Ge2152 QB
Ge2152 QB
Ge2152 QB
Unit III
27. Unit I
47. What is meant by mean effective pressure and how is it related to indicated
53. Define nozzle and write down the effect of friction in it?
65. Write down the purpose and function of the following in Convergent Divergent
66. Convergent
67. Throat
68. Divergent
69. Define. the following
79. Derive the expression for air standard efficiency of bray ton cycle and compare
with Otto cycle.
80. What are the effects of super saturation on discharge and heat drop?
82. Explain the supersaturated or met astable flow of steam through a nozzle and the
significance of Wilson’s line.
83. Explain the working principle of single stage reciprocating air compressor?
84. Explain the working principle of multi stage reciprocating air compressor?
85. Derive an expression for work done by a single stage air compressor with and
without clearance?
86. Explain with a neat sketch of working principle of vapour compression system?
87. Explain with a neat sketch of working principle of vapour absorption system?
88. Comparison between vapour compression system and vapour absorption system?
92. Explain with neat sketch various types of air conditioning system?