Lesson Plan: Step 1: Curriculum Connections

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Name: Erin Valenzuela Minesing Central – Mr.

Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Exploring Free Verse Poetry - continued Grade: 5 Date: Monday March 27
Subject/Strand: Language Unit: Poetry Location: portable 808
Times: 9:10 – 10:30
Lesson Plan Description (What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of the unit? What are the big ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)
***This lesson is a continuation from March 26
This lesson will be an introduction to the free verse poem. Students have been working on a poetry unit in language and as part of
their final culminating task they are to create a 5 poem anthology around a topic they like. Part of that 5 poem requirement is a free
verse poem. This lesson will help students build a greater understanding of poetry as they move towards their final culminating task
and later language studies.
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (numbers from documents and details)
1. generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience
Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations and Achievement Chart Categories
(Numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont. Curriculum, (refined when necessary): realistic number of expectations (1 or 2), connect to
assessment. Indicate category in brackets beside specific expectation :Knowledge and Understanding( K ) Thinking (T); Communication (C); Application(A)
1.1 identify the topic, purpose, and audience for a variety of writing forms (e.g., a poem or song on a social issue for performance by
the class; a formal letter to the teacher outlining their opinion on eliminating soft drinks from the school vending machine; an article
explaining the water cycle and including a flow chart, for an online student encyclopedia) (K and T)
Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (Clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do, in language that
students can readily understand.)
Today we are learning to
-identify the qualities of a Free Verse Poem in order to write our own Free Verse Poem
Purpose of the lesson (indicate purpose for this lesson/assessment) [ X ] FOR [ ] AS [ ] OF

Success Criteria Discuss with students: How will I know I have learned what I need to learn? (Clearly identify the criteria to assess student’s learning: evidence of
learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and thinking, in language that students can readily understand). Indicate the Achievement Chart
We know we are successful when we can
-describe the rules, if any, of a Free Verse Poem
-create a Free Verse Poem
Assessment Mode- Written, Oral, Assessment Strategy and Task for Students- Assessment Tool - Instrument used to
Performance (Write, Say, Do) What are the students doing to show their learning? assess; Record Keeping format
Written Students will continue to create their own Students will share their practice poems
practice Free Verse poems based on the criteria with an elbow partner for assessment as
that makes a Free Verse poem. feedback if they did not do so in the
Students will begin their final Free Verse poem previous lesson. They will be provided with
using feedback from previous lesson submission. 1 muscle and 1 arrow as they move into
further practice.
Students will share their poems with the
class and teacher will complete checkbric
to document completion and progress.
Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have
Students will have prior learning of Free Verse poetry from yesterday’s lesson.
I.E.P. program implications: Accommodations, Modifications
IEP accommodations include using computers to type instead of print poems. Students can also scribe if needed.
One IEP has a grade lower modification in Language so Learning Goals may be modified to incorporate grade four curriculum in the
same strand if needed.
One student is on an alternative IEP and as such he will participate is listening to poems being shared and communicating with same
aged peers. While students are working on writing their own poems he will engage in alternative language tasks such as identifying the
letters in his name.
Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Environment, Assessment
Students can use computers or iPad’s to document their poems.
If students are uncomfortable presenting in the large whole group, they can present their work in progress one on one with the
Learning Skills/Work Habits: [ X ] responsibility, [ ] organization, [ ] independent work, [ ] collaboration, [X] initiative, [ X ] self-regulation

