Henderson Addition Strategies Intro - 2nd Grade
Henderson Addition Strategies Intro - 2nd Grade
Henderson Addition Strategies Intro - 2nd Grade
Related state or national standards: (Examples include State Standards of Learning, Common
Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards or National Curriculum Standards for
Social Studies)
VA Math SOLs
o 2.4: The student will
a. count forward by twos, fives, and tens to 100, starting at various multiples of
2, 5, or 10;
o 2.5: The student will recall addition facts with sums to 20 or less
o 2.6: The student, given two whole numbers whose sum is 99 or less, will
a. find the sum, using various methods of calculation.
Assessment (How (and when) will students be assessed? What evidence will you collect to
determine whether students have met the lesson objectives? Will the assessment(s) be a preassessment (diagnostic), formative (ongoing feedback) or summative?)
Pre-assessment: We have been practicing counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s. Not all of the students
actively count out loud because they are still trying to grasp this skill, so the hook serves as a
way to look around and see who is participating, who might be struggling, and who is clearly
leading the counting.
Pre-assessment/Formative Assessment: The thumbs-up activity the first time shows me if
students understand that two equations with the same solution are equivalent. The second
time around it serves as a formative assessment and shows me if the discussion helped them
to understand the concept. If not, I can modify the next step of my lesson and share the
examples written in later.
Formative Assessment: Having students count their peers serves as an informal formative
assessment and will allow me to call on students who may struggle answering the other
questions out loud, but are able to clearly count their peers, so they feel included and
Formative Assessment: As I walk around the room, I will be able to informally assess the
students by asking how they reached their answers for the worksheet. I can see the following
as the students complete their worksheets: (i) Do their answers and explanation make sense?
(ii) Do their answers fit the question?
This gives me the opportunity to work one-on-one with students or in small groups.
Additionally, I can make a note on their paper to redirect their thinking without giving them
the answer.
Summative Assessment: The completed worksheet will allow me to see how the students
answered the questions and what will need to be reviewed in the future. The students will
also be given an exit slip referencing the equivalency of two addition equations.
Materials and Resources (List here all materials that you will need in order to successfully
teach this lesson. Include technology and website links, texts, graphic organizers, student
handouts, physical manipulatives, etc.):
Key Vocabulary and Definitions (At the beginning of second grade, I do not believe it is
important for students to know these terms, but their understanding of these overall concepts
will be foundational for all math.):
Lesson Procedures:
1. Introduction and goal orientation: We will use a counting energizer to start the lesson.
We will count to 100 by 2s. With every count we will raise our hands and tap our hands
to our knees. Then we will count backwards from 100 by 10s using our elbows to our
knees. Finally, we will end by counting from 0 to 100 by 5s. This activity will help the
students to get out all of their wiggles. Additionally, it will help them to think of different
ways to count later in the math lesson. We are building number sense. The students have
done this before and will join in.
2. Connecting to prior knowledge and experiences (Questions or activities that help
students make links): Once we have finished our energizer activity, the students will
move to their seats with their math journals and I will move to the white board with the
sheet of chart paper. Today, we are asking the question: How many students are in our
class? (Note: Typically, there are 21 students in our class, but we know one will be
absent due to vacation.)
We are not going to simply count the members of our class. We are going to
figure it out with an equation. How can we group the students in our class to make an
addition equation? Raise your hands if you have an idea. (Possibilities: Tables, Twos,
Fives, Tens, boys v. girls, lunch count, walker v. bus v. ACAC v. afterschool).
First, we are going to add the number of people at each table. Say it with me as I
write it down. There are ______ at [students name] table. [Write on board next to chart
paper]. There are ______ at [students name] table. [Write on board next to chart paper].
There are ______ at [students name] table. [Write on board next to chart paper]. There
are ______ at [students name] table. [Write on board next to chart paper]. [Student's
name], without stating the answer, how do we write these numbers into an equation?
[Write the equation on the chart paper.]
I want you to think about the following question, but I do not want an answer out
loud, so remember our classroom rules. If we make an equation with the number of boys
and girls in our classroom, will we get the same answer? We are going to try something
new today. If you think that the two equations will have the same answer, I want you to
put a thumbs up on your chest like this [model thumbs up], but if you think that the two
equations will have a different answer, then put a thumbs down on your chest like this
[model thumbs down]. If you are unsure, then you can put your thumb sideways on your
chest like this [model thumb sideways]. This is a great way to share your answers with
me without getting in your friends space or sharing your answer with the rest of the
class. Thank you for sharing your answers! Now lets figure out how the equation for
the boys and the girls in our class.
If you are a girl, please stand up, push in your chair and go stand on the rug in a
line. [Students name], will you please count the number of girls in our class? [Write
number on the board next to the chart paper.] Girls, thank you, please sit back down.
Boys, will you please stand up, push in your chair, and stand on the rug like the girls
modeled? [Students name], will you please count the number of boys in our class?
