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Goud Saraswat Brahmin

Gawd Saraswat Brahmin

गगौड ससारस्वत बसाह्मण
ಗಗೌಡ ಸಸಾರಸಸ್ವತ ಬಸಾಬ್ರಾಹಹ್ಮಣ
ഗഗഗൌഡ സസാരസസ്വത
Gowd (also spelt as Goud or Gaud) Saraswat Brahmins (गगड ससरसवत बबरसहण (Devanagari), ಗಗಡ ಸಸರಸಸತ (Kannada)) are a Hindu Brahmin community in India and a
part of the larger Saraswat Brahmincommunity. They are popularly referred to as GSBs. They are Konkani people and primarily speakKonkani as their mother
tongue.They claim their origin to the Brahmins who lived on the banks of the now extinct river Saraswati of upper Punjab or Kashmir. They derived their name from
either the river Saraswati or from their spiritual leader Great Sage Saraswat Muni who lived on the banks of Saraswati. These Brahmins were one of the Pancha Gowda
Brahmin groups who lived north of the Vindhyas. They belonged to Smarta tradition and primarily worshiped the five deities: Shiva, Vishnu, Devi, Surya and Ganesha.

Throughout the course of history, the Saraswat Brahmins have migrated to a variety of locations and are found mostly in Western coast of India.[1]

Total population

300,000 (approx)

Regions with significant populations

Primary populations in:

 Goa

 Maharashtra

 Karnataka

 Kerala

Populations in:

 United Kingdom

 United States

 Arab States


Konkani, Marathi

English, Kannada, Tulu and Malayalam used for professional

purposes, Sanskrit used for religious purposes


 Divisions based on Veda

 Rigvedi

 Divisions based on sect

 Smartha

 Madhwa

Related ethnic groups

 Rajapur/Bhalavalikar Saraswat Brahmins

 Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmin

 Kudaldeshkar Gaud Brahman

 Daivajna

 Padye

 Bhatt Prabhu

 Chitpavan

 Gomantak Maratha Samaj

 Goan Catholics

 Mangalorean Catholics

 Karwari Catholics

Saraswat muni (who was a devotee of Goddess Saraswati) once needed disciples to spread his
teachings and knowledge to the world. However, he could not get students who were capable of
the task. So he prayed to Goddess Saraswati to help him. Pleased with his devotion the Goddess
gave him fourteen sons. Each of them had a name and the same is used by his descendents as
their surname. The sons had characteristics according to their names. They were taught by the
sage and sent around the world with certain objectives.

The Saraswat Brahmins are mentioned in the Vedas, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the
Bhagavata and even the Bhavisyottara Purana. They may have come from Central Asia and
Southern Germany to the Indian sub-continent through the Hindu-Kush mountains and the
Khyber pass to south in about 2000–1500 BC or they were indigenous. [1] The meaning of
'Saraswat' has more than one origin. One refers to 'offspring of Saraswati'[citation
thegoddess of learning applied usually to learned and scholarly people. It may denote the
residents of Saraswati river basin. The Brahmins of this region who are referred to as 'Saraswats'
inMahabharata and Puranas were learned in Vedic lore.[citation needed] They concentrated on studying
subjects like astronomy, metaphysics, medicine and allied subjects and disseminating
knowledge.[citation needed] To trace the Gaud Saraswat Brahmins' ancestry from Kashmir to Goa, story
of famous seer "Saraswata" is considered: When there was a famine in north India, he continued
to recite Vedic texts by consuming fish.[2]

Due to geo-morphosis in the Himalayas, the Saraswati began to dry up and the Saraswats were
forced to migrate to greener pastures. Some went to Kashmir in the north, others went eastward.
Few made their way to the Konkan and Goa. These came to be recognised as Goud Saraswatsor
Dakshinatya Saraswats, to distinguish them from other Saraswat groups of the north.

Lord Parshurama with Saraswati Brahmin settlers commanding Lord Varuna to make the seas recede to make the

The new immigrants were called 'Goud' because they were followers of Monism or Advaita as
preached by Shri Goudapadacharya, who was guru of Shri Govinda Padacharyawhose direct
disciple was the great Shri Shankaracharya, who resurrected Hinduismor Vedic religion in
India. Shri Gaudapadacharya Mutt, first mutt of Saraswats dedicated to the memory of
Goudapadacharya was established in Keloshi (Quellosim) in Goa in the 8th century AD. He later
moved to Kaivalyapura or Kavale in Goa as the mutt at Keloshi was destroyed in 1564 AD by the
Portuguese rulers. To this day, the swamis of Kavale math are known as Goudapadacharyas.
Kavale Math is the Goud Saraswat community's Adimath (first math) and three main sub-sects of
Dakshinatya Saraswats — Sashtikar (Dorke including Bardeshkars like
Divkar), Shenvis (Karbharis), and Chitrapur Saraswats (Bhanaps) — were known as Goud
Saraswats or Konkani Brahmins until 300 years ago. Other Saraswat subsects include
Pednekars, Rajapur Saraswat BrahminsBalavalikars and kudaldeshkars. In the 13th
century, Dwaita (Vaishnava) philosophy advocated by Madhvacharya became popular and many
Saraswats adopted Vaishnavism. They continued to worship the deities they brought with them
from the north. These were 'Mahan Girish'
orMangueshi, Shakti or Shantadurga, Vishnu, Ganesh and Surya. They form the 'Panchayatan' or
five deities, sacred to all Saraswats.
Goud Saraswats were in all the kingdoms of the western coast under different dynasties right
from 6th century
A.D. Kadamba, Rashtrakuta, Hoysala, Chalukya Shilahara and Vijayanagarakings had given
important posts to Saraswats. There were admirals, treasurers, ambassadors, army chiefs and
foreign language interpreters among them. They were famous traders, who conducted maritime
trade with Eastern and Western countries of the contemporary world. The spoken language of
Saraswats is Konkani.

The Portuguese traders were followed by Christian missionaries. Forcible conversions[citation

began to take place under the Portuguese Royal Patronage[citation needed] in 1560. Most of the
Saraswat families left Goa with their family deities, risking life and limb. They settled in the
adjoining Hindu principalities. New temples came up in the coastal districts of Karnataka for
Saraswat deities. As time passed, the idols were taken back to newly constructed temples in Goa.
They are not in the original ancient spots, where churches were built, [citation needed] destroying earlier
temples.[citation needed] Many people migrated to Kerala and built temples mainly dedicated
to Vishnu and his avatars. The first Vaishnava Saraswat Math of Gokarna Math lineage was
established in the year 1475 in Varanasi. The origin of Gokarna Math comes from the lineage of
Sri Palimar Math, one of the eight Maths established by Sripad Madhwacharya in Udupi. [3] Kashi
Math at Kochi came up in 1560 A.D. All the Vaishnav Saraswats (Madhwa) are Kulavis (followers)
of either Kashi Math or Gokarna Math. 'Smarth' Saraswats owe allegiance to either Kavale Math
or Chitrapur Math.

Saraswats continued to hold important posts under Keladi or Nagar rulers. Many families who
emigrated from Goa settled down in smaller towns and villages in Shimoga, South and North
Kanara districts. Saraswats were the first beneficiaries of English education introduced in 1840.
[citation needed]

[edit]Population and distribution

The Goud Saraswat Brahmins, in the course of their migration settled on a small strip on the west
coast of India in the present day Goa. This is evident with many of the temples of the Kuladevas
being located in Goa. Over time, facing religious persecution by the Portuguese, they moved
further south to coastal Karnataka and Kerala. They are found all over the west coast of India
ranging from Goa, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala, most of them having their deities in Goa.
They are all linked together by the common Konkani language. Konkani has been substantially
influenced by local languages in each of the regions.

Gaud Saraswat Brahmins are categorised by Last name (indicating profession), Gotra (lineage)
or Math (spiritual guru).


Goud Saraswat Brahmins speak primararily Konkani as their mother tongue. The Konkani they
speak is slightly different from the Konkani spoken by other communities such as the
Catholics,Navayaths, Siddis etc. The Konkani spoken by Goan Saraswats, Karnataka Saraswats
and Kerala Saraswats is also different. The Konkani spoken by Karnataka Saraswats has
borrowed loan words from Kannada while the Konkani spoken by Kerala Saraswats has
borrowed loan words from Malayalam and speak with a Malayalam accent. This was due to
several centuries of domicile by the Saraswats in these areas.

However the usage of the language by the community is on the decline due to the following

 In Goa, the Portuguese discouraged the usage of Konkani in Goa and

imposed Portuguese language as official, leading to its decline in Goa[citation needed].
 In Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala, the usage of
Marathi, Kannada and Malayalamrespectively was preferred in place of Konkani.
 The need for usage of English and Hindi languages has also contributed to this decline.


 Bardeskars/Bardezi (Saraswat Brahmins who settled in "Bara Desh"(12 countries) region

of Ancient Goa, modern day Bardez Taluka)
 Bhalavalikars/Rajapur Saraswat Brahmin ( Saraswat Brahmins who left Goa during
Portuguese inquisition, and settled in Rajapur, Maharashtra)
 Shenavi/Karbhari (Shenvi, Wartikar, Wagle, Pandit, Kakodkar, Borkar, Nagarsekar, Patki,
Rajadhyaksha, Ginde, Satoskar, Sakhardande,etc.)
 Sashtikars (Saraswat Brahmins who settled in 'Sashti'(sixty-six villages) region of Ancient
Goa, modern day Salcette Taluka)
 Bhanap/Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmin (Chandavarkar, Benegal, Karnad, Haldipur,
Padukone, Nadkarni, Hattangadi, Mavinkurve etc.)
 Kudaldeshkar ( Saraswat Brahmins who settled in kudal desh )
 Pednekars ( Saraswat Brahmins who settled in Pedne (pernem))

Most of the Saraswat settlements including the Chitrapur Saraswats and Shenvi/Karbhari were in
settled Bardez and Salcette Taluka.


 Shri Gaudapadacharya Math (Kavale, Ponda, Goa)- Belong to the Advaita School with
Gaudapadacharya as Adi Guru
 Gokarna Partagali Jeevottam Mutt (Partagali-Cancona, Goa)- Belong to the Dvaita
School with Madhva Sampradaya
 Sri Kashi Math (Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh) - Belong to the Dvaita Sampradaya
 Sri Chitrapur Math (Shirali, Karnataka)- Belong to the Advaita School with
Gaudapadacharya as Adi Guru
 Sri Dhaboli Math (Kudal, Maharastra)- Belong to the Advaita School with
Shankaracharya as Adi Guru
Lord Shri Krishna (Kota Kashi Math)

The Goud saraswat Brahmins wherever they migrated mingled with the local people, but kept
their identity by their Surnames even today. The most popular surname among GSBs is Kamat.
Those in agriculture were called Kamati. Matti means soil and Kama is work, that is working in
soil ( Kama + Matti). Later this becameKamat.

The surnames of GSBs are mainly two types.

1. The village names of Gomantak where they settled originally or migrated. This practice is
prevalent among Rajapur saraswats. They have surnames like Ajgaonkar, Salkar,
Asgaonkar, Bandivadekar, Madkaikar, Borkar, Haldipurkar, Sakhalkar, Sawerdekar,
Haldwanekar, Chimbalkar, Navelkar, Marathe, Lotlikar, Salwankar, Karlekar, Burake,
Bhagav,Bhatkar, Tendulkar, Tergaonkar, Patkar, Juvale, Dhonde, Shinkar, Shendre,
Shetye, Bokade, Takur, Gawade, Potkar, Askekar, Shenai, Gavalkar, Shembekar,
Lanjolkar, Sukhthankar, Lawanis etc. which are the original local village names of
Gomantak. The word 'Kar" means "From" or citizen of. Thus kakodkar means person
from village kakod. Kar is also a surname of viswabrahmins of Bengal.That means
Konkar means native of Kon district of ancient Bengal.They are the viswabrahmins
means superior sect of all Gaud Brahmin Category. Due to this Fact sometimes Konkar
are also called themselves Karades but they are not karades .They belongs to supreme
Sects above all other Brahmin sects. Unfortunately these people gaining less importance
nowadays due to less low population and now merged to Gaud Saraswat Brahmin Sects.
This enabled one to identify the profession and the domicile.
2. Surnames indicating the profession adopted by the Saraswats like Pai, Purohit, Nayak
The Feudal lords were like prabhu,prabhu konkar,mallya etc.

 Kekre (or Kenkre) were those involved in the highest of the religious practices known as
'Kenkaarya.' Hence this is the highest regarded surname in GSB community. These were
originally from Kumbharjuve (in Goa). The Kekres later spread with the advent of Marathas
and Peshwas and are known to have settled in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya
Pradesh and Maharashtra.
 Shenoy- Originally for the Shenvis in Goa. Since most of them took up Administrative
jobs they were called Shanbhags (officers) which later became Shenoy.
 Pai- Pai in Konkani language means foot or leg. The common person who had not
amassed wealth or power was known as Pai.Their job was menial in maintaining ledgers and
doing odd jobs. The Pai who was mainly ledger keepers.
 Kamat – Those in agriculture were called Kamathi. Mathi means soil and Kama is work,
that is working in soil ( Kama + Mathi). Later this became Kamat.
 Keni, Kini- Those who cultivated herbs were Kinvis, presently called Kini or Keni/Keny.
 Vaidya- Those who prepared the concoction was prepared and dispensed it
 Hegde- The animals required for tilling, transportation and other works were under Haya-
Gade (actually Horse tenderer), modernised to Hegde. One more realistic origin of this
surname is in Kannada and this surname is used by GSBs in Karnataka. He-gade (Hiriya
Gade or head man in Kannada) possibly was heading a village or a settlement. A similar
surname of Hegde is followed by other communities in coastal Karnataka like Havyakas,
Bunts and Jains.
 Nayak, Rao- Those worked as Army commandants were called Nayaks. Some Nayaks
who were honoured by the King with titles like Ravubahadur adopted Rao as their Surname
 Baliga – The daily requirements of every family for survival, presentations, etc. were the
responsibility of the Ballo. There is another theory that the foot soldier with a spear was
called Ballo. The soldier Ballo (Baliga) was under the command of Nayak.
 Prabhu – Feudal lords called themselves Prabhu. He lived in a palatial home called
mahal, and the caretaker was known as Mahalyar.Surnames like Mallya, Prabhu
Konkar,Prabhu fell on this category.These sect was very rich in the ancient times and all
other sects give them lots of respect.
 Acharya, Bhat and Vadhyar- The poojas in the big temple and its rituals were under
Acharya, and in small temples conducted by Bhat. Every family had exclusive priest to
perform the rites, and he was the family Purohit and was called Vadhyar.
 Mahajan- The temples were administered by Mahajans
 Bhandarkar, Divkar- Stores and godown keepers were called Bhandari or Bhandarkar.
 Nadkarni, Kulkarni- A person maintaining statistics was called Karni. Land was called
Nadu, and the person maintaining land records was known as Nadkarni, and Kulkarni
maintained census, and social register.
 Bhakta – Doing odd jobs in temples and poojas.
 Shanbhag- Shanbhags were mainly Clerks doing administrative jobs as well.
 Lawanis- Belongs to the city of Bicholim-Goa and are known as one of the biggest
landlords in Goa.

Apart from this, The Chitrapur Saraswats use the local coastal village names as their surnames.
In Karnataka, the village of refuge was used as a prefix to call oneself Padbidri Mohandas
Prabhu, or Kinnigoli Ramanath Kamath. The kerala civilisation induced the name of the house or
the exact area rather than the village, and in some places, the present profession was also added
to the name. So we have today, Thayyil Muralidhar Kamath (Thayyil means tailoring house), or
Kannaparambil Gopalakrishna Pai (Parambil means garden or farm belonging to kannan).

Today the name has no links with the profession. However the GSBs still retain their Surnames
down the generations.[4]

Other GSB surnames include Barbu, Dalvi, Dangi, Dempo, Desai, Padiyar, Sardessai and
Shama.[5] For a list of surnames, refer List of Goud Saraswat Brahmin surnames.


A Goud Saraswat Brahmin. Circa 1909

Like most Hindu communities, the Gowda Saraswat Brahmins have rituals which occur
throughout the life cycle.

During the 8th month of pregnancy, a woman moves to her mother's house, especially during the
birth of her first child. The expecting mother also performs GanapathiPooja for a successful
delivery and a healthy child. On the 6th day, a pen and lamp are kept near the child's head,
symbolic of a wish for an intelligent child. On the 12th day, the naming and cradling ceremony is
performed wherein the paternal grandmother whispers the child's name into his/her ear and a
horoscope is cast.[6] When the child turns 3 months old, a visit to the temple is done and
thereafter, the child goes to the father's abode. [7]

On eleventh day of child birth barso is held. If done with homa (holy fire – havan), it is called
Barso homa. Childs ears are pierced, child is named and cradled on this day.
When the child is 2 years, before he completes third year the "Jawla" (Child's first hair cut)
ceremony is held. Like Barso, Munji, marriage and last rites, Jawla is one of the samskara's child
will undergo being a GSB.

