Mental Health Among Early Married Women: E Rajeswari and Dr. K Kavitha Maheswari
Mental Health Among Early Married Women: E Rajeswari and Dr. K Kavitha Maheswari
Mental Health Among Early Married Women: E Rajeswari and Dr. K Kavitha Maheswari
E Rajeswari Abstract
M. Phil Scholar, P.G & The aim of this study is to assess the mental heal status among married adolescent girls. Through this
Research Department of Social study the research made an attempt to know the descriptive information on mental health status among
Work, Shrimati Indira Gandhi adolescent girls, hence descriptive research design was adopted for this study. The universe of the
College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil present study are the adolescent girls those who were married before the age of 18 years in the
Nadu, India Kurumbalur village, Perambalur district. The researcher used convenient sampling method to select 40
respondents from the universe. It is revealed from the study that majority of the respondents have
Dr. K Kavitha Maheswari medium level of overall mental health, more than one third of the respondents have low level of overall
Assistant Professor, P.G & mental health and remaining 2.5% of the respondents have high level of mental health. So it is
Research Department of Social concluded that very low percent of the respondents have high level of mental health and the remaining
Work, Shrimati Indira Gandhi have comparatively low mental health status.
College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil
Nadu, India
Keywords: early marriage, girls, mental health
Early marriage takes place before the attainment of legal age to undergo marriage.
Throughout the world number of girls are suffering as a result of early marriage,
approximately 20-50% of girls are married by the age of 18 in developing countries
(Somerset, 2000; UNICEF, 2012 & Singh, 1996) [6, 5] and the ratio is higher in Sub Saharan
Africa and South Asia (Singh, 1996 & UNICEF, 2012) [5, 6] usually such girls are forced to
marry with the man that are quit elder then them. After being married they have to look after
their husbands the house and the children they give birth although they do not have the
complete knowledge of being a wife and even don`t have sufficient information about sex
and childbirth (Somerset, 2000). Early marriage is the marriage done before or during
adolescence (Somerset, 2000 & UNICEF 2012) [6].
Studies in India and Africa have shown that child marriage is known to be associated with
high risks of HIV transmission, unwanted pregnancies and infant mortality, the impact of
child marriage on mental health had given less and even no importance." The authors
concluded that more mental health support is needed for women who married early (Bridget
M. Kuehn, 2011) [2].
(Le Strat Y et al., 2011) [1] conducted a study on child marriage in the United States and its
associate with mental health in women. The study revealed the prevalence of child marriage
among women was 8.9%. Demographic factors associated with child marriage were black
and American Indian/Alaska Native ethnicities, age at interview of >45 years, low
educational level, low income, and living in the South and rural areas of the United States.
The overall lifetime and 12-month rates of psychiatric disorders were higher for women who
married as children, compared with women who married as adults. In addition, women who
married as children were more likely to seek and access health services, compared with
women who married in adulthood. More than half (53%) of the women who married before
the age of 18 years reported having had a mental disorder such as depression compared with
49% of the women who married later. Former child brides also were substantially more
Correspondence likely to have a current mental health disorder (about 36% vs nearly 28%) such as specific
Dr. K Kavitha Maheswari
phobias. Nicotine dependence was also associated with child marriage. Mental health effects
Assistant Professor, P.G &
Research Department of Social persisted even when the scientists adjusted for sociodemographic variables and the number
Work, Shrimati Indira Gandhi of children a woman had. Additionally, former young brides were more likely to seek mental
College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil health care.
Nadu, India
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International Journal of Applied Research
(Tania Fitzgeorge-Balfour, 2017) [3] conducted a new study among married adolescent girls.
of four South Asian countries reveals complex associations
between early marriage and women’s education, Research design
health and nutrition that go beyond the impacts of early Through this study the research made an attempt to know
childbearing. These health implications-which include the descriptive information on mental health status among
higher risk of domestic violence and poor mental health- adolescent girls, hence descriptive research design was
may also affect the next generation of children. adopted for this study.
Furthermore, increased education has had some, but not
enough, success in delaying girls’ marriage. The study, Universe and sampling
published in open-access journal Frontiers in Public Health, The universe of the present study are the adolescent girls
provides evidence showing why early marriage should be those who were married before the age of 18 years in the
considered a major public health issue. Kurumbalur village, Perambalur district. The researcher
Sadaf Ahmed, 2013 [4] stated that lower awareness of health used convenient sampling method to select 40 respondents
knowledge, physical growth and development, women from the universe.
bearing children at early ages face higher risk of maternal
health problems, disability and death, reinforces risking Tools of data collection
problems for their newborns as a result, early marriages are The tools of data collection consisted of two parts. The first
always being a very big issue in developing countries part included self prepared questionnaire regarding the
specially in primitive uncivilized districts of Asia including respondents’ socio-demographic data and the standardized
India, Pakistan and Bangladesh etc. Moreover it’s a tool on mental health developed by Dr. Jagadish. R and Dr.
controversial fact that in civilized society, evidences of A.K. Srinivasa.
