Premium Light Pro Outdoor LED Guidelines

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LED Street Lighting

Procurement & Design

Table of contents

1. Introduction 5 4. Procurement of lighting systems 29

4.1 Introduction 29
2. Quality, safety and efficiency aspects for street 4.2 General specifications 31
lighting 7 4.2.1 Specification of the lighting system 31
2.1 Introduction 7 4.2.2 Lighting control features and
2.1.1 Quality criteria 7 communication systems 31
2.1.2 Safety criteria 11 4.2.3 Energy consumption metering 32
2.1.3 Efficiency criteria 12 4.3 Selection criteria 32
2.1.4 Lifetime 12 4.3.1 Know-how and experience of the
2.2 European Standard EN 13201 13 design team and the installation team 32
2.2.1 Selection of lighting classes 13 4.3.2 Capacity of the tenderer 33
2.2.2 Performance requirements, measure- 4.3.3 Compliance with the relevant
ment and calculation methods 13 international and national standards 33
2.2.3 Energy performance indicators 14 4.4 Technical requirements
2.2.4 Example – roads in urban areas 16 (mandatory and award criteria) 33
2.2.5 Example – roads in rural areas 17 4.4.1 Energy related criteria 33
4.4.2 Quality and design criteria 34
3. Lighting components and lighting design 19 4.4.3 Mark of conformity 36
3.1 Lighting system components 19 4.4.4 Life Cycle Costs/TCO 37
3.1.1 Optical Systems 19 4.4.5 Contractual issues 38
3.1.2 Support Systems 23 4.4.6 Reduction of waste and recovery
3.1.3 Electrical Systems 24 of materials 39
3.2 Street lighting control systems 24 4.5 PremiumLight-Pro award criteria –
3.2.1 Autonomous control 24 weighting and score 39
3.2.2 Centralized control 24 4.5.1 Introduction 39
3.2.3 Dynamic control 25 Literature 40
3.3 Street lighting control strategies 26
3.3.1 Astronomical timer 26
3.3.2 Daylight harvesting 26
3.3.3 Traffic detection 27
3.3.4 Dimming 27
3.3.5 Considerations 28

The sole responsibility for the content of this Document lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European
Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission is responsible for any use of the information contained therein.

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 3

1. Introduction

Modern LED lighting solutions are advancing rapidly The recommendations for using these guidelines
and can deliver significant energy saving potentials. In- strongly depend on the specific background and pur-
creasing efficacy, optimized luminaire design and flex- pose of the reader. Experts already familiar with the
ible lighting control enable enhanced performance at basics for LED street lighting for example may directly
lower cost for different lighting and traffic conditions. check the specific PremiumLight-Pro recommenda-
While implementation of LED in the outdoor lighting tions for procurement criteria in chapter 4. Experts less
market is proceeding, broad market penetration has familiar with the basics may first of all browse through
not yet been achieved. Furthermore, there is still large chapters 2 and 3, which cover the basic information
potential for improving local and national policies sup- relevant for understanding the procurement criteria,
porting the implementation of LED lighting systems. including the important quality and efficiency aspects
for street lighting and the standard EN 13201. Chapter
The initiative PremiumLight-Pro supports the develop- 5 finally showcases some of the selected best practice
ment of such policies by: examples for LED street lighting.
• the development of green procurement and design
guidelines for both private and public service sec-
tor LED installations, including both outdoor and
indoor lighting;
• providing education, training, and information ser-
vices for planners, architects, installers, and consult-
• disseminating best practice case studies imple-
mented on the basis of such policies.

The guidelines provided with this document focus on

green procurement and design for street lighting sys-
tems and are primarily intended for procurement pro-
fessionals and decision makers at federal, local and
municipal levels who are in charge of commissioning
new or renovated street lighting installations. Further-
more the guidelines may be useful for street lighting
designers and planners and contracting companies, as
well as energy specialists and consultants.

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 5

2. Quality, safety and
efficiency aspects
for street lighting

2.1 Introduction illuminance criteria are specified for the different road
classes except for motorways (see section 2.2.1). Typical
Efficient high quality street lighting solutions based on minimum illuminance requirements for roads in areas
LED technology need to be based on sound quality, with complex traffic situations (for example, areas with
efficiency and safety criteria. The following chapters viewing distances of less than 60 m, or when road users
provide an overview of the most essential criteria and also include cyclists or pedestrians) range from 7.5 to
explain specific aspects of LED technology. 50 lx (see section 3.1.1 for details). Recommendations
for standard illuminance and luminance requirements
are specified in EN 13201 (see chapter 2.2 below).
2.1.1 Quality criteria
Finally, the luminance (measured in cd/m²) represents
Quality criteria describe essential aspects such as lumi- the brightness of lit surfaces or objects as perceived by
nance, light colour, colour rendering, light distribution, the human eye. Minimum luminance requirements for
flicker, glare and others. medium to high speed traffic routes range from 0.3 to 2
cd/m². [EN 13201-2] Thus, the luminance normally falls Luminance within the so-called “mesopic range” of human vision
Several metrics are used to quantify the amount of light (which ranges from 0.001 to 3 cd/m²) which combines
provided by a lighting system and perceived by the hu- both colour (photopic) vision and low-light (scotopic)
man eye. vision. In this range, human reaction time to new stimuli
is determined by both contrasts in brightness and con-
The luminous flux (measured in lumens, or lm) is the trasts in colour. Thus, both the luminance of the illumi-
total amount of radiation emitted by a given light nated area and the colour rendering of the light source
source that is visible for the human eye. As the sensi- (see, below) are important for human perception
tivity of the human eye varies for different wavelengths and consequently for traffic safety. Minimum luminance
(e. g. higher sensitivity for green light compared to red requirements are specified for road classes covering
or blue light), the luminous flux is adjusted accordingly. medium- to high speed motorways (see section 2.2.1).

The luminous intensity (measured in candela, or cd,

with 1 cd = 1 lm/square radian) represents the spatial
distribution of light measured as the luminous flux
within a given solid angle from the light source. For
street lighting, the spatial distribution must ensure that
the road, street furniture and road users are adequately
Luminous Luminous Illuminance Luminance
illuminated, while any upward lighting is often undesir- Flux Intensity
able (see light pollution, below).
Figure 1 Different definitions of light quantity
The illuminance (measured in lux, or lx, with 1 lux =
1 lm/m²) represents the total amount of light reach-
ing a particular illuminated surface area. Minimum

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 7 Glare luminance. Street lighting systems should be designed
Glare is an unpleasant visual effect caused by unfa- in a way to avoid significant differences in luminance
vourable distribution of luminosity or high contrasts, levels at the light source and on lit areas. Furthermore,
forcing the eye to adjust rapidly [see also EN 12665-1]. continuous variation of lighting levels can cause eye-
Two types of glare effects are typically distinguished: strain and should be avoided, in particular on long
Disability glare, which is caused by the scattering of roads. Higher luminance levels facilitate the adaptation
light in the eye which reduces contrast sensitivity, and of the eye to headlights of other vehicles. For further
discomfort glare, which triggers a subjective sensation discussion about the design of street lighting systems,
of discomfort. see Chapter 3.

While susceptibility to disability glare may vary for dif- Different classifications have been introduced for dis-
ferent individuals (in particular, the effects will increase comfort and disability glare to classify different shield
with age), it can be calculated objectively. In a particu- levels. Shield classes for disability glare range from
lar illuminated environment, the human eye will be able level G1 to G6 and are further specified in EN 13201-2
to detect differences in luminance down to a certain (see table 1). Shield classes for discomfort glare are
threshold. This threshold can be compared for a situa- specified as D1 to D6 (see table).
tion in the same environment when a source of glare is
added. By comparing these thresholds, the threshold Table 1 Glare classes for disability glare [EN13201-2 and VEJ]
increment can be derived. Shield Maximum luminous
Total shielding
class intensity in cd/klm
difference at 70 ° at 80 ° at 90 °
visible G1 200 50 No requirements
visible with G2 150 30 No requirements
G3 100 20 No requirements
visible invisible
without G4 500 100 10 above 95 ° to be zero
glare G5 350 100 10 above 95 ° to be zero
Luminosity Luminosity Background
without glare with glare luminosity G6 350 100 0 above 90 ° to be zero

Figure 2 Visibility with and without glare

Table 2 Classification for discomfort glare [VEJ]
Discomfort glare, on the other hand, is a subjective Glare value classes
phenomenon and there is no consensus for how it
D0 not specified
should be rated – although the 9-point DeBoer scale
D1 7000
(ranging from “1” for “unbearable” to “9” for “unno-
ticeable”) is the most widely used in the field of auto- D2 5500
motive and public lighting. D3 4000
D4 2000
Since disability glare reduces the ability to perceive D5 1000
small contrasts, it can impair important visual tasks in D6 500
traffic such as detecting critical objects, controlling
headlights, and evaluating critical encounters, making
glare a potential danger for road users. Glare triggered
by LED road lights is influenced by the following factors: Light colour – colour temperature and
• The ratio between the illuminance from the glare chromaticity
source at the observer’s eye and the background Light sources often emit a large range of different
luminance. wavelengths while usually being perceived as having
• The angle between the glare source and the obser­ a single colour. This apparent colour is referred to as
ver’s line of sight. the so called “colour temperature” of the light source.
The colour temperature corresponds to a reference
LED light sources can provide very high luminance lev- colour of an ideal “black body radiator” being heated
els which may cause glare. For this reason, LED lamps to a specific temperature (measured in Kelvin). The sun,
are commonly equipped with diffusors to reduce this for instance, has a colour temperature of 5780 K when

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 8

observed at noon and closely approximates a black colour coordinates may also be used to describe var-
body radiator. iation of the light colour over time. Differences of the
light colour in a batch of lamps or over a certain period
1800 K 4000 K 5500 K 8000 K of time are indicated by so called MacAdam ellipses.
The colour consistency of a specific lamp or luminaire
type can be indicated by the size of the MacAdam el-
lipse. Requirements concerning colour consistency for
Figure 3 Colour Temperature a batch of lamps and over time also may be specified
for procurement. Minimum requirements for products
The light colour used for street lighting typically var- sold on the EU market are currently specified in the
ies between yellowish, neutral and bluish white corre- relevant EU legislation. The current minimum require-
sponding to colour temperatures between 2500 and ment according to the eco-design legislation is a five-
5000 Kelvin. Different European regions have shown step MacAdam ellipse.
different preferences concerning light colours both for
indoor and outdoor lighting. For example “cold white Colour rendering
light” (bluish) is more popular in southern countries Light sources of the same colour temperature may per-
while in mid and northern European countries there form quite differently in terms of representing the col-
is some preference for warm white light. Thus in mid ours of lit areas and objects. Thus the specific colour
and northern European countries light with high colour rendering does not depend on the colour temperature
temperature may be less well accepted by residents. of a light source but on the spectral wavelengths emit-
ted by the source. Light sources providing a full spec-
LED lighting, in contrast to various old lighting tech- trum of wavelengths can represent all colour variations
nologies, offers the opportunity to adjust or select of lit objects in a very natural way. Light sources emit-
colour temperatures flexibly for various applications. ting only selected colours only support the representa-
However, it should be considered that the colour tem- tion of these specific colours.
perature of the light source has an effect on the energy
efficiency of the lighting system and may cause phys- An important practical example of this is facial recogni-
iological effects for human beings and animals. Cold tion by pedestrians – which also requires the ability to
white light with a high colour temperature supports a perceive colour contrast. Studies have shown that peo-
higher energy efficiency level of the lighting system. ple need to be able to recognize faces at a distance
A high level of blue light in cold white light sources of 4 m to feel secure (see the P, HS, and SC lighting
on the other hand may also cause health and safety classes in section 2.2.2 that include facial recognition
issues which have to be considered ( Research aspects). [LRT]
has shown that white light supports the perception of
the human eye more effectively than yellowish light, The colour rendering capability of light sources is quan-
and therefore appears brighter.. Consequently white tified under lab conditions by means of eight specified
light (e. g. 4000 K) may typically be preferred for com- standard colours. Colour rendering is represented by
plex road situations with different types of road users the colour rendering index (CRI, maximum index value
involved (e. g. cars, cyclists, pedestrians). In contrast, is 100). Lighting systems with colour rendering of 80 or
lower, warmer colour temperatures may be preferred better are suitable for good facial recognition. [LRT]
for domestic areas. Concerning LED lighting, the specific rendering for red
light is also relevant. This so-called R9 value is typically
Overall the selection of the colour temperature is an not included in the classical CRI but the extended in-
important aspect of street lighting design. LED lighting dex covering 14 standard colours. For LED lighting the
is able to provide the whole spectrum of colour tem- standard CRI and the R9-value should be considered
peratures and thus offers the basis for careful selection in combination. Table 3 shows typical colour rendering
of the appropriate light colour for different needs and levels for different technologies used in street lighting.
applications. LED-luminaires typically provide a colour rendering in-
dex value better of 80 or higher. For streets with a sim-
Besides colour temperature, the so called chromatic- ple pattern of utilisation a colour rendering of Ra 70 is
ity – the concrete coordinates of a light colour in the often sufficient. For more complex usage and lighting
spectrum of colours – may be used to specify the uni- situations Ra above 80 may be desirable.
formity of the colour of a specific lamp type. These

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 9

Overall both the light colour (colour temperature) and One way of reducing light pollution is to use luminaires
the colour rendering of a light source are relevant for which direct the light only on the areas to be illumi-
the visibility and perception of objects in the environ- nated. Directional light sources incorporating LEDs are
ment. especially suited for achieving optimised light distribu-
tion. Light emissions above the light source are gener-
Table 3 Colour rendering index for street lighting systems [BG] ally not desired.