===Munji===( Upanayanam or Tread Ceremony) When the male child turns 8 years old,
theMunji (Konkani word for Upanayanam) is performed. In this ceremony, the jannuvey or the
sacred thread is placed on the left shoulder of the child. From that day on, he becomes an official
member of his caste, and is called a dwija (translated in English as "twice-born"). In ancient
times, the boy was sent to gurukula to learn Vedas and scriptures. The boy was expected to
practice extreme discipline during this period known as brahmacharya. He was expected to lead
a celibate life, living on alms, and surviving on selected vegetarian saatvic food and observing
considerable austerity in behaviour and deeds. On completion of the thread ceremony the boy will
be eligible to go to gurukula which is available in 4 places across India i.e. Kashi Mutt Gurukula /
Patashala at Mangalore and Mulki, Gokarn Mutt Gurukula at Partagali and Kavale Mutt Gurukula
at Goa. Priests will be studying at anyone of these gurukulas. Normal members of GSB
Community study here. The thread is changed every year in a festival known as Sutta Punav in
the Hindu month of Shravan and under different circumstances like Suthige etc.

Some of the main rituals in a GSB munji are Devatha Prarthana, Ganapathi Puja, Udada
Murthu,Matrubhojan, Yajnopavita Dharana, Brahmachari Agnikaryam, gayitri Upadesha, Danda
Dharana,Matrabiksha etc.

A typical GSB marriage consists of the following events – Varan
Appoche, Nandi,Nishchaithambul, Yedur Kansnani, Urdha Murthu, Kashi Yatra, Lagna, Havan
Purnavati,Chautanan, Tulsi Puja and Mandal Virajan.

[edit]Death ceremonies
The other extremely important rituals for the GSB's are the death ceremonies. All GSB's
arecremated according to Vedic rites, usually within a day of the individual's death. The death
rites include a 13-day ceremony. The ashes of the departed are immersed at a confluence of two
rivers (sangam) or the sea. Like all other Hindus, the preference is for the ashes to be immersed
in theGanges river or river Godavari river or river Kaveri. There is also a yearly shraddha that
needs to be performed. These rituals are expected to be performed only by male descendants
(preferably the eldest son) of the deceased.


See List of Festivals of Goud Saraswat Brahmins

GSB's celebrate almost all festivals in Hinduism. They follow the Hindu Lunar calendar, almanac
to be specific which is known as Panchang in Konkani, that gives the days on which the fasts and
festivals should be observed.[8]


Main article: Saraswat cuisine

Most of the GSB's including Chitrapur Saraswats and some Rajapur Saraswats are vegetarian.
Their food is usually without onion and garlic. However some GSB's from North Kanara, Goa and
Maharashtra are piscovegetarian (fish eaters). The inclusion of fish in the diet is not looked upon
as non-vegetarian. Legend has it that when the Saraswati River dried up, the Saraswats who
could not farm, were permitted to eat seafood and fish. The fish were euphemistically called "sea
vegetable" or झळकक from ( जल ककाय - jal kaay). However they too eat only vegetarian food without
onion and garlic on festival days and on Mondays, which is auspicious for Shiva. The recipes use
large amounts of coconut and spices. Rice is the staple food of all GSB's.

Pathrodo is a tasty vegetarian dish made from colocasia leaves is very special for GSBs. This
food can be eaten with rice or as such. Curd is a good combination with it. Half cooked colocasia
leaves can irritate your throat. Lack of colocasia leaves due to urbanization is causing threat to
the existence of this special dish.


Shri Mangeshi Temple, Ponda, Goa

Further information: List of Kuldevatas of Goud Saraswat Brahmins
Kuldevtas are considered of utmost importance to the GSB's. Normally Saraswats who follow the
Advaita Sampradaya believe in the concept of "Panchayatan" – worshipping five gods like form of
Shiva, Vishnu, Durga, Surya and Ganapati. Some GSB temples still maintain this concept, while
others which follow Madhva Sampradaya believe in Lord Hari being supreme and parivara
devatas being the Lords Devotees and hence they have main deity installed in the main
sanctorum with 4 parivara devatas around. "Kuldev" or "kuldaivat" are the deities which a set of
families primarily worship. Their temples are built and maintained by these families, also called
"Mahajans" (or Kulavis) of their respective temple.

Many Kuldevs/Kuldevatas are situated in Goa. However, during the early Portuguese
persecutions, many Saraswats fled Goa along with their Kuldevs to nearby regions of
Maharashtra & Karnataka. Hence, besides Goa, there are many GSB Temples in Maharashtra
(Konkan side like Malwan, Vengurla, Savantwadi, Kudal, Ratnagiri, etc.). The Saraswats of Goa
are predominantly the worshipers of Shiva and Durga, though many of them have got converted
to Vaishnavites but they still retain their worship to their ancestral shavaite and vedic deities.

Many Saraswats have a strong faith in Durga and continue to pay respect and tribute by either
taking part in festivals or some other occasions relating to Durga. Every Saraswat Brahmin has a
system of worshipping two deities amongst which one is a Pallavi or supporting deity. Majority of
the Saraswats have some or the other aspect of Durga included in their Family Deity. It can be
Shantadurga, Aryadurga, Mahamaya, Vijayadurga or Mahalakshmi. Besides the Kuladevta,
Saraswats also offer their prayers to their Ishta Devta. The Vaishnavite Saraswats consider
Venkatraman - Padmavati, Vithoba - Rukmini and Shri Vishnu as their Ishta Devta, similarly the
Smartas consider Durgaparameshwari and Bhavani Shankar as their Ishta Devta. However many
of the Ishta Devta's are in turn the presiding deities of their respective Mutts.


Further information: Gotravali of Goud Saraswat Brahmins

Every GSB belongs to a particular gotra. Gotra can be roughly said to be a clan. The gotra are
names of great sages or rishi's of Hindu religion. Hence gotra indicates to sage to which a
Brahmin belongs to. Marriage is not allowed between bride and groom if both belong to same
gotra. This might be to avoid same blood group marriage, as it is believed in old days, people of
same gotra belong to same family.

GSBs belong to following Gotras:

 Vatsa
 Kaundinya
 Kaushika
 Bharadwaja
 Kashyapa
 Atri
 Vashista
 Jamadagni
 Gautam
 Vishwamitra (Kamshi)
 Shankha Pingala (Kamsa)
 Dhananjaya
 Bhargava
 Naidhruva
 Kutsa
 Harita/Haritsa/Harithasa
 Garga cf. Gaygeya
 Shandilya
 Harihar
[edit]Modern Generation and their lifestyle
The modern GSBs are often regarded as well educated, fair and handsome by other South
Indians. Their lifestyle is very different from other south Indians and they even mingle better with
non-south Indians. They are multi-lingual, they can handle multiple Indian languages and also
English. Due to disproportional sex ratio within the community, love marriages with other Indian
communities are nowadays very common and cause a threat to the future of this community and
their language.

Government and law

 Sir B. N. Rau, jurist (was judge on International Court in the Hague and President of
United Nations Security Council. Prepared the original draft of Constitution of India. Also
drafted Constitution of Burma (Myanmar) in 1947.)
 Suresh Tendulkar, former Chief Economic Advisor to Prime Minister
 Justice K. T. Telang (1850-1892) Judge Bombay High Court & Youngest Vice Chancellor
of Bombay University. Exceptional legal mind, Educationist, Scholar of Sanskrit
 Justice S R Tendolkar, Judge, Bombay High Court
 Ranjana Desai (nee Samant), Judge, Supreme Court of India
 D. M. Sukhtankar, ex-Chief Secretary of Maharashtra Government
 P.D. Kasbekar, ex-Chief Secretary of Maharashtra Government
 Dr P.D.Shenoy IAS (Retd), Former Labour Secretary, Govt of India, was the head of a
committee that looked into the Indian flag code after a court case by Naveen Jindal.
 Peter Lynn Sinai-Goenkar - Ambassador of India to Austria (1988–1991)
 M S Usgaonkar, Additional Solicitor General of India
 Ammembal Vithal Pai—Once the senior most civil servant (ICS) who was the Home
Secretary of India.
 Ammembal Narayan Pai (Late)-- Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court and Chairman of
Pai commission which established highest scale salary for teachers and clerks in India
 K. R. Khanolkar, Director, Local Self Government
 Justice Sunanda Bhandare - Former Judge, Delhi High Court
 Shamrao Samant, Renowned Criminal Lawyer from Mumbai, famous Prosecutor
 V T Walavalkar, Senior Lawyer,Mumbai, veteran R S S leader


 Sir B. R. Rau, former Governor of RBI

 B. N. Adarkar, former Governor of RBI
 Subir Gokarn, present Deputy Governor of RBI
 P. R . Nayak, former Deputy Governor of RBI
 Vithal Liladhar, former Deputy Governor of RBI
 Kishori Udeshi, former Deputy Governor of RBI
 Shiralkar Shrinath S. : Dy.Governor of Reserve Bank of India from 18th Dec.1970 to 25
July 1976.
[edit]Science and technology

 Prof. Jayant Baliga, named by Scientific American one of “Eight Heroes of Semiconductor
Revolution”, holder of over 100 patents including that for IGBT
 Arun Netravali, Chief Scientist of Alcatel Lucent, France. Pioneer of digital technology
including HDTV, MPEG compression. Formerly President of renowned Bell Labs
 Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Head of Nuclear Programme of India
 Prashant Kamat, rated as one of top 100 chemists of past decade by Times Higher
Education Group.
 Achyut Kanvinde, considered as one of forefathers of modern Indian architecture.



 Pu La Deshpande
 Kaka Kalelkar (the only person to win Sahitya Akadami award for his writings in two
languages - marathi & gujarati)
 Mama Varerkar, playwright
 Mangesh Padgaonkar, famous poet
 Baa Bha Borkar, poet in marathi and konkani
 Jaywant Dalvi
 Vijay Tendulkar, leading playwright of India
 Ratnakar Matkari
 Arati Prabhu (C. T. Khanolkar)
 Dr. Subhash Bhende
 Laxmanrao Sardessai, noted poet in marathi, konkani as well as portuguese
 Vijaya Rajadhyaksha
 Vasant Sabnis
 Sunita Deshpande
 Mangesh Rajadhyaksha
 Ramesh Mantri
 Girija Keer
 Pu Shi Rege
 Sumati Kshetramade
 Bal Samant
 Narayan Govind Kalelkar, winner of Sahitya Akadami award in year 1967
 Anant Priolkar
 Ravindra Pinge
 Shridhar Tilve
 Mo Ga Rangnekar
 Vasant Shantaram Desai (Playwright)
 Prafulldatt (D V Tendulkar)
 Ramesh Tendulkar
 Ramdas Bhatkal
 Godavari Parulekar, winner of Sahitya Akadami award in year 1972
 Dnyaneshwar Nadkarni
 Madhav Sakhardande


 Girish Karnad, a Jnanapeetha awardeee

 Rashtrakavi M Govinda Pai, one of the greatest Kannada poets. Was fluent in 25
 Gourish Kaikini, Sanskrit and Kannada scholar
 Jayant Kaikini
 Mangesh V. Nadkarni
 Arvind Nadkarni
 Sundar Nadkarni
 Gangadhar Chittal
 Yashwant Chittal
 Dinakara Desai
 P. Mangesh Rao
 Santosh Kumar Gulwadi


 Basti Vaman Shenoy

 Ravindra Kelekar, a Jnanapeetha awardeee
 Shenoi Goembab
 R. V. Pandit
 B.V. Baliga
 Bantwal Mohandas Baliga, author of Konkani Vyakaran book published in 2005


 Santha Rama Rau (English writer)

 Uncle Pai (Anant Pai, publisher of Amar Chitra Katha. He was described as the most
famous 'Uncle' after Chacha Nehru by former PM Atalji)

[edit]Scholars and academicians

 Sir Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar (Sanskrit scholar, Orientalist, social reformer)

 Dharmanand D. Kossambe (Internationally known Scholar of Buddhism)
 Damodar D. Kossambe(Polymath)
 Kashinath Trimbak Telang (Sanskrit scholar, former judge of Mumbai High Court from
1889 till death in 1893 and Vice-Chancellor of Mumbai University. Translated Sanskrit epics
in English. Also was the first Secretary of Indian National Congress)
 B. R. Shenoy(Famous economist, first ever economist to speak against socialist planning
of India governments)
 Ajit Rangnekar, Dean, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad (rated as 12th best
business school by Financial Times)
 Rajnarayan Chandavarkar
 S. B. Mujumdar, founder of Symbiosis Society


 Dr. Bhau Daji Laud - first doctor of India

 Dwarkanath Kotnis - (Surgeon in China during 1938-42 Second Sino-Japanese War)
 M. G. Kini - considered by the Indian Orthopedic surgical community as the forerunner of
Orthopedic Surgery in India
 M.Panduranga Pai- Surgeon- Member of IMC governing council, won B C Roy award for
Surgery- Founder Chairman Bharatiya Vidhya Bhavan, Mangalore.
 A. V. Baliga
 Annapoorna Kini
 Padmashree Dr K. Narayana Pai, Kollam
 Late Dr. A P Shenoy, Professor of Surgery, Trivandrum Medical College
 Dr. Shreedhar Shantaram Ajgaonkar - founder of Diabetic Association of India (1955) and
first specialized hospital for the diabetics in Mumbai – now known as S. L. Raheja hospital.

Dr. B.S.Kerkar from Keri. Pednem. Well known child specialist of Mumbai

[edit]Business and industry

 Vijay Mallya, Chairman of UB Group

 Dr. T. M. A. Pai, founder of Manipal Group and Syndicate Bank

[edit]IT industry

 Nandan Nilekani, Co-founder of Infosys

 Rohith Bhat, Robosoft Technologies
 Sunil Gaitonde, founder of GS Labs, member of TiE Board of Directors


 A. S. R. Pai, Co-founder of Canara Bank

[edit]Art and music

 Purandara Dasa (Srinivasa Nayak – considered to be Father of Carnaitic Music)

 Suman Kalyanpur
 Anuradha Paudwal
 Hema Sardesai
 Laxmikant Kudalkar (of Laxmikant-Pyarelal duo)
 Vasant Desai
 Vasant Prabhu
 Bhaskar Chandavarkar
 Pandit Upendra Bhat
 Mohanrao Palekar
 Pandit Ratnakar Pai
 Ramesh L. Nadkarni
 Aditya Kalyanpur
 Nityanand Haldipur
 Nandu Bhende
 Uday Benegal of rock band Indus Creed
 Gautam Rajadhyaksha
 Mohan Samant, named among the "hundred leading artists in the world today in TIME
magazine in 1963
 V. S. Gaitonde, Painter
 Maya Kamath—Lady cartoonist of international fame

AMAR HALDIPUR violinist,Music Director


 Puttur Narasimha Nayak

[edit]Cinema & theatre

 Dadasaheb (Ramchandra Gopal) Torne – true Father of Indian Cinema (though

Dadasaheb Phalke is credited as such), as he created first motion picture in India (Pundlik) in
year 1912. He was also the first to open distribution offices, produced first Talkie in India
along with Ardeshir Irani (Alam Ara), first double role cinema in India (Aout ghatkecha raja)
and also first silver jubilee film in India (Shyam Sunder)
 Guru Dutt (born Vasanth Kumar Shivshankar Padukone), named in the list of CNN’s “top
25 Asian Actors of All Time”
 Shyam Benegal
 Kalpana Lajmi
 Durga Khote - First lady of Indian silver screen. Acted with all distinguished actors of the
country of her time
 Leena Chandavarkar
 Amol Palekar
 Nitish Bharadwaj
 Isha Koppikar
 Deepika Padukone
 Urmila Matondkar
 Amrita Rao
 Manjari Phadnis
 Ashok Saraf
 Sachin Pilgaonkar
 Supriya Pilgaonkar (Sabnis)
 Varsha Usgaonkar
 Nishikant Kamat, director of films like Dombivali Fast, Satchya Aat Gharat
 Priya Tendulkar
 Milind Gunaji
 Ninad Kamat
 Radhika Pandit, actress from the South
 Preetika (Preeta Rao), actress the from South
 Shankar Nag, Kannada matinee idol
 Anant Nag, veteran Kannada actor
 Sundar Rao Nadkarni - the director of the record-creating Tamil film Haridas.


 Shobha De (Rajadhyaksha) (Famous author and columnist, Editor of Stardust magazine)

 M V Kamath (former Editor, Illustrated Weekly of India & ex-Chairman, Prasar Bharathi)
 Rajdeep Sardesai (Prominent TV personality of IBNLive)
 T. V. R. Shenoy (former Editor of The Week and Sunday Mail)



 Sachin Tendulkar
 Khandu Rangnekar
 Sunil Gavaskar
 Rohan Gavaskar
 Madhav Mantri
 Dilip Vengsarkar
 Dilip Sardesai
 Bapu Nadkarni
 Ajit Pai
 Chandrakant Pandit
 Amol Muzumdar
 Suru Nayak


 Prakash Padukone - Badminton

 Vandana Shanbagh – Athletics, Winner of Silver medal in 1987 Asian Games
 Dinesh Nayak - Indian hockey team player

[edit]Defence & Armed forces

[edit]Air Force

Air Chief Marshal Lakshman Katre: IAF, Chief of the Air Staff

Air Chief Marshal Hrushikesh Moolgavkar: IAF, Chief of the Air Staff

Air Marshal (Retired) Mundkur Pratap Rao: Vice Chief of the Air Staff of Indian Air Force

Air Chief Marshal Pradeep Vasant Naik, IAF, Chief of Air Staff

Wing Commander Vishwanath Balakrishna Sawardekar, IAF, AVSM, KC [1]

Wing Commander P Premanand Shenoy, A Logistics Officer in IAF and a Limca Book of
Records record holder.


