Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Acute Myeloid Leukemia
What is acute myeloid leukemia?
Cancer starts when cells in a part of the body begins to grow out of control and can spread to
other areas of the body. There are many kinds of cancer. Cells in nearly any part of the body
can become cancer. To learn more about how cancers start and spread, see What Is Cancer?
Leukemias are cancers that start in cells that would normally develop into different types of
blood cells. Here we will talk about acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has many other names, including acute myelocytic
leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia, and acute non-
lymphocytic leukemia.
“Acute” means that this leukemia can progress quickly if not treated, and would probably be
fatal in a few months. “Myeloid” refers to the type of cell this leukemia starts from.
Most cases of AML develop from cells that would turn into white blood cells (other than
lymphocytes), but some cases of AML develop in other types of blood-forming cells. The
different types of AML are listed in “How is acute myeloid leukemia classified?”
AML starts in the bone marrow (the soft inner part of certain bones, where new blood cells
are made), but in most cases it quickly moves into the blood. It can sometimes spread to
other parts of the body including the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, central nervous system
(brain and spinal cord), and testicles.
Other types of cancer can start in these organs and then spread to the bone marrow. But these
cancers that start elsewhere and then spread to the bone marrow are not leukemias.
Normal bone marrow, blood, and lymphoid tissue
To understand the different types of leukemia, it helps to know about the blood and lymph
Bone marrow
Bone marrow is the soft inner part of some bones such as the skull, shoulder blades, ribs,
pelvic (hip) bones, and backbones. The bone marrow is made up of a small number of blood
stem cells, more mature blood-forming cells, fat cells, and supporting tissues that help cells
Inside the bone marrow, blood stem cells develop into new blood cells. During this process,
the cells become either lymphocytes (a kind of white blood cell) or other blood-forming
cells, which are types of myeloid cells. These other blood-forming cells can develop into red
blood cells, white blood cells (other than lymphocytes), or platelets.
Types of leukemia
Not all leukemias are the same. There are 4 main types of leukemia. Knowing the specific
type helps doctors better predict each patient’s prognosis (outlook) and select the best
The only proven lifestyle-related risk factor for AML is smoking. Many people know that
smoking is linked to cancers of the lungs, mouth, throat, and larynx (voice box), but few
realize that it can also affect cells that don’t come into direct contact with smoke. Cancer-
causing substances in tobacco smoke are absorbed by the lungs and spread through the
bloodstream to many parts of the body.
Radiation exposure
High-dose radiation exposure (such as being a survivor of an atomic bomb blast or nuclear
reactor accident) increases the risk of developing AML. Japanese atomic bomb survivors had
a greatly increased risk of developing acute leukemia, most often about 6 to 8 years after
Radiation treatment for cancer has also been linked to an increased risk of AML. The risk
varies based on the amount of radiation given and what area is treated, but is not as high as
was seen after the atomic bomb blasts.
The possible risks of leukemia from exposure to lower levels of radiation, such as from
imaging tests like x-rays or CT scans, are not well-defined. If a fetus is exposed to radiation
within the first months of development, it may carry an increased risk of leukemia, but the
extent of the risk is not clear. If there is an increased risk it is likely to be small, but to be
safe, most doctors try to limit radiation exposure from tests as much as possible, especially in
children and pregnant women.
For more information, see X-rays, Gamma Rays and Cancer Risk.
Family history
Although most cases of AML are not thought to have a strong genetic link, having a close
relative (such as a parent or sibling) with AML increases your risk of getting the disease.
Someone who has an identical twin who got AML before they were a year old has a very
high risk of also getting AML.
Older age
AML can occur at any age, but it becomes more common as people get older.
Male gender
AML is more common in males than in females. The reason for this is not clear.
Uncertain, unproven or controversial risk factors
Other factors that have been studied for a possible link to AML include:
• Exposure to electromagnetic fields (such as living near power lines)
• Workplace exposure to diesel, gasoline, and certain other chemicals and solvents
• Exposure to herbicides or pesticides
So far, none of these factors has been linked conclusively to AML. Research in these areas is
General symptoms
Patients with AML often have several non-specific (general) symptoms. These can include:
• Weight loss
• Fatigue
• Fever
• Night sweats
• Loss of appetite
Of course, these are not just symptoms of AML, and more often are caused by something
other than leukemia.
