Round Unit

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Today we will begin a new unit.

This unit will consist of us working in groups to

create a round. The end goal of this unit is to create an eight measure melody then
turn it into a four person round. But before we begin working in groups we need to
work on our composition skills as an individual.
Step One: Play “Row Row Row Your Boat” as a class

Step Two: Create an eight measure melody.

 Determine your key signature and time signature.
o Can’t write in C major/A minor.
 Determine what clef you should write in for your instrument.
 Make sure to include bar lines.
 Include a double bar line at the end.
 Neatness is key!! Other musicians must be able to read and play your work.
 Complete in pencil.
This eight measure melody is due tomorrow, 4/19/2018, at the beginning of the
class period. See back for rubric. The rubric must be turned in with your melody.
Name _______________________________
Excellent (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) Needs
Improvement (1)
Key and Time Key and time Key and time Either the time No key and time
Signature signature are signature are signature or key signature are
included and can included, but are signature is included.
be easily read and not written missing and not
are written correctly. written correctly.
Clef The appropriate The appropriate The wrong clef is No clef is
clef is written for clef is chosen, chosen. written.
your instrument but is not written
and is written neatly or
neatly and correctly.
Measures The melody is The melody is 6- The melody is 6-8 The melody is
eight measures 8 measures long measures long, but less than 6
long and bar lines and bar lines are no bar lines are measures long
are included. included. Double included. and no bar lines
Double bar line at bar line at the are included.
the end. end.
Beats per There are the There are the There are the There are the
measures correct amount of correct amount correct amount of correct amount
beats per of beats per beats per measure of beats per
measures measure in 6/8 in 4/8 measures measure in 2/8
according to your measures according to your measures
time signature. according to time signature. according to
your time your time
signature. signature.
Neatness The melody is The melody is The melody is The melody is
written neatly and fairly neat and messy and hard to nearly
can be easily can be read. read. Written in impossible to
read. Written in Written in pen. read. Written in
pencil. pencil. pen.

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