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MasrEn ToNG's AcupuNcruRp

handsome student came to see me. He told me he had a very bad case of herpes and asked me to do something. I tried the same treatment once again. It was a Friday evening. He came back on Monday and said that Saturday and SunJay he had felt as if a cool breeze were blowing around his bottom and that the itching and pain had disappeared. I treated him several more times and told him not to have any more cheap sex. Later he gor married and had two children.

A tall,

When using these points, one needle should be above the kneecap and rhe other needle below it, however, it is not easy to find blood vessels around the knees. If one can find a blood vessel, needle it. When pricking to bleed, rhe point should be squeezed righrly between the thumb and index finger of the left hand. If black blood runs out, th.ri the point has definitely been located correctly. If there is acute inflammation it is more likely that there will be such black blood. If the herpes is latent or mild, it may be more difficult to let any significant amount of blood. Such clinical rips are rhe benefit of greyhaired people.l .t I V Tianl:Iuang (7T.IZ)

X a

tse c{

[Translation t Ticm, heaven; Hurmg, emperor]

Indications: Hyperacidity of the stomach, stomach disease with vomiting, [eating and vomiting, including bulimia], kidney organ disease, diabetes mellitus, albuminuria, j.holesterolemia]

Locating the point: With the patient in supine posirion, measure 2.5 cunbelow the knee joint just below the medial epicondyle of the tibia. Reaction area of the kidneys,
and the six bowels. (See Figure 28.) hearr,

Method of manipulation: Needle 5 fen to I cun in depth.

Note: Combine with Tian



Fu (77.18) ro treat hyperacidiry of the stomach and

Caution: Moxibustion is not appropriate, and needling is forbidden in pregnant women.


Ponrs oN THE LovzEn Exrnrrratrns

[The point is located atYinLingQunn (Sp 9).TianHuang also treats high blood pressure, Jizziness, headache, shoulder pain, and poor sleep all due to heart disease.
San Lt (St 36) increases stomach acid. This point decreases stomach acid. One must be careful not to use the wrong point. Mostly I use this point to decrease stomach hyper-



I saw Dr. Tong treat a :nan with 95% blockage of his coronary
Case history: Once :rteries. The man's face was purple-black. He ;ould not do anything. He kept fidgeting, .randing up and sitting down, trying to pump :iood to his heart. Dr. Tong needled Tian !7uang. After a while, the patient was able to freathe deeply and I saw his facial color turn ':right pink. That day, that was the only neelie Dr. Tong used on this man with such a
:evere condition.]


trtBfl 9*n) X.g6'J,

Titn Huang Fu (77.18)



iTianslation t Tian, heaven; Huang, emperor; rv, quasi; Shen, kidneys Guan, barrier]

Indications: Hyperacidity of the stomach,

,.-omiting, anemia, astigmatism, psychologi;al disease, pain in the nasal bone, dizzilpss,


f f *q{r'1

histeria, epilepsyJ


*- ,",i4- ' r_

'- ^ ,1/. ,'- ' --t q. r lrur , " j,

li ,t'7cv' t;/.f L u



' !

'., t../,-



Figure 28.



ToNG's AcupuNcruRs

Locating the point: With the patient in supine posirion, measure I.5 cun below Tian Hunng (77:17). Reaction area of the six bowels. (See Figure 28.) Method of manipulation: Needle 5 fen to


cttn in depth.
diseases, use

Note: For the treatment of hyperacidity of the stomach and other sromach in combination with TianHuang (77.17).
[Shen Gunn is a major kidney supplementing

point. This point also rrears coccygeal pain, upper back pain, headache, low back and flank fatigue all due to kidney vacuiry. In addition, it treats numbness and pain of the two hands, shoulder and elbow pain, and inability to raise the arms upwards. After treatment, mobility of the fingers, shoulder, and elbow will be immediately restored.
For 50 year-old shoulder due to kidney vacuity, use a 3 can needle at Shen Guan. Needle deeply on the opposite side. \7ith the needle in place, have the patienr mobilize the affected arm and shoulder as much as possible, raising the shoulder as high as possible. Another alternative is to deeply needle Si Hua Zhong (77 .09) or Tiaa Kou (St 38) on the opposite side through to Cheng Shan (Bl 57) and mobilize the affected arm and shoulder the same way. For hyperacidity of the stomach, I usually use both Tian Huang (77 .17) and Shen Gurm or Ticm Humg F u (7 7 .18) rogether.l


l I

J DtIIr*rg (77.rg) I&, 9_

[Tianslation: Di, earth; Hu.cmg, emperor] Indications: Kidney organ inflammation, edematous swelling of the four limbs, diabetes mellitus, strangury diseases [such as gonorrhea], impotence, incontinence, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, albuminuria, hematuria, uterine tumors, menstrual irregularity, and low back pain due to kidney vacuiry



Locating the point: \Kth+h/patient in supine position' measufe 7 cun above the medi(See al malleolus o1 th" medial posrerior border of the tibia. Reaction area of the kidneys.
Figure 28.)

Method of manipulation: Needle 1-1.5 ctnt rndepth. Needle at a 45 degree angle'l

Caution: Needling in pregnant women is forbidden. [One should try to avoid leg and I lower abdominal points during pregnancy in general.


DiHunngis located aLLou Gz (Sp 7). Together withTianHwmg (77.17) and Ren Huang Q7.ZI),ih"r. thr"" poinrs are named the Lower Three Emperors. In this case, one would normally expect the names DiHtungor Earth Emperor and Ren Hurmg, Human Emperor, to be reversed in order.]



e;.zo\ w xi.


[Tianslation: Si, four; Zhi,limb, branch] Indications: Pain in the four limbs, neck pain, diabetes mellitus Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 3 cun below Di Huang (77 .lg) along the medial posterior border of the tibia. Reaction area of the heart, kidneys, and four limbs. (See Figure 28.) Method of manipulation: Needle 5 fen ro L.2 cmt in depth.

Note: Needling in pregnant women is forbidden.



[I do not use rhis point much. For neck pain, I prefer to do gua sha. This neck pain is on the side of the neck. If it is on the back of the neck, then I use ZhengJin (77.01).1





R"', Huang (7?.21)




bed., *t^"""



Indications: Strangury, impotence, involuntary seminal emission, spermatorrhe?' noctumal emissions, pain of the vertebra of the upper and lower back, dizziness [due to kidney vacuity], numbness of the hands, diabetes mellitus, albuminuria, hematuria, inflammation of the kidney organ, low back pain due to kidney vacuity
Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 4 cunbelow DiHwng (77 'I9) on the medial posterior border of the tibia. Reaction area of the kidneys. (See
Figure 28.)





Method of manipulation: Needle 6 fen to I.2 a.m in depth. Caution: Needling in pregnant women is forbidden.
[This point is located at San Yin Jiao (Sp 6). Its range of application includes kidney vacudiseases, urinary system diseases, and gynecological diseases. As a group, the Three Emperors also treat the nervous system. Often I use Shen Gum (77.rc) and Ren Huang; this is called the Two Emperors. This combination can trear Parkinson's disease. This is a brain disease, and the kidneys rule the brain. This treatment will at least alleviare the tremor for 4-5 hours.








cun i Sometimes after needling this point, the patient will experience orrhosratic hypotension when they stand up. If this happens, immediately supplement Zu Sanlt (St 36) and this



be relieved.l


Ce San

Li (zz.zz) 4H,I =


rrflq ffier

[Tianslation: Ce, beside; San, three;Li, "miles"] Indications: Toothache, facial paralysis



Powrs oN THE Lovsn


Incatillg the point: With the patient in supine posirion, measure

1.5 cunro the lateral side of Si Hrzg Shcng (77.08). Reaction area of the teeth and lungs. (See Figure 29.)


Method of manipul'ation: Needle 5 fento oc'

I am in depth.


['Beside (Zu) Son Li" means this point is located on the gallbladder channel. This fact he\ps drscrimrnate this poinds use.l

CeXiaSanLi (7?.23)


T : g


[Tianslationr 99: .bSqtd"; Xto, b"lory;

as Ce San

Indications: Same IIrce

Li (77.22).


Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 2 cwrbelow Ce SaTr U (77.22). Reaction area of the teeth and
lungs. (See Figure 29.)


Method of manipulation: Needle 5 fen to I ctn in depth.

Note: Use Ce SanLi (77.22) and Ce Xia San

U (77.23) together to treat body pain on rhe opposite side of the body. Tieat the right using the left point and rreat the left using
the right point.

[I use this point for a wider range of indications than the book suggests. I use it for so many one'sided complaints. However, it must be needled.orrtr"l"t"r"lly. While the nee-



ToNG's AcupuNcruRE

should mobilize the affected area or the practitioner should either passively mobilize or massage the affected area.]

Zu Qion |in (72.24) ,(_


f A

[Tianslation: Zu, foot; Qian, thousand; Jin, Indications: Acute intestinal inflammation,
hyperthyroidism, pain of the shoulder reaching to the upper back, parotitis, acute enteritis, thyroiditis, boils in the throat, [phar'rrrgitis]

Locating the point: With the patienr in supine position, measure 5 fen latenl and 2 am disral or inferior ro Ce Xia San Li (7 7 .23) .
Reaction area of the lungs, kidneys, and thyroid. (See Figure 30.)


Method of manipulation: Needle 5 fen to cun in depth.



I uzuwu


Jin (TT.zs) /q- rt_



[Thanslation : Zu, foot; Wu, five;/ln, gold]

Indication: Same


Zu Qicm Jin (77 .24).


Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 2 cunbelow ZuQian lin (77 .24). Reaction area of the lungs, kidneys, and thyroid. (See Figure 30.)


Mesrgn ToNG's AcupuNcruRe

dle is in place, the patient should mobilize the affected area or the practitioner should

Zu Qian

lin (77.24) 7q

t A

[Thanslation: Zu, foot; Qian, thousand; Jin,


Infications: Acute intestinal inflammation,

hlperthyroidism, pain of the shoulder reaching to the upper back, parotitis, acute enteritis, thyroiditis, boils in the throat, ffiaryngitis]

Locating the point: With the patient in

supine position, measure 5 fen lateral and 2 am distal or inferior ro Ce Xia SanLi (77 .23). Reaction area of the lungs, kidneys, and thyroid. (See Figure 30.)

Method of manipulation: Needle 5 fen to cun in depth.

I uzuwu
Figure 30.



E rt- E

Indication: Same


Zu Qian


(77 .24).

Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure Z cwlbelow Zu Qian lin (77.24). Reaction area of the lungs, kidneys, and thyroid. (See Figure 30.)


Ponrs oN



Method of manipulation: Needl e 5 fen to


in depth.

Note: Use together with Zu Qian lin (77.zil and needle bilaterally for the ffearmenr of thyroiditis. [Other rhan acure rhroat diseases, use only one side.]
l; Jin,

intestinal inflammation, shoulder and upper back pain, and inability to lift the shoulder and arm over rhe r-r."a. arr" both points treat fish bone stuck in the throat. For flsh bone stuck in the rhroat, one may also drink vinegar to soften and dissolve the bone.]

In addition, these two points treat acute

Ition, thitrg

QiII', (77.26)


rt in

[Translation: Ql, seven; Hz, tigers] Indications: shoulder bone pain' clavicular pain, breast bone pain with swelling and distention, costal pleural inflammation Locating the point: wth the patient in supine position, establish a line 1.5 cun posterior to the lateral malleolus' Then measu rc 2 cunaiong this line above the tip of the malleolus to flnd the first point. The_remaining two points are located Z and.4cun further superior' This is a three point unit. Reaction lr.u oith" .n"r, g*trocnemius



Figure 30.)


muscle. (see

Method of manipulation: Needl e 5_g fen in depth. [I use this point often for clavicular pain. There seems to be a lot of this type of pain in America. I do not know why. I.r ro-" cases, the pain is ro r*"r" ,nat the patient cannot stand the slightest touch from even the clothes o. b"drh""rr. rr rn" case is long-standing, it may take perseverance' and recovery may be srow. But o.r" ,t o.rta not give up.]



MesrEn ToNG's AcupuNcruRs

Wai San Quan (77.27)



[TianslationzWai, outet; San, three; Guan, barrier, gate] Indications: Parotitis, rumor [any klnd], cancer lany klnd], pharyngitis, tonsillitis, shoulder and upper arm pain, various tumors, [acne, shoulder immobility, inability to lift the arm over the headl
Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, establish a line running from the head of the fibula to the tip of the lateral malleolus. These points are then located U4, ll2, and 314 of the way along this line. This is a three point unit. Reaction area of rhe lungs. (See Figure 30.)

Method of manipulation: Needle I-1.5 cun in depth.

lThese points can reduce symptoms but may not effect a radical cure.]

Quarrs Ming (77 .28)



[Tianslation : Gunng, light; Ming, bright]

Indications: Astigmatism, cataracts Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 1.5 cun posterior and 2 cun superior from the medial malleolus. Reaction area of the kidneys. (See Figure 28

[This point is the same as Fu Liu (Ki 7). It treats similar eye problems as Shen Guan (77.18) with which it is often used. Such eye problems, including so-called floaters, have to do with both the liver and the kidneys. Eye diseases can be difflcult to treat, especial-


PorNrs oN THE LowER ExrREurrrcs

ly if due to diabetes. Sometimes I prefer to use Feng Chi (GB 20) which helps nourish the optic nerves.]

Points on the Thigh



Tong Quan (88.01)


[Tianslation: Tong, passing through, access; Guan, barrier, gate] Indications: Heart organ disease, pericardium (heart mouth or opening) pain, pain on both sides of the heart, cardiac rheumatism, dizziness, flowery visi,on, h"".i pulpitations, stomach pain [due to fire not generating earth], pain of the four limbs, cerebruia.remiu Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure longitudinally 5 cun above the center of the superior edge of the patella on the median line oithe ,,r."rrr"rio. face of the thigh. Reaction area of the heart. (See Figure 31.) Method of manipulation: Needle 3-5 fen in depth. Tong Shan (88.02)

i rI


[Tianslationz Tong, passing through; Shan, mountain] Indications: Same

as Tong Guan



I'ocating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 7 cunlongitudinally above the center of the superior edge of the patell" on th" median line of the ariterior s.rrface of the thlgh. Reaction area of the heart. (See Figure 31.)