Blood samples
Blood samples for tests for AML are generally taken from a vein in the arm.
Spinal fluid
The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is the liquid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. AML can
sometimes spread to the area around the brain and spinal cord. To check for this spread,
doctors remove a sample of CSF for testing. The procedure used to remove this fluid is called
a lumbar puncture (spinal tap). A lumbar puncture is not often used to test for AML, unless
the patient is having symptoms that could be caused by leukemia cells spreading into the
brain and spinal cord.
For this test, the patient may lie on his side or sit up. The doctor first numbs an area of skin
on the lower part of the back over the spine. A small, hollow needle is then inserted between
the bones of the spine into the area around the spinal cord to withdraw some of the fluid. A
lumbar puncture is sometimes used to deliver chemotherapy drugs into the CSF to help
prevent or treat the spread of leukemia to the spinal cord and brain.
For cytochemistry tests, cells are exposed to chemical stains (dyes) that react with only some
types of leukemia cells. These stains cause color changes that can be seen under a
microscope, which can help the doctor determine what types of cells are present. For
instance, one stain can help distinguish AML cells from acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)
cells. The stain causes the granules of most AML cells to appear as black spots under the
microscope, but it does not cause ALL cells to change colors.
For this test, a cell’s chromosomes (long strands of DNA) are looked at under a microscope.
Normal human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes, each of which are a certain size and
stain a certain way. In some cases of AML, the cells have chromosome changes that can be
seen under a microscope.
For instance, 2 chromosomes may swap some of their DNA, so that part of one chromosome
becomes attached to part of a different chromosome. This change, called a translocation, can
usually be seen under a microscope. Other types of chromosome changes are also possible
(see below). Recognizing these changes can help identify certain types of AML and can be
important in determining a patient’s outlook.
It usually takes about 2 to 3 weeks to get results for this test because the leukemia cells must
be grown in lab dishes for a couple of weeks before their chromosomes can be looked at
under the microscope.
The results of cytogenetic testing are written in a shorthand form that describes the
chromosome changes:
• A translocation, written as t(8;21), for example, means a part of chromosome 8 is now
located on chromosome 21, and vice versa.
• An inversion, written as inv(16), for example, means that part of the chromosome 16 is
now in reverse order but is still attached to the chromosome.
• A deletion, written as del(7) or -7, for example, indicates part of chromosome 7 has been
• An addition or duplication, +8, for example, means that all or part of chromosome 8 has
been duplicated, and too many copies of it are found within the cell.
Not all chromosome changes can be seen under a microscope. Other lab tests can often detect
these changes.
Routine chest x-rays may be done if a lung infection is suspected.
Subtypes M0 through M5 all start in immature forms of white blood cells. M6 AML starts in
very immature forms of red blood cells, while M7 AML starts in immature forms of cells that
make platelets.
Chromosome abnormalities
AML cells can have many kinds of chromosome changes, some of which can affect a
person’s prognosis. Those listed below are some of the most common, but there are many
others. Not all patients have these abnormalities. Patients without any of these usually have
an outlook that is between favorable and unfavorable.
Favorable abnormalities:
• Translocation between chromosomes 8 and 21 (seen most often in patients with M2)
• Inversion of chromosome 16 (seen most often in patients with M4 eos) or a translocation
between chromosome 16 and itself
• Translocation between chromosomes 15 and 17 (seen most often in patients with M3)
Unfavorable abnormalities:
• Deletion (loss) of part of chromosome 5 or 7 (no specific AML type)
• Translocation or inversion of chromosome 3
• Translocation between chromosomes 6 and 9
• Translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22
• Abnormalities of chromosome 11 (at the spot q23)
• Complex changes - those involving several chromosomes (no specific AML type)
Gene mutations
People whose leukemia cells have certain gene mutations may have a better or worse
For instance, about 1 patient out of 3 with AML has a mutation in the FLT3 gene. These
people tend to have a poorer outcome, but new drugs that target this abnormal gene are now
being studied, which may lead to better outcomes.
