CelarekA ComperativeAnalysis
CelarekA ComperativeAnalysis
CelarekA ComperativeAnalysis
This paper presents comparison of calculation methods of the required thickness of the tube sheet in the
shell and tube heat exchanger compatible with the standards of the European standard PN - EN 13445-3,
and the guidelines of the Polish Office of Technical Inspection (UDT). Details of the methods are
illustrated by numerical examples – (calculations) for the selected design of the tubesheet.
Keywords: heat exchangers, tubes, tubesheets
W artykule przedstawiono porównanie metod obliczeniowych wymaganej grubości ściany sitowej w
płaszczowo-rurkowym wymienniku ciepła zgodnych ze standardami normy europejskiej PN-EN 13445-3
i wytycznymi polskiego Urzędu Dozoru Technicznego. Szczegóły metod zilustrowano przykładami
liczbowymi dla wybranych konstrukcji dna sitowego.
Słowa kluczowe: wymienniki ciepła, rurki, dna sitowe
MSc. Eng. Aneta Celarek, DSc. Eng. Jan Talaga, Institute of Thermal and Process Engineering,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Cracow University of Technology.
1. Introduction
The European standard PN-EN 13445-3 shows three primary distinctions in terms of
shell and tube heat exchangers. In addition to the above standard PN-EN 13445-3 is Index
I, wherein it shows another design solution of a tubesheet. The analysis of strength
calculations for the same configurations of tubesheet differs from those described in the
Polish guidelines WUDT-UC. Polish guidelines WUDT-UC are treated as mandatory
during the design of pressure equipment.
In the norm PN-EN 13445-3: 2002, rules for different types of heat exchangers were
shown. According to the norm:
U-tube heat exchanger (Figure 1);
Fixed tubesheet heat exchanger (Figure 2);
Floating head heat exchanger (Figure 3 ).
Floating head heat exchanger has three different configurations:
a) with an immersed floating head;
b) with an externally sealed floating head;
c) with an internally sealed floating tubesheet [3].
Fig. 1. U-tube heat exchanger [3] Fig. 2. Fixed tube sheet heat exchanger [3]
Tab. 1 shows a comparison of the information and characteristics among the types of
heat exchangers which are shown in European standards. Tab. 1 also groups the equation
on how to calculate the tubesheet thickness and which pressure we have to use in each heat
This article shows one of this type – U-tube heat exchanger and different uses of the
configurations of tubesheets. According the norm PN-EN 13445-3, the tubesheet may have
one of the six configurations (design solutions) shown in Fig 4.
Configuration d covers the cases where the tubesheet is: extended as (𝑑1 as flange or not
𝑑2 )
In the floating tubesheet heat exchangers the floating tubesheet may have one of the 3
configurations shown in Fig 5.
tubesheet integral (Fig. 5a),
tubesheet gasketed, extended as a flange (Fig. 5b),
tubesheet gasketed, not extended as a flange (Fig 5c).
presents the type of material and properties which were selected in calculations. The
assumed values of tubesheet were shown in Tab. 3 [7, 3].
Table 2
Properties of used material
Rm Rp Rpt f f20 ftest E
Tubesheet - material
[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
P280GH (1.0426) 460 280 225 150 186.67 266.67 198610
Table 3
Input date of tubesheet
Input date Value Units Description
en 100 mm Nominal thickness of tubesheet (assume)
ct 3 mm Tubesheet corrosion allowance on the tube -side
cs 3 mm Tubesheet corrosion allowance on the shell - side
p 34 mm Tube pitch
dt 25 mm Nominal outside diameter of tubes
lt,x 80 mm Expanded length of tube in tubesheet
ea 94 mm Analysis thickness
et 2.3 mm Nominal tube wall thickness
Et 1.9861 ∙ 105 MPa Elastic modulus of tube material at design temperature
E 198610 MPa Elastic modulus of tubesheet material at design temperature
ft 111.33 MPa Nominal design stress of tube material at design temperature
Nominal design stress of tubesheet material at design
f 150 MPa
S 178000 mm2 Total unperforated area of tubesheet
D0 1163.4 mm Equivalent diameter of outer tube limit circle
GS 1255 mm Diameter of shell gasket load reaction
Gc 1255 mm Diameter of channel gasket load reaction
WS 181026 kN Shell flange design bolt load for the assembly condition
Wc 1097.94 kN Channel flange design bolt load for the assembly condition
The results of calculations on the thickness of the tubesheet are shown in Tab. 4. At this
state of calculations, there are no differences in the method of calculation. Despite the
following example of the various assumed operating pressures of the tubesheet, the
calculation is carried out in the same way [3].
