Bs 5839

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Audible devices

Audible alarm signals p7

Background noise p7
Bomb alert p8
Class change p8
Interference p5
Near panel p5
Noisy areas p7
Radio sounders p7
Response time p 13
Silencing p7
Sound levels p7
Sound readings p7
Explosive environments p3
Cables and Wires p 14-17
MICC screening p 17
Call points p9
Covers p9
Design p9
Filtering p 23
Location p9
Mounting height p9
Reaction time p 9, p 13
Siting p 20
Travel distance p9
Zoning p6
Categories of system p1
L Category p1
M Category p1
P Category p 1, p 7
Selection of Categories p2
System category and design p3
Commissioning and handover p 25-26
Control and indicating equipment p 12
LED indication p 13
Location p 12
Networking p 13
Cupboards p3
Certification p 20
Considerations p3
Responsibilities p 20
Sounder circuit p5
System category and design p3
Detection zones p6
Application p9
Aspirating detection p 21
Beam detectors p 21
Carbon monoxide detectors p 4, p 10, p 22
Corridors p3
Detection by panel p 12
Filtering p 21
Flame detectors p 22
Heat detectors p9
Height limitations p 12
Location p 11, p 21
Multi-sensors p 21, 22
Near panel p 12
Remote indicators p6
Removal p5
Room off p3
Search distance p6
Siting of automatic smoke detectors p 20
Smoke detectors p9
Spacing and Siting p 10-11
Time control p 21
Types p9
Wall mounting p 11
Domestic dwellings p1
Earthing p 17
Electromagnetic compatibility p 17
Protection against electromagnetic forces p 22
False alarms
Action for unacceptable rate p 32
Categories p 18-19
Causes p 19
Limitation p 18, p 20
Maintenance engineer p 18
Rates p 18, p 19
Filtering p 23
Alarm filtering p 23
Call points p 23
Fire services (communication with)
Cables p7
Direct calls p7
Impaired hearing p 4, p 8
Installation p 24
Inspection and testing of wiring p 25
Practices and workmanship p 24
Introduction p1
Levels of system p2
Maintenance p 28
Actions on service visit p 29
Annual service tests p 30
Inspection & servicing p 28
Inspection & test following a fire p 32
Inspection & test following long disconnection p 32
Log book p 31, p33
Monthly test by user p 28
Periodic inspection p 29
Takeover service visit p 30
Timing of service visits p 29
Weekly test by user p 28
Maintenance company p 24
Circuit p4
Panel p4
Need for Fire Alarm p1
Other system links
Actuation of, p3
Disablement of, p3
Powering linked systems p3
Display p4
Performance monitoring of newly commissioned systems p 22
Power supplies p 13, p 14
Battery labelling p 14
Mains p 13
Mains labelling p 13
Residual current devices p 14
Standby supplies p 14
System support time p 14
Pre-alarms p 33
Radio linked systems p 16
Responsibility of installer p 24
Responsibility of service engineer p 18
Responsibility of user p 18, p32
Risers p3
Safety (electrical) p 17
Search distance p 6, p 9
Short circuit isolation p5
Soak testing p 22
Sounders – see Audible devices
Sprinklers p 11
Staff alarms p 8, p 23
Staged fire alarms p8
Alert signals p8
Stairways p3
Standards (related) p 3, p 4
Acceptance p 27
Cause and effect p6
Components p4
Disablement p5
Faults p5
Integrity p5
Management p 23
Modifications p 31
Reinstatement p 23
Removal and locking p5
Repair p31
Selection of system type p 22
Sprinkler systems p 23
Time related systems p 23
Verification p 27
Temporary works p 23
Tender documentation p 23
Toilets p3
Visual alarm signals p8
Variations from code of practice p3
Voids p3
Zoning p6

BS 5839 2002 - A Summary


This document is a précis of the recommendations in the Standard. When first

mentioned, principle and interesting changes from BS5839 1988 are indicated in
italics, from p18 onwards it is best regarded as all new. The Standard itself is split
into commentary and recommendations. The commentary provides an invaluable
insight into the recommendations. When considering the recommendations it is
necessary to remember that it is a code of practice. In the words of the Standards'
principle author C.S.Todd "It is meant for the guidance of wise men and the blind
obedience of fools".
This précis is aimed at people with a working knowledge of fire alarms and is not
intended to be exhaustive or a substitute for reading the original text.

Need for a fire alarm

A complicated subject but in practice all but very small relatively open plan
buildings where fire will be quickly spotted by occupants will need one. Domestic
dwellings are covered by part 6 of the standard.

Categories of system
The Standard substitutes the word categories for the previous term levels. The
substantive change is the addition of categories L4 and L5.Categories are split into
L systems, where the prime aim is life saving and P systems, where the prime aim
is the protection of property. M or manual systems consist of manual call points
with no automatic detection. M systems are aimed at life protection rather than
property. In practice all categories will include manual call points. The only
exception would be remote unmanned buildings that require automatic detection


Life Property Means of detection

Protection Protection
M - Manual call points only
L1 P1/M M + detection throughout risk
L2 P2/M M + L3 + detectors in areas of high risk
L3 P2/M M + detection on escape routes and
rooms off escape routes
L4 P2/M M + detection on escape routes and
circulation areas
L5 P2/M M + detection in high risk areas only

Selection of categories

Choice is determined by many factors such as life and business risk, legal
requirements, insurers requirements, etc, between the parties to the decision.
Annex A of the Standard illustrates the typical range of current custom and
practice. This is summarised below.

Type of Lower Higher Comments

Premises Risk Risk
End End
Most places of M or P1/M M normally meets legal
work, offices, P/2M requirements. Detection added to
shops, meet insurers and business
warehouse, interruption risk.
Hotels and L2 L1 In sleeping areas L3 is the base
Hostels recommendation level. In practice
this becomes at least L2.
Pubs M L2 Pubs with no residential
accommodation M. Pubs with
residential accommodation L3/L2.
Schools M M/P2/L4 Normally based on fire risk
assessment particularly arson risk.
Detection also often added if in
partial use for community activities.
Hospitals L1 L1 Minor variations as per HTM1982
Places of M L1 Accommodation under 300 normally
assembly, eg M.
entertainment Larger premises L4 to L1. Large
premises are usually L1.
Transportation M/L5 M/L5
Covered shopping L3 L1
Residential care L3 L1 L1 for large premises
Prisons M L5
Phased L3 L3
Buidings with M/L5 M/L4 Extra risk to life posed by such
means of escape things as inner rooms, unoccupied
difficulties spaces, cross building risks, use of
automatic door holders etc.
Insurer M/P2 M/P1
Variations from code of practice
The term variations is used rather than deviations as this is a recommendation
document based on good practice. Examples are given where search distances,
sound levels, zone sizes, etc, might be relaxed on the advice of an expert. The
variations are to be listed on the system certification. Variations should be clear to
all approving parties and agreed bettween the parties.

