he successful diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia with features of myelodysplastic syndrome and those with
(AML) has never been an easy task for the practicing features of AML are lumped together as myeloid neoplasms
pathologist, and the stakes have always been high. without regard to blast count, as there are no significant
Not only are the morphologic features of a case often clinical or biologic differences in behavior tied to exceeding
challenging, but major, urgent, potentially life-threatening the 20% threshold. These basic definitional considerations
treatment decisions hinge on this diagnosis. In acute are summarized in f18.1.
promyelocytic leukemia (APL), the challenge is even
greater, because any delay, even a few hours, will postpone
notification of the clinician that the patient is at high risk
for a potentially catastrophic hemorrhage. Consequently, pathologically increased
the pathologist is faced with the expectation of providing a myeloid blasts present
correct diagnosis as rapidly as possible.
Recent biologic insights in AML have even more dramat-
ically expanded expectations of pathologists, with the advance
from traditional morphologic and immunophenotypic blast percentage Y
evaluations to a biologic assessment of AML. This transition 20%?
requires that the pathologist understand pathogenetic features N
of AML, since these mechanistic parameters are directly
linked to prognosis, curability, many distinctive clinical
and morphologic features, optimal therapy, and appropriate blast equivalents present? Y
minimal residual disease monitoring. The 2008 WHO classi-
fication of AML has set a new diagnostic standard in AML N
diagnosis by utilizing a recurrent genetic abnormality as the
defining feature for many types of AML [Vardiman 2008b]. Thus, blasts +
the state-of-the-art diagnosis of AML requires an integration blast equivalents
N 20%? Y
of clinical, hematologic, morphologic, immunophenotypic,
and genetic features. This process must occur in a systematic
fashion and must be logical and cost effective.
t(8;21), inv(16), Y
t(16;16) or t(15;17)?
[18.1] Definition
Acute myeloid leukemia is a clonal hematopoietic
disorder that may be derived from either a hematopoietic
stem cell or a lineage-specific progenitor cell. AML is charac-
terized both by a predominance of immature forms (with E 50% and Y
variable, but incomplete, maturation) and loss of normal 20% non-E blasts?
hematopoiesis. Single or multiple hematopoietic lineages N
may comprise the leukemic clone. The requisite blast/blast
equivalent percentage is 20% in the peripheral blood and
bone marrow; a lower percentage is acceptable in cases with probable MDS, MPN
AML-defining translocations and in acute erythroid leukemia or MDS/MPN* go to f18.2
(see [18.4] Blasts and Blast Equivalents, p 380 for discussion of (p 385)
blasts/blast equivalents) [Vardiman 2008b]. f18.1 Definition of AML algorithm.
The blast percentage is derived from counting all *Note that the MDS-like state in patients with Down syndrome <5 years of age or in
nucleated cells for AML diagnosis with the exception of patients with a prior cytotoxic therapy behaves biologically as AML regardless of blast
acute erythroid leukemias in which the blast percentage count; see Chapters 16 & 17 for further assessment
is based on non-erythroid cells. In extramedullary sites, AML= acute myeloid leukemia; E = erythroid cells; MDS = myelodysplastic syndrome;
a diagnosis of myeloid sarcoma is equivalent to AML MPN = myeloproliferative neoplasm
regardless of blood and bone marrow findings. Finally,
t18.4 Blasts, Blast Equivalents, Other Immature Cells in Blood and Bone Marrow
Cell Type Key Morphologic Features Cytochemistry Immunophenotype/Comments*
Myeloblast Large nucleus with finely dispersed chromatin and variably MPO+ CD34+, CD13+, CD33+, MPO+, HLA-DR+,
prominent nucleoli vCD11c+, wCD45+, CD117 usually +
Relatively high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio
Variable number of cytoplasmic granules, may be
concentrated in limited portion of cytoplasm
Promyelocyte Nuclear chromatin slightly condensed; nucleoli variably Strong, uniform CD13+, CD33+, MPO+, wCD45+, CD34,
prominent; nucleus often eccentric, and Golgi zone may MPO+ HLA-DR
be apparent
Loss of HLA-DR and acquisition of strong
Numerous cytoplasmic granules that may be more CD15 and CD11c associated with maturation
dispersed throughout cytoplasm
Gradual loss of CD33 also characterizes
Blast equivalent in APL only successive maturation stages
In APL, intense cytoplasmic granularity usually present CD34 usually negative in hypergranular
Nuclear configuration variable, but nuclear folding and variant; often positive in microgranular
lobulation characteristic of microgranular variant of APL variant
Monoblast Moderate to low nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear NSE+ CD34, HLA-DR+, CD13+, CD33 bright +,
chromatin finely dispersed with variably prominent CD36/CD64 coexpression, vCD4+, CD11c+,
nucleoli; nuclei round to folded wCD45+
Abundant, slightly basophilic cytoplasm containing fine Usually CD34
granulation and occasional vacuoles
Occasional cases moderate CD45+
Promonocyte Slightly condensed nuclear chromatin; variably prominent NSE+ CD36/CD64 coexpression, HLA-DR+, CD13+,
nucleoli CD33 bright +, vCD14+, CD4+, CD11c+,
Abundant finely granular blue/gray cytoplasm that may be CD45+
Very monocytic appearance with nuclear immaturity
Consistent blast equivalent in AML
Erythroblast Relatively high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio PAS+ Glycophorin A+, hemoglobin A+, CD71+,
Nucleus round with slightly condensed chromatin; nucleoli CD34, CD45, MPO, myeloid antigens
variably prominent negative
Moderate amounts of deeply basophilic cytoplasm that may CD117 often positive
be vacuolated
Included in blast percentage only in acute erythroid
Megakaryoblast Highly variable morphologic features; often not NA CD34, CD41+, CD61+, CD33 bright +, CD13,
recognizable without special studies HLA-DR (or dim)
May be lymphoid-appearing with high nuclear to Progressive maturation characterized by loss
cytoplasmic ratio of CD34 and acquisition of CD42 and von
Nuclear chromatin fine to variably condensed Willebrand factor
Cytoplasm may be scant to moderate, is usually agranular
or contains a few granules; blebbing or budding of
cytoplasm may be evident
Blasts may form cohesive clumps
Blastic plasmacy- Variable morphology; not identified in either normal bone MPO CD4+, CD56+, CD123+, CD43+, CD45+,
toid dendritic cell marrow or AML HLA-DR+, vTdT+
Often not recognizable without immunophenotyping NSE CD123 not specific; seen in subset of AMLs
May be lymphoid-appearing (Discussed in detail in Chapter 19)
May show cytoplasmic tadpoles
*Key flow cytometric clues to lineage assignment in boldface
False positive CD41 expression by flow cytometry may be secondary to platelet adherence to blasts
See Chapter 19
AML = acute myeloid leukemia; APL = acute promyelocytic leukemia; MPO = myeloperoxidase; NSE = non-specific esterase; PAS = periodic acid-Schiff;
v = variable antigen expression; w = weak antigen expression
References: [Dohner 2010, Vardiman 2008b]
a b c
i18.1 This bone marrow aspirate composite illustrates the spectrum of i18.2 Bone marrow aspirate smear from a patient with acute myeloid leukemia
cytoplasmic granulation ranging from agranular a to granular (b and c) includes both granular and agranular blasts. Note Auer rod (upper left cell).
blast. Myeloblasts with granules lack other features of promyelocytes such as a (Wright)
prominent paranuclear hof. (Wright)
i18.3 Megakaryoblasts show prominent cytoplasmic blebbing in a peripheral i18.4 Several erythroblasts with deeply basophilic cytoplasm are present on this
blood smear. (Wright) bone marrow aspirate smear. (Wright)
i18.6 A promyelocyte with an eccentric nucleus, a paranuclear hof, and abundant i18.7 A spectrum of myeloblasts is present in this bone marrow aspirate smear
cytoplasmic granules is present in the center of this bone marrow aspirate smear including 2 blasts with Auer rods. (Wright)
from a patient with acute myeloid leukemia with maturation. Promyelocytes are
not included within the blast percentage for this type of AML. (Wright)
a b
i18.8 This bone marrow aspirate smear illustrates 4 myeloblasts, one of i18.9 This composite shows a spectrum of unique features of myeloblasts,
which contains pseudo Chdiak-Higashi granules. This granular blast is not a including a myeloblast with deeply basophilic and sharply vacuolated cytoplasm
promyelocyte, because it lacks a prominent paranuclear hof. (Wright) resembling Burkitt lymphoma a, while distinct clumping of myeloblasts mimics a
metastatic tumor b. (Wright)
are highlighted in t18.4, but the reader is referred to Chapter 19
for comprehensive discussion and illustrations.