 Admiral J.G Nadkarni: Indian Navy, Chief of Naval Staff

 Vice Admiral V.A.Kamath PVSM, (first Commandant of the Indian Coast Guard)


 Lt.General Prakash Gokarn: Retd.Signal Officer-in-Chief,Army H.Q.,Was Secretary of

Army`s Reorganzation and Restructuring Expert committee for upgrading organisation and
&Weapon Systems of the Army.Was awarded Ati Vishist Seva Medal and Param Vishist Seva
Medal for distinguished services of the most exceptional level by the President of India.


K.P. Achutha Prabhu [Freedom fighter Close follower of Mahatma Gandhi}

Ashok Nayak, Chairman, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)[2]

[edit]Politics and social service

 Kamaladevi Chattopadhyaay nee Dhareshwar

 U. Srinivas Mallya
 Karnad Sadashiv Rao
 Suresh Prabhu
 Manohar Parrikar, Chief Minister of Goa
 Digambar Kamat, former Chief Minister of Goa
 Medha Patkar
 Ram Krishna Baliga, former Chairman of Keonics and father of Electronics City of
 Gurudas Kamat
 Ahilya Rangnekar
 Sir Narayan Ganesh Chandavarkar - former President of Indian National Congress
 Radhabai Subbarayan
 Murlidhar Chandrakant Bhandare - Governor, Orissa
 Tonse Ananth Pai - Former Union Cabinet Minister

[edit]Historical figures

 Lakshman Prabhu (Minister of Silhara dynasty, built Banaganga tank and Walkeshwar
 Rama Kamath
 Rudra Pai (Minister of Silhara dynasty)
 Mahadevaiyya Prabhu (Minister of Silhara dynasty)
 Somanaiyya Prabhu (Minister of Silhara dynasty)
 Anant Pai Prabhu (Minister of Silhara dynasty)
 Naro Ram Mantri(Minister in Sahu Maharaj's court)
 Ramachandra Baba Sukthankar (official in Peshwa court)
 Timaji kamath (An admiral of Vijayanagar empire)
 Jivbadada Kerkar (Bakshi of Sindhia army)
 Lakhbadada Lad (An officer of Sindhia army)
 Lalaji Gulgule (An officer of Sindhia army)
 Appaji Ram (Diplomat of Hyder Ali/Tippu Sultan)
 Baloba Tatya (official of Sindhia court)

[edit]Spiritual field

 Shri Gaudapadacharya - The propounder of Advaita philosophy (considered first pontiff –

Swamiji – of Kavale math, Goa)
 Shri Govinda Bhagavatpadacharya - Disciple of Sri Gouda padacharya and Guru of Adi
Shankaracharya (considered second pontiff – Swamiji – of Kavale math, Goa)

[edit]Some Firsts from GSBs

Bal Mangesh Wagle, First Barrister (advocate) of India [3]

Dr. [[Bhau Daji]Laud], First Doctor of India[4] and also first Indian Sheriff[3]

Dr. R G Bhandarkar, first Graduate and Post-graduate batch of Mumbai University/ India

Rao Bahadur S S Talmiki, founder of first Co-op Housing Society in the whole of Asia [5]

Shamrao Vitthal Kaikini — Founder of first Co-operative bank in India

Durgabai Kamat, First Female Artiste of Indian screen

Sir B. N. Rau, first Indian judge on International Court at the Hague and also first Indian
President of United Nations Security Council.

Lalith Rao (Hindustani musician) First lady engineer in India who did doctorate [6]

Nileshwar Narayan Pai (ex-Chairman of Corporation Bank and IDBI) - the first Gold
Medalist in the Chartered Accountancy exam when it was introduced.
Pirali Brahmin
A Pirali Brahmin is any member of a subgrouping of Brahmins found throughout Bengal, which
is split between India and Bangladesh. Notably, Rabindranath Tagore and the Tagore family are
members of this group. The term "Pirali" historically carried a stigmatized and pejorative
connotation; its eponym is the vizier Mohammad Tahir Pir Ali, who served under a governor
ofJessore. Pir Ali was a Brahmin Hindu who converted to Islam; his actions resulted in the
additional conversion of two Brahmins brothers. As a result, orthodox Hindu society shunned the
brothers' Hindu relatives (who had not converted),[1] and the descendants of these Hindu relatives
became known as the Pirali Brahmins — among whom numbered the Tagores. [2] This unorthodox
background ultimately led the Tagore family to dispense with many of the customs followed by
orthodox Brahmins and subsequently they embraced the Brahmo sect of Hinduism.

Maithil Brahmin
Maithil Brahmins ( Brāhamaṇas is the correct Sanskrit term) form part of ancient
VedicBrahmins. Maithil Brāhamaṇas are a part of Panch-gauda Pañchgauḍa, a group of
highest-ranking castes among Brahmin, who still strive to follow rites and rituals according to
ancient Hindu canons.[citation needed] Maithil Brahmin is a community of highly cohesive, and
traditional Brahmins.[citation needed] They have a reputation for orthodoxy and interest in learning. [citation
Most of them live in and around Mithila, which is a portion of North Bihar. A large number of
Mathil Brahmins migrated a few centuries back to adjoining areas of South-east Bihar &
Jharkhand, Parts of West Bengal as well as to adjoining Terai regions of Nepal.Mithila was the
name of the capital of the ancient kingdom of legendary King Janak. Most of the Maithil Brahmins
are Śāktas (worshippers of Śakti) and love Maach (Fish),Choora-dahi (Beaten rice - Curd), Sugar,
Pickle, Mangoes and discussions and debate.Maithili is their mother tongue, though many
use Angika (a south-eastern dialect of Maithili) as their mother tongue.

They have four hierarchically ordered divisions: Śrotiya, Yogya or Joga, Panjibaddha (Pāinj
inMaithili) and Jayawāra or Jaibar (which can be divided into Grihastha and Vamśa according to
some scholars).[citation needed] They have no further endogamous divisions but observe a complicated
rules for marriage, each of these four divisions may take a wife from the group below it. [citation
They are organized into named patrilineal groupings, and the genealogical links within and
between these groupings has been an essential feature of Maithil Brahman social life for
centuries. A class of genealogists known as panjikaras maintain records of the lineages and
marriage links between them for the higher ranking lineages.

Traditional Areas of Maithil Brāhamanas

The Mithila Khanda of Visnu purana defines the traditional boundaries of Mithila as the Kosi River
in the East, Gandaki or Gandaka in the west, Himalaya in the North and Gangā (Ganges) in the
south, measuring 24 yojanas (1 yojana measured 12.52 Kilometres in 550AD according to
Panchsiddantika [1]) east-west and 16 yojanas north-south. But now many districts south of
Gangā are also included in Mithila by dint of being the region of Maithili language as well as the
residence of Maithil Brāhamanas.[2] Mithila is the traditional region associated with Maithil
Brāhamanas, but a large number of Maithil Brāhamanas have been living in various parts of
Madhya Pradesh (esp. Māndla region) and Chhattisagarh states for millennia. Maithil Brahmans
have now migrated to all over the world.

Linguistic Survey Of India by George Grierson gives a map and details of regions and features of
Maithili language, this region is now known as Mithila. Mithila region comprises following districts
in India :Darbhanga, Saharsa, Bhagalpur, Purnea, Madhubani, Samastipur, Begusarai, Supaul,M
adhepura, Sitamarhi, Sheohar, Muzzafarpur, Khagaria, Katihar, Araria, Banka, Godda,Deoghar, J
amui, Munger and following
districts in Nepal: Morang, Sunsari, Saptari, Siraha,Dhanusa, Dhanusa, Mahottari, Sarlahi, Rauth
at, Bara, Parsa,etc.[citation needed]

[edit]Origin of Maithil Brāhamanas

Uttarakānda of Vālmiki Rāmāyana (Ramayana) gives a detailed story of the origin of Maithil
Brāhamanas.[citation needed] The King Nimi started a great yajna in which he invited rishi Vasiṣṭhafor
performing this yajna.[citation needed] Vasiṣṭha accepted but was busy in another yajna for a long time
and therefore could not come in time.[citation needed] In the meantime, King Nimi asked the rishi (sage)
Gotama to perform the yajna.[citation needed] Many other rishis were also invited.[citation
When Vasiṣṭha came and saw that the yajna was over, he cursed Nimi to live without body.
Nimi retorted with a similar curse.[citation needed] By the blessings of his father Brahma, Vasiṣṭha was
reborn in a kumbha (pitcher).[citation needed] Bhrigu and other sages asked the disembodied king Nimi
whether he wanted to get a body, but Nimi refused and said he wanted to live in the 'pupils'
(eyelids, Nimi) of people.[citation needed] Then Nimi's body was churned and a man was created, who
came to be called Videha because he was born of a father who had no body (deha), and was
also called Maithil because he was produced by churning (manthana). [citation needed] All the present
gotras of Maithils are said to start from the sages who participated in the great yajna of Nimi. [citation
Yajnayalkya lived in Mithila (according to Brihadaranyaka Upanishada) and proponents of
India's six philosophies also lived here, including Gotama (Nyaya), Kapil(Samkhya),etc.
Buddhism was widespread here.[citation needed] Later Udyotkata, Kumarila Bhatta, Mandana Mishra,
Prabhakara, Udayanacharya, Gangesh,Ayachi Mishra, Shankar Mishra(Son of Ayachi Mishra),
Pakshadhara Mishra, etc. reestablished the Vedic religion by defeating Buddhists in debates. [3]

Recently Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. Sir Ganganath Jha, Mahamahopadhyaya Balkrishna Mishra,

Pandit Dharmadatta Jha(Bachcha Jha),Dr. Amarnath Jha( Son of Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. Sir
Ganganath Jha),Pandit Markendeya Mishra are the names to conjure with in the field of Sanskrit

According to D.D. Kosāmbi,[4] Śatpath Brāhmana tells that Māthava Videgha, led by his priest
Gotama Rahugana, was the first king who originally lived in the land of Sarasvati crossed
Sadānirā (supposed to be Gandaka) and founded a kingdom, where the people named videhas
lived at the time of composition of Śatpath Brāhmana. Gotama Rahugana was a vedic rishi who
composed many hymns of the first mandala of Rgveda. Most notable Rgvedic hymns of Gotama
Rahugana are those that praise Sva-rājya, which was the State of Videgha, which later became
Videha due to phonetic change. Māthava Videgha, therefore, must belong to the Rgvedic period
and must have preceded the period of Śatpath Brāhmana by a considerable gap. Rgveda also
mentions hymns by Kāśirāja Pratardana in tenth mandala. Hence, Mithilā and Kāśhi formed part
of the region in which Rgvedic people lived. Descendandants of Gotama Rahugana were called
Gautama. One such sage lived near Ahilya-sthāna during the age of Rāmāyana.

[edit]Migration to Agra
Akbar always had a deep respect towards the talents & knowledge of Phalit Jyotish,so he had
invited, in his Darbar, the most talented & well-versed Maithil pandits from Bihar. [citation needed]These
pandits lived happily & respectfully in the regime of Akbar, which continued and gradually
decreased in Jahangir's and then Shahjahan's rule.[citation needed]In the meantime, these pandits were
cut off from their basic origin, i.e., Bihar.[citation needed]Then afterwards in the reign of Aurangzeb these
once respectful pandits were treated unrespectfully and were tortured. [citation needed] They were
forced to accept Islam by Aurangzeb.[citation needed] Among them who dared to oppose this were
brutally killed while all the others had to fled away to distant villages to save their lives. [citation
Since then they are living in Agra, Aligarh, Mathura & distant villages and started calling
themselves "BRAJASTHA MAITHIL BRAHMAN" as a new identity. [citation needed]Even after so many
years the fear of Aurangzeb is still there in the un-conscious mind of them. [citation needed]Due to this
fear some of the Maithils have even changed their surname to "SHARMA," a local Brahmin
surname.[citation needed]Brajastha Maithil Brahmans have little connections with their own origin Bihar's
Maithil Brahmins.[citation needed]Even after changing their surname to "SHARMA" local Brahmins too
had little affinity with them.[citation needed] This migration information is also depicted in Akbar's
autobiography "EIN-E-AKBARI".[citation needed]


Vedas and Shākhās of Maithil Brāhamins :;.[5][6]

All Maithil Brahmins of Śāṇḍilya gotra belong to Sāmveda (Chāndoga), and all remaining Maithil
Brahmins belong to Yajurveda (Vājasaneyi, Mādhyandina Shākhā). Other Śākhvs of Vedas in
Maithil Brahmins have vanished, but names of many villages, such as Riga for Rgveda, Jajuar for
Yajurveda, Samaul for Samaveda, Athari for Atharvaveda, etc., still remind that once upon a time
Brahmins of all Śākhvs lived in Mithila. Organisation into gotras and mūlas : All Maithil
Brāhamins are divided into organised (vyavasthita) and unorganised (avyavasthita) types. There
are 7 gotras among organised and 12 gotras among unorganised Maithil Brāhamanas. There are
7 organised gotras based on 7 rishis and 34 (according to some 36) organised mūlas (mūla
means root or origin), and a total of 19 gotras and 180 mūlas. On the basis of three criteria,
namely purity of birth, conduct and learning, 20 mūlas were declared to be uttama (best), and 14
or 16 were deemed medium, both taken together were called organised mūlas. In the following
table, among the organised mulas, best (uttama) mūlas have been indicated in regular typeface
and medium (madhyama) mūlas in italics. Unorganised mūlas do not show such differentiation.

Table of 7 Organised Gotras

Gotra Pravaras Mūlas (organised) Mūlas (unorganised)

Śāṇḍilya Śāṇḍilya, Asit, Deval. Sarisab, Paboli, Pagulwar, Mahuā, Jamugām,

Khandvālā, Gangoli(also Karion, Suari,
Sajhuār, Marārh,
Pandaul, Dahibhāt,
Tilaimāhar, Simba-
lābh, Simh-āshrama,
Karahiyā, Telhanpur,
Parisarā, Parsandā,
Biranāma, Uttamapur,
Kodariā, Chhatiman,
called as
Dighabaya (also called as
Ganguāl, Ghosiām,
Chhatauni, Bhiguāl,
Nanauti, Tapanpur,
Hoiār, Ahpur shākhā
of Vatsa-gotriya
Chhattis Karmahā

Jagati, Pachāot,
Katayi, Mālichh,
Merandi, Bhaduāl,
Mānḍara, Dariharā, Budhwāl, Pakaliā,
Khauār(Khauāl), Pibhuā, Mauri, Janak
Kāshyap, Avatsār,
Kāśyapa Sakrārhi, Baliās, Satlakhā, bhuthari, Chhādan,
Panduā, Bisaphi (often Oini Thariā, Dosati,
too). Bharehā, Kusumāl,
Narwāl, Lagudadah,
dahulā, Surimahā,
Dadhihare Mautaina.

Sakuri, Suari,
Sambuāl, Pihwāl,
Pārāśara Vasiṣṭha, Pārāśara,Shakti. Naruon, Surgan. Nadām, Mahesāri,
Sakarhol, Sauni,
Tilapi, Barewā.

Nanauti, Ratigām,
Kātyāyana Āngiras,Viṣṇu,Kātyāyana. Kujauli, Kujilwar
Deām, Kaligām,
Āngiras, Bhuthari, Gorhār,
Bhārdvāja Belauch, Ekharā.
Bārhspatya,Bhārdvāja,. Dam Katāir, Sauni,
Dhanauli, Barebā.

Tisuri, Rājorh, Jajuār,

Pohaddi, Bhanwāl,
Koiār, Karahiyā,
Arirhbare,Ghosaut, Tisaut, Jalewar,
Karmahā, Budhwāl,Budhware Nanaur,usrauli
bodhram, Baherārhi, Darhār, Marārh, Lāhi,
Pāli,Beharwaar punaachh, Sauni, Mohari,
Vatsa Hariamb, Alayi, Bandhwāl, Baruāli,
Bambhaniam,Paliwar Pandaul,Mangrauna,
Hati, Tankwal, Jallaki Ujati, Barewā,
(often Phanandah & Shakona Bhandāirsom,
too). Tapanpur, Bithuār,
Narwāl, Chitrapal,
Jarhatiyā, Ratwāl,
Brahmapurā, Sarauni.

Bhārgava, Sāndepur, Barebā,

Sāvarṇa Panichobh
Vaitahavya,Savedasa. Nanaur, Merandi.

Table of 12 Unrganised Gotras

Gotra Pravaras

Bashā, Basāmaya,
Gārgya Angirasa,Barhaspatya,Bharadvaja,Shainya,Gārgya.
Surauro, Budhaurā,

Kaushika Vishwamitra,Aghamarshana,Kaushika. Nikuti.

Vishnuvriddha Vishnuvriddha, Angirasa, Kutsa Kauthue.

Krishnātreya Krishnātreya,Archanasya,Shyavashwa. Sāndupadoli,

Uttamapur, Koiāra,
Budhaurā, Auribā,
Gautama Angirā, Vamadeva, Gautama.

Ratwāl, Mālichha,
Maudagalya Maudagalya, Angirasa, Trakshya.
Digho, Jallaki, Meni.

Nānpur, Pandauli,
Vashishtha Vashishtha eka pravara. Barebā, Kothuā,

Kothuā, Naruon,
Kaundinya Vasishtha,Mitravaruna Kaundinya.