Table 4
The method of calculations concerning size of tubesheet
Equation Units Description
ea en ct cs Analyses thickness tubesheet
94 mm
p* d * The basic ligament efficiency for
0.2647 –
p* shear
lt , x The tube expansion depth ratio (0
0.8511 –
e ≤ 𝜌 ≤ 1)
E f
d t 2 et t t ;
d max
E f 22.09 mm The effective tube hole diameter
d 2 e t
min S ; 4 D0 p 36.85 mm The effective tube pitch
1 4
After this stage, for future calculations, pressures operating at the side shell and tube
should be selected. In this example, calculations of three types of pressures were carried out.
Values of the operating pressure were assumed.
In first load case, the analysed negative pressure operated on the shell – side. In the second
load case, the analysed negative pressure operated on the tube – side. In the third case, the
negative pressure operating on the shell or the tube side was not taken into consideration.
Table 5
Load cases used in design
ID Load Case 1 LC2 LC3 Units Description
Ps -0.1 1 1 MPa Shell – Side Pressure
Pt 0.6 -1 0.6 MPa Tube – Side Pressure
Below, Tab. 6 shows the procedure and the results of calculations carried out of the
different load cases described in Tab. 5.
Table 6
Calculation the moment acting at different part of tubesheet [3]
Equation LC 1 LC 2 LC 3 Units Description
The moment due
to pressures
M TS [(s 1) (2s 1) Ps Ps and
16 -10087.73 28822.08 5764.42 Nmm
Pt acting on the
(c 1) (c 1) Pc ]
tubesheet rim
The moment
Wmax Gc Gs acting on the
M * M TS -10087.73 28822.08 5764.42 Nmm
2 D0 unperforated
tubesheet rim
2 the moment
F Ps Pt
M* acting at
32 -3894.83 11128.08 2225.62 Nmm
MP periphery of
1 F tubesheet
2 The moment
3 * Ps Pt
M0 MP -52905.35 151160 30231.63 Nmm acting at centre
64 of tubesheet
The maximum
M max M P ; M 0 52905.35 151160 30231.63 Nmm moment acting
of tubesheet
6 M The calculated
* ea hg '
2 97.86 279.59 55.92 MPa stress in a
1 D0 The calculated
Ps Pt -8.18 23.28 4.6756 MPa shear stress in a
4 e component
Depending on the applied pressure, different torques were obtained. In any case, the
strength conditions of the maximum radial bending stress in the tubesheet and the maximum
shear stress in the tubesheet have been fulfilled. The designed tubesheet fulfilled strength
conditions for pressures assumed in Tab. 5. The material and size of the tubesheet were well
Table 7
Properties of used material
Tubesheet – Rm Rp Rpt E
material [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
410 235 210 205000
Tab. 8 contains basic information about the value assumed during the design of
tubesheet. The input dates of tubesheet were selected from the Polish standards for this
project [1, 5].
Table 8
The dimensions and the results of the calculated thickness of the tubesheets
depending on the area
WUDT-UC PN-EN 13445-3 Units Description
dz = 25 dt = 25 mm The nominal outer diameter of the pipe
t = 32 p = 32 mm The tube pitch
g = 12 – mm Initial thickness
l0 = 12 lt,x = 12 mm The expanded length of tube in tubesheet
The large centre- to- centre distance between adjust
– UL = 32 mm
tube rows
f = 533.126 S = 533.126 mm2 The total unperforated area of tubesheet
Tab. 9 and 10 show the results of calculating assembly and operating the bolts loads,
necessary for the appropriate operation of the flange connection.
