Premium Light Pro Outdoor LED Guidelines
Premium Light Pro Outdoor LED Guidelines
Premium Light Pro Outdoor LED Guidelines
Table of contents
The sole responsibility for the content of this Document lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European
Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission is responsible for any use of the information contained therein.
Modern LED lighting solutions are advancing rapidly The recommendations for using these guidelines
and can deliver significant energy saving potentials. In- strongly depend on the specific background and pur-
creasing efficacy, optimized luminaire design and flex- pose of the reader. Experts already familiar with the
ible lighting control enable enhanced performance at basics for LED street lighting for example may directly
lower cost for different lighting and traffic conditions. check the specific PremiumLight-Pro recommenda-
While implementation of LED in the outdoor lighting tions for procurement criteria in chapter 4. Experts less
market is proceeding, broad market penetration has familiar with the basics may first of all browse through
not yet been achieved. Furthermore, there is still large chapters 2 and 3, which cover the basic information
potential for improving local and national policies sup- relevant for understanding the procurement criteria,
porting the implementation of LED lighting systems. including the important quality and efficiency aspects
for street lighting and the standard EN 13201. Chapter
The initiative PremiumLight-Pro supports the develop- 5 finally showcases some of the selected best practice
ment of such policies by: examples for LED street lighting.
• the development of green procurement and design
guidelines for both private and public service sec-
tor LED installations, including both outdoor and
indoor lighting;
• providing education, training, and information ser-
vices for planners, architects, installers, and consult-
• disseminating best practice case studies imple-
mented on the basis of such policies.
2.1 Introduction illuminance criteria are specified for the different road
classes except for motorways (see section 2.2.1). Typical
Efficient high quality street lighting solutions based on minimum illuminance requirements for roads in areas
LED technology need to be based on sound quality, with complex traffic situations (for example, areas with
efficiency and safety criteria. The following chapters viewing distances of less than 60 m, or when road users
provide an overview of the most essential criteria and also include cyclists or pedestrians) range from 7.5 to
explain specific aspects of LED technology. 50 lx (see section 3.1.1 for details). Recommendations
for standard illuminance and luminance requirements
are specified in EN 13201 (see chapter 2.2 below).
2.1.1 Quality criteria
Finally, the luminance (measured in cd/m²) represents
Quality criteria describe essential aspects such as lumi- the brightness of lit surfaces or objects as perceived by
nance, light colour, colour rendering, light distribution, the human eye. Minimum luminance requirements for
flicker, glare and others. medium to high speed traffic routes range from 0.3 to 2
cd/m². [EN 13201-2] Thus, the luminance normally falls Luminance within the so-called “mesopic range” of human vision
Several metrics are used to quantify the amount of light (which ranges from 0.001 to 3 cd/m²) which combines
provided by a lighting system and perceived by the hu- both colour (photopic) vision and low-light (scotopic)
man eye. vision. In this range, human reaction time to new stimuli
is determined by both contrasts in brightness and con-
The luminous flux (measured in lumens, or lm) is the trasts in colour. Thus, both the luminance of the illumi-
total amount of radiation emitted by a given light nated area and the colour rendering of the light source
source that is visible for the human eye. As the sensi- (see, below) are important for human perception
tivity of the human eye varies for different wavelengths and consequently for traffic safety. Minimum luminance
(e. g. higher sensitivity for green light compared to red requirements are specified for road classes covering
or blue light), the luminous flux is adjusted accordingly. medium- to high speed motorways (see section 2.2.1).
While susceptibility to disability glare may vary for dif- Different classifications have been introduced for dis-
ferent individuals (in particular, the effects will increase comfort and disability glare to classify different shield
with age), it can be calculated objectively. In a particu- levels. Shield classes for disability glare range from
lar illuminated environment, the human eye will be able level G1 to G6 and are further specified in EN 13201-2
to detect differences in luminance down to a certain (see table 1). Shield classes for discomfort glare are
threshold. This threshold can be compared for a situa- specified as D1 to D6 (see table).