Lamp type CRI

The light emitted upwards from the luminaire is quan-
High pressure mercury 40 – 60 tified by the upward light output ratio (abbreviated as
Metal halide 70 – 95 ULOR or RULO):
Low pressure sodium monochromatic
High pressure sodium 20 upward lumen output of luminaire
LED 80+ total lamp lumen output Colour maintenance Depending on their vertical light distribution, lumi-

Colour maintenance is an issue of particular concern naires are divided into four basic types [IIEC]:
for LED lighting, as aging LED modules may change • Full cut-off luminaires: a maximum of 10 % of the
their colour temperature and colour coordinates. Prob- total lumens of the lamp are emitted at an angle of
lems with colour maintenance can be caused by deg- 80 ° above the nadir, and 0 % at angle of 90 ° above
radation of the material used for the encapsulation or the nadir.
lenses of LEDs, contamination, or other types of system • Cut-off luminaires: a maximum of 10 % of the total
degradation. Causes currently under investigation may lumens of the lamp are emitted at an angle of 80 °
be high operating temperatures, higher operating cur- above the nadir, and 2.5 % at angle of 90 ° above the
rents, and discoloration of optical materials due to blue nadir.
or ultraviolet radiation. • Semi-cut-off luminaires: a maximum of 20 % of the
total lumen of the lamp can be perceived at an an-
So far, only a few LED package manufacturers offer war- gle of 80 ° above the nadir, and 5 % at angle of 90 °
ranties for colour maintenance, and no standard proce- above the nadir.
dures for predicting colour maintenance are available. • Non-cut-off luminaires: emit light into all directions.
This traditional definition of cut-off is extended to six
Colour deviation over time can be specified and as- different luminous intensity classes in EN 13201-2,
sessed by the colour coordinates and MacAdam el- which also includes maximum values for an angle of
lipses. 70 ° and above. See section 2.2.2 for further details on
EN 13201-2. Light pollution
Artificial lighting can have detrimental effects on hu-
mans and animals and this includes the undesired out- 70 °
door spread of light, or light pollution. For humans, the
80 °
effects range from excessive illumination of the night
sky in and near cities to disruptions of the sleep cycle by 90 °
badly positioned outdoor lighting in residential areas.
Animals on the other hand use natural light sources as
a navigational aid and thus may become confused or
scared away by artificial illumination. Many animals per-
ceive different ranges of wavelengths than humans.

Studies have shown that LED road light sources attract Figure 4 Definition of cut off criteria
fewer insects than other technologies, with “warm
white” LEDs (colour temperature of 3000 K) resulting
in significantly lower numbers than with “cold white”
LEDs (colour temperature of 6000 K). [SdN]

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 10

Table 4 Ingress Protection (IP) rating

Code First digit Second digit
0 No Protection No Protection
1 Protected against solid bodies greater than 50 mm Protected against dripping water/condensation
2 Protected against solid bodies greater than 12 mm Protected against rain water up to 15 ° from the vertical
3 Protected against solid bodies greater than 2.5 mm Protected against rain water up to 60 ° from the vertical
4 Protected against solid bodies greater than 1 mm Protected against water splashing in all directions
5 Protected against dust (no harmful deposits) Protected against water jets from all directions
6 Fully protected against dust Protected against wave-like water jets from all directions
7 Protected against immersion
Protected against the effects of prolonged
immersion under water
[IIEC, 2015]

Further options for reducing light pollution include: purpose requirements on ingress protection, impact
• Reducing illuminance: This measure has to be protection and voltage protection are typically speci-
weighed against safety requirements for human fied.
road users. Smart lighting control can adjust illumi-
nance to appropriate levels for specific times and Ingress Protection
situations (see Section 3.5) [JAE]. However, switch- The resistance of luminaires against foreign matter is
ing off or reducing lighting later at night (for exam- indicated by the so-called Ingress Protection (IP) code,
ple, between midnight and 5:30 am) is unlikely to a two-digit number defined by the IEC 60529 standard.
provide much benefit for the local wildlife as for ex- The first digit represents the resistance against solid
ample bats and other nocturnal species are active matter, while the second rates its resistance against liq-
in the early hours of the night when street lighting uids (see table 4).
systems are still operating at maximum level [BAT].
• Changing the spectrum: The sensitivity of animals For street lighting, IP65 luminaires should be used to
and birds to different light colours varies from spe- ensure sufficient resistance to dust, particulates and in-
cies to species. Overall lighting technologies which clement weather. [IEA]
emit a narrow “warm-white” spectrum of light – such
as low-pressure sodium (LPS) lamps – appear to Mechanical Impact
have lower ecological impact than other technolo- The resistance of luminaires to mechanical impacts is
gies. With LED technology colour temperature can indicated by their Mechanical Impact (IK) code, a num-
be varied according to needs. However quality and ber defined by the IEC 62262 standard:
safety requirements have to be met.
Table 5 Mechanical Impact (IK) rating
LED lighting technology can be used to create a more IK rating Impact strength in Joules
uniform level of illumination. High-intensity discharge
00 –
(HID) lamps such as HPS (high pressure sodium) or MH
(metal halide) lamps have higher peak levels of illumi- 01 0.15
nation directly below the luminaires but “dark refuges” 02 0.2
between the luminaires. 03 0.35
04 0.5
05 0.7
2.1.2 Safety criteria 06 1
07 2
Luminaires for street lighting must be protected
08 5
against foreign matter (both solid and liquid), mechan-
09 10
ical impacts as well as voltage fluctuations in order to
guarantee their continuous proper operation. For this 10 20

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 11

of illumination in a street lighting system, illumination
As outdoor luminaires may be hit by loose tree levels may change through the night and the year de-
branches or other debris in strong winds or even may pending on lighting control systems implemented. To-
be subject to outright vandalism, a minimum of IK08 is tal energy efficiency and energy consumption over a
recommended. year therefore is better expressed by the annual energy
consumption indicator (AECI). Section 2.2.3 explains Voltage protection PDI and AECI in more detail.
Transient over-voltages (increases in voltage above the
standard design voltage that last from microseconds to
a few milliseconds) may cause damage to LED modules 2.1.4 Lifetime
and control gear. Their resistance to such fluctuations is
measured by the overvoltage protection rating. In order to quantify the lifetime of LED modules, the
IEC 62722-2-1 standard defines the following metrics:
While EN 61547 regulates minimum criteria for over-
voltage protection for LED lighting, it specifies a mere The average rated life Lx specifies the time it takes
0.5 kV phase to neutral wire/earth – insufficient for more until the average LED module provides less than x
serious situations such as lightning strikes. Many street per cent of its initial lumen output. For instance, L80
lighting projects mandate overvoltage protection up to 50,000 h means that the lumen output of the module
10 kV for this reason. [ZVEI2] decreases by 20 % after 50,000 hours of operation.

The rated life LxBy indicates the percentage y of the

2.1.3 Efficiency criteria LED modules will have the lumen output x after the pe-
riod specified. Thus, L80B10, 50,000 h should be read
Compared to most other technologies, LEDs reach as:
very high energy efficiency levels (lumen per Watt of • After 50,000 hours of operation 10 % of the LEDs will
power). have equal or less than 80 % of the original luminous
Table 6 Typical energy efficacy values for street lamp types
[BG] The time to abrupt failure Cz describes the time af-
Lamp type Energy efficacy [lm/W] ter which z per cent of the LEDs have failed. Thus, C10
50,000 t = 35 °C should be read as:
High pressure mercury 60
• After a time of 50,000 hours and an ambient temper-
Metal halide 120
ature of 35 °C 10 % of the installed LED luminaires
High pressure sodium 150 with the same LED modules have experienced total
LED 150 failure.

The total efficiency of LED lighting systems not only Due to the long lifetime of LEDs and their comparably
depends on the LED module efficacy, but also on the short development cycles, the rated lifetimes and fail-
luminaire, the light control system and the overall light- ure values are statistical extrapolations and should be
ing system design. For this reason, it is important to considered as such. Furthermore, the actual lifetime of
distinguish efficacy at LED module level, luminaire level a luminaire may depend on several factors. Total failure
and total system level. and the degradation of the luminous flux of a luminaire
further depend on its electrical and thermal operating
The efficiency of the system as a whole among others data, ambient temperature and other parameters. The
is influenced by the spatial light distribution (luminous planner must obtain all relevant data from the manu-
intensity) and the geometrical arrangement of the road facturers in order to select a luminaire suitable for the
and the lighting system (see sections 3.2 and 3.3 for intended application and create suitable maintenance
more detailed aspects). To assess the energy efficiency plans based on this information [ZVEI, 2015]. LEDs gen-
at road system level the power density indicator (PDI) erally have a lifetime of 100,000 hours or above. The
was developed as a suitable metric. lifetime of the luminaire control gear also needs to be
taken into account which is usually expressed as a per-
While the power density indicator provides useful infor- centage chance of failing within a particular time pe-
mation about the energy efficiency for a particular state riod, such as “a failure rate of 0.2 % per 1,000 hours”.

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 12

2.2 European Standard EN 13201 • Ambient luminosity
• Facial recognition (for lighting class P)
The primary goal of street lighting is to ensure safety • Navigational task
on roads during dark periods. Good street lighting sys-
tems make it possible for road users to identify people, Certain parameters (in particular traffic volume, traf-
obstacles, and sources of danger nearby or directly on fic composition and ambient luminosity) may change
the road. This allows traffic participants to act accord- from season to season, or during different hours of the
ingly, and help enable reduced severe accidents in the night. Thus road sections may be shifted to a different
dark. road class.

The quality criteria for street lighting are defined in the [PD CEN/TR 13201-1:2014; EN 13201-2:2003;
European standard EN 13201 “Street lighting” which EN 13201-2:2015]
covers the following topics:

• PD CEN/TR 13201-1:2014: Guidelines on selection 2.2.2 Performance requirements, measure-

of lighting classes ment and calculation methods
• EN 13201-2:2015: Performance requirements
• EN 13201-3:2015: Calculation of performance Part 2 of EN 13201 provides specifications for the differ-
• EN 13201-4:2015: Methods of measuring lighting ent lighting classes which are defined by a set of pho-
performance tometric requirements depending on the needs and
• EN 13201-5:2015: Energy performance indicators requirements of the specific road users and road types.

The lighting classes simplify the development and ap-

2.2.1 Selection of lighting classes plication of street lighting products and their mainte-
nance in the member states. In order to broadly har-
PD CEN/TR 13201-1:2014 defines a parameter system monize the requirements, the lighting classes were
for a detailed description of all typical lighting situa- defined on the basis of the national standards of the
tions in road traffic. Using the European standard the member states and the CIE 115:2010 standards.
lighting requirements can be determined according
to the specific conditions of the roads. Various lighting Part 2 introduces a number of additional metrics which
parameters, such as the geometry of the traffic area, are used to define minimum or maximum criteria for
type of traffic use and environmental influences are each subclass.
used to identify lighting classes for which qualitative
and quantitative lighting requirements are described. M class roads are routes for motorized traffic with me-
dium to high driving speed. To fulfil the criteria of the
PD CEN/TR 13201-1:2014 uses a selection procedure standard, care must be taken to maintain a minimum
for determining lighting classes M1 to M6, C0 to C5, average road surface luminance, a minimum uniform-
and P1 to P6. It does not give guidelines for the selec- ity of the luminance of the road surface (with separate
tion of lighting classes HS, SC and EV, which are availa- minimum values given for dry and wet conditions), a
ble at national level for each country. minimum uniformity of luminance along the centres
of the driving lanes, a maximum level of glare, as well
The selection criteria for each subclass (as designated as ensure that the illuminance outside the carriageway
by their digit) are based on the geometry of the road, does not fall off too quickly.
its traffic usage, and its environment. The effective cri-
teria (based on PD CEN/TR 13201-1:2014) include: C class roads represent conflict areas where motor-
• Design speed or speed limit ized vehicles have to expect other road users (such as
• Travel speed (for lighting class P) pedestrians or cyclists) or otherwise have to navigate
• Traffic volume complicated traffic situations, such as complex road in-
• Traffic composition tersections, roundabouts, queuing areas, and so forth.
• Separation of carriageway While lighting systems for C class roads still need to
• Junction density meet a minimum uniformity of the luminance of the
• Parked vehicles road surface, most other criteria for M class roads are

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 13

not applicable or impracticable (for instance, many the reduction of glare where the normal metric (thresh-
conflict areas do not have a clear strip of land next to old increment) cannot be calculated. Classes G*1, G*2,
the carriageway suitable for calculating how quickly the and G*3 correspond to the traditional “semi cut-off”
illuminance falls off beyond the carriageway). and “cut-off” concepts, while G*4, G*5, and G*6 corre-
spond to full cut-off. See section for the defini-
Instead, they are required to maintain an average tion of these terms.
horizontal illuminance on the road area. While C class
roads – unlike M class roads – do not have mandatory EN 13201-3 describes the mathematical methods and
criteria for minimizing glare, Annex C of EN 13201-2 procedures which should be used to calculate the light-
provides informative criteria for this class. ing performance characteristics defined in EN 13201-2.