MasrsR ToNc's AcuPuNcrunE'

5'8 fen in depth' Method of manipulation: Needle knee pain'] [This point alone can treat


ft's Tion (88.03) i, *.

Tong, passing through; f-ian'

lTianslation 83.115 heavenl

lndications: Same


TongGtum(88'O1) above'



in Locating the point: With the patient

supine position' measure 9 cun longitudinally edge of the above the center of the superior

patella on the median line on the anterior ,,rrf"." of the thigh' Reaction area of the
heart. (See Figure


to ! Method of manipulation: Needle 5 fen um in dePth' Note: All three of these


(88.d1), Tang Shan (88'OZ)' and Trng Ttnt iaS.oli' ffeat-high blood pressure' use all .ir.rrl"tory di,"i"'' But one should not
Choose only six of these points at the same time' the heart' and


Tcrng Gum't

two' blood pressure use only one needle' not

Figure 31.

I or 7 of them each time' lEspeciah for high

Fu Tu (St 32) is on the same line as these (88'01) po,.r,r, midway between TonE Guu't Torrg Shan (88'02)' It has similar func".d of the tions. These points also treat swelling
lower legs.


Porurs oN

rur LowrR ExrneMnrus

case history: A zg year-old man was very.very weak. He had poor circulation so his tor prescribed water piils. These doct";"r" ,1," i,;";'H,r'iJgf ,."n.a more and more. when he came for treatment, his legs ."." ,*oll".'ro o.rro f;r, thighs only a few inches below his hips. In chinese ,"l u"ti"rr" ,i,".r;#;;; swelling -"Ji.i;"": knees, ir is difficult ro cure. rises above rhe If it rises ,o ,rr" n""rr, ."i".


l|mr"H#[i:;x**{nll *ri ";t; il:;, i ilar"a,r,.*,r,,". fo,.,,,

Jie Mei

I prescribed Bu Yang Hwn rwu Tang (Supprement yang, Retum the Five [,nnths] Decoction). But the *if" )u"* -", ,r-," r-,"rnr lla ,orld nor every day we boiled the herbs cook them. so rot tl," *"'' and delivered th" m"dr.ine Eventually, rhe warer receded to his house. below hi, kr,""r. F.; ,o^il l"lro.,, however, the man stopped taking the herbs and_ the ,*"'i"* came back again. Again, we boired herbs for

fire and rhe patient dies.


Yt (88.0,+)

iE ifi

[Tianslation: Jie Mei, sister; E, one]

Indications: uterine tumor, uterine inflammation, irregurar menstruation (i.e., early, late, excessive, or scanr), irregularity o?-in" ."";;i;;rloa, u"gi.,"l irch, intesrinar pain, gastric hemorrhage
Locating the point:


Mrl:h::"tient in supine posirion, measure r cun inferior and 7 cun TongTian (88'oi)' Reaction'area of the [iar,"f, the six bowels. (see

Method of manipulation: Needl e I.5-Z cun indepth.

Jie Mei

Er (88.05)

*n i*;-

[Tianslation: Jie Mei, sister; Er, two]


M esrpn ToNc's AcupuvcruRe

Indications: Same


JieMei Yt (88.04).

Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 2.5 cunabove lieMd lt (88.04). Reaction area of the kidneys and the si" bo*els. (see Figure 31.)
Method of manipulation: Needle 1.5-2.5 cun in depth.

IieMeiSon (88.06)



[Tianslation z Jie Mei, sister; San, three]

Indications: Same as JieMei Yt (88.04) above. Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 2.5 am above JieMei Er (88.05). Reaction area of the kidneys and the six bowels. (See Figure 31.) Method of manipulation: Needle I.5-2,5 cun in depth.

Note: These three Jie Mei points are usually needled altogether on both legs simultaneously. [They are called the Three Sisters.

history: Once, after treating a woman with these three points, she said that she felt indescribably happy. She said there was no orher way to express ir.

Nowadays luseHwmchan (11.06) and FuKe (11.24) moreoften. The Three Sisters tend to go black and blue and are sometimes difficult to locate. The points on the hand are
easier to use.]

QmMao Yt (88.07)

A Hto4

[Tianslation: GanMao, common cold; Yi, one]

Pomrs oN


Lowpn ExrRevrrns

Indications: Common cold or flu, high fever, severe chills, headache due to common cold or flu


supine position, measure horizontally I cun medial to the side of Jie Mei E" (gS.O5) or I2.5 cun superior and I cun medial ro rhe

Locating the point: With the parienr in

Reaction area of the lungs and the six Lorv"lr.

(See Figure 32.)

of the upper edge of the patella.

cun in depth.

Method of manipulation: Needl e g fen to I.5


lTianslationz Gan Mao, common cold; Er,

Indications: Same




supine position, measure horizonially I cun towards the medial side of.lle Mei SrrniSS.OO) or L5 cun superior and I cwt medial to the center of the upper edge of rhe patella. Reaction area of the lungs and the six (See Figure 32.)

Locating the point: With the patient in

cun in depth.

Method of manipulation: Needl e g fen to 1.5

Note: one can needle borh Gan Man yi (gg.oz)


and Gan Mao

Er (gg.0g) by needling

MasrEn ToNG's AcupuNcruRg

transversely through the center of the thlgh. [l do not use rhese points often because they bruise so easily.]


V -


TongShen (88.0e)

through; Shen, kidneys]



z Tong, passing


Indications: Impotence, premature ejaculation, strangury kidney organ inflammation,

diabetes mellitus, kidney vacuity leading to dizziness and low back pain, kidney dysfunction, rheumatism, uterine pain, women's red and white vaginal discharge



Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, find the superior medial angle of the patella. Reaction area of the kidneys. (See Figure 32.) Method of manipulation: Needle 3.5 fen in depth. [The most important indication for this point is nor given in the book. It is cold feet in men. This occurs mostly in men who are tall and thin. They suffer from insomnia and they speak without force. Generally they feel miserable. In Chinese there is a saying, "a man should not have cold feet." These cold feet are due to kidney, bladder, and urogenital weakness. Instead of heart heat descending as it should to warm the lower boJy, it counterflows upward causing insomnia and restlessness. Instead of kidney water ascend. ing to the head to cool the head and brain and thus making the mind calm and bright, it sinks downward to chill the feet. This means that yin and yang separate and do notlnterpromote. In a woman, this same scenario causes facial edema. Therefore, it is also said, a man should not wear shoes and a woman should not wear a hat. \Tearing shoes refers to cold feet and wearing a hat refers to facial edema.]










t\,'ln' , f\9r\e'9



Powrs oN THE Lowpn ExrRsvrrrps


Wei (88.10)

[Tfanslation: Tong, passing through; V/el, stomach] Indications: Same as TongShen(88.09).

+p Pry- p/r,




Locating the point: tVith the patient in supine position, measure Z cun above the superior medial edge of the patella. Reaction area of the kidneys. (see Figure 32.) Method of manipulation: Needl e 3-8 fenin depth.
[This point is located in the vicinity of XueHal (Sp 1O). One can use TongShen( anf Tong _,__o_together ro rrear vvrv,!LL.r\ cold feet.] o Wei



, TongBei (88.11)

j-b ;o iFf .

,/'^(f*t/qL, /
above. &.L

[Tianslation t Tong, passing through; Bel, upper back]

Indications: Same as TongShen(SS.Og)


Locating the point: With the patient in supine posirion, measure cun above Tong Shen 4 (88.09). Reaction area of the kidneys. (See Figuie 32) above. Method of manipulation: Needle 5 fen to

cun in depth.

Note: simultaneous insertion of the three points Tong Shen (gg.o9), Tongwei (gg.10), and Tbng Bel (88.11) bilaterally is forbidden. only o.J o, two of th"r" poi.,t, should be selected and treated bilaterally for a total of four insertions in one rreatment.
[TongShen (88.09), TongWei (88.10), and TongBet (88.11) are located on a line along the medial border of the rectis femoris. Tong Shei (88.09) ffeats dryness of the mourh and throat pain due to kidney yin vacuity. TongWei (88.10) rreats stomach
diseases. These


MasrER ToNc's AcupuNcruRE

three points together treat kidney inflammation, swelling of the whole body, swelling of the limbs, swelling and redness of the dorsum of the feet, and top of the shoulde, plirr. One can use any two of these points together during a single treatment, but not all ihree at once. Only use six needles going down together to rreat redness and swelling of the dorsum of the feet which is due to repletion of heat.


If a woman has a tendency to miscarriage, called "slippery Gtus" in Chinese medicine, one should ffeat these three points every day for two weeks. After that, the woman will not have any further problem with miscarriage.]

v (

Ming Huang (88.12) Bfl



[Tianslationz Ming, bright; Huong, yellow] Indications: Cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, bone enlargement, spinal meningitis, inad. equacy of liver function leading to exhaustion and taxation, low back ,or"n"Jr, vertigo, eye pain, liver pain, indigestion,







Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, find the midpoint of the midline of the medial aspect of the thigh. Reaction area of the liver, kid.reyr, and heart. The surface layer is the kidney reaction area; the second layer is the liver reaction area; the deepest layer is the heart reacrion area. (See Figure 33.j Method of manipulation: Needle L5-2.5 cun indepth.









A fi


[Translation: Tian, heaven; Hurntg, yellow] Indications: Same



Ming Huang (88.12).



Pomrs oN rg of


Lowrn ExrRsvlrrEs

I the

Locating the point: With the patient in supine posirion, measure 3 cun longirudinally above MingHuang (8s.12). Reacrion ur.", trre same as above. (See Figure 33.) "lro Method of manipulation: Needl e !.5-2.5 cun 88.I3 in deprh.



L/ -QiHuorrlg (88.14)


+ fr
88.14 88.16

[Tianslation: Qi, this; Huang,yellow]

lndications: Same as Ming Huang (Sg.1Z)




Huang (88.12). Reaction area of rhe gallbladder, heart, and liver. (See Figure 33.)

Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 3 cun below Ming

nidThe the

Method of manipulation: Needle 1.5-Z cun in depth. Huang (88.13), Ming Huang and Qt Hunng (g9.14) u-r" th.." main points to needle for the ffeatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, enlargement

I:r:: (88.12),

spleen, and tongue sores.

of the bones, various conditions due tl inadequacy of liver funcrion, cirrhosis of the

[The so-called Three yellows are locared on the liver channel. They are a major group for the treatment of liver diseases.
Figure 33.


Masrr,R ToNc's AcupuNctuRr

They should be used bilaterally, all six needles at the same time. Combine withGanMen (33.10) and Chong Men (33.11) to treat acute hepatitis.
use these poinrs quite often. It does not matter if the hepatitis was 20 years ago or recenrly. These points will make the patient feel stronger and stronger. If the patient feels dizzy, the needles should be left in place for l-Z hours until the dizziness goes away. For Meniere's disease, one may leave the needles for 2-3 hours. Then after removing these needles, one should needle FengFu (GV 16).

history: Once, an acupuncturist came to visit me from Hawaii. He had been overworking and not gerting enough sleep. He thus developed Meniere's disease. He would experience dizzy spells which would put him in bed for weeks. He was carried into my office and he lay down immediately on my floor. I needled the Three Yellows and left these in place for 2 hours. After that, I removed the needles and he got up. He felt no dizziness and wanted to eat. In this case, he learned two lessons. One, not to overwork and two, how to treat Meniere's disease.

point also treats the ill effects of too many antibiotics or'Westem medicines.]


zhi (88.15) .,( *i.

[Tianslationz Huo, fire; Zhi, branch]

Indications: Yellow gallbladder disease (i.e., jaundice), dizziness due to jgundice, flowery vision with upper back pain, gallbladder inflammationgr^v',ut'u !rirp^h'1'l'
Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 1.5 cun above QiHurmg (88.14). Reaction area of the liveq gallbladder, and heart. (See Figure 33.)

vb tt***

-- ;;-'\-'$tu)

Method of manipulation: Needle I.5.2 cun in depth.

Note: MingHurmg (88.12), Huo Zhi (88.15), and Qi Hurmg (88.14) needled together a group of three points treat jaundice with gallbladder inflammation.


Porurs oN fen


Lowrn ExrREtrtrrEs

IIuo Quan (88.16)

,( A


[Tianslation: Huo, fire; Quan, all, whole, complete] Indications: Same


Huo Zhi (88.15).



Locating the point: \X/ith the patient in supine position, measure I.5 cunbelow eiHuang (88.14) or 4.5 cwl below the midpoint of the midline on rhe medial aspe6 of th-e thigh. Reaction area of the liver, gallbladder, heart, and spine. (See Figure 33.)

Method of manipulation: Needle 1.5-Z cun indepth.



Note: Huo Qucut (38.16) used together with QiHuong (88.14) andHuoZht (8g.15) also treats jaundice and gallbladder inflammation and srops pain from gallsto nes'. Huo euan (88'16) itself treats upper back vertebral plus foot and heel pain. [ihls point used aione is quite effective for the treatment of heel pain.
Other treatments for heel pain include needling Da Ling(Per 7) and a special point for the heel I cun distal to Da Ling on the palm of the hand.\eedle the opporir" sije. If rhis does not work, then needle Taixi (Ki3) through rcKunLun (Bloo) on the opporit" rid". Yet another treatment for heel pain is to needle directly under the ."l.".r"ou, ir-, th" .".,ter of the back of the heel. Insert the needle first perpendicularly. Then, withdraw and change the angle of insertion obliquely first to one side and then the other. Finall; in;;rr the needle perpendicularly again. This technique is applied on the affected side bur requires good needle rechnique. otherwise it may b" q,rit" painful for the parienr.J



si Ma zhong (88.12) ,$q


[Translation: Si. four; Mc, horses; Zhong,

^lWlla middlej
I /t

iU, f,,org,*l lo /,r;iiluf ,Ut',t *U //y /

Indications: Flank pain, upper back pain, sciatica and low back pain due to inadequacy

,'l t i ,)i:altl6sls


r Li /t e,,ya+*$



l".tYlo,,''/,T" tt l;s

i,' u'r-*, r;r-,

M,csrpn ToNG's AcuPuNcruRe

pain due to of lung function, weakness of the lungs, lung disease, chest and upper back inflammaear tinnitus, irri.rryj.o*u1 pleural inflammaton, ,raral inflammation, deafness, tion, facial nerve paralysis, eyes red, asthma, hemiplegia, ox'skin tinea' skin disease, [psoriasisl




Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 6 am above the superior bord"t of the patella and} cwr lateral towards the side of the thigh. Reaction area of the liver and lungs. (See Figure 34.)