tion in the same environment when a source of glare is
added. By comparing these thresholds, the threshold Table 1 Glare classes for disability glare [EN13201-2 and VEJ]
increment can be derived. Shield Maximum luminous
Total shielding
class intensity in cd/klm
difference at 70 ° at 80 ° at 90 °
visible G1 200 50 No requirements
visible with G2 150 30 No requirements
G3 100 20 No requirements
visible invisible
without G4 500 100 10 above 95 ° to be zero
glare G5 350 100 10 above 95 ° to be zero
Luminosity Luminosity Background
without glare with glare luminosity G6 350 100 0 above 90 ° to be zero
Studies have shown that LED road light sources attract Figure 4 Definition of cut off criteria
fewer insects than other technologies, with “warm
white” LEDs (colour temperature of 3000 K) resulting
in significantly lower numbers than with “cold white”
LEDs (colour temperature of 6000 K). [SdN]
Code First digit Second digit
0 No Protection No Protection
1 Protected against solid bodies greater than 50 mm Protected against dripping water/condensation
2 Protected against solid bodies greater than 12 mm Protected against rain water up to 15 ° from the vertical
3 Protected against solid bodies greater than 2.5 mm Protected against rain water up to 60 ° from the vertical
4 Protected against solid bodies greater than 1 mm Protected against water splashing in all directions
5 Protected against dust (no harmful deposits) Protected against water jets from all directions
6 Fully protected against dust Protected against wave-like water jets from all directions
7 Protected against immersion
Protected against the effects of prolonged
immersion under water
[IIEC, 2015]
Further options for reducing light pollution include: purpose requirements on ingress protection, impact
• Reducing illuminance: This measure has to be protection and voltage protection are typically speci-
weighed against safety requirements for human fied.
road users. Smart lighting control can adjust illumi-
nance to appropriate levels for specific times and Ingress Protection
situations (see Section 3.5) [JAE]. However, switch- The resistance of luminaires against foreign matter is
ing off or reducing lighting later at night (for exam- indicated by the so-called Ingress Protection (IP) code,
ple, between midnight and 5:30 am) is unlikely to a two-digit number defined by the IEC 60529 standard.
provide much benefit for the local wildlife as for ex- The first digit represents the resistance against solid
ample bats and other nocturnal species are active matter, while the second rates its resistance against liq-
in the early hours of the night when street lighting uids (see table 4).
systems are still operating at maximum level [BAT].
• Changing the spectrum: The sensitivity of animals For street lighting, IP65 luminaires should be used to
and birds to different light colours varies from spe- ensure sufficient resistance to dust, particulates and in-
cies to species. Overall lighting technologies which clement weather. [IEA]
emit a narrow “warm-white” spectrum of light – such
as low-pressure sodium (LPS) lamps – appear to Mechanical Impact
have lower ecological impact than other technolo- The resistance of luminaires to mechanical impacts is
gies. With LED technology colour temperature can indicated by their Mechanical Impact (IK) code, a num-
be varied according to needs. However quality and ber defined by the IEC 62262 standard:
safety requirements have to be met.
Table 5 Mechanical Impact (IK) rating
LED lighting technology can be used to create a more IK rating Impact strength in Joules
uniform level of illumination. High-intensity discharge
00 –
(HID) lamps such as HPS (high pressure sodium) or MH
(metal halide) lamps have higher peak levels of illumi- 01 0.15
nation directly below the luminaires but “dark refuges” 02 0.2
between the luminaires. 03 0.35
04 0.5
05 0.7
2.1.2 Safety criteria 06 1
07 2
Luminaires for street lighting must be protected
08 5
against foreign matter (both solid and liquid), mechan-
09 10
ical impacts as well as voltage fluctuations in order to
guarantee their continuous proper operation. For this 10 20
The total efficiency of LED lighting systems not only Due to the long lifetime of LEDs and their comparably
depends on the LED module efficacy, but also on the short development cycles, the rated lifetimes and fail-
luminaire, the light control system and the overall light- ure values are statistical extrapolations and should be
ing system design. For this reason, it is important to considered as such. Furthermore, the actual lifetime of
distinguish efficacy at LED module level, luminaire level a luminaire may depend on several factors. Total failure
and total system level. and the degradation of the luminous flux of a luminaire
further depend on its electrical and thermal operating
The efficiency of the system as a whole among others data, ambient temperature and other parameters. The
is influenced by the spatial light distribution (luminous planner must obtain all relevant data from the manu-
intensity) and the geometrical arrangement of the road facturers in order to select a luminaire suitable for the
and the lighting system (see sections 3.2 and 3.3 for intended application and create suitable maintenance
more detailed aspects). To assess the energy efficiency plans based on this information [ZVEI, 2015]. LEDs gen-
at road system level the power density indicator (PDI) erally have a lifetime of 100,000 hours or above. The
was developed as a suitable metric. lifetime of the luminaire control gear also needs to be
taken into account which is usually expressed as a per-
While the power density indicator provides useful infor- centage chance of failing within a particular time pe-
mation about the energy efficiency for a particular state riod, such as “a failure rate of 0.2 % per 1,000 hours”.