Myeloblasts can be morphologically diverse, and the
distinction between a granular blast and a promyelocyte with
a distinct paranuclear hof (Golgi zone) is key i18.1, i18.2, i18.6.
Auer rods are a key cytologic feature of myeloblasts, although
Auer rods can be seen in promyelocytes in APL and even rarely
in mature cells i18.7. Other unique features of myeloblasts
include pseudo Chdiak-Higashi granules, nuclear indentation,
deeply basophilic cytoplasm with vacuoles, and, rarely,
clumping on aspirate smears mimicking a metastatic process
i18.8, i18.9. Associations of some of these unusual morphologic
features with immunophenotypic and molecular genetic
properties have been reported [Chang 2006, Kussick 2004]. Cytochemical i18.10 Cytochemical staining for myeloperoxidase illustrates a spectrum of scant
staining for myeloperoxidase is important in establishing to moderate positivity, which is characteristic of early granulocytic maturation in
the lineage of myeloblasts i18.10. Features of AML on bone cases of acute myeloid leukemia. (myeloperoxidase cytochemical stain)
i18.11 This bone marrow core biopsy section is effaced by a homogeneous i18.12 Monoblasts (right lower) and promonocytes (upper right and upper
infiltrate of acute myeloid leukemia cells. Note the large nuclear size, variably left) are evident in this peripheral blood smear from a patient with acute
prominent nucleoli, and moderately abundant amounts of cytoplasm. (H&E) monocytic leukemia. Promonocytes are blast equivalents. (Wright)
i18.13 This bone marrow aspirate smear highlights 2 promonocytes (upper i18.14 Intense reddish brown cytoplasmic nonspecific esterase positivity is
cells) and an immature, atypical monocyte (lower cell) in a case of acute evident in this acute monocytic leukemia. (cytochemical stain for nonspecific
monocytic leukemia. Promonocytes are blast equivalents. (Wright) esterase)
marrow core biopsy sections are also heterogeneous, but may show falsely low blast percentages due to hemodi-
prototypic findings include a predominance of immature lution or falsely elevated blast percentages due to lysis of
cells with dispersed chromatin, variably prominent nucleoli, erythroid cells. Furthermore, many types of blasts (erythro-
and moderate amounts of eosinophilic cytoplasm i18.11. blasts, monoblasts, megakaryoblasts) and blast equivalents
Monoblasts and promonocytes (blast equivalents) must (promyelocytes, promonocytes) typically lack CD34
also be successfully identified based on morphologic and expression.
cytochemical features i18.12, i18.13, i18.14. Based on morphologic differential cell counts, the blast
Flow cytometric immunophenotyping (and to a lesser threshold in blood and bone marrow for AML diagnosis
extent immunohistochemical staining) is a mainstay in is 20% [Vardiman 2008b]. However, as noted earlier, there are
assessing immaturity (weak CD45, CD34, CD117) and exceptions to this general rule f18.1, and the blast/blast
lineage in AML t18.4. Integration of morphology, limited equivalent percentage must always be assessed in the overall
cytochemistry, and immunophenotype is optimal in AML context of a given case. Determining an accurate blast/
diagnosis t18.4, t18.5. However, the actual blast percentage blast equivalent percentage can be especially challenging in
is best assessed by morphology, and the percentage of technically suboptimal, necrotic, or fibrotic specimens (see
CD34+ cells should not substitute for the morphologic [18.9] Diagnostic Pitfalls in AML Diagnosis, p 419). In these
percentage. Keep in mind that flow cytometry specimens situations, immunohistochemical techniques may be helpful
Core Binding Factor Acute Myeloid Leukemias contribute to leukemogenesis by dysregulating the normal
Core binding factor (CBF) AML includes AML with CBF transcriptional activity [Downing 2003, Helbling 2005].
t(8;21) and AML with inv(16)/t(16;16). These 2 AML
cytogenetic groups are often grouped together based on AML with t(8;21)(q22;q22); RUNX1-RUNX1T1
involvement of related CBF machinery and relatively overall AML with t(8;21)(q22;q22) is defined by the presence
favorable prognosis [Marcucci 2005]. The CBF genes are RUNX1 of this translocation, a variant translocation, or molecular
(21q22, aka AML1, CBFA2) and CBFB (16q22). As part of RUNX1-RUNX1T1 fusion, regardless of blast count f18.3
the CBF heterodimer transcription factor complex, RUNX1 [Arber 2008a]. Clues and confirmatory tests for this distinct type of
binds to DNA promoter sequences of genes needed for AML are listed in t18.5.
hematopoiesis, while CBFB protects the complex from The peripheral blood findings are variable, but circulating
proteolysis [Okumura 2008, Paschka 2008a, Speck 2002]. The chimeric proteins, blasts accompanied by cytopenias are common i18.15.
produced as a result of the chromosomal rearrangements, Circulating mature granulocytes including neutrophils are a
t18.5 Clues and Confirmatory Tests for Biologic Types of AML (continued on next spread)
AML Subtype Clinical Features CBC/Blood Morphology BM Aspirate
AML t(8;21) Young adults, myeloid sarcomas Cytopenias, circulating blasts Blasts may be <20%
(q22;q22); 10% - 15% of pediatric AML with evidence of neutrophilic Long tapered Auer rods
(RUNX1- 7% of adult AML maturation Salmon-colored cytoplasm, rim of basophilia
Manifests as AML with maturation
AML inv(16) Young adults Although variable, higher WBC Blasts may be <20%
(p13.1;q22) Extramedullary disease and blast counts vs t(8;21) Abnormal eosinophils with admixed
t(16;16) 6% - 12% pediatric AML Monocytic cells, myeloid blasts eosinophil/ basophil granules
(p13.1;q22) 8% adult AML predominate Variable monocytic component
CBFB-MYH11 Cytopenias
AML t(9;11) More common in children Anemia, thrombocytopenia Monocytic blasts/blast equivalents
(p22;q23); Extramedullary disease (gingival, skin), Variable WBC count and blasts
5% - 20% pediatric AML
4% - 5% adult AML
AML t(6;9) Young adults (median age 30 years) Basophilia (2%) in 50% of Background myelodysplasia
(p23;q34); 1% of pediatric and adult AMLs cases May see monocytic features, occasional ring
DEK-NUP214 WBC may be lower than typical sideroblasts
AML inv(3) Possible hepatosplenomegaly Normal or increased platelets Many small, hypolobated megakaryocytes
(q21;q26.2) Giant, hypogranular Multilineage dysplasia
or t(3;3) platelets; circulating, bare
(q21;q26.2) megakaryocytic nuclei
AML t(1;22) Restricted to infants or young children Megakaryoblasts with Megakaryoblasts with basophilic cytoplasm
(p13;q13); (<3 years of age) without Down basophilic cytoplasm and and cytoplasmic blebbing; smaller blasts
RBM15-MKL1 syndrome cytoplasmic blebbing; smaller may show a more lymphoblastic appearance
Marked organomegaly blasts may show a more Micromegakaryocytes are present
lymphoblastic appearance Granulocytic and erythroid dysplasia not
AML with Typically, de novo acute leukemia in WBC may be relatively high Many, but not all cases show monocytic
mutated older adult differentiation
NPM1 80% - 90% of acute monocytic leukemias have
mutated NPM1
High blast percentage
AML with Occurs in 6% - 15% of de novo AML; no Relatively high hemoglobin and Most cases show features of AML with or
mutated age or sex predilection blood blast count without maturation; no specific morphologic
CEBPA Relatively low platelet count features
*The t(15;17) PML-RARA translocation has been historically denoted as both t(15;17)(q22;q21) and t(15;17)(q22;q12); currently the most accurate description
is actually thought to be t(15;17)(q24;q21); for the sake of simplicity and consistency, we have chosen to use the t(15;17)(q22;q21) designation
AML = acute myeloid leukemia; APL = acute promyelocytic leukemia; ATRA = all trans retinoic acid; BM = bone marrow; CBC = complete blood count;
DIC = disseminated intravascular coagulation; HP = hematopoiesis; IHC = immunohistochemistry; MDS = myelodysplastic syndrome;
MPN = myeloproliferative neoplasm; MPO = myeloperoxidase; MRD = minimal residual disease; PML = promyelocytic leukemia; WBC = while blood cell count
