Chapter - 6 Conclusions

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5.1 Summary and Conclusions:

‘Optimization’ quite often is associated almost exclusively with the

use of mathematical techniques to model and analyze decision problems

and these mathematical and stochastic models are usually tailored to fit

into specific real life problems. A known fact is that it is difficult to

conceive a model that reflects the reality as close as possible and

simultaneously simple for analysis. For this reason, different models

each representing one or more problem situations are developed. During

the past three decades a substantial body of literature has been

developed on reliability models.

Until recently not much of work is reported on integrated reliability

models and in particular on the integrated reliability models for

redundant systems. Almost all the models that are reported primarily

considered cost as the basic constraint in order to optimize the reliability

of a system. Further to the best knowledge of the author the integrated


reliability models for redundant systems with multiple constraints (i.e.

.cost, weight, volume etc.,) are not reported, which prompted to consider

a class of integrated reliability models with redundancy where multiple

constraints are considered to optimize the models under consideration,

which is perhaps a novel beginning in the mentioned area of research.

Primarily the basic concepts of reliability systems with different types

with their applications and also the different methods to maximize the

reliability of a system are detailed in first chapter.

second chapter is completely devoted for a comprehensive literature

survey of the basic models, which authenticates that only scanty

literature is available on the integrated reliability models. The survey

work is carried out on optimization techniques for system reliability

models by classifying the models under system configuration,

optimization techniques and by the structure of the optimization

problems. The survey of literature authenticates that a very few research

papers advocated the fact that integrated reliability models for redundant

systems with multiple constraints can be studied and this prompted the

author to initiate the work in this direction.

In third chapter the integrated reliability models for redundant

systems with multiple constraints for the four commonly used

mathematical functions are established by using Lagrangian method

approach where component reliabilities (rj) and the number of

components (xj) in each stage are treated as unknowns. The system

reliability(Rs) is to be maximized for the given cost, weight and volume by

determining the component reliabilities(rj) and the number of


components required for each stage(xj).The system considered in this

series-parallel system with multiple constraints on cost, weight and

volume and by applying the Lagrangian method, the different

characteristics of the model namely component reliabilities(rj), number of

components(xj), stage reliabilities(Rj) and the system reliability(Rs) are

established for the given cost, weight and volume constraints.

At this stage a bottleneck is observed as the number of components

required at each stage (xj), is found to be in real value numbers, which is

practically infeasible for real life applications. The author rounded off the

values of xj to the nearest integer and recalculated the characteristics of

the models. The procedure leads to the inference that by rounding off the

values of xj , the system reliability(Rs) is increased as there is increase in

the cost of the system and this analogy is found in all the four case

problems. The rounding off the values of xj) may not be in the passion of

a sound analytic procedure and hence the author processes alternative

procedures to optimize the integrated reliability models i.e., integer

programming and heuristic approach, which are detailed in chapter four

and five.

The integrated reliability models for redundant systems with

multiple constraints for the four mathematical functions that are

considered in chapter three are analyzed by applying the integer

programming in chapter four. For the analysis purpose the values of the

component reliabilities rj , are taken from Lagrangian method approach

as input to carry out the integer programming analysis and this

procedure is adopted for the four integrated reliability models under


study. The advantage of integer programming is that the number of

components required for each stage (xj) directly gives an integer value

along with the other values of the parameters, which is very convenient

for practical implementation for the real life problems.

The integrated reliability models for redundant systems with multiple

constraints for the four mathematical functions that are considered in

chapter three are analyzed by applying the heuristic approach in chapter

five. For the analysis purpose the values of the component reliabilities rj,

are taken from Lagrangian method approach as input to carry out the

heuristic approach analysis and this procedure is adopted for the four

integrated reliability models under study. The advantage of this heuristic

approach is that the number of components required for each stage (xj)

directly gives an integer value along with the other values of the

parameters, which is very convenient for practical implementation for the

real life problems.

6.2 Scope for future work:

The Author in this work proposed a class of integrated reliability

models for redundant systems with multiple constraints as a beginning

in the mentioned area of research and initiated the optimizing the system

reliability for the said models under two different approaches and the

results reported in the work is highly useful for the reliability design

engineers for successful implementation for the models which helps to

produce high reliable and quality goods and the models are established

for the series-parallel reliable configuration systems. These models can

also be further investigated for different mathematical functions of


interest and can be applied for parallel-series configuration systems,

where the application of these models for such systems will be feasible

only when the cost of the system is very low. The author is of the opinion

that the stated problem can be investigated under the scope of study.

1. Balaguruswamy.E., “Reliability Engineering” ,TMH,1991.(Text


2. Sinha.S.K., “Reliability Engineering”, PHI,1985.(Text book)

3. Srinath.L.S., “Reliability Engineering”, Affiliated East-West press

Pvt.Ltd.,1991.(Text book)

4. Caplen Rowland, “A practical approach to reliability”, Business

books Limited, 1972.(text book)

5. Taha.H.A, “Operations Reserch”, PHI, 2007.(Text book)

6. Rao.S.S.. “Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice”, New Age

International (P) Ltd., Publishers, New Delhi,1996.(Text book)

7. Aggarwal.K.K, Misra.K.B. and Gupta.J.S, “A fast algorithm for

reliability evaluation” , IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol.R-

24, No.1, April 1975, pp 83-85.

8. Aggarwal.K.K, Gupta.J.S, Gupta.J.S and Misra.K.B. “A new

heuristic criterion for solving a redundancy optimization problem”,

IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol.R-24, No.1, April 1975, PP

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