Design Considerations
At design stage the system category and detection means should be clearly
stated. Where the system coverage is specific as in P2 the areas being covered
should be detailed.

In category L3 all rooms off escape routes should have detection. If a corridor is
less than 4metres long the room detection can be omitted providing the corridor
and any connections to the rest of the escape route is of fire resisting construction.

Room off detectors can be heat, smoke or combustion gas detectors.

In L1 and P1 systems the following areas need not be covered if they are of low
Toilets, shower rooms and bathrooms
Stairway and toilet lobbies
Voids under 800mm depth
Cupboards under 1m square.
Risers with fire resisting floors and ceilings can be considered cupboards.

Actuation of other fire protection systems or safety facilities

Covers activities such as closing down boilers, shutting doors, opening vents, etc,
should comply to BS7273 or if not the requirements should be identified at design

If fire testing could have undesirable effects on the linked systems then a
disablement facility should be provided. BSEN 54-2 applies.

Other than for indicators, the linked systems should not draw power from the fire
panel. Therefore do not power Magnetic door holders from the panel.

Systems in explosive gas and dust atmospheres

Systems or parts of systems in or passing through areas of explosive gas should

comply to BSEN 60079-14 and explosive dust BS EN 50281-1-2.

System Components

Should conform to the relevant standard currently;

Manual Call Points BS EN 54-11 for type A single action
Point Heat Detectors BS EN 54-5 class A1 or A2
Point Heat above 40C BS EN 54-5 class B-G
Point Smoke Detectors BS EN 54-7
Flame Detectors BS EN 54-10
Beam Detectors BS EN 54-12
Carbon Monoxide detectors No standard see below
Sounders and Bells BS EN 54-3
Power Supplies BS EN 54-4
Cables BS 5839 2002 Clause 26
PC's No standard see below
Panels etc BS EN 54-2

As there is no relevant Standard for Carbon Monoxide detectors, users should

seek manufacturer's assurance backed by third party attestation . In commentary
the point is made that the user should be made aware at the outset of the 'through
life cost' of ownership because of the need to change the sensing element. Equally
the point is made that as they are more sensitive than heat detectors and less
prone to false alarms than smoke detectors, they can be useful particularly as
room detectors. Equally, Multisensors can achieve the same objective. It is a
recommendation that in L1 systems only smoke detectors should be used as
corridor detectors.

If a PC is used as a user interface it should be considered as a supplementary

interface. A control and indicating equipment conforming to BS EN 54-2 should be
fitted adjacent to it.

Radio pagers and Transmitters should comply to the relevant British Standard.

Circuit Monitoring

Within 100 seconds, panels should indicate; a short circuit, open circuit, removal of
a detector, separate power supply circuit fault, rupture of fuse or other protective
device, repeater/mimic circuit wiring fault, wiring link fault to remote station
communicating equipment or voice system.

Panels should indicate within - 30 mins: mains failure to any part of the system
- 15 mins: failure of stand by power supply
- 30 mins: failure of battery charger
- 30 mins: out of standard battery voltages

Tactile fire alarm devices for people with impaired hearing should be monitored.

System Integrity
A fault on one circuit should not affect any other circuits.
A fault causing a cross connection between two circuits should not affect any other
A single fault on a detection circuit should not disable an area of
more than 2000m sq.
more than one floor plus five devices on the floor above and five on the floor
Two simultaneous faults on a detection circuit should not disable more than

Where detectors are designed to be removed from their base for the purpose of
routine maintenance of the system:
a) Removal of the detectors should not effect the operation of any call point
regardless of whether locking devices are used to secure the detectors within their
b) If malicious removal of detectors is thought likely then a locking device should
be used and planned for at design stage.

Disablements should be limited to one zone and not prevent the evacuation of the
Removal of a call point or detector should have no affect on the sounder system,
other than on a sounder that shares the same fixing.
Fire alarm devices should be capable of removal only with a special tool.

A single circuit failure should not stop all the sounders in a building and one
sounder should be located in the vicinity of the panel. A drawing is used to
illustrate that when loop sounders are used, a loop should be wired: panel-
sounder-short circuit isolator. This assumes that a short circuit isolator is present at
each end of the loop in the panel, which is normal. There need be only one
adjacent sounder positioned either on the outgoing or incoming loop.

In commentary the point is made that due to the improvements in alarm line
monitoring the interleaving of alarm circuits could reduce safety as the circuits are
likely to be adjacent and could suffer simultaneous damage. The suggestion is to
keep the lines separate whilst trying to get sound throughout the building, eg
alternate floors and stairways on different circuits.

Two sounder circuits should be present in each compartmented space in buildings

that accommodate the public in large numbers. That is
Areas greater than 4000 m sq
Or designed to accommodate more than 500
This recommendation is not intended to apply to small cellular or non- public

If powered from a separate power supply the supply link to the panel should be
Detection Zones

Call points in a stairwell should take the zone of adjacent accommodation on that

If the total floor area of a building exceeds 300m sq each floor should be a zone.
If the total floor area of a building is less than 300m a zone may cover more than
one storey.
Floor or ceiling voids in a zone may be included in that zone providing they are in
one fire compartment.

Call point only zones

A single uncompartmentalised zone eg a warehouse with only call points may be

up to 10,000m². If compartmentalised, maximum 2,000m².

Zones with conventional detectors

Maximum floor area 2000 sq m

Search distance should not exceed 60m. This is the worst case travel distance
from any likely entrance to be aware of the seat of the fire.
Automatic detectors in a stairwell or other flue like structure should be on a
separate zone.

Zones with addressable detectors

Zonal indication still required at panel in addition to addressable text.

Search distance 60m above does not apply providing the information provided at
the panel would enable a person unfamiliar with the site to proceed to the source
of the alarm.

Remote indicators should be clearly labelled as to their function and sited/labelled

to assist the location of the detector they serve.

Alarm Zones

Alarm zone boundaries should be of fire resisting structure or outside walls.

The alarm sounds should be common throughout the risk.

Where there are more complex evacuation plans the cause and effect should be
agreed with the fire authorities.
One alarm zone may contain a number of detection zones.
The boundaries of alarm and detection zones should coincide.
Care should be taken to avoid overlap of sound from one alarm zone to another.

Communication with the Fire Service
A telephone call from an occupied building via the emergency call system is the
preferred method. Noise levels in the area from which the call is made should not
interfere with the call.
Automatic direct calls to the Fire Brigade should not be used.
The need for an automatic call system to a central station should form part of the
initial risk assessment.
If a P category is designated then there should be an automatic link unless the risk
is 24 hour manned.
The automatic receiving centre should comply to BS5979.
The on site link to the communication equipment should be routed through areas
of low risk and protected with detectors. The cables should be fire resistant. The
link should also be monitored.
Automatic transmission should not be effected by the silencing of the alarms.