Small, hypolobated megakaryocytes Blasts typically express CD34, CD13, Poor risk
Cellularity and fibrosis variable CD33; may express CD7, CD41 and Cytogenetics
Usually markedly hypercellular Blasts typically CD34 negative, with Molecular (typically sizing via capillary electrophoresis for exon
expression of CD14, CD11b and 12 mutations; type A mutation, a 4 base pair TCTG insertion
CD68 most common); favorable outcome
Monocytic antigens typically IHC for abnormal cytoplasmic NPM1 protein endorsed by WHO;
expressed (CD36/CD64) some studies suggest molecular analysis may be preferred
Most cases show features of AML Blasts express typical myeloid Molecular (mutations described throughout gene, with 2
with or without maturation; no antigens: usually CD34+, express hot-spots at N-terminal and C-terminal)
specific morphologic features assist CD7 in the majority of cases Favorable outcome
in identifying CEBPA mutated cases
AML = acute myeloid leukemia; APL = acute promyelocytic leukemia; ATRA = all trans retinoic acid; BM = bone marrow; CBC = complete blood count;
HP = hematopoiesis; IHC = immunohistochemistry; DIC = disseminated intravascular coagulation; MDS = myelodysplastic syndrome;
MPN = myeloproliferative neoplasm; MPO = myeloperoxidase; MRD = minimal residual disease; PML = promyelocytic leukemia; WBC = while blood cell count
t18.5 Clues and Confirmatory Tests for Biologic Types of AML (continued from previous spread)
AML Subtype Clinical Features CBC/Blood Morphology BM Aspirate
Other Biologic Subtypes
AML with Elderly; patient may have antecedent Cytopenias Dysplasia of 50% of erythroid and/or
MDS-related MDS, MDS/MPN (#1 criterion) Single or multilineage dysplasia granulocytic cells (#2 criterion)
changes (3
criteria; only 1
Therapy- History of chemotherapy and/or Cytopenias Cases may meet criteria for AML, MDS, or
related radiation therapy Single or multilineage dysplasia MDS/MPN (see t18.8)
myeloid common
Down syndrome (DS)-related myeloid proliferation:
Transient Diagnosis of DS (including mosaic Blasts are morphologically Blasts are morphologically indistinguishable
abnormal cases) indistinguishable from those in from those in myeloid leukemia associated
myelopoiesis Neonate/fetus myeloid leukemia associated with DS
(TAM) Possible co-morbidities include with DS Erythroid and megakaryocytic dysplasia
cardiopulmonary failure, Basophilia may be present typically present
hyperviscosity, and hepatic fibrosis Possible thrombocytopenia with
Spontaneous remission leukocytosis
Myeloid Diagnosis of DS (including mosaic Blasts have megakaryoblastic Myeloid neoplasms falling into this category
leukemia cases) features, with basophilic may show <20% blasts, as MDS and AML
associated Infant/young child (usually <4 - 5 yrs of cytoplasm, coarse granules, in this clinical setting are not clinically or
with DS age) and cytoplasmic blebbing biologically distinct
Erythroid precursors, marked Dyserythropoiesis and dysgranulopoiesis
anisopoikilocytosis, and giant
platelets may be seen
Often cytopenias
AML = acute myeloid leukemia; APL = acute promyelocytic leukemia; ATRA = all trans retinoic acid; BM = bone marrow; CBC = complete blood count;
DIC = disseminated intravascular coagulation; HP = hematopoiesis; IHC = immunohistochemistry; MDS = myelodysplastic syndrome;
MPN = myeloproliferative neoplasm; MPO = myeloperoxidase; MRD = minimal residual disease; PML = promyelocytic leukemia; WBC = while blood cell count
References by subtype
8;21 [Boissel 2006, Cairoli 2006, Care 2003, Chen 2008, De 2007, Gamerdinger 2003, Huang 2006, Khoury 2003, Kozlov 2005, Leroy 2005, Marcucci 2003, 2005, Miyoshi 1993, Mrozek 2001, Paschka 2006, Rowe 2000,
Schlenk 2004, Schnittger 2006, Tiacci 2004, Valbuena 2006, Weisser 2007]
inv(16) [Boissel 2006, Cairoli 2006, Care 2003, Hung 2007, Marcucci 2003, 2005, Mrozek 2001, Paschka 2006, Rowe 2000, Schlenk 2004, Spencer 2007, Xu 2008]
15;17 [Ades 2005, Arber 2008a, Arbuthnot 2006, Bennett 2000, de Botton 2004, Doyle 2009, Foley 2001, Gomis 2004, Ito 2004, Kaito 2005, Kelaidi 2009, Lee 2003, Leu 2009, Mohamedbhai 2008, Mueller 2006,
Ravandi 2009, Sanz 2009b, Stankova 2006, Tallman 2009, Wang 2008]
9;11 [Arber 2008a, Balgobind 2009, Dunphy 2007, Krasinskas 1998, Mrozek 1997, Xu 2006b]
6;9 [Alsabeh 1997, Chi 2008, Oyarzo 2004, Parcells 2006, Slovak 2006, Thiede 2002]
8 21
f18.3 Partial karyotype showing chromosomes 8 and 21 illustrates t(8;21) i18.15 Peripheral blood smear from a patient with acute myeloid leukemia and
(q22;q22). The abnormal chromosome of each pair is each on the right. t(8;21) shows prominent myeloid and monocytic maturation. Blasts are present, but
(Giemsa trypsin Wright) maturation is prominent. Note profound anemia and thrombocytopenia. (Wright)
Abnormal megakaryocytes Aberrant antigen maturation profile MDS-associated cytogenetic abnormalities (#3 criteria), not all
variable; myeloid blasts (CD34+) cases (see t18.7)
Cases may meet criteria for AML, Variable; often aberrant Two common subtypes: chromosomal losses/gains or 11q23
MDS, or MDS/MPN (see t18.8) (MLL) translocation
Blast % may be lower than blood Positive for CD34, CD56, CD13, CD33, GATA1 mutation
blast count CD7, CD4, CD41, CD61, CD42b.
Cellularity and blast % variable (in
some cases explained by presence
of blasts at sites of fetal HP)
Very dense fibrosis may be present In contrast to TAM, blasts are CD34- GATA1 mutation; cases of MDS or AML occurring in patients
Highly atypical megakaryocytes in ~50% of cases. CD56 and CD41 with DS who are older than age 5 and lack GATA1 mutation
also more likely to be negative are considered conventional MDS or AML
AML = acute myeloid leukemia; APL = acute promyelocytic leukemia; ATRA = all trans retinoic acid; BM = bone marrow; CBC = complete blood count;
HP = hematopoiesis; IHC = immunohistochemistry; DIC = disseminated intravascular coagulation; MDS = myelodysplastic syndrome;
MPN = myeloproliferative neoplasm; MPO = myeloperoxidase; MRD = minimal residual disease; PML = promyelocytic leukemia; WBC = while blood cell count
inv(3) [Jotterand Bellomo 1992, Martinelli 2003, Nucifora 1997, Raza 2004, Testoni 1999]
t(1;22) [Duchayne 2003, Mercher 2001, Niu 2009, Paredes-Aguilera 2003, Ribeiro 1993]
NPM1 [Becker 2010, Falini 2005, 2007, Konoplev 2009, Schnittger 2005, Tsou 2006, Yu 2006, Yun 2003]
CEBPA [Baldus 2007, Bienz 2005, Dufour 2010, Frohling 2004, Koschmieder 2009, Pabst 2009, Schlenk 2008, Wouters 2009]
MDS-related changes [Arber 2008b, Wandt 2008]
Therapy-related changes [Czader 2009, Knight 2009, Pedersen-Bjergaard 2008, Rund 2005, Seedhouse 2007, Vardiman 2008a]
Down syndrome [Massey 2006, Xavier 2009, Zipursky 2003]
usual finding; monocytes may also be present i18.15. In the predominant after successful therapeutic reduction of the
bone marrow, the blast count is variable and in some cases is acute leukemia i18.22, i18.23.
less than the otherwise required 20% [Chan 1997, Wong 2009b, Xue 1994]. Immunophenotypically, blasts express typical immature
Blasts with distinctive, long, thin Auer rods with tapered ends (CD34, CD117) and myeloid markers [CD13, CD33,
are characteristic and may even be seen in mature neutrophils myeloperoxidase (MPO)]. Expression of particular aberrant
and eosinophils i18.16, i18.17. Additional distinctive findings markers (CD19, CD56, TdT) may serve as key flow
include salmon-colored cytoplasm with a rim of basophilia cytometric clues to this diagnosis [Chen 2008, Hurwitz 1992, Khalidi 1998,
in maturing granulocytes, and dysplastic features of the Khoury 2003, Kozlov 2005, Tiacci 2004, Valbuena 2006]. Diminished CD19 and
mature granulocytes, including pseudo Pelger-Hut nuclei positive CD56 expression on the leukemic blasts may suggest
and nuclear/cytoplasmic dyssynchrony i18.18 [Nakamura 1997]. The an accompanying underlying KIT activating mutation in
bone marrow core biopsy is hypercellular with evidence of AML with t(8;21) [De 2007]. By immunohistochemistry, OCT2
granulocytic maturation i18.19 [Nakamura 1997]. and BOB1 are not reported to associate with the known
AML with t(8;21) may be associated with systemic PAX5 expression [Gibson 2006].