Method of manipulation: Needle cun in depth.

fen to 2'5



Si Ma Shcng

(88.18) . W .6


lfh, prir

[Tianslation: Si, four; Ma, horses; Shang, upper,



Indications: Same

SiMaZhong (88.17).

Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 2 crm longitudinally above Si MaZhong(88.17). Reaction area of the liver and
lungs. (See Figure 34.)

Fsr r Oth


Method of manipulation: Needle 8 fen to cun in depth.

The Chrn
Case cine-



Porurs oN
ue to


Lowsn ExrRpvrrrgs

Si Ma


Xta (88.19) ^ q .F? T

[Tianslation: Si, four;Ma, horses; Xu, below] Indications: Same

as Sj

Ma Zhong (gg.ii) above.

Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure Z cun longitudinally below Sj Ma zhong (8s.12). Reaction ur"" of th" lirr", ilgr. (s"" Figure 34.)


Method of manipulation: Needl e g fen to 2.5 cun in depth.

Note: use Si Mazhong (8g.12), Si Ma Shang (gg.1g), and Si Maxia(sg.lg) on one side only for flank pain, upper back pain, and sciatica. Needle these points bilaterally at the same time for the treatment of the remaining conditions.



.h".iot.-They are used b".u* of their speed of efficacy. In particular, I like to use these points for the neatment oi for, partum invasion of external cold causing joint pain. These points are also especially iood for breast pain and lower leg ffauma.
For rib pain, upper back pain, and sciatica, needle on one side only, three needles. Otherwise, for the rest of the indications, such as sinus problems, adolescent acne, and thyroid problems, these points are needled bilaterally, ,i"'^""ai", altogether. Since these points are on the stomach channel, they reat a wide range of dir."rJr, d;;ii;;h;r" having to do with the heart.

lThese three points together are called the Four Horses although there are only three points, the name refers to the speed of a horse-dr"*n

The ffeatment of psoriasis requires great patience.

Chinese medicine.


is classified as a toxic disease in

Case histories: A young man caught cold and a relative gave him some Western medicine' After that' he developed psoriasis from head ,o ,o"l His-*hole back was covered with rough, dry skin. After treatment, he had fewer rpo,r, b,r, l, is difficult to complete-


Mesrpn ToNG's AcupLrNctunp.

ear. Always the blood is dark.

ly eradicate the problem. Each treatment, besides the above points, I bleed the tip of the This helps ro resolve toxins.

Another man suffered from 10 years of psoriasis. It also covered his whole body. It even kept him from getting a job. After he sat for some time in one place, the floor would be covered with flakes of dry skin in a circle around him. Thls man had gotren the psoriasis after he had volunteered to take a Western drug as a way to make extra money u, ,,.r" In dent. He took the medicine for six months and subsequently developed the psoriasis. this case, acupuncture alone was not sufficient. I also gave him Chinese herbs. \Thenever
this man eats Mexican food, his psoriasis flares up. Because his wife is Mexican, it is hard for hlm to completely avoid Mexican food. The above rrearmenr, including bleeding the tip of the ear helps keep his psoriasis under control bur cannot completely eli-irr"t" it. Even if one can completely eliminate the signs and symptoms of psoriasis, because this into cancer 10, ZO, or even 50

disease involves dz or toxins, this condition can develop years later. This is a very serious and stubborn condition.l

Xia Quan (88.20)


[Tianslation: Xla, loweq below; Qunn, fountain, spring] Indications: Facial paralysis, facial nerve twitch, wry mouth, strabismus Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 2.5 ant longitudinally above the knee along the midline of the lateral aspecr of the rhigh. Reaction lrea of the lungs and face. (See Figure 35.) Method of manipulation: Needle 3-5 fen in depth.








Zhong Qucut (88.21)

f ,R




lTranslation: Zhong, middle; Quarr, spring, fountain]

Pomrs oN



Indications: Same


XiaQuan (88.20).


I-ocating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 2 cun longitudinally above xia Qucut (88.20). Reaction area of the lungs and face. (see Figure 35.) Method of manipulation: Needle 3-B fen in depth.



ver ard the itShang

Quan (88.22)

j- &

[Tianslation: Shang, upper, above; Qrnn , spring, fountain] Indications: Same asXiaQtnn (88.20) above. I-ocating the point: \7ith the patient in supine position, measure 2 cun longitudinally above zhongQum (88.21). Reaction area of the lungs and face. (see Figure 35.) Method of manipulation: Needle 5 fen to I um in depth. Note: Use ShangQum (88.72),zhnngQrxm (88.2t), and Xra eum (B8.zo) together, one side only. To treat the right, use the left points. To treat the left, use the righfpoints.


ffiese points treat facial paralysis and numbness, not pain or neuralgia. Mostly women get this problem due to nervousness.


Case history: A woman came for treatment of facial numbness and paralysis of one side of her face. She was married and had a son. Because of the educational opportunities here in America, she and her husband had decided to send their son to school in the United States. However, her husband had to stay in Hong Kong to take care of their family business. Therefore, this woman divlded her time between Hong Kong and the

Unired States. When she was in America with her son, she worried tenibly about her husband in Hong Kong- When she was in Hong Kong with her husband, she worried terribly about her son


MRsrpn ToNG's AcuPuNcruRe

Locating the point: With the patient in

supine position, measure 1.5 cunhorizontally anterior to Zhong Jiu Li (88.25). Reaction area of the heart and kidneys. (See Figure


Method of manipulation: NeedleS fento I'5 cun in depth.


liu Li (88.27) T

)L 9

[Translation: Xia, below, lower; Jiu, nine; Li, "miles"] Indications: Upper back pain, upper leg pain

Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure I.5 cun horizontally posterior rc Zhong Jiu Li (88.25). Reaction area of the upper back and upper legs' (See
Figure 35.)

Method of manipulation: Needle ctnt in depth.

8 fen

to 1'5

in [Case history: A woman in her 70s came with leg and hip pain which was so severe it seemed to move she was in tears. She could not say exactly where the pain was since points together on the around. I treated ZhongJiuLi, Shatrgliuli, and XiaJiull, all three the opporit" side while ,h""-rvorn"r-, mJilir.d the affected leg. After the first treatment, entire' eliminated pain was the woman stopped crying and smiled. After three treatments ty-it i, ki# of ,rrorruf,l" puln is caused by gallbladder wind. If the patient suffers from this

l I I


MRsrpn ToNG's AcuPuNcruRe

Locating the point: With the patient in

supine position, measure 1.5 cunhorizontally anterior to Zhong Jiu Li (88.25). Reaction area of the heart and kidneys. (See Figure


Method of manipulation: NeedleS fento I'5 cun in depth.


liu Li (88.27) T

)L 9

[Translation: Xia, below, lower; Jiu, nine; Li, "miles"] Indications: Upper back pain, upper leg pain

Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure I.5 cun horizontally posterior rc Zhong Jiu Li (88.25). Reaction area of the upper back and upper legs' (See
Figure 35.)

Method of manipulation: Needle ctnt in depth.

8 fen

to 1'5

in [Case history: A woman in her 70s came with leg and hip pain which was so severe it seemed to move she was in tears. She could not say exactly where the pain was since points together on the around. I treated ZhongJiuLi, Shatrgliuli, and XiaJiull, all three the opporit" side while ,h""-rvorn"r-, mJilir.d the affected leg. After the first treatment, entire' eliminated pain was the woman stopped crying and smiled. After three treatments ty-it i, ki# of ,rrorruf,l" puln is caused by gallbladder wind. If the patient suffers from this

l I I


Ponrs oN


LowsR ExrRttltrEs

rt ln

condition and if one palpates the opposite Feng Sht (GB 31), the parienr will jump with pain. I call these three points the Three Nine Miles.]

ction igure

(* ,rr.r') ffi
[Translation: "/le, release, resolve, untieJ

ro 1.5

Indications: Pain and aching from injections of Western medicine, vascular system disease, pain and fatigue from acupuncture stimulation, pain, sprain, contusion and injury, mental overstimulation leading to aching and pain
rc; Li,

Locating the point: With the patient in supine position, measure 1 cun proximal and 3 fenlateral from the lateral superior edge of the patella. Reaction area of the heart and blood vessels. (See Figure 36.) Method of manipulation: Needle 3-5 fen in depth.

; pain


in ntally rction . (See

Note: Use short duration insertion for pain release, approximately 8 minutes.
[This point can be used if one mistakenly pierces a blood vessel during acupuncture and there is pain and swelling. Also one may use this point for the treatment of ffaumatic injury where the patient is all upset and cannot calm down. It will help stop the pain and calm the spirit.



rure in severe

move rn the rt, the

Another treatment for fear, shaking, pallor, cold sweats, and even apnea due to acupuncture is to needle Shrc Fu (Ht 8). One should also raise up the parienr's legs, put a cold io*"I on *re patient's forehead, and stay calm. The practitioner should not become excited. One can also moxa Zu San Lt (St 36). This will raise up the blood to the head. If the needle shock is very severe' one can press the root of the tongue with a spoon in order to induce vomiting. This causes the stomach qi to raise upward which then raises the qi back to the heart. I do not use this release point in emergency so often, since points on the hands are more
easily needled.l

xrtirem this


MasrsR ToNG's AcuptxcruRr

Nei Timg Suan (8s.2e)

ft i@ ffi

Indications: Hemiplegia, lack of strength in the four limbs, paralysis of the four limbs, heart organ decline and weakness, loss of speech due to windstroke
[Lack of strength in the arms and legs is due to heart weakness. This may be, in tum, due to excessive cold or overdosing with heart disease medicine.l

Locating the point: With the parienr in supine position, measure 5 fenhorizontally to the medial side of Tong Guan (88.01) which
is located 5 cun superior ro the middle of the upper edge of the patella. Reaction area of the heart. (See Figure 36.)

Method of manipulation: Needle 3-5 fen in depth.

Nei Tong Shan (88.30)

A i ,J-t

[Translation: Nei, inner; Tong, passing

Figure 36.

through; Shcn, mountainl

Indications: Same


Nei TongGunn (88.29).

Locating the point:

supine position, measure 5 fenhofizontally to the medial side of Tong Shan (88.02) which

\7ith the patient



Pomrs oN


Lowgn ExrRslanns

is located 7 cwt above the midpoint of the upper edge of the patella. Reacrion area of the heart. (See Figure 36.)

Method of manipulation: Needl e


fen in depth.

Nei Ting Tim (88.31)


[Translation: Nel, inner; 'Iong,passing through; ?ian, heaven] Indications: Same as Nei Tong Guan (gg.29) above.
Locating the point: with the patient in supine position, measure 5 fenhorizontally to the medial side of Ner rong Tinn (ag.o: ,rri.t is located 9 ,,,^ ), the midpoint of the superior border of the patella. Reaction area of the heart. (se"^bor" pig,rr":6.)

Method of manipulation: Needl e


fenin deprh.
Nei rong shan

caution: simultaneous bilateral inserrion at Ner rong Guan (gg.zg), (88.30), and A/ei TongTian (gS.31) i, not p"rmin"d.

[Use only four of the above six needles at one.rime. Too many needles will negatively affect the heart' If the patient is strong with a robust .or'rrtltutiorr, one may be able to use all six needles, but it is better nor ro i"" rirf. ur^"."rr".ii;i^"^'


shi Yin (88.32)



[Tianslation: Shl, loss, lose; En, voice] Indications: Laryngitis, loss of voice, inflammation of the throat Locating the point: with the patienr in supine position, the first point is found in the center of the medial aspect of the knee joint. Th" r".o.rd o.t"i'o z cunbelowthe first.

in hh


MasruR ToNG's AcupuNcrunr

This is a rwo point unit. Reaction area of the kidneys and throat. (See Figure 33 above.) Method of manipulation: Needle 3'5 fen in depth.
lSome of Dr. Tong's students say that there are three points here, not two. found these points effective for loss of voice.]

I have not


Points on the Head

points on the Ear
[I do not use the points in this chapter often. Because rhese points are somewhat difficult to locate exactly, I prefer to use body points instead.l

Er Huan (99.01)

+ rF

[Translation: Er, earl Huan, ringf Indications: Relieves (intoxication from) alcohol, vomiting
els. (See Figure 37.)

Locating the point: In the center of the lobule of the ear. Reaction area of the six bow-

Method of manipulation: Use a thin, fine needle and needle towards the face r-1.5 fen in depth (interdermal needle).
[This point is located at the eye point of the ear according to modem auricular acupuncture' When

for the treatment of drunkenness,

best effect.]



Su Liao

(GV 25) fbr

MuEr (ss.oz)

4 ^

[Tianslation: Mu, wood; Er, earf

MnsrgR ToNG's AcupuNcruRE

Indications: Liver disease, cirrhosis of the liver, enlargement of the liver, liver decline and weakness leading to exhaustion and taxation, chronic strangury or lin bing
Locating the point: Longitudinally 3 fen below the middle ffansverse branch of the dorsal auricular artery on the dorsal aspect of the ear. Reacrion area of the liver. (See Figure 38 below.) Method of manipulation: Using a rhin, fine needle, inse.:- l-Z fen.

IIuo Er (ee.03)


Huo, fire; Er, ear]

Indications: Heart organ decline and weakness with knee pain, pain of the four limbs Locating the point: At the midpoint of the outer edge of the antihelix. Reaction area of the heart. [This point is located at the knee point in
modern auricular therapy.] (See Figure 32.)

Method of manipulation: Using a thin, fine

needle, insert 1-Z fen.