Upamanyu Tripravara-Vasishtha,Indrapramada,Abharadwasu. Ekharā.

Kapila Tripravara but names NA. Piparauna.

Alambukaksha Three Pravaras, names NA. Katayi, Brahmapura.

Tandi Tripravara but names NA. Parasandā, Katāya.

Organisation into Grāma : Each Mūla was further sub-divided into several Grāmas.
Literally, Grāma means village, but in present context it does not mean modern village,
but original village. Each Maithil Brahmin is expected to remember his/her Śākhā, Gotra,
Pravaras, Mūla and Grāma. The last denotes the village of residence when this
organisation was introduced. Last mention of such an organisation or reorganisation
dates to cir. 1324 AD, just before Mithilā was conquered by Giasuddin Tughlaq's army
and the last independent Hindu king Harisinghdeva fled to Kāthamāndu. For
instance, Śāṇḍilya gotra has 172 Śākhās dispersed in 132 original Grāmas ;
these Śākhās were branches of a mūla, e.g., Gangoli mūla has 14 Śākhās distributed
into 20 Grāmas.

[edit]Surnames Of Maithil Brahmins

Jhā (one of the most common Surname of Maithil Brahmins), [citation needed]

Mishrā,(another common Surname of Maithil Brahmins),[citation needed]

Thākur,[citation needed]

Pāthak,[citation needed]

Choudhary,[citation needed]

Rāi (also spelled as Roy, a small section of Maithil Brahmins originally from near
Madhubani, Laheriasarai and Baghba Village of Saharsa, who were small Kings or
Zamindars by virtue of their unusual combination of strengths, intellect and acumen and
were given Royal titles of Roy, RaiBahadur or RaiSahab by the British. Many abandoned
their titles and donated their riches during the fight for India's Independence but were still
referred to as Rai due to their several generations of royal lineage), [citation needed]

Rājhans, including Canadian TV personality Mohit Rajhans[citation needed]

Bhāradwaj (mostly those who use their Gotras as their Surnames), [citation needed]

Shāndilya (mostly those who use their Gotras as their Surnames), [citation needed]

Kashyap (mostly those who use their Gotras as their Surnames), [citation needed]

Parāshar, (mostly those who use their Gotras as their Surnames), [citation needed]

Pratihast,[citation needed]

Jajwāre (rare surname, but one family with this surname is in existence in Toronto,
Canada)[citation needed]

Achārya,[citation needed]

Kātyāyan[citation needed]

Singh (Brahmins who were also Zamindars and preferred to associate themselves more
with Kings than Vipra Brahmins. e.g., Maharaja Kameshwar Singh of Darbhanga Raj,
Singhs/Sinha of Banaili raj, etc. But use of this surname is more an exception than a
widely accepted phenomenon.),[citation needed]

Bājpayee,[citation needed]

Chaturvedi (A large portion of the Migrant Maithil Brahmins have this Surname), [citation

Khān (a small section of Maithil Brahmins (originally from near Saharsa, i.e. from
Bangaon and Parari Village of Sahara District, Bihar) who were small Kings or
Zamindars by virtue of their unusual combination of strengths, intellect and acumen and
were given Royal titles of Khan, KhanBahadur or KhanSahab during Akbar's reign), [citation

In fact it was not in Akbar's reign that Khan surname was adopted by these Brahmins.
Both Bahadur and Khan are in fact Monglian words brought to India and Arab by
Genghis (Changez). People (Muslims) started using the Khan surname as an
acknowledgement to Genghis (Changez) Khan's valour and similarly Lal Bahadur was
derived from Ulan Batur the capital of Mongolia. So Bahadur and Khan was derived as a
surname depicting the valour of Genghis (Changez) Khan. Thus few ruling Brahmins of
Mithila adopted the Surname of Khan or Khan Bahadur. (Gurudutta/September-2010)

Sharmā (a small section of Maithil Brahmins who were originally from Mithila, Bihar,
were highly respected by Akbar and were requested to relocate by Akbar to his kingdom
near Agra and Fatehpur Sikri, during his reign. These Brahmins later flew away during
Aurangzeb's tyranny when he tried to force them to convert into Muslims and changed
their surnames to Sharma),[citation needed]


Utkala Brahmin
Utkala Brahmin (Oriya: ଉତଳ ବବହଣ) also known as Oriya or Orissa Brahmins, is aVarna (caste)
from the Indian state of Orissa previously known as Utkala Kingdom, Kalinga Kingdom &
neighbouring states of Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal & Jharkhand.
The Utkala Kingdom was located in the eastern portion of the modern-day Indian state of Orissa.
This kingdom was mentioned in the epic Mahabharata, with the names Utkala , Utpala , Odra
Desha, Oddyana and Okkali. The name of Utkal is mentioned in the Puranas, Epics and different
religious text book. According to Skanda Purana, the land of Utkala is the holy land in Bharata
Varsha where Purusottama Kshetra is situated. It is mentioned in India's national anthem, Jana
Gana Mana. The Utkala Kingdom was also known as Kalinga, Dakshina Koshal, Kangoda, Odra
Desha, Odra Vishaya, Dandabhukti, Odabadi, Yajanagar, Uddisa Subah etc. in different time
period of. The boundary of Utkala region was from mouth of river Ganges in the north to
riverGodavari in the south and Amarkantak hills in the west to Bay of Bengal in the east. Surya
Vamsi emperor of Orissa Gajapti Kapilendra Dev renamed his kingdom from Utkala
to OrissaRastra.

Utkala Brahmins, branch of Pancha-Gauda Brahmins are the farthest branch of the Panch-Gauda
in the east, south of Maithils. Panch-Gauda and Panch-Dravida are two chief divisions of
Brahmins, as per the śloka from Rājatarangini of Kalhaṇa / Kalhana:

करकार्णाटककाश ततैलङ्गका दकावविडका महकारकाष्ट्रककाक ।

गगजरर्णा काशश्चेतत पञ्चतैवि दकावविडका वविन्ध्यदकक्षिरश्चे ॥
सकारस्वितकाक ककान्यकगब्जका गगौडका उत्कलमतैथथिलकाक ।
पञ्चगगौडका इतत ख्यकातका वविन्ध्स्ययोत्तरविकाससनक ॥
Translation: The Karnātakas, Tailangas, Dravidas, Mahārāshtrakās and
Gurjaras; these five types who live south of Vindhya mountains are called "five
Dravidas" Brahmins.

The Sarasvatas, Kanyakubjas, Gaudas, Utkalas, and Maithils, who live north of
Vindhya mountains are known as "five Gaudas" Brahmins.[1] And a
medieval Upapurana named Kapila Purana says

विरकार्णारकाण भकारत शश्चेष दश्चे शकानकाण उत्कल स्मत

म क
उत्कलस्य समदश्चे शयोक दश्चे शयोक नकासस्त महहीतलश्चे ॥
-कवपल पगरकार[2]

[edit]Early Migration Of Brahmins To Orissa

Keshari dynasty established massive Brahmin Bhatta-
Agrahara and Bhatta-Grama aroundJajpur and Vaitarani
River tributary. Huen Tsang also wrote about massive Yajnas and
the holy smoke coming from villages nearby Vaitarani River, when
he visited the monasteries in Kalinga. Following 8th century many
Brahmins from Hastigrama, Takari of Magadha and upper gangetic
plain also migrated to coastal districts. Finally the Eastern Ganga
dynasty brought more number of Brahmins from all over North
India, esp Kannauj, Ujjain and Ahichatra. As Orissa or then Utkala
grew to a effluent kingdom, many Brahmins of Godavari delta
region also migrated to settle in Mahanadi basin. Still
the Paippalada shakhins of Atharvaveda claim to belong to
upperMahanadi and Narmada basin, and migrated to Orissa during
late 11th century.

[edit]Origin of Utkala Brahmins

In the phylogenetic tree, the Orissa Brahmins showed close affinity
to populations of North India. They occupy 9% of the
total Oriya speaking population of Orissa[3]

The Sanskrit textBrāhmaṇotpatti-Mārtaṇḍa by Pt. Harikrishna

Śāstri mentions according to which a king named Utkala invited
Brahmins from Gangetic Valley for performing a yajna
inJagannath-Puri; when the yajna ended the invited Brahmins laid
the foundation of the LordJagannath there and settled there for
serving the Lord.[4]

Another Sanskrit text mentions ślokas which say a king named

Sudyumna was born of King Ila in the Ikṣvāku dynasty ; Sudyumna
had three sons who founded independent kingdoms : one son
Utkala founded the state Utkala with capital at Puri, another son
Gaya founded Gayā in Bihar and third son Haritāśca went to south.
The King Utkala Deva invited Brahmins from Gangetic velly and
settlled them in his kingdom.

Brahminism seems to have flourished in Orissa under the Mathara

rulers between the 4th and 5th century AD. The Sailodbhava rulers
made arrangements for the study of Vedic wisdom and
anAshwamedha sacrifice was performed by King Madhav Varman
in 7th century. In the time of Keshari rulers, Shaivism gained
importance. In 9th century Utkalaadhipati Yajati Keshari, to
preserve the sancity & purity of Brahminism, brought 10,000
Brahmins from gangetic valley andKannauj and settled them in his
capital Yajati Nagar or Yajna pura(modern day Jajpur).
TheJajpur area was once famous for
organising Somayajna, Shrauta karma. Its a famous site for the
performance of ancestral rites, known as Nabhi Gaya.

Utkala Brahmins are responsible for priestly and related functions

at the Jagannath Temple inPuri (also known as Jagannath Puri)
and other temples in earstwhile Orissa rulers and their feudatories.
Puri where famous Jagannath deity is installed and one of the four
holiest religious place of Hindus. They are responsible for priestly
functions of other religious places of the state of Orissa and of
neighbouring states.

In 11th century AD Ganga Vamsi King Chodaganga Dev renovated

the existing Jagannath temple at Puri. He established Brahmin
villages around Puri which are known as "Sashan" and bestowed
them with land and other endowments for living a dignified life and
dedicated to ritualistic responsibility. Six categories of duties were
assigned to them -- study, teaching, performing, Yagna and help in
organizing Yagna, donate andto receive the donation (Adhyayana,
Adhyapana, Yajna, Yaajana, Dana and Pratigraha).

Several Brahmin villages established by the Surya Vamsi king of

Orissa Gajapapati Kapilendra dev in 15th century A. D.. Each
village devoted to a hundred Brahmin families with adequate tax
free land.

All the monarchs of Orissa and their feudatories have constructed

temples, roads, ghats, tanks and established settlement for
Brahmins with tax-free homestead land and agricultural holdings.

Mandap of Jagannath temple, the
seat of Utkala Brahmin authority
Muktimandap or the platform for salvation is situated at the
southern side of the Jagannath temple of Puri. Sankaracharya
of Govardhana matha is the permanent president of Muktimandap.
He is entitled to sit on Muktimandap on Asan or floormatwhich is
not allowed to any other person. Ramachandara Dev, the first king
of Bhoi Dynasty installed as Raja of Khurda is said to have
renovated the Muktimandap with 16 pillars. He recognized 16
Brahmin villages(Known as Shohala Sasan Village) and the leader
Brahmin of those villages seat in the Muktimandap.

The Brahmin Pundits in the Mukti Mandapa adjudicate intracaste

and intravillage disputes and offer prescription (Vyabastha)
containing purificatory advice (Prayaschita Vidhi) for different social

[edit]Sub-castes among Utkala Brahmins

The Utkala Brahmins are of three classes

 Shrauta/Vaidika (Danua)(:ଶଶଶତ/ଶବବଦଦକ/ଦବନନଆ।)
 Sevayata/Purohita Brahmin or Sarua(:ଶସବବୟତ/ସବରନଆ।)
 Halua Brahmin.(:ହଳନଆ।)(हळगआ)

Again there are sub-classes in these three classes:

1."Shrautriya Brahmins":The Brahmins

following Shrauta tradition, have right to read and teach Vedas and
hence are known as Vedic Brahmins or Namaskaraniya. They
do Yajna, Yaajana, Adhyayana, Adhyapana, Daana, Pratigraha.
They are also known as Kulina, Vaidika, Danua etc. They give
more importance to Veda, daily upasana and agnihotra. Only
These group of brahmins have right to conduct Yaagas and
teach Vedas along with Daana, Pratigraha.

Sub classes:

a)Kalinga Shrauta Brahmins:The Brahmins who have come from

undivided regions of
previousDhenkanal, Sambalpur, Cuttack, Puri and Ganjam. They
follow the samanta panjika or SriJagannath panjika. They stay
south of Brahmani River, hence their name.

b)Jajpuria Shrauta Brahmins:the sub-class which has come

from Jajpur and north orissa area. They follow Sri Viraja panjika.
They stay north of Brahmani River. First settled in areas
aroundBaitarani River.
These above two sub-classes are eligible to perform Shrauta rites,
they abstain from doing temple services and they seldom
intermarry with other brahmins.

2."Sevayata Brahmins" or Saruaa:They are also known as

Sevaka, Sarua, Purohita or Pushpalaka Brahmins, they follow
the Karmakanda and sometimes act as priests for social as well for
some temple functions. They give more importance to temple
worship, and priesthood. They don't have right to organise Yaaga,
or take Daana(alms). They can read Veda and teach it. Some of
them follow Agama also. The Sevayata(Ashrauta) section of
Brahmins are divided into three sub-classes as follows:

a)Devalaka(Deyulia)Brahmins: Surnames Badapanda,

Pujapanda etc. Their chief occupation is the service of the temple
Gods and Goddesses. Many of them expertise in
VedicKarmakanda(rites for marriage, upanayan etc) as well
as Agama(temple worship). Most of the Daitapati sevayatas of
Jagannath Temple, Puri and Lingaraj Temple belong to this sub
class. Most of the temple in Orissa have this sub class of Brahmins
as chief priests.

b)Paniyari(Panda)Brahmins: Surnames majorly Panda. They also

form the priestly section, for some rites and some do temple
services. some of them are cooks in temples and even in private
houses , and travel all around India for pilgrims to visit the temples
of Jagannāth. Some of them are engaged in business and trade of
Agricultural products. They have high percentage of population
among all Oriya Brahmins.

c)Aranyaka(Jhadua)Brahmins:Also known as Panchadesi and

Jhadua or Jharia. Literally meaning those inhabiting the hilly and
forest areas of Western Orissa. Priestly section ofWestern Orissa.
They were first settlers in Sambalpur, Sonepur. They marry among
themselves, and later other Utkala Brahmins immigrants
to Western Orissa & Chhattisgarh refuse to intermarry with them.
Mostly they have sects like Raghunathia, Kanojia, Pujari etc.

3."Halua Brahmins":These are similar to Bhumihar in north

India and Niyogis of Andhra Pradesh. They are also known as
Balaramgotri or Mahasthana Brahmins. History says, These are
the village leaders, administrators of brahmin ancestry so they
were included themselves as a brahmin but they have not the
brahmin characteristics. Generally with surname
'Dalbehera'. Once they enjoyed same status as above brahmins
but later they accepted vocational jobs for livelihood and gave up
their sacred duty of Shrauta and Smriti. These are engaged in
agriculture or agriculture related business. Some of them are
allowed to do Shraadh and associate in temples and religious
functions. They are never allowed for any Vedic rites or Yajna.
Most of them are business- oriented, also do cultivation of lands
granted during Eastern Ganga dynasty but have entirely lost their
sacerdital rites and living in and around South Orissa and
Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh. For the purchase of the land
many of them migrated to other country. There is also a significant
migrant population of Haluas in Mauritius, Suriname, Trinidad and
Tobago, Guyana and others.

Russel noted one exceptional feature at Jagannātha Temple of

Puri : "All castes now eat the rice cooked at the temple of
Jagannath together without defilement, and friendships are
cemented by eating of little of this rice together as sacred bond.". [6]

[edit]Shakha of Utkala Brahmins

The vaidika shakha may vary family to family in all of the
above Shrotriyas and Sevayatas. Majority of them follow Kaanva
Shakha(କବଣଣ ଶବଖବ) of Shukla Yajurveda orKauthuma(ଶକଶଥଥମ ଶବଖବ)
shakha of Samaveda. Whereas Brahmins belonging Shakala
shakha of Rigveda and Paippalada shakha of Atharvaveda are
less. It is thought that RigvedaBrahmins exist due to Govardhana
matha of Adi Shankara.