P and HS class roads are intended for pedestrians EN 13201-4 describes the methods that should be used
and pedal cyclists on footways, cycle-ways, emergency for measuring lighting performance. There are four ba-
lanes, and other road areas lying separately or along sic types of situations when measurements should take
the carriageway of a traffic route, as well as residential place:
roads, pedestrian streets, parking places, schoolyards • at the final testing phase measurements should be
and so forth. Criteria for P class roads include a mini- taken in order to verify compliance with standard re-
mum maintained average illuminance on the road area, quirements and/or design specifications.
and a maintained minimum illuminance on the road • at pre-determined intervals during the street light-
area. If facial recognition is important, additional cri- ing lifetime in order to quantify lighting perfor-
teria for vertical plane illuminance (at a point) and min- mance degradation and determine the need for
imum semi-cylindrical illuminance (on a plane above maintenance.
a road area) must be adhered to. As an alternative to • continuously or at pre-determined intervals in or-
the P class, the HS class bases its criteria on the overall der to adjust the luminous flux of the luminaires, if
uniformity of road surface luminance as well as the av- the road uses adaptive street lighting (e. g. the lu-
erage hemispherical luminance. minance or illuminance is controlled in relation to
traffic volume, time, weather, or other environmental
SC class roads are an additional class for pedestrian factors).
areas where facial recognition and feelings of safety are
especially important. They require minimum levels of
maintained semi-cylindrical illuminance. 2.2.3 Energy performance indicators

EV class roads are an additional class for situations like EN 13201-5 describes the two energy performance
interchange areas where vertical surfaces need to be metrics power density indicator (PDI) DP (measured in
perceived clearly. W/(lx ∙ m2)) and the annual energy consumption indica-
tor (AECI) DE (measured in (Wh)/m2) which already have
been introduced in the previous chapter. These indi-
cators should always be used together for the assess-
ment of the energy performance of a particular lighting
Illuminance on road Vertical plane
surface illuminance
The power density indicator defines how to calculate
the energy performance of a particular street lighting
installation and makes it possible to compare different
setups and technologies for the same street lighting
project (as different locations will have a different ge-
Semi cylindrical hemi spherical ometry and environmental conditions, PDI values can
illuminance illuminance
only be used to compare different setups for the same
Figure 5 Illuminance criteria types installation). The following information is needed in
order to calculate the power density indicator for any
Additionally, the informative Annex A of EN 13201-2 given area:
introduces six different luminous intensity classes for

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 14

• The total system power P of the lighting system m
∑j=1 (Pj x tj)
(either the entire installation or a representative sec- DE =
tion), which includes both the operational power of
all the individual lighting points (light sources and
any associated devices gear) as well as of devices with Pj being the total system power associated with
not part of the individual lighting points but neces- the jth period of operation (in W), tj being the duration
sary for their operation (such as centralized control of the jth period of operation profile when the power
systems and switches). Pj is consumed (in h), A being the size of the area lit

• The maintained average horizontal illuminance E by the same lighting arrangement (in m2), and m being
(in [lx]) of each sub-area (as well as the size of each the number of periods with different operational power
sub-area). Peripheral strips used for calculating how values Pj.
quickly the illuminance falls off beyond the carriage-
way are excluded. The illuminance can be derived Total accumulated durations of tj should add up to an
from metrics which have already been established entire year. Time periods when the lighting is not oper-
for selecting the lighting class of the road. ational (such as during the day) should also be included
AFL AR in the calculation, since even during these periods the
system still consumes standby power.

P AFR 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24/0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 6 Example layout for PDI/AECI calculation Figure 7 Sample time-based light output: Full power during
the evening and early morning, half power late at night

The full equation for calculating PDI is:

DP = n – 80
∑i=1 (Ei x Ai)

with Ei being the maintained average horizontal illumi- 20
nance of the sub-area, Ai being the size of the sub-area 0
“i” lit by the lighting installation (in m²), and n being 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24/0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

the number of sub-areas to be lit. For street lighting Figure 8 Time-based light output with vehicle or presence
classes which do not use the maintained average hori- detectors – full power when presence is detected

zontal illuminance (that is, street lighting classes other

than M), section 4.2 of EN 13201-5 provides conversion Annex A of EN 13201-5 provides sample PDI/AECI val-
guidelines. ues for a large range of lighting classes, carriageway
widths, and lamp types (based on lighting products
Since the lighting class usually changes throughout dif- available in 2014). A few sample values are shown be-
ferent seasons and throughout the night, the PDI should low (all for carriageway widths of 7 m).
be calculated separately for each relevant class. In or-
der to compare the energy consumption differences Annex C of EN 13201-5 provides a simplified method
between two different setups not just for a particular for comparing lighting systems for M lighting classes
street lighting class, but throughout an entire year of based on the average maintained horizontal illumi-

operation, it is necessary to calculate the AECI. For this nance E. Annex D presents a sample scheme for show-
purpose, it is necessary to divide the year into separate casing energy performance indicator information.
operational periods where different values for P are
applied. The full equation for calculating the AECI is:

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 15

Table 7 Sample DP (in [W/(lx∙m2)]) / DE (measured in [(kWh)/m2]) values for a two-lane road for motorized traffic

Lamp type
class High pressure mercury Metal halide High pressure sodium Low pressure sodium LED
M1 45 / 5.0 34 – 41 / 4.0 – 5.3 25 – 32 / 3.0 – 3.8
M2 100 / 10.8 50 / 4.6 31 – 40 / 3.2 – 4.2 24 – 27 / 2.4 – 2.5
M3 84 / 6.0 47 / 3.6 40 / 2.8 – 3.1 34 – 38 / 2.5 – 2.6 23 – 25 / 1.5
M4 90 / 5.0 60 / 3.1 41 – 47 / 2.3 – 2.5 34 – 42 / 1.8 – 2.4 23 / 1.1
M5 86 / 3.2 30 / 0.9 47 / 1.7 38 – 45 / 1.1 – 1.6 24 / 0.8
M6 85 / 1.9 37 / 0.6 45 – 49 / 0.2 – 1.2 20 – 27 / 0.4 – 0.5

2.2.4 Example – roads in urban areas • Separation of carriageway: there is no such separa-
tion, thus the weighting value is 1.
The following section illustrates how the EN 13201 • Parked vehicles: in general there are no parked vehi-
standard may be applied for different lighting situa- cles, so the weighting value is 0.
tions in terms of road classification and requirements. • Ambient luminosity: the environment at rush hour
The first example is an urban downtown location which times is bright and the ambient luminosity is high,
includes a pedestrian crossing as well as a bicycle lane. so the weighting value 1.
The street is very crowded, causing severe traffic con- • Navigational task: due to the pedestrian crossing
gestions during rush hours. the navigational task would be difficult, so the ac-
cording weighting value is 1.

The sum of all weighting factors “VWS” is 4, which

gives the final lighting class C2 (C = 6 – VWS)

According to Table 2 in EN 13201-2, this results in the

following requirements for the morning and evening
rush hours:
• Minimum maintained average horizontal illumi-

nance E: 20 lx
• Minimum overall uniformity of the road surface lu-
minance UO: 0.4
• The informative Annex C of EN 13201-2 also sug-
Figure 9 Downtown location gests a maximum threshold increment fTI of 15 %
(see Section for a discussion of glare and
According to PD CEN/TR 13201-1:2014 this is a conflict threshold increment).
area since there is a pedestrian crossing and thus the
overarching lighting class will be C (lighting classes for
conflict areas). Now Table 3 in the standard (Table 8)
has to be used to determine the exact lighting class.
• Design speed or speed limit: during the rush hours
traffic is relatively slow (≤ 40 km/h) which gives a cor-
responding weighting value of −1
• Traffic volume: since the traffic volume is high the
weighting value is 1.
• Traffic composition: the pedestrian crossing and the
bicycle lane give a mixed traffic composition. This
leads to a weighting value of 1.

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 16

Table 8 Choosing the lighting situation for a downtown location (according to standard EN13201-1:2014)
Parameter Options Description*
Value Vw*
Design speed or Very high v ≥ 100 km/h 3
speed limit High 70 < v < 100 km/h 2
Moderate 40 < v ≤ 70 km/h 0
Low v ≤ 40 km/h −1
Traffic volume High 1
Moderate 0
Low −1
Traffic Mixed with high percent-
composition age of non-motorised
Mixed 1
Motorised only 0
Separation of No 1
carriageway Yes 0
Parked vehicles Present 1
Not present 0
Ambient shopping windows, advertisement, expressions,
High 1
luminosity sport fields, station areas, storage areas
Moderate normal situation 0
Low 2
Navigational tasks Very difficult 2
Difficult 1
Easy 0
* The values stated in the column are an example. Any adaption of the method or more appropriate weighting values
can be used instead, on the national level

2.2.5 Example – roads in rural areas Now, to determine the exact lighting class, Table 1 of
the standard PD CEN/TR 13201-1:2015 (Table 9) has to
Our second example is a route between two villages. be used.
Street lighting is not mandatory for such roads. How- • Design speed or speed limit: the average speed of
ever if street lighting is planned (for example, in order the main road users lies between 70 and 100 km/h
to reduce accidents) the lighting class and minimum so the weighting value is 1.
criteria must be determined as usual. • Traffic volume: In this example we will assume a
moderate traffic volume which leads to a weighting
value of 0.
• Traffic composition: Since there is a separate bicy-
cle/footpath there are only motorised vehicles on
the road and the weighting value is 0.
• Junction density: there are less than 3 intersections
per km, so the junction density is moderate and the
corresponding weighting value is 0.
• Parked vehicles: there are no parked vehicles so the
Figure 10 Rural location weighting value is 0
• Ambient luminosity: the environmental brightness
Since the situation is not classified as a conflict area and thus also the ambient luminosity are low so the
(there is a combined bicycle/footpath next to the road, weighting value will be -1.
so cyclists and pedestrians are not allowed to use the • Navigational task: since there are neither many in-
road) and the average speed of the main road users tersections nor any different road users than motor-
is quite high, this road belongs to the lighting class M ised vehicles, the navigational task is easy and the
(lighting classes for motorised traffic). weighting value is 0.