TuEr (ss.oq :tFigure 37.

lTranslation: Tu, earth; Er, ear]


Pomrs oN

tnr Hran (i.e.,


Indications: Decline and weakness of the nerves, excess of red blood cels themia), high fevea diabetes mellirus

Locating the point: Located in the concha of the ear. Reacrion area of the spleen. [This ^ point is located at the spleen point in modern auricular therapy.] (s.e Fig,r.e' ;i.-; '' Method of manipulation: Using a thin, fine needle, insert l-Z fen.

IinEr (ee.05)


[Tianslation: Jin, meral, gold; Er, ear] Indications: Lung decline and weakness leading to sciatica, abnormal curve of the vertebrae of the lower and upper back, allergic common cold (i.e., allergic rhinitis)

It ,r.or,.

tib {) ss.os-'\
\ \




Locating the point: At the superior outer edge of the eminentia conchae. Reaction area of the lungs. [This point is located at the ear point in modern auricular therapy.] (See Figure 3g



needle, insen I-2 fen.

manipulation: Using a rhin, fine

Slwi Er (ee.o6)


Figure 38.

Shui, water; Er, ear]


MasrER ToNc's AcupuNctuRE.

Indications: Kidney vacuity, bilateral low back pain, abdominal tightness and distention Locating the point: At the inferior outer edge of the anrihelix of the ear. Reacrion area of the kidneys. (See Figure 37.) Method of manipulation: Using a thin, fine needle, insert l-Z fen.

Er Bei (ss.ol)


[Tianslation: Er, ear; Bei, upper back] Indications: Pharyngitis, inflammation of the throat, throat rumor
Locating the point: Measure longitudinally 3 fensuperior to Shzi Er (99.06) on the upper posterior area of the ear. Reaction area of the throat. (See Figure 3g.)

Method of manipulation: using a three-edged needle, prick to exit blood.

Er San (99.08)

4 ;

[Translation: Er, earl San, three] Indications: Cholera, one-sided headaches, common cold Locating the point: These three points are located on the outer edge of the helix of the ear. The upper point is the apex of the helix. The middle point is ar the middle of the outer edge of the hellx. And the lower point is at the inferior edge of the helix. Reaction area of the lungs and kidneys. (See Figure 38.)
Method of manipulation: Using a three-edged needle, prick to exit blood. Each rime, two points.

PorNrs oN rHe Hpao


[Another emergency treatment for dehydration due to cholera is to bleed Wei Zhong (Bl 40), ZhongZhu (TH 3), and exffa point Taiyang (M-HN-9).1

Points on the Head


Hui (1010.01) rT- A

[Tianslation: Zheng, upright, righteous, correct; Hzj, meeting]

Indications: Loss of speech due to stroke, hemiplegia, infantile convulsions (literally fright epilepsy)' facial paralysis, tremors of the four liirbr, general physical weakness, any spasm due to wind, nervous system dysfunction
per Locating the point: At the top of the skull at the juncture of the coronal and sagittal sutures. Reaction area of the brain. (See Figures 39 and 4I) Method of manipulation: Needl e I-3 fen in deprh. [This point is located atBaiHui (Gy 2o). combine with eianHui (1010.05) andHou Hut (1010.06) to augment its effect. I often use this point with yinTang(rvr-uN-:l.l

ZhouYumt (1010.02) /,1'l

the the

[Tianslation : Zhou, state; yLLar.L, round] Tndications: Hemiplegia, loss of strength of the four limbs, vacuity weakness, asthma or wheezing, inadequacy of lung funcrion leading ro sciatica and upper back pain,





MesrsR ToNc's AcupuNcruRE

Locating the point: Horizontally 1.3 cun to the left and right sides of Zheng Hui (1010.01). Reaction area of the lungs. (See Figure 39.)
Method of manipulation: Needle l-3 fen in depth.
[This point is located atTongTian

(Bl7). I use this point for tremor of the arms similar

to Parkinson's disease. I needle transversely through and through from this point to V/tt (B15) bilaterally. This is only done above 7-8 years old.l







Pomrs oN




l{un (1ot0.03) Ifl ft,

lTianslationz Zhou, state; Kwt, elder brother] Indications: Same

as Zhou Yunn

GAfi .02).

Locating the point: Longitudinally of the lungs. (See Figure 39.)

cunposterior to ZhouYuan

(10fi.02). Reaction


Method of manipulation: Needle l-3 fen in depth.

[This point is located atLuo Qrze (Bl8).]


Lun (1010.04) /,l.|.6



Zhou, state; Lun, high mountain]

as ZhouYurm

Indications: Same

(1010.02) above.

Locating the point: Longitudinally 1.5 cun antetior ro ZhouYum (IO\O.0Z). Reaction area of the lungs. (See Figure 39.) Method of manipulation: Needle I-3 fen in depth.

Note: For

a right-sided

brain rumor, use rhe left point. For the lefr, use the right.

[This point is located ar. Cheng Grnn (B16). One can tell if the tumor is on the left or right sides of the brain by looking at the eyeballs. If rhe right eyeball bulges, the tumor is on the right. If the left eyeball bulges, the tumor is on the left. Use ZhoiKun (1010.03) and Zhou Lun together ro reinforce their efficacy.]


MasrpR ToNG's AcupuNcrunp

QianHui (1010.0s) Efr

[Translationz Qicm, in front; Hui, meeting]

Indications: Dizziness, flowery vision, brain distention, decline and weakness of the

Locating the point: Longitudinally 1.5 ant anterior to Zheng Hrzt (1010.01). Reaction area of the brain. (See Figure 41 below.) Method of manipulation: Needle I-3 fen in deprh.

[This point is located at Qian Ding (GV 2I). k is often combined with Hou Hui (1010.06) and Zheng Hut (1010.01). If someone is unconscious, needling this point can
revive the patient.]

u'HouHui (1010.06)

& pr" bo.'l-DUZO

lTranslationl. Hou, behind; Hr.ri, meeting]

Indications: Bone tuberculosis, headache (mild), dizziness, upper back vertebral bone pain (fr-m the 12th thoracic to the Znd lumbar vertebra), ."r"i-n"r.ular disease, loss of speech due to windstroke, hemiplegia, nerve paralysis
Locating the point: Longitudinally 1.6 cun posterior to Zheng Hzl (1010.01). Reaction area of the brain and spine. (See Figure 40.) Method of manipulation: Needle L-3 fen in depth.
[This point is located atHouDing (GV 19). Combine with ZhengHui (1010.01) for lumbosacral and tailbone pain. To tranquilize the spirit and free the channels, combine with


Powrs oN rHs Hsao

zhengHui (1010.01), T,houyuan (1010.02), zhou Kun (1010.03), zhou Lun(1010.04), andQianHui (IOIO.O5). This also trears all wind





M,lsrrR ToNc's AcupuNcruRr

Zong Slvu. (1010.0?)



[Translation: Zong, all; Shz, Pivot] Indications: Vomiting, restlessness of the six bowels, headache, decline and weakness of the heart organ, cholera, neck Pain
Locating the point: Longitudinally 8 fensuperior to the posterior hairline along the sagittal midline. Reaction area of the dnn aan. (See Figure 40.)

Method of manipulation: Needle l-Z fen in depth. Use of a three-edged needle to bleed is even more effective' [lnsert 3 fen for aphasia' This point is located atFeng Fu (GV 16).
Bleeding this point can stop nausea and vomiting and tranquilizes the hollow bowels. One can also use gua sha ro rum the skin in this area black and blue instead of bleeding. Too deep insertion at this point can cause paralysis.

In old China, i{ there was a crazy person running around naked menacing people with knives or c7ubs, three or four men might be necessary to catch such a person and hold them down. Then a thick iron needle like a shoemaker's awl would be inserted at Feng Fz to intentionally panlyze the person. If the wound was not too deep, this paralysis was only temporary. But sometimeq because the mad person would be thrashing around, the

"Zhrn JinS 0010.08)




Zhen, repress, settle; Jing, quiet]

Indications: Mental disorders, tremors of the {our limbs, both thighs ,or", pur" of the four limbs, loss of sleep, infantile fright convulsions




PorNrs oN rue Hean

Locating the point: Longitudinally 3 fen superior to rhe midpoint between the two eyebrows. Reaction area of the brain. (See Figure 41.) Method of manipulation: Needle L-2 fen in depth, needling from above to below (i.e., towards the nose). [One can also use the prompt prick methld.]

Note: This point should be used together withzhengHzt (1010.01).

[This point is located at extra point Yln Tang (M-HN-3). For severe cases, this point may be bled.l


Lr (1010.0e)




[Tianslation: Shang, upper, above;Ll, ,,mile"] Indications: Vertigo, headache


ith ild

Locating the point:.Longitudinally 2 fen superior ro rhe medial end of the eyebrow Reaction area of the lungs and eyes. (See Figure 41.)
Method of manipulation: Using an inrerdermal needle, insert 1-2 fen indepth.
[This point is located at zan zhu (Br 2). one may also bleed this point.]

'lg tas

St F?,

Er (1010.10)

4 W=

[Tianslation: Sl, four; Fz, bowels; Er, two, second] Indications: Lower abdominal distention, verrigo, headache Locating the point: Longitudinally 2 fensuperior to rhe cenrer of the eyebrow. Reaction area of the lungs and eyes. (See Figure 41.)

Masrrn ToNc's AcupuNCTunE

Method of manipulation: using an interdermal needle, insert 1-2 fen indepth.


[This point is located at extra point Yu Yao (M.HN-6). This point is a first aid point for It is not used for rhe ffeatment of chronic headaches.]

roro.t3 /

I'r{nm )

6)(/a I e* ),/

PorNrs oN rse Hsan

SiFuYt (1010.11) W


[Translation: Si, four; Fz, bowels; E, first, one] Indications: Same

as Sj Fu

Er (1010.10).

Locating the point: Longitudinally 2 fen superior to the lateral ends of the eyebrows. Reaction area of the eyes and lungs. (See Figure 41.) Method of manipulation: Using an interdermal needle, insert 1-2 fen indepth.

Note: Sj Fu Yi (1010.11), st Fz Er (1010.10), and shangLi (1010.09), these three points can be pricked and bled togerher for the trearment of acute headache.
[This point is located at Si zhu Kong (TH 23). some women who take hormones may if the above several points are bled. Such women typically have visible blood vessels under their skin. one should be careful bl"lding such women.l "bo.rt
severely bruise

Zheng Ben (1010.12)



[Tianslationz Zheng, righteous, upright, correcr; Ben, root]

Indications: Allergic rhinitis, psychosis (seeing devils) Locating the point: At the rip of the nose. Reacrion area of the lungs. (see Figure 41.) Method of manipulation: Needl e I.Z fen in depth.

Note: Using a three'edged needle to prick and exit blood is even befter. For decline of brain power and lung weakness, it is appropriate to needle this point with supplemenration.


MasrER ToNG's AcupuNcruns

[This point is located at Su Lian (GV 25 ). It is usually better to use a three-edged needle to bleed. A small needle at this point can supplement the lungs in order to imfrove poor memory and mental capacity.]



Jinshui (1010.13) .F? A


d n

[Tianslation: Ma, horse; Jin, gold;

Shr.d, water]

Indications: Kidney stones, wrenched lower back, kidney organ inflammation, nasal inflammation, cha qi (i.e., a feeling of pain in the chest when breathing)
Locating the point: In the hollow just inferior to rhe zygomatic arch pf the maxilla. 41.) irr,,rfU fu)^^l o\,rt{/ eo^{h5 Llrtn\ ' Method of manipulation: Needl e I.3 fenin depth.
Reaction area of the kidneys and lungs. (See Figure

t I

Note: If immediately after insertion pain is relieved, the location and insertion are correct. Otherwise the insertion is wrong. [Also, if blood comes our upon withdrawal of the needle, the insertion was wrong. The technique of using this point is not so easy.
This point is located atQuntliao (SI 18).I

"MaKuaiShui (1010.14) .F? ,R rK

[Translation: Ma, horse; Kuni, fast; Shzi, water]

Indications: Bladder stones, bladder inflammation, frequent urination, low and upper back vertebral pain, nasal inflammation
Locating the point: Longitudinally 4 fen inferior roMaJinShut (1010.13). Reaction area of the kidneys and bladder. (See Figure 41.)


PorNrs oN rur, Hran

Method of manipulation: Needle l-3 fen in depth. [This point and the point above it treat kidney/lung problems. The kidneys and lungs work together as a pair in terms of water metabolism. If the lungs are functioning cor. rectly, one can hold their urine without any trouble. If the lungs are weak in the elderly, this may lead to incontinence when they laugh, sneeze, or cough. Such incontinence is not a kidney/bladder problem but a lung problem. One should supplement the lungs by supplementing the spleen and stomach.]

FuKuai (1010.15)


[Translation: Fu, bowels ; Kuni, fast] Indications: Abdominal distention, abdominal aching and pain, mounting qi Locating the point: Horizontally 5 fenLateral from the inferior lateral edge of the wings of the nose. Reaction area of the kidneys and the six bowels. (See Figure 41.) Method of manipulation: Needle l-3 fen in depth.
[This point is located arYingXime f-,I20).1

LiuKuai (1010.16)


Liu, six; Kuai, fastl

Indications: Stones stuck in the urethra, inflammation of the urethra


Mesrgn ToNc's AcuPuNctuRP

Locating the point: Horizontally 1.4 am lateral to Ren Zhong (GV 26)' Reaction area of the fenmi or endocrine glands't (See Figure 42.) Method of manipulation: Needle t'3 fen in depth.

Note: tJseLiuKuai (1010.16) together with Ma Knishui (1010'14) for the treatment of stones stuck in the urethra.

QiKuai (1010.17)


[Translation: Qi, seven; Kuni, fast] Indications: Facial paralysis, lung vacuity and weakness, stones stuck in the urethra Locating the point: Horizontally 5 fenlatenl to the corner of the mouth. Reaction area of the lungs. (See Figure 42.) Method of manipulation: Needling from the comer of the mouth towards the outside (or laterally), insert 5 fen to I.5 am in depth. Note: For right-sided facial paralysis, treat the left side. For left-sided facial paralysis, treat the right side.
[This point is located atDiCmg (St 4).1

lHowerrer, this may be a misprint for mi niaa qi guan or urinary organs. This would make more sense in this context. This same note applies to the several references to the reaction area of the endocrine glands which appear below and all also have to do with urinary function.


