Customer Satisfaction of Shikhar

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1.1 Background

Most of the people are living in a rural area in Nepal which are far from the banking
facility. In such area co-operatives are the main source to uplift their living standard.
Nepal has a long cultural tradition of informal community based co-operatives
including savings and credit associations popularly known as Dhikuti, and grain savings
and labour savings systems known as Parma and dharma Bhakari. Similarly, Guthi
provided a forum to work together for smoothly running different socio cultural
practices. Many of these traditional systems of cooperation are still functioning in the
rural areas of Nepal.

The first Co-operative Act was enacted by the government in 1960, which was followed
by the Agricultural Co-operative Act (Sajha Sahakari). In 1963, the capital of savings
and credit cooperative societies was converted into a Cooperative Co-operativein 1963,
and in 1968 it was also converted into the Agricultural Development Co-operativeof
Nepal (ADBN). After 5 years the ADBN returned management back to the government
and in 1975 the Cooperative Act was amended again.

Beginning in the 1980s a new generation of community based savings and credit groups
began to emerge in Nepal. The Cooperative Act was amended for the third time to give
the Government more control. By this time the Savings and Credit movement had
spread throughout the country and the need for an apex coordinating body was evident.
In August 16, 1988, the Nepal Federation of Savings and Credit Cooperative Unions
(NEFSCUN) was formed.

After the restoration of the democratic government enacted the Co-operative Act and
the Co-operative Regulations. The new Cooperative Act permitted the establishment of
a three tiered co-operative system, and provides a legal base both for the establishment
of co-operative societies/unions/federations and application of co-operative values,

norms and principles into practice. At present, the Department of Co-operatives is
working under the Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives.

Today, the Interim Constitution of Nepal has considered the co-operative sector as one
of the three pillars for national development. It is believed that some 6 million people
are already affiliated in approximately 34,512 cooperatives and more than 60,517
people are employed directly in Cooperative business.

The major principles of co-operatives are as follows.

1. Voluntary organization
2. Democratic management
3. Mutual help and co-operation
4. Equality
5. Service motive
6. Distribution of surplus
7. Cash transaction
8. Separate legal existence
9. Open membership
10. Capital as a loan

1.2 Profile of Shikhar Herbal Product co-operative Ltd.

Shikhar Herbal Product co-operative Ltd. was established in 2067 Ashoj 5 according
to the Cooperative Act 2016. It has main mission of ‘Let’s climb the peak together’. At
that time it was established only by 25 members by collecting Rs. 12500 at the rate of
Rs 500 each. The cooperatives had started to work in the sector of agriculture by giving
short term loan to the agriculture, business and household sectors. At the establishment
time it has operated by opening its main office at Kohalpur NTV road now it is situated
at Kohalpur Municipality – 11, Banke by making its own building. Now it is working
in Kohalpur Municipality, Nauwasta, Bankatawa and Chisapani.

It is one of the cooperative among the modern and youth managed cooperatives of
Nepal. It has faced many good and bad aspects and came to the present stage. At the

present up to the F/y 2073/074, it has 1607 members which has initiated from 25
members. Among the total members 1120 are female, male members are 480.

The Shikhar Herbal Product Co-operative is conductive these activities for society.

1. Self-employment fund loan investment

2. Micro-finance investment
3. Emergency loan investment
4. Entrepreneurship or business training
5. Pregnant women meeting program
6. Weekly program in Co-operative’s anniversary
7. Blood donation program
8. Meeting or gathering in festivals

Now it is operating under the control of following management committee.

Table 1

Management committee

S.N. Name Post

1. Navaraj Uppadhaya President

2. Luna Budhathoki Vice-president

3. Dhansari Rana Secretary

4. Jaya Kumari Thapa Treasurer

5. Thakumaya Thapa Member

6. Ramprasad Sharma Member

7. Hariram Tharu Member

8. Dilsara B.C. Member

9. Binita Bhandari Member

(Source: Office visit)

Account committee

Account sector is the heart of the organization. It should be managed properly. It has
three members in the account committee which is as follows.

