NSFL Daily Stormer's Style Guide
NSFL Daily Stormer's Style Guide
NSFL Daily Stormer's Style Guide
Every word other than short (4 or fewer letters) "minor" words should be capitalized in the
title, unless the short "minor" word is the first or last word in the title or the first word
following a semicolon.
• Articles: a, an, & the.
• Coordinate conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet & so
• Short prepositions: at, by, for, from, of, on, to, with
To be clear: capitalize all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.
The byline is entered manually. It should be entered thusly at the top of the page:
Andrew Anglin
<b>Daily Stormer</b>
May 20, 2017
Article Body
There should always be a header image at the top of an article. A YouTube clip can also fill this
The basic format should usually be:
•A bit of commentary
•Quote from mainstream news source
•A bit more commentary
You can also break up the quote from the mainstream source and interject commentary. You
can use multiple sources (details on quote method below).
There is a box below the article body box which reads "excerpt." This will appear on the front
page when it is the latest article in a category, on category pages and on Google.
The format:
<b>[YOUR NAME]</b> | [single sentence description and/or joke]
Note: the single sentence should be a sentence, not a subheading. Meaning it should have
normal sentence capitalization, rather than title capitalization, and should end with a period.
Featured Image
The featured image should me something people want to click on.
It must be 320px wide.
It is going to be autocropped to 16:9, so you must use a landscape-oriented image that is going
to crop properly. That is to say, it needs to be an image where the center object is already in
the center, so that the auto-cropping doesn't leave you with chest and shoulders, or something
otherwise aesthetically problematic.
Copying and Pasting
Content on various websites may contain useless HTML code. If you copy and paste directly
from most sites to the "visual" tab, it will copy useless code with the text which can screwup
the formatting of the page. So when copying and pasting, paste to the "text" tab. Conversely,
in chrome, there is a right-click option to "paste as plain text."
American Standards
All spelling should be American/international English, rather than British.
If you're not used to this, it may be useful for you to change your spellchecker settings.
Additionally, in American English the period or comma goes inside the quotation marks. The
question mark goes inside only if it is part of the quote. Otherwise it is outside.
Additionally, we refer to collective nouns in the singular.
British: ISIS are responsible for the attack.
This may not be intuitive and I can correct it in editing until you get the hang of it.
Note: We use the traditional spelling of some words which have been changed for political
purposes. For example, "Muslim" should be spelled "Moslem," and "Quran" should be spelled
The "lede" is the first sentence of the article, which introduces it. Strong ledes are very
important. It should be as punchy and straightforward as possible. Often, the lede, as a single
sentence, should be followed by a paragraph break, as this increases its impact.
Short paragraphs
Paragraphs should be as short as possible. Generally, that means between two and three
sentences. AP and Reuters articles are a good guide for this. Even when a paragraph break
would not necessarily appropriate in a traditional sense, one should be inserted if the
paragraph gets too long wherever it makes the most sense to do so.
We are writing for the common man, so the language should be very simple, using a standard
8th grade vocabulary. The use of "college words" is extremely discouraged.
The only situation in which an uncommon word should be used in when it is unavoidable,
such as when it is needed to describe something technical, or a situation or phenomenon that
is so specific that it requires a unique description.
Hyperlinks to a news story should appear on the name of the publication, if the publication is
As the Washington Post reported, the turkroach was duct-taped to his seat by passengers until
the plane landed.
If the publication name is not listed (this is a choice left to the writer, if he is not directly
quoting another news source), then the fact itself should be hyperlinked.
The turkroach was duct-taped to his seat by passengers until the plane landed.
Note that the hyperlink only covers the key, first point, rather than the entire sentence.
Hyperlinks should generally not stretch across entire sentences.
Note: Make sure the hyperlink is limited to words, and does not stretch into the spacing
between words.
As the Washington Post reported, the turkroach was duct-taped to his seat by passengers until
the plane landed.
Quote Method
There is no need to completely rewrite a news story. It is legal under fair use laws to quote
large parts of an article, as long as you don't quote the whole thing, and you can use this to get
the basic facts of the story stated, rather than just retyping them in your own words.
There are several reasons I have settled on this model:
•It saves energy, while ensuring the facts themselves are communicated accurately
•It serves to break-up the text in a way that is appealing to the ADHD demographic we
are targeting.
•Being able to see the mainstream source quoted allows us to co-opt the perceived
authority of the mainstream media, and not look like one of those sites we are all
probably familiar with where you are never certain if what they are saying has been
•By simply commenting on existing news items, rather than rewriting the facts of the
story, we can never be accused of "fake news" - or delisted by Facebook as such - as it is
clear that all we are doing is commenting on existing news.
•The contrast between the mainstream writing style and our own humorous, snarky
style can be funny.
The site is in many ways modeled off of successful liberal blogs such as Gawker. They have
produced a great method to appeal to the same age demographic we want to appeal to.
When the text is quoted using the <blockquote> tag, it doesn't need to have quotation marks
around it.
Generally, the link will be posted at the beginning of the quote, with its own line, containing
simply the title of the publication.
New York Times:
You and anyone reading that can say omg corny lol. But it just doesn't matter to the primitive
part of the brain. The part that gives you chills when William Wallace gives that speech in
Braveheart (don't even lie brah).
It's illegal to promote violence on the Internet. At the same time, it's totally important to
normalize the acceptance of violence as an eventuality/inevitability.