The Paippalada Shakha of Atharvaveda in Orissa should be noted

for its existence till now, although by few scholars. They trace their
origin from Narmada basin, supposed that they migrated
during Eastern Ganga Dynasty. Many Brahmins having surname
Upadhyaya and Acharya have Paippalada shaakha as their family

The sutra of different shakha people are

 Rigveda:Ashwalayana Shrauta and Grihya Sutra(Shakal

 Shukla Yajurveda:Katyayana Shrauta and Paraskara
Grihya(Kaanva Shakha)
 Samaveda:Drahyayana Shrauta and Gobhilya grihya
(Kauthuma Shakha)
 Atharvaveda: Vaitana Shrauta and Kaushika
grihya(Paippalada Shakha)


Gotra& Pravara parampara are followed in families of utkaliya

Brahmins. During Vivaha,sandhyavandana and other ceremonies it
is revered. Brahmins avoid marriages with family of same gotra
and pravara. Different gotras trace to original seven Sapta Rishis,
e.Atri, Bhrigu,Angiras, Kashyapa, Vashishta, Vishwamitra and Aga

Gotra Related Pravaras

1. Atreya/Krishnatreya: Atreya, Aarchanaasa, Syaavaasva

2. Gautamasa: Angirasa, Aayasyasa, Gautama
3. Bharadwaja: Angirasa, Baarhaspatya, Bharadwaja
4. Vatsa/Srivatsa: Bhargava, Chyavana, Apnavana/Apnuvat,
Aurava, Jamadagnya
5. Kashyapa: Kasyapa, Aavatsaara, Daivala
6. Kaushika: Vaiswaamitra, Aghamarshana, Koushika
7. Kutsa/Kauchhasa: Aangirasa, Maandhatra, Koutssa
8. Shandilya (2 Variations)
1. Kasyapa, Aavatsaara, Sandilya
2. Kasyapa, Daivala, Asitha
9. Gargyasa (2 Variations)
1. Angirasa, Bharhaspatya, Bharadwaja, Sainya,
2. Angirasa, Sainya, Gaargya
10. Sankriti (2 Variations)
1. Angirasa, Kowravidha, Saankritya
2. Sadhya, Kowravidha, Saankritya
11. Harita/Haritasa:(2 Variations)
1. Harita, Ambarisha, Yuvanasva
2. Angirasa, Ambarisha, Yuvanasva
12. Kowndinya:Vashishta , Maitraavaruna, Kowndinya
13. Kapinjala:Vashishta, Aindrapramada, Abharadvasavya
14. Paraasara:Vashishta, Saaktya, Paarasarya
15. Mowdgalya(3 Variations)
1. Angirasa, Bharmyasva, Mowdgalya
2. Tarkshya, Bharmyasva, Mowdgalya
3. Angirasa, Dhavya, Mowdgalya
16. Aagastya: Aagastya, Tardhachyuta, Sowmavaha

Other gotras which are rare

are Dalabhya, Uddalaka, Katyayana, Upamanyu, Yaska, Barhishen
a, etc.
[edit]Festivals of Utkala Brahmins
Almost all Sasan village follow a uniform pattern of religious
practices. The main festival of the Sasan villages of Orissa are
Sitala Sasthi i. e. the marriage ceremony of Lord Shiva and the
Champaka Dwadasi i. e. the marriage ceremony of Lord
Gopinatha Krishna in month of Jyaistha.Maha Vishuva
Sankranti, Nabanna, Chitalagi Amavasya, Jhulan Yatra, Devasnan
purnima, Rahasa Yatra, Raja Parva, Rath Yatra, Durga
Puja, Gamha Purnima or Upakarma,Janmashtami, Sudasha
vrata, Deepavali, Savitri vrata, Manabasha Gurubar Laxmi Puja,
Pousha Purnima, Samba Dashami, Makar Sankranti, Saraswati
Puja, Dwitibahana Osha, Kumar
Purnima, Prathamastami, Mahalaya Pitrupakshya, Bijaya
Chaturdasi, Shivaratri, Dol Yatra, Ashokastami, Rama Navami,
Jaulei Panchami, Rekha Panchami, etc. are observed in the
villages throughout the yearwith utmost religious sanctity. On the
day Gamha Purnima all the elderly persons of Sasan congregate
and decide about the traditional share of the family called 'Pali' and
'Hakara' and resolve important problems of the Sasan villages. The
'bali' tradition or animal sacrifice still continues in many Sasan
villages before the Village Goddess'Gramadevati' during Durga
Puja. Fire work or Bana are also associated with the festivities.

The "Sohala Sasana" or "Sixteen Brahmin Villages" around Puri

are integreted in the Jagannath Temple culture in ritualistic way. On
Pushyabhiseka or Debabhiseka day occurring onfullmoon day of
'Pausa' month or January, representatives of Sasan villages use to
bless theGajapati king and worship Lord Jagannath. And on 'Sunia'
day occurring in Bhadraba i. e. September, Sasan Brahmins use to
congregate in the palace of the Gajapati king during thecelebration
of commencement of the new Regnal Year. During sixteen days of
Durga Puja the SasanBrahmins are associated with worshipping
ofGoddess Bimala and other local Goddesses. OnRukmini vivaha
or the Marriage ceremony ofLord Sri Krishna or Sri Jagannath,
SasanBrahmins are also invited. On the 7th day of thedark
fortnight of 'Karttika' month i. e. November, Sola Sasana Bhoga or
a grand offering ofMahaprasada to Lord Jagannath is held in
whichalmost Brahmins from every Sasan village take part.

[edit]The Oriya Brahmin Diet

It is of two types

 lacto vegetarianism
 pesco vegetarianism
Shrotriyas are still strict lacto vegetarians who
abandon garlic, onion and some varieties of gourds and Masoor
dal, apart from non vegeterian food. Some of the oriya bramhins
are pesco vegetarians , which shows the close influence
of Shaktism. But Shakta Utkala bramhins don't eat any kind of
meat except fish(still chicken is conidered taboo by many) and
sacrificial mutton. Some Utkala Brahmins authorise bali or
sacrificial meat, which is offered to Devi, in Nuakhai andDurga
Puja or any Yajna can be taken by all brahmins. Most of the Utkala
Brahmins share the common foods which are present in Oriya
cuisine, and show fondness to sweets and Pithaswhich are
speciality of Orissa.

[edit]The Oriya Brahmin Surnames

The Utkala or Oriya Brahmin Surnames are Acharya, chaulia,
Dikshit (Dixit), Debta or Devata,Dash or Dash sharma, Mishra,
Dhar, Sharma, Chaturvedi, Nath, Kar, Tripathy, Bhatt-Mishra,
Nanda, Guru, Rajguru, Rayguru, Mahapatra, Bishi, Patra,
Panigrahi, Mohapatra(all of them), Rath& Rath Sharma(belonging
to Atreya gotra), Patri, Satapathy, Sadangi or Sarangi, Bahinipati,
Thakur, Chaini(found mostly in Kalahandi and Sambalpur), Pati,
Vedi, Dwivedi, Trivedi, Upadhyaya, Palo (Pala or Pal in Orissa not
Bengal), Pattajoshi, Joshi, Nayak, Panda, BadaPanda, Barpanda,
Muni, PujaPanda, Praharaj, Padhi, Pani, Paathi, Purohit, Pujari,
Behera (found mostly in Kalahandi and Sambalpur), Sar, Sabat,
Gantayat, Suara, Mahasuara, Garabadu, Sabata, Choudhury,
Sahu, Dyansamantray, Nepak, Khadanga, Devasharma, Udgata,
Hota, Otta, Bebarta, Mohanty.

According to Pundit Narayana Shiromani,(late 18th century)

the gotra decides the surname. He mentions that Gautama gotra
have surname DharaSharma, Bharadwaja gotra have
KaraSharma,Kashyapa gotra people should keep Nanda or
AnandaSharma, Atreya gotra people should keep
RathSharma, Kaushika and Vatsa gotra have DashShrama. These
above gotra Brahmins are considered as topmost among Utkal
Brahmins. Rest all are Sharma or Devasharmas.

In certain areas Utkal Brahmin surnames are unique and are

similar to the surnames of Vaishya, Kshatriya and Shudras. These
surnames were given to the Brahmins either by Gajapati King or by
his fuedotory kings as punishment or reward. In course of time this
title became the surname, and the subsequent generations
inherited it. E. g. Behera (found mostly in Kalahandi and
Sambalpur, their surnames were changed from Mishra or Dash to
Behera), Bahinipati, Senapati, Sabat, Pradhan, Swain, jena,
Mohapatra, Mohanty etc. Some people with 'Mohapatra' title are
Brahmins and others are Karanas or belong to lower castes.

During the reign of Gajapati empire the Utkal Brahmins were

migrated to Purulia, Midnapore,Bankura & Hoogly districts of West
Bengal as representative of the Gajapati King since those areas
were under the monarch of Orissa. Their surnames are
Singhamahapatra, Sinhamahapatra, Sanigrahi(transformed from
Panigrahi), Panda, Pati, patra, Padhi, Pahari etc.

[edit]Notable Utkala Brahmins

 Jayadeva:Famous Sanskrit scholar, poet of 10th century and

author of Gitagovinda.
 Govardhan Acharya:Sanskrit scholar of 12th century. He
wrote Aryasaptasati a Sanskrit poem in 700 stanzas.
 Udayan Acharya : Sanskrit scholar of 12th century. He
wrote Bhavavibhavinitika in Sanskrit, the first commentary on
the Gita Govinda of Jayadeva.
 Vishwanath Kaviraj: Sanskrit scholar of 13th century. He
wrote Sahitya Darpana an Alankara shashtra in sanskrit.
 Jagannatha Dash:A great scholar of Sanskrit who translated
the entire Bhagavata Purana toOriya. He was bestowed the
name Atibadi by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Saryupareen Brahmins
Saryupareen Brahmins (Hindi: सरयय पकारहीर बकाह्मर), also known as Sarvarya
Brahmins or Saryupariya Brahmins, are North Indian Brahmins residing on the eastern plain of
the Sarayu near Ayodhya. Saryupareen families such as
the Tripathis, Tiwaris,Trivedis, Pandeys, Shuklas, and Dikshits were involved solely in the
research and analysis ofVedas and other religious texts, performing yajnasand other religious
practices. These families did not perform 'pujas for benefactors and did not takedakshinas or
donations against such prayers. Hence they were considered to be solely devoted to the quest of
learning about the Vedas and spreading knowledge rather than benefiting in any way through
benefactors. Along with the other Pancha-GaudaBrahmin communities, the Saryupareen
traditionally preserve the customs and traditions as prescribed by ancient Hindu canons.

In the 19th (held at Prayag) and 20th (held atLucknow) national convention of Kanyakubja
Brahmins by Kanyakubja Mahati Sabha, in 1926 and 1927 respectively, it appealed for unity
amongKanyakubja Brahmins whose different branches included Sanadhya, Pahadi,
Jujhoutia, Saryupareen, Chattisgarhi, Bhumihar Brahmins and different Bengali Brahmins.[1]

The Saryupareen generally dwell in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh with
a significant amount of them concentrated in the eastern region of Uttar Pradesh known
asPurvanchal. There are also minority Saryupareen communities in Mauritius, where Bhojpuri is a
commonly spoken language and the Caribbean.
Saryupareen Brahmin

Total population

2 million (estimated)

Regions with significant populations

Uttar Pradesh •Madhya Pradesh • West Bengal


Jharkhand • Maharashtra • Delhi

Fiji • Mauritius • Suriname


First languages – Hindi •Awadhi • Bhojpuri

Second languages – Hindustani • Maithili

Fijian Hindi • Mauritian Bhojpuri • Sarnami • English


Hinduism (100%)

Related ethnic groups

Kanyakubja Brahmins • Maithil Brahmin •Bhumihar

Jujhautiya Brahmin • Sanadhya Brahmin

Indo-Iranians • Indo-Aryans

Families & classification

These Brahmins are divided into 26 categories

Gautama, Sandilya,Vashista, Parashara,Kaundinya,Garga, Udbahu, Upamanyu, Maunas, Kanva,

Vartantu, Bhrigu, Agastya, Kaumasya,Galava, Kasyapa, Kaushika, Bhargava, Savarnaya, Atri,
Katyayana, Angiras, Vatsa, Sankritya Jamadagni, Punah. Other than above gotras 1.
Krishanatraya, 2. Ghritakausika, 3. Margeya are called mishrit (combined) gotra. However, 261
gotras are mentioned in some source.[2]
[edit]Migration and Profession
Over the years, members of this community have migrated from the region of current Uttar
Pradesh towards other parts of India like Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Assam, West
Bengal, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and even overseas like
USA, Surinam, Fiji, Guyana, Mauritius,Trinidad etc.[citation needed], where they lost caste, because the
Manusmirti states that when a Brahmin or Kshatriya travels overseas he looses his caste.

The community has influenced in professions related to civil services, medical,

technology,defense and academic fields.

[edit]Notable personalities
[edit]Education and research

 Prem Chand Pandey - an Indian scientist and academic in the fields of Satellite
Oceanography, Remote Sensing, Atmospheric Science, Antarctic and Climate Change.
 Sivakant Tiwari, a senior legal officer of the Singapore Legal Service, known for his key
role in the territorial dispute with Malaysia over Pedra Branca before the International Court
of Justice in 2007.
 Ashutosh Tewari, an American urologist, oncologist, and clinical researcher at Weill
Cornell Medical College of Cornell University, New York City.
 Mandana Mishra - Ancient philosopher
 Pankaj Mishra - intellectual, philosopher and author
 Sharada Dwivedi - Mumbai-based historian and researcher
 Dr.Hari Ram Tripathi,Principal,CCS MAHAVIDYALAYA,Barabanki,INDIA
 [Dr. Rajavashisth Tripathi, Internationally Renowned Scientist, Professor at the University
of California, Los Angeles]


 Chunky Pandey - Bollywood actor

 Shweta Tiwari - Big Boss-4 Winner, Bollywood actress
 Vinay Shukla - Indian film director
 Jhanak Shukla - Indian actress
 Shilpa Shukla- Indian actress
 Saurabh Shukla - Indian actor
 Mukesh Tiwari - Bollywood and Tamil, Telugu actor
 Manish Tiwary, Indian filmmaker
 Dharmesh Tiwari, Indian film director
 Laxmi Ganesh Tewari, Indian vocalist
 Akhilendra Mishra - Indian film and television character actor.
 Birju Maharaj - Most famous Kathak dancer
 Piyush Mishra - Indian film actor, music director, lyricist, and writer
 Rajan and Sajan Mishra - Contemporary North Indian Musician
 Sanjay Mishra - World famous American guitarist and composer.
 Sanjay Mishra - actor, comedian
 Sudhir Mishra - Indian film director and screenwriter
 Smriti Mishra - Indian film actress famous for her roles in parallel cinema
 Mike Pandey - Noted wildlife film maker
 Chandraprakash Dwivedi - Indian film director and script writer
 Nikhil Dwivedi - Bollywood actor
 Poonam Pandey - model (kingfisher girl)
 Rati Pandey - Indian TV Actress
 Anju Tripathi Anchor FM Channel AIR

[edit]Freedom struggle

 Mangal Pandey - Great Freedom Fighter of Mutiny of 1857 (Meerut) from Ballia (U.P.)
 Chandrashekhar Azad (Chandrashekhar Sitaram Tiwari) - Freedom Fighter
 Chittu Pandey - Great Freedom Fighter of Ballia (U.P)

[edit]Literature and Art

 Tulsidas- Tulsidas Dubey - writer of Ramcharitmanas

 Hazari Prasad Dwivedi- Writer, poet
 Ramchandra Shukla - The first codifier of the history of Hindi literature in a scientific
system by efforting great research with scanty resources.
 Ram Chandra Shukla - Indian painter
 Nilkanth Tiwari, an Indian poet
 Acharya Shukla, Indian literary figure
 Pankaj Mishra, an Indian essayist and novelist
 Makhanlal Chaturvedi - Poet
 Sudama Panday 'Dhoomil' - a renowned Hindi poet.
 Bhawani Prasad Mishra - a Hindi poet and author.
 Geet Chaturvedi - a well-known Hindi poet, short story author and journalist.
 Shail Chaturvedi - a Hindi poet, humorist, lyricist and actor
 Shrilal Shukla - is a Hindi writer,notable for his satire
 Vidya Niwas Mishra - a scholar, a noted Hindi-Sanskrit littérateur, and a journalist
 Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi - a noted Indian Hindi writer
 Laxmi Narayan Mishra - a popular play writer of HINDI
 Kalanath Mishra - a Hindi author
 Bal Govind Dwivedi - a prolific Hindi poet
 Ram Chandra Dwivedi - aka Kavi Pradeep, renowned poet and songwriter
 Rewa Prasad Dwivedi - Sanskrit scholar and poet
 Dr. Janardan Chaturvedi - Translated Sheemad Bhagvat Geeta into Bhojpuri language


 Kamalapati Tripathi - former Minister

 Dwarika Prasad Mishra Former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh.
 Brajesh Mishra-former national security advisor of former Indian Prime Minister Atal
Bihari Vajpayee,son of Dwarika Prasad Mishra
 Narayan Dutt Tiwari- Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh three times during the 1970s and
1980s and was Chief Minister of Uttarkhand from 2002 to 2007.
 Keshari Nath Tripathi - a former speaker of Uttar Pradesh legislative assembly and
president of Uttar Pradesh state unit of Bharatiya Janata Party.
 Manish Tewari - a current Member of Parliament from Ludhiana. He is the official
spokesperson of the All India Congress Committee.
 Hari Shankar Tiwari - Former Minister and Politician of Uttar Pradesh.
 Sriniwas Tiwari - former Speaker and minister of Madhya Pradesh.
 Ramapati Ram Tripathi - A former president of Bharatiya Janata Party Uttar Pradesh
state unit in India . He is a member of Uttar Pradesh legislative Council
 Sanjay Pathak - Congress MLA and Mining King of Madhya Pradesh.
 Ravindranath Tewari
 Rajeev Shukla - Ex-secretary of the All India Congress Committee,MP.
 Sriniwas Tiwari, an Indian politician who was a former Madhya Pradesh Speaker and
 Ghanshyam Tiwari, an Indian politician who is an education minister in the Government
of Rajasthan
 Brij Bhushan Tiwari, an Indian politician from the Samajwadi Party
 Ravindranath Tewari, an Indian politician and former Cabinet minister of Uttar Pradesh
 Chaturanan Mishra - former Indian Agriculture Minister
 Kalraj Mishra ( Bhumihar) - Senior BJP Leader Uttar Pradesh
 Satish Chandra Mishra - BSP Leader,Closest political Adviser of Mayawati, Uttar
Pradesh, India
 Ravi Shankar Shukla - Premier of CP & Berar & First Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh
 Shyama Charan Shukla - Technocrat Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, A Great
Irrigation Visionary and Aviation Flyer
 Vidya Charan Shukla, Big Game Hunter of Global Repute, Indian Cabinet Minister in
various portfolios, agriculturist
 Amarmani Tripathi - well known politician, UP.
 Janardan Dwivedi - senior politician of Indian National Congress party