Table 2

Account committee

S.N. Name Post

1. Krishan Prasad Bhugai Co-ordinator

2. Ganesh Bist Member

3. Tulkumari Padhaya Member

(Source: Office visit)

Now to handle the loan management of cooperative, it has 3 members to conduct the
regular activities smoothly. There three members are as below.

Table 3

Loan management committee

S.N. Name Post

1. Luan Budhathoki Co-ordinator

2. Fana Kunari Sharma Member

3. Prem Kumar Shrestha Member

(Source: Office visit)

1.3 Objectives of study

The objective of this field work report is to introduce Shikhar Herbal Product co-
operative Ltd., Kohalpur which help to promote business, agriculture and industrial
especially in Kohalpur and its periphery of Baijanath ward no. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8 11 and
12. Preparation of this fieldwork report has also same objectives. Purpose of this
fieldwork report is to have experience of actual work in real job of own concentration
area for the students of BBS 4th year. But it has also some specific purpose with are as

 To identify the different types of services provided by the cooperative.

 To study about the customers reaction of services provided by the co-operative.
 To know about rules of bank, interests rates and needs of documents while
 To evaluate the performance of the co-operative as a whole.
 To give some suggestions to improve the dissatisfactions of the customers.
 To know about the difficulties faced by the firm and individual to the get the
services of the co-operative.
 To know the trend of net income of the co-operative.

1.4 Rationale of study

I have selected and completed this report to fulfil the curriculum of BBS 4th year. It
really become helpful to me to complete the theoretical knowledge into practical. It is
really an interesting work to me to learn by doing. Once completed this report will be
helpful to the different people and sectors. Normally it can be significance to the

 I am benefited to learn by doing.

 It will be helpful to new batch as a reference for report writing.
 It is will be useful to the selected cooperative to know the situation and to take
corrective action related to my subject.
 It will be more useful to do further research process.

1.5 Review of Literature

In terms of literature review ‘the literature’ means the works you consulted in order to
understand and investigate your research problem. ‘Review’ is a process of systematic
meticulous and critical summary of the published literature in the field of research. How

others have dealt with topics in your search subject of what knowledge they have
acquired? Literature review also indicates that you should summarize the broad content
of the research article or study and indicate clearly any linkage other studies in the field.

The following are the some definitions which explains the review of literature.

“A literature review is the process of locating, obtaining, reading and evaluating the
research literature in the area of your interest.” (Haywood and Wragg (1982)

“A literature review is the body of text that aims to review the critical points of current
knowledge on a particular topic.” (Polonsky and Waller (2005)

1.6 Research Methodology

Research methodology refers to the various sequential steps to be adopted by a

researcher in studying a problem with certain objective in view. It is a way to
systematic solve of the research problem. It is a dynamic and systematic way to
solve the research problems. It describes the procedure and method applied in the
entire aspects of the study. It refers to the various sequential steps to be adopted by
a researcher in studying a problem with certain goals in view.

Research methodology possess to the various sequential steps to be adopted by

searcher in studying a problem with certain objectives of view. It describes the
methods and process applied in the entire subject of the study. It is the way to
systematically about the research problem. (Kothari; 2001;39)

Research methodology is the plan, structure and strategy of investigations

conceived to answer the research question or test the research hypothesis. (Wolf and
Pant; 2002;51)

The overall approach to the research is presented in this chapter. This chapter
contains the following steps.
 Research design
 Population and sample
 Sources of data
 Data collection procedure,

 Data processing
 Methods of data analysis

Research Design

Research design refers to the framework of the planning of the research assignment the
research main concentrate is to give the clear and pure data. A research design is the
conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It is an integrated system that
guides the researcher in formulating, implementation and controlling the study. It is the
arrangement of conditions of collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to
combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. It is the plan
and formulation of investigation idea and strategy so as to obtain answers to research
questions and to control variance.

The study is based upon historical financial activities of ADBL. Various statistical and
financial tools have been utilized for analysing the different variable related to the loan

Since, the study is obviously based on certain research design. This study emphasizes
on descriptive and analytical study of collected data over a period of time and it gives
suggestion on the improvement. So, this study is based on descriptive and analytical
research designs.