Audible Alarm Signals

General sound pressure level 65dBa or 5dBa above ambient.
Sounds unlikely to persist for more than 30 secs may be ignored.
Noise made by running water in bathrooms may be ignored.
65dBa may be reduced to 60dBa in stairways, enclosures of not more than 60m sq
eg cellular offices, points of limited extent.
75dBa is considered necessary to rouse people from sleep. In practice this means
a sounder in each bedroom.
120dBa is the maximum allowed at a particular point.
These figures are arbitrary and deemed to be appropriate.
One can ignore readings within 500mm of a partition or wall
An instrument complying to BS EN 60651 set to slow response and A weighting
should be used to measure sound pressure.
If with the background sound present the sound meter rises by 6dBa then the
5dBa above ambient can be adjudged to have been met.
Frequency of sounders should lay bettween 500 and 1000Hz.
Fire sounders should be distinctive and all have the same sound ie no mixing of
bells and sounders.
If music is being played at over 80dBa the system should automatically mute the
In noisy factory areas, primary sounders that meet the Standards' requirement
when the machines are silent may be fitted, providing that they are supplemented
by mains sounders on the same feed as the machines.
It may be that on large sites with multiple buildings, external sounders or strobes
labelled "fire alarms" could be useful to the fire authorities.
A silence alarms facility should be available at the panel.
Alarm sounders will not normally silence automatically. Exceptions:
external sounders should silence after 30 mins unless site continuously
Radio sounders may silence after 30 mins
Alert signals may be silenced
The minimum number of sounders on a system is two.
Other than for school class change the sounders should not be used for other
purposes, unless the response required is the same as fire, eg bomb alert.

In hospitals and care homes HTM82 applies.

Appendix B of the standard details typical sound levels by building type

Visual Alarm Signals

Use if sound levels exceed 90Dba or hearing defenders are used.
Should be readily visible, but not cause glare, in all areas in normal ambient light.
Flash range 30-130 per minute.
Should be clearly distinguishable as fire therefore are normally red.
Minimum fixing height 2.1 metres.

Fire Warning For People With Impaired Hearing

Section 18 of the standard provides 13 recommendations on the subject and
discusses the options. For the profoundly deaf a portable appliance such as tactile
pagers are likely to be the best solution. The objective of the recommendations is
that such devices need to be monitored to be sure they will work in an emergency.
In the commentary the following point is made, "many people with severe
impairment of hearing have sufficiently clear perception of some types of audible
alarm signals to require no special warning of fires". The point is also made that
people can be designated to provide the necessary warning. The practical problem
arises when people are in isolated locations or move around a building.

Staged Fire Alarms

Such approaches require early consultation with the relevant authorities.

If the evacuation route stairway is insufficient to handle a simultaneous evacuation
no single control should cause an evacuation.

Staff Alarms
If staff alarms are used there must always be sufficient trained staff available.
Normally this response would not be used for a call point, only for a detector. If it is
applied to the operation of a call point the person activating the call point should be
in no doubt as to the success of the operation. Visual alarms should comply to the
relevant section above. An override evacuation capability should be available at
the panel.

Alert signals
Alert signals should be intermittent 0.5 to 1.5 secs on 0.5 to 1.5 secs off.
Alert signals should be synchronised.
Manual provision for override to evacuate should be made.
Provision for alert signals to cease after 30 secs may be made providing they
resound for 10 secs a minimum of every three minutes until manually silenced.

Manual Call Points
All identical, operation by breaking/displacing a frangible element and complying to
BS EN 54-11.
Time from activation to evacuation signal should not exceed 3 secs. BE EN54-2
allows 10 secs and this is allowable subject to agreement with the enforcing
authority but should be stated as a variation on the completion certification.
Should be located on escape routes, at all storey exits and at all exits to open air
whether or not they are designated as fire exits.
If phased evacuation is used, call points must be located within the
accommodation and at each designated exit from an alarm zone.
Normally may be in stairwell or on accommodation side.
Max distance to a call point 45m travel by normal route. At design stage if layout
unknown use 30m straight line.
In environments with a risk of rapid fire spread or where the person likely to
operate the call point has limited mobility reduce distances to 25m and 16m.
High risk activities, eg kitchens or spray booths, should have call points nearby.
Normal mounting height 1.4m plus or minus 200mm. May be lower for wheelchair
Should be located in well lit areas against a contrasting background and where
they need to be viewed from the side eg corridors should protrude 15mm.
If covers are used to limit accidental or malicious operation then this should be
agreed with the authorities and recorded as a variation.
In public car parks emergency voice communication complying to BS 5839-9 may
be used subject to approval by the authorities.

Types of fire detectors and their application

Five pages of the standard are given over to commentary on this subject which
should be fully understood by anyone designing fire alarm systems.
The detector chosen should provide adequate protection whilst minimising the risk
of false alarms. In cases of doubts there should be consultation bettween the
Heat Detectors
May be used anywhere except:
In P systems where a small smouldering fire may result in unacceptable
On escape routes in L systems, but they may be used in rooms off escape
Where smoke could be a threat to the occupants escape before a heat
detector would activate. A heat is normally suitable for a bedroom because
the fire can be expected to awaken the occupant.
Smoke Detectors
May be used anywhere except:
Where the principle hazard is flammable gases or liquids.
Where there is a high risk of false alarms. Alternative strategies need to
evolved such as other detector types e.g. multi sensors, quick response,
alarm filtering etc
Optical detectors should normally be used in corridors stairways etc.
Generally Optical detectors are less prone to false alarms than ionisation detectors
but the choice of detector can significantly reduce the risk of false alarms. For
example Ionisation detectors are less sensitive to cigarette smoke.
Ionisation detectors are not as good as other detectors for sensing smouldering
fires for which optical, beam, carbon monoxide or multi-sensors are preferred.
Ionisation, multi-sensors, sensitive heat detectors or flame detectors are preferred
to optical for sensing flaming fires.
Carbon monoxide detectors can be used wherever a heat detector can; in L3 and
L4 category corridors, in conjunction with optical detectors or where there is test
evidence to prove they offer adequate protection. The exception is in areas where
rapid flaming fires are likely, then Carbon monoxide detectors are not suitable.
Video Smoke detection should be capable of detecting smoke reliably in the
absence of mains supplies or any lighting provided to aid smoke detection.
Flame detectors must have a clear line of sight of the fire.

Spacing and Siting of Fire Detectors

Where and when to use detection depends on the category of design chosen.
Which detector to select depends on the risk. The following recommendations
clarify the position on voids and stairways.
In enclosed stairways on each principle landing
In any flue like structure, open stairways, lifts, hoists, etc, at the top of the structure
and within 1.5m of the penetration on each floor.
Any horizontal void over 800mm. Consideration to omission of these detectors
might be given if the void is very low risk. Such omissions should be agreed and
recorded as a variation.
In lantern lights over 800mm in depth or if used as ventilation


Smoke Detectors under a flat ceiling 7.5m.