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 17

The final number of the lighting class is calculated with • Minimum longitudinal uniformity of the road surface
M = 6 – VWS. With an overall weighting value of 1 this luminance UO: 0.4
leads to the lighting class M5. • Minimum overall uniformity of the road surface lumi-
nance UOW: 0.15 (wet conditions)
According to the standards this provides the following • Threshold increment fTI : 15 %
criteria: • Edge illuminance ratio REI: 0.3 (note that this applies
• Minimum maintained average road surface lumi- to the side of the road without the combined bicy-

nance L: 0.5 cd/m² cle/footpath – the separate path will have its own
• Minimum overall uniformity of the road surface lu- lighting class and criteria)
minance UO: 0.4

Table 9 Choosing the lighting class for a rural area (according to standard EN 13201)
Parameter Options Description*
Value Vw*
Design speed or Very high v ≥ 100 km/h 2
speed limit High 70 < v < 100 km/h 1
Moderate 40 < v ≤ 70 km/h −1
Low v ≤ 40 km/h −2
Traffic volume Motorways,
High Two lane routes 1
multilane routes
35 % – 65 % of maximum 15 % – 45 % of maximum
Moderate 0
capacity capacity
< 35 % of maximum < 15 % of maximum
Low −1
capacity capacity
Traffic Mixed with high percent-
composition age of non-motorised
Mixed 1
Motorised only 0
Separation of No 1
carriageway Yes 0
Junction density Interchanges, distance
between bridges, km
High >3 <3 1
≥3 ≤3 0
Parked vehicles Present 1
Not present 0
Ambient shopping windows, advertisement, expressions,
High 1
luminosity sport fields, station areas, storage areas
Moderate normal situation 0
Low −1
Navigational tasks Very difficult 2
Difficult 1
Easy 0
* The values stated in the column are an example. Any adaption of the method or more appropriate weighting values
can be used instead, on the national level

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 18

3. Lighting
components and
lighting design

3.1 Lighting system components • The term “light source” means a surface or object
designed to emit mainly visible optical radiation
Street lighting system components can be divided into produced by a transformation of energy. The ex-
three broad categories: pression “visible” refers to a wavelength range of
• Optical systems, which cover luminaires (includ- 380 – 780 nm.
ing reflectors, refractors and lenses), lamps or light
sources, and the control gear. In this context a “luminaire” can contain one or more
• Support systems consisting of poles and their foun- “lamps”, whereas a “lamp” can be equipped with one
dations. or more “light sources”.
• Electrical systems (including service cabinets) cov-
ering energy supply, control and metering facilities. Lamps
From a physical point of view all lamp technologies
used for street lighting today transform electric energy
3.1.1 Optical Systems into visible light. High intensity discharge lamps have
been dominating in street lighting over decades, but Luminaires, lamps and light sources as already mentioned in the previous section, LED tech-
For distinguishing the terms „luminaires“, „lamps“ and nology is superseding all other lamp types, particularly
„light sources“ a reference is made to the definitions, for new street lighting systems. High pressure sodium
provided in the recent EU regulations 874/2012 (en- (HPS) lamps remain as a relevant option, especially for
ergy labelling of electrical lamps and luminaires) and some applications, such as for motorways. These lamps
1194/2012 (eco-design requirements for directional are very energy efficient but provide only low colour
lamps, LEDs and related equipment): rendering; however this is not considered a problem in
• “Luminaire” means an apparatus which distributes, some areas of application. Metal halide lamps and low
filters or transforms the light transmitted from one or pressure discharge lamps are expected to be replaced
more lamps and which includes all the parts neces- by LED in the medium-term.
sary for supporting, fixing and protecting the lamps
and, where necessary, circuit auxiliaries together In LED lamps, light is produced by the so-called elec-
with the means for connecting them to the electric troluminescence effect. As in other diodes electrons
supply. are moving from the cathode to the anode and emit a
• A “Lamp” is defined as a unit whose performance photon when falling to a lower energy level.
can be assessed independently and which consists
of one or more light sources. It may include addi- The wavelength of the light emitted, and thus its col-
tional components necessary for starting, power our, depends on the materials used. For street light-
supply or stable operation of the unit or for distribut- ing commonly blue LEDs are used, providing white
ing, filtering or transforming the optical radiation, in light when encapsulated in a phosphor coating (yellow
cases where those components cannot be removed coating, cf. Figure 11 and Figure 12 illustrating dif-
without permanently damaging the unit. ferent principles for white light generation based on
phosphor coating). Blue-emitting LEDs currently have

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 19

the highest efficiency of all LED types, with a power • “Light-emitting diode (LED)” means a light source
conversion ratio of 55 %. The remaining 45 % is trans- which consists of a solid state device embodying
formed into heat. Since a higher junction temperature a p-n junction. The junction emits optical radiation
(the temperature of the LED semiconductor material) when excited by an electric current.
reduces both efficacy and lifetime, a good thermal • “LED package” means an assembly having one or
design is necessary. In order to dissipate the heat, the more LED(s). The assembly may include an optical
LED chip and the reflector cup are mounted on a heat element and thermal, mechanical and electrical in-
sink. This heat sink should in turn transfer the heat to terfaces;
the luminaire, which dissipates the heat externally. • “LED module” means an assembly having no cap
and incorporating one or more LED packages on a
printed circuit board. The assembly may have elec-
trical, optical, mechanical and thermal components,
interfaces and control gear;
• “LED lamp” means a lamp incorporating one or
more LED modules. The lamp may be equipped
1 with a cap;

This distinction is in line with the segmentation of LED

products commonly established within lighting indus-
try [RL], excluding level 2 (Table 10).

Table 10 Levels of LED integration

Figure 11 Phosphor suspended in silicon encapsulation (1) Description
and conformal phosphor coating (2)
Level 0 LED chip (or die)
Level 1 Packaged LED including electrical
connection, mechanical connection and
blue LEDs protection, heat dissipation device and
blue light basic optical components.
Level 2 Assembly of various LEDS (LED cluster)
on a printed circuit board.
white light
Level 3 LED module (or LED engine). A module
with LED cluster, heat sink, electrical
Figure 12 Principle of a remote-phosphor LED module
driver and sometimes an optical device.
creating white light
The LED module functions as a lamp.
Level 4 Luminaire consisting of LED module
Another type of LED is the organic LEDs (OLEDs) which (Level 3) and housing and secondary
use a flat layer of organic molecules instead of sem- optics
iconductors as the light-emitting substance. While Level 5 LED lighting system including control
there are many interesting applications for OLED (e. g. features
high end flat TVs) and the technology is advancing rap-
idly, it is not yet suitable for street lighting applications.
The operating temperature of the LED chip is a criti-
Since the luminous flux of one individual LED is fairly cal aspect, especially influencing the efficacy and the
low compared to the lux required for street lighting, lifetime. The performance data of LED chips is spec-
several LED chips are assembled in one circuit board ified for a temperature of 25 °C. However actual tem-
and can be combined with additional components. peratures in normal operating conditions can easily
Thus several levels of integration have to be distin- reach 60 – 90 °C, causing a drop of lumen output by
guished. The following LED-related definitions are up to 40 %. However blue LEDs are less affected from
made in the Commission Regulations 874/2012 and increased operating temperatures (with a decrease of
1194/2012: flux by 5 to 20 % at 80 °C chip temperature).

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 20

The lifetime of LED light sources may exceed 100,000 h properties. Other LED luminaire types modelled after
(specified for L80, c.f. chapter 2.1.4), but is strongly de- classical luminaires are generally intended as replace-
pendent on the actual operation temperature and the ments of classic non-LED luminaires. These designs
effectiveness of the luminaire’s thermal management, typically do not make use of optimized optical and
ensuring a sufficient heat dissipation. heat dissipation systems available for LED technology.
Nevertheless, their application may still be appropriate
Commonly and in contrast to other lighting technol- for locations where comprehensive refurbishing of the
ogies LED modules are affixed to the luminaire and lighting system is not feasible.
are not designed to be replaced as standardised com-
ponents. This may challenge a long term repair and The test standard for luminaires used by manufacturers
replacement strategy. Several industry actors have is IEC 60598-2-3, which provides general recommen-
been engaged in establishing an open standard called dations for luminaires and their covering. Luminaires
Zhaga for interoperability and interchangeability of should be corrosion resistant or protected from corro-
LED modules and luminaires, offered from different sion with appropriate finishes. Luminaires contain opti-
suppliers. However Zhaga certified products (LED en- cal elements like reflectors, refractors and lenses which
gines, modules, and luminaires) still represent only a create the desired light distribution and ensure glare
niche of the overall market. control and limitation of light pollution.

LEDs cannot be operated with mains supply voltage Reflectors are used to redirect the light output. The
(AC). Thus a control gear (“driver”) is needed, with its reflector mirrors create multiple images of the light
main function to provide a stabilized DC voltage. De- source thereby supporting a relatively uniform lumi-
pending on the quality of the driver, power losses can nance pattern on the lit surface. Furthermore reflectors
vary between 10 % and 30 % of the nominal wattage of support minimized light pollution and glare (see sec-
the light source. Poor quality drivers may have losses tions and
up to 50 % and may reduce the lifetime of the light
source [RL]. An important secondary function of the Refractors or prismatic lenses redirect the light from
driver is dimming, which is discussed in section 3.3.4. the lamp and the reflector and provide additional pro-
tection against damage. They are most commonly Luminaires used in cobra head luminaires.
The luminaire is the complete lighting apparatus con-
sisting of the housing as well as all parts required for Lenses allow further directional controlling of the light
mounting and function, including the lamps, con- and are directly fitted onto LEDs. Similar to the other
trol parts, control gear, wiring and so forth. LED light components mentioned they support the redirection
sources are usually mounted in specifically designed of light, reduction of glare and ingress protection (see
flat luminaires that make optimal use of their optical section

Flat Luminaire High Mast Style Luminaire Cobra Head Style Luminaire

Figure 13 LED Luminaire Types

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 21

Reflector Mark of conformity and quality marks for street
lighting luminaires
Refractor Any product placed on the market within the European
Union must comply with all relevant EU directives. With
Figure 14 Reflector, refractor and lens in street lighting the CE marking, a company legally bindingly confirms
luminaires the conformity of the corresponding product with the
In modern LED luminaires advanced lens-type refrac- relevant regulations. Since 1997, a CE mark must be
tors can be fitted on each individual LED, which makes affixed to all products traded in Europe which are af-
it possible to modify the light distribution by switching fected by the CE marking directives.
or dimming LEDs with different lenses. This allows for
greater flexibility in fitting the light distribution to lumi- The CE mark (Communautés Européennes, European
naire spacing, road width, road-surface reflection prop- Community) is not a test mark like the ENEC or other
erties, and changing weather conditions [RL]. national quality marks, but a conformity marking. It has
to be highlighted that the CE symbol is not issued by
The CIE Technical Report 115:2010 introduced lumi- a (third party) testing institute, but by the manufacturer
nous intensity classes for luminaires, which define crite- himself.
ria for maximum luminous intensity values for different
angles of elevation. The classification includes the lev- The monitoring authorities recognize a product with a
els G1 to G6, representing increasingly stringent crite- CE marking without further testing as being marketa-
ria for higher angles (and thus reducing light pollution ble. Conformity is only checked by market surveillance
and glare), [CIE]. authorities within spot checks or if products are sus-
pected being non-compliant.
The components of a luminaire should be modular to
allow replacement in case of failure or upgrades by an For street lighting luminaires the CE mark of conformity
identical or compatible component thereby avoiding covers the following legislation
the replacement of the luminaire as a whole. As ex- • Directive 2014/35/EU on the harmonisation of the
plained in the previous section, heat dissipation is es- laws of the Member States relating to the making
pecially important for LED luminaires. Besides ensuring available on the market of electrical equipment de-
good heat conduction between the lamp and the lumi- signed for use within certain voltage limits (low volt-
naire, the following features of the luminaire improve age directive)
heat dissipation: • Directive 2014/30/EU on the harmonisation of the
• The luminaire volume: the greater the volume, the laws of the Member States relating to electromag-
less the temperature within the luminaire. netic compatibility (recast)
• The heat conduction properties of the luminaire
casing, which determine how fast the heat transfers
into the surrounding air: Most metals provide suita- ENEC
ble heat dissipation characteristics, while plastics are The ENEC mark (European Norms Electrical Certifica-
thermal insulators and thus generally unsuitable for tion) is a European safety mark with uniform test condi-
LED luminaires. tions across Europe. The ENEC Agreement describes
• Cooling fins: may also be used for improving heat the procedure for the granting and use of a commonly
transfer into the surrounding, as they increase the agreed mark for certain electrical equipment comply-
surface area of the luminaire. ing with European Standards. At present the following
20 countries have signed the agreement: Austria, Bel-
Luminaires are generally rated by their maximum ambi- gium, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
ent temperature Ta under which they can be operated Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Nor-
safely. If no Ta value is given, they are intended for a way, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
maximum ambient temperature of 25 °C. United Kingdom.