[edit]Religion, Sanskrit and spirituality

 Rambhadracharya
 Tulsidas
 Swaminarayan
 Akhandanand
 Swami Karpatri
 Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

[edit]Social services

 Rajiv Dixit
 Yogendra Shukla (Bhumihar)
 Veer Bhadra Mishra
 Dr.Smt.Anamika Tripathi


 Ashwant Dwivedi - Canadian businessman and former diplomat

[edit]Defense and intelligence

 Brijesh Mishra
 Manoj Kumar Pandey

[edit]Administration, law and justice

 Justice Gyan Sudha Mishra - Currently only Women Justice in Supreme Court of India
 Justice Ranganath Misra - former Chief Justice of India, Famous for Mishra Commission
 Roopa Mishra - First Oriya Lady to top IAS

¸Justice [{N D Ojha}]- former cheif justice of india

[edit]Sports and adventures

 Rajeev Shukla
 Saurabh Tiwary
 Manoj Tiwary
 Amit Mishra
 Laxmi Ratan Shukla
 Tanmay Mishra
 Manish Pandey
 Mike Pandey
 Gyanendra Pandey
 Ishant Sharma Gaur Brahmin


 Rajeev Shukla
 Sourav Mishra
 Ram Sagar Tripathi
 Sushma Pandey


 Jayanti Prasad Tiwari

 Saroj Pandey
 Pratima Barua Pandey
 Laxminarayan Pandey
 Kamla Kant Pandey
 Manoj Kumar Pandey
 Pt. Tarkeshwar Pandey
 Sarjoo Pandey
 Nirmal Pandey
 Sudhanshu Pandey
 Rati Pandey
 Satyendra Dubey

Bengali Brahmins
he Bengali Brahmins are those Hindu Brahmins who traditionally reside in the Bengal region of
the Indian subcontinent, currently comprising the Indian state of West
Bengal, Tripura, Assam andBangladesh. When the British left India in 1947, carving out separate
nations (see partition), a number of families moved from the Muslim-majority East Pakistan (now
Bangladesh) to be within the borders of the newly defined Republic of India, and continued to
migrate for several decades thereafter.

In the 19th (held at Prayag) and 20th (held at Lucknow) national convention of Kanyakubja
Brahmins by Kanyakubja Mahati Sabha, in 1926 and 1927 respectively, it appealed for unity
among Kanyakubja Brahmins whose different branches included Sanadhya, Pahadi,
Jujhoutia, Saryupareen, Chattisgarhi, Bhumihar Brahmins and different Bengali Brahmins.
Historically, the Bengali Brahmins have been the standard bearers of Madhyadeshiya culture in
Bengal (Madhyadesh is the historic-cultural region of the upper Ganges–Yamuna doab which was
the seat of Panch-Gauda brahmins).

Bengali Brahmins are categorized as Pancha-Gauda Brahmins (the Brahmins who traditionally
lived to the north of the Vindhyas)

The earliest historically verifiable presence of brahmins in Bengal can be ascertained from
Dhanaidaha copper-plate inscription of Kumargupta 1 of the Gupta Year 113 (433 C.E.) which
records the grant of land to a brahmin named Varahasvamin of the Samavedi school. [3] A copper-
plate grant from the Gupta period found in the vicinity of Somapura mentions a Brahmin donating
land to a Jain vihara at Vatagohali. Literary sources like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Jain and
Buddhist works, however record the presence of brahmins in various parts of Bengal during
earlier periods.[4] Historical evidence also attests significant presence of Brahmins in Bengal
during the Maurya period. The Jain AcharyaBhadrabahu, regarded to be the preceptor
of Chandragupta Maurya is said to have been born in Brahmin family
of Pundravardhana ( or Puṇḍra, the region north of the Ganges and west of Brahmaputra in
Bengal, later known as Vārendra). Such evidences suggest Puṇḍra or Vārendra and regions west
of Bhagirathi (called Radha in ancient age) to be seats of brahmins from ancient times; Rādhi and
Varendra are still chief branches of Bengali brahmins settled in these regions. [5]Medium to large
scale migrations of Brahmins from various parts of India like Mithila, Kanyakubjaregion, Kolancha,
southern India and Pushkar in Rajasthan, among other places, occurred from time to time,
especially during Pala and Sena periods.[6]

Traditionally, Bengali brahmins are divided into the following categories: [4][7][8]

Rādhi from Radh (region south-west of the Ganges)

Varendra, from Vārendra region (North-East) or Puṇḍra. Vārendra originally meant rain-
maker magicians.[9]

Vaidika (migrants, originally experts of Vedic knowledge)

Vaidya ( Saraswat Brahmins who specialized in Ayurvedic study and healing,
mostly from Kanyakubja and other parts of North India)

Paschatya Vaidika (Vedic brahmins from west of Bengal)

Dakshinatya Vaidika (Vedic brahmins from south of Bengal)

Madhya Sreni (brahmins of the midland country)

Shakdvipi/ Grahavipra (migrant brahmins of Shakdvipa in Central Asia)


[edit]Traditional accounts
The different brahmin communities of Bengal have their own traditional accounts of origin, which
are generally found in various genealogical texts known as kulagranthas or kulapanjikas. Other
details may also be obtained from court chronicles of various kings of Bengal. Important writers
are Harimishra (13th century C.E), Edu Mishra (13th century C.E), Devivara Ghatak (15th century
C.E), Dhruvananda Mishra (post 15th century C.E), Vachaspati Mishra, Rajendralal Mitra among

 Radhi and Varendra

The traditional origin of both Radhi and Varendra brahmins has been attributed to a king named
Ādiśūra who is said to have invited five Brahmins from Kolancha (as per Edu Mishra and Hari
Mishra[10]) and/or from Kanyakubja,[11] (as per Dhruvananda Mishra) so that he could conduct
ayajña, because he could not find Vedic experts locally. Some traditional texts mention that
Ādiśūra was ancestor of Ballāl Sena from maternal side and five brahmins had been invited in
1077 C.E.[12] Other texts like Varendrakulapanjika, Vachaspati Mishra's account and Edu Mishra's
account attribute a date of 732 C.E for the migration. Additionally, other sources like
Sambandhanirnaya, Kulanrava and others attribute various dates like 942 C.E, 932 C.E and

Historians have located a ruler named Ādiśūra ruling in north Bihar, but not in Bengal[citation needed].
But Ballāl Sena and his predecessors ruled over both Bengal and Mithila(i.e., North Bihar). It is
unlikely that the brahmins from Kānyakubja may have been invited to Mithila for performing
a yajña, because Mithila was a strong base of brahmins since Vedic age. [13] However some
scholars have identified Ādiśūra with Jayanta, a vassal chief of the Gauda king around middle of
8th century C.E.[4] and is also referred to as a contemporary of Jayapida (779 to 812 C.E) of
Kashmir (grandson of Lalitaditya) in Kalhana's Rajatarangini. [14]
 Paschatya Vaidikas

Traditionally they are believed to have migrated from Kanyakubja (or Kanauj) to Bengal via
Tirhoot, during the commencement of Muslim rule in India. Most of the vaidikas were invited by
Hindu chiefs and rajas who used to rule in various parts of Bengal during the Muslim ascendancy.
As per one account, a king called Shyamal Varma, invited five Brahmins from Kānyakubja who
became the progenitors of the Paschatya Vaidika Brahmins.

 Dakshinatya Vaidikas

Traditionally it is believed that during his reign, Vijaya Sena (1097 to 1160 C.E), brought brahmins
from South India to Bengal, who integrated themselves with the varendra barhmins and came to
be known as Dakshinatya vaidika barahmins.[16] Other texts say that it was during the Chalukya
invasion of Gauda under Vikramaditya VI (1076–1126 CE) that brahmins from south came and
settled in Bengal.

Kulin Brahmins are those Brahmins in Bengal who can trace themselves to the five families of
Kanauj (Kanyakubja), Uttar Pradesh who migrated to Bengal. The five families were of the five
different gotras (Shandilya, Bharadwaj, Kashyap, Vatsya and Swavarna). They are widely
believed to be at the apex of Bengal's caste hierarchy.

The kulin families are further divided into two sections:

Barendra : Belonging to those families who settled at the north or north east region of the Ganges
or Padma river. Rarhi : Belonging to those families who settled at the south or southwest region of
the Ganges or Padma river.

[edit]Divisions among Bengali Brahmins

 Varendra, from Varendra region (NE&E Bengal (Bangladesh))

 Rādhi' from Radh (SE Bengal, approximately modern West Bengal SW of the Ganges.
 Vaidika, migrant brahmins from other parts of India.

Other minor divisions are :

 Saptaśati
 Pirāli
 Patita

It is believed that the Brahmins of Bengal adapted kulinism from a similar hierarchical system
used by the Brahmins of Mithilā, although Kānyakubja and more especially Saryupāriya were also
highly scrupulous. The five original Brahmins belonged to five gotras : Śāndilya, Kāśyapa, Vatsa,
Bhārdvāja, Sāvarṇa Both Brahmins and Kayasthas in Bengal have followed a system that ranks
the clans hierarchically. The Kulinas formed the higher ranking clans.
 Rādhi Rādhi (also Rāṭhi in some old texts) is the major branch of Western Bengali
brahmins . The descendants of these five Pancyājñika brahmins were hierarchically
organised into three categories :

 Śrotriya is the second rank among the descendants of these five brahmins because they
were deft in Vedic knowledge but were considered to be somewhat inferior to the Kulina
brahmins (possessing 8 out of 9 noble qualities).

Vamśaja is the third rank which was a result of kulinas marrying outside kulinas. [17]

Major titles adopted by the high Rādhi brahmins :

 Mukhopādhyāya and its adaptation Mukherjee a Kulin brahmin

 Bandopādhyāya and its adaptation Banerjee a Kulin brahmin
 Chattopādhyāya and its adaptation Chatterjee a Kulin brahmin
 Gangopādhyāya and its adaptation Ganguli / Ganguly a Kulin brahmin
 Bhattāchārya and its adaptation Bhattacharya/ Bhattacharjee a Kulin brahmin
 Goswami and its adaptation Swami of ones own Gow / further Gow stands for 5
Sense of human body, so sanyasins are those who can master their own
senses. a Kulinbrahmin

Jāti-Bhāṣkar mentions that those who were given grants along the Ganges by Ballāl Sena were
called Gangopādhyāya (literally 'the Vedic teachers in the regions around the Ganges'). [18]

Mukhopādhyāya means chief Vedic teacher. Bandopādhyāya is a Sanskritized form of 'Banodha

+ upādhyāya', Banodha being the ancient name of Raebareli-Unnāva whence their ancestors had
come from.[19]

Bhattāchārya meant 'expert of Vedic rituals'. This was an honorary title awarded to a Rādhi or
Vārendra brahmin who excelled in spiritual and vedic matters. The Bhattāchārya's are generally
referred to as the Hindu Priests in Bengal.

Goswami is a typically a title bestowed on people who choose the path of Sannyasa. The
sanyasins or disciples of Adi Shankaracharya are also called "Dash Nam" as the Title Goswami is
further divided into ten groups viz. Giri, Puri, Bharti, Ban, Aranya, Sagar, Aashram, Saraswati,
Tirth, Yogi and Parwat. These all dashnam Goswamis are associated with four Math in four
corners of India, established by Adi Shankaracharya. Initially all the disciples were Sanyasins who
embraced sanyas either after marriage or without getting married. Since, sanyasins are
considered as Brahmin therefore during the course of time, those who embraced married life on
the order of their guru and their decedents are considered Brahmins with the surname Goswami.
Being a Goswami Sanyasin includes a vow of celibacy. Some religious traditions use the title
Swami for those who had never married, and Goswami for those who had been married in that
life and vow not to marry again. This is also the source of the surname Gosain. Goswami can
also refer to an individual from the Brahmin caste of the Hindu religion.
These brahmins also claim descent from five original brahmins, although four out of five names
are different, and they are also hierarchically organised into three groups :

(1) Śri Kulin comprising Bāgchi, Chākrāborty (Chākrāvārti), Lāhiri, Māitra, Bhāduri,Sānyal,

(2) Śrotriya have Nanda, Bhato Shāstri, Karanja, Laduli, Navasi, etc.

(3) Kaṣṭa Kulin comprising 85 gains (villages given in grant by Sena kings).

Another intermediate order is called Kāpa (originally Kulin but negligent in duty) which is between
first two.

Other famous titles of Bengali Kulin brahmins are Bhattāchārya, Majumdāra, Rāi, Sīnghō,
Choudhary, Roy Chowdhury, Jovādāra, Mishra,etc. There were many big landlords among
Vārendra and Rādhi brahmins alike, bearing titles such as Roy and Roy Chowdhury. While
Bhattāchārya literally meant 'experts of Vedic rituals', the Rāi/Roy, Choudhary,
Sīnghō/Sinha,Sinha Roy and Roy Chowdhury were administrative titles, conferred not only on the
Brahmin landlords, Rajas and/or zamindars, but also to landlords from other castes who owned
and administered vast landed properties.

Main article: Vaidiki Brahmins
These are of two types :

 Dākṣiṇātyas, coming from Orissa & Andhra originally but now part and parcel of Bengali
 Pāschātyas, coming from western and northern India originally but now part of Bengali

These were experts of Vaidika knowledge who were invited to Bengal in different ages, later than
the original five brahmins from which Rādhi brahmins originated.

Before the coming of Five Brahmins, there were 700 houses of brahmins in Bengal, but now they
are few. They were less learned than the migrants and therefore were deprived of patronage [citation
. Some of them mixed with the immigrants, which explains their decline in relative population.
Many Saptaśatis became priests of lower castes and were labelled as Agradāni and
grahavipra[citation needed]. Main titles are Arath, Bālkhāvi, Jagāye, Pikhoori, Mulkajoori, Bhagāye,
Gāi, etc.


 Pirāli : literally, boycotted Brahmins. Some kulin Brahmins mixed with Muslims in eating
and other activities and were therefore boycotted by the orthodox sections. Prominent among
these were Thākurs, anglicised as Tagores. Thākurs literally meant lords and were big
 Patita : Some Bengali Brahmins were publicly declared to be fallen Brahmins.
 Chakraborty (Chakravarti) is a title suitable for emperors granted to some Bengali

Another peculiar title is Chir Kori or Chir Koḍi.


Bengali Brahmins showed positive results for only three Y-Haplogroups R1a1, R2a and H1. Y-
Haplogroups and their respective percentages are shown in the following table.

R1a1 R2a H1

72.22% 22.22% 5.56%


Haplogroup R1a1, which has originated either in South Asia [22][23][24] or Central Asia[25][26] or Eastern
Europe[27] is the most prevalent haplogroup amongst the Bengali Brahmins. The haplogroup is
associated with the spread of the Indo-European culture in Indian sub-continent. A very high
percentage of 72.22% among Bengali Brahmins which is also one of the highest found
frequencies within world groups hints at its presence as a founder lineage for this caste group

Impact of British occupation

The kulinist system degenerated during the 18-19th century and is no longer popular. The British
occupation of Bengal radically transformed the Bengali culture. Bengal has now gone through two
centuries of Christian missionary efforts and a quarter century of a Marxist government in the
state of West Bengal. Bengal was divided by the British colonial rulers. Eastern Bengal was a
Muslim majority region which resulted in the first partition of Bengal in 1905, and then final
partition in 1947. Although the interaction with the British resulting in what is termed the Bengal
Renaissance (almost wholly Brahmin) it altered the hold of traditional mainstream Hinduism in the
Naming conventions
Many Bengali Brahmin family names are written in two different ways. For
example,Chattopadhyay (compound of village name "Chaṭṭa" and "upādhyāya" denoting "priest,
teacher" originally granted with the village named Chaṭṭa) is the Sanskritized form of the
local Prakrit word "chaturjye", anglicized to Chatterjee.

Similar analyses may be performed on Mukhurjye/Mukherjee/Mukhopādhyāya,

Banurjye/Banerjee/Bandyopādhyāya, and Ganguli/Ganguly/Ganggopādhyāya. Bhattāchārya
which is made by two words Bhatta and Achārya which means teacher also called as
Bhattāchārjee. Tagore is the anglicized form of Thakur, meaning "lord". Other Bengali Brahmin
family names are anglicized in particular ways that have become the standard English spellings
over time. Other Bengali Brahmin surnames are Goswami, Chakraborty, Sinha, Sanyal, Ghoshal

The most famous Bengali Brahmin family which originally belonged to Calcutta (Kolkata) are the
Sabarna Roy Choudhury family (originally Ganggopādhyāyas,who later adopted the zamindari
title Roy Choudhury and Sabarna, implying their gotra, which is also the gotra of
Ganggopādhyāyas), which had transferred the tenancy rights of Sutanuti, Gobindapur and
Kolikata to the East India Company at the behest of the Mughal Emperor.

