Halving Lesson Plan

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Name: Hend Alyammahi / H00357629 Grade Lesson title: Halving numbers

Level: 2/A

Date: 15th of March 2018. Number of MST: Ms. Courtney.

CCSS Standards: Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

- The students will be able to divide numbers into halves from 1 to 20 (only the even
numbers) by dividing them into two equal groups.

teacher books -
student book(s) -
worksheets/ papers Flash cards,
teacher materials Flash cards, counters, balance, marker.
student materials/ The dividing worksheet with two bags, balls, two baskets, worksheet
manipulatives 1, Marconi.
Technology -
Other -
Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):

Word glossary definition image

Halving divide into two parts of equal or roughly equal size.

Students’ Prior Knowledge:

- Most of the students know how to double numbers from 1 to 10.
- Most of the students how to classify things into groups.
Possible Problems and Misconceptions:
- Some numbers can't be divide into two equal parts.
- I will tell the students that there are some numbers that can't be divided into equal
groups (odd numbers), and I will do some examples on the board with them.
Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher questions to promote HOTS
- What do you think do is covered her? How does the balance is related to our math
lesson? Half of 4 is two. when we half things we divided them into two equal groups.
Student communication and use of math language:
The half of 4 is two. we divide numbers into two equal groups. I can divide into equal groups.
Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge):
On the carpet
1- I will start by showing the students a covered balance, I will ask them
what they think about it? What is it? I will write their answers on the 3 min
2- I will show them the balance and I will ask them what do we use the
balance for? (discuss their answers) 2 min
3- Then I will tell them that balance can help us to find equal parts of
two things. Then I will tell them that we will learn how to find the half 2 min
of the numbers by dividing them into two equal parts. After that, I will
write the LO on the board.
Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):
On the carpet
4- I will show them 6 counters and I will ask them how we can divide it
into equal parts? I will ask one of the students to come and divide the 5 min
5- Then, I will give them 7 counters and I will ask them to divide it. Of
course, they will can't divide into equal parts. So, I will tell them not 3 min
all the numbers are can be divided into equal parts.
6- I will do with them different examples using the counters (4, 10), I 5 min
will write on the board "half of 4 is 2" half of 10 is 5".
7- Then I will ask from 8 students to stand up and I will ask the rest of 4 min
them what is the half of 8? (4). I will ask them to sit down and
another 6 students will stand up and we will do the same.
Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):
Group work
8- To assess the students understanding I will divide them into two
groups boys and girls. I will explain the following: we will play a 7 min
game, we will start with the boys group first. As group you must
choose 2 of you to play for the group in three seconds if not I will
choose. I will give you a flash card that says "half of 10" for example,
these two boys must take 10 balls and divide them equally in the two
baskets. Then they have to write the answer on the board. If any one
else in the group played with them they will not get the point. Then
the girls group will have their turn and do the same. Each group will
do three flash cards, the winning group will take a house point.
9- After that I will ask them to come and sit on the carpet. I will tell
them that at the back of their seats I put a worksheet that include two
plastic bags and a question "half of…". They will have macaroni on 7 min
their tables and they can use it to represent the question they have. I
will model it to them "if you have (half of 4) you should put two
macroni in one bag and two macaroni in the second bag". Then they
will have a worksheet at the back and they have to convert it to
10- For the students who will finish early, they will have a scratch not
where the will find the half of the numbers either by drawing or 2 min
writing the numbers.

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