Population and sample

Population is the total possible objects to be taken for the investigation to collect data.
In the case of my all co-operatives can be population but I have selected Shikhar Herbal
Product Co-operative Limited as a sample. I have selected F/y 2070/071 to 2073/074
as a sample year for data collection and use.

Method of Data Collection

Data is the building block of any research. In fact research in itself is the quest of
credible data. Data can be defined as the values collected through record-keeping or
polling, observing or measuring more simply data is fact text or numbers that can be

collected. Hence data should not only be thought of as statistical or quantitative. It may
take many other forms such as transcript of interviewers, maps, photographs and video
of social interaction.

It can be adopted different method to collect the data, while studying something we
have to depend on nature and objective of relative's subject. To identify the planning of
the project tow type of data collection .they are as follow:-

A) Primary data collection

B) Secondary data collection

A. Primary data collection:-

The data which is collected for the first time by an investigator is known as primary
data. In this method while preparing report we meet with related person and get the data
by interacting with them. The primary data can be collected by any of following
procedure are:


►Visiting with relative person




►Phone & e-mail

►Firm’s daily book

B. Secondary data collection:-

There are many methods to collect secondary data. It was collected from annual reports
and organization’s provided other publications and necessary data .it can be collected

The total used in the process of preparing report is:

I. Interview

II. Tabulation method

III. Observation

IV. Schedules

V. Percentage method

VI. Graphical Presentation

- Pie chart

- Bar Diagram

1.7 Limitation of study

Each and every study is followed by some limitation. This study too has some limitation
which is as follows:

 Time constraint is one of the Major factors of the field study. It took more than
two weeks for the fieldwork to accomplish.
 The main source of data collection is the annual publication by the cooperatives
along with this as a primary source of data answers given by the staffs of the
organization is also included.
 Only three years of data are analysis.
 Being a student resources constraint is another factor that has limited the scope
of the study.
 The weak data management of the cooperative is also a weakness because of it
I could not get all needed information required.



2.1 Presentation of Data

The data can be some facts or opinion of persons which are very much essential to get
the result of some case. It is needless to say that diagrams are more attractive,
fascinating and impressive then the numerical data, since they are attractive they leave
much lasting impression on mind. So here the data of Shikhar Herbal Product Co-
operative Ltd. of previous 3 year is presented in tabular form and pie and bar chart.

For the collection of customers view I have selected regular 100 customers of the co-
operative with the help of Mrs Purnima Oli. There are scattered from Kohapur market,
Chapargaudi, Madanchok and Tilakpur. The responses of the respondents have been
shown in the table hereunder.

Table 4

Customers’ consciousness

Do you enjoy the any sort of facility from the Co-operative? No. of respondents

Yes 100

No -

(Source: Opinion Survey)

It gave me a lot of enthusiasm to conduct the research because all are interested to help
me. With an energy I became strongly committed to the work.

Among the 100 customers their transaction with the co-operative is as below.
Depending on this I have conducted the survey and their satisfaction level is
determined. Which are presented m the table and figure as below.

Table 5

Types of customers

Types of customers Number of customers Weight

Account holders 66 .66

Borrowers 22 .22

Remittance users 12 .12

Total 100 1

(Source: Opinion Survey)

Among the total 100 customers, they are classified as three types of customers i.e.
account holders, borrowers and remittance users. If we see the table we can see that 66
members are taking advantages of deposit accounts among them and including others
are raking borrowing facility and 12 members of samples are taking remittance users.

Depending on the above data the following pie chart can be drawn here as below.

Figure 1

Types of customers




Account holders Borrowers Remittance users

Table 6

Types of accounts

Types of accounts Number of customers Weight

Daily collection account 32 0.48

Monthly collection account 12 0.18

Child collection 11 0.17

Women collection 7 0.11

Youth collection 4 0.06

Total 66 1

(Source: Opinion Survey)

Many types of accounts has be launched by the co-operatives but in my study I found
only 5 types of accounts. They are daily collection account, monthly collection account,
child collection, women collection and youth collection. If we see the table daily
collection accounts are maximum and youth are least. The above table is represented in
the figure as below.