Heat Detectors under a flat ceiling 5.3m
In corridors under 2m wide the spacing bettween detectors is 15m and 10.6m
respectively but still 7.5m and 5.3m to the end wall.

On pitched roofs with detectors at or near the apex distances increase by 1% for
each degree of slope to a maximum of 25%.

On apex roofs detectors should be sited in or near the apex (within 600mm of the
Apex roofs can be treated as flat if the height drop is less than 600mm smoke
detectors and 150mm heat detectors.
The sensitive element of detectors should be located:
Smokes 25mm - 600mm below the ceiling
Heats 25mm - 150mm below the ceiling
Within rooms off escape routes in category L3 systems detectors should be sited
on ceilings as above or on a wall that opens on to the escape route. Wall mounted
detectors should be mounted with the top of the sensitive element between
150mm and 300mm below the ceiling and the bottom of the sensing element
above the door opening. If a sprinkler system initiates the fire alarm upon flow of
water then for this room purpose a sprinkler head can be regarded as an automatic
fire detector.

Other than in the above, detectors should not be located within 500mm of a wall or
obstruction eg ductwork or beam of over 250mm depth. In areas under 1m in
width, locate in the middle. If the obstruction is less than 250mm such as a light
fitting then do not fit within twice the depth of the obstruction.
If a partition or storage rack reaches within 300mm of the ceiling treat as a wall.
If a ceiling obstruction is greater than 10% of the height of the room treat as a wall

In unventilated voids detectors should be located in the top 10% or 125mm

whichever is the greater.

The standard provides tables and guidance on the location and spacing of
detectors on and in cellular (honeycombed ceilings) and in beamed ceiling .See

Detectors above a perforated ceiling may be used to protect the area below if:
The perforations are substantially uniform and make up more than 40% of
the area of the ceiling
Each perforation has a minimum dimension of over 10mm.
The thickness of the ceiling is not more than three times the minimum
dimension of the perforation
If not the area above the ceiling is a void.

Detectors should not be mounted within 1m of air inlets or forced ventilation and
the ceiling should not be perforated for a distance of more than 600mm around the

A clear space of 500mm should be maintained below each detector.

Carbon monoxide detectors should be sited as per smoke detectors.

Beam detectors follow generally the guidance on point smoke detectors. They
should be sited so that no point to the side of the beam in the area covered is more
than 7.5m from the beam and there should be 0.5m clearance in all directions
around the beam. Special rules apply to the coverage in high atria when two levels
of beams are used. See standard. The minimum fixing height for a beam is 2.7m
above floor level. Always locate on solid constructions not subject to movement.
The area covered should not exceed the rules on zone sizes.
Line heat detectors generally follow the guidance on point heat detectors. Except
where they are installed to protect a particular cable or piece of plant, in these
instances they should be installed as close as possible to the item they are
Generally aspirating smoke detector sampling points follow the guidance on point
smoke detectors.
Flame detectors always need line of site to a specified risk and spacing should be
as advised by the manufacturers.
Limits on ceiling heights
Detector type General max ceiling Ht 10% of ceiling no greater than
metres metres
Heat Class A 9.0 10.5
Heat Other 7.5 10.5
Smoke Detectors 10.5 12.5
Carbon Monoxide 10.5 12.5
Beam Detectors 25.0 25.0

Category P systems with 5 mins fire service attendance private or public

Detector type General max ceiling Ht 10% of ceiling no greater than
metres metres
Heat Class A 13.5 15.0
Heat Other 12.0 15.0
Smoke Detectors 15.0 18.0
Carbon Monoxide 15.0 18.0
Beam Detectors 40.0 40.0

Duct detectors should be fitted on straight sections at least three times the ducts
width from the nearest bend or inlet. Normally the length of the probe should be at
least two thirds the width of the duct. Always seek manufacturers guidance.

Control and Indicating Equipment


Ideally locate at entrance in an easy to access and view location with low ambient
noise unless there is a permanently manned control room. In non 24 hour buildings
it is desirable that the panel or the information on the area in fire can be viewed
from the outside.
The area in which the panel is located should be covered by automatic detection
unless it is in a very low risk area or permanently manned area.
In multiple occupancy premises it should be in the communal or most generally
occupied part.

Primary Indication

The primary indication of area in fire should be a zone and this should be an LED.
This can be a numbered matrix or illuminated mimic. A VDU could be used for this
purpose but it must be able to show all zones without manual intervention and
there must be a back up VDU or printer.
A plan should be provided either in the form above or as a diagram showing, as a
minimum the entrances and zoning.

Networked Systems

In networked systems a communications fault bettween sub panels should not

affect the operation of a sub panel and the network links should be monitored.
Standard fire cables can be used for network cables providing that:
The network is a loop.
There is diverse routing of the cables.
A single short or open circuit will not cause loss of communications to a sub
The evacuate signal in the zone of origin upon activation of a call point shall not
exceed 3 secs and in all others no more than 10 secs.

Power Supplies


As a note it is pointed out that this is an integral part of the fire alarm system and
should be regarded as such for certification irrespective of who is responsible for
its installation.

Should be supplied by a dedicated circuit via an isolating device from the load
("dead side") of the main isolating device for the building. It should be derived from
a point near the main isolating device for the building. A means of isolation of the
fire alarm during routine maintenance should be provided. The number of isolating
points from incoming mains to fire alarm should be minimised. If, due to site
conditions, power has to be derived from a local distribution board, this should be
agreed between the parties and means sort of minimising isolation points and
inadvertent disruption to supply during electrical supply maintenance.

A protective device that serves only the fire alarm and has no switch should be
labelled "FIRE ALARM"
A switch that serves only the fire alarm "FIRE ALARM DO NOT SWITCH OFF"
If a switch controls supply to both fire alarm and other circuits "WARNING THIS
Labels should be clear and fade resistant
All switches should be protected from unauthorised use
A residual current device should not be used for fire alarm unless it is necessary to
comply to BS7671. Where this is necessary for safety reasons a fault elsewhere in
the building should not be capable of isolating the fire alarm.
The mains supply should in isolation be able to supply the maximum load of the
system irrespective of the state of the secondary supply.