getting married in early ages are greatly increased because
of our religious beliefs, norms and social impacts. Due to Findings and Discussion
early marriages young girls don’t have the ability to deal Findings on socio-demographic conditions
with responsibilities, early pregnancy and pregnancy-related Nearly one third of the respondents belong to the age of 16
mortality and morbidity, causing major physiological and years. Exactly half of the respondents studies up to primary
psychological health issues in adolescent girls, resulting in level. A vast majority of the respondents are hindus. 65% of
losing relationship confidence and ability to maintain a the respondents are belonged to scheduled caste community
healthy relationship. Purpose of the study was to evaluate and the same percent of the respondents were from nuclear
the aspects of psychological disturbances occurring in family.
married young girls along with depression rate and Three fourth of the respondents underwent love cum
educational withdrawal, with comparison of unmarried arranged marriage. All the respondents have children. 90%
young girls of the same age specifically there is a strong of the respondents lived in rural areas before and after
correlation between a woman’s age at marriage and the
marriage. Three fourth of the respondents monthly family
education that she receives. Uniformly across the countries,
income ranged between Rs. 5000- Rs. 10,000/-. Nearly half
early marriage is associated with lower educational
of the respondents underwent child marriage due to their
attainment. Observational study was conducted through
multi logistic structured questionnaire and girls in b/w age single parenthood of their parents. All the respondents were
of 13 to 35 were included. On the basis of above study it is school dropouts and exactly half of them have interest in
concluded that early marriage, multiple responsibilities and studies.
early pregnancies are risk factors of depression and it is 37.5% of the respondents’ spouses’ age ranged between 20-
further evaluated that married girls are at higher level when 25 years. Almost all of the respondents engaged in private
compared with unmarried. employment. 72.5% of the respondents age difference with
their spouses was between 5-10 years. 55% of the
Materials and Methods respondents spouses have the habits of smoking and
Aim consuming alcohol.
The aim of this study is to assess the mental heal status
The first Part of the above table reveals that nearly half of health status of the respondents and it is shown in this table
the respondents have low level of positive self evaluation, that majority of the respondents have medium level of
more than one third of the respondents have medium level overall mental health, more than one third of the
of positive self evaluation and nearly one fourth of the respondents have low level of overall mental health and
respondents have high level of positive self evaluation. remaining 2.5% of the respondents have high level of
Hence a little more than 2/5th of the respondents have low mental health. So it is concluded that very low percent of the
positive self evaluation. respondents have high level of mental health and the
The second part of the table reveals that more than half of remaining have comparatively low mental health status.
the respondents have medium level of perception of reality,
one third of the respondents have low level of perception of Conclusion
reality and 12.5% of them have high level of perception of The study assessed the mental health status of the
reality. It is revealed that very low percent of the respondents and the findings of the study revealed that the
respondents have high level of percept of reality may be due mental health status among early married girls are at low
to their tender age leading to the growing maturity level. level and hence the menace of early marriage and child
The third part of the above table explains that more than half marriage have to be stopped. The children have to cherish
of the respondents have medium level of integrated their childhood and adolescence. Proper awareness should
personality, exactly one fourth of the respondents have high be created to eradicate this problem. The children and
level of integrated personality and 17.5% of the respondents adolescents should not be burdened with too much of
have low level of integrated personality. responsibilities and complicated family commitments. It
The fourth part of the table describes that nearly half of the will affect them both physically and mentally. Finally
respondent have medium level of autonomy, more than one- results in disturbed state of mind and lack of joy. They must
third of the respondents have high level of autonomy and be matured enough to shoulder the responsibilities. Hence
nearly one fourth of the respondents have low level of parents’ role is very important in shaping the physically and
autonomy. It is inferred from this data that though the mentally healthy future of their children.
respondents are physically and chronological age wise are in
their process of psychological maturity yet they were able References
enjoy autonomy in their marital life as well as in their 1. Le Strat Y, Dubertret C, Le Foll B. Child marriage in
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have low level of group oriented attitude, more than one Consequences on Women’s Mental Health, 2011.
fourth of the respondents have medium level of group
oriented attitude and only 2.5% of the respondents have high marriage-has-lasting-consequences-on-
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opinion that it is difficult for their age to think for their 3. Tania Fitzgeorge-Balfour. Multiple health implications
entire family and they expressed that their feelings and of women’s early marriage go beyond early
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disturb their happiness. The acceptance from their family 4. Sadaf Ahmed, Saima Khan, Malka Alia, Shamoon
about their decisions and suggestions are also not in an Noushad. Psychological impact evaluation of early
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The sixth part of the table explains that nearly half of the Centre-2013 International journal of endorsing health
respondents have medium level of environmental mastery, science research. 2013; 1(2):84.
more than one third of the respondents have low level of 5. Singh S, Samara R. Early marriage among women in
environmental mastery and 15 percent of the respondents developing countries. International family planning
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environmental mastery needs improvement. From the study 6. UNICEF. Child protection from violence, exploitation
it was revealed that the respondents especially from joint and abuse, 2012.
family found it difficult to get cooperation and support when
it comes to joint responsibilities, commitments and
The last part of the above table indicated the overall mental
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