On the other hand, people with changes in the NPM1 gene (and no other abnormalities) seem
to have a better prognosis than people without this change. Changes in the CEBPA gene are
also linked to a better outcome.
In the coming years, doctors will use newer lab tests to learn more about the underlying
genetic defects that cause AML and how they can be used to predict a patient’s prognosis.
These genetic defects might also form the basis for treating these leukemias.
Treatment-related AML
AML that develops after treatment for another cancer tends is linked to a worse outcome.
Having an active systemic (blood) infection at the time of diagnosis makes a poor outcome
more likely.
ATRA is a form of vitamin A that is often part of the initial (induction) treatment of APL. It
is often given along with chemo. It can also be given with arsenic trioxide for the initial
treatment of APL, in which case no regular chemo drugs are given. If ATRA is part of the
initial treatment for APL, it is often used for some time after to help keep the leukemia from
coming back. For the consolidation phase of treatment, it may be used with chemo, with
arsenic trioxide, or with both chemo and arsenic trioxide. For longer-term maintenance,
ATRA might be used by itself or along with chemo.
ATRA can have side effects similar to those seen if you take too much vitamin A. Symptoms
can include headache, fever, dry skin and mouth, skin rash, swollen feet, sores in the mouth
or throat, itching, and irritated eyes. It can also cause blood lipid levels (like cholesterol and
triglycerides) to go up. Often blood liver tests become abnormal. These side effects often go
away when the drug is stopped.
Arsenic trioxide
Arsenic trioxide (ATO) is a form of arsenic, which can be a poison if given in high doses.
But doctors found that it can act in a way similar to ATRA in patients with APL. It can be
given with ATRA as the first treatment, but it is also helpful in treating patients whose APL
comes back after treatment with ATRA plus chemo. In these patients, ATO is given without
Most side effects of ATO are mild and can include fatigue (tiredness), nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, abdominal (belly) pain, and nerve damage (called neuropathy) leading to numbness
and tingling in the hands and feet. ATO can also cause problems with heart rhythm, which
can be serious. Your doctor may check your heart rhythm with an EKG often (even daily)
while you are getting this drug.
Differentiation syndrome
The most important side effect of either of these drugs is known as differentiation syndrome
(previously called retinoic acid syndrome). This occurs when the leukemia cells release
certain chemicals into the blood. It is most often seen during the first cycle of treatment.
Symptoms can include fever, breathing problems due to fluid buildup in the lungs and around
the heart, low blood pressure, kidney damage, and severe fluid buildup elsewhere in the
body. It can often be treated by stopping the drugs for a while and giving a steroid such as
Practical points
A stem cell transplant is a complex treatment that can sometimes cause life-threatening side
effects. If the doctors think you might benefit from a transplant, it should be done at a
hospital where the staff has experience with the procedure and with managing the recovery
phase. Some stem cell transplant programs might not have experience in certain types of
transplants, especially transplants from unrelated donors.
SCT is very expensive (costing well over $100,000) and often requires a lengthy hospital
stay. Because some types of SCT may be viewed as experimental by insurance companies,
they may not pay for the procedure. It is important to find out what your insurer will cover
before deciding on a transplant to get an idea of what you might have to pay.
Treating leukostasis
Some people with AML have very high numbers of leukemia cells in their blood when they
are diagnosed, which can cause problems with normal circulation. This is called leukostasis
and was discussed in “Signs and symptoms of acute myeloid leukemia.” Chemo can take a
few days to lower the number of leukemia cells in the blood. In the meantime, leukapheresis
(sometimes just called pheresis) might be used before chemo.
For this procedure, the patient’s blood is passed through a special machine that removes
white blood cells (including leukemia cells) and returns the rest of the blood to the patient.