Power supplies

Transition between supplies to have no effect on system operation. Failure of a

single protective device should not affect both supplies. The presence of the
supplies normal and standby should be clearly indicated at the panel. Normal and
standby supplies should be capable of supplying the systems full alarm load

Standby Supplies

Comprises of a rechargeable battery and automatic charger. The battery should

have an expected life of 4 years. Car batteries are not to be used.
The batteries should be labelled with their date of installation. Battery should
charge up from its final voltage in 24Hrs.
For category M and L systems the battery should be able to support the system for
24hrs and then ring the bells for half an hour. If a back up generator is used the
battery should be able to support the system for 6hrs and then ring the bells for
half an hour.
For category P the 24 hrs plus half an hour ring applies a) providing the building is
manned so that staff would be aware in 6 hours of mains failure or b) Power
failures are automatically notified to a remote station and hence to the key holder.
For category P the battery should support the system for 24 hrs longer than the
building is unoccupied up to 72 hrs whichever is the less, plus half an hour ringing
whatever applies. If the building is ever unoccupied for longer than the standby
battery time and there is facility for remote transmission then the power fault
should be remotely transmitted.

Cables and Wires


All system cables including power supply cables now need to be fire resistant. The
1988 standard lumped all fire resistant cables together. Fire resistant cables are
now split into two types; "Standard" which currently means soft skin cables such as
Firetuff, Pirelli Gold, etc, and "Enhanced", the metal clad plastic sheathed cables
MICC, etc. The choice at risk assessment/design stage is which to use and where.

Without doubt the metal clad cables are tougher and will withstand a combination
of fire, water and vibration better than soft skin cables. However, they are more
expensive to buy, more difficult and expensive to install and much more likely to
cause problems at commissioning and in the early months of a new system. Whilst
fully accepting the demonstrable advantages of metal clad cables, the question at
risk assessment is whether the real additional costs exceed the theoretical


All system cables including low voltage mains supply to the panel to be fire
resistant. Standard fire resistant cables should be considered sufficient to meet the
effects of fire with suitable jointing and support.

Enhanced cables are recommended

Non-sprinkler buildings with more than four phases of evacuation.
Non-sprinkler buildings of greater than 30 metres in height.
Where the critical interlinking paths might be affected in unsprinklered
linked buildings where occupants remain long into a fire eg hospitals. In
practice this means that if one wishes to use standard cable for networks
the network loop will need to be run out and back by different routes.
Where following risk assessment enhanced cables are deemed necessary.

Tests for standard and enhanced cables involving a combination of fire water and
vibration are detailed.

The standard cable supports shall perform in a fire as well as the cable. In practice
this stops the use of plastic ties, trunking or clips where these are the sole means
of support.

No external joints. Use junction boxes labelled "Fire Alarm" that have comparable
fire resistance to the cables.

Standard cables below 2m height require mechanical protection unless surface

clipped to strong construction in relatively benign environments eg offices shops

All conductors should have a cross sectional area of at least 1mm sq.
Fire alarms should be segregated from other services in separate conduit or
segregated trunking.
Any manufacturers’ directions on avoiding electro-magnetic interference should be
Where multicore cables are used none of the other cores should be used for other
Mains cables should be segregated from system cables outside and inside the
panel. They should not enter the panel at the same point.
Fire cables should be a single common colour throughout a building to aid
identification, e.g. red.

Radio Linked Systems

In the absence of UK Standards, components should comply to LPS 1257

Radio systems should comply to all the recommendations of the Standard except.
All components to have dual power sources.
Batteries may be used to provide normal power supply to components.
Components shall give 30 days low battery warning at the panel.
Components should give a 7 day fault warning at the panel
Additionally Sounders should give a fault warning when supply falls below
half an hour ring requirement.
Components primary supplies shall have a normal operating life in excess
of three years.
Any loss of communication with a component should be indicated at the
panel within 2 hours.

Antennae external to components should be fault monitored and give a fault

indication in 100s.
Antennae cables that form part of the critical path should be 30 mins protected
from fire or routed through low fire risk areas.
Removal of antennae should require a special tool.
A detector in fire must latch its LED for 20 mins unless reset from the panel.
Any device not transmitting a valid response in a two hour period should cause a
fault at the panel.
After 30 secs of continuous interference to a transmitted signal a fault should be
shown at the panel within 10 secs.
Installation should follow a comprehensive survey to show:
There are no sources of significant radio interference.
There is adequate signal strength between components allowing for
background noise.
There is adequate signal strength between panels allowing for background
Records of signal strength at time of survey should be kept for future

Survey kit should be approved by the manufacturer and kept under calibration.

Radio data should be recorded at commissioning

- System coding to avoid interference
- Signal levels and background noise at every point of the system.
- This should be carried out at every service.

Where signal levels fall outside specification, remedial action is required.

A copy of signal levels should be kept in the log book.

Where a network is employed the role of the panels should be defined by the
system specification.
Electromagnetic compatibility

Systems should be designed and installed so they neither cause or are unduly
affected by electromagnetic interference as per current regulations.
Electromagnetic Compatibility Regs 1992 which implements EMC Directive

Each component must comply

Cables must be segregated
Installation workmanship should comply with the recommendations of this
standard. In particular MICC screens should be effective around 360
degrees of the screen. For softskin cables ensure the screen is continuous
throughout the loop. An un-insulated earth within the cable is in continuous
contact with the screen and is linked through the components
Manufacturers cable specifications should be adhered to
Correct earthing is vital for EMC and electrical safety
Exposure of cores outside the screen should be minimised
If manufacturer advises the system is sensitive to multiple earths then this
advice should be followed
Cross other cables at right angles

Electrical Safety

Design should meet BS7671.

Earthing requirements of manufacturer should be met.
Mains and system cables should be segregated.

For circuits with removable components and exposed parts with ELV potential, eg
Relevant power supplies should conform to BS EN 54-4 and have safety
isolating transformers conforming to BS EN 61558.
In dry conditions detectors do not have to be locked in their bases.
In wet areas one or more of the following should apply:
Circuit voltages less than 15V ripple free dc or 6V ac rms.
Special tool required to expose live parts.
Parts are positioned out of reach other than for maintenance

Section 3 Limitation of False Alarms - This is a new section
All involved; enforcing authority - insurers - designers - suppliers - installers -
commissioning engineer - user, have a responsibility to ensure subject "to the
overriding need for adequate protection of life or property, to act so as to minimise
false alarms and to take action to remedy the situation when they become aware
of circumstances that may give rise to false alarms". This includes listing such
potential, where known on system certification and ensuring the user with sufficient
information to limit the potential of false alarms.
The user should record for every false alarm
date and time
identity and location of device
category of false alarm (if known)
reason for false alarm (if known)
activity in area (if the reason for the alarm is unknown)
the person responsible for recording the information

At every service visit the rate of false alarms should be checked and recorded in
the logbook by the service engineer.
the rate in terms of number of false alarms per 100 detectors
if any single device has given more than one false alarm since the last
service visit, excluding false alarms with good intent
if any persistent cause of false alarms can be identified

If any of the following apply at least a preliminary investigation should be

undertaken on the service visit and advice issued to the customer as to
appropriate action.
false alarm rate exceeds 1 per 25 detectors per annum
more than 10 false alarms in the last six months
if any single device has given more than one false alarm since the last
service visit, excluding false alarms with good intent.
if any persistent cause of false alarms can be identified.

