Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome 10 Grade World History Mr. Jordan M. Andress
Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome 10 Grade World History Mr. Jordan M. Andress
Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome 10 Grade World History Mr. Jordan M. Andress
10th Grade
World History
Unit Overview: The unit on ancient Greece and Rome will include religious impacts on
their ancient societies, different wars and how they were fought, political changes that
would have a profound impact on modern day governments, scientific and social changes
that would change how the world would operate while these ancient societies lived. This
unit will take place around the second month of school; students will need to cover earlier
civilizations and world religions before beginning a unit on these two societies according to
the standards.
Political, cultural, and scientific advancements for these two societies are required by the
state of Arizona’s content standards. Brief lectures and activities relating to each
advancement/aspect of their societies each day will give them a better understanding of
the topics. Keeping them primarily the same with both societies, only on different weeks
will also help them understand that both societies greatly valued these aspects and
advancements as they have contributed to modern-day societies.
Enduring Understanding: The polytheistic religion of ancient Greece and Rome played a
major part in their lives as they spent a great deal of time worshipping their gods, each
society used political systems that would outlast their societies, and daily life was centered
around religion, politics, and art.
Essential Question: How did religion, politics, and daily life impact these societies?
How do they impact more modern societies?
Key Concepts:
Julius Caesar
Caesar Augustus
Marc Anthony
Jesus Christ
3. Differentiate political systems of the time
4. Compare democracy with republics
5. Describe ideas behind Roman expansion
6. Describe the Peloponnesian Wars
7. Explain the rise of Christianity
8. Identify Greek and Roman advancements
9. Analyze daily life for Greek and Roman citizens
10. Evaluate the impact religion had on life in these societies
Formative Assessments:
1. Quizzes: Students will take two quizzes throughout the unit. The first will be given
on day 6 of the unit after the brief review, which will cover the first section of the
unit, ancient Greece. This will cover part of objectives 2, 6, 8, and 9. The second quiz
will include the other part of 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 9 and will be given on day 13. These
quizzes will consist of mostly multiple choice/true or false questions with one short
answer question.
2. Informal discussions: Teacher will lead these discussions throughout the class on
objective topics. For instance the government systems used by the two societies,
which one was more effective democracy or republics? Class will discuss multiple
perspectives on certain events. Some discussions will be a class discussion, others
will include table discussions and class sharing’s.
3. Exit tickets: The students will be allowed time to think out their argument or
opinions and write them down which they will then turn in at the end of the class
period. This will be a way to measure their ability to think about a topic, draft a
response and show their ability to comprehend the class topics. (1, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10)
1. This section will consist of 15 multiple choice and true/false questions that will span
both societies and include questions on religion, politics, social life, and
contributions. This section will include questions that cause students to recall
certain events and information from both Rome and Greece. For example, dates,
wars, mythology, etc. Part one of the exam will account for 30% of their test grade.
(All objectives)
2. This section will consist of five short answer questions in which they will continue
to build upon prior knowledge. These five questions will need to be one to two
complete sentences and cover topics such as “describe the difference between
polytheism and monotheism,” “how were the two major forms of government
different from each other?” and “Name some of the scientific achievements of
Roman society.” This will also account for 30% of the test grade (All objectives)
3. The final section of the test will account for 40% of the test grade and will be an
essay question. Students will receive their examination and will have one of two
essay prompts to write about. The first essay prompt will deal with Athenian
democracy. Students will need to draft a three paragraph essay on the three
branches of government and in each paragraph students need to focus on who was
allowed, what their responsibilities were, and why they are important. The second
essay prompt will deal with the Roman government. Students must draft a three
paragraph essay describing the change from a Republic to an Empire and in each
paragraph describe the religious changes, military changes, and the social changes.
(All objectives)
Speech Overview:
Students will choose to write from the perspective of either a Roman or Greek citizen to
inform other citizens about their society. Students will have mostly free reign on the topic
in which they choose to write about as long as it is accurate and deals with their respective
societies. Students will also have the opportunity to present their speech to the class on the
day that it’s due if they should volunteer to do so. (Objective 5, 6, 8, and 9)
Audience: uninformed Greek or Roman citizens.
Situation: Inform the public about their political system.
Product: A political comic strip.
Standards for student success: See below.
Students will continue with the same society from their speech and create a comic strip
showing the political system and how it worked. This should be between five to seven
spaces, have dialogue, and be from the actual time period. If this were a real comic strip, it
would be distributed to the citizens of the society to inform them about how their
governments work (Objectives 3, and 4)
In the final part of the performance assessment, students will design a museum exhibit on a
Greek or Roman god or goddess, which will be on display at a modern-day museum’s new
Rome or Greece exhibition. They will sketch a rough design for the exhibit and describe the
decisions behind this design. Why did they choose this specific religious figure, why they
are important to the religion, and why they are important to ancient society? Students will
also write out a plaque that will be on display for the new exhibit, informing everyday
people about the religious figure. (Objectives 1, 2, and 10)
Day 15 Unit Exam 1-10 Unit Exam
Catalog of Lessons:
Day 1
Unit objectives: 1 (Define monotheism and polytheism) and 2 (Identify Greek and
Roman gods)
Unit Hook
o After attendance is taken, (re)introduce idea on polytheism and monotheism:
Ask students if they know any part of Greek mythology
Show image of Raphael’s Council of the gods1
o Have students to get out a sheet of paper
o Ask students to analyze image and identify any known 12 Olympians.
o Inform students about which gods and goddesses are which in the image.
o Monotheism and polytheism
o On each of the twelve Olympian’s
Describe each Olympian’s powers, what they represent,
characteristics, and to whom they were related.