Two intravenous (IV) lines are required – the blood is removed through one IV, goes through
the machine, and then is returned to the patient through the other IV. Sometimes, a single
large catheter is placed in a vein in the neck or under the collar bone for the pheresis –
instead of using IV lines in both arms. This type of catheter is called a central line and has
both IVs built in.
This treatment lowers blood counts right away. The effect is only for a short time, but it may
help until the chemo has a chance to work.
This first part of treatment is aimed at getting rid of as many leukemia cells as possible. How
intense the treatment is can depend on a person’s age and health. Doctors often give the most
intensive chemo to people under the age of 60. Some older patients in good health may
benefit from similar or slightly less intensive treatment.
People who are much older or are in poor health might not do well with intensive chemo.
Treatment of these patients is discussed below in “Treating frail, older adults.”
Age, health, and other factors clearly need to be taken into account when considering
treatment options. Doctors are also trying to determine whether people with certain gene or
chromosome changes are more likely to benefit from more intensive treatment.
In younger patients, such as those under 60, induction often involves treatment with 2 chemo
drugs, cytarabine (ara-C) and an anthracycline drug such as daunorubicin (daunomycin) or
idarubicin. Sometimes a third drug, cladribine (Leustatin, 2-CdA), is given as well. The
chemo is usually given in the hospital and lasts about a week.
Patients with poor heart function can’t be treated with anthracyclines, so they may be treated
with another chemo drug, such as fludarabine (Fludara) or topotecan.
In rare cases where the leukemia has spread to the brain or spinal cord, chemo may also be
given into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Radiation therapy might be used as well.
Induction destroys most of the normal bone marrow cells as well as the leukemia cells. Most
patients develop dangerously low blood counts at this time, and may be very ill. Most
patients need antibiotics and blood product transfusions. Drugs to raise white blood cell
counts may also be used. Blood counts tend to stay low for a few weeks. Usually, the patient
stays in the hospital during this time.
About 1 or 2 weeks after chemo is done, the doctor will check a bone marrow biopsy. It
should show few bone marrow cells (hypocellular bone marrow) and only a small portion of
blasts. If the biopsy shows that there are still leukemia cells in the bone marrow, more chemo
may be given. Sometimes a stem cell transplant is recommended at this point. If it isn’t clear
on the bone marrow biopsy whether the leukemia is still there, another bone marrow biopsy
may be done again in about a week.
Over the next few weeks, normal bone marrow cells will return and start making new blood
cells. The doctor may check other bone marrow biopsies during this time. When the blood
cell counts recover, the doctor will again check cells in a bone marrow sample to see if the
leukemia is in remission (blasts make up no more than 5% of the bone marrow).
Remission induction usually does not destroy all the leukemia cells, and a small number
often remain. Without consolidation treatment, the leukemia is likely to return within several
The treatment of most cases of APL differs from usual AML treatment. Initial treatment
includes the non-chemotherapy drug all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA), which is most often
combined with an anthracycline chemotherapy (chemo) drug (daunorubicin or idarubicin),
sometimes also with the chemo drug cytarabine (ara-c).
Another option is to give ATRA plus another differentiating drug called arsenic trioxide
(Trisenox). This is often used in patients who can’t tolerate an anthracycline drug, but it’s an
option for other patients as well.
As with other subtypes of AML, patients with APL then receive post-remission treatment.
What drugs are used depends on what was given for induction. Some of the options include:
• An anthracycline along with ATRA for a few cycles (sometimes different anthracyclines
are used in different cycles)
• An anthracycline plus cytarabine for at least 2 cycles
• Arsenic trioxide for 2 cycles (over about 2½ months), then ATRA plus an anthracycline
for 2 cycles
• ATRA plus arsenic trioxide for several cycles
For some patients, consolidation may be followed by maintenance therapy with ATRA for at
least a year. Sometimes low doses of the chemo drugs 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) and
methotrexate are given as well.