[edit]List of Bengali Brahmin Gotras

The bulk of Bengali Brahmin gotras are:[29]

 Bharadwaja
 Gautama
 Kashyapa
 Sabarna or Savarna
 Shandilya

Besides the above mentioned, other gotras can also be found at low frequencies within the
Bengali Brahmin community. The Katyana gotra is also not found

Notable Bengali Brahmins


 Jimutavahana (c.12th century), a celebrated authority on smriti

 Raghunatha Siromani (1477–1547), a noted Nyaya philosopher
 Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486–1534), ascetic, founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism
 Nityananda (c.1478-1532), companion and disciple of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
 Advaita Acharya (1434–1539), companion and disciple of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
 Lakshmikanta Roychoudhury (1570–1649), Founder of Sabarna Roy Choudhury clan and
first family of Kolkata who leased it to East India Company.
 Ratneshwar Roychoudhury (1670–1720), Founder of Uttarpara town and member
of Sabarna Roy Choudhury clan of Kolkata.


 Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay, novelist, author of Pather Panchali

 Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay (1885–1930) archaeologist, credited with finding and
excavating the Mohenjo-daro (Indus Valley Civilization)
 Sukanta Bhattacharya poet
 Womesh Chandra Bonerjee founder of the Indian National Congress
 Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (1838–1894), author and one of the founders of Indian
 Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay (1876–1938) popular and sometimes controversial
Bengali novelist.
 Sarada Devi (1853–1920), "Holy Mother", Revered religious leader, wife of Ramakrishna
 Bipin Behari Ganguli, noted freedom fighter from Hoogly
 Kisari Mohan Ganguli, translator of the Mahabharata to English.
 Kaliprasanna Singha, (1841-1870) translator of the Mahabharata to Bengali
 Bagha Jatin (Jatindra Nath Mukherjee) (1879–1915), Freedom Fighter and Revolutionary
 Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee (1864–1924) Educationist, Vice-Chancellor of the University of
Calcutta (1906–1924),and referred commonly as 'Bengal Tiger'
 Ramakrishna (Gadadhar Chattopadhyay) (1836–1886), Revered Hindu Religious leader,
led Hindu revival
 Raja Ram Mohan Roy (1772–1833), Hindu reformer and founder of Brahmo Samaj
 Abanindranath Tagore Author, Painter.
 Dwarkanath Tagore (1794–1846) One of the earliest entrepreneurs from India. Founded
the first Indo-British agency house from India, Carr, Tagore and Company.
 Debendranath Tagore (1817–1905) A leading proponent of Brahmo Samaj
 Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941), poet, philosopher and nationalist
 Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (1820–1891)polymath


 Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, founder president, the Bharatiya Jana Sangh

 Sarojini Naidu (née Chattopadhyaya), first Indian woman president of the Indian National
Congress, first woman governor of Uttar Pradesh
 Subroto Mukerjee First Air Chief Marshall of Independent India
 Tarashankar Bandyopadhyay, novelist
 Manik Bandopadhay, novelist
 Banaphool (Balaichand Mukherjee), author
 Kishore Kumar Ganguly, celebrated singer and actor
 Ashok Kumar Ganguly, actor
 Chuni Goswami, football player
 Ravi Shankar, sitar player
 Buddhadeb Bhattacharya Former Chief Minister of West Bengal 2000-2011
 Pranab Mukherjee, India's current External Affairs Minister
 Mamata Banerjee, current Chief Minister of West Bengal Since 2011
 Somnath Chatterjee, speaker of the Lok Sabha (2004-9)
 Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay, author
 Sunil Gangopadhyay, poet and novelist
 Suchitra Bhattacharya, novelist
 Bharati Mukherjee, author
 Subhash Mukhopadhyay, poet
 Harindranath Chattopadhyay, noted poet and actor
 Keshto Mukherjee, noted comedian/actor
 Joy Mukherjee, actor
 Joy Goswami, poet
 Jaya Bhaduri, actress
 Soumitra Chatterjee, actor
 Uttam Kumar (Arun Kumar Chatterjee), actor
 Victor Banerjee, actor
 Madhabi Mukherjee, actress
 Kajol Devgan (née Mukherjee), actress
 Rani Mukherjee, actress
 Benode Behari Mukherjee, painter
 Budhaditya Mukherjee, painter
 Hemanta Mukhopadhyay, singer and music director
 Amit Kumar Ganguly, singer
 Shaan, popular singer
 Shreya Ghoshal, singer
 Madhushree, singer
 Abhijeet Bhattacharya, singer
 Kumar Sanu, singer
 Richa Gangopadhyay, actress
 Bikas Ranjan Bhattacharjee, Former mayor of Kolkata
 Hrishikesh Mukherjee, film director
 Tapan Sinha, film director
 Basu Chatterjee, film director
 Basu Bhattacharya, director
 Mithun Chakraborty, actor
 Nikhil Banerjee, sitar player
 Prasun Mukherjee, Police Commissioner
 Jaideep Mukherjee, Tennis Player
 Bappi Lahiri, music director
 Pritam Chakraborty, music director
 Sourav Ganguly, former captain of Indian cricket team
 Jhulan Goswami, all round cricketer who plays for the India national women's cricket
 Jhumpa Lahiri, Pulitzer Prize Winning author of "Interpreter of Maladies" and acclaimed
novel 'The Namesake'
 Upamanyu Chatterjee, Indian Civil Servant and author of 'English, August'
 Moushumi Chatterjee, actress
 Bibhas Chakraborty, Theatre Practitioner and Cultural Icon
 Kanika Bandopadhyay, noted Rabindrasangeet exponent

Kanyakubja Brahmins
Kanyakubj Brahmins are a Brahmin community found in central India and certain parts of the
east, mainly in the states of Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Biharand Madhya Pradesh. The word
Kanyakubja means Brahmins of the Kannauj region. Kannauj region was spread to border
of Vidisha in ancient times. Most of the Kanyakubjas were landlords during the colonial rule
in Awadh, Kannauj region and Bhojpuri region ofBihar, Madhya
Pradesh, Jharkhand and Chattisgarhand Utkal region of Orissa.Other sub-group of Kanyakubja
are the Saryupareen Brahmin,Jujhautiya Brahmin.[1] In the 19th (held at Prayag) and 20th (held
at Lucknow) national convention ofKanyakubja Brahmins by Kanyakubja Mahati Sabha, in 1926
and 1927 respectively, it appealed for unity among Kanyakubja Brahmins whose different
branches included Sanadhya, Pahadi,Jaiswal Brahmin,
Jujhoutia, Saryupareen,Chattisgarhi, Bhumihar Brahmins .[2]

[edit]Notable personalities
Dwarka Prasad Mishra former Chief Minister of India and Freedom Fighter

 Swami Sahajanand Saraswati

 Suryakant Tripathi 'Nirala'
 Yogendra Shukla
 Baikuntha Shukla
 Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar'
 Atal Bihari Vajpai,former Prime Minister of India.
 Shyama Charan Shukla- former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, son of Pandit Ravi
Shankar Shukla
 Vidya Charan Shukla-former Indian Cabinet Minister in various portfolios,Agriculturist,
son ofPandit Ravi Shankar Shukla
 Vagish Shastri Sanskrit Grammarian
 Manoj Bajpai
 Chandra Shekhar Azad(Tiwari) Indian Freedom Fighter
 Ram Prasad Bismil Indian Freedom Fighter, Poet
 Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486–1534), ascetic, founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism
 Tia Bajpai

Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmin

Chitrapur Saraswats are a small Konkani-speakingcommunity of Hindu Brahmins in India who
trace their genealogy to the Kashmiri Pandits. They call themselves Bhanaps in the Konkani
language.[1]Although Kavle Math of Ponda or the Shri Gaudapadacharya Math predates it, and is
known as the Adi Math of all Saraswats, the Chitrapur Math, located in the village of Shirali,
in Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka is the primary autonomous religious institution of the
Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmin community. With its line ofGurus (or Guru Parampara), the Chitrapur
Math is a vital link that holds together the widely scattered units of the community. The community
members are adherents of Smartism and the Advaita Vedantaphilosophy of Adi Sankara. The
Chitrapur Math is traditionally affiliated to the Sringeri Sharada Peetham. Lord Shiva in the form
of Bhavanishankar is the patron deity of the Chitrapur Math. The present pontiff of the Chitrapur
Math is His Holiness Sadyojat Shankarashram Swami III.

Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmin

Total population
22,498(2001 census)

Regions with significant populations

Mumbai, Bangalore, Mangalore, Chennai, Pune





 Divisions based on Sampradaya:

 Smarthas

 Divisions based on Veda:

 Rigvedi

There are various etymologies of the word Saraswat. One refers to "offspring of Saraswati",
thegoddess of learning, applied usually to learned and scholarly people. It may also denote the
residents of the Saraswati river basin. The Brahmins of this region who are referred to as
Saraswats in the Mahabharata and Puranas were learned in Vedic lore.[citation needed]

There origins of the Saraswat Brahmin community who now hail from the west coast of India,
especially from the North and South Kanara Districts of Karnataka are not known. Various
conjenctures include a connection with Kashmir and Bengal or Gaudpradesh. [citation needed]

Islamic intolerance and forced religious conversion in Kashmir, started following the devastation
wrought by Zulju, a Mughal general from Turkmenistan, in 1320. [citation needed] The Sayyid
Dynasty ruled Kashmir from 1339 to 1561 CE and during this period Islam was firmly established
in Kashmir.[citation needed] Persecution of Hindus, razing of Hindu Temples, and forced conversionwas
worst under the rule of Sikandar Butshikan, the second Sultan of the Sayyid Dynasty of Kashmir
from 1389 to 1413 CE.[citation needed] This caused Saraswats to migrate from Kashmir. The religious
freedom, lush vegetation, rich soil, and patronage of the rulers drew Saraswat Brahmins migrants
to the west coast of India and especially to Goa.[citation needed]
Lord Parshurama with Saraswat Brahmin settlers commanding Lord Varuna to make the seas recede .

The Saraswats worshipped the deities they brought with them from the North. These were
'Mahan Girish' or Mangueshi, Shakti or Shanta Durga, Vishnu,Ganesh and Surya. They form the
'Panchayatan', or five deities, sacred to all Saraswats. [citation needed]

Saraswats were in all the kingdoms of the western coast under different dynasties right from 6th
century AD. Kadamba, Rashtrakuta, Hoysala, ChalukyaShilahara and Vijayanagara kings had
given important posts to Saraswats. There were ministers, administrators, accountants,
treasurers, ambassadors, and foreign language-interpreters among them. They adopted the
spoken language of Goa — Konkani.[citation needed]

The Portuguese traders who arrived in the early 16th century were followed
by Christianmissionaries. This led to the Goa Inquisition between 1560 and 1812 CE.[citation
Religious persecution of Saraswat Brahmins in particular, and their forced conversion to
Christianity took place in Goa with the patronage of Portuguese government. [citation needed] A few
Saraswats were converted to Christianity by smearing beef on their lips or putting beef into their
wells, resulting in their being foolishly ostracised by the rest of the community. Many other
Saraswats converted to Christianity to avoid persecution and to prevent their lands being
confiscated by the Portuguese. These are the origins of the "Brahmin Catholics" among the Goan
Catholics today.[citation needed]

Saraswat families in large numbers, preferred to leave Goa with their family deities. These
Saraswats settled down in the adjoining more tolerant principalities. New temples came up in the
coastal districts of Karnataka for Saraswat deities. When conditions improved in Goa and forced
religious conversion ceased, the deities were taken back to newly constructed temples in Goa in
completely new sites as the original sites were occupied by Portuguese Churches. [citation needed]

Saraswats held important posts under Keladi or Nagar rulers. Many families who emigrated from
Goa settled down in smaller towns and villages in Shimoga, South and North Kanara Districts.
Those who settled in North Kanara were known as 'Badags' and those who settled in South
Kanara were known as 'Tanks'. Both have their own variations in dialect and culture. Saraswats
were the first beneficiaries of English education introduced in 1840 AD. [citation needed]
[edit]Formation of the Chitrapur Saraswat community
[edit]The Bhanaps and Chitrapur Math
Chitrapur Saraswats who migrated to Karnataka at the time of the Muslim invasion in the 15th
century were mostly the educators and administrators. This migrant group moved a little inland
toNorth and South Kanara. Their intelligence, honesty and generations-old experience as
administrators, allowed some of them to secure prominent positions as administrators in the
courts of the Hindu rulers of the time. One such Hindu king of the Keladi Nayaka kingdom, was so
impressed by the integrity, diligence and skills of his Saraswat administrator, that he decreed that
each village in his kingdom, be administered by a Saraswat. Eventually these Saraswats took on
the name of the village as their last name.

Although the Chitrapur Saraswats were respected as an intelligent, learned and progressive
community they were under threat of de-recognition as true Brahmins by the State, due to the
absence of a living Spiritual Guru. The community, found it necessary to urgently seek a spiritual
preceptor for their community. In keeping with their original roots, and the favoured religion of the
State, they were given a few days to find a Smartha Sanyasi from Kashmir.

After fasting and praying for several days at Gokarna, they finally came upon a Kashmiri Sanyasi
on pilgrimage. They pleaded with the Kashmiri Saraswat Sanyasi, Parijananasharma Swami, to
become their Guru. He consented to guide the community and established a new Math for them
in Gokarn in 1708 AD.[citation needed] The people of Gokarn sent letters to the laity residing
inMangalore and Vithal notifying them about their Guru who would tour the south to giving
sermons and granting blessings.[citation needed]

The State required the Sringeri Shankaracharya Math pontiff in the Kanara district to approve and
validate the new Guru. This wish was granted. Thus, Parijnanashram Swami became the first
Guru of the community.[citation needed] In 1739 AD, the ruler Basavappa Nayaka II donated land in
Gokarn to build a Math in reverence to their primary deity, Shri Bhavanishankar.[citation needed]

Parijnanashram Swami's successor Shankarashram Swami attained Samadhi at Chitrapur, on his

way to Gokarn, in 1757 AD. There was urgent need for a place to establish the Samadhi of
Shankarashram Swami at Chitrapur, Shirali, and none was available. The Karta (Head) of the
Nagarkatti family donated all the extensive land and buildings owned by the Nagarkatti family to
establish the Chitrapur Math. Overnight the entire extended family living on the property moved
out to make place for the Samadhi. As recognition for this munificent act, till this date, first rights
to the Aarti at Chitrapur Math belong to any Nagarkatti family member who is present.

This Chitrapur Math with its vast lands and buildings remained the principal Math and residence
of the Chitrapur Saraswat Pontiffs thereafter. Those Kanara Saraswats who swear allegiance to
the Chitrapur Math, its Pontiff, and pay the annual vantiga (financial contribution) are known as
the Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmins.[citation needed]

During British rule in Kanara, many members of this Chitrapur community served as temple
administrators in the villages of South and North Kanara. Due to their exceptional intelligence,
natural scholarship, progressive outlook and the enterprise born out of an immigrant mind set,
[citation needed]
the Chitrapur Saraswats took to English education earlier than all other communities in
Kanara and came to dominate in the Indian Civil Service under the British in these two Kanara
districts.[citation needed] Many also became lawyers and solicitors often dominating the legal profession
in the Kanara districts.[citation needed]

They were able to obtain key jobs at the district offices and the Collector’s offices in Mangalore,
Honavar, Dharwad and Karwar. They were also employed as administrators in the cotton and
textile export industry in Kumta, Hubli and Dharwad.[citation needed]

Chitrapur Saraswats were more inclined to educate their children than Gauda Saraswats who
were traders, landlords and agriculturists.[citation needed] By the close of the 19th century the Chitrapur
Saraswats were an educationally advanced community. [citation needed] The cotton boom resulting from
the American Civil War (1863–64) helped them secure positions in cotton business and industry
at Kumta, Hubli, Dharwar and later Bangalore.[citation needed]

The railway headquarters at Dharwar shifted to Madras and with that many Chitrapur Saraswats
reached Madras. Their education helped them to establish themselves in Bombay and Madras in
administrative positions, both in government and private companies. [citation needed]

Bombay soon became the center of education and commerce in Western India and by the late
19th Century, many Chitrapur Saraswats made their way to Bombay to improve their educational,
professional and economic life.[citation needed] As more of them migrated to Bombay, they were among
the first to cluster there in well organised community enclaves. [citation needed] Rao Bahadur S.S
Talmaki originated the concept of co-operative housing societies in India and developed the first
co-operative housing society, "Talmaki Wadi".[citation needed]

The members of Chitrapur Brahmin community speak a form of Konkani, an Indo-Aryan language
that is descended from the Middle Indic Prakrits and is written in five scripts.[citation needed] The
Konkani language binds the members of this small group in a way that is unique and distinct. [citation
Among themselves, they refer to their mother-tongue as "amchigele", meaning of "our own",
and the people as "amchis". Bhanap scholars [who?] have noted that the community continued to
become increasingly confined within their own Chitrapur Saraswat group as time passed due
to endogamy, with matrilateral cross cousin marriages being religiously sanctioned and approved.
[citation needed]

The number of Chitrapur Saraswats stands at 22,498 according to Kanara Saraswat Association's
2001 census, up 7 per cent from 20,932 in 1971. The 0–19 age group has shrunk from 33 per
cent to 18 per cent and the 20–44 age group has also gone down from 38 per cent to 34 per cent.
[full citation needed]


The Chitrapur Saraswat community has a culture and religious customs drawn from the Chitrapur
Math at Shirali, distinctive dialect(s) of Konkani, and a wide nutritious variety of coastal vegetarian
cuisine based on rice and rich in coconut, cashew, greens, mangalore-melon, and a range of
bananas.[citation needed] Most Chitrapur Saraswat surnames represent the hamlets or villages of origin
while other surnames reflecting their Brahmin origin or honorifics and appointments given in the
past to a particular branch of the family. [citation needed]

The community with high literacy rates extended beyond Karnataka into other areas such as
Maharashtra and the principal cities of India. The Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmins were among the
first Indian communities to aggressively seek education in the West, especially in England and
the United States.[citation needed] While doing so, they successfully challenged and overcame the
threat of the then Chitrapur Saraswat Pontiff, the orthodox Pandurangashram Swami, who at one
stage threatened to ostracise all those who crossed the 'Kala Pani". [citation needed] After the mid 20th
century, in keeping with their immigrant traditions, a significant part of the community moved
abroad, especially to the United States that encouraged talented and educated science
professionals.[citation nee

Punjabi Brahmins
The Brahmins of the Punjab region are chiefly Saraswat Brahmins. They have a special
association with the Punjab since they take their name from the river, Saraswati
In Punjab, the Saraswat Brahmins are further divied into following main sections.