Pomrs oN rus Heao


zhi (1010.18)

*t ^

[Translation: Mu, wood ; Zhi, branch] Indications: Liver vacuity, gallbladder vacuity, srones sruck in the gallbladdeq night-cry. ing in children, [all gallbladder disease

If a person is resting quietly and they are-startled by a small noise or if a baby is sleeping and is awakened to cry bv noise, this sign-ifies ;;ilbj;dd", vacuity. In ,asmull this case, rhe btle does nor fill the gallbladder.l
Locating the point: Longitudinaily r cun lyqerlor and 6 fen rarcrar from Ma Shui (1010'13). Reaction area Jin of the liver and gallbradder. (see Figure 42.) Method of manipulation: Needl e I-3 fenin deprh.
[This point is located arXiaGaan (St T).]

{nr, *r,* (toto.le) ,K

fTranslation: Shui, warer; Tong, passing rhrough] Indications: Kidney organ dysfunction rheumatic disease, inadequacy of kidney function exhaustion and taxation, dizziness, fl";;;; -- l vision, kidney;".;l;y, low back pain, wrenching of the low back, cha qi Locating the point: Longitudin ally 4 fen inferior ' area of rhe kidneys. (See Frgure 4Z'.)


thecomer of the mouth. Reaction

Method of manipulation: Needling from rhe inside rowards rhe outside (1.e., from medial to lateral), insert L-5 fenin d"pti.




vshr, Jin (1o1o.

zq ,K a

[Tianslation: Shui, water;Jin, metal, gold] Indications: Same as Shzi Tong (1010.19) [plus as[hma, cough, dyspnea, abdominal distention, vomiting, diarrhea, and dry cholera]


/r/r, \\

1010.21 1010.1



i \

Figure 42,

PorNrs oN rse HEao

Locating the point: Horizontally 5 fenmedial to Shul Tong (1010.19). Reaction area of the kidneys. (See Figure 42.) Method of manipulation: Needling from inside to outside, insert 1-5 fenindepth.

Note: ShuiTong (1010.19) and



lin (I0I0.20),

used together, mainly trear kidney

this point is indicated, one can usually flnd a darkened area at the location of this point. Needle this dark area. If the skin is darkened in this locarion, needling here can effectively treat a variety of diseases. I use this point and the one above quite frequently.
case, rhe kidneys are not adequately secreting a kind of acid which then deposits in the joints as crystals. One can tell if arthritis is due to kidney vacuity by blackness or darkness of the chin. These points also treat kidney weakness fatigue, In this case, the skin under the eyes will be dark and there will be dizziness, blurred vision, low back pain, etc. Shui Tong and Shzi


/in treat joint pain due to kidney vacuity. In this

These two points used together can also make people breathe more deeply. Some people breathe very shallowly. This means the kidneys do not grasp the qi sent down by the lungs. This leads to further weakness of the kidneys. Other symptoms include cough, asthma, hiccups, vomiting, and lower abdominal bloating.

According to Dr. Tong, if the kidney weakness is severe, one will find a greenish or darkish vein under the chin. If one needles through this, it will bleed upon withdrawal of the needle. It may also cause this area to be black and blue for a few days. If the disease is nor so severe, needling this point will not result in bleeding or bruising.
Long-term asthmatics due to kidney weakness also tend ro have a greenish, darkish facial complexion. Using these two points, ShuiTongand Shzi/in, to rrear this condition, rhese patients' facial complexions become lighter and lighter.


PorNrs oN rse HEao

Locating the point: Horizontally 5 fenmedial to Shul Tong (1010.19). Reaction area of the kidneys. (See Figure 42.) Method of manipulation: Needling from inside to outside, insert 1-5 fenindepth.

Note: ShuiTong (1010.19) and



lin (I0I0.20),

used together, mainly trear kidney

this point is indicated, one can usually flnd a darkened area at the location of this point. Needle this dark area. If the skin is darkened in this locarion, needling here can effectively treat a variety of diseases. I use this point and the one above quite frequently.
case, rhe kidneys are not adequately secreting a kind of acid which then deposits in the joints as crystals. One can tell if arthritis is due to kidney vacuity by blackness or darkness of the chin. These points also treat kidney weakness fatigue, In this case, the skin under the eyes will be dark and there will be dizziness, blurred vision, low back pain, etc. Shui Tong and Shzi


/in treat joint pain due to kidney vacuity. In this

These two points used together can also make people breathe more deeply. Some people breathe very shallowly. This means the kidneys do not grasp the qi sent down by the lungs. This leads to further weakness of the kidneys. Other symptoms include cough, asthma, hiccups, vomiting, and lower abdominal bloating.

According to Dr. Tong, if the kidney weakness is severe, one will find a greenish or darkish vein under the chin. If one needles through this, it will bleed upon withdrawal of the needle. It may also cause this area to be black and blue for a few days. If the disease is nor so severe, needling this point will not result in bleeding or bruising.
Long-term asthmatics due to kidney weakness also tend ro have a greenish, darkish facial complexion. Using these two points, ShuiTongand Shzi/in, to rrear this condition, rhese patients' facial complexions become lighter and lighter.


MasrEn ToNG's AcupuNctuRE.

history: An MD came to my office at 6:00 AM one day. That moming, while putting on his shoes, his back went inro spasm. I needled these four points and had him walk around, twisting his back, lifting his legs, and trying to mobilize his back as much as possible. After rhe rrearmenr, he retumed home and took a short nap. At 10:00 nN,l that same momlng, he went to his office and saw patients all day as usual. This doctor reported to me that when this had happened to him before, if he took very strong medicine for such back spasms, he had ro sray in bed for three days and then would have side effects of headache and sromachache. If he took a lower dose so as not to have these side effects, he would typically have to remain in bed for seven days. When using these points to treat twisted back or back spasm, it is best to treat on the day it happens.]

YuHuo (1010.21) -t

[Translation: Yu, jade; Huo, fire] Indications: Heart channel sciatica, shoulder and upper arm pain, pain of the four limbs, knee pain, maxillary pain, mandibular pain
Locating the point: At the infraorbital foramen of the maxilla. Reaction area of the heart and liver. (See Figure 42.) lSame location as Si Bai (St. 2).]

Method of manipulation: Needle I'3 fen in depth'

$i vi


fl H

[Translation: Bi, nose;Yl, wing] Indications: Shoulder soreness/bone pain, dizziness, flowery vision, various types of nerve pain due to kidney vacuity, hemiplegia, bone pain of the four limbs, facial paralysis, rongue pain, rongue stiffness and rigidity, one-sided headache, pharyngitis, [supraorbital margin pain]


Porurs oN

rnr Hrao


Locating the point: 11 th,e depression superior to the alae of the nose. Reaction area of the lungs, kidneys, and spleen. (See Fig-ur'e



Method of manipulation: Needl e I-Z fenin depth.



andyuHuo (Lo\o.zr) are major points for quieting pain.yuHuo teats all pain due to blood stasis, blood vacuity, and ttooa a"rori.,i. yr treats pain due to qi desertion, and qi congesrion. It urro.r""tr-ril;;;t'.,, ry ,"t,"u", fatigue, and clears JfiTrllrriolt
some patients suffer from tongue tightness and stiffness. Due to overwork, a quick temper, and suppressed anger, qi may .o.rg"r, in the ,upruorbi,"ibo.-n". If the patient pushes him/herself and never i"rtr, th"y -"n'Jgir"., their jaws. t;";;;." time, such physical and emotional srress may weaken ,h"'n"lri. B"."ur"'rh. ,;; L th" po.rur of rhe hearr, the tongue may become tight or stiff.l

[Bt Yt (1010.22)



Huo (toLo.z3)



[Tianslation: Zhou, state; Hrro, fire] Indications: Heart palpitations, phlegm obstructing the portals of the heart organ function, lack of strength of the fo", ji-UI pl,r, lo, br.k pain [1.e., kidney yin vacuity] Locating the point: Longitudinally 1.5 clrn superior ro the tip of rhe ear. Reacrion area of the heart. (See Figure 39 above.) Method of manipulation: Needl e I-3 fenin depth.


rlr sis.

Zhou Jin


(fOtO.Zq l,l,l #

[Translation z Zhou, state; Jin, metal, gold]


MasrER ToNc's AcupuNcruRp

Indications: Lung channel low back pain, sciatica, rheumatic disease Locating the point: Horizontally 1 crrn posterior to Zhou Huo (1010.23). Reaction area of the,lungs. (See Figure 39 above.) Method o{ manipulation: Needle I'3 fen in depth.
[This point is not so easy to locate, so I do not use it often.]

Zhoushui (1010.25) /'l{


[Translationz Zhou, state; Shzi, water]

Indications: Lower and upper back vertebral pain, lower limb numbness or paralysis, lack of strength of the nerves Locating the point: On the sagittal midline on the back of the head, the first point is located at rhe external occipital protuberance. The second point is located 8 fen above the first. This is a two-point unit. Reaction area of the kidneys. (See Figure 40 above.) Method of manipulation: Needle l-3 fen in depth.

[l use these points quite often to treat lower back pain. While the needles are in place, I have the patient mobilize their lower back. The treatment should continue until their
pain or numbness is relieved.
also often use Hua Gu San (55.04) andHln Gz St (55.05) for the treatment of lower back pain. \Xlrhile these needles are in place, the patient can also mobilize their lower back similar to the above. These two points are even more powerful than Zhou Shui.l


Points on the Neck and Trunk

Points on the Dorsal Trunk
[The location of Dr'

needle these points uu,

"rl o.'tv^ut""Jtl",n.

points on the back are nor easy to describe. Ir is best nor ro on Figure 43 below.l



Fen Zhi Shcng





lo\'e r.)

ffi : ilXill1l;i:l |;i * ;' a' "


[Translation: Fen, divide, separate; Zhi, branch; Shang,upper, above] Indications: Rabies, cenripede or scorpion bite, poisonine bv




t,,, ; ;;

;;,f ; i"::,:ft i. :ffi ';X,:'*:

Locating the point:.LongitudinalJ

$:#'"',,::jl#;Tli::**"ff Ji:l:T,?:[,X':?Tii::.ffi:::il::n:',Ti
Method of manipulation: Needle 1-1.5 cun indepth.

1 cuninferior to the acror



FenzhiXia (DTOD


lTranslation: Fen, divide, separare; Zhi, btanch;Xra, below]


ToNc's AcupuNctuRr

Itf.ot rr.01

Figure 43.

Indications: Same

as Fen

Zhi Shang (DT.01) plus breast inflammation.

Locating the point: Longitudinally 1.5 cwt inferior and 5 fen medial to FenZhi Shrmg (DT.O1). Reaction area of the endocrine glands, lungs, and breast. (See Figure 43.) Method of manipulation: Needle 5 fento I cwt in depth.


PotNrs oN THE NEcr

& TnuNr

Note: This point is nor11a|_v used together with Fenzhixra (DT.01). [These two points, Fen zhi Shang and Fen zhi *io rr"iy ,rnpo.rant poinrs ^r"
for detoxification.


her rwo hours, her face .",'pr"r"rn rr"ilJ;;-;Jl;"-" red and itchy. She came to class and was lying down on the clasrroom table. I needled these two poinrs bilaterally. After the class, I was able a ,".og.rir" her nose and eyes. These points are useful for any kind of toxic or poisonous reuctioln. one can this area. In rhar case, will be m.r.h d"rk"r rrr"" rrrr"r places, irrrr"."'"*'srgnifrcant "lJ.;;;;"r toxins in the face'

case history: I once had a student whose dog ran into the woods where there was poison oak' When the dog returned home, this woman petted the dog and then touched


Qi Xing (DT03)

+ tr
Xlng, starsJ

[tanslation: Qi, seven;

Indications: Vomiting (the five organs nor carm), common cold headache, high fever in children, orher pediatric disease a""" a rvfra
Locating the point: agroup of sevenpoints. The firstpoint, zongshu(1), is locar, ed r cun above the middle rirrr"i"rr*rr,1io11" ,;;h""6;"ssion direcrly below the occipital protuberance. Th" ,".o.,d point Sht Shrz (rt, ; longitudinal ly I cun inferior to the first. The third poinl Slr,'Slr, (3), ls i"."r"a'Z"irn



inferior to the second point' The fourth point, chiy; (4), is lo.ut"d s 1r' tut"."i a ond point. The fifth.point,_ shiyu (5), ^,'J' frninferior to rhe secl, rocated l-;;;^;C,or to rhe fourrh point. [Because poinrs a and^-! .ut", ,orui oir"""r, o","rs in a1.] zong (1)' sht Shu (2)' and Sfu shu "r.'bil"t"r"r,'itll shu " (3) area of the brain. chr yu (4)and (5) are the reacrion area yz "*ln"'t"".tion Shi of th"'lr.,g" (S"" Figure 43.) Method of manipuration: Using a three-edged needle, breed zong Shu (L), shi shu (2), *. *t Shu (3). These rh."" ur""rh" ."Ll"t"ts. The orn". i.,'o are adjunctive or auxil-


MesrER ToNG's AcupuNcrunE

Caution: Avoid deep bleeding puncture of children which may cause deafness and aphasia.

[Qi Xing (DT.03) includes FengFu (GV 16) and Ya Men (GV 15). One can also use only these two points.]

t xxxvll xxfil . . xxxllil r Xxlll . . xxxlx xxr



.xL I

xxyl r xafil . xxlffll.


Frgure 44.