The quality criteria for street lighting are defined in the [PD CEN/TR 13201-1:2014; EN 13201-2:2003;
European standard EN 13201 “Street lighting” which EN 13201-2:2015]
covers the following topics:
P and HS class roads are intended for pedestrians EN 13201-4 describes the methods that should be used
and pedal cyclists on footways, cycle-ways, emergency for measuring lighting performance. There are four ba-
lanes, and other road areas lying separately or along sic types of situations when measurements should take
the carriageway of a traffic route, as well as residential place:
roads, pedestrian streets, parking places, schoolyards • at the final testing phase measurements should be
and so forth. Criteria for P class roads include a mini- taken in order to verify compliance with standard re-
mum maintained average illuminance on the road area, quirements and/or design specifications.
and a maintained minimum illuminance on the road • at pre-determined intervals during the street light-
area. If facial recognition is important, additional cri- ing lifetime in order to quantify lighting perfor-
teria for vertical plane illuminance (at a point) and min- mance degradation and determine the need for
imum semi-cylindrical illuminance (on a plane above maintenance.
a road area) must be adhered to. As an alternative to • continuously or at pre-determined intervals in or-
the P class, the HS class bases its criteria on the overall der to adjust the luminous flux of the luminaires, if
uniformity of road surface luminance as well as the av- the road uses adaptive street lighting (e. g. the lu-
erage hemispherical luminance. minance or illuminance is controlled in relation to
traffic volume, time, weather, or other environmental
SC class roads are an additional class for pedestrian factors).
areas where facial recognition and feelings of safety are
especially important. They require minimum levels of
maintained semi-cylindrical illuminance. 2.2.3 Energy performance indicators
EV class roads are an additional class for situations like EN 13201-5 describes the two energy performance
interchange areas where vertical surfaces need to be metrics power density indicator (PDI) DP (measured in
perceived clearly. W/(lx ∙ m2)) and the annual energy consumption indica-
tor (AECI) DE (measured in (Wh)/m2) which already have
been introduced in the previous chapter. These indi-
cators should always be used together for the assess-
ment of the energy performance of a particular lighting
Illuminance on road Vertical plane
surface illuminance
The power density indicator defines how to calculate
the energy performance of a particular street lighting
installation and makes it possible to compare different
setups and technologies for the same street lighting
project (as different locations will have a different ge-
Semi cylindrical hemi spherical ometry and environmental conditions, PDI values can
illuminance illuminance
only be used to compare different setups for the same
Figure 5 Illuminance criteria types installation). The following information is needed in
order to calculate the power density indicator for any
Additionally, the informative Annex A of EN 13201-2 given area:
introduces six different luminous intensity classes for
P AFR 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24/0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 6 Example layout for PDI/AECI calculation Figure 7 Sample time-based light output: Full power during
the evening and early morning, half power late at night
the number of sub-areas to be lit. For street lighting Figure 8 Time-based light output with vehicle or presence
classes which do not use the maintained average hori- detectors – full power when presence is detected
Lamp type
class High pressure mercury Metal halide High pressure sodium Low pressure sodium LED
M1 45 / 5.0 34 – 41 / 4.0 – 5.3 25 – 32 / 3.0 – 3.8
M2 100 / 10.8 50 / 4.6 31 – 40 / 3.2 – 4.2 24 – 27 / 2.4 – 2.5
M3 84 / 6.0 47 / 3.6 40 / 2.8 – 3.1 34 – 38 / 2.5 – 2.6 23 – 25 / 1.5
M4 90 / 5.0 60 / 3.1 41 – 47 / 2.3 – 2.5 34 – 42 / 1.8 – 2.4 23 / 1.1
M5 86 / 3.2 30 / 0.9 47 / 1.7 38 – 45 / 1.1 – 1.6 24 / 0.8
M6 85 / 1.9 37 / 0.6 45 – 49 / 0.2 – 1.2 20 – 27 / 0.4 – 0.5
2.2.4 Example – roads in urban areas • Separation of carriageway: there is no such separa-
tion, thus the weighting value is 1.