Figure 2

Types of accounts

Number of customers



Daily collection Monthly collection Child collection Women collection Youth collection
account account

Table 7

Borrowers of Shikhar Herbal Product Co-operative Ltd.

Types of borrowers Number Weight

Housing loan 5 0.05

Business loan 65 0.65

Agriculture loan 27 0.27

Education loan - 0

Vehicle loan 3 0.03

Total 100 1

(Source: Opinion Survey)

The co-operative has provided loan in five headings. They are housing. Business,

agriculture, education and vehicle. Among the study of 100 employees may customers

are taking loan from the business and education loan has not been found among them.

Whereas 27 customers had taken agriculture loan, 5 had taken housing and 3 had taken

vehicle loan. For easy comparison and understanding, the above data has presented in

a figure as below in figure 3.

Figure 3

Borrowers of Shikhar Herbal Product Co-operative Ltd.

Types of borrowers

Housing loan Business loan Agriculture loan Education loan Vehicle loan

Table 8

Type of remittance

Remittance types Number of customers Weight

Prabhu remittance 5 0.42

Western remittance 4 0.33

Reliable remittance 2 0.17

Hulas remittance 1 0.08

Total 12 1

(Source: Opinion Survey)

If we see the above table, it is clear that four types of remittance services are given to
the customers of the co-operative. They are Prabhu, Western, Reliable and hulas.
Among them Prabhu is famous to the customers and many are remitting from this in
the comparison of western, reliable and hulas. It is presented in a graph as below.

Figure 4

Types of Remittance

Types of remittance

Number of customers

5 4



Prabhu remittance Western remittance Reliable remittance Hulas remittance

Customers' satisfaction

Customers' satisfaction is the main objective of co-operative. All organizations do

progress depending on this criteria. Satisfied customers are the assets of the

organization. They themselves do the advertisement of the co-operative which

decreases the investment of the co-operative. To know the customers' satisfaction I also

asked to the sample customers and got the following result.

Table 9

Level of customer satisfaction

Particulars Satisfied customers Dissatisfied customers

Interest rate in Saving a/c 15 51

Withdrawing Limit 60 6

Frequency of withdrawal 22 44

Other services 21 20

(Source: Opinion Survey)

I have finally done the customer satisfaction for the analysis of success of failure of the
co-operative. I found that there is an average or slightly more satisfaction at average
which is presented in a table as above and figure as below.

Figure 5

Level of customer satisfaction

Level of customer satisfaction

70 Satisfied customers

60 Dissatisfied customers






Interest rate in Saving Withdrawing Limit Frequency of Other services
a/c withdrawal

Though there is situation of customers' reaction towards the co-operation. The co-
operative is earning every year in increasing tread. It means it is doing well and
becoming popular among the customers and it is wining the customers' faith towards it.

To know about it here is a presentation of income of three years in a table and graph as

Net income

Net income is the all income minus all expenses after tax. It is the net income to the co-
operative. Among which it can share or invest its some part to the shareholders or
profitable investment opportunities.

Table 10

Net Income of Shikhar Herbal product co-operative ltd.

Year Net income Change

2071/072 137762.73 -

2072/073 264122.59 126359.86

2073/074 168558.63 (95563.96)

(Source: Annual reports)

If we see the table above it shows that income is increasing in second year in the

comparison of first study period and it has decreases by Rs. 95563.96 in F/y 2073/074.

It is presented in a graph as below.

Figure 6

Income of Shikhar Herbal product co-operative ltd.

Net income

2071/072 2072/073 2073/074

2.2 Analysis of results and findings

The above all data are based on the real and primary source of data collection. After
presenting above tables and figures here is the analysis of each data as below.

a) Types of customers

Before collection of services provided and their satisfaction level I have tried to find
out the services they are taking currently from the co-operative. As my investigation
the customers are four types. It means among 100 customers they are of the four
categories like account holders, borrowers, remittance users. Among these categories
Account holders maximum in number i.e. 66 and similarly borrowers are 22 and
remittance users are 12. The number obtained is presented in a pie chart.

b) Types of accounts

For any financial institution collection like a blood of it. For the same purpose they try
to attract customers for maximize saving. To fulfil these desires they have lunched
many types of accounts. But in my study five types of account holders came under
observation. They are Daily collection account, Monthly collection account, Child
collection, Women collection and Youth collection account. Among them maximum

are daily collection account holders and similarly monthly, child, women and youth are

Daily collection accounts are especially useful for the businessmen, monthly collection
is for those who are interested to save their income after getting monthly salary from
any of the institution. Child, Women and Youth accounts are to make saving having
from their little gift or income.

c) Borrowers of Shikhar Herbal Product Co-Operative Ltd.