Palliative treatment
If further treatment or a clinical trial is not an option, the focus of treatment may shift to
controlling symptoms caused by the leukemia, rather than trying to cure the leukemia. This is
called palliative treatment or supportive care. For example, the doctor may advise less
intensive chemo to try to slow the leukemia growth instead of trying to cure it.
As the leukemia grows in the bone marrow it may cause pain. It’s important that you be as
comfortable as possible. Treatments that may be helpful include radiation therapy and
appropriate pain-relieving medicines. If medicines such as aspirin and ibuprofen don’t help
with the pain, stronger opioid medicines such as morphine are likely to be helpful. Some
people may worry about taking stronger drugs for fear of being sleepy all the time or
becoming addicted to them. But many people get very effective pain relief from these
medicines without serious side effects. It’s very important to let your cancer care team know
if you are having pain so that it can be treated.
Other common symptoms from leukemia are low blood counts and fatigue. Medicines or
blood transfusions may be needed to help correct these problems. Nausea and loss of appetite
can be treated with medicines and high-calorie food supplements. Infections that occur may
be treated with antibiotics.
Follow-up care
Treatment for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) can continue for months or years. Even after
treatment ends, you will need frequent follow-up exams – probably every few months for
several years. It’s very important to go to all of your follow-up appointments. During these
visits, your doctor will ask about any symptoms, examine you, and get blood tests or bone
marrow exams. Follow-up is needed to check for cancer recurrence, as well as possible side
effects of certain treatments.
Almost any cancer treatment can have side effects. Some may last for only a short time, but
others can last the rest of your life. Tell your cancer care team about any changes or problems
you notice and about any concerns you have.
If the leukemia does come back, it is usually while the patient is still being treated or shortly
after they have finished chemotherapy. If this happens, treatment would be as described in
“What if the leukemia doesn’t respond or comes back after treatment?” It is unusual for
AML to return if there are still no signs of the disease within a few years after treatment.
It is also very important to keep health insurance. Tests and doctor visits cost a lot, and even
though no one wants to think of their cancer coming back, this could happen.
Should your cancer come back, see When Your Cancer Comes Back: Cancer Recurrence for
information on how to manage and cope with this phase of your treatment.
Eating better
Eating right can be hard for anyone, but it can get even tougher during and after cancer
treatment. Treatment may change your sense of taste. Nausea can be a problem. You may not
feel like eating and lose weight when you don’t want to. Or you may have gained weight that
you can’t seem to lose. All of these things can be very frustrating.
If treatment causes weight changes or eating or taste problems, do the best you can and keep
in mind that these problems usually get better over time. You may find it helps to eat small
portions every 2 to 3 hours until you feel better. You may also want to ask your cancer team
about seeing a dietitian, an expert in nutrition who can give you ideas on how to deal with
these treatment side effects.
One of the best things you can do after cancer treatment is practice healthy eating habits. You
may be surprised at the long-term benefits of some simple changes, like increasing the
variety of healthy foods you eat. Getting to and staying at a healthy weight, eating a healthy
diet, and limiting your alcohol intake can lower your risk for a number of types of cancer, as
well as having many other health benefits.
To learn more, see Nutrition for the Person With Cancer During Treatment: A Guide for
Patients and Families.
Palliative care
No matter what you decide to do, it’s important that you feel as good as you can. Make sure
you are asking for and getting treatment for any symptoms you might have, such as nausea or
pain. This type of treatment is called palliative care.
Palliative care helps relieve symptoms, but it’s not expected to cure the disease. It can be
given along with cancer treatment, or can even be cancer treatment. The difference is its
purpose − the main goal of palliative care is to improve the quality of your life, or help you
feel as good as you can for as long as you can. Sometimes this means using drugs to help
with symptoms like pain or nausea.
For leukemia, palliative care often includes treatments such as blood transfusions that help
relieve fatigue. Sometimes, though, the treatments used to control your symptoms are the
same as those used to treat the leukemia. For instance, radiation might be used to help relieve
bone pain. Or chemo might be used to help keep the number of leukemia cells in check. But
this is not the same as treatment to try to cure the leukemia.