mastocytosis i18.20, i18.21. In some cases the mastocytosis Patients with de novo AML with t(8;21) have a
may be occult at diagnosis, becoming more apparent and relatively favorable prognosis [Mrozek 2008a]. t(8;21) AML may
i18.16 Long, tapered Auer rods and abnormal cytoplasmic granulation are i18.17 This neutrophil from a case of acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21)
evident in this bone marrow aspirate smear from a patient with acute myeloid shows Auer rods within the cytoplasm. (Wright)
leukemia and t(8;21). (Wright)
i18.18 This bone marrow aspirate smear from a patient with acute myeloid i18.19 Substantial maturation is evident in this bone marrow core biopsy
leukemia and t(8;21) shows abnormal salmon-colored cytoplasmic granulation with section from a patient with acute myeloid leukemia and t(8;21). (H&E)
a rim of basophilia, a morphologic feature of this genetic type of AML. (Wright)
i18.20 Systemic mastocytosis was evident in conjunction with acute myeloid i18.21 This bone marrow core biopsy section from a patient with concurrent
leukemia associated with t(8;21) in this bone marrow aspirate smear. Note features acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21) and systemic mastocytosis shows numerous
of acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21) as well as numerous mast cells. (Wright) admixed mast cells. (immunoperoxidase for tryptase)
i18.22 This bone marrow aspirate smear is taken following chemotherapy for i18.23 A striking persistence of tryptase-positive mast cells is evident in this
acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21) and associated systemic mastocytosis. The core biopsy from a case of acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21) and associated
AML is in remission, but mast cells persist and are markedly increased. (Wright) systemic mastocytosis. Chemotherapy effectively eradicated the AML, while
systemic mastocytosis persists. (immunoperoxidase for tryptase)
i18.24 Monoblasts and promonocytes predominate in this peripheral blood i18.25 Circulating leukemic cells with a myelomonocytic appearance charac-
smear from a patient with marked leukocytosis and inv(16). (Wright) terize this case of AML with inv(16). (Wright)
i18.26 Numerous eosinophils with admixed aberrant basophilic granules are i18.27 Numerous eosinophils with aberrant cytoplasmic granulation are
evident in this bone marrow aspirate smear from a patient with acute myeloid evident in this bone marrow aspirate smear from a patient with acute myeloid
leukemia and inv(16). (Wright) leukemia and inv(16). (Wright)
a b
i18.28 Significant maturation with relatively low numbers of myeloblasts, i18.29 This composite of low and high magnification of a bone marrow
monoblasts, and promonocytes is evident on this bone marrow aspirate smear core biopsy section from a patient with acute myeloid leukemia and inv(16)
in acute myeloid leukemia with inv(16). Note predominance of eosinophils and shows numerous eosinophils in conjunction with myelomonocytic cells showing
maturing myeloid cells. (Wright) abundant cytoplasm. (H&E)
The peripheral blood abnormalities are variable, but myeloperoxidase and toluidine blue reactivity, distinguishing
leukocytosis, anemia, and thrombocytopenia are common. them from basophil granules. Significant maturation may
Monocytic cells are abundant with variable numbers of be evident with relatively low numbers of blasts i18.28. Both
monoblasts, myeloblasts, and promonocytes i18.24, i18.25. maturation and significant eosinophilia are evident on bone
The abnormal eosinophils (described below) are generally marrow biopsy sections i18.29.
inconspicuous or absent in the blood. Immunophenotypically, AML with inv(16)/t(16;16)
The bone marrow is hypercellular with a variable reveals distinct populations corresponding to the admixture of
blast count. The morphologic features show a spectrum of blasts, granulocytes, and monocytic cells. An immunohisto-
mature and immature monocytic cells and myeloblasts. The chemical antibody stain (AH107) against the CBFB-MYH11
monocytic and granulocytic components are confirmed fusion protein may aid in the diagnosis [McKenna 2009, Zhao 2006].
by positive nonspecific esterase and myeloperoxidase Patients with AML with inv(16)/t(16;16) have a
cytochemical stains, respectively. In addition, the bone favorable prognosis similar to t(8;21). The inv(16) may
marrow contains abnormal eosinophils with mixed eosino- occur rarely after previous chemotherapy or in blast phase of
philic and basophilic granules i18.26, i18.27. The abnormal CML [Merzianu 2005, Wu 2006]. KIT mutations are present in ~30%
basophil granules within these eosinophils lack both of patients, the significance of which is unclear [Paschka 2006].
15 17
APL with t(15;17)(q22;q21); PML-RARA f18.6 Dual color dual fusion probe set for PML and RARA shows the classic
AML with t(15;17)(q22;q21)/PML-RARA (aka APL) is abnormal fusion pattern. Note 2 fused signals, one red signal and one green
a distinct clinicopathologic entity defined by the presence of signal, indicating PML-RARA fusion characteristic of acute promyelocytic
the PML-RARA fusion, regardless of blast count f18.5, f18.6, leukemia.
t18.5 [Arber 2008a]. Because of the propensity for life-threatening
coagulopathy, it is imperative that cases of APL be rapidly
identified [Lock 2004, Stein 2009]. This can be accomplished with a bone marrow core biopsy sections, APL cells show moderate
myeloperoxidase cytochemical stain, antibody against the amounts of eosinophilic cytoplasm i18.35. Because of the
PML protein, or FISH f18.6. degree of maturation, CD34 is characteristically negative
Two typical morphologic variants of APL are recognized i18.36.
(hypergranular and microgranular), plus a third variant Microgranular APL is morphologically distinct from
that is quite rare (hyperbasophilic). Hypergranular APL the hypergranular variant in both nuclear and cytoplasmic
often presents with peripheral leukopenia with rare, if any, features. Microgranular promyelocytes exhibit marked
circulating promyelocytes, while the bone marrow is typically nuclear irregularities including reniform, lobulated, and
packed with abnormal, hypergranular promyelocytes i18.30, monocyte-like nuclei, while the cytoplasm shows subtle
i18.31, i18.32. Occasional/rare cells packed with Auer rods are often inconspicuous granulation i18.37, i18.38, i18.39. The
noted i18.33 [Bennett 2000]. There is little to no maturation beyond rare hyperbasophilic variant is characterized by nuclear
the promyelocyte stage. These hypergranular promyelocytes irregularity and basophilic cytoplasm; features overlap
are intensely myeloperoxidase or Sudan blackB positive, a with microgranular APL i18.40. It is essential to distinguish
very useful feature in the rapid diagnosis of APL i18.34. On microgranular APL from a true monocytic leukemia i18.41.
i18.30 This bone marrow aspirate smear from a patient with acute i18.31 This bone marrow aspirate smear from a patient with acute
promyelocytic leukemia shows many hypergranular promyelocytes, which are promyelocytic leukemia shows variable nuclear irregularity in conjunction with
blast equivalents in only this AML subtype. (Wright) moderate amounts of hypergranular cytoplasm. (Wright)
i18.32 Intense cytoplasmic granulation, especially in the upper left cell, i18.33 Numerous Auer rods are present within the cytoplasm of acute
is evident on this bone marrow aspirate smear from a patient with acute promyelocytic leukemia cells on this cytospin preparation. (Wright)
promyelocytic leukemia. (Wright)
i18.34 Cytochemical staining for myeloperoxidase shows intense uniform i18.35 Little evidence of maturation beyond the promyelocyte state is evident
positivity in acute promyelocytic leukemia. (myeloperoxidase cytochemical stain) in this bone marrow core biopsy section from a patient with acute promyelocytic
leukemia. Note relative uniformity of the leukemic population and moderate to
abundant amounts of eosinophilic cytoplasm. (H&E)
a b
Cytochemically, both the hypergranular and
microgranular APL cases show intense myeloperoxidase and
Sudan black B positivity in the leukemic cells i18.42. This
marked degree of staining is quite compelling for a diagnosis
of APL and is very useful in distinguishing APL from
morphologically similar disorders.