Categories of false alarms

The user should categorise the false alarm as one of the following:

Unwanted alarm: Covers the most common cause which is fire like
phenomena such as burning toast or accidental
damage. Accidental damage would be an unintentional
activation of a call point or water in a detector.

Equipment false alarm: Covers malfunctioning of the equipment. If any doubt

arises as to cause it should not be assumed it is the
equipment and the cause should be recorded as
Malicious false alarm: Typically deliberate call point activation.

False alarm with good intent: Typically a call point activation in the genuine
belief a fire was present.

Unknown: Cause not certain.

Acceptable rate of false alarms

The user should initiate an investigation by a specialist if:

In systems with more than 40 detectors the rate of false alarms exceeds one false
alarm per 20 detectors per annum or if one particular detector or call point gives
more than one false alarm in a year.

In systems with less than 40 detectors the rate of false alarms exceed 2 false
alarms per year.

Causes of false alarms

Anyone involved in specifying, designing, commissioning or maintaining fire alarms

should be familiar with the causes and means of avoiding false alarms of all types.

Known causes of false alarms are listed as:

fumes and heat from cooking
steam from bathrooms or industrial processes
tobacco smoke
aerosol sprays
high air velocities
smoke from outside a building e.g. a bonfire
cutting welding and other hot works
processes that produce heat or smoke
cosmetic smoke in theatres
electromagnetic interference
high humidity
water ingress
substantial fluctuation in temperatures
accidental damage
testing the system without appropriate disablements or warnings
pressure surges on water mains of interlinked sprinkler systems

These can be minimised by good design and use of appropriate equipment.

False alarms from equipment failures can be minimised by using good equipment.

Malicious false alarms can be reduced by careful consideration of the location of

call points or by using devices requiring a double action.

Design processes for limiting false alarms

Formal consideration required at the design stage with a view to confirming that
the frequency of false alarms is likely to be acceptable.

Any design information regarding false alarms should be recorded in the design

The following are points for consideration but not rules.

Siting of call points

Avoid locations that are likely to be exposed to accidental damage, e.g. forklifts.
Consider hinged protection against damage, e.g. gymnasium, or malicious
activation, e.g. schools. This should be recorded as a variation and agreed.

Use waterproof call points in exposed wet areas.

In public places, shopping malls, theatres, pubs, etc. Consider locating call points
in staff only areas. Subject to agreement by all and there being adequate
surveillance by staff or CCTV.

Consider using emergency voice communication in car parks.

Siting of automatic smoke detectors

If the risk of false alarms is high, are smoke detectors necessary to meet the
objectives of the system?

Heat detectors give fewer false alarms; will they meet the objectives of the

Heat detectors should not be set less than 29°c above ambient and 4°c above
expected short-term maximum temperature.

Avoid rate of rise heat detectors where rapid temperature change can be expected
e.g. kitchens, boiler rooms, loading bays by large doors.

Optical beam detectors must be properly mounted and not located where
obstruction of the beams may occur in normal circumstances.

Locating point and beam smoke detectors

Area Smoke Smoke detectors If smoke

detectors should be avoided detectors are
should if possible installed they
never be should not be
installed of the type
Kitchens XXX
Close to kitchens X Ionisation
Rooms with X Ionisation
toasters chamber
Smoking rooms X Optical
unless there is
adequate ventilation
Bathrooms and XXX
shower rooms
Steam is normal X Optical
Dusty rooms X Optical
Regular cleaning
may be necessary
Small insects Optical
(thrips) Unless suitably
Areas of high air Ionisation
Areas of high X Ionisation
Vehicle or exhaust X Ionisation
fumes Optical beam
Close to openable X
Combustion gases X

NOTE above table does not apply if:

1 Filtering methods are employed that overcome the unsuitability of the detector
2 Timings are used to avoid periods when the environment is unsuitable
3 Multi sensing overcomes the unsuitable environmental condition

Aspirating fire detection systems can be much more sensitive than point smoke
systems so special care is required to avoid unwanted alarms. If high sensitivity is
not required then the sensitivity should be set at equivalent levels to point smoke

Carbon Monoxide detectors should be avoided where the gas may be present eg
kitchen, laboratories, where exhaust fumes are present or where contamination of
the electro – chemical cell could lead to false alarms.

Flame detectors should not be located in areas with infra red or ultra violet
radiation sources.

Selection of system type

Systems with high number of detectors, over 100, should normally be analogue

Where evidence suggests that multi sensors will reduce false alarms their use
should be considered.

Protection against electromagnetic forces

See recommendations on electromagnetic interference

Account should be taken of likely sources of interference.

In high force areas, e.g. radio transmitters, radar, airport terminals, etc, guidance
should be sought on any special protection measures that may be required. In an
existing building the information provided to the manufacturer should include field
strength measures.

Performance monitoring of newly commissioned systems

Systems containing over 50 automatic fire detectors should be soak tested for a
week after commissioning.

During the soak test they should not be operational and each call point should be
marked out of use.

A soak test should only be regarded as successful if no false alarm is recorded or

every false alarm has been investigated and remedied.

Our View: Clearly this section is good practice and is sensible particularly on very
large systems, where it is proposed to make a link to a central station or where
there are significant costs or difficulties with an unplanned evacuation. Interestingly
we have been unable to find any evidence of a false alarm caused by a detector or
call point in the first week after commissioning by our engineers in recent years.
The basic technology is continuously improving and at least for us this is
yesterday's problem.

Filtering measures

Filtering means varying detector sensitivity through time or delaying the operation
of the alarm circuitry to allow an investigation by staff (staff alarms).

Should only be adopted:

After consultation with relevant authorities and insurers if it is a P system
Where the number of false alarms cannot be reduced to a level acceptable
to the fire authority and user
Where filtering does not negate the objectives of the system in terms of
protection of life, property and the environment

Filtering should not be applied to manual call points.

Time related systems should be automatic

Should not rely on human action
Procedures should be in place to deal with British summer time, bank
holidays and any unexpected vacation of the building. These procedures
should be fully understood by the users
During times when the system is less effective than normal there should be
indication at the panel

See recommendations on staff alarms. The fire brigade should be summoned

immediately on the end of the staff alarm period at the latest. Remote connection
to a monitoring centre would aid this recommendation.

Hydraulic or electronic time delay should apply to inputs from automatic sprinkler

System Management

The user should ensure building staff and contractors are aware of the measures
required to minimise false alarms.

Tender documentation for contract work should place responsibility on the

contractor to minimise the causes of false alarm.

If temporary works involve paint spray, dust or smoke generation precautions to

avoid unwanted alarms should be taken. One management method is a permit to
work system. Suitable measures include:
Temporary change out of detectors e.g. heat for smoke
Use of a temporary screen
Brightly coloured detector covers
Detection disablement
Upon completion a responsible person should be appointed to ensure proper
reinstatement of the system.