The ENEC symbol confirms that the product complies

with the corresponding requirements of the European
Union. The ENEC mark may be awarded by a national

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 22

certification body which is party to the ENEC Agree- and the theoretical head impact velocity (THIV) metrics,
ment. The number after the ENEC mark indicates which describe the danger to passengers [TRB].
which test center has been certified in which country
(e. g. ENEC 03 for Italy). With stationary light masts, a lifetime of several decades
is intended. Light masts made of steel are nowadays
The joint test conditions are stipulated in the EN 60598 galvanized. In the past, they were protected against
series of standards. In order to ensure the product corrosion by rust protection. Stainless steel versions
quality guaranteed by the ENEC mark, manufacturers are only used in representative areas. The electrical or
must also have a quality assurance system. other installations are serviced and exchanged much
more frequently than the mast itself. Environmental in-
A product with ENEC marks from another European fluences such as sun, ordinary rain and wind are rather
country is treated as if it had been certified by the na- uncritical for the components. However, major storms,
tional inspection body in its own country. This simpli- pending snow or even ice curtains can pose a threat to
fies the free movement of goods in the European eco- the poles.
nomic area, including Switzerland – and increasingly in
the Eastern European market. The arrangements of the masts as well as their height
are technical decisions. This decision is based on the
geometry of the road, the characteristics of the system,
3.1.2 Support Systems the ground conditions of the road, the physical charac-
teristics of the mast, the environmental requirements,
Poles must correspond to the EN 12767 (“Passive the space available for maintenance, the available
Safety of Support Structures for Road Equipment”) budget, aesthetics and lighting objectives. The most
standard which specifies criteria in order to minimize common arrangements are shown below.
the danger to vehicle occupants in case of collisions.
According to the standard, support structures of road
equipment are classified into three different categories
of passive safety:
• High energy absorbing (HE)
• Low energy absorbing (LE)
• Non-energy absorbing (NE)

Energy-absorbing support structures will slow down

the vehicle significantly during a collision and reduce
the risk of secondary collisions. Non-energy absorbing
structures will allow the vehicle to continue with only Opposite
slight reductions in speed, which reduces the risk to the
occupants from the initial collision but increases the
risk of secondary collisions – including with other traf-
fic participants. The type of pole chosen for a particu-
Central/Twin central
lar stretch of road can be selected by the responsible
levels of administration based on their own evaluation
of their local needs. For instance HE poles may be in- Figure 15 Lamp arrangements
stalled in urban areas in order to reduce the secondary
risk for other traffic participants. The lamp arrangement chosen determines the mini-
mum mounting height of the luminaire as a factor of
Four levels of occupants’ safety are specified for sup- the effective road width (as measured from the horizon-
port structures, with level 4 representing non-harmful tal position of the luminaire to the far side of the road).
support structures that are assumed to cause only mi- • In single-side arrangements, the effective road
nor damage. The other three levels are determined width can be up to equal to the mounting height
by impact tests using lightweight passenger cars with of the luminaire. Furthermore, unlike with the other
speeds of 35, 50, 70, and 100 km/h. The test data is arrangements the luminance of the road surface will
used to derive the acceleration severity impact (ASI) not be equal on both lanes of the road.

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 23

• In staggered arrangements, the effective road The resistance of the wires and cables of a particular
width can be up to 1.5 times the mounting height street lighting circuit will cause the voltage to drop,
of the luminaire. Their longitudinal luminance uni- leading to an inefficient operation. In order to ensure
formity is generally low and creates an alternating that all luminaires within a particular circuit receive a
pattern of bright and dark patches. However, during minimum level of voltage supply, the voltage drop
wet weather they cover the whole road better than between the feed point and the furthest luminaires
single-side arrangements. should not exceed 3 %.
• In opposite arrangements, the effective road width
can be around 2 to 2.5 times the mounting height The service cabinet should be a rain-tight enclosure
of the luminaire. If the arrangement is used for a sealed with a pad-mounting gasket [IIEC].
dual carriageway with a central reserve of at least
one-third the carriageway with, or if the central re-
serve includes other significant visual obstructions 3.2 Street lighting control systems
(such as trees or screens), it effectively becomes two
single-sided arrangements and must be treated as Active control of street lighting systems allows for sig-
such. nificant energy savings, but potential savings must be
• In central arrangements, the luminaires are hung weighed against added complexity and cost. Based on
from so-called span wires strung across the road, the type of management there are three types of light-
usually between buildings. The effective road width ing control systems: Autonomous control, centralized
can be up to two times the mounting height of the control, and dynamic control.
• In twin-central arrangements – where two lumi-
naires are installed at the centre, back to back – the 3.2.1 Autonomous control
effective road width can be up to equal the mount-
ing height of the luminaires. Provided that the cen- With autonomous street lighting control, the lumi-
tral reserve is not too wide, both luminaires can naires are pre-programmed (usually by the manufac-
contribute to the luminance of the road surface on turer) with fixed time periods for operation. This is by
either lane, making this arrangement generally more far the simplest and cheapest solution, since it doesn’t
efficient than opposite arrangements. However, op- require further control and network systems. However,
posite arrangements may provide slightly better since the programming is usually limited there is often
lighting under wet conditions. no way to adjust control for weekends and holidays.
Furthermore, internal timers may not be accurate, and
Deciding on the exact pole positions and luminaire any upgrade of the system requires changes in every
mounting height is part of the design process and is lamp post. Alternatively, sensors might detect the am-
usually done with specialized software. The goal is not bient light at every light post and decide on whether
only to maintain a minimum luminance, but also a min- to activate the lamps. However, this causes additional
imum luminance uniformity, which depends on the lu- expenses.
minous intensity distributions of the luminaires in the
street lighting installation. It should be noted that while
many LED products are designed as a replacement of 3.2.2 Centralized control
existing luminaires (thus making use of existing poles),
this often does not take full advantage of modern LED In centralized street lighting control, a central system
luminaire designs which are capable of far more uni- sends the control signal to all luminaires within a group
form luminous intensity distributions than comparable (usually by a signal sent via the power line). This setup
HPS or MH luminaires [LRT4]. is comparably simple and cheap to implement but
does allow for some flexibility in adjusting the lighting
to changing needs. For instance, a central light sensor
3.1.3 Electrical Systems could determine when to switch on all lights of a given
group which for example (unlike purely time-based
The grounding conductor should be connected to the management) allows for adjustment to local weather
metal ground box lids exposed metal conduits, metal conditions. Such sensors should be cleaned on a reg-
poles, as well as any supplemental ground rods in- ular basis in order to guarantee their smooth opera-
stalled into the pole foundations. tion [BFE] .Other options include time-based dimming

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 24

which reduces or switches off the light of certain lamps local authorities. This server monitors a high number
at specific times and areas (e. g. late at night when the of lamps and sends commands which determine the
expected traffic volume is low). While the reduction of status of the individual lamps. The commands are not
energy costs and light pollution (see section received by the lamp control systems directly but first
may be substantial, this may put traffic participants at pass through concentrators which then pass on the
increased risk if their ability to navigate obstacles is messages to local area networks consisting of a limited
impaired [CEE]. Thus specific applications need to be number of lamps and the controlling actuators [PE].
assessed carefully.

Furthermore, the information flow is in one direction only.

While the central node can determine the status of the
groups of lamps, it does not receive information about Center
their individual status or any other local conditions. Terminal

Concentrator Concentrator
Both centralized and dynamic control systems require
the implementation of ICT (Information and Commu-
nications Technology) systems of varying degrees of
complexity. While they provide additional options for Lamp Lamp Lamp Lamp
saving energy, they also require additional resources 1 n 1 n

and expertise for implementation and maintenance.

Added complexity increases the risks of system failures Figure 16 Street lighting control system architecture
[HCS]. Thus, procurers and planners should consider
whether expertise and support is available after imple- Two technological concepts are required for deciding
mentation, even on relatively short notice. on the control system architecture – the communica-
tion technology (how the information is transmitted)
and the communication protocol (how the information
3.2.3 Dynamic control is encoded).

With dynamic street lighting management, the great- There are two layers of communication in a street light-
est extent of control is possible. Not only can the lamps ing system that need to be bridged with communica-
be controlled either in groups or on an individual basis, tion technology: Command centre to concentrators,
but the central control server can also collect informa- and concentrators to individual lamps. They can either
tion on their status depending on the options installed transmit information via cable or as wireless signals,
(e. g. failures, energy consumption, operating or ambi- and both options have implications for the communi-
ent temperature, ambient light, traffic, and the pres- cation protocols that are available.
ence of pedestrians). Changes to the programming
can also be done on the central control server instead Cable-bound communication between the command
of requiring changes to the physical hardware. centre and the concentrators generally uses standard
Ethernet communication protocols, which are a well-es-
However, as outlined above this added flexibility comes tablished technology [PE]. While Ethernet cables are
with considerable added complexity and thus added theoretically possible between the concentrators and
costs. The control software must be implemented and the lamps, this would require additional cabling and
maintained, and the local operators in charge of the thus additional costs. Instead, cable-bound local net-
system must be trained in its use. Furthermore the works for street lighting generally use power-line com-
added complexity increases the risk of programming munications (PLC), which modulate the signals of their
failures. The lamps should be installed with fail-safe power line in order to exchange information.
systems that guarantee basic traffic safety at night even
when receiving no or erroneous commands from the
control system [BFE].

State of the art intelligent management systems are

generally controlled by a central command centre,
which is often a server maintained in the offices of the

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 25

3.3 Street lighting control strategies

Various strategies at different levels of complexity for

street lighting control have been developed over the
years, each with its own advantages and disadvan-
tages. Some may even be combined for more complex

3.3.1 Astronomical timer

Figure 17 Power-line communication Astronomical timers have precise information about

sunrise and sunset times for any given geographical
Wireless communication between the command cen- position. These can be calculated in advance with a
tre and the concentrators require that the comparably very high level of accuracy for long time spans. How-
large distances can be bridged via wireless signals. ever, lighting control strategies based on astronomical
Suitable protocols include Wi-Fi (802.11), GPRS (Gen- timers might not take specific geographic aspects into
eral Packet Radio Services) or WiMax. account, such as large hills or mountains blocking the
sun at dawn or dusk. Furthermore, astronomical tim-
Wireless signals between the concentrators and the in- ers can make no predictions about weather conditions
dividual lamps can be implemented as a mesh, which such as storms which might require artificial lighting
has the advantage that a lack of line-of-sight doesn’t even during daylight hours.
break the connection between individual nodes. If nec-
essary, the signal strength can be boosted via repeat- Astronomical timers might establish a simple on-/off
ers. Suitable protocols for this layer include: scheme for illumination that specifies the time of ac-
tivation of the lighting in the evening and the deac-
• DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface): An tivation in the morning. Alternatively it might specify
IEC-adopted standard that has been developed for periods later at night during periods when less traffic is
controlling ballast circuits used for lighting equip- expected during which the lighting remains active but
ment monitoring. However, it can only control up to at reduced operating intensity.
64 nodes.
• ZigBee, a low-cost, low-power, and low-data rate One of the main advantages of astronomical timers is
alternative for wireless networks. However, it has that they do not require any complex ICT systems to
shortcomings in terms of package delays and may operate.
cause slowdowns in network performance.
• 6LoWPAN (IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal
Area Networks). This standard does not define a 3.3.2 Daylight harvesting
specific routing protocol for a particular system. This
allows for more flexibility but requires additional ef- In contrast to using astronomical timers, daylight har-
fort defining the protocols used for a particular in- vesting strategies use photo sensors to detect the
stallation [SEN]. ambient light and adjust the artificial lighting if the
ambient light levels fall or increase beyond certain
threshold values. This approach works especially well
with dimming (see below) and can adjust to extended
periods of twilight as well as inclement weather. How-
ever, the photo sensors require regular cleaning in
order to ensure their proper function. Furthermore it
must be decided whether a single photo sensor is con-
trolling the lighting for a large area or whether each
group of lamps or even each individual lamp has its
own sensor. The first option reduces the system com-
plexity but cannot reflect all localized conditions (such
as especially shaded areas or smaller weather systems)
Figure 18 Wireless communication and represents a single point of failure for the system.