[Write number on the board next to the chart paper.] Boys, thank you, please sit back
down. So, how do I write this equation? [Call on raised hand. Write the equation on the
other side of the table on the chart paper.] Lets write this down in our journals, so we
can compare our two equations.
I am going to ask the question I asked earlier again. Do you think these two
equations will have the same solution? Show me yes with a thumbs up, no with a thumbs
down, or thumbs sideways if you are not sure. Is someone comfortable sharing why they
think the solutions will be the same? [Call on student.] Is someone comfortable sharing
why they think the solutions will be different? [Call on student.] Is someone
comfortable sharing why they are not sure if the solutions will be the same or different?
[Call on student.]
Lets turn and talk to our pods about ways we could solve these problems what
are some strategies we could. For the next three minutes, talk with the other people at
your pod to come up with various strategies and materials that we could use to come up
with the solution. [The energizer from earlier will hopefully bring some ideas to mind.]
During the three minutes, I will circle the room and talk with the different groups to try to
stimulate conversation. At the end of three minutes, I will call on one student from each
pod to give a strategy and I will write them on the board in the appropriate column on the
chart paper. (Possibilities: add up 5s and combine others, 2s, cubes, 100s chart, 10s and
combine others, break the numbers into 10s and 2s or 5s).
I will pick two of the strategies or suggest two of the possibilities above (cube
towers, 5s and 2s) and complete the two equations to show the solutions are the same.
Finally, I will write the two equations as equal to each other.
3. Tasks and activities (What challenging tasks and activities will students engage in as they
construct knowledge, learn new skills or behaviors and develop understandings?): Now
that we know how many students are in our class, I have another question. Are there
enough cubes in this bag for each member of our class to have one cube? [Pass out the
bags with 20 cubes (Bag A). Pass out Worksheet.] The students will work for the next
five minutes (or more if needed) on the enough for the class worksheet. As they work, I
will circulate the room and help as needed. As I know some of our students will finish
this activity earlier and will need harder problems, I have created extra bags with more
cubes and an additional worksheet to give to these students.
4. Closure (How will you wrap up the lesson and reinforce key ideas? Closure may include
some form of assessment or exit slip): [Students name], what did you get as an answer?
Did anyone get a different answer? [Students name], what did you get as an answer?
[First Students name], how did you solve the problem? [Second Students name], how
did you solve the problem? [Third Students name], how did you solve the problem?
[Record solutions on the board. Move Chart Paper out of the way.]
Pass out the cubes to the students in the class. The students who do not have a
cube can stand up to show that there were not enough cubes in the bag as a final
Accommodations for individual differences [How will you modify the content (what is
learned), the process (how the content is mastered) or product (how the learning is observed and
evaluated) to support diverse learners? Describe additional supports that can be used for reteaching if needed, and a challenging extension for students for demonstrate mastery quickly or
show evidence of a lot of prior knowledge.]:
Our class has one identified Gifted student and five on the Gifted watch list. We have
one student receiving Tier III intervention and two students receiving Tier II intervention. Two
students were identified by PALS at the end of first grade, one of which is the same student that
is in Tier III. Two of our students have IEPs and one student has a full time aid.
We have certain students in the class who receive OT services, so I will provide a copy of
the chart.
For the students identified as Gifted or on the watch list for Gifted, I have provided extra
bags with different numbers of cubes in case they finish with the first bag earlier than the rest of
their peers. Additionally, there will be an additional worksheet for these students to complete
asking them the same questions as on the first worksheet with additional questions of whether
there are enough cubes for each student in the class to have two cubes.
I have been working with certain students using manipulatives (such as markers or cubes)
to create equations from groups of objects. I will work one-on-one or with a small group if
needed to help students understand the concept that two equations with the same solution are
equal. I can provide other examples that may be a little easier for the children to understand and
build to the bigger numbers (Examples: 4+1 = 2+3, 6+2 = 4+4, 9+3 = 6+6, 7+7 = 10+4, 12+6 =
Depending on the students answers to the question of whether the equations have the
same solution, I may have to redirect and model more of the strategies written on the chart or
share the above examples with the entire class.
I will read the worksheet aloud to the whole class, so the struggling readers will have a
better understanding of what they are being asked to do during this independent work time.
Name: _____________________________________
Date: ________________________
8. How many more cubes would you need for every student in the class to have 2 cubes?
Name: _____________________________________
Date: ________________________
17. How many more cubes would you need for every student in the class to have 2 cubes?
19. How many more cubes would you need for every student in the class to have 2 cubes?
Name: _____________________________________
Date: ________________________
1. Were there enough cubes in the bag for every student in our class?
2. Is the equation 5+5 equal to the equation 7+3? Do these equations have the same solution?
Name: _____________________________________
Date: ________________________
5. Were there enough cubes in the bag for every student in our class?
6. Is the equation 5+5 equal to the equation 7+3? Do these equations have the same solution?