The following section illustrates how the EN 13201 • Parked vehicles: in general there are no parked vehi-
standard may be applied for different lighting situa- cles, so the weighting value is 0.
tions in terms of road classification and requirements. • Ambient luminosity: the environment at rush hour
The first example is an urban downtown location which times is bright and the ambient luminosity is high,
includes a pedestrian crossing as well as a bicycle lane. so the weighting value 1.
The street is very crowded, causing severe traffic con- • Navigational task: due to the pedestrian crossing
gestions during rush hours. the navigational task would be difficult, so the ac-
cording weighting value is 1.
2.2.5 Example – roads in rural areas Now, to determine the exact lighting class, Table 1 of
the standard PD CEN/TR 13201-1:2015 (Table 9) has to
Our second example is a route between two villages. be used.
Street lighting is not mandatory for such roads. How- • Design speed or speed limit: the average speed of
ever if street lighting is planned (for example, in order the main road users lies between 70 and 100 km/h
to reduce accidents) the lighting class and minimum so the weighting value is 1.
criteria must be determined as usual. • Traffic volume: In this example we will assume a
moderate traffic volume which leads to a weighting
value of 0.
• Traffic composition: Since there is a separate bicy-
cle/footpath there are only motorised vehicles on
the road and the weighting value is 0.
• Junction density: there are less than 3 intersections
per km, so the junction density is moderate and the
corresponding weighting value is 0.
• Parked vehicles: there are no parked vehicles so the
Figure 10 Rural location weighting value is 0
• Ambient luminosity: the environmental brightness
Since the situation is not classified as a conflict area and thus also the ambient luminosity are low so the
(there is a combined bicycle/footpath next to the road, weighting value will be -1.
so cyclists and pedestrians are not allowed to use the • Navigational task: since there are neither many in-
road) and the average speed of the main road users tersections nor any different road users than motor-
is quite high, this road belongs to the lighting class M ised vehicles, the navigational task is easy and the
(lighting classes for motorised traffic). weighting value is 0.
Table 9 Choosing the lighting class for a rural area (according to standard EN 13201)
Parameter Options Description*
Value Vw*
Design speed or Very high v ≥ 100 km/h 2
speed limit High 70 < v < 100 km/h 1
Moderate 40 < v ≤ 70 km/h −1
Low v ≤ 40 km/h −2
Traffic volume Motorways,
High Two lane routes 1
multilane routes
35 % – 65 % of maximum 15 % – 45 % of maximum
Moderate 0
capacity capacity
< 35 % of maximum < 15 % of maximum
Low −1
capacity capacity
Traffic Mixed with high percent-
composition age of non-motorised
Mixed 1
Motorised only 0
Separation of No 1
carriageway Yes 0
Junction density Interchanges, distance
between bridges, km
High >3 <3 1
≥3 ≤3 0
Parked vehicles Present 1
Not present 0
Ambient shopping windows, advertisement, expressions,
High 1
luminosity sport fields, station areas, storage areas
Moderate normal situation 0
Low −1
Navigational tasks Very difficult 2
Difficult 1
Easy 0
* The values stated in the column are an example. Any adaption of the method or more appropriate weighting values
can be used instead, on the national level
3.1 Lighting system components • The term “light source” means a surface or object
designed to emit mainly visible optical radiation
Street lighting system components can be divided into produced by a transformation of energy. The ex-
three broad categories: pression “visible” refers to a wavelength range of
• Optical systems, which cover luminaires (includ- 380 – 780 nm.
ing reflectors, refractors and lenses), lamps or light
sources, and the control gear. In this context a “luminaire” can contain one or more
• Support systems consisting of poles and their foun- “lamps”, whereas a “lamp” can be equipped with one
dations. or more “light sources”.