Table 9
The results of calculations for the assembly in the event of a tubesheet used in connection flange
WUDT-UC Units Description
D1 = 1400 d1 = 1400 mm The nominal diameter of the tubesheet
The inside diameter of the contact face between
Dw = 1426 B = 1426 mm
loose and stub flanges in a lap joint
Du = 1481 G = 1504.3 mm The diameter of gasket load reaction
– b0 = 26 mm The basic gasket or joint seating width
The contact width of gasket or joint seating
U = 54.5 w = 52 mm
Ucz= 25.61 b = 12.85 mm The effective gasket or joint seating width
The minimum required gasket or joint seating
σm = 18.3 y = 26.20 MPa
The minimum required bolt load for assembly
Nm1 = 2502000 WA = 104694 N
C = 1.4 – – The correction coefficient use in WUDT-UC
The minimum required bolt load for assembly
Nm2 = 5618000 – N
condition – used correction coefficient
Table 10
The results of calculations for operating in the event of a tubesheet used in connection flange –
Tab. 11 shows the final results for the calculation of the bottom sieve according to
WUDT-UC and European standards.
Table 11
Comparison of the results of calculated thickness of the tubesheet
4. Conclusion
The European standard PN-EN 13445-3 has procedures for the calculation of tubesheet
for more structural solutions than Polish guidelines WUDT-UC. The calculations are
dependent on the heat exchanger and the type of tubesheets.
In the case of guidelines WUDT-UC, the amount of these solutions is very limited and
reduced to a few cases. However, this greatly facilitates carrying out the calculations. All
the values in the design are known.
Large difference were noted when comparing the two methods of calculating
algorithms. For calculation algorithm strength WUDT-UC as the minimum thickness of the
tube sheet assumes a value equal to 12 mm, regardless of the material from which the tube
sheet and the diameter of the heat exchanger and the load applied pressure.
In the European standard PN-EN 13445-3, there is no requirement specifying the
minimum size of the tubesheet. The calculation is carried out for the assumed thickness of
the tubesheet. It is important only for the thickness to fulfil strength requirements. If these
conditions are not fulfilled, the calculations must be repeated by increasing the thickness of
the tubesheet.
When comparing the results of calculation for tubesheet extended as a flange, conducted
for both of these documents, large differences are noted. The same situation occurs in the
event of comparing the dimensions of sealing solutions for the flange connection. They
relate to the average diameter of the seal 𝐷𝑢 and the inside diameter of the contact face
between loose and stub flanges in a lap joint G.
According to the algorithm calculations WUDT-UC thickness of the tubesheet meets
the conditions adopted in the project in the precinct flange connection and it is 26 mm.
However, according to European standard PN-EN 13445-3, this value is higher, at 32 mm.
In the precinct bundle of tubes, higher values in the calculation were obtained for the
guidance WUDT-UC equal 20 mm. In the case of the European standard, this value was
12 mm. For the region outside the bundle of tubes, a similar situation was noted. For the
European standard PN-EN 13445-3 there was a higher value – 32 mm than for the
guidelines WUDT-UC – 12 mm.
Finally, the thickness of tubesheet for European standard PN-EN 13345-3 was equal to
34 mm. The calculations that were carried out for guidelines WUDT-UC amounted to
32 mm.
It was found that the calculations performed according to the European standards PN-
EN 13445-3 are more accurate and increase the strength of the structure. Due to the greater
thickness of the tubesheet heat exchanger, it meets the requirements of safety and allows
safe operation of the device.
In the analysed examples, an analogy on the section of the tubesheet into different areas
was noted. Equation determination of tubesheet thickness have been summarised in below
Tab. 12.
Table 12
Comparison of formulas used to determine the thickness of the tube sheet in each of its region
Region Precinct
Outside the
Precinct flange connection bundle of
bundle of tubes
Standards tubes
WUDT-UC Dz = Dw + 2·gs:
- assembly conditions:
D0 Dw 2 g s
km 2 N m
Dzk 2 d 0 h 2 g 0 0.45
- operating conditions: k m
D0 Dw 2 g s
kr 2 N r
Dzk 2 d 0 h 2
PN-EN - assembly conditions: Assumed in the Assumed in
13445-3 12 M project, checked the project,
e fl ,a A under the checked
Dex 1 1 ex strength under the
A conditions and strength
corrected when conditions
- operating conditions: are not and
12 M op complied. corrected
e fl ,op
f when are
Dex 1 1 ex not
A complied.