6 cun dtere i





RorsrsosssNtcx \Txurw

wu Ling (DT04) rt_ EH

[Tianslation : Wu, five; Ling, mountain ranges]

Indications: High blood pressure, severe common cold, high fever, acute headache leading to dizziness' headache, high biood pressrre leading ro pT."lyri, of the hands and feet, hemiplegia, yang chorer", .h;;;, vomiting urso.iaied.with various tti diseases, low back pain due to arteriosclero,ir, lir,", .hol.r;, ut .rrolera, acure stomach pain


sisrs of one

following points are arranged into five rongitudinal lines on the

';:;::iif1l'W,lll"Yi,#?--',Y3 :;';;T'';;'(i,fi:r,;"Men (yrrr),i'iu, :i

lst line: Beginning from below c7 and descending to T1o, each vertebral segment conpoint in the following ordenAnC n *r-tii, ii^iiou (II), Huo Chu (III), Huo


2nd line: starting parallel to Anchwn(r),4 finger widths lateralry and every 1 below that is a point. Thy:,/113ry rxiul, s rxxuu, "1. Ling (XXVr ), HuoJ,n (xxv11i, ), Jin Jr(XXV), J,n M;+;;rrxxvrrri, pr" "n' t""ru and The points on this line are bri"*."ff^y"^m.tri.rl. MuMer (XXX). (See Figure 44.) 3rd line: Beginning paralrel to Jin Bei (xxilI), 4 finger widths lateralto the second line and everv r cun below_is a point. rrr"t, i,l /t i (xixvii;,'i;/,ng (XXXV ilr), (xxxx)' Muyunn (xL),Muroi Jrti,uuJu (xLil), Jin shen (XLIII). The points on this line are bilaterally symmetncal .'(See Figure 44.)";el'rSong



[one line on the midline and two bilaterally symmetrical lines lateralto rhat makes a total of five of points or five mountain ranges. These two lateral lines are 3 cun and -lines 6 cun latenl to the midline or 4 and 8 finger iidths respectively. As we will see below, there is another bilaterally symmerical lin; of point, inrid. or medial to these at I.5 cun or 2 finget widths laterally from below the spinous processes. Unless one undersrands that, the above locations are confusing.J


Mesrr.n ToNG's AcupuNcrunE

(III) toHuo Men (VI[) is the reaction area of the heart. (IX) toTuKe (XI) is the reaction area of the spleen. From Tu means earth, so fromTuYue JinTang (XXII) to Huo Jin (XXVII) is the confluent reaction area of the heart and lungs. From left Huo Jin (XXVII) toMuMe, (XXX) is the reaction area of the lungs. From right Huo Jin (XXVII) toMuMet (XXX) is the reaction area of the Iiver (mu means wood). /in means metal, so from JinJing (XXXVIII) to Jin.Shen (XXXIX) is the reaction area of the lungs. From le{r.Jin Shen (XXXIX) to Mz Song (XLIII) is the confluent reaction area of the lungs and spleen. From right Jin Shen (XXXIX) toMu Sone (XLIII) is the confluent reaction area of the liver and lungs. (See Figure 44.)
Hzo means fire, so ftomHuo Chu

Method of manipulation: Using a three-edged needle, prick to exit blood. Caution: \Uhen pricking the points on the dorsal trunk, wipe with alcohol to clean the area first. Then use the thumb to press the point before bleeding.

.t 't

Shrorru Feng



[Tianslationz Shuang, pair; Feng, phoenix] Indications: Hand pain, foot pain, hands numb, feet numb, arteriosclerosis of the hands
and feet

Locating the point: Horizontally 2 finger widths or 1.5 cun lateral from T2 isHuo Feng (XLIV). Then below this, every inch is a point. Thus, Hzo Ju (XLY),HuoMiao (XLVI), Huo Chao (XLVII), Huo Cheng (XLVIII), Huo Hun (XLIX), andHuo Mt (L). Reaction area of the blood circulation. (See Figure 45.) Method of manipulation: Use a three-edged needle to exit blood.
[These points are bilaterally symmetrical, seven to a line for a total of fourteen points in


Powrs oN THE Necrc & TRuNx


heart. From

lungs. r right


d). Jin

of the rea of

. XUU . xlg
. ILVi





n the





:tiLrn Figure 45.

. xlfi

. xly ' xll . Iyl







MasrsR ToNc's AcupuNcruRr

liu Hou (DT06) /L


[Tianslation: Jiu, nine; Horz, monkeys] Indications: Circulatory diseases due to heat or sunstroke
Locating the point:.same as HuoFeng(xLIV), HuoJu(xLV), HuoMiao (xLyr),JinTans (x)ol),


above. Reaction area of the heart

JinBei(xxlll), linTou(xxrr7l, linli(xxyj,llnzni(xxxvq), JinJing(xxxvll.rrrgr. (See Figures 44 and 45.) ".rd

Method of manipulation: Use a rhree-edged needle to exit blood. [The locations of these poinrs are the same as FengMen (Bl rz), Fei shu(Br 13), Jue yin Shrz (Bl I4), Fu Fen (Bt 4I), po Hu (Bt 42), and f nf +:l.t



Iin (DT0Z) = e.

[Tianslation: San, three;/in, metal, gold] Indications: Knee pain Locating the point: same as Jin Tou (XXIV), /in cht (xxv), rin Ling(xxvr). This is a three'point unit. confluent reacrion the heart ri"... (see Figure 44, DT.o4.)



Method of manipulatilnt Us9 a three'edged needle ro exir blood. For right-sided pain, use rhe right point. For left-sided pain, urJrh" left point. F;;;;i;**l foot pain, use both points si mu ltaneously.
[These points are locared at Fu Fen (Br 41), po Hu (Br 42),and Gao HuangShu (Bl 43). use these poinrs to rreat knee pain i., r# erderly if they cannor bend down.


PorNrs oN THE NEc<

& TnuN<

case history: once when I_was in china, I_went to a hospital. There I met an old man who had been being rreated for knee pain for o.r"r.i." [urr. rrp".i"lly in the winrer, this man could not tl":d due to k"." pui.. He had been treated over and over again 1p atzuSan Ll (St 36)'YangLingQuan (G834), xiyan(s;l;i;;.. wirh no result. I bled Gao Huang shu (Bl +s) a!7."pp"a this point. After the ,r""r,n*, was over, this old man stood up and announced that th;, ,", ih. first rime i" ;l;';;"rs he had been able to stand withour knee pain.

The director of the ward.said, in a very sour tone of voice, to one of the attending acupuncturists that they did nor rrear like this. wherh"r-my ffeatment was right or wrong, however, should only be judged by the p"ri"rrr"r"ti"fj^'


zhi (DT.08) ffi


[Translation: .llng

essen ce; Zhi,

Indications: Lower leg tight and distended, lower leg pain Locating the point: Same as Jin Jing (XXXVIII) and Jin Zhi (XXXVII). Reaction area of the lungs and kidneys. (See Figur" I+, oio+.1 Method of manipulation: Use a three-edged needle ro exir blood.
[Lower leg distention can be difficult to rreat. However, bleeding this poinr can sometimes relieve thls.l

JinLin (DTOe)


[Tianslation t !in, gold; Lin, foresr]

Indications: Sciatica due to arteriosclerosis


MasrsR ToNG's AcuPuNcrunE

(XLI)' Locating the point: Same as Jin Shen (XXXIX), Mu Yucm (XL), and Mu Tai of the lungs. The right point is the confluent reaction area of the liver and Reacrion "r"u (See Figure kidneys. The left side is the confluent reaction area of the spleen and kidneys. 44,DT.04.)
Method of manipulation: Use a three-edged needle to bleed'



(DT.10) TF



Ding, top; Zhu, pillar]

Indications: Low back pain due to arteriosclerosis, wrenching of the low back, cha qi Locating the point: same

(XXXIX), Mz Mei (XXX), MuYtnn (XL),MuTai of iXt-l), MuJu (XLtt), Mz Song (XLIII) above. Left side is the confluent reaction area the heart, liver, and spleen. Right side is the confluent reaction area of the heart, liver'


(xxx), Mz Teng (XXVIII),Jin

linchi (xxv), JinLing (XXVI), HuoJin (XXVII), MuTu


and lungs. (See Figure 44,DT.04.)

Method of manipulation: Use a three'edged needle to bleed'

(TH [i do use these points but do not use so many. Personally, I prefer to bleed ZhongZhu 3) and/or WeiZhong (B140). This gives me good, fast results. If the case is more severe' then I use several of the above points.]

Hou Xin (DT.l


D te'.'r.

Hou, after, behin d; Xin, heart]


PorNrs oN THE NEcr<

& TnuNr

Indications: Furunculosis of the face and extremities, heart organ decline and weakness, stomach disease, acute heart organ paralysis or numbners, rvini cold entering tt ,iri"., severe common cold, windstroke " Locating the point: same as Huo Yun (lv), Haa c)zzg (v), Hao Ming (vI), zlaro xeint N\\,\\uo\['e\ N\\\,Tu\ue \\-I.),\1r.rll\\roo \X\N\),]luo C}oo \Xilj\D, Hro Ch.rrq



of thirteen points. Reacion area of rhe he"".t. (se" ag.,."

u', oi.niir,e"]"


Method of manipulation: Use a three-edged needle rc bleed.

fThese points are for the treatment of severe toxic heat. If one d,oes guasha on the back, at each pimple, one may express a white hair. This is called goat's hair. These points also fteat ding or a kind of severe boils which are potentially lethal. Nowadays, rve hurre antibi-

otics to treat these kinds of diseases and also one does nor see much of this in the lfest.

there are purple spots on the back or black spots if even more severe, quickly bleed and pull the hair out. Mostly this is for rural use in the counrryside of China.]

Qan Mao Son (DT.12)

R ff

[Tianslationr GcmMao, common cold; San, three] Indications: Severe common cold Locating the point: Same as An Quan (I) and Jin Tou (XXIY). An Qmn is rhe reacrion area of the spine and the four limbs. Jin Tou is the reaction area of the heart organ. (See Figure 44,DT.04.) Method of manipulation: using a thin needle, insert under the skin obliquely.


$ s
u f I






Ma.srnn ToNc's AcuPuNcruRs

(B143)' 14) and,linToutslocated atGonHumgshi lAnQu/]/ris located atDaZIvti(GV

to bleed Shang xing (GV 23)' With fever' I For severe gar m.aoor common cold, I prefer pain, I bleed Wei Zhong (Bl 40)' This approach bleed,Zhongzhu (THf i- m rn"r" is boiy is simpler and easier to use quickly']





Zhong (DT13)

,f' t

[Tianslation: Shui, water; Zhang, center' within]

irregularity' Indications: Kidney vacuity, kidney organ inflammation, women's menstrual pain vertebral constipation, thirst, lower and upper back

fftt lnfi Le

verte' Locating the point: Located !.5 ctn lateral to the inferior edge of the first lumbar bra. Reaction area of the kidneys. (See Figure 45') Method of manipulation: Needle 8 fen to t cwt in depth'

Th FU]

(Bl2Z)'] [This point is located at Sdn Jion Shu

Shui Fu (DT.14)






Shr,ri, water; Fu, prefecture]




Indications: Upper back vertebral pain with inability to bend forward and back, women's menstfual irregularity, kidney ,r".,riry, kidney organ inflammation, thirst, constipation,' intestinal inflammation, loss of sleep, pfemature ejaculation, impotence, headache, diabetes mellitus, wrenched lower back, dizziness, flowery vision, low back soreness and upper back pain, acure inflammation of the kidneys, stones stuck in the bladder, urination not free flowing, non-descent of dead fetus




Powrs oN THE Nscr & TnuNx Locating the point: Located L.5 cun lateral to the inferior edge of the second lumbar vertebra. Reaction area of the kidneys. (See Figure 45.)

Method of manipulation: Needle

fen to

crut in depth.

[This point is located at Shen Shz (Bl 23).]


liang (DT.15)

= )t

[Tianslation: San, three; Jiang,larye rivers]

Indications: Amenorrhea, uterine inflammation, intestinal inflammation, wrenched lower back, acute intestinal inflammation
Locating the point: These points are located along three longitudinal lines.

shuicheng(xlv), ShuiGrnn(xY),Liuzons(xvt),Fengchno(xvu), andzhu Chao (XVIII). These points are located below th. processes of vertebrae L1 to
respectively. (See Figure 45.) 52

first line along the midline of the back lh9 (XIII),

is comprised

of Fen Xian (XI),

Shui Fen

The lateral lines (one on the right and the other on the left) are comprised of LiuWan (xxxl), LiuMm (xxxll), Liupao (xxxill), Hu.achno (xxxlv), Hunnchno(xxxv), and He Chao (XXXVI). These points are located 4 fingerwidths lateral ro rhe original six points respectively. (See Figure 45.)
Reaction area of the kidneys and the six
/r.r bowels.

Method of manipulation: Use a three-edged needre ro exir blood.


Masren ToNc's AcupuNcruRe


He (DTt6)


[Tianslation: Shuang, double, pair; He, rivers] Indications: Hand and upper arm pain, shoulder and upper back pain

Locating the point: same as Liu wm (xxxl) through He chna (xxxvl) above. Reaction area of the kidneys and the six /z bowels. (see Figur. 4s, DT15.)
Method of manipulation: Use a rhree-edged needle ro exir blood.

Note: If black blood exits, this will be effective. If red blood exirs, this will be less effec-

ChongXian (DTJZ)



Chong, up-shooting, up-thrusrin g; Xiao, heaven]

and pain

Indications: Cerebellar pain, cerebellar tightness and distention, neck bone distention

Locating the point: Miao Chno (XIX) is inferior to rhe 53. Sfrang Tui (XX)is inferior to 54' Shang Gao (XXI) is inferior to 55. This is a rhree-point unit. Reacrion area of the cerebellum. (See Figure 45, DT.I5.) Method of manipulation: Use a three-edged needle ro exit blood.
[Case history: Once one of my students called me to ask my opinion about a case. The patient was suffering from a severe occipital headache. zhensjin e7.or) had not produced any result. I hung up the phone witho.rt giving h", urr/"drrice. Then, when I^.as treating my ow'n patients, I suddenly got an idea. I called her back and told her to treat ChongXiao. My student did this, and it immediately relieved this patient,s exceedingly


PorNrs oN rHE Npcr

& TRuNr
able to forget this

severe occipital headache. Neither


I nor my student have ever been

Points on the Ventral Tiunk

Hou E

Jiu (VTo L) v{*, ht\ )U

[Translation: Hou, throat; E, moth; ]iu, ninel

Indications: sore throat, throat pain, thyroiditis, phlegm accumulating in the throat which will not exir
Locating the point: The center point is locared over the thyroid cartilage. This is flanked by a point to each side 1.5 cunfateral. The upper three points are r cunsuperior and 1.5 cunlateral' The lower three points are 1.5 cun inferior".ra t.s cunlateral.This is a ninepoint unit. Reaction area of the lungs. (See Figure 46.)