Building occupants and remote receiving stations should be informed of any test
The user should ensure that building defects, e.g. leaking roofs, plant defects, e.g.
steam leaks, and environmental problems such as inadequate ventilation that
could cause unwanted alarms are dealt with.
False alarms should be properly recorded in the systems logbook.

Service and maintenance

Should be carried out by a competent organisation in accordance with the

recommendations of section 6 of this standard

Section 4 Installation

The changes are such that it all needs reading. These sections have received
a major rewrite aimed at making compliance auditable

Installers Responsibility

Installers’ responsibility should be defined and documented prior to

commencement of works.
Installation of line equipment should be as per the relevant section of this standard.
Power supplies should comply with this standard.
Panels should be accessible for maintenance.
On completion of works the installer should issue a certificate as per model

Installation practices and workmanship

This section needs to be read in conjunction with the cable and wires section
starting on page 14
Conform to BS7671 and BS5839, if conflict arises BS5839 takes precedence
Cables should be securely fixed and not rely on suspended ceilings for their
All system cables to be fire resistant as per the Standard
Joints outside equipment enclosures should be avoided where possible
Earthing should be as per manufacturers’ recommendations and care should be
taken to ensure electrical continuity of electromagnetic screens including the
metallic sheath of cables.
Cables passing through an outside wall should be contained in a smooth bore non-
hygroscopic sleeve sealed into the wall. The sleeve should slope downwards and
be plugged with a non-hardening waterproof material.

Cables can pass through a small clearance hole; a sleeve may be used if
additional mechanical protection is required.
Any sleeve used should not have sharp edges.
Sleeves passing through floors should be extended to protect the cable a minimum
All spaces around cables, trunking, conduit etc should be minimised and made
good with fire stopping material such that the fire resistance of the construction is
not materially reduced.
Where cables are installed in channels, ducts, etc, fire resisting barriers are
required as they pass through floors or ceilings. If the channel duct is of an
equivalent fire resistance to the construction penetrated then a fire-stopping barrier
is required only where cables enter or leave the channel or duct.

Inspection and testing of wiring

Mains rated cables should receive a 500 v d.c. test. All equipment should be
disconnected prior to test. The insulation resistance between each conductor and
earth should be at least 2 M ohms.

An explanatory note points out that fire panels have earth fault sensing indication.
If this sensing is set at a typical value of 1 M ohm then on large systems a test
result would need to be much higher than 2 M ohms if an overall value of other 1 M
ohm is to be achieved and nuisance fault indications avoided.

Earth continuity and mains supply earth fault loop impedance should be tested to
ensure compliance to BS7671.

If measurement of the maximum circuit resistance is specified by the manufacturer

then each circuit should be measured as part of installation. As should any other
tests specified by the manufacturer. Undertaking these tests can only be passed
on to the commissioning body if there is specific agreement.

All test results should be recorded and made available to the commissioning body

Section 5 Commissioning and handover

The changes are such that it all needs reading. These sections have received
a major rewrite aimed at making compliance auditable.

Applies to new systems and modifications to existing systems

Commissioning should be carried out by a competent person who has access to

the systems specification and any other relevant documentation and drawings.

The entire system should be inspected and tested to ensure it operates
In particular:
All call-points and detectors
All labelling as specified has been carried out
All devices indicate in the correct zone and give the correct text output
Reflective beam detectors testing should include checking that the potential
of reflections has been minimised
Adequate sound levels are achieved throughout the risk. In the case of
voice alarms that they are also intelligible throughout the building
Any remote transmission path is working
Any designer required cause and effect are met
All alarm and control equipment and their accessories operate correctly and
are adequately labelled
No changes to the building since the original design have compromised
compliance to BS5839
Siting of all system equipment complies too standard
A suitable zone plan is displayed
Mains power supplies are inspected as far as is reasonably practical to
ensure compliance
Standby power supplies comply to standard and systems actual load are
close to the predictions used by the designer to determine the specified
battery requirements
As far as is reasonable check that correct cable types have been used and
the workmanship complies to standard
Check for false alarm potential as per the relevant section of the Standard
Check for and document obvious non-compliance to the category eg L1 of
the Standard specified
Radio strengths are adequate to ensure reliable system operation
Adequate records of the electrical tests exist, see installation section. If
these tests have not been carried out then they should be
All relevant documentation has been provided to the user/purchaser
Labels indicating the date of installation should be attached to the batteries
A commissioning certificate, in line with the model form, should be signed
and issued


A purchasing specification should detail acceptance procedures including any tests

that are to be witnessed and notice periods.

The purchaser's representative should ensure:

Installation work appears satisfactory
The system can provide a fire alarm signal
That any remote transmission link works
The following documentation has been provided
as fitted drawings
operating and maintenance instructions
design, installation and commissioning certificates
a log book
Sufficient of the users staff have received adequate instruction on system
operation. At a minimum this is all means of triggering a fire signal, system
silencing, system reset and avoidance of false alarms
A nominated responsible person has been appointed and advised of their
responsibilities and how they might be discharged

The purchaser or his representative should sign an acceptance certificate.


If the purchaser considers there is, due to division of responsibilities, questions

around compliance to these standards then verification should be arranged.

The verifier should be competent with the design of fire alarm systems in
accordance with BS5839 and familiar with installation practices.
The scope of work should be agreed by the parties.
On completion a certificate should be issued covering compliance to standard,
variations from standard.

Section 6 Maintenance
Weekly test by user

Each week a call point should be operated. It should be confirmed that the system
operated correctly. The central station should be informed, if applicable. If any
items need to be isolated, this should be carried out before the test.

The test should be carried out at approximately the same time each week and staff
should be asked to report any poor audibility.

If some employees do not work at the time of the test then additional tests should
be carried out for these employees at least once a month.

A different call point should be operated each week. The identity of the call point
tested should be recorded in the log book. Thus each of the call points are tested
in rotation.

The sounder activation should not last more than one minute.

Voice alarm systems should be tested in accordance with BS5839-8

Radio systems should be tested according to manufacturers’ guidance.

User monthly test

The person carrying out these tests should be technically competent, trained and
able to carry out the works safely.

If the standby power supply is an automatically started generator it should be

tested by simulation of the primary power supply for a minimum of one hour. All
fuel oil and coolants should be checked and topped up at the end of the test.

If vented batteries are used they should be checked to see that they are in good
condition and connected securely. The electrolytic level should be topped up as

Inspection and servicing

Quarterly vented batteries should be tested by someone competent in battery

installation and maintenance.

Remote automatic monitoring can be used if it meets the same objectives as the
testing detailed below.