• Electrical systems (including service cabinets) cov-
ering energy supply, control and metering facilities. Lamps
From a physical point of view all lamp technologies
used for street lighting today transform electric energy
3.1.1 Optical Systems into visible light. High intensity discharge lamps have
been dominating in street lighting over decades, but Luminaires, lamps and light sources as already mentioned in the previous section, LED tech-
For distinguishing the terms „luminaires“, „lamps“ and nology is superseding all other lamp types, particularly
„light sources“ a reference is made to the definitions, for new street lighting systems. High pressure sodium
provided in the recent EU regulations 874/2012 (en- (HPS) lamps remain as a relevant option, especially for
ergy labelling of electrical lamps and luminaires) and some applications, such as for motorways. These lamps
1194/2012 (eco-design requirements for directional are very energy efficient but provide only low colour
lamps, LEDs and related equipment): rendering; however this is not considered a problem in
• “Luminaire” means an apparatus which distributes, some areas of application. Metal halide lamps and low
filters or transforms the light transmitted from one or pressure discharge lamps are expected to be replaced
more lamps and which includes all the parts neces- by LED in the medium-term.
sary for supporting, fixing and protecting the lamps
and, where necessary, circuit auxiliaries together In LED lamps, light is produced by the so-called elec-
with the means for connecting them to the electric troluminescence effect. As in other diodes electrons
supply. are moving from the cathode to the anode and emit a
• A “Lamp” is defined as a unit whose performance photon when falling to a lower energy level.
can be assessed independently and which consists
of one or more light sources. It may include addi- The wavelength of the light emitted, and thus its col-
tional components necessary for starting, power our, depends on the materials used. For street light-
supply or stable operation of the unit or for distribut- ing commonly blue LEDs are used, providing white
ing, filtering or transforming the optical radiation, in light when encapsulated in a phosphor coating (yellow
cases where those components cannot be removed coating, cf. Figure 11 and Figure 12 illustrating dif-
without permanently damaging the unit. ferent principles for white light generation based on
phosphor coating). Blue-emitting LEDs currently have
LEDs cannot be operated with mains supply voltage Reflectors are used to redirect the light output. The
(AC). Thus a control gear (“driver”) is needed, with its reflector mirrors create multiple images of the light
main function to provide a stabilized DC voltage. De- source thereby supporting a relatively uniform lumi-
pending on the quality of the driver, power losses can nance pattern on the lit surface. Furthermore reflectors
vary between 10 % and 30 % of the nominal wattage of support minimized light pollution and glare (see sec-
the light source. Poor quality drivers may have losses tions and
up to 50 % and may reduce the lifetime of the light
source [RL]. An important secondary function of the Refractors or prismatic lenses redirect the light from
driver is dimming, which is discussed in section 3.3.4. the lamp and the reflector and provide additional pro-
tection against damage. They are most commonly Luminaires used in cobra head luminaires.
The luminaire is the complete lighting apparatus con-
sisting of the housing as well as all parts required for Lenses allow further directional controlling of the light
mounting and function, including the lamps, con- and are directly fitted onto LEDs. Similar to the other
trol parts, control gear, wiring and so forth. LED light components mentioned they support the redirection
sources are usually mounted in specifically designed of light, reduction of glare and ingress protection (see
flat luminaires that make optimal use of their optical section
Flat Luminaire High Mast Style Luminaire Cobra Head Style Luminaire
Concentrator Concentrator
Both centralized and dynamic control systems require
the implementation of ICT (Information and Commu-
nications Technology) systems of varying degrees of
complexity. While they provide additional options for Lamp Lamp Lamp Lamp
saving energy, they also require additional resources 1 n 1 n
With dynamic street lighting management, the great- There are two layers of communication in a street light-
est extent of control is possible. Not only can the lamps ing system that need to be bridged with communica-
be controlled either in groups or on an individual basis, tion technology: Command centre to concentrators,
but the central control server can also collect informa- and concentrators to individual lamps. They can either
tion on their status depending on the options installed transmit information via cable or as wireless signals,
(e. g. failures, energy consumption, operating or ambi- and both options have implications for the communi-
ent temperature, ambient light, traffic, and the pres- cation protocols that are available.