Immunophenotypically, hypergranular and microgranular
APL show some similarities but also key differences. The
hypergranular variant is typically CD34 negative, HLA-DR
negative, with bright CD33, whereas the microgranular
variant is often CD34 positive with aberrant CD2 expression
(90%) [Edwards 1999, Kaleem 2003, Lin 2004, Paietta 2003]. The lack of CD34 and
i18.36 This composite highlights the morphologic features a and usual absence
HLA-DR is not specific for APL, thus complete reliance on
of CD34 staining b in this case of acute promyelocytic leukemia. Note CD34 flow cytometric immunophenotyping to diagnose APL is to
positivity of only blood vessels. (H&E and immunoperoxidase for CD34) be avoided [Moon 2007, Oelschlaegel 2009].
i18.37 The distinctly folded, sliding plate appearance of nuclei in microgranular i18.38 The distinctive nuclear features of microgranular acute promyelocytic
acute promyelocytic leukemia is evident in this peripheral blood smear. Note leukemia are evident on high magnification of this peripheral blood smear. Note
marked leukocytosis. (Wright) marked leukocytosis. (Wright)
a b
i18.39 Rare hypergranular promyelocytes are present in microgranular acute i18.40 This composite compares microgranular acute promyelocytic leukemia
promyelocytic leukemia in blood. (Wright) a with the basophilic variant of acute promyelocytic leukemia b. (Wright)
a b a b
i18.41 This composite compares microgranular acute promyelocytic leukemia i18.42 Intense myeloperoxidase positivity, characteristic of all types of acute
a with acute monocytic leukemia b. Note the differences in nuclear configuration promyelocytic leukemia, can be identified by either cytochemical stain a or
and the greater amounts of cytoplasm in acute monocytic leukemia. (Wright) immunoperoxidase stain b. (myeloperoxidase cytochemical and immunoper-
oxidase stains)
i18.43 This peripheral blood smear shows profound pancytopenia and a rare i18.44 This bone marrow aspirate smear illustrates acute monocytic leukemia
circulating monoblast. (Wright) and t(9;11). Note predominance of monoblasts and promonocytes (blast
equivalents). (Wright)
while both CD34 and CD117 are typically negative [Dunphy 2007,
a b
Krasinskas 1998, Xu 2006b].
AML with t(9;11) is associated with an intermediate
prognosis and reportedly fares better than AMLs with other
MLL translocation partners [Balgobind 2009, Mrozek 1997]. AMLs with
MLL rearrangements other than t(9;11) are diagnosed
as AML, not otherwise specified, or as therapy-related
leukemia with t(v;11q23) in the setting of prior cytotoxic
treatment. If the cytogenetics reveal t(2;11)(p21;q23) or
t(11;16)(q23;p13), these should be diagnosed as AML with
myelodysplasia-related changes [Arber 2008a].
6 9
f18.8 G-banded Wright-stained chromosomes 6 and 9 illustrate t(6;9) i18.46 This cytospin smear in acute myeloid leukemia and t(6;9) shows a
(p23;q34). The abnormal chromosome of each pair is on the right. myeloblast with fine granules in association with dysplastic neutrophils. (Wright)
i18.48 This bone marrow aspirate smear composite is from 2 patients with i18.49 This bone marrow core biopsy section from a patient with acute
acute megakaryoblastic leukemia and t(1;22). Note prominent clumping of megakaryoblastic leukemia and t(1;22) shows numerous blasts as well as differen-
blasts (right). (Wright) (courtesy A Vendrell, MD) tiating megakaryocytic cells as evidenced by enlarging overall cells size and moderate
to abundant amounts of eosinophilic cytoplasm. (H&E) (courtesy S Geaghan, MD)
inclusion in the WHO 2008 system, may foster more
effective therapies.
i18.52 This bone marrow aspirate smear in acute myeloid leukemia with
myelodysplasia-related changes shows highly abnormal multinucleated erythroid
precursors, increased myeloblasts, and dysplastic maturing granulocytic cells.
f18.9 This karyogram shows a complex karyotype including monosomy of i18.53 This bone marrow core biopsy in acute myeloid leukemia with
many chromosomes as well as multiple marker chromosomes. The abnormal myelodysplasia-related changes shows highly atypical multinucleated erythroid
chromosomes are on the right. (Giemsa trypsin Wright) cells in the approximate size range of megakaryocytes. Note increased blasts and
dysplastic megakaryocytes. (H&E)
i18.54 In this case of acute myeloid leukemia, the mature neutrophils exhibit i18.55 This bone marrow core biopsy section is from an elderly female with new
features of myelokathexis with exceedingly long, thin interlobar strands. (Wright) onset of pancytopenia. Note hypercellularity, lymphoid aggregate, and increased
megakaryocytes. (H&E)
i18.56 On higher magnification, tremendously increased numbers of small i18.57 This bone marrow core biopsy section shows abnormal localization of
dysplastic megakaryocytes are evident on this bone marrow core biopsy section myeloperoxidase-positive immature granulocytic cells in acute myeloid leukemia
in acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplasia-related changes (see i18.55). with myelodysplasia-related changes. (immunoperoxidase for myeloperoxidase)
Morphologic and immunohistochemical assessment
of bone marrow core biopsies can be used to enumerate
immature cells and assess for multilineage dysplasia i18.55,
i18.56, i18.57, i18.58 [Ngo 2008].
In addition, these cases by definition lack the
clinical history (eg, prior cytotoxic therapy) and genetic
abnormalities [eg, t(15;17)] that would identify them
as belonging to other specific biologic subtypes of AML.
However, there is a minor exception to this rule: some
cases of AML with myelodysplasia-related changes will
also carry mutated NPM1 or CEBPA, which, as described
above, could theoretically place them into the provisional
categories reserved for cases with such mutations. Because
i18.58 Small dysplastic megakaryocytes are highlighted by immunoperoxidase
the prognostic significance of NPM1 and CEBPA mutations
staining for CD31 in acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplasia-related is unclear in the setting of myelodysplasia-related changes,
changes. (immunoperoxidase for CD31) the WHO 2008 classification recommends that these rare
Radiation/radiotherapy also leukemogenic; may also occur after either autologous stem cell or bone marrow transplantation [Beauchamp-Nicoud 2003, Smith 2003];
rarely reported after G-CSF for stem cell donor [Hsia 2008]
AML = acute myeloid leukemia; MDS= myelodysplastic syndrome; MPN = myeloproliferative neoplasm; t- = therapy-related
References: [Czader 2009, Knight 2009, Pedersen-Bjergaard 2008, Rund 2005, Seedhouse 2007, Vardiman 2008a]
cases be assigned to the MDS-related category, with a note chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment [Vardiman 2008a]. Agents
appended to the diagnostic line identifying the coexisting that have been implicated are listed in t18.1. There are 2 broad
mutation. Cases of AML with myelodysplasia-related changes categories of therapy-related myeloid neoplasms: those
have a generally poor prognosis, though this may be primarily that follow treatment with alkylating agents and those that
attributable to the frequent presence of high-risk cytogenetic follow agents directed against the enzyme topoisomerase II.
abnormalities rather than history or morphology per se, as Although in both cases, AML arises following direct DNA
suggested by recent authors [Wandt 2008]. However, in comparison damage induced by the therapeutic agent, the genetic and
to AML, NOS, cases of AML with MDS-related changes have clinical features of the resulting processes are quite different,
a significantly worse overall survival [Weinberg 2009]. as summarized in t18.8 [Czader 2009, Knight 2009, Pedersen-Bjergaard 2008, Rund 2005,
Seedhouse 2007, Vardiman 2008a]. Because chemotherapeutic regimens
Therapy-Related AML often include both alkylating agents and topoisomerase II
One clinical setting that automatically triggers a specific inhibitors, the WHO 2008 recommendation is to group all
subclassification of AML is a history of prior cytotoxic therapy-related myeloid neoplasms (t-AMLs) together rather
i18.59 This peripheral blood smear is from a patient who developed therapy- i18.60 This peripheral blood smear shows a therapy-related myeloid neoplasm.
related acute myeloid leukemia. Note profound cytopenias and striking red blood Note profound cytopenias, circulating myeloblasts, and markedly atypical
cell pathology. (Wright) eosinophil. (Wright)
i18.61 This bone marrow aspirate smear shows abundant myeloid blasts and i18.62 Both dysplastic erythroid and granulocytic lineage cells are evident
abnormal erythroid cells in a therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia. (Wright) on this bone marrow aspirate smear from a patient with therapy-related acute
myeloid leukemia. (Wright)
i18.63 This bone marrow aspirate smear shows an admixture of residual chronic
lymphocytic leukemia and concurrent therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia.