Periodic inspection
The works should be carried out by a competent person defined in the
commentary as a person with specialist knowledge of fire detection and alarm
systems, including knowledge of the causes of false alarms, sufficient information
on the system, and adequate access to spares.
The time bettween inspections should be based on risk assessment but should not
exceed six months. The time bettween inspections should be agreed bettween the
parties. If this recommendation is not followed the system should be considered as
no longer compliant to BS5839.

Actions on service visit

Inspect logbook and ensure any faults have received adequate attention.
Make a visual inspection of site to see if any changes have affected compliance to
Particular items to check are:
Call points clear and unobstructed
Any new exit has an adjacent manual call point
Any new partition is not within 500mm of a detector
Any storage encroaching within 300mm of a ceiling
A clear space of 500mm exists below each detector and its function has not
been impeded by other means
Any changes in occupancy rendering the form of detection unsuitable or
prone to false alarms
Any building alterations requiring additional fire equipment
Check the record, rate and action taken in regard to false alarms.
Disconnect the batteries and simulate a full alarm load.
Batteries and their connections should be examined to check that they are in good
condition; they should be momentarily tested with mains disconnected.
At least one device on each circuit should be tested for correct system operation of
the control equipment and the identity of the device tested recorded in the logbook.
The operation of fire alarm devices should be checked.
All control and visual indications should be checked for correct operation.
The operation of any automatic remote signal should be checked; both fire and
fault if they are both monitored.
All ancillary functions at the control and indicating equipment should be checked
All fault indications and their circuits should be checked, where practicable by
simulation of the fault.
All printers should be checked and the related consumables checked to ensure
they are sufficient in quantity and condition to last to the next service visit.
Radio systems should be checked as advised by the manufacturers.
All further checks recommended by the manufacturers of the equipment should be
carried out.
On completion, outstanding defects should be reported to a responsible person,
the systems logbook completed and a service certificate issued.

Annual tests
Annual tests should be carried out in addition to the periodic tests. They could,
however, be carried out during the course of the other maintenance visits.
The switch mechanism of each call point should be tested
All detectors should be examined and functionally tested. The test must prove that;
they are connected to the system, they are operational and are capable of
responding to the phenomena they are designed to detect.
Every heat detector should be tested unless the test would necessitate
replacement/repair of the detector.
Point smoke detectors should be tested by a method that confirms that smoke can
enter the chamber and produce a fire alarm signal. The testing method should not
damage or affect the subsequent performance of the detector.
Beam detectors may be tested by an optical filter or smoke. Their lenses should be
All other detector types should be functionally tested
The analogue levels of each detector should be checked and appropriate action
Radio signal strengths should be checked for adequacy
Cable fixings should be checked
The cause and effect programme should be confirmed as correct
Standby power supplies should be checked
Any other checks recommended by the manufacturer should be carried out
On completion, outstanding defects should be reported to a responsible person,
the systems logbook should be completed and a service certificate issued.

Non-Routine Attention
Special inspection upon appointment of a new servicing organisation
On takeover a review and collation of the information available on the system
should be undertaken, this information should then be made available to assist
future effective servicing of the system. This includes studying the existing
Major areas of non-compliance should be identified, documented and brought to
the attention of the users' responsible person. "Major" is subjective and the need
for rectification should be subject to agreement bettween the parties. Examples of
major non-compliance are:
Inadequate number of call points
Inadequate number of call points to meet the category of system
Inadequate sound levels
Non-compliant standby power supplies. Systems with no standby power
supplies breach the Health and Safety Regulations 1996
Inadequate fire resistance in the cabling
Non compliant monitored circuits
Inadequate standards of electrical safety
Layout changes that may impact on the effectiveness of the system
If no logbook exists one should be provided by the service organisation.

Arrangements for repair of faults or damage

Where a third party maintains a system there should be an emergency call out
agreement such that on a 24hr basis a technician can attend site within 8 hours of
a call-out.

The name and telephone number of the third party should be prominently
displayed at the fire panel.

All faults or damage should be recorded in the logbook.

Modifications to the system

Responsibility should lie with someone with at least a basic understanding of

BS5839 design requirements and this section.

Care should be taken to ensure that the modification does not detrimentally affect
compliance with fire safety legislation. Where doubt exists the fire authorities
should be contacted.

The responsible person should agree in writing to the modifications and consult the
fire authorities and/or the insurers as appropriate.

All circuits, components and system operations affected by the modification should
be fully tested following modification. In addition, tests should be carried out to
ensure that there is no adverse effect on the entire system:
If a device(s) has been added or removed from a circuit, at least one other
device on the circuit should be tested.
If the panel has been modified, at least one device on each circuit should
be tested.
If additional load has been placed on the system, the rating of the power
supply and back up batteries should be checked.
If software has been changed, sample testing of other parts of the system
should be undertaken.

On completion as-fitted drawings and system records should be updated.

A commissioning certificate should be issued for the modification, a model of which

is provided.

Any person carrying out remote modifications should have access to as-fitted
drawings and current system configuration. That person should be conversant with
this part of BS5839.
Action for unacceptable rate of false alarms

Any investigation and subsequent modification should take into account section 3
of the standard (design). If the cause cannot be identified the recognised causes
listed earlier should be formally considered.

Following modifications the system should continue to comply with this standard or
at least not be more incompliant unless agreed with all interested parties.

Relevant documentation should be put with the systems documentation.

Inspection and test following a fire

All system elements that have or could have been affected by the fire should be

On completion any non-compliance should be recorded in the logbook.

Inspection and test following long periods of disconnection

A full 12 months test should be undertaken.

Section 7 Users responsibilities

A single responsible person should be appointed to supervise all matters
pertaining to the fire alarm systems. They should have the authority to carry out
the duties as described in the Standard and normally be the keeper of the system


The panel should be checked at least every 24 hrs for fault indications
Arrangements should be in place for testing and maintenance of the system
The logbook should be kept up to date and available for inspection
All relevant occupants should be instructed in the use of the system and how to
respond to fire or fault indications
All occupants should be aware of the measures to avoid false alarms
Appropriate action should be taken to limit false alarms
A space of 500mm should be maintained around each detector
All call points should remain unobstructed
There should be a liaison with those involved in any building changes to ensure
that the effects on the fire system are properly considered
System documentation should be updated, including as-fitted drawings
Six spare glasses and a call point testing tool should be kept as spares
Other spares should be agreed with the maintenance company
If a system has less than 12 call points a minimum of two spare glasses will suffice

Action in case of pre-alarms

Thoroughly inspect the area from which the alarm has arisen.
If it is a fire follow pre agreed routine
If no fire present record events near the suspect detector in the logbook
and inform the maintenance company as appropriate


The following should be recorded:

name of responsible person
brief details of maintenance arrangements
details of all fire alarm signals whether false or real and the device initiating
the signal
causes, circumstances surrounding and category for all false alarms
dates times and types of all tests
dates times and types of all faults and defects
dates and types of all maintenance activities


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