Method of manipulation: Use a three-edged needle to bleed. [This is an emergency trearment. when bleeding these points, pull up the skin. Do not injure the sinews or cartilage.]

shi Er Hou


t =


[Translation: Shl Er, twelve; Hoz, monkeys] Indications: Typhoid fever, asthma due to arteriosclerosis, liver cholera, [severe common cold, scarlet fever]


MasrER ToNG's AcupuNcr-.lRs

Locating the point: There are two lines of points inferior to the clavicle. The first line is I.3 cun inferior to the clavicle. The second line is 2.8 cun inferior. Each line is made up of three points, one in the middle and one L5 cun to either side. There are six points to a side for a total of twelve points. Reaction area of the lungs. (See Figure 46.) Method of manipulation: Use a three-edged needle to exit blood.

IinWu (VT.o3)


[Translationz Jin, gold, metal; Wu,fivel

Indications: Liver cholera, indigestion (stomach distention), flank pain, bronchi not normally (free-flowing), various types of heatstroke and cholera, [any kind of toxic heat condition]
Loqating the point: This line of points is located along the midline of the stemum. The first point, lin Gan is located in the depression between the manubrium stemi and the body of the sternum. The remaining points are JinYin, JinYang, Jin Chu"an, and Jin Jiao. Each of these is I cun irrfeior to the previous one. Reaction area of the heart spirit and trachea/bronchi. (See Figure 47.)

Method of manipulation: Use a three-edged needle to exit blood.

WeiMan Qt


H 4,

hair; Ql, seven]

VZei, stomach; Mao,

Indications: Stomach pain, various rypes of.cholera, heart palpitations, gastric hemorrhage, heatstroke, [toxic heat conditions]


MasrER ToNG's AcupuNcr-.lRs

Locating the point: There are two lines of points inferior to the clavicle. The first line is I.3 cun inferior to the clavicle. The second line is 2.8 cun inferior. Each line is made up of three points, one in the middle and one L5 cun to either side. There are six points to a side for a total of twelve points. Reaction area of the lungs. (See Figure 46.) Method of manipulation: Use a three-edged needle to exit blood.

IinWu (VT.o3)


[Translationz Jin, gold, metal; Wu,fivel

Indications: Liver cholera, indigestion (stomach distention), flank pain, bronchi not normally (free-flowing), various types of heatstroke and cholera, [any kind of toxic heat condition]
Loqating the point: This line of points is located along the midline of the stemum. The first point, lin Gan is located in the depression between the manubrium stemi and the body of the sternum. The remaining points are JinYin, JinYang, Jin Chu"an, and Jin Jiao. Each of these is I cun irrfeior to the previous one. Reaction area of the heart spirit and trachea/bronchi. (See Figure 47.)

Method of manipulation: Use a three-edged needle to exit blood.

WeiMan Qt


H 4,

hair; Ql, seven]

VZei, stomach; Mao,

Indications: Stomach pain, various rypes of.cholera, heart palpitations, gastric hemorrhage, heatstroke, [toxic heat conditions]


Ponrs oN THE Nrcr & TRuNr


Locating the point: These seven poinrs are located along three lines. (see Figure 46.)
Median line: The uppermost point is located just inferior to the tip of the xiphoid process. The other two points on this line are located I and z cun inferior. Lateral lines: These two points are located 2 cunlateral from the lower rwo points on the median line. Reaction area of the heart and stomach.


Method of manipulation: use a three-edged needre ro exir brood.

ot at

Fu Chaa Er Shi San

(VT0s) W

F :f

lThanslation: Fz, bowels; Chao, nest; Er Shl San, twenty-three]



ney pain, navel pain, [periumbilical pain]

Indications: Intestinal inflammation, uterine inflammation, kidney inflammation, kid-

Locating the point: These twenty'three points are located on the abdomen in a rectan. gular pattern' The distance between ,ro points is r cun,except at the navel [where "".h there is no point. Begin locating these pointsLy



below the

the midline to find a poinr. From the inferior poinr, measure 1, Z,

;,;;;; #ffi;lrff


[::H]:::if1"(See Figure 42.)


1, and

2 cun inferior to find ".,orf,", the resulting four points to find the



il;" ffffi"i;;

Method of manipulation: use a three-edged needle to exit blood


Masrpn ToNG's Acupr-xcruns


Ponrs oN THE NEcr & TRuNr


Book Two

Treatment Formulary

Head, Face,

& Neck


for 45 minutes. If not severe, treat only Z-3 times. If serious, treat4-5 times cure. This combination treats headaches on the side of the head, includirrg

i.CeSanLi(77.22),CeXiaSanLi(77.23),andShen Guan(7T.Ig).Retaintheneedles to affecta


2' Ling Gu (22'05). Pain will be reduced immediately. This is for headache which the patient cannot localize exactly.
3'Wu Ling (DT04). Use prompt prick technique. Pain will be stopped immediately. This is for headache due to high blood pressu." arteriosclerosis. Typically the patient will "rJ exhibit facial congestion and a purplish complexion. This suggert,
blood congertion.

One.sided headache, i.e., migraine headache

1. Ce San

Li (77.22) and Ce Xia SanLi (77.23). Good effect.

2' Feng Sht (GB 31), a.k.a.' ZhongJiuLi (88.25).Also good effect. This is for a one-sided headache due to wind.
3. san zhong (77.07) and Si Hrnwai (77.r4). use prompt prick technique. Tleat one for three weeks and then the other for three weeks.

1:Y:]:: good result.

66'05). use if pain is at the tempre near extra pointTaiyang (M-HN-9). very


MasrER ToNG's AcupuNcruRp

Posterior headache (migrainous)


I. ChongXiao (DT. 17). Bleeding this point will stop the pain immediately. Use this point if one knows the cerebellum is in pain. Also use this point if there are visible congested blood vessels in the area of this point.
(77.0I) andZhengZong (77.02). Good effect. Use this point if ordinary neck and occipital pain due to tension or past traumatic injury.
2. ZhengJm





Frontal headache
Stops the pain. If one also has a stomachache or if one palpates rhe abdomen and feels pronounced palpitations of the descending aorta, use this point.
2. SiHuaZhong (77.09). Use prompt prick technique, i.e., bleed. Forehead headache usually due to spleen/stomach problem. If the eyeballs are painful and hard ro palpation, use




this point.


Head dizziness due to high blood pressure

WuLing (DT04) andHuoYine rc6.03). Use prompt prick method onWuling. Bleeding will bring down the hlgh blood pressure and stop the dizziness.

All d

dle Yi

Crarr Dizziness due to insufficient blood in the brain

Tong Grcn (88.01), Tong Shan (88.02), and Tong Tian (gg.03). This type of headache is due to anemia. Do not use all six needles together but choose four of the six.


TnparutpNr FoRtraul_aRy

Encephalon (brain nerves not clear), disoriented

l' zhengHal (1010'0r),Yin Tang (M-uN'3) and the Three Measures. zhengHui andyin Tangcan tranquilize. At the same time, bleed the Three M"ur,rr", points, i.e.,yizhong (77.05), Er Zhong (77.06), and San Zhong (77.07).
Emperors; good effecr.

T^ Huang Fu (77 .LB), Di Huang (77 .lg), and Ren Huang (77 .Zl).The Lower Three

The Three Measures,_Si Hua Wai (77.14), and Zheng (77.grt. First needle yi Zhong (77.05).Nextneedle SanZhong(77.07).Thenneedl"nlin Zn*ge7.06).BleedSj HuaWai

and then needle ZhengJin.

Brain tumor (cerebroma, encephalophym)


zhou Kun (1010.03), zhou Lun (1010.04), The Three Measures, and Shang Liu (55.06). these points can be needled together. when r,."dlinf
dle Yi Zhong (7 7 .05) , then San Zhoig (7 .07 7 ),


th" ihr"" Measures, first neeth"., f-" ;i_; (7 7 .06).

Cranial swelling or water on the brain (hydrocephalus)

ZhengJin (77.01) and ShangLiu (55.06)


MasrER ToNG's AcupuNcruRE

Ey" Diseases
Blurred vision due to high blood pressure


Ling (DT04), Tian Hwng Fu (77.r8), Di Htnng (77.19), and Ren Hrnng (77.21).

Bleed V/u Llng, and then needle the Lower Three Emperors.

Sty in the eye (hordeolum)


Ling Gu (22.05). Needle the opposite side. May be cured

in l-z


2. Pi shu

(Bl 20) andwei Shu (Bl z1). Use prompt prick method, i.e, bleed.

3' Fei Shu (Bl 13). Inspect the area around Fei

for red spots. If any are found, bleed

Red eyes (conjunctivitis)

1. Bleed the ear apex.

2. GanShu

(Bl 18). Use prompt prick technique.

3. Shang Bai (22.03). Bleed.

Dry eyes (xerophthalmia)

MingHuang (88.12), GuangMing (77.28), and Hun Guyi (55.02)





Both eyes unable to open

L Huo lu (66.11). Can open che eyes immediately. Use this point for eyes which cannot open due to infection.
2. GwngMins Q7.28). Use this point if the eyes cannot open due to extreme fatigue.

Ti'achoma (sand in the eyes)

Bleed rhe red spots inside the eyelids.

Blurred vision (four fingers look like five)


MingHuang (88.12) andFuLiu (Ki Z). Leave the needles in place a long rime.


ai (22.06) . Needle.



Tian Huang Fu (77.18), Di Huang (Z7.Ig), and Ren Huang (T7.ZI),1.e., Lower Three Emperors.

Supraorbital bone pain

Huo Ju (66.11)


MasreR ToNG's AcupuNcruRr


Tian Huang Fu (77.18),


Hunng (77.19), Ren Huang (77.2L); the Lower Three

Emperors. Long-term treatment typically required.

Night blindness
TongZiLiao (GB 1). Also treat long-rerm.

Eyes tear in the wind

l.MuXue (I1.17). Use this point if due to the liver.

z.TianHucmgFu (77.r8),DiHunng(77.19),RenHuntg (77.2r), andHuaGuyi (55.02)

3. Yi zhong (77.05), Er zhang (77.06), and San zhong (?7.07). The Three lTeights or Measures. Bleed. These points are good if the patient is elderly or the condition is chronic.

Xia Bai (22.07

and Zhong Bai (22.06)

Black circles around the eyes

Si Ma zhong (88.17), Si Ma Shang (88.18), Si Ma xrd (88.19), and Shen Gurm (77.1g\





TRsawsNr FoRvur_aRy

Thitching of the eyelid


Ce San

Li (77.22),


Ka Sm Li (77.23),and


Gwnt (77.Ig)

2. Fengsht (GB 31) and Guang Mine e7,Zg)

TianHuangFu (T7.rg), Di Huang (77.r9), RenHunng (77.21), and GunngMine (77.2g)

Exopthalmia (bulging eyeballs) or bloodshot eyes

Si Ma Zhong (88.17), Sl Ma Shans (gg.1g), Si Ma Xia

(gg.l9), and


Gunt (Z7.Ig)

sor 0n-

Double vision
GwngMine Q7.ZS), plus

Guan (77.1g) and Feng Ch, (GB 20)

Diseases of the Nose

Si Ma Shcng (88'18), Si Ma


Ka (88.t9). The Four

Horses treat all

Stuffed nose unable to breathe

I. Iian Zhong Shu (44.06) when due to cold.

MasrrR ToNc's AcupuNcrunr 2. Ce SanLi (77.22)

3.MenJin (66.05)

Allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis

Sl Ma zhong (88.12), Si Ma Shang (gg.1g), Sr Ma xra (gg.19) , TongGuan (gg.01), and TongTicm (88.03)

Redness of the tip of the nose


SuLiao (GV 25). Use prompt prick technique.


2. Pi Shu (Bl 20) andWei Shu (Bl 21). Use prompt prick technique.




l. JianZhong (44.06). Needle. Will stop nosebleed immediately.

2. He Gu




Nose bone in pain

Er Jiao Ming (11.12). This is also good for nosebleed due to heat.

1. t

Dft kid


(77. 174

TREaIUENT Fonrurulany

Diseases of the Ears

Otitis media
Bleed the visible blood vessels in the area of the lateral malleolus with prompt prick technique. Tieat the affected side. If both ears are affected, rreat bilaterally. As soon as the

blood is let, the throbbing will stop.

Ear pain (not necessarily due to infection, fl&y affect the jaw)

Yi Zhong (77 .05), Er Zhong (77.06), San Zhong (77.07) and Sl Hua,Wai (77

Use prompr prick technique ro bleed.


Swelling of the inner ear QuLing (33.16) andZhongBai (22.06) orZhongBat with Ce San Li (77.22) andCeXia SanLi (77.23). Leave needles in place for a half hour.

1. sl Ma zhong (88.17), Si Ma shang (88.18), Si Ma xia (88.19), and Shen Gum ( Drain the Four Horses. Supplement Shen Gunn. This treats tinnitus in the elderly due to kidney yin vacuity. 2.

QuLing (33.16) and Ming Hurmg (88.12). Drain ez Ling. supplemenr MingHuang.

3. Bleed the Four Horses.


Shen Gum (77.I8) and Ren Huang (77.?.1) or Shen Guan (77.18) and Gurmg Ming (77.28);DaLing (Per 7), TingGong (sI 19), and TingHzi (GB 2). Supplem".,t tf," firrt


MasrgR ToNG's AcupuNcruRr

two points in women and the second two in men. Drain Da Lingand needle Ting Gong and l-ing Hui on the side where the ringing is mosr prominenr.

5' xine Jian (Liv z), Hua Guyi (55.02), and zu fire due to anger.


