Chapter - 6 Conclusions
Chapter - 6 Conclusions
Chapter - 6 Conclusions
5.1 Summary and Conclusions:
and these mathematical and stochastic models are usually tailored to fit
redundant systems. Almost all the models that are reported primarily
.cost, weight, volume etc.,) are not reported, which prompted to consider
with their applications and also the different methods to maximize the
papers advocated the fact that integrated reliability models for redundant
systems with multiple constraints can be studied and this prompted the
practically infeasible for real life applications. The author rounded off the
the models. The procedure leads to the inference that by rounding off the
the cost of the system and this analogy is found in all the four case
problems. The rounding off the values of xj) may not be in the passion of
and five.
programming in chapter four. For the analysis purpose the values of the
components required for each stage (xj) directly gives an integer value
along with the other values of the parameters, which is very convenient
five. For the analysis purpose the values of the component reliabilities rj,
are taken from Lagrangian method approach as input to carry out the
heuristic approach analysis and this procedure is adopted for the four
approach is that the number of components required for each stage (xj)
directly gives an integer value along with the other values of the
in the mentioned area of research and initiated the optimizing the system
reliability for the said models under two different approaches and the
results reported in the work is highly useful for the reliability design
produce high reliable and quality goods and the models are established
where the application of these models for such systems will be feasible
only when the cost of the system is very low. The author is of the opinion
that the stated problem can be investigated under the scope of study.
1. Balaguruswamy.E., “Reliability Engineering” ,TMH,1991.(Text
Pvt.Ltd.,1991.(Text book)