Briefly describe other lesser gods, but not require the students to
know their information.
o Have students choose a god or goddess to research on
and write a BioPoem about their god including;
Greek name
Four traits of character
Relative of
Lover of
God of
Who fears
Who gives
Who needs
Resident of
Ticket Out the Door
o Have students write down one god/goddess that they didn’t do the BioPoem
on, and what you would want to learn about them
o Which do they want to focus on: Greece or Rome?
o Have students put their name on their BioPoem and turn it in.
Day 4
o Begin class by asking students about any Greek Philosophers they may
already know about.
o Brief lecture on philosophers and advancements in science and technology
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras.
Describe how people still use their ideas as reference when it
comes to philosophy.
Alarm clock, odometer, cartography, geometry, medicine.
These are still used today, though they have evolved over time.
Research Project
o Break students into groups of four members
o Have students in their group choose a technological or scientific
advancement (that may or may not be in use today) or a Philosopher
Once something has been chosen, another group cannot chose the
same idea
o Allow students to have the remainder of class time to research their
advancement or philosopher and create a short presentation using
PowerPoint or Prezi (limit of 5 minutes)
Presentations will be given on day 5, if class time runs out, students
will continue their presentations on day 6 at the beginning of class
before a brief review.
Day 8
Unit objectives: 3 (Differentiate political systems of the time) and 4 (Compare republic
with democracy)
o Describe how the Roman Republic is often compared with American
o Review what democracy was in ancient Greece
o Describe a Republic
SHEG Activity
o Pass out documents to students (see attachments)
Timeline of the rise of the Republic
Breakdown of the branches of government
Document A: Modified description by Polybius of the Roman
Document B: Excerpt from The Crowd in the Late Republic by
Professor Fergus Millar
Document C: Excerpt from Professor Alan Ward’s article “How
Democratic was the Roman Republic?”
o Students will work with their table mates and use these documents to fill out
their graphic organizer for the three documents (timeline and breakdown is
there to help with the documents)
o Students will share out their groups’ response to the question, how
democratic was the Roman Republic?
Discuss similarities and differences between the Roman Republic and
the direct democracy of Greece.
Ticket out the Door
o Write down one similarity and one difference between the Roman Republic
and the United States of America.
Day 12
Unit Hook
o Show students Jean-Leon Gerome’s painting The Christian Martyr’s Last
Discuss the painting
What do you see?
What do you think?
o Show students Gianfrancesco Penni’s Baptism of Constantine3
Discuss the painting
What do you see?
What do you think?
o Ask students why they think Rome evolved from persecutions of Christians
to an Empire where it became the primary religion?
o Lecture on the rise of Christianity in Rome
What Christianity is
Persecution of Christians
Constantine being the first emperor to convert to Christianity
Religious tolerance for Christians
After the Edict of Milan, Christianity became the official religion of the
How it spread after this
In-class Performance Assessment Work
o Students will be able to use the remainder of the class period to work on
their Performance Assessments.
They should have access to computers for this day
This will be one of the only class days dedicated to them working on
their Performance Assessment
Ticket out the Door
o Students will write down two interesting things that they learned about the
rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire and one question that they still have
about it.
Day 14
o Students will be engaged in an in-class discussion on the impact religion had
on these societies
Did it play a part in their culture?
If so, how big of an impact did it have on their culture and daily life?
Does religion have an impact on societies today?
Jeopardy Review Game
o Number off students 1-8, and have them get in their groups (6 groups of 4, 2
groups of 3)
o Have two rounds of review questions
The first round is on Greece, the second is on Rome
Categories will include religion, political systems, science and
technology, daily life, and one categories separate for each society
Greece is Peloponnesian Wars
Rome is Republic to Empire
o Winning team will get 5 points extra credit for the unit, second place will get
2 points extra credit.
Performance Assessment due
o Students will need to have turned in all parts of their Performance
Assessment by the end of the class period
Comic strip on political life, speech on society, and museum
mythology display
They can turn in their assessment by the next day before they take
their unit exam for an automatic deduction of 10%
Remind students to study before the exam the next day.
Gerome, J. (1883). “The Christian Martyr’s Last Prayer.” The Walters Art Museum.
Stanford History Education Group. “Roman Republic.” Stanford History Education Group.
The Baptism of Constantine by Gianfrancesco Penni
SHEG documents