Li (Sr 36). Drain xlng/ ian {or liver

Ear nerve pain

ZhongJiuLi (88.25)


Liuwan (66'0s)' Bleed' If patient

as simple as

is weak, do not bleed both sides. Tieating deafness needling a single point, however.


Deaf mutism (acute condition, not congenital)

Yi zhong (77 .05), Er zhong (77 .06), San zhong (77 .oT), si Ma zhong(gg.l7), Sl Ma Shang (88.18)' and Si Maxia (8s.19). Bleed the Three M""r.rr", orlv"igt rr. Needle rhe Four Horses bilaterally, six needles.


Diseases of the Mouth, Tongue,

Jaw bone pain and lockjaw



2. 3.

l ' Huo Yins rc6.03) and Jie xr (st 41). !7hile needles are in place, have the patient open and close rheir mouth. This always gers good a result.


z' YongQwn (Ki 1) and Shang Liu (55.06).This treats pain and spasm of the jaw due ro



TRsatvrNr FonuumRy


cold invasion' in-turn due to using ice packs or drinking cold water after tooth extraction or oral surgery' If the condition ii ,".*t,,trri, ;;iu;";uire a few ffeatments. If the condition is more than one u"* "rl,l, *iil ,ypi."irr;ffi: a number of ffearments.


awrv (due to winds*oke or

as a

premonitorv sign of incipient

,lj'rf,7s;li ::!A";frLi e7.zz),and ce Ka san Li (77.23).Breed





2' Yi zhong (77.05), (zz.06), Ma xia (84.i;j;;;


,ry.rr (77.07),si tr4a zhong(88.12), sl Ma r,,g si"?,'isi^0dj.ireed the rhree


3' one can also have the patient use a moxa-can on the affected area. Ti"eat for due to anger' this mav""t"d 1-2 *t"" ," vacuity, it mayhours ;i:*ffiIf take


stiff tongue' inabirity to speak due to paralysis (windstroke)

l. Mu Liu (66.06)
2. Itan Zhong 3. and Zhong Jiu and

Li (8g.25)


eiu Xu (GB 40)

Jinlin andyu

(M-HN-20). Bleed.


Swelling under the tongue

I. Ce


Li (7Z.ZZ) and Ce Xia

San Li (ZT.Z3)

2.YuYe andlinJin (M-HN-20). Bleed ro release rhe pressure.


Mastpn ToNG's AcuPuNcruRE

Tumor in the mouth

Si Hun Zhong (77 .09), bleed, and Si Hua Shnng (77 '08) ' Needle'

Huo Ju (66.11)

Gu (22.05) , Ce Sar-t Li Ce Sm Li and Ce Xia San LL
| . Ling


and Ce




(7 7 .23) .

Altemate Ling Gu with


SiHmWai (77.14)

Dry mouth
l.TongShen (88.09) and Si HrtaWai (77.I4). Needle'
Z. Zu Su.tlt (St 36). It can be very effective to bleed this point when the patient complains that their mouth is so dry that it feels like they are "chewing a sweater" or that they cannot eat a piece of toast.

Facial Diseases
Nervous twitch of the face
Ce San Li (77 .ZZ), Ce Xia San Li (77.23), arrd Zhang liu Li (88.75). Needle these three points on the opposite side.

TREarvpNr FoRvur-aRy

Tic douloureux
YiZhong(77.05),ErZhong(77.06),SanZhong(ZZ.O7),ZhongJiuLi (88.26), and Ka Jiu Li (BB.Z7 ) (gg.Z5),ShrntgJiuLi

Facial numbness Yizhong(77'05),Erzhong(77.06),scmzhong(7T.oT),ceSanLi(7z.zz),andce Kasan Li (77 -23). Bleed the first three points and needle the
second two.


Cheekbone pain


zhong (77.05), Er zhong (r7 .06), and San zhong (zz .07). Breed the Three Measures.




.22) and ce




(77 .23). Needle the opposite side.

Throat Diseases
com: they

Fish bone caught in the throat

Zu Qian Jin (77.24)

Throat pain
Yi zhong (77.05), Er zhong (77.06), San zhong (77 .07), and zu einn Jin (27.24). Breed any or all these poinrs plus any render area behind th"


tu ee t


2' Huo zhu (66'04) and Tong Shen (88.09). This is for chronic or low-grade sore rhroat due to yin vacuity.



Tumor in the throat

TongShen (88.09)

Neck Diseases
Lymphadenopathy of the neck, scrofula I.YiZlnng(77.05),ErZhong(77.06),SanZhong(77.07),andLiuWan(66.08). IiuWan on the diseased side.

Z.Yi Zhong (77 .05), Er Zhong (77.06), San Zhang (77 .07), Cheng Fu (Bl 36), and Zhi Bian (B154). Bleed the Three Measures. Needle the remaining points.


L. Yi Zhong (77.05), Er Zhong (77.06), San Zhong (77.07), Ce San Li (77.22), and Ce San Li (77.23). Bleed the Three Measures. Needle the other two points. 2. Zu Qian





(77 .241 and

ZuWu Jin (77 .25). Needle these points.


Neck rigidity (cervical spondylosis)

Zheng Jin (7 7 .01) and Zheng Zons Q



Skin diseases of the neck

JianZhong (44.06)





TnrarurNr FoRvutany

Parotitis (mumps)
Bleed the veins behind the ear.

Clavicular pain

QiHu (17.26)

Dir"ur"r of fu Upper Extremities

Finger numbness

Guan (ZZ.lg) and GuangMin: (77.2g)

Palm pain, fingers in pain

Tu Shui (22.11)

Middle and fourth fingers in pain and/orimpaired movement MuDou (66.02) andMuLiu (66.06) Index finger pain


Zhong (7Z.Og)

Ten fingers all in pain


Guon (77.1g)

Masrsn ToNG's AcupuNcrunE

Finger spasm
Huo Shnn (33.04) andHuo Line e3.05)

Ce San

of the hand
and Ce

Li (TZ.Z2)



Li (ZZ.Z3)

Middle finger numbness

Tong Guan (38.01) and Tong Shan (gg.O2)


t. l
Finger joint pain, arthritis

is ir


WuHu+L andZ (II.Z7)

Wrist joint pain

and Ren Sh, (33.13)


1. Ct



.22) and Ce


San Li (77


2. Slu

Inability to raise the arm

1' Shen Gmn (77.L8). Ti'eat the unaffecred side. Insert
2. Si Hua Zhong (77.09). Tieat the affecred side. 3. ZuWu Jin (77.25) and Zu eian Jin (77.24)



reax. z.5 cun.


1. Shex

in pain


TRgarlrmr FoRuulaRy

Hand pain, inability to grasp

Ce San

Li (77.22) and Ce XiaSanLi (77.23).Tieat the opposite


Shaking of the hands in the elderly when reading


Guan (Z7.lg), ZhengHui (lOlO.O1), and yinTang(M-HN-3)

Wrenched shoulder and shoulder pain


Q7'18)' Theat the unaffected side. Exercise the shourder whire the needle

2. ZuWu Jin (77.25) and Zu eian Jin (77.24)

Upper arm pain





(27 .ZZ) and Ce Xia San

Li (77.23).Tieat the opposite




(44.16). Bleed.

3' KYan (St 35) or si Hua zhong (77.'g).Tiears left arm pain. Bleed Si Hw zhong.

Frozen shoulder


(77 '18)' Ti'eat the unaffected side. Use if both shoulder and upper back are

z' si Hw zhong (77.0g). Ti'ear the affected side.




3. ZuWu Jin (77.25) and Zu Qian Jin (77 .24)

4. JianZhong


5. Wai San Gunn (77 .27) . Because this condition tends to relapse, the patient should do exercise at home between treatments. Also, it is best to massage the aflected area or use gn sha during the treatment. Depending upon needles alone in the ffeatment of frozen shoulder is not so effective. I personally cup the affected area first before exercising and stretching the arm and shoulder.





Elbow pain
There are a number of treatment options for elbow pain.


L Li"g,Gu (22.05). Tieat the opposite


Z. ZhongJiuLi (88.25). Tlear the opposite side.


3. My own poinr, Golf Point. This is located about z cun above

4. Qu

Hai (Hr 3).


chi (LI

11). Needle the opposite side. Insert at least 3 crnr in depth.


of the hand

teat Huo Shnn on the opposite

Huo shan (33.06) and Si Du (TH 9).

Spasm and sprain

of both hands


QuLing (33.16) and shen Guan (77.r8). Drain Q,tLins. supplement ShenGwn.


Zu San



3. ZuWu Jin (77.25) and Zu Qian Jin (77 .24)

4. JianZhong


5. Wai San Gunn (77 .27) . Because this condition tends to relapse, the patient should do exercise at home between treatments. Also, it is best to massage the aflected area or use gn sha during the treatment. Depending upon needles alone in the ffeatment of frozen shoulder is not so effective. I personally cup the affected area first before exercising and stretching the arm and shoulder.





Elbow pain
There are a number of treatment options for elbow pain.


L Li"g,Gu (22.05). Tieat the opposite


Z. ZhongJiuLi (88.25). Tlear the opposite side.


3. My own poinr, Golf Point. This is located about z cun above

4. Qu

Hai (Hr 3).


chi (LI

11). Needle the opposite side. Insert at least 3 crnr in depth.


of the hand

teat Huo Shnn on the opposite

Huo shan (33.06) and Si Du (TH 9).

Spasm and sprain

of both hands


QuLing (33.16) and shen Guan (77.r8). Drain Q,tLins. supplement ShenGwn.


Zu San

TRE,trlrpNr Fonuulany

Diseases of the Lower Extremities

Ischial bone pain
I ' Ling Gu (22.05) and Da Bai (22.04) . This treats malfunction of the lungs resulting in sciatica.




(77 .18).

This rreats sciatica due ro kidney vacuity and weakness.

3. BiYi (rcrc.z})
4. Jin

there is sciatica due to arteriosclerosis.

Lin (DT09), a.k.a. Gao Hwng Shz (Bl 43). use prompt prick method to bleed if

Thigh, hip, and knee swelling and pain

Huo Zhu (66.04)

Upper leg pain

JinLin (DT09)

Groin and inner thigh pain

XinMen (33.I2). Tieat opposite

Calf spasm
Zu San Lt (Sr 36)

MasrsR ToNc's AcupuNcruRr

Foot spasm
Zheng Jin




Foot soreness BeiMian (44.07) a.k.a. (LI 15) or WeiZhong (Bl 4O). Use prompt prick technique to

\Y 2.



Leg atony, inability to walk (with palpitations)

L. Jian Zhong


(44.06) and Tbng Tian (g8.03)


2.MuZhi (L}t).rB)

Leg numbness
1. Si Ma Zhong (88.17), Sj Ma Shang (g8.18), and Si MaXia(8S.19)


for 3.


Zhong (44.06). Tlear the opposite side.


Gu Scm (55.0$ andHu.a Gu Si (55.05). I usually use rhese points for leg numbness even though they tend to be quite painful. Nonetheless, they
3. are







Toe numbness
both atos-related peripherul ne.riopathy.and ropathy is due to kidney weakness.

cases, rhe neu,

diabetic;.;r;p;rho In both

2. Wu


Tnp,qtvsNr FoRvuunv

Legs painful and cold

l. Shuang Feng (DT.O5),Tong l-ian (88.03), and Tong Wet (88.10). If the legs are icy cold and the skin is purple colored, bleed Shuang Feng and then needle Tong Tian and Tbng

2.Tong Shen (88.09) and Tong Wet (88.10). These points treat cold legs due to kidney to

Knees painful and cold

TongTian (88.03) and Tong Shan (88.02).


one side.

Knee pain

l. Jian Zhong (44.06).I do not

use rhis rrearment much.

2. Sm /tn (DT07). I prefer this treatment for the elderly who have difficulty squarring down. I bleed and cup this area especially in older patients who have had this problem for a long time.


3. Zhong lian (11.05), Da lian (ll.0I), and Xiao lian (11.02). I ffeat rhese three points together on the left side for knee pain.
4. Ling Gu (22.05). I use this for stiffness of the knee. Treat opposite side.


Sprained ankle


L.WeiZhong (8140). Use prompt prick technique to bleed.


2.rYuHu (11.27), specifically Five



MasrrR ToNG's AcupuNcruRg

Foot pain, cannot stand

zhong Jiu

Li (88-25),

shnng Jiu

Li (88.26), and xia Jiu Li (88.27). Tieat the opposite


Lower leg rheumatic pain

zhongJiuLi (88.25), ShrmsliuLi (gg.26), andxiaJiuLi (gg.z7).1ieat the opposite side.

Foot pain due to high blood pressure HouXin (DTl1) andshuangFeng (DTO5). Bleed.

Swelling and pain of the lower leg

I. Jian Zhong (44.06)

JI fir

JinsZhi (DT.07). Bleed.

these points for the ffeatmenr

PI st

3'ZuWuJian (77'25) andzuQianJin (77.24).I prefer

swollen lower leg due to varicose veins.



For tumor on the large toe beside the nail

TianHwng (77.I7) and Tong Shen (gg.O9)





of both



JimYu (LI

1. Si


TREarueNr FoRuur-aRy

Heel pain

1. WeiZhong (Bl4O). Bleed.

2.DaLtng (Per 7)
3. Tai K (Ki 3) and Kun Lun (8160). Tieat the opposite side.

Diseases of the Chest

Flank pain of the chest and abdomen



Sl Ma zhnng (88.17), Si Ma Shang (gg.1g), and sr Maxia (sg.19). Needle si Ma zhong first, then Si Ma Xla, then Si Ma Shong.

SiHuazhong(77.09),slMa zhong(8g.17), SiMaShang(g8.1g), andSi Maxia(8g.19). uw zhang. Then needle the Four Horses.

Use prompt prick technique on st

Pain on the sides of the lower abdomen

SiMazhong (88.17), Si_Ma Shang (gg.1g), SiMaxia(gg.19), TongTian(gg.O3), and Tong VZe, (88.10). Needle all these poirrtr.

Intercostal neuralgia



Ma Zhong (88.12),




(g8.1g), and Sl MaXia(gS.19)


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