to
present to the class their sorting rule.
● Once all students have presented, the
teacher will collect the sheet for
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Prior to the lesson, the teacher will ● Students will participate in the
tape out a shape on the floor (square, discussion and answer questions when
triangle, rectangle, square, etc.) big prompted.
enough for the students to walk ● Students will draw the shape on their
around. clipboard.
● Ask the students if they can name the
shape or any of the attributes of the
shape using the correct terminology.
● Provide students with clipboards,
paper, and writing utensils so that
students may draw the shape on their
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● The teacher will explain that the ● The students will take their clipboards,
students will go on a shape hunt paper, and writing utensils and find
explaining that they must find the 2-D objects around the classroom, or on
shape on the floor in 3-D objects the playground, that match the 2-D
around the classroom or schoolyard. shape taped out in the classroom.
● The teacher will then model the Students will record their findings on
activity for the students. For instance, their clipboards.
if the shape on the floor is a square,
the teacher may show students a
wooden block shaped like a cube and
explain the similarities between the
face of the block and the square on the
● The teacher will then allow students to
take their clipboards, paper, and
writing utensils on their shape hunt.
This may be completed in the
classroom, or students may conduct
their shape hunt outside on school
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Once the students have completed ● Students will participate in the class
their shape hunt, the teacher will call discussion providing the teacher with
them back to the classroom carpet. the results of their shape hunt.
The teacher will provide each student
with the opportunity to give an
example of a 3-D object that matches
the 2-D shape on the floor as well as
the similarities between the two.
● The teacher will record students’
results on a large piece of chart paper
to publish in the classroom.
For the purpose of this lesson, the teacher will engage in formative assessment. Assessment
will be completed by observing students, engaging them in classroom conversations, and
collecting the results of students’ shape hunt. The teacher will use this assessment to
understand how well students are understanding the content of the course and to address an
difficulties that may be occurring.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● The teacher will review the previous ● The students will listen and engage in
lesson explaining that many 2-D the class discussion.
shapes can be found in 3-D objects.
● The teacher will then show examples
of each 2-D shape discussed in a 3-D
object. For example, show how an ice
cream cone has similar attributes to a
triangle, a basketball looks like a
circle, a box might look like a square,
and the top of a table looks like a
rectangle. The teacher will also allow
for student input.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Prior to the lesson, the teacher will ● Each group of four or five students
have set out four different shapes of will sit at a table with a poster board
poster board: a circle, a square, a shape on it.
rectangle, and a triangle. The teacher ● The students at the each station must
will also have set out piles of use the magazines to identify their
magazines next to each of the shapes. assigned 2-D shape in the 3-D objects
● The teacher will divide students into found in the magazine. For instance,
groups of four or five and explain that those students sitting at the table with
the students will be creating 3-D shape a circle-shaped poster board will
collages in their groups. search for objects like balls, burgers,
pizzas, etc.
● The students will cut out the images
they find in the magazines that match
their designated 2-D shape and glue
them on their poster board.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Once the students have completed ● Each group of students will present
their collages, the teacher will call the their collages to their class. They will
students back to the carpet to regroup. describe the items they glued on their
● The teacher will ask each group of collages and what makes their images
students to explain the different items similar to their given shape.
that can be found in their collages as
well as their reasoning.
● Once all groups have presented, the
teacher will publish the collages on the
wall for student reference.
For the purpose of this lesson, the teacher will assess students through formative assessment.
The teacher will use classroom discussions, observations during the activities, and students’
presentations to gauge how well students are understanding the content, so they may address
and issues occurring.
● Set up the smart board and the ● Students will then sit on the mat and
computer answer the questions asked by the
● Have the students sitting on the mat in teacher.
front of the board.
● Have students search for the shapes in
the two pictures provided. Have
students participate by coming up and
circling the shapes they see in the
● You may prompt them if they are
having difficulty.
● Once all the pictures have been
reviewed, tell them about the super
mission they are about to go on.
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● The teacher will then explain the super ● Students will listen to the instructions
mission they are about to go on. They for the activity.
must search for the hidden shapes that ● Students will get a clipboard and a
are in the classroom. pencil.
● Using the graphic organizer, students ● Students will participate in the activity
will search their classroom and fill in the graphic organizer with
environment for the following shapes: the shapes they discover.
cubes, spheres, pyramids, cones, and
cylinders. Then they will record their
● Each student will receive a graphic
organizer (Appendix T), a clipboard,
and a pencil.
● Have the students search the
● After the allotted time has passed, ask ● Students will meet the teacher back at
the students to return to the mat and the mat. Each student will hand in
discuss their findings. their shape hunt sheet.
● Use the smart board to record their ● They will listen to the following
findings. instructions.
● Collect the students sheets. Ensure ● They will be split into groups
they have placed their names on the ● They must then participate in the
paper. activity, and work as a team.
● Explain the next activity (Appendix
● Handout one sheet per group and one
ipod per group.
● The students will using the class
ipods, and in groups of 2-3 people,
they will search around the room for a
shape with a QR Code. One student
will scan the code and the other
student(s) will fill in the answers on
their given sheet.
● Circulate throughout the room in case
the students need help. Some students
may have difficulty with the QR code
What the teacher will do: What the students will do:
● Ask the students to regroup at the mat. ● Students will return to the mat.
They must hand in their work. Ensure ● Students will hand in their work and
all group members’ names are on the then return to their desks.
sheet. ● They will play bingo.
● Ask the students to return to their ● If they believe they have a bingo, they
Brantley, A. (n.d.). Crazy for First Grade. Retrieved February 26, 2018, from
New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. (1998). Atlantic
Canada English Language Arts Curriculum: Elementary K-3. Retrieved from
New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. (2014). Visual
Arts Education Grades K-2 Curriculum. Retrieved from
Crazy for First Grade. (n.d.). Retrieved February 27, 2018, from