Many customers who are engaged in saving of to the co-operative wants to borrow
some amount as a loan to run their life easily. The Shikhar Herbal Product Co-operative
Ltd. is also providing many types of loan to their customers in very easy manner.
Marketers are very friendly and they are facilitating more services to their customers.
The co-operative is proving loan on the following heading under the survey i.e. Housing
loan, Business loan, Agriculture loan, Education loan and vehicle loan. Among them
Business loan is maximum, then after agriculture, housing and vehicle are thereafter
and their number is 27, 5 and 3 respectively. If we analyse these data people are
involving in business and agriculture sector which can create more employment and
income generation of the people and country as a tax.

d) Types of remittance

Remittance is the money send by Nepalese from foreign country. It is one of the major
income of our economy. Nearly 40 lakhs Nepalese are working in foreign country as
an employee and they send a lot of money from such countries to their family. To collect
such money there are various remittance company working in our country. But under
my study following are the remittance company in the co-operative i.e. Prabhu
Remittance, Western Remittance, Reliable remittance and Hulus remittance. If we
compare the remittance company Prabhu, Western, Reliable and Hulas are ranked to
the highest to the lowest.

e) Level of customer satisfaction

I have presented all the facilities provided by the co-operative. Now I want to analyse
the customers’ reaction towards the services obtained from the co-operative. Many
people are engaged in saving in co-operative but they all do not believe on completely
in co-operative. Some co-operative in Kohalpur has also did some wrong performance
so members are not fully belief of co-operative. But in the case of Shikhar Herbal
Product Co-operative Ltd. it has some different image to the customers. But there are
facilities provided by this co-operative is not satisfactory to the customers.

In the interest rate provided by this co-operative people are not satisfied. It provides
semi-annual interest to the saving. But they do not consider the time value of money.
Simply they provide interest as a villagers do normally. They have set withdrawal limit
to their saving customers up to three months savers are not allowed to withdraw their
deposit. Once they withdraw their balance again next three months they have wait
simply for second withdraw. But in some cases it is not suitable to the customers. So
most of the customers are dissatisfied in frequency of withdrawal and interest rate
provided by the co-operative but in the rest of the case majority of customers seems to
the satisfied.

f) Income level of customers

Income earned by the Shikhar Herbal Product Co-operative Ltd. in the recent three
year has been presented in a graph as well as in a table. It shows that income is the F/y
2071/072 is Rs. 137762.73, it was Rs. 264122.59 in F/y 2072/073 and it has decreases
to 168558.634 in F/y 2073/074. If we see these data, it is clear that in the first two
year income has increased by 126359.86 but in last study period it has decreases by
95563.96. It has given some negative signal to the co-operative.



3.1 Summary

Nepal is an underdeveloped country and most of the people of our country are residing
to the rural where facility of bank is not available. For the gradual development of the
country small savings of the individual also must be utilized in a productive sector. It
helps in economic development as well as employment opportunity is general. So with
this objective Shikhar Herbal Product Co-operative Ltd. is established.

Shikhar Herbal Product Co-operative Ltd. was established in 2067 BS. with the
objective of mobilization of the small savings of the individual. This survey is based
upon the study of service provided and customer satisfaction of the Co-operative. These
data about the service provided and customer satisfaction are collected for the easy and
effective study of the Co-operation and market survey.