Vocabulary: (for word wall addition or reference and/or to develop schema for this lesson. To be addressed in lesson)
Free Verse Poem
Resources and Materials /Technology Integration: List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson. Include any attachments of student worksheets used
and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use of Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan where appropriate.
Shel Silverstein’s Where the Sidewalk Ends and A Light in the Attic
Free Verse Anchor chart
White board and markers
Learning Goals and Success Criteria Anchor chart
Muscle and Arrow feedback form for peer assessment
Three Part Lesson Identify what the students are expected to think about or do.
What Teachers Do: Write the lesson description with enough What Students do: Identify what the students are expected to
detail that another teacher could replicate the lesson without a think about or do (in terms of learning processes).
personal discussion. Prompts and guiding questions are
required in each section.
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /Introduction (5-15 min)
Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to guide lesson.
Time: 9:10 – 9:25 (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)
Students will be transitioning into the classroom from the Students will be expected to entry the classroom and find their
morning bell. seats beginning cursive writing tasks right away as is the regular
Teacher will have cursive writing questions on the board “What routine.
is your goal for this week?”
Teacher will set the classroom timer to 5 minutes for students to
complete this writing task.
When timer concludes, teacher will call students attention to
the front to begin lesson.
“Attention…1, 2, 3…Ready
Good morning everyone. I’m happy to see you here today. This
morning for our first language lesson, we are going to look
further into poetry again, specifically at the form we looked at Student will be expected to raise their hands to share their ideas.
yesterday, the Free Verse Poem. What did we discuss Responses could include:
yesterday?” ‘you can write anything you want’, ‘it can have as many syllables as
-teacher will wait for students to raise their hands to share. you want’
“Let’s remember, a Free Verse poem is a poem that is just that.
Free. It has no rules like our other poems so far have had. It can
be any length. It can rhyme or not rhyme. It can have as many
syllables on each line as you like”.
-teacher will draw student’s attention to anchor chart listing Students will be expected to turn their attention to the charts.
rules, or rather lack thereof rules, for reference.
“I have brought a few more examples to share with your today.
This book is called A Light in the Attic and it was also written by
Canadian author Shel Silverstein who we read from yesterday”.
-teacher will read “It’s Hot”, and “Skin Stealers” as further Students will be expected to sit at their seats and listen to the
examples of Free Verse poems. poems being read to them.
“Well class, what did you think about those examples Free Verse Students will be expected to share their thoughts after raising their
poems?” hands.
-teacher will call on students who have their hands raised to
share their ideas
“Before we get back to work on poetry of our own, let’s look at
our learning goals and success criteria again for today”.
-teacher will draw student’s attention to the learning goals and
success criteria anchor chart.
“Today we are continuing to learn how to identify the qualities Students will be expected to follow along as teacher reviews the
of a Free Verse Poem in order to write our own Free Verse learning goals and success criteria.
Poem. We will know we are successful when we can describe
the rules, if any, of a Free Verse Poem and create a Free Verse
Poem on our own”
Action: During /Working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Focus is on student interactions with task/peers/teacher. Identify students/groups receiving teacher direction.
Time: 9:25 – 9:50 (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)
“Before we get started working on our own, let’s go back to the Students will be expected to share ideas by raising their hands.
poem we wrote together yesterday. Who can remind us how we Responses could be:
wrote this poem?" ‘we picked a topic we wanted to write about first’
-teacher will wait for students to raise hands to share ‘then we wrote one idea on each line until our thoughts were
“Great. Who can remind me again what the rules are for writing complete’
a Free Verse poem?”
-teacher will wait for students to raise their hand to share that Students will be expected to raise their hands to share their
there are no rules answers.
“That’s right. Let’s get started on our own poems again. If you
were able to share with an elbow partner yesterday, try to use
the feedback they gave you as you work on your final Free Verse Students will be expected to get started on their own Free Verse
Poem for your Anthology. If you are still working on your poem.
practice poem, try to get enough done today so that you can
share with an elbow partner for feedback. I will be available to
help and we will share our poems together at the end of the
-teacher will walk around the classroom to be available for
support such as spelling words or answering any other questions
that students may generate.
-with five minutes left in the work portion of the class, teacher
will call students attention to give them a time warning.
“Attention…1, 2, 3…Ready. Class we have 5 more minutes to Students will be expected to bring their attention back to the
work on our independent poems. Then we will come back whole group instruction and finish up their work within the last
together and share some of what you have created” five minutes of the work period.
-teacher will wait 5 minutes and then instruct students to
consolidate the lesson.
“Class it is time to put our pencils or keyboards down and come Students will be expected to return to their seats if they were
back to your desk so we can review all that you have seating in another area around the classroom.
Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)
Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection. Close the assessment loop.
Time: 9:50 – 10:05 (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)
“Great work class. Today we set out to identify the rules of a Students will be expected to draw their attention to the success
Free Verse poem so we could write our own Free Verse poem. criteria on the anchor chart and raise their hands to answer how
How do we know if we were successful?” they know we were successful in achieving our learning goals.
-teacher will wait for students to raise their hands and will call
them to share the success criteria. If they are unable to identify
this, teacher will direct them to the anchor chart
“Wonderful. Now before the period is over, I am going to give
you a piece of paper. Please use this to give your elbow partner Students will be expected to turn to their elbow partner and read
feedback on the poem they are going to share with you. The their poem to one another. Students will then be expected to
feedback needs to include at least 1 muscle, and 1 one arrow. provide their elbow partner with at least 1 muscle and 1 arrow as a
You will use this feedback to help you create your Free Verse means of peer feedback.
Poem that will be in your anthology at the end of the unit. Does
anyone have any question?” Students will have the opportunity to ask questions such as those
-teacher will answer any questions that arise. These could noted.
include ‘can we give more than 1 muscle’ to which the response
is always ‘yes’
-teacher will give students 5 minutes to do this and then call
students back together to share a few poems.
“Would anyone like to share their poem or part of their poem
with us? It is good practice for when you will present your
Anthology to us next week”
-teacher will wait for a volunteer or ask a student who she has
been listening to if they would like to share. There will be no
pressure to share at this point in time.
“Great work this morning everyone. If you have not done so
already, please submit your poem to the google drive if you Students will be expected to each submit a poem they have started
used your tech, or hand in your paper copy to me so I can also working on for teacher feedback.
give you some feedback going forward. I am really looking
forward to reading all of your work”.