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 26

The second option allows for more flexibility, but also system and detect not only the motion but also the
requires the purchase of a large number of additional presence of objects. They also have a low probability
sensors and requires more maintenance for keeping of false responses. However, the data processing algo-
the sensors clean. rithms are fairly complex, resulting in both added cost
for the software as well as added electricity consump-
The photo sensors can be embedded into a larger ICT tion due to their processing power requirements. Fur-
infrastructure, which (depending on setup) can enable thermore they are dependent on light, though this can
real time monitoring of the road illuminance. Thereby be compensated with infrared filters to some degree.
any problems with insufficient lighting can be quickly
identified and addressed. Motion detection systems can also be combined so
that the disadvantages of one type are compensated
by the capabilities of another.
3.3.3 Traffic detection
Once the need for added illumination is detected by
On many roads, traffic may be consistently low, espe- the sensors, the system should ensure that the usual
cially late at night. Thus, reducing their level of illumi- requirements for the relevant street lighting class (see
nation in compliance with the requirements stipulated section 2.2.1) are met. This means that a motion sensor
in EN 13201 offers potentially large energy savings. In attached to a particular lamp pole generally should not
order to ensure that traffic participants can still navi- just be used to activate that particular lamp, but also
gate these roads safely, traffic detection systems can one or more adjacent lamps so that traffic participants
be installed which increase the level of illumination are not subject to glare from rapidly changing lighting
again when needed. The most common technology for conditions.
detecting traffic – whether motorized vehicles, cyclists,
or pedestrians – are motion sensors. Types of motion Any motion detector-based systems that are intended
detectors include the following: to cover more than pedestrian-only areas almost invar-
iably require integration into a larger ICT setup. How-
Ultrasonic motion detectors detect the shift in sound ever, this has the added advantage of allowing traffic
waves bouncing back from a moving object. This type information data which can be useful to traffic control-
of sensor does not require line of sight. It is cheap, can lers, urban planners, emergency services and other
detect objects irrespective of their materials, and is agencies.
little affected by air flows of up to 10 m/s (36 km/h).
However, they have a low detection range and can be
affected by humidity and high temperatures. 3.3.4 Dimming

Microwave motion detectors detect shifts in micro- Depending on traffic, weather, and ambient lighting
waves bouncing back from a moving object, similar to conditions it may not be necessary to operate lamps
radar speed guns. They are able to detect even small at full power throughout the night. By combining
motions and are not affected by the ambient tempera- proper astronomical timers, daylight harvesting, and
ture of objects. However, they are costly and may cause traffic detection schemes with dimming, huge energy
false detection due to movements outside the speci- savings can be attained – in some projects, up to 85 %
fied zone. savings were achieved. Furthermore, gradually increas-
ing and decreasing the illumination reduces discom-
Infrared sensors detect the heat of an object or a fort glare for nearby residents. LEDs are especially
person relative to their surroundings. They are purely suitable for dimming-based strategies as they can be
passive sensors – thus, they do not emit sound or ra- dimmed smoothly with almost no technical complica-
diation in order to collect information. However, they tions, whereas other lamp types used in street light-
might trigger false detection from warm air, rainfall, or ing cannot be dimmed, produce drastic colour shifts
hot objects. when dimmed (high-pressure mercury and metal halide
lamps) or are limited in how far they can be dimmed.
Video processing uses video cameras as smart sen-
sors, identifying moving objects via smart algorithms.
They can monitor a larger area than other detection

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 27

3.3.5 Considerations

Both dynamic street lighting control and advanced

control strategies such as daylight harvesting and traf-
fic detection are rapidly changing technological fields,
and as such require especially careful consideration of
the potential barriers and limitations to their successful

National and local laws, regulations, and standards for

street lighting frequently do not take the latest techno-
logical developments into account. Thus care must be
taken to ensure that the proposed lighting control sys-
tems meet all legal requirements. An additional con-
cern is liability: if the system fails due to some technical
defects, it must be clear which party is responsible for
the failures.

As implementing dynamic street lighting control can

result in a system of considerable complexity, the ten-
derer in charge of implementing it should also be in
charge of support and maintenance, which will likely re-
quire extended service contracts. This is especially im-
portant if the implemented solution features systems
and components from multiple tenderers that require
integration and occasional updates. A proven track
record with dynamic street lighting systems is recom-
mended as a criterion for the selection of the tenderer.

Luminaires should be programmed with a “default”

state it can revert to in case it receives no or erroneous
control signals. This default state should represent ba-
sic time-based lighting control fulfilling legal standards
without any dynamic features. Furthermore, in case of
total system failure, designated operators should be
able to put parts or the complete lighting system into
default state on short notice without requiring inter-
vention of external experts.

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 28

4. Procurement of
lighting systems

4.1 Introduction The recommended set of PremiumLight-Pro require-

ments covers basic criteria for the selection of the
The following chapter is dedicated to the procurement tenderer (called selection criteria in the following sec-
of energy efficient high quality street lighting. A com- tions), specific technical requirements, demonstration
prehensive table of the set of recommended Premium- of which should be mandatory for all tenderers, and
Light-Pro procurement criteria is also provided in the award criteria. For the award criteria a scoring approach
appendix of this brochure. is proposed. Furthermore general technical specifica-
tions as well as contractual issues typically required for
tenders are provided. Table 11 below shows an over-
view of the set of specifications and requirements.

Table 11 PremiumLight-Pro Minimum Requirements and Award Criteria

A) General technical specifications

Plan/layout of road system Specification of The procurer shall specify the streets and paths for which the street
streets and paths and appropriate related lighting system will be designed or lighting system components shall
technical specifications (Illuminance, uniformity, be procured. The system shall be specified based on the standard
maintenance factor etc.). EN13201 and the related national standards. Among others the
procurer shall specify:
• Illuminance levels,
• uniformity levels,
• lighting system maintenance factors
according to EN 13201 or based on specific needs.
Lighting control features The procurer shall specify one of the following three options.
• No lighting control features shall be considered because light-
ing control respectively dimming is not deemed appropriate by
the procurer for the specific lighting system
• The procurer is fully aware of the lighting control/dimming
options suitable for the specific lighting system and specifies
detailed requirements for a lighting control system.
• The procurer is not in a position to specify optimal lighting con-
trol features for the lighting system but requests the tenderer
to provide an offer for a dimmable system accompanied by a
transparent LCC calculation.

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 29

A) General technical specifications
Energy consumption metering The procurer shall specify one of the following three options:
• no energy consumption metering shall be considered because
metering is not deemed appropriate by the procurer for the
specific lighting system.
• The procurer is fully aware of the metering options suitable for
the specific lighting system and specifies detailed requirements
for the metering concept.
• The procurer is not in a position to specify optimal metering for
the system but requests the tenderer to provide an offer for a
suitable metering accompanied by a transparent LCC calcula-

B) Selection criteria
Mandatory requirement Award criterion
Know-how and experience of the design team and
the installation team
Capacity of tenderer to deliver within specified timeframe ü
Compliance with ISO and EN standards ü

C) Technical requirements and award criteria

Energy criteria – System level Mandatory requirement Award criterion
Annual energy consumption and power density indicator (ü) ü
Power Factor ü ü
Lighting control features: optional, as specified in general
technical specifications above
Energy consumption metering: optional, as if specified in
general technical specifications above
Energy criteria –component level (for projects only involving
Mandatory requirement Award criterion
component replacement)
Luminaire energy efficiency ü ü
Driver energy efficiency ü ü

Quality and design criteria Mandatory requirement Award criterion

Colour temperature ü
Colour rendering ü
Colour consistency ü ü
Illuminance and luminance ü
Light distribution, uniformity of illuminance ü ü
Light pollution (ULOR) ü
Glare protection (disability and discomfort glare) ü ü
Ingress protection (IP rating) ü
Impact Protection (IK rating) ü
IEC protection ü
Overvoltage protection ü
Mark of conformity for all components (ENEC, national regu-
Lifetime ü ü
Warranty ü ü

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 30

C) Technical requirements and award criteria
Availability of spare parts ü ü
Easy of repair and recycling ü ü
Design ü
Quality criteria for component level projects only
Luminaire life time ü ü
LED module lifetime ü ü
Driver life time ü ü

D) Cost criteria
TCO calculation (recommended option) ü
Investment costs (fall back option) ü

E) Contractcual issues
Putting into service of lighting systems and controls ü
Correct installation ü
Reduction and recovery of waste ü

4.2 General specifications 4.2.2 Lighting control features and

communication systems
Table A) covers some essential general specifications
to be considered during the initial stage of the tender During the initial stage of the process it is necessary
process. At that stage the general layout of the lighting to assess and specify whether and what kind of light-
system and essential performance requirements shall ing control features should be considered. While sim-
be specified according to EN 13201 or based on spe- ple control options will be desirable as a minimum
cific needs. Among others this includes: functionality for most types of street lighting systems,
• Illuminance levels comprehensive smart control features may be appro-
• Uniformity levels priate only in specific cases. Adequate lighting control
• Lighting system maintenance factors functionality should be specified for the particular road
type. The evaluation of different options may require
Furthermore lighting control features and energy con- support from independent consultants. Smart control
sumption metering features shall be specified. features also have to match safety and quality aspects.
Several technical options are described in chapter 3 of
these guidelines. Different technical options shall be
4.2.1 Specification of the lighting system assessed in terms of life cycle costs. Furthermore the
following requirements should be met in terms of com-
As an early preparatory step in the procurement process patibility and communication:
the procurer shall specify the road system for which the
lighting system will be designed. Street types shall be Communication
specified based on international standards (EN 13201) PremiumLight-Pro requirement:
or if desirable on national/local standards. A communication system shall be available, capable of
communication with the control gear of the individual
luminaires. Power-line communication (PLC) represents
the minimum level of technology capable of meeting
this criterion, but more advanced communication sys-
tems may be applied. The control gear shall be pro-
grammable and send notifications in case of equip-
ment failure.

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 31

Compatibility with control functionality different levels in the system, involving also different
PremiumLight-Pro requirement: levels of complexity. Appropriate options shall be con-
Luminaires shall be compatible with dimming and sidered and compared.
other control features (e. g. time switch, motion control,
daylight control etc.). PremiumLight-Pro-Requirement:
Should lighting control options and metering options
Optional requirement: be selected as appropriate for the project, the specific
Luminaires shall be equipped with integrated constant functionality is to be described in the call for tender.
flux control systems. This ensures that the luminaire will Costs and benefits of the lighting control and metering
have a constant flux output throughout its lifetime de- shall be included in the total LCC/TCO calculation.
spite the gradual decline of flux output by the LEDs
over time. Verification
Tenderers shall offer options for metering and shall
Verification declare costs and benefits on the basis of TCO/LCC
Documentation describing the dimming method and considerations.
the dimming interface shall be provided by the tenderer.

As optional requirements, it is beneficial if the ICT sys- 4.3 Selection criteria

tems implemented for lighting management are mod-
ifiable, modular, and open. Modifiability ensures that Selection criteria specify the basic requirements to be
the lighting control system can be upgraded or ex- met by the tenderer on the whole. Criteria, among oth-
tended when needed, allowing for additional function- ers typically cover the expertise, capacity and the certi-
alities that are not part of the original system during in- fication of the tenderer.
stallation. Modularity requires adherence to standards
in its building blocks of the ICT system and interfaces
between building blocks, allowing changes to part of 4.3.1 Know-how and experience of the de-
the system without overhauling the system as a whole. sign team and the installation team
Criteria useful for assessing modifiability and openness
include: The design and the installation of the lighting system
• Schedule of upgrades/updates may be done by different companies or alternatively by
• Scalability of the system one single tenderer. For both situations the tenderers
• System boundaries and inherent limitations shall confirm that the design and installation tasks will
• Module interfaces and standardization of the soft- be undertaken by a team with adequate professional
ware interfaces expertise.
• Interoperability and interchangeability of modules
• Accessibility of the network, infrastructure and data PremiumLight-Pro Requirement:
shared with the system The tenderer (or the experts specified for the project)
• Connectivity of the system to other relevant systems, has successfully executed a minimum of 5 relevant pro-
applications, and domains jects for street lighting involving LED technology in the
last 3 years. Reference projects should be of a size/
complexity comparable to the project planned.
4.2.3 Energy consumption metering
In parallel to the specification of control features the The tenderer shall specify the persons responsible for
potential need for metering functionality shall be clari- the project and shall provide information on educa-
fied. Options and general recommendations concern- tional and professional qualifications, relevant experi-
ing metering are covered in chapter 3. The assessment ence, and related certificates. Furthermore the tenderer
of a lighting system in terms of optimised maintenance shall provide a list of comparable lighting projects that
and operation, respectively electricity costs and energy have been designed respectively implemented over
consumption requires appropriate metering. AECI the last three years. In case some of the work is to be
values can only be verified by measurements. Fur- sub-contracted, similar information from subcontrac-
thermore metering allows quick detection of failures tors shall be provided. Project sizes for example can be
and need for maintenance. Metering can be done at specified based on the number of lighting points.

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 32

4.3.2 Capacity of the tenderer Luminaries with very low CCT (amber type) should be
used for sensitive areas/applications only, thus their
PremiumLight-Pro Requirement: application should be based on adequate justification
The tenderer shall show and confirm the capacity for (suburban areas, areas with specific nature preservation
the execution of the project within the specified time- aspects).
The PremiumLight-Pro criteria are intended for LED
Verification: lighting only, thus efficacy levels for traditional technol-
The tenderer shall specify the resources dedicated to ogies are not considered.
the project and the concrete timeline for the project.
The tenderer shall specify and confirm the efficacy of
4.3.3 Compliance with the relevant interna- the components in the technical documentation of the
tional and national standards tender. Luminous flux and power shall be declared ac-
cording to the appropriate standards.
PremiumLight-Pro Requirement:
The tenderer shall comply with the relevant interna- Annual energy consumption indicator and
tional and national standards. power density indicator
The energy consumption criteria “Annual Energy Con-
Verification: sumption Indicator” (AECI) and “Power Density Indi-
The tenderer shall declare and confirm compliance cator” (PDI) are the main indicators for the assessment
with the relevant standards specified. of energy consumption and efficiency at the lighting
system level (for details see pp 18, chapter 2).