Hospice care
At some point, you may benefit from hospice care. This is special care that treats the person
rather than the disease; it focuses on quality rather than length of life. Most of the time, it is
given at home. Your leukemia may be causing problems that need to be managed, and
hospice focuses on your comfort. You should know that while getting hospice care often
means the end of treatments such as chemo and radiation, it doesn’t mean you can’t have
treatment for the problems caused by the leukemia or other health conditions.
In hospice the focus of your care is on living life as fully as possible and feeling as well as
you can at this difficult time. You can learn more in Hospice Care.
Staying hopeful is important, too. Your hope for a cure may not be as bright, but there is still
hope for good times with family and friends – times that are filled with happiness and
meaning. Pausing at this time in your treatment gives you a chance to refocus on the most
important things in your life. Now is the time to do some things you’ve always wanted to do
and to stop doing the things you no longer want to do. Though the leukemia may be beyond
your control, there are still choices you can make.
To learn more
You can learn more about the changes that occur when treatment stops working, and about
planning ahead for yourself and your family, in Advance Directives and Nearing the End of
Genetics of leukemia
Scientists are making great progress in understanding how changes in the DNA inside normal
bone marrow cells can cause them to develop into leukemia cells. A greater understanding of
the genes (regions of the DNA) involved in certain chromosomal translocations or other
changes that often occur in AML is providing insight into why these cells become abnormal.
As researchers have found more of these changes, it is becoming clear that there are many
types of AML. Each of these might have different gene changes that affect how the leukemia
will progress and which treatments might be most helpful. Doctors are now learning how to
use these changes to help them determine a person’s outlook and whether they should receive
more or less intensive treatment.
In the future, this information may also be used to help develop newer targeted therapies
against AML (see below).
Detecting minimal residual disease
Progress in understanding the DNA changes in AML cells has already provided highly
sensitive tests for detecting the smallest amount of leukemia left after treatment (minimal
residual disease), even when so few leukemia cells are present that they can’t be found by
routine bone marrow tests.
For example, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can identify even very small numbers
of AML cells in a sample based on their gene translocations or rearrangements. A PCR test
can be useful in determining how completely the treatment has destroyed the AML cells.
Doctors are now trying to determine what effect minimal residual disease has on a patient’s
outlook, and how this might affect the need for further or more intensive treatment.
Improving treatment
Many studies are being done to find more effective and safer treatments for AML.
Researchers are looking to find the most effective combination of chemotherapy (chemo)
drugs while still avoiding unwanted side effects. This is especially important in older
patients, who are less likely to benefit from current treatments.
Researchers are studying many new chemo drugs for use in AML, including:
• Sapacitabine, a type of drug known as a nucleoside analog, which has shown promise as
a treatment option for older patients with AML
• Laromustine, a type of chemo drug known as an alkylating agent, which is also being
tested as an option for in older adults with AML
• Tipifarnib, a newer type of drug known as a farnesyl transferase inhibitor, which has also
shown promise in early studies. This and similar drugs are now being tested in larger
clinical trials.
• Bortezomib (Velcade®), a type of drug known as a proteasome inhibitor. It is helpful in
treating multiple myeloma and certain types of lymphoma. A recent study looked at
adding this drug to chemo for AML with promising results.
The effectiveness of chemo may be limited in some cases because the leukemia cells become
resistant to it over time. Researchers are now looking at ways to prevent or reverse this
resistance by using other drugs along with chemo. They are also looking at combining chemo
with a number of newer types of drugs to see if this might work better.
Treating acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)
Most patients with APL are first treated with ATRA combined with chemo. Recent research
has shown that combining ATRA with arsenic trioxide is at least as good for many patients.
This combination had been used before, but often only for patients who couldn’t get the
standard chemo drugs. More patients may now get ATRA plus arsenic as their first treatment,
allowing them to avoid some of the side effects of chemotherapy.
Targeted therapies
Chemo drugs can help many people with AML, but these drugs don’t always cure the
disease. New targeted drugs that specifically attack some of the genetic changes seen in
AML are now being developed. These drugs work differently than standard chemotherapy
In about 1 person out of 3 with AML, the leukemia cells have a mutation in the FLT3 gene.