Shikhar Herbal Product Co-operative Ltd. is one of most popular, reliable and
effectively managed co-operative of this sectors. I have found that employees of this
co-operative highly motivated and devoted to the work. Once it has started to produce
Allovera herbal but it remain unsuccessful. It has launched many types of saving
schemes to include all types of people in our society. Including its regular activity it is
also providing some extra service to its customers like remittance service which seems
rare in the case of co-operative. Some events of it is also providing some social services
to the society which is respectful work.

It has very important role in economic reform of poor people. It is always committed
to help poor people for entrepreneurship development. It is also providing employment
opportunity to the different and low income generating people of the place. It has played
important role to distribute the agricultural products and tools to the customers in cheap
price. It also provides credit facility to purchase such tools to the farmers easily. Such
activities help to provide qualitative goods to the farmers for higher production of
agricultural output. It has also very important role to make a habit of increasing saving.

This co-operative also produces some agricultural products itself and fulfills the
demand of lot of people of the country. If a farmer can produce products in large
quantity it also helps to sell them easily. For the production purpose it has taken a large
plot of land in lease and some land has been purchased by it.

It has provided employment opportunities to the large number of people directly. Many
people have been served by this co-operative. By this work it has played a role to
increase the income of the people. Which helps to increase the life standard of the
people. In such way it also helps to develop the rural sectors of the country by working
in remote area as well and providing many other needed facilities to the people.

3.2 Conclusion

From the above presentation and analysis of data we concluded that it is providing a lot
of facility to the customers. The fund is collected from different accounts suitable to
the all people of the society and it is utilizing it in proper way. Since it has constructed
its own building people believe on it. It is also rendering public services to the society
which are very appreciable work. It has given remittance service to the customers and
society. It is most mentionable work. Since many people of our country are going
foreign for earning and people needs easy facility to get the money send by their
relative, it is a nice job.

The interest rate provided by the Shikhar Herbal Product Co-operative is good but its
calculation method is not so good. I hope it will change it soon. Another mentionable
aspect of the co-operative is it is using computer software to keep records which
appreciable work. But I has seen that employees are not so perfect in using that software
which causes delay in service provided. It has made a well maintained meeting hall
which causes the source of earning to the co-operative in one side and providing
services to the customers and society.

Net income of the co-operative is slowly increases in second year but in the third year
it has decreases by nearly one lakh rupees. It is not good to the co-operative. It should
be noted that it should do certain changes to the co-operative to increase its earning.
Profit or income of the organization is the life and one of the strong measurement
technique for successful operation of the organization.

People have habit of getting others happy, prosperous and facilitated than own self. It
is a nature of human beings that they see good aspect of others and bad aspect in their
services getting. So customers may not always judge the better service provided by their
co-operative because of this the presented data may lead to the satisfactory condition
of the co-operative. But it is very good in this region and well managed.

The following suggestions can be given to the co-operatives.

 To increase in the investment of loan, delay in recovery must be eliminated.

 For the social and economic development of the country most of the investment
should be done in productive sector.
 Since the Co-operative's earning is only interest it should be collected in time.
 Co-operative can create a separate department of loan management.
 Co-operative should be investing in portfolio basis.
 Co-operative should give training their staff to improve working capacity
 New technology should be adopting to serve the customer fast.
 Co-operative should attract to customer in low interest and high interest in deposits.
 As the name indicated it should focus its work for production of herbal products.


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Bhandari, Dilli Raj. (2003), "Banking and Insurance: Principle & Practice", Utsav
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Bhattarai, Pramod (2004), "The Nepalese Financial System", Asmita Books Publishers
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Dahal, Bhuvan and SaritaDahal (2002), "A Hand Book to Banking", Asmita Books and
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Joshi, Padam Raj (2004), "Fundamentals of Financial Management", Asmita Books

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Shrestha M.K.(2047) "Commercial Banks Comparative Performance Evaluation"

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Some of the questions that will be guiding these research activities in the field are as

1. How many employees are there in the organization?

2. When was the organization established?

3. How many customers do you have?

4. How many initial shareholders were invested in this co-operative?

5. What are the objectives of the institution?

6. What are the problems faces by the organization?

7. Have you ever did the customer's satisfaction survey?

8. Can you provide me income statement, balance sheet?

9. What are the services provided to your employees?


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