Note abundant small lymphocytes and associated increased blasts. (Wright)
i18.64 This bone marrow aspirate smear composite shows prominent i18.65 This bone marrow core biopsy section shows side-by-side therapy-related
monoblastic features in this case of therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia linked acute myeloid leukemia a with residual chronic lymphocytic leukemia b. (H&E)
to topoisomerase II inhibitor therapy. (Wright)
i18.66 Immunoperoxidase staining for CD34 shows markedly increased i18.67 This bone marrow core biopsy section from a case of therapy-related
myeloblasts in the area of therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia, while the portion acute myeloid leukemia shows markedly increased blasts in conjunction with
of the bone marrow effaced by persistent chronic lymphocytic leukemia shows CD34 increased and dysplastic megakaryocytes. (H&E)
positivity only in blood vessels (see i18.65). (immunoperoxidase for CD34)
a b
c d
i18.68 Composite of therapy related-acute myeloid leukemia shows increased i18.69 Residual myeloma is readily apparent by immunohistochemical staining
myeloblasts a, disrupted erythroid coloniesb, abnormal localization of for CD138, with persistence of highly atypical plasma cells on bone marrow aspirate
immature granulocytic cells c, and increased and dysplastic megakaryocytes d. smear (inset). Areas not effaced by residual myeloma were effaced by therapy-related
(immunoperoxidase for CD34, hemoglobin A, myeloperoxidase, and CD42b) acute myeloid leukemia. (immunoperoxidase for CD138 and Wright)
a b c
i18.72 This composite of fibrotic therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia i18.73 This peripheral blood smear is from a premature infant with Down
shows the morphologic features on high magnification a, the prominent reticulin syndrome, illustrating a marked leukocytosis with a predominance of blasts charac-
fibrosis b, and the collagen fibrosis c (see i18.71). Collagen fibrosis is unusual in teristic of transient abnormal myelopoiesis. (Wright) (courtesy R McKenna, MD)
therapy-related myeloid neoplasms. (H&E, reticulin, and trichrome)
i18.74 Both megakaryoblasts and differentiating megakaryocytes are evident i18.75 This bone marrow core biopsy is from a 4-week-old Down syndrome
in this peripheral blood smear from a Down syndrome neonate with transient baby with transient abnormal myelopoiesis. Note increased immature cells and
abnormal myelopoiesis. Note large megakaryocyte fragments. (Wright) markedly increased small abnormal megakaryocytes. (H&E)
i18.76 This bone marrow core biopsy section is from a 4-week-old Down i18.77 This peripheral blood smear is from a 22-month-old Down syndrome
syndrome infant with transient abnormal myelopoiesis. At high magnification, baby with acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. Note profound pancytopenia,
a marked increase in immature blastic cells is evident in conjunction with circulating megakaryoblasts, and dysplastic platelet. (Wright)
abnormal megakaryocytes. (H&E)
a b
i18.78 This bone marrow aspirate smear shows Down syndrome-associated i18.79 This composite of Down syndrome-associated acute megakaryoblastic
acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. (Wright) leukemia shows a comparison of the morphologic features a in conjunction
with the markedly increased megakaryocytic component highlighted by CD31.
(H&E and immunoperoxidase for CD31)
yeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome (MLADS) in
the pediatric age group is overwhelmingly megakaryoblastic in
nature, as is transient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM) described
further in Down Syndrome-Associated AML and Transient Abnormal
Myelopoiesis, p 406. Interestingly, both processes harbor acquired mutations
in GATA1, a gene on the short arm of the X chromosome that encodes a
transcription factor. GATA1 mutations seem to be surprisingly specific for
these settings. The GATA family of proteins contain zinc finger domains
that bind specific DNA sequences. In fact, the name GATA is derived from
the key portion of the sequence recognized: G-A-T-A [Bates 2008]. GATA1 also
binds a series of partner proteins, including the endearingly named friend of
GATA1 (FOG1) [Hamlett 2008, Johnson 2007]. Depending on the partner protein
in the complex, GATA1 can act as an activator or repressor of transcription
at its target sites, many of which bear upon erythroid and megakaryocytic
i18.80 Both blasts and small dysplastic megakaryocytes characterize this differentiation. DS-associated GATA1 mutations introduce early stop
case of Down syndrome-associated acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. (H&E) codons that result in the utilization of an alternative downstream start site
and, consequently, the production of a shorter GATA1 protein lacking the
(courtesy S Peiper, MD)
N-terminal domain necessary for proper regulation of its transcriptional
targets [Xavier 2009].
i18.80 [Hitzler 2007]. The megakaryoblasts seen in MLADS GATA1 mutations alone do not produce acute leukemia, a point
underscored by the existence of a family cohort with an inherited mutation
are largely indistinguishable from TAM; however, they similar to those seen in Down syndrome. These individuals do not develop
have been shown to harbor more complex cytogenetic TAM or leukemia [Hollanda 2006]. Thus, there is not only a special propensity to
abnormalities compared to blasts from TAM [Massey 2006]. develop acquired GATA1 mutations in the setting of trisomy 21, but also a
specific leukemogenic effect directly dependent on the presence of the extra
MLADS is extremely chemosensitive with an overall survival chromosome 21. Some investigators have implicated RUNX1 in this regard
in excess of 80% [Creutzig 2005, Webb 2005, Xavier 2009]. The diagnostic [Hitzler 2007]. The gene encoding the RUNX1 transcription factor is present
distinction of TAM from MLADS depends largely on the in the Down syndrome critical region on chromosome 21, and RUNX1
clinical setting, with the former occurring exclusively in physically associates with GATA1 [Elagib 2007]. RUNX1 is also a key player
in translocations that defi ne certain types of AML and ALL, though its
neonates and, by definition, resolving by 3 months of age. connection with DS-associated processes remains at present circumstantial
MLADS includes a phase of disease with the features of and controversial [Xu 2006a].
myelodysplastic syndrome, which usually precedes the Another unexplained mystery in these cases is why some, but only some,
onset of more pronounced blastemia. Because of this close TAM progresses to MLADS. Researchers have analyzed, via microarray,
blasts from TAM and from the subsequent MLADS, and found that, despite
temporal and prognostic relationship, both of these disease being largely immunophenotypically and morphologically similar, they
states (MDS-like and AML-like) fall under the umbrella form 2 distinct groups at the level of gene expression [Lightfoot 2004]. In other
term MLADS without regard to blast percentage. TAM and words, there appears to be a progression, with many gene pathways affected,
that underlies the reappearance and the aggressive behavior of the GATA1+
MLADS are further compared in t18.5. See sidebar18.1 for clone [Roy 2009]. Th is contention is also supported by the observation that
further discussion of the significance of GATA1 mutations in blasts in MLADS have often acquired cytogenetic abnormalities in addition
these processes. to the constitutional trisomy 21 [Forestier 2008, Massey 2006]. Similarly, while 12%
of TAM had detectable telomerase activity, this number increases to 52%
when considering cases of MLADS [Holt 2002]. Further investigation of TAM
and MLADS will likely yield additional insights into both the similarities
[18.7] AML, Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) and the differences between these unique disorders.
Despite attempts to utilize a biologic-based classification
of AML to the greatest extent possible, the 2008 WHO classi-
fication has included 11 subtypes of AML, not otherwise [Arber 2008c]. Although up to 1/3 of AML cases currently fall
specified (NOS) [Arber 2008c, Vardiman 2009]. A lineage-based system is into AML, NOS, it is likely that this proportion will steadily
used to subclassify those cases of AML that lack any specific decline as more biologic entities are defined by molecular
AML-defining biologic characteristic. Consequently, the genetic studies.