New drugs called FLT3 inhibitors, such as quizartinib, target this gene. They have shown
activity against AML in early studies, especially when combined with chemotherapy. But so
far, they are only available in clinical trials.
Changes in the c-KIT gene also appear to be important in some cases of AML. Drugs that
target this gene, such as dasatinib (Sprycel®), are already used against other types of
leukemia, and are now being studied against AML.
Many new drugs that target other changes in AML cells are now being studied as well.
Examples include:
• Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, such as vorinostat (Zolinza) and panobinostat
• Polo-like kinase (Plk) inhibitors, such as volasertib
• Aurora kinase inhibitors, such as AZD1152
The goal of immunotherapy is to boost the body’s immune system to help fight off or destroy
cancer cells.
Monoclonal antibodies: These are man-made versions of immune system proteins
(antibodies) that are designed to attach to specific targets, such as substances on the surface
of cancer cells. Some work by boosting the body’s immune response against the cancer cells.
Others have radioactive chemicals or cell poisons attached to them. When they are injected
into the patient, these antibodies act like a homing device, bringing the radioactivity or
poison directly to the cancer cells, which kills them. Monoclonal antibodies are often used to
treat lymphomas, but their use in leukemias has been more limited.
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin (Mylotarg®) is a monoclonal antibody with a cell poison attached
to it. At one time was approved to treat AML in older patients, but it was taken off the
market when studies found it didn’t seem very helpful in the long term. However, in recent
years it is again showing promise in certain patients in clinical trials.
Immune checkpoint inhibitors: An important part of the immune system is its ability to
keep itself from attacking other normal cells in the body. To do this, it uses “checkpoints” –
molecules on immune cells that need to be turned on (or off) to start an immune response.
Cancer cells sometimes use these checkpoints to avoid being attacked by the immune system.
But newer drugs that target these checkpoints hold a lot of promise as treatments. Some of
these drugs are already being used to treat other types of cancer, and they are now being
studied for use in AML as well.
Vaccine therapy: Scientists are studying ways to boost the immune reaction against
leukemia cells by using vaccines. For example, in one vaccine, certain types of white blood
cells (cells of the immune system) are removed from the patient’s blood and exposed to a
protein found on many AML cells called Wilms’ tumor 1 protein (WT1). These cells are then
given back to the patient by infusion into a vein (IV). In the body, these cells help other
immune system cells to attack the leukemia. An early study of this vaccine showed
promising results, but more research is needed to see if it will be useful. Other vaccines are
being studied as well.
CAR T-cell therapy: This is a promising new way to get the immune system to fight
leukemia. For this technique, immune cells called T cells are removed from the patient’s
blood and altered in the lab so they have specific substances (called chimeric antigen
receptors, or CARs) that will help them attach to leukemia cells. The T cells are then grown
in the lab and infused back into the patient’s blood, where they can now seek out the
leukemia cells and attack them.
This technique has shown very promising results in early clinical trials against some
advanced, hard-to-treat types of lymphocytic leukemias. Although it’s not yet clear if it will
work against AML, clinical trials are now in progress to find out. One concern with this
treatment is that some people have had very serious side effects, including very high fevers
and dangerously low blood pressure in the days after it’s given. Doctors are learning how to
manage these side effects.
Additional resources for acute myeloid
We have a lot more information that you might find helpful. Explore or call
our National Cancer Information Center toll-free number, 1-800-227-2345. We’re here to
help you any time, day or night.
No matter who you are, we can help. Contact us anytime, day or night, for information and
support. Call us at 1-800-227-2345 or visit
American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2016. Atlanta, Ga: American Cancer
Society; 2016.
Appelbaum FR. Chapter 98: Acute leukemias in adults. In: Niederhuber JE, Armitage JO,
Dorshow JH, Kastan MB, Tepper JE, eds. Abeloff’s Clinical Oncology. 5th ed. Philadelphia,
Pa. Elsevier: 2014.
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