ence of pedestrians). Changes to the programming
can also be done on the central control server instead Cable-bound communication between the command
of requiring changes to the physical hardware. centre and the concentrators generally uses standard
Ethernet communication protocols, which are a well-es-
However, as outlined above this added flexibility comes tablished technology [PE]. While Ethernet cables are
with considerable added complexity and thus added theoretically possible between the concentrators and
costs. The control software must be implemented and the lamps, this would require additional cabling and
maintained, and the local operators in charge of the thus additional costs. Instead, cable-bound local net-
system must be trained in its use. Furthermore the works for street lighting generally use power-line com-
added complexity increases the risk of programming munications (PLC), which modulate the signals of their
failures. The lamps should be installed with fail-safe power line in order to exchange information.
systems that guarantee basic traffic safety at night even
when receiving no or erroneous commands from the
control system [BFE].
Microwave motion detectors detect shifts in micro- Depending on traffic, weather, and ambient lighting
waves bouncing back from a moving object, similar to conditions it may not be necessary to operate lamps
radar speed guns. They are able to detect even small at full power throughout the night. By combining
motions and are not affected by the ambient tempera- proper astronomical timers, daylight harvesting, and
ture of objects. However, they are costly and may cause traffic detection schemes with dimming, huge energy
false detection due to movements outside the speci- savings can be attained – in some projects, up to 85 %
fied zone. savings were achieved. Furthermore, gradually increas-
ing and decreasing the illumination reduces discom-
Infrared sensors detect the heat of an object or a fort glare for nearby residents. LEDs are especially
person relative to their surroundings. They are purely suitable for dimming-based strategies as they can be
passive sensors – thus, they do not emit sound or ra- dimmed smoothly with almost no technical complica-
diation in order to collect information. However, they tions, whereas other lamp types used in street light-
might trigger false detection from warm air, rainfall, or ing cannot be dimmed, produce drastic colour shifts
hot objects. when dimmed (high-pressure mercury and metal halide
lamps) or are limited in how far they can be dimmed.
Video processing uses video cameras as smart sen-
sors, identifying moving objects via smart algorithms.
They can monitor a larger area than other detection
B) Selection criteria
Mandatory requirement Award criterion
Know-how and experience of the design team and
the installation team
Capacity of tenderer to deliver within specified timeframe ü
Compliance with ISO and EN standards ü
D) Cost criteria
TCO calculation (recommended option) ü
Investment costs (fall back option) ü
E) Contractcual issues
Putting into service of lighting systems and controls ü
Correct installation ü
Reduction and recovery of waste ü
4.4.1 Energy related criteria In this first version of PremiumLight-Pro criteria AECI
and PDI are only included as award criteria. Thus no Luminaire efficacy minimum requirements are specified.
The following requirements specify a minimum efficacy
for LED luminaires. Luminaire efficacy varies with the For cases where the procurer wants to specify manda-
colour temperature of the light source. For that reason tory minimum requirements a possible approach is in-
different efficacy requirements for different colour tem- dicated further below.
perature levels are proposed. In particular luminaires
with very low colour temperature (e. g. ≤ 2000 K) pro- PremiumLight-Pro-Requirement:
vide comparably low efficacy. Requirements for lumi- PDI and AECI shall be calculated by the tenderer as
naire efficacy will be updated every year with new lev- specified in EN 13201-5:2016 and further explained in
els to be specified during fall 2018 for the year 2019. chapter 2 of this document:
PDI and AECI shall be calculated by the tenderer in a Two different fitting factors M = 1.2 or 1.3 are used de-
transparent way and be verified by measurements for pending on whether the complete lighting system is
a specified road segment. AECI typically includes dim- newly installed (position of poles and luminaires can be
ming options. selected) or already existing poles are used.