AML, NOS category is reserved for cases that fulfill general The fairly complex lineage and degree of maturation-
criteria for AML but lack: a) an AML recurrent cytogenetic based classification criteria for AML, NOS cases and their
or molecular abnormality, b) a link to prior chemotherapy, key features and associations are delineated in t18.9 [Arber 2008c,
c) multilineage dysplasia involving the majority of cells, d) Barbaric 2007, Bene 2001, Dunphy 2004, Haferlach 2009b, Hama 2008, Kaleem 2001, Malinge 2008,
MDS-type cytogenetic abnormalities, e)an association with Oki 2006]. Each subtype will be briefly reviewed and illustrated to
Down syndrome, or f)a history of MDS or MDS/MPN complement the information in t18.9.
a b
i18.81 Acute myeloid leukemia with minimal differentiation is illustrated in this i18.82 This bone marrow aspirate smear is from a patient with acute myeloid
composite, showing the appearance on bone marrow aspirate smear a and bone leukemia without maturation. Note predominance of blasts with little evidence of
marrow core biopsy sections b. There were no convincing morphologic or cytochemical differentiation. (Wright)
features to document myeloid lineage differentiation. (Wright and H&E)
i18.83 Confirmation of myeloid lineage differentiation is evidenced by scant i18.84 This bone marrow core biopsy section from a patient with acute myeloid
myeloperoxidase positivity in this case of myeloid leukemia without maturation. leukemia without maturation shows a striking predominance of blasts with
(myeloperoxidase cytochemical stain) moderate amounts of cytoplasm. (H&E)
i18.85 This peripheral blood smear of acute myeloid leukemia with maturation i18.86 A wide spectrum of intensity of myeloperoxidase staining characterizes
shows circulating dysplastic neutrophils. (Wright) acute myeloid leukemia with maturation. (myeloperoxidase cytochemical stain)
i18.87 Both myeloid and monocytic differentiation are evident in this i18.88 Moderate amounts of myeloperoxidase cytochemical staining are
peripheral blood smear of acute myelomonocytic leukemia characterized by evident within a subset of the blasts in this case of acute myelomonocytic
marked leukocytosis, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. Note dysplastic neutrophil leukemia. Note the admixed monoblasts are myeloperoxidase negative.
and promonocytes. (Wright) (myeloperoxidase cytochemical stain)
cytochemical staining and flow cytometric immunopheno-
typing are useful in confirming the dual lineage involvement
in AMML i18.88. Careful attention to promonocyte
enumeration is key to distinguishing AMML from CMML
t18.4, i18.13. Similarly, both strong uniform myeloperoxidase
positivity and confirmation of PML-RARA fusion are critical
in distinguishing AMML from microgranular APL.
i18.90 Ingestion of multiple red blood cells by a leukemic blast is evident on the i18.91 This peripheral blood smear illustrates the typical cytologic features of
cytospin smear from a patient with acute myelomonocytic leukemia and t(8;16). acute monoblastic leukemia. Note that virtually all nuclei are oval to round in
shape and there is little evidence of monocytic maturation. (Wright)
a b
i18.92 This composite illustrates the cytologic and cytochemical features i18.93 Acute monocytic leukemia with maturation including atypical
of acute monoblastic leukemia. Note strong nonspecific esterase positivity b. monocytes is evident in this peripheral blood smear from a patient with marked
(Wright and nonspecific esterase cytochemical stain) leukocytosis and profound anemia and thrombocytopenia. (Wright) (courtesy
T Keith, MD)
a b more monocytoid appearance of the blasts. The incidence
of t(8;16) is low (0.2%-0.4% of de novo AML) [Haferlach 2009b,
Mitelman 1992]. These patients have a poor prognosis [Becher 1988,
Bernasconi 2000, Haferlach 2009b, Heim 1987, Velloso 1996].
i18.95 This peripheral blood smear is from an elderly patient with i18.96 This bone marrow aspirate smear shows acute erythroid leukemia with
pancytopenia. Note circulating erythroblasts. (Wright) increased myeloblasts and erythroblasts. (Wright)
a b
i18.97 This composite illustrates abnormal PAS positivity in dysplastic i18.98 This bone marrow core biopsy section from a patient with acute
erythroid cells a and ring sideroblasts b in acute erythroid leukemia. (Periodic erythroid leukemia shows hypercellularity. Areas of dark blue are erythroid,
acid-Schiff and Prussian blue) while areas that are slightly more eosinophilic are myeloid infiltrates. (H&E)
a b
i18.100 This composite of immunohistochemical stains from a case of acute i18.101 This bone marrow aspirate smear in acute pure erythroid leukemia
erythroid leukemia shows increased myeloblasts by CD34 staining a and shows an overwhelming predominance of erythroblasts. (Wright)
numerous erythroblasts by CD117 staining b. (immunoperoxidase for CD34
and CD117)
i18.102 Both abnormal erythroblasts, marked anisopoikilocytosis, and i18.103 Markedly increased erythroblasts with dispersed chromatin and
dysplastic neutrophils are evident in the peripheral blood in a patient with acute oblong nucleoli efface this bone marrow core biopsy section in acute pure
erythroid leukemia. (Wright) erythroid leukemia. (H&E)
i18.105 This bone marrow clot section is effaced by megakaryoblasts in this i18.106 This circulating megakaryoblast is nondescript and megakaryoblastic
15-month-old male with acute megakaryoblastic leukemia not related to Down lineage is not apparent. (Wright)
syndrome. (H&E)
i18.107 Markedly increased immature megakaryocytic lineage cells are evident i18.108 Striking bone marrow fibrosis is evident in this bone marrow core
in this bone marrow core biopsy section from an adult with acute megakaryo- biopsy section of acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. (reticulin)
blastic leukemia. (H&E)
i18.109 Immunoperoxidase staining for CD61 highlights tremendous i18.110 Admixed immature granulocytic cells are highlighted by myeloper-
numbers of megakaryocytic cells on this bone marrow core biopsy section of acute oxidase staining in this bone marrow core biopsy section in acute megakaryo-
megakaryoblastic leukemia. (immunoperoxidase for CD61) blastic leukemia (see i18.109). (myeloperoxidase cytochemical stain)
i18.111 Both circulating megakaryoblasts and more differentiated i18.112 This bone marrow aspirate smear shows acute basophilic leukemia.
megakaryocytic lineage cells are evident in this peripheral blood smear from (Wright) (courtesy R McKenna, MD)
a patient with a high-grade megakaryocytic neoplasm. Note tremendously
enlarged and agranular circulating megakaryocyte fragments. (Wright)
a b
t18.10 Prognostic Risk of Cytogenetic Abnormalities
in Patients <60 Years with De Novo AML
Prognostic Risk Group Cytogenetic Finding
Favorable t(15;17)(q22;q21)
Intermediate Normal karyotype
del(7q), del(9q)*
Y, +11, +13, +21
Unfavorable Complex karyotype
i18.114 This peripheral blood smear composite is from a 56-year-old male t(6;9)(p23;q34)
with acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis. The patient did not have spleno- 5, 7
megaly. This peripheral blood smear composite shows a circulating myeloblast, a *Some may classify as unfavorable
dysplastic neutrophil, and profound cytopenias. (Wright)
3 chromosomal abnormalities
In intermediate risk group in [Byrd 2002]
a b c AML = acute myeloid leukemia
References: [Breems 2008, Byrd 2002, Cheng 2009, Dohner 2010, Farag 2006, Grimwade 1999, Grimwade 2001,
Kelly 2009, Kolitz 2004, Mrozek 2004, 2008a, Schlenk 2004, Slovak 2000, Weinberg2010]
a b a b c
i18.116 Hypocellular acute myeloid leukemia is evident in this composite i18.117 This composite highlights the morphologic and immunohistochemical
illustrating morphologic features a and markedly increased immunophenotypic features of hypocellular acute myeloid leukemia a, characterized by increased
blasts b. (H&E and immunoperoxidase for CD34) CD34+ blasts b that are myeloperoxidase positive c. (H&E and immunoper-
oxidase for CD34 and myeloperoxidase)
clearance of blasts from either blood or bone marrow [Derolf 2009, aplastic anemia can usually be achieved by the integration of
Dohner2010, Hussein 2008, Lacombe 2009, Wheatley 2009]. Although overall survival morphology and immunohistochemical stains i18.117.
in adults with AML has improved over time, the survival time
for advanced elderly patients (80 years) with AML has not [18.9.3] AML with Necrosis
improved [Derolf 2009]. Improved survival times for children with The delineation of lineage and stage of maturation is
AML have also been noted, although factors predictive of uniquely challenging in extensively necrotic specimens. Bone
inferior survival include age >16 years, non-white ethnicity, marrow aspirate smears may contain insufficient intact cells
absence of a related donor, WBC 100 109/L, and adverse for adequate assessment. Similarly, both flow cytometric
karyotype [Lange 2008]. immunophenotyping and conventional karyotyping are
frequently unsuccessful due to low viability and paucicel-
lularity. The successful diagnosis of extensively necrotic
[18.9] Diagnostic Pitfalls in AML Diagnosis AML is most often achieved by serial sectioning of generous
core biopsy sections and extensive immunohistochemical
[18.9.1] Low Blast Count AML assessment i18.118, i18.119, i18.120. Distinction from other
AMLs with t(8;21), inv(16)/t(16;16), or t(15;17) as necrotic bone marrow infiltrates rests largely with compre-
described earlier and in t18.5 may be diagnosed when the blast hensive immunohistochemical staining. However, blood
count is <20% i18.15, i18.28. Clues to identifying these low smears should be reviewed for evidenced of circulating viable
blast count AML cases include severe peripheral cytopenias neoplastic cells that could be assessed for lineage and stage of
with variable numbers of blasts, Auer rods, abnormal salmon- maturation by flow cytometric techniques.