4.4 Technical requirements Calculation of AECI and PDI is based on hardware

(mandatory and award criteria) component data and therefore verification of product
information is necessary to demonstrate the correct-
The technical requirements cover quality and energy ness of calculations. AECI covers aspects such as dim-
requirements which are partly specified as mandatory ming, over-lighting or constant light output (CLO) (EN
criteria and as award criteria. 13201-5:2016), and is therefore the primary preferable
indicator in many situations.

4.4.1 Energy related criteria In this first version of PremiumLight-Pro criteria AECI
and PDI are only included as award criteria. Thus no Luminaire efficacy minimum requirements are specified.
The following requirements specify a minimum efficacy
for LED luminaires. Luminaire efficacy varies with the For cases where the procurer wants to specify manda-
colour temperature of the light source. For that reason tory minimum requirements a possible approach is in-
different efficacy requirements for different colour tem- dicated further below.
perature levels are proposed. In particular luminaires
with very low colour temperature (e. g. ≤ 2000 K) pro- PremiumLight-Pro-Requirement:
vide comparably low efficacy. Requirements for lumi- PDI and AECI shall be calculated by the tenderer as
naire efficacy will be updated every year with new lev- specified in EN 13201-5:2016 and further explained in
els to be specified during fall 2018 for the year 2019. chapter 2 of this document:

PremiumLight-Pro Requirement: Power Density Indicator (PDI)

The following efficiency requirements for luminaires
are specified for 2017 and 2018: DP = n –
• 4000 K: ≥120 lm/W ∑i=1 (Ei x Ai)
• 2700 – 3000 K: ≥ 105 lm/Watt
• ≤ 2000 K: ≥ 80 lm/Watt Annual Energy Consumption Indicator (AECI)
∑j=1 (Pj x tj)
DE =

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 33

DP (PDI): Power density indicator M: Fitting factor:
DE (AECI): Annual Energy Consumption indicator • M = 1.3 for existing lighting systems where posi-
P: Power (W) tions of existing light points and poles cannot be

Ei: maintained average horizontal illuminance (lx) changed
A: lit area (m2) • M = 1.2 for new lighting systems

PDI and AECI shall be calculated by the tenderer in a Two different fitting factors M = 1.2 or 1.3 are used de-
transparent way and be verified by measurements for pending on whether the complete lighting system is
a specified road segment. AECI typically includes dim- newly installed (position of poles and luminaires can be
ming options. selected) or already existing poles are used.

Verification Power factor

The tenderer shall calculate and provide the AECI The relevance of the power factor for the overall energy
and PDI values in a transparent way (according to the related performance of lighting systems is explained in
standard EN 13201-5:2016). The tenderer shall supply chapter 2. For PremiumLight-Pro two different require-
the photometric file of the luminaires and the compo- ments are recommended covering the power factor at
nent parameters required for AECI and PDI calculation. full load and in dimmed situation at 50 % load.
Furthermore the technical specifications of the light
source shall be provided (declarations shall be based PremiumLight-Pro-Requirement:
on state-of-the-art measurement methods including Power factor at full load: cos phi ≥ 0.9
harmonised European standards). In cases where dim-
ming is applied, assumptions shall be specified in ac- For dimmable systems: Power factor at 50 % load:
cordance with EN 13201-5:2016 (see chapter 2 (pp13)) cos phi ≥ 0.8
for a more detailed discussion of the energy perfor-
mance indicators). Verification
The tenderer shall specify and confirm the power fac-
Alternative approach for procurers who intend to tor in the technical documentation of the tender. The
specify a minimum requirement for energy efficiency power factor shall be reported according to the rele-
at the system level vant ecodesign legislation and related relevant stand-
While PremiumLight-Pro does not include mandatory ards.
minimum efficiency requirements at the lighting sys-
tem level, a possible approach is indicated that may
be used by procurers interested in system level re- 4.4.2 Quality and design criteria
quirements. The approach is currently proposed and
discussed by EU-GPP. The proposed minimum require- Light colour, colour rendering and colour
ments for PDI and AECI are calculated based on the consistency
parameters illuminance, utilance, luminaire efficacy,
system maintenance and dimming factor (EU-GPP Colour temperature (light colour)
Draft August 2017 by JRC Seville). We suggest using For the selection of the light colour (colour tempera-
a slightly simplified approach involving road width in- ture) the road type, i.e. the specific area of application
stead of utilance which is shown below: has to be considered. Light colour for street lighting
involves different colour temperatures for different ar-
PDI < M/(ƞ x Fm x 0.07 x RW) eas of application mostly (most commonly between
3000 K and 4000 K). Research has shown that white light
AECI < M x PDI x Fdim x Em x T x 1 kW/1000 W supports the perception of the human eye more effec-
tively than yellowish light. White light appears as being
Fm: Lighting system maintenance factor brighter compared to yellowish white. For more details
RW: Road width on colour temperature see chapter 2 (pp10).
Fdim: Dimming factor
Em: Illuminance Due to different needs no standard requirement for
T: Time (h) light colour can be specified but the selection of the
ƞ: Luminaire efficacy colour temperature depends on the area of application

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 34

and different preferences. PremiumLight-Pro therefore PremiumLight-Pro requirement
provides only general recommendations. • Illuminance shall be specified according to the re-
quirements in standard EN 13201
PremiumLight-Pro recommendation: • Luminance shall be specified according to the re-
• Colour temperature for domestic areas and mainly quirements in standard EN 13201
pedestrian areas is recommended to be approxi-
mately 3000 K Light pollution
• Colour temperature for main roads, motorways and Light pollution is defined as light emission which does
areas with mixed traffic is recommended to be ap- not support the specific lighting task but spreads to ar-
proximately 4000 K eas where lighting is undesirable (e. g. night sky, houses
etc. see page 10). As explained in chapter 2, light pollu-
Colour rendering tion should be avoided as much as possible by appro-
Besides colour temperature, colour rendering is also of priate design. Undesired lighting of the environment
importance for the perception of objects and different reduces efficiency and may have negative effects both
colours. Again, it is not feasible to make strict require- on humans, birds and animals.
ments concerning colour rendering but recommenda-
tions can be given. The most important indicator for light pollution is the
upward light output ratio (ULOR) which is the amount
PremiumLight-Pro recommendation: of light emitted above the horizontal plane at the posi-
• Colour rendering (CRI) shall be better than Ra 70 tion of the luminaire.
(Ra ≥ 70) for motorways and main roads
• Colour rendering shall be better than Ra 80 (Ra ≥ 80) PremiumLight-Pro requirement
for roads with complex user situations including • The upward light output ratio ULOR of the luminaire
mixed traffic, cyclists and pedestrians shall be 0 % for all road classes and lighting situa-
tions where no other values are explicitly desirable.
Colour consistency and maintenance
The colour consistency specifies the deviation of the As a result unnecessary light pollution is avoided. LED
light colour from the standard light colour (specific technology in general allows for a more precise light
point in the colour coordinate system). The mainte- distribution and therefore a reduction of light pollu-
nance of the colour consistency describes the devia- tion. Requirements for ULOR among others have been
tion of the colour over time. Both deviations are spec- specified in the technical guide CIE 126:1997.
ified by MacAdam ellipses (for details see chapter 2).
For traditional HID cobra-head luminaires there was a
PremiumLight-Pro requirement trade-off between drop refractor type lenses and flat
• The colour consistency of the light source or lumi- glass lenses. Today for LED lighting systems only flat
naire at the time the system is put into operation glass units are recommended which allow more precise
shall be within 5 a five step MacAdam ellipse and efficient light distribution. Flat glass units usually
• The colour consistency of the light source or lumi- have less upward light output, better control of light
naire over the luminaire lifetime shall be within a 6 trespass into residential windows, and lower high angle
step MacAdam ellipse glare.

Verification Verification
The tenderer shall specify and confirm the parameters The tenderer shall provide the photometric file which
in the technical documentation of the tender. Param- must include information on the upward light output
eters shall be declared according to the appropriate ratio.
standards and legislation. Glare protection Luminance and illuminance Glare is an important quality parameter for street light-
The luminance and illuminance levels shall be specified ing as it directly affects safety and comfort. For both
according to the needs for the specific road types and disability glare and discomfort glare a standard classi-
shall follow the requirements specified in EN 13201. fication of different glare levels is available (for defini-
tions see chapter 2). For both parameters 6 classes are

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 35

currently defined (G1-G6 for disability glare, D1-D6 for Electrical protection (IEC)
discomfort glare). Electrical protection ensures sufficient insulation of
parts in case of failure.
• For disability glare it is recommended to use prod- PremiumLight-Pro requirement:
ucts with a shield class of minimum G4 or higher. In • All luminaires shall have Class II electrical protection.
general, systems with a plain shield shall be used.
• Concerning discomfort glare it is recommended to This ensures that there are two layers of insulation that
use products with a glare class of D6 for local roads offer protection from live parts in case of failure. Class
and residential areas. For pedestrian streets a glare II protection is quite common and recommended for
class of D5 is recommend. lighting installations [e. g. WB and VEJ].
• Similar levels for glare class are recommended by
some national and international guidelines (e. g. Overvoltage protection (IEC)
Danish guidelines on street lighting). Overvoltage protection ensures protection against
damages from high voltage.
The glare class of products is to be specified by the PremiumLight-Pro requirement:
tenderer. • The installation shall have overvoltage protection of
10 kV Protection requirements for luminaires
This ensures that the lamp has protection against all
Ingress protection but the most extreme transient overvoltage. Overvolt-
Light quality and lumen output is affected by the age protection of > 4 kV is commonly applied [SES].
amount of dirt and water infiltrating the luminaire. The proposed level is more tentative.
Thus the luminaire shall provide sufficient ingress pro-
tection which is specified by the IP rating (according Verification
to CIE 154:2003). The IP rating is also relevant for the The voltage level and overvoltage protection is to be
luminaire maintenance factor. The Ecodesign Regula- declared by the tenderer.
tion EC/245/2009 indicates IP65 as a benchmark for the
road classes ME1 to ME6 and MEW1 to MEW6. (IP65:
No ingress of dust, complete protection against con- 4.4.3 Mark of conformity
tact and water projection covering all typical weather
conditions). Marks of conformity ensure that the lighting system
components comply with the essential standards for
PremiumLight-Pro requirement: electrical products. In any case, CE marking is manda-
• For ingress protection IP 65 shall be applied for all tory for products sold in the EU and therefore not ex-
road classes. plicitly mentioned as a special requirement.

Impact protection PremiumLight-Pro-Requirement:

Different impact rating classes are typically used for All components of the lighting system shall have the
different road types and situations. E. g. in Denmark following marks of conformity:
impact protection classes between IK06 and IK10 are • ENEC (European Norm Electromechanical Certifica-
applied [VEJ]. tion)

PremiumLight-Pro requirement: Verification

• The luminaire shall have an impact protection rating The tenderer shall provide a declaration of conformity
greater than IK07. for all relevant components.

All requirements at the luminaire level shall be con-
firmed with appropriate product information and rel-
evant declarations according to EU regulations and
standards by the tenderer.

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 36 Lifetime, warranty and reparability PremiumLight-Pro requirement:
The warranty and/or service agreement period shall
Luminaire and led module Lifetime cover a minimum ten years and include:
The minimum luminaire lifetime is specified as LxBy re- a Replacement of defective light sources (including
quirement (see chapter 2). For PremiumLight-Pro it is decrease of lumens below specified levels), control
assumed that the lifetime is declared as a L80B10 value. gear and/or luminaire at no cost.
b Complete replacement of batches of luminaires in
PremiumLight-Pro requirement: case more than 10 % of the units in the batch are
• The luminaire shall have a rated lifetime of at least defective.
L80B10 = 100,000 h.
The warranty should exclude the following cases:
PremiumLight-Pro criteria cover LED technology only. c Luminaires defective because of vandalism, acci-
Thus lifetime requirements appropriate e. g. for high dents, or due to adverse weather effects.
pressure discharge lamps are not considered. The d Lamps and luminaires operated under abnormal
guidelines by for example recom- conditions (e. g. used with the wrong line voltage)
mend an LED luminaire lifetime of at least 100,000 h.
[SES] Reparability and availability of spare parts
PremiumLight-Pro requirement:
Verification • The availability of spare parts shall be guaranteed
The tenderer shall provide the technical specifications for a period of ten years. Concerning reparability,
of the luminaire (which are based on state-of-the-art the light source (lamp or LED module) and auxilia-
measurement methods including, where available, har- ries must be easily accessible and replaceable on
monised European standards). site (i.e. at luminaire mounting height). Repair shall
be accomplishable with standard, widely accessible
Life time of control gear tools.
Control gear (drivers) are a common source of failure
and thus significantly affect the need for maintenance Certain communities request even more extended
and repair. High quality control gear allows a lifetime of availability for spare parts, for example 15 years.
100,000 h, whereas lower quality products may reach
only 30,000 h or even less. A current design trend is for LED modules that are
completely integrated in the luminaire and therefore
PremiumLight-Pro requirement: cannot be replaced by new modules. However in light
The failure rate of the control gear shall be lower than of current circular economy strategies and strategies
0.1 % per 1.000 hours. Failure after 100.000 h shall be supporting longer product lifetime, replaceability of
lower than 10 %. LED modules should be mandatory.