Verification Verification
The tenderer shall specify and confirm the parameters The tenderer shall provide the photometric file which
in the technical documentation of the tender. Param- must include information on the upward light output
eters shall be declared according to the appropriate ratio.
standards and legislation. Glare protection Luminance and illuminance Glare is an important quality parameter for street light-
The luminance and illuminance levels shall be specified ing as it directly affects safety and comfort. For both
according to the needs for the specific road types and disability glare and discomfort glare a standard classi-
shall follow the requirements specified in EN 13201. fication of different glare levels is available (for defini-
tions see chapter 2). For both parameters 6 classes are
All requirements at the luminaire level shall be con-
firmed with appropriate product information and rel-
evant declarations according to EU regulations and
standards by the tenderer.
Verification Verification
The tenderer shall provide the technical specifications The warranty or service agreement shall be specified
of the control gear (based on recognised state-of-the- in the tender indicating the parts which are covered
art measurement methods including, where available, by the service agreements and the guarantee. A spare
harmonised European standards) part list shall be provided together with a manual and
diagram of the luminaire illustrating access, demount-
Warranty ing and mounting of parts.
The warranty for the lighting system (covering individ-
ual components of the system as well as reparability) is
an essential feature supporting the expected lifetime 4.4.4 Life Cycle Costs/TCO
of the lighting installation. Long lifetime may justify
higher initial investment for more efficient high quality The economy of new LED lighting systems is best as-
LED street lighting installations. sessed by a life cycle costing approach. While the pur-
chasing costs may be higher compared to traditional
Overall repair and maintenance should be possible lighting systems, total costs including operation and
without proprietary equipment. maintenance often are lower. A life cycle or TCO as-
sessment approach may allow more “costly” solutions
4.4.6 Reduction of waste and recovery The weighting of criteria typically is adapted to local
of materials needs. Thus the proposed weighting presented here is
just to be seen as one possible option.
Reduction of waste and recovery of raw materials is
essential for the majority of street lighting installations Table 12 The proposed weighting for Award criteria For
as most newly installed systems replace old systems. Projects Including TCO information
Substantial amounts of waste are to be collected and Award criterion Weighting [ %]
various materials can be recovered.
Cost criteria based on total cost of
ownership (TCO)
PremiumLight-Pro Requirement:
Investment costs 15
During dismounting and new installation all relevant
components shall be separated and recovered in ac- TCO Electricity costs 20
cordance with the WEEE Directive (Directive on Waste Maintenance costs 15
Electrical & Electronic Equipment) of the European Un- Quality and design criteria 30
ion. [WEE]. Lighting Quality 20
Design 10
Warranty, Design for Recycling 20
The tenderer shall declare how the waste will be sepa-
Warranty 10
rated and materials will be recovered during dismount-
ing of the old system and installation of the new sys- Availability of spare parts, Design for
Total 100
4.5 PremiumLight-Pro award criteria – Table 13 Weighting for Award criteria For Projects
weighting and score excluding TCO information
EN 13201-3:2015 – Street lighting – Part 3: Calculation SES – Straßenbeleuchtung (2016). Effiziente Systeme
of performance; – Empfehlungen für Gemeindebehörden und Beleuch-
EN 13201-4:2015 – Street lighting – Part 4: Methods of
measuring lighting performance; VEJ – Handbook Street Lighting – Construction and
Planning (2015). Vejregler, Denmark
EN 13201-5:2015 –Street lighting – Part 5: Energy per-
formance indicators; WEEE – Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parlia-
ment and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on waste electri-
ENG – Engineering: Progress in Understanding Color cal and electronic equipment (WEEE)
Maintenance in Solid-State Lighting Systems (2015).
Maryam Yazdan Mehra, Willem Dirk van Driela, G. Q. ZHA – Zhaga Interface specification book 1 (2015):
(Kouchi) Zhang, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 170–178 overview and common information, Edition 1.7
GPP – Revision of the EU Green Public Procurement ZHA5 – Zhaga Interface Specification Book 5 (2014):
Criteria for Street Lighting and Traffic Signals (2016); Socketable LED Light Engine with Separate Electronic
Technical report and criteria proposal (1st draft) Control Gear, Edition 1.2
Reprint allowed in parts and with detailed reference only. Printed on non-chlorine bleached paper
The Austrian Energy Agency has compiled the contents of this study with meticulous care and to the best of its
knowledge. However, we cannot assume any liability for the up-to-dateness, completeness or accuracy of any of the