colored granules and/or abnormal eosinophil precursors,
or distinctive flow cytometric studies. All of these features [18.9.4] AML with Fibrosis
are associated with the more overt AMLs with these same Fibrosis is a defining feature of APMF and is highly
cytogenetic abnormalities t18.5. Cytogenetic studies are characteristic of acute megakaryoblastic leukemia and
essential in confirming the AML-defining translocations and therapy-related myeloid neoplasms. Beyond these specific
excluding other differential diagnostic considerations. AML subtypes, mild to moderate reticulin fibrosis can be
encountered in almost any other AML subtype. In light of
[18.9.2] Hypocellular AML the inaspirability of these fibrotic bone marrows, definitive
Rare cases of AML present in a markedly hypocellular diagnosis of AML often relies upon immunohistochemical
bone marrow i18.116, i18.117. Causes of this uniquely reduced assessment of good quality bone marrow core biopsy sections
cellularity are unknown. The key challenge in these cases is to confirm by estimate that CD34+ blasts are 20% and to
to document that blasts exceed the 20% threshold. Further confirm myeloid lineage by CD33, MPO, and other myeloid
subclassification may or may not be feasible. Distinction from antigen expression i18.121, i18.122. CD117 staining is also
hypocellular MDS, hypocellular hairy cell leukemia, and useful in delineating immature myeloid and some monocytic
cells. Distinction from other fibrotic neoplastic and
i18.118 This low magnification of a bone marrow core biopsy section is i18.119 Necrotic acute myeloid leukemia is highlighted on higher magnifi-
extensively necrotic in this patient with massive relapse of acute myeloid leukemia cation of this bone marrow core biopsy section. The necrotic areas are eosinophilic
following bone marrow bone transplantation. (H&E) (right), while scattered collections of intact leukemia cells are evident (left).
i18.120 Necrotic acute myeloid leukemia is highlighted by immunoperoxidase i18.121 This bone marrow core biopsy section shows prominent fibrosis in
staining for CD43 in the focally viable areas. (immunoperoxidase for CD43) association with acute myeloid leukemia. Note spindling of cells reflecting fibrosis.
t18.12 Differential Diagnostic Possibilities for Myeloid Proliferations with Abundant Erythroid Cells
Diagnostic Possibility Comments/Bone Marrow Features
Acute erythroid leukemia: 50% erythroid cells
pure erythroid type 80% erythroblasts
erythroleukemia (erythroid/myeloid) Myeloblasts 20% of non-erythroid cells
Myelodysplastic syndrome <20% myeloblasts; variable erythroid percentage (see Chapter 16)
AML with myelodysplasia-related changes 20% blasts; 50% of dysplastic cells in at least 2 lineages
AML, NOS, with increased erythroid precursors 50% erythroid lineage cells
Polycythemia vera Erythroid predominance with complete maturation; minimal/no dysplasia
Blasts not increased
Peripheral erythrocytosis
Low erythropoietin level
Increased megakaryocytes, usually hyperlobated
Bone marrow hypercellularity with megakaryocyte abnormalities
JAK2V617F mutation positive in 95% of cases
Non-neoplastic erythroid proliferations:
megaloblastic anemia Erythroid hyperplasia with left shift, sieve-like chromatin, giant metamyelocytes (see
Chapter 6)
florid hemolytic anemia Erythroid hyperplasia with intact maturation; nuclear budding, multinucleation (see
Chapter 6)
florid erythroid regeneration post chemotherapy Intact maturation, minimal dysplastic change (mainly seen in most mature cells)
recombinant erythropoietin administration Erythroid hyperplasia with left shift (see Chapter 35)
congenital dyserythropoietic anemia Ineffective erythropoiesis, marked dyserythopoiesis; multinucleation (see Chapter 6)
should predominate in acute erythroid leukemia, while rods, megaloblastic anemia must remain in the differential
myelodysplasia tends to show an admixture of all stages diagnosis. Genetic studies are often helpful in addition to
of erythroid maturation i18.96, i18.101 (see Chapter 16). serum vitamin B12, folate, and methylmalonic acid levels (see
Distinguishing high-grade myelodysplasia with abundant Chapter 6).
erythroid cells (50%) from AML with MDS-related
changes or acute erythroid leukemia hinges on the percent [18.9.6] G-CSF Therapy
of non-erythroid cells that are myeloblasts. Clinical hetero- Therapeutic doses of recombinant G-CSF or granulocyte
geneity is well-described in acute erythroleukemia; many macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) act
patients may not require the urgent therapy needed in other similarly and may induce a variety of cellular changes
settings of acute leukemia (ie, clinically more akin to MDS). (eg, transient increases in peripheral blood or bone marrow
In such scenarios it is prudent to communicate with the blasts and/or neutrophil dysplasia) that may mimic a myeloid
submitting physician regarding the diagnostic criteria utilized neoplasm (see t10.6) [Meyerson 1998]. Consequently, it is essential
and the clinical heterogeneity of cases with 50% erythroid that the diagnostician have information about cytokine
lineage cells that fulfill AML criteria. therapy as part of routine bone marrow examination. In de
Megaloblastoid change is a frequent dysplastic novo presentations of bone marrow left-shifted myeloid
morphologic feature in myeloid malignancies. Without hyperplasia and increased blasts, but lacking definitive
other types of overt dysplasia, an increase in blasts, or Auer dysplasia, Auer rods, or abnormal karyotype, one should
i18.125 Markedly increased CD117 positive promyelocytes are evident in a [18.11]Differential Diagnosis of AML
distinct zoning pattern in this bone marrow clot section from a patient with early Depending upon the lineages involved and the extent
relapse of acute promyelocytic leukemia(see i18.124). (immunoperoxidase for of maturation, the differential diagnosis of AML is diverse.
The primary differential diagnostic considerations for Morphologic look-alikes of myeloid blasts include
specific AML subtypes have been included earlier in the granular ALL, blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm,
discussion of specific AML subtypes. Similarly, the differ- aggressive NK cell leukemia, myeloma, and lymphomas
ential diagnosis of hypocellular, fibrotic, and necrotic AML [Groom 1991, Pitman 2007]. Although bone marrow core biopsy
is included in [18.9] Diagnostic Pitfalls in AML Diagnosis, section morphology generally allows distinction, the bone
p 419. Because myeloid neoplasms with abundant erythroid marrow aspirate smear appearance of rhabdomyosarcoma,
lineage cells are particularly problematic, an earlier section neuroblastoma, medulloblastoma, and other metastatic
focuses on the differential diagnosis of these erythroid lesions can closely mimic acute leukemia (see Chapter 29)
predominant lesions. For AML, definitive diagnosis hinges [Chen 2004, Etzell 2006]. Even immunophenotypic overlap between
on accurate blast enumeration to allow distinction from metastatic lesions and AML has been noted [Etzell 2006].
high-grade MDS and MDS/MPN. The diagnostician must A systematic evaluation including cytochemical stains
be aware that a diagnosis of AML is warranted in cases with and immunophenotyping can aid in these distinctions.
20% blasts if an AML-defining translocation is identified Benign disorders that can mimic selected AML subtypes
(see Low Blast Count AML, p 419). Transformations include megaloblastic anemia, G-CSF therapy, arsenic
into AML by other myeloid neoplasms must also be toxicity, and other toxic bone marrow insults.
recognized. This is best achieved when comprehensive
clinical information is readily available. Previous bone
marrow specimens should be compared systematically to [18.12] Components of the Diagnostic
current specimens to clarify issues of transformation of an Interpretation
underlying hematologic disorder such as MDS, MPN, and The components of the diagnostic interpretation of AML
MDS/MPN. Auer rods are for the most part indicative of must include information regarding blast/blast equivalent
AML, but they may be present in rare patients with MDS enumeration, lineages involved, extent of maturation, and
(see Chapter 16). However, Auer rod-like inclusions have extent of dysplastic features of all lineages. The integration of
also been noted in lymphomas and myeloma (see i23.20) molecular genetic information is also essential. t18.13 provides
[Groom 1991, Hutter 2009]. tips and strategies for this process.