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Ge2152 QB

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Question Bank

Subject: Basic Civil and mechanical Engineering ( GE2152)

Unit III

1. List out the conventional power plants.

2. What is the main purpose of condensers in a steam power plant?
3. Write 3 factors to be considered for the selection of steam power plant site?
4. State two advantages and disadvantages of a nuclear power plant.
5. Briefly explain the working principle of a gas turbine.
6. List the main components of an open cycle gas turbine.
7. Give two advantages and disadvantages of a gas turbine power plant.
8. State the methods of improving the thermal efficiency of a gas turbine power
9. Give two examples for reaction hydraulic turbine
10. Give the use of surge tank in the hydraulic power plant.
11. Define the term fossil fuels.
12. Distinguish between the impulse and reaction hydraulic turbine.
13. What is the function of turbo charger in diesel power plant?
14. What is the function of intercooler in gas turbine power plants?
15. Differentiate between nuclear fission and fusion.
16. Briefly discuss about “water hammer effect”.
17. Give the classifications of hydro electric power plant.
18. What are the functions of moderator and control rods in nuclear power plant?
19. Name some commonly used coolants in nuclear power plants.
20. Discuss in brief about chain reaction.
21. Define positive and rotodynamic pumps.
22. In what way priming is important for pumps?
23. Compare the reciprocating pump and centrifugal pump.
24. How the centrifugal pump can be classified based on the direction of flow?
25. State the working principle of impulse and reaction turbines.
26. compare the pelton wheel turbine with francis turbine.

27. Unit I

28. 1.what are the dimensions of standard brick?

29. 2.what are the raw materials used in manufacture of cement?
30. 3.Why gypsum is added during the manufacture of cement?
31. 4.what is the need for reinforcement in RCC?
32. 5. What are the uses of channel and T-sections?
33. 6.what are the objectives of surveying?
34. 7.what do you understand by non destructive testing of concrete?
35. 8. Define mortar.
36. What is thermodynamic cycle?

37. .What is meant by air standard cycle and efficiency?

38. Define. the the following with PV and TS diagram

39. Otto cycle
40. Diesel cycle.
41. Dual cycle
42. Bray ton cycle

43. Differentiate the following

44. Otto cycle and diesel cycle
45. Two stroke and four stroke cycle engine.
46. Iii) Valve timing and port timing diagram.

47. What is meant by mean effective pressure and how is it related to indicated

48. What is meant by air fuel ratio?

49. Write down the various components of IC engines and how IC engines are
50. Classified?
51. What is meant by detonation, knocking, pre ignition, back firing?

52. Why lubrication and cooling system are necessary?

53. Define nozzle and write down the effect of friction in it?

54. Define the following

55. Critical pressure ratio of a nozzle
56. Super saturated flow
57. Degree of reaction
58. Differentiate the impulse and reaction turbine

59. What is meant by compounding?

60. write down the purpose and function of the following

61. Nozzle used in steam turbines
62. Diffuser
63. Nozzle governor
64. Air compressors

65. Write down the purpose and function of the following in Convergent Divergent
66. Convergent
67. Throat
68. Divergent
69. Define. the following

70. Volumetric efficiency of compressor and clearance volume.

71. Isothermal efficiency
72. Inter cooler
73. psychrometric
74. air conditioning
75. Derive the expression for air standard efficiency and mean effective of the
following cycles
76. Otto cycle
77. Diesel cycle
78. Dual cycle.

79. Derive the expression for air standard efficiency of bray ton cycle and compare
with Otto cycle.

80. What are the effects of super saturation on discharge and heat drop?

81. Derive an expression for maximum discharge through convergent divergent

nozzle for steam?

82. Explain the supersaturated or met astable flow of steam through a nozzle and the
significance of Wilson’s line.

83. Explain the working principle of single stage reciprocating air compressor?

84. Explain the working principle of multi stage reciprocating air compressor?

85. Derive an expression for work done by a single stage air compressor with and
without clearance?
86. Explain with a neat sketch of working principle of vapour compression system?

87. Explain with a neat sketch of working principle of vapour absorption system?

88. Comparison between vapour compression system and vapour absorption system?

89. What are the properties of refrigerant?

90. Explain the concept of RSHF, GSHF and ESHF?

91. Explain the various air conditioning systems/

92. Explain with neat sketch various types of air conditioning system?

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