I'm extremely careful about never suggesting violence. I go beyond legal requirements in
America. However, whenever someone does something violent, it should be made light of,
laughed at.
For example, Anders Breivik should be forever referred to as a heroic freedom fighter. This is
great because people think you must be joking. But there is a part of their brain that doesn't
think that.
When it comes to more immediate violent trends, I'm slightly more careful. The burnings of
migrant centers is one of these things. I'm slightly hesitant to say "patriotic heroes burn
another might center," given that this could be construed as calling for more arson (whereas it
can't be construed that I'm calling for Breivik to kill more brats).
Dylann Roof I have labeled "DyRo," and though I offer explanations for what he did, I never
condemn him. I also think it is very funny to say that he was simply defending himself when
he was attacked in a church by black mamies trying to steal his iPhone. That sort of silly
humor really bites at the Jew "pure evil" narrative.
No Criticism of Other White Activists
This goes without saying but I'll say it anyway: there should never be any criticism of other
white activists, even faggots we all fucking hate.
There is nothing profitable which can come of this. And DS is the biggest site, so by attacking
others who are wrong all we would be doing is giving them attention they wouldn't otherwise
have gotten.
In general, other white activists should be praised as heroes or not mentioned at all. I think we
all probably know who is who as far as all that goes.
This doesn't necessarily apply to all mainstream right-wing figures such as Marine Le Pen.
It certainly does not apply to the "Alt-Lite," who should be viciously attacked and mocked.
Troll Methods
Trolling is something a bit higher level than normal news writing, but it is good to understand
the methods and incorporate them whenever possible. This is a way through which one can
create incidents, where the media responds with outrage, and they cannot help but give it
endless coverage.
We have an army at our disposal, to use for whatever purposes we wish. They enjoy attacking
people on the internet. Organizing campaigns is very good in every way: it energizes our
people, gives them something fun to do, gains media attention and increases the site's level of
general infamy.
Isolating and Mass-Assaulting Minor Public Figures
A core element of our success in drawing attention to ourselves has been in isolating
individual targets and maximizing pressure on them.
There are two main ways to do this.
Method One
The first way is to case a wide net and see who bites (how's that for a mixed metaphor?)
Jews and women are extremely volatile, and will almost always run to the media and
complain if they get attacked on social media.
If you find some random weirdo pervert, woman or Jew, you can write about them, attack
This works particularly well on journalists, bloggers, politicians and public figures. It can also
work on entertainment figures.
If you post their social media information, some of our readers will send them messages. If
they don't respond, whatever, you've written a funny and informative article. However, if they
do respond - or someone, such as the ADL or SPLC, responds on their behalf - you can then
respond to their response, and their response will lead our readers to respond in larger
numbers. Then you've got yourself an incident.
You can then drag this out with follow-up articles, which will create continual news coverage
for the site as long as you can keep it going.
This can apparently result in lawsuits, which we can win, and which cause maximum media.
The Tanya Gersh incident was the most famous of these incidents, though we have done it
consistently since I started the site.
Method Two
The second way is to dig up public information on a person and catalog it - in particular, their
social media postings - and use it to destroy their life.
Generally, it will be information that a group of people on /pol/ have already dug up, but
which we are able to catalog and amplify.
After years of trying, r/KotakuInAction was never able to get a single video game industry
SJW fired, but with Nintendo employee Alison Rapp, who was found to be a supporter of child
pornography, we were able to get fired the first one we ever targeted. It was later revealed that
she was working as a prostitute (while married to a literal cuckold who was aware of this).
Feminists rushed to the defense of a CP-defending literal hooker, blaming evil Nazis for
criticizing her behavior.
Pressuring "Conservative" Figures
"Conservative" media figures are, for whatever reason, emotionally fragile and can easily be
One of the site's first major trolling operations, back in 2014, was a campaign against Alex
Jones which I dubbed "Operation: Jew Wife." We sent the Troll Army to bombard his
comments section - both on Infowars.com and his YouTube and Twitter accounts - with
comments on how he was shilling for Jews and wrongfully attacking Adolf Hitler, because he
has a Jewish wife. We also had people calling in his show.
He responded to us multiple times on air, and had to temporarily shut down his comments
We found out later that his Jewish wife filed for divorce during this period and that was
almost certainly related.
Gavin McInnes has proved to be a bottomless bucket of lulz. He has attacked me personally on
I think five occasions, in multiple different media. He now spends huge amounts of time
talking about Nazis, and trying to explain why he likes Jews.
MILO has been similarly good for responding to us, and has mentioned us on multiple TV
Assigning Racist Motivations to Celebrities
Anything to do with celebrities is going to be interesting to people, because people are
interested in celebrities. By adding a Nazi spin, you can do serious damage.
One of the site's most-viewed articles ever was one claiming that Tom Hanks was
disappointed in his nigger grandchildren.
We had another major media success when we claimed that Taylor Swift was our "Aryan
Goddess" and that we believed her to be a secret Nazi. The media was literally obsessed with
this for a news cycle, and was writing articles about how Swift couldn't possibly be a Nazi -
and giving actual explanations as to why not.
Note: The people working in the media themselves have been indoctrinated with stereotypes
about racists being inbred hillbilly retards, so you can make them believe that you believe
things you do not actually believe very easily, and they will promote it to try and make fun of
Praising People and Companies as Supporting Racism
If Nazis are praising something, it is always worthy of media coverage.