Verification Verification
The tenderer shall provide the technical specifications The warranty or service agreement shall be specified
of the control gear (based on recognised state-of-the- in the tender indicating the parts which are covered
art measurement methods including, where available, by the service agreements and the guarantee. A spare
harmonised European standards) part list shall be provided together with a manual and
diagram of the luminaire illustrating access, demount-
Warranty ing and mounting of parts.
The warranty for the lighting system (covering individ-
ual components of the system as well as reparability) is
an essential feature supporting the expected lifetime 4.4.4 Life Cycle Costs/TCO
of the lighting installation. Long lifetime may justify
higher initial investment for more efficient high quality The economy of new LED lighting systems is best as-
LED street lighting installations. sessed by a life cycle costing approach. While the pur-
chasing costs may be higher compared to traditional
Overall repair and maintenance should be possible lighting systems, total costs including operation and
without proprietary equipment. maintenance often are lower. A life cycle or TCO as-
sessment approach may allow more “costly” solutions

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 37

in terms of initial investment which are more cost effi- Correct installation
cient over the systems lifetime. PremiumLight-Pro Requirement:
The tenderer shall:
PremiumLight-Pro-Requirement: • ensure that all lighting equipment (including lamps,
The tenderer shall calculate the life cycle cost (TCO) for luminaires, lighting controls and metering systems)
the street lighting installation using a method specified is installed exactly as specified in the design.
by the procurer. For example one of the following ap- • provide documentation of all installed lighting
proaches could be applied: equipment confirming that the equipment complies
• The present value method as specified by the CIE with the original specifications.
115:2010 Technical Report, p. 24. [CIE] • conduct measurements for a randomly selected
• The average annual costs method as specified by road segment that certify the compliance of the
the CIE 115:2010 Technical Report, p. 24. [CIE] lighting system with the specifications and relevant
• The method specified by Requirement ID:10677:1 standards. Among others the PDI and AECI shall be
of the Swedish National Agency for Public Procure- calculated based on measurements for one week
ment (Uphandlings myndigheten) [UM] according to EN 13201 (calculation with a tolerance
of +/-10 %).
TCO calculations shall include parameters such as cost • verify the criteria for light pollution by measurement
of labour, electricity costs, purchase price, expected of the boom angle for a set of randomly selected
lifetime of luminaires, maintenance costs (time to clean luminaires (+/- 2 ° tolerance max.).
a luminaire in group cleaning, time to repair a luminaire
in spot replacement, frequency for luminaire cleaning, Verification
etc.). The tenderer shall provide all specified documents and
results from measurements.
The tenderers shall provide an LCC/TCO calculation Calibration
based on an accepted cost calculation method which PremiumLight-Pro Requirement:
shall be specified by the procurer. The tenderer shall ensure that the lighting system con-
trols work as specified and energy consumption is not
higher than specified in the lighting system design. In
4.4.5 Contractual issues particular, it shall be verified that the following types of
control features are calibrated and operate correctly:
Several requirements to be considered in the tender • Daylight-sensitive control systems
are not technical requirements to be used for the ten- • Traffic based control
der assessment but belong to the contractual specifi- • Time switches
Correct installation of the lighting system is a basic The contractor shall adjust the system according to the
requirement ensuring safe and efficient operation. requirements and specifications and provide the re-
Therefore procurement criteria should include installa- lated documentation. Furthermore, the tenderer shall
tion requirements and information and documentation provide all relevant information and documentation
for maintenance. which is required for the operation and maintenance of
the control features. Correct installation and calibration
In order to ensure adequate illumination levels and Information and documentation concerning
lighting quality in line with the relevant standards, cor- maintenance, replacement and recalibration
rect installation of the lighting system is essential. The PremiumLight-Pro Requirement:
following requirements ensure that the lighting system Comprehensive documentation shall ensure that the
installed complies with the relevant specifications and operator of the lighting system is equipped with all rel-
standards. evant information required for efficient operation and
maintenance. The tenderer shall provide the following
• Disassembly instructions for luminaires
• Instructions on replacement of light sources (types
and procedures)

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 38

• Instructions on operation and recalibration of light- (see table 12). Energy consumption and maintenance
ing controls and adjustment of switch-off times is already covered in the electricity and maintenance
costs. Consequently the weight of the TCO criteria is
Verification comparably high.
The tenderer provides all relevant documentation as
well as instruction for the responsible staff. In cases where TCO is not assessed energy, maintenance
costs and investment costs are assessed separately.

4.4.6 Reduction of waste and recovery The weighting of criteria typically is adapted to local
of materials needs. Thus the proposed weighting presented here is
just to be seen as one possible option.
Reduction of waste and recovery of raw materials is
essential for the majority of street lighting installations Table 12 The proposed weighting for Award criteria For
as most newly installed systems replace old systems. Projects Including TCO information
Substantial amounts of waste are to be collected and Award criterion Weighting [ %]
various materials can be recovered.
Cost criteria based on total cost of
ownership (TCO)
PremiumLight-Pro Requirement:
Investment costs 15
During dismounting and new installation all relevant
components shall be separated and recovered in ac- TCO Electricity costs 20
cordance with the WEEE Directive (Directive on Waste Maintenance costs 15
Electrical & Electronic Equipment) of the European Un- Quality and design criteria 30
ion. [WEE]. Lighting Quality 20
Design 10
Warranty, Design for Recycling 20
The tenderer shall declare how the waste will be sepa-
Warranty 10
rated and materials will be recovered during dismount-
ing of the old system and installation of the new sys- Availability of spare parts, Design for
Total 100

4.5 PremiumLight-Pro award criteria – Table 13 Weighting for Award criteria For Projects
weighting and score excluding TCO information

Award criterion Weighting [ %]

Cost criteria 25
4.5.1 Introduction
Investment costs 25
In the previous section both mandatory minimum cri- Quality and design criteria 35
teria and award criteria are specified. For the award Lighting Quality and Lifetime 25
criteria also listed in table 12 a score is applied which Design 10
allows ranking of tender offers. For the calculation of Energy criteria 20
the total score a weighting of different types of criteria AECI or PDI or component effi-
is required. The following section provides a proposal ciency (depending on the type of
for a possible weighting concept. project the most appropriate indica-
tor shall be used; some types of
Tables 12 and 13 show the proposed weighting for the projects only allow for use of PDI or
award criteria. The two approaches show concepts for component efficiency)
projects with and without TCO calculation.
Operation, Maintenance, End of life
For projects where a robust TCO approach can be
Ease of maintenance, repair 10
applied covering the main parameters concerning
investment-, operation and maintenance costs only Warranty, availability of spare parts 10
few additional parameters including quality, design, Total 100
warranty and end of life aspects need to be covered

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 39

Literature IIEC – International Institute for Energy Conservation
(2015): Energy Efficiency Guidelines for Street Lighting
in the Pacific; Bankok
BAT – Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of Bats
in a Changing World (2016). C. Voigt, T. Kingston (Edi- LRT – An examination of the fundamentals of street
tors). Springer Open lighting for pedestrians and drivers (2004). P Raynham.
Lighting Res. Technol. 36, 4 2004 pp. 307–316
BFE – Energieeffiziente Straßenbeleuchtung mit LED
(2016). Energie Schweiz, BFE LRT2 – A smart LED luminaire for energy savings in
pedestrian street lighting (2015). E Juntunen, E Tetri,
BG – Beleuchtungstechnik Grundlagen (2016). Baer, O Tapaninen, S Yrjänä, V Kondratyev, A Sitomaniemi,
Barfuß, Seifert. HUSS-MEDIEN GmbH, Berlin H Siirtola, EM Sarjanoja, J Aikio, V Heikkinen. Lighting
Res. Technol. 2015; Vol. 47: 103–115
CIE – CIE 115:2010 Technical Report “Lighting of Roads
for Motor and Pedestrian Traffic”, Commission Interna- PE – The design and implementation of an energy ef-
tionale De L’Eclairage ficient street lighting monitoring and control system
(2012). Electrical Review, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 88 NR 11a
European Commission (2015a): Preparatory Study on
Light Sources for Ecodesign and/or Energy Labelling RO – Lighting (2014).D.C. Pritchard. Routledge
Requirements (‘Lot 8/9/19’), Final report Task 3: Use of
Light Sources RL – Street lighting (2015): Fundamentals, Technology,
and Application. Wout van Bommel, Springer
European Commission (2015b): Preparatory Study on
Light Sources for Ecodesign and/or Energy Labelling SdN – Schutz der Nacht – Lichtverschmutzung, Biodi-
Requirements (‘Lot 8/9/19’), Final report Task 4: Tech- versität und Nachtlandschaft (2013). BfN-Skripten 336,
nologies Bundesamt für Naturschutz, M. Held, F. Hölker, B. Jes-
sel (Editors)
EN 13201-1:2014 – Street lighting. Guidelines on selec-
tion of lighting classes; SEN – Streetlight Control System Based on Wireless
Communication over DALI Protocol (2016). F J Belli-
EN 13201-2:2015 – Street lighting – Part 2: Performance do-Outeiriño, F JQuiles-Latorre, C D Moreno-Moreno,
requirements; PMC

EN 13201-3:2015 – Street lighting – Part 3: Calculation SES – Straßenbeleuchtung (2016). Effiziente Systeme
of performance; – Empfehlungen für Gemeindebehörden und Beleuch-
EN 13201-4:2015 – Street lighting – Part 4: Methods of
measuring lighting performance; VEJ – Handbook Street Lighting – Construction and
Planning (2015). Vejregler, Denmark
EN 13201-5:2015 –Street lighting – Part 5: Energy per-
formance indicators; WEEE – Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parlia-
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ENG – Engineering: Progress in Understanding Color cal and electronic equipment (WEEE)
Maintenance in Solid-State Lighting Systems (2015).
Maryam Yazdan Mehra, Willem Dirk van Driela, G. Q. ZHA – Zhaga Interface specification book 1 (2015):
(Kouchi) Zhang, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 170–178 overview and common information, Edition 1.7

GPP – Revision of the EU Green Public Procurement ZHA5 – Zhaga Interface Specification Book 5 (2014):
Criteria for Street Lighting and Traffic Signals (2016); Socketable LED Light Engine with Separate Electronic
Technical report and criteria proposal (1st draft) Control Gear, Edition 1.2

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 40

ZVEI – Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikin-
dustrie e.V. (2016): Leitfanden Planungssicherheit in der
LED-Beleuchtung Begriffe, Definitionen und Messver-
fahren: Grundlagen für Vergleichbarkeit, Frankfurt am

ZVEI2 – Überspannungsfestigkeit in Leuchten der

Schutzklasse II für die Straßenbeleuchtung (2014). In-
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ZVEI3 – Information zum Dimmen von LED-Lichtquel-

len (2014). ZVEI – Zentralverband Elektrotechnik und
Elektronikindustrie e.V., 2014

Procurement & Design Guidelines for LED Street Lighting 41

PremiumLight-Pro Consortium:

Austria Czech Republic Denmark

Austrian Energy Agency SEVEn, The Energy Efficiency Center Energy piano

Portugal United Kingdom Germany

Institute for Systems and Robotics, Energy Saving Trust co2online gGmbH
University of Coimbra

Italy Spain Poland

Politecnico Milano Ecoserveis FEWE, Polish Foundation for Energy Efficiency,

Published and produced by: Österreichische Energieagentur – Austrian Energy Agency

Mariahilfer Straße 136, A-1150 Vienna, Phone +43 (1) 586 15 24, Fax +43 (1) 586 15 24 - 340
E-Mail: [email protected], Internet:
Editor in Chief: Peter Traupmann
Produced and published in Vienna

Reprint allowed in parts and with detailed reference only. Printed on non-chlorine bleached paper
The Austrian Energy Agency has compiled the contents of this study with meticulous care and to the best of its
knowledge. However, we cannot assume any liability for the up-to-dateness, completeness or accuracy of any of the

The guidelines were finalised in Sep. 2017

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