10:05-10:20 – Guided Writing Group work Students will be expected to stand and move before settling back
-once students have submitted their poems, teacher will into their chairs to move into award time groups.
transition into next part of the language block.
“Alright class, take a minute to stand up and shake out some
energy. Come back to your desks when I get to the number 1
and we will get ready to move into our award time groups.
This morning I will working with Group 5 to complete their
culminating task on the towers project that was started last
week. Mr. Donaldson will be checking in with other groups for
an update on your Poetry progress. If you have word work to If students have questions, they will be expected to raise their
complete this week, you may be working on that as well. Are hands.
there any questions about this next portion of language?”
-teacher will wait to see if anyone has any questions but it is not
expected there will be any. Students in group 5 will be expected to meet at the blue table
“Let’s get to work then. Group 5, could you please meet me at quickly with their materials from home.
the blue table with any materials you have brought from home
to work on your towers”
-this group includes 5 students (Jack, Ross, Keiran, Phoenix,
-teacher will move to the blue table and wait for students to
meet there. If needed, to help students stay on task, teacher will
stand by their desks to get them moving. Teacher will give next
instruction once they are at the all at the blue table Students will be expected to share what they remember from their
“Alright group. Today you are working on building a tower based previous reading or if needed, reference the material again and
on the reading we did last week with Mr. Donaldson on the draw out important features they previously discussed.
Eiffel Tower in Paris. You will have the remainder of the period
to get to work. Please use any of the materials you have brought
from home or you may use the popsicle sticks that are available
in the drawer. I will be available if you need any support. Before
you get started though, what are some of the features you read
about the Eiffel Tower having that you might want to
incorporate into your tower today?”
-teacher will wait for students to think and share their thoughts.
Teacher will have guided reading article available to go back
through if needed Students will be expected to work on their towers at the blue table
“It sounds like you have some great ideas. I look forward to for the reminder of the work period (10:45 at which time they will
seeing your finished towers! Let’s get to work” be instructed to clean up for the transition into nutrition and
outdoor recess).
Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)
This lesson will extend into the culminating task for the poetry unit where students will now work to complete their final submissions
for presenting beginning April 6th.
This lesson could lead to an exploration of Canadian authors such as Shel Silverstein and a novel study embracing Canadian authors.
Personal Reflection - Choose at least one question from each area that best allows you reflect on this lesson. Questions should
vary over the week and specific plans.
Learner Empowerment
1. How did students show understanding of expectations?
2. How did my lesson transform students from “passive
listeners” to “active participants”?
3. Was my behavior management technique effective?
4. Were students able to transition to the next activity
5. How does the lesson provide a meta-cognitive
opportunity for students to address their own learning?

Instructional Strategy
1. Was my motivational technique (hook) effective? Why?
2. What will I do to improve questions? Was a balance
between teacher and student talk evident?
3. How did the task provide a Rich Performance
opportunity or other way of actively demonstrating
4. How did I provide modeling, guided &/or independent
5. Was my behavior management technique effective?
6. Were students able to transition to the next activity
Professional Educator
1. What factors may have influenced the success of this
lesson? Did I note and respond to these elements
2. How might I improve the effectiveness of my teaching
for my next lesson?
3. What additional proactive management step(s) should
be considered for subsequent lessons? Why?
4. What did I learn from this lesson about my own
effectiveness as a teacher (strengths and areas for
future improvement of communication, planning,
differentiation, implementation and classroom
organization, management, assessment)?
5. How is my growth as a professional being

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