1. Panja jati (five families), A subgroup of Punjabi Brahmins whose surnames are Jaitly,
Trikha, Kumaria, Jinghan and Mohla.[citation needed]
2. Barahis (twelvers), who marry among twelve castes only. [1] This group belongs to the
Shakadweepi Brahmins/ Maga Brahmins.
3. Bawanjais (fifty-twoers), who marry among fifty-two houses only. [citation needed]
4. Athwans (seven families/seveners) and include Joshis, Kurals, Bhanots, Sands, Pathaks,
Bharadwajs, Shouries. These eight families marry among each other. [citation needed]
5. Mohyals- the warrior Brahmin race. They are a distinct category of Brahmins who
combine military knowledge with learning, they strictly refrain from performing priestly
duties, often to the point of excommunicating anyone who violates that rule. They are a
group of seven clans (Balis, Bhimwals, Chhibber, Datts,Mohan, Laus,and Vaids). They
generally own lands,and are mostly involved in military and administrative services, they
eat meat and are not very strict in the observance of religious taboos. They also marry
within the seven clans.[citation needed]
6. Bhaskars Gotra Vashisht, originating from a place "Badu ki Gusaiyaan" now in Pakistan.
[citation needed]

In the changed socio-economic circumstances however, the rigidity of having matrimonial

alliances within particular groups amongst Barahis, Bawanjais, Athwans and Mohyals has greatly
diminished, and they generally intermarry nowadays.[citation needed]

Athwans (eight families/eighters) the seven families (except Kurals) are considered to be direct
descendants of seven original rishis upon whom the word of God (The four Vedas:
HinduReligious Text) was se

Gaur Brahmin
The Gaur Brahmin or Adh Brahmin are a Brahmin sub-caste found in North India.[1] Gurjar gaur
Brahmins were priests of the Gurjars (Gujars or Gujjars) during the reign of the Gurjars
History and origin
The Brahmin castes may be broadly divided into two regional groups: Pancha-
Gauda Brahminsfrom Northern India and considered to be North of Vindhya mountains
and Pancha-Dravida Brahmins from South of Vindhya mountains as per the shloka. However,
this sloka is from Rajatarangini of Kalhana, which was composed only in the 11th century CE.

करकार्णाटककाश्च ततैलणगका दकावविडका महकारकाष्ट्रककाक,

गगजरर्णा काश्चश्चेतत पञ्चतैवि दकावविडका वविन्ध्यदकक्षिरश्चे ||
सकारस्वितकाक ककान्यकगब्जका गगौडका उत्कलमतैथथिलकाक,
पन्चगगौडका इतत ख्यकातका वविन्ध्स्ययोत्तरविकाससनक ||[4]

Translation: Karnataka (Kannada), Telugu (Andhra), Dravida (Tamil and Kerala), Maharashtra and
Gujarat are Five Southern (Panch Dravida). Saraswata (Punjab & Sindh), Kanyakubja (Uttar
Pradesh), Gauda (Bengal), Utkala (Orissa), Maithili (Bihar) are Five Northern (Pancha Gauda).
This classification occurs in Rajatarangini of Kalhana and earlier in some inscriptions[5] The Gaur
Brahmin have their origin in Haryana, where they claim to have originally from Bengal.They are
the descendents of Saptrishis who are the originators of complete human race as per hindu
mythology, so Gaur Brahmins are considered as the supreme race amongst all Brahmins. InUttar
Pradesh, they have two division, those of Saharanpur District, who have taken agriculture, and
those of Haridwar, who are known as Panda, and perform religious rites. They are found in the
districts of Meerut, Bulandshahr, Muzaffarnagar and the adjoining areas of Haryana state. They
use the surnames Sharma, Kapil, Tiwari, Kaushik,Kanago and Sandali. [1] In Haryana, they are
found maily in Gurgaon and Karnal districts. In that district, they have the following sub-
divisions,lead by Gautam, Bhardwaj, Mudgil, Vashist, Kaushik, Bashisth, Pathak, Bachis, Tandra,
Kashyap, & Joshi.[6]

Other than the Pandas of Haridwar, the Gaur are a community of Brahmins, who are essentially
cultivators. They cultivate wheat maize, jowar, paddy, mustard and sugar cane.

The Gaur are Vaishnavi Hindu, and worship all the major gods and goddesses.[1] The only
exception is a community of Gaur Brahmins in Gurgaon District, who had converted to Islam.
These Gaur Shaikhs all emigrated to Pakistan, at the time of partition.[7]

[edit]Eminent Gaur Brahmins

 Kalidas - the MAHAKAVI of Sanskrit

 Swami Haridas ( Guru of Tansen )- ( Akbar urged Swami Haridas to sing for him but
Swamiji refused.. At last Akbar went to Vrundavan to here the devine SANGEET of swami
 Hemachandra Vikramaditya AKA Hemu ( Last Hindu King of Medieval India & "Defeated"
'Humayun' in II battle of Panipat) )
 Tansen( Legendary Musician & one of Nine Jewels of Akbar's Court)
 Raja Todar Mal (King Akbar's Finance Minister & one of his nine jewels)
 Raja Birbal (One of King AKbar's nine jewels,famous for his 'Wit' & 'Wisdom')
 Pandit MadanMohan Malaviyaji
 MUNDIYA SWAMI ( Sree Gaur Brahmin From Junagadh-Gujarat)
 Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma (Former President of India)
 Kamlesh Sharma Secretary General Commonwealth
 Rakesh Sharma ( First Indian in Space)
 Shri B.D. Sharma (First Chief Minister of Haryana)
 Gopi Chand Bhargava ( First Chief Minister of Punjab)
 Pandit Jasraj (Classical Indian Vocalist)
 Guru Hanuman (Legendary Wrestling Coach, Droncharya Award recipient, Padma Shri)
 Jaiprakash Gaur ( Founder JayPee Group )

Vrajendra Gaur (Film Writer)

 Manoj Gaur ( Chairman JayPee Group )

 Pandit Lakhmi Chand (Legendary Haryanavi Poet & Writer )
 Sushma Swaraj ( Leader of opposition in Lok Sabha & Former Chief Minister of Delhi)
 Swaraj Kaushal ( Youngest Governor of any Indian State )
 Hansraj Bharadwaj (Governor Karnatka)
 Anand sharma Cabinet Minister Government Of India
 Rajat Sharma ( Founder India T.V)
 Ashok Chakradhar (Poet)
 Surendra sharma (Poet & Chairman Haryana Sahitya Academy)
 Kumar Vishwas (renounded Hindi poet)
 Kuldeep Sharma ( President- Haryana Congress Committee)
 Manoj Prabhakar(Cricketer)
 Ishant Sharma (Cricketer)
 Naval Kishore Sharma (Governor Gujrat)
 Shyam Sunder Sharma
 Yogeshwar Dutt ( Wrestler & Gold Medalist { Delhi Commonwealth Games 2010})
 Arvind Gaur
 Laxmi Narayan Sharma The big merchant of Mustard Oil.
 Deven Sharma former president of Standard & Poor's
 Dr. Yogesh Atal Noted International Social Scientist, Anthropologist, Director-UNESCO
 Pandit Vikash Maharaj Sarod maestro & social worker for human rights, Holiwater,
 [Pandit Vishwambhar Dayal Sharma](1897–1967) (founder of Shri Devarshikul
Vidyalay)Jaipur Raj
 [Priyank Gaur] (lecturer Of Physics),Ajmer Rajasthan
 LT.GEN.Dr D.P Vats [Retd Lt General , INDIAN ARMY and CHAIRMAN Haryana Public
Service Commission]
 [ Kapil Bhardwaj 9999102955 ] finance manager in Gateway Rail
he Pareek are a Brahmin caste found in the state of Rajasthan in India. They are the
descendants of Rishi Parashar[1]

[edit]History and origin

Pareeks are descendants of Maharshi Parashar and one of the constituent Chhaenyati Brahim

Pareek's are mainly found in the districts

of Jodhpur,Nagaur, Bhilwara, kota, Ajmer, Sikar, Bikaner,Jaipur and Churu.Ichalkaranji Maharastr

[edit]Present circumstances
The Pareek have twelve broad divisions, based on the basis of descent from the twelve rishis.
Beside this, the community is also split into one hundred and eighty exogamous clans, called
khaps. They speak the Marwari and Dhundari dialect of Rajasthani.

The Pareek are a priestly community serving commoners as well as the ruling houses
ofRajasthan. Many Pareek are also engaged in agriculture and Business

जगद कका गगौरविशकालही स्थिकान पकाप्त करनश्चेविकालही भकारततीय बकाह्मर जकाततयय मक खकाण्डलवविप
खण्डश्चेलविकाल बकाह्मर जकातत कका भती पमगख स्थिकान हतै । सजस पककार अन्य बकाह्मर जकाततयय कका
महत्वि वविशशॆर रूप सश्चे इततहकास पससद हतै , उसती पककार खकाण्डलवविप खण्डश्चेलविकाल बकाह्मर जकातत कका
महत्वि भती इततहकास पससद हतै । इस जकातत मक भती अनश्चेक ऋवर मगतन, वविदविकान न सणत, महन्त,
धकासमर्णाक, धनविकान, कलकाककार, रकाजनतीततज और समवम दशकालही महकापगरूरय नश्चे जन्म सलयका हतै ।

खकाण्डलवविप जकातत मक उत्पन्न अनश्चेक महकापगरूरय नश्चे समय समय पर दश्चे श, जकातत, धमर्णा, समकाज
और रकाष्ट कश्चे रकाजनतैततक क्षिश्चेतयो कयो अपनश्चे पभकावि सश्चे पभकाववित ककयका हतै । सजस पककार अन्य
बकाह्मर जकाततयय कका अततीत गगौरविशकालही हतै , उसती पककार इस जकातत कका अततीत भती गगौरविशकालही
हयोनश्चे कश्चे सकाथि सकाथि परम पश्चेररकापद हतै ।

सजन जकाततयय कका अततीत पश्चेररकापद गगौरविशकालही और वितर्णामकान कमर्णातनष्ठ हयोतश्चे हतै विश्चे हही जकाततयकाण
अपनश्चे भवविष्य कयो समगज्ज्विल बनका सकतती हतै । खकाण्डलवविप जकातत मक उपयक्
गर्णा त दयोनयो हही बकातश्चे
वविदयमकान हह । उसकका अततीत गगौरविशकालही हतै । वितर्णामकान कयो दश्चे खतश्चे हगए भवविष्य भती तनतकान्त
समगज्ज्विल हतै । ऐसती अविस्थिका मक उसकश्चे इततहकास और वविशशॆरकर पकारण सभक इततहकास पर कगछ
पककाश डकालनका अनगथचत न हयोगका ।
खकाण्डलवविप जकातत कक उत्पसत्त वविरयक गकाथिकाओण मक ऐततहकाससक तथ्य सम्पर
ग र्णा रूप सश्चे वविदयमकान
हतै । इस जकातत कश्चे उत्पसत्तक्रम मक जनशगतत और ककण विदसन्तयय कक भरमकार नहहीण हतै । उत्पसत्त कश्चे
बकाद ऐततहकाससक पहलयओण कश्चे वविरय मक जहकाह जनशगतत और ककण विदसन्तयय कयो आधकार मकानका गयका
हतै , विह दस
य रही बकात हतै । उत्पसत्त कका उल्लश्चेख कल्पनका कश्चे आधकार पर नहहीण हयो सकतका । यकाजविल्क्य
कक कथिका कयो पमगख मकानकर खकाण्डलवविप जकातत कका उत्पसत्तक्रम उस पर आधकाररत नहहीण ककयका
जका सकतका । महवरर्णा यकाजविल्क्य कका जन्म खकाण्डलवविप जकातत मक हगआ थिका । यकाजविल्क्य कका उतीणवि
खकाण्डलवविप जकातत कश्चे तनमकार्णार कश्चे बकाद हगआ थिका । यकाजविल्क्य खकाण्डलवविप जकातत कश्चे पवितर्णाक
मधगछन्दकादद ऋवरयय मक पमगख दश्चे विरकात ऋवर कश्चे पत
ग थिश्चे ।

खकाण्डलवविप जकातत कका नकामकरर एक धटनका वविशयोर कश्चे आधकार पर हगआ थिका । विह वविशशॆर धटनका
लयोहकागर्णाल मक सम्पन्न परशगरकाम कश्चे यज कक थिती, सजसमक खकाण्डलवविप जकातत कश्चे पवितर्णाक
मधगछन्दकादद ऋवरयय नश्चे यज कक सगविरर्णामयती विश्चेदही कश्चे खण्ड दकक्षिरका रूप मक ग्रहर ककयश्चे थिश्चे । उन
खण्डय कश्चे ग्रहर कश्चे ककारर हही, 'खण्डण लकातत गह
म काततीतत खकाण्डल:' इस व्यगत्पतत कश्चे अनगसकार उन
ऋवरयय कका नकाम 'खण्डल अथिविका खकाण्डल पडका थिका । बकाह्मर विणशज विश्चे ऋवर खकाण्डलवविप जकातत
कश्चे पवितर्णाक हगए ।

खसाण्डलववपप्रोत्पतत्त - पकरण

खकाण्डलवविप जकातत कक उत्पसत्त कश्चे वविरय मक स्कन्दपरग कारयोक्त रश्चे खकाखण्ड कक 36 सश्चे 40 कक छतै :
अघ्यकाययो मक जयो कथिकाभकाग हतै उसकका सकार तनम्नसलखखत हतै :-

'एक बकार महवरर्णा वविश्विकासमत विससष्ठ कश्चे आशम मक गयश्चे । विहकाण जकाकर उन्हयनश्चे विससष्ठ सश्चे उनकका
कगशल पश्न पयछका । इस पर विससष्ठ नश्चे ववि6 विकासमत कयो रकाजवरर्णा शब्द सश्चे सम्बयोथधत करतश्चे हगए
कहका कक :-

'आपकश्चे पश्न सश्चे मश्चेरका सविर्णात मणगल हतै ।'

वविश्विकासमत यह सगनकर चगपचकाप अपनश्चे आशम मक चलश्चे आयश्चे । विश्चे बह्मवरर्णा पद पकाप्त करनश्चे कश्चे
सलयश्चे कठयोर तपस्यका करनश्चे लगश्चे । दहीधर्णाककाल तक तपक रनश्चे कश्चे बकाद वविश्विकासमत कफिर विससष्ठ कश्चे
आशम मक गयश्चे । उन्हयोनश्चे विससष्ठ सश्चे कफिर कगशल पशन पयछका । सजसकश्चे उत्तर मक कफिर भती विससष्ठ
नश्चे उनकश्चे सलयश्चे रकाजवरर्णा शब्द कका हही पययोग ककयका और अपनश्चे बह्मवरर्णात्वि पर गविर्णा कका पदर्णा शन ककयका

इस पर वविश्विकासमत नश्चे कहका - ' बह्मन हमनश्चे तयो पवि
य जर्णा य सश्चे सगनका हतै कक पहलश्चे सभती विरर्णा शयद थिश्चे ।
सणस्ककार वविशशॆर कश्चे ककारर उनकयो दवविज सणजका पकाप्त हगई । ऐसती सस्थितत मक बकाह्मर और क्षिततय
मक क्यका भश्चेद हतै आपकयो बकाह्मर हयोनश्चे कका यह असभमकान क्यय हतै

बकाह्मर मगख सश्चे और क्षिततय भगजका सश्चे उत्पन्न हगआ इससलयश्चे इन दयोनय मक भकारही भश्चेद हतै । विससष्ठ
कका उत्तर थिका ।

यह गविर्वोसक्त सन
ग वविश्विकासमत उठकर चप
ग चकाप अपनश्चे आशम मक चलश्चे गयश्चे । उन्हयोनश्चे अपनश्चे
अपमकान कका समस्त वित
म कान्त अपनश्चे पत
ग य सश्चे कहका । विश्चे स्वियण बह्मवरर्णा पद पकाप्त करनश्चे कश्चे सलयश्चे
महश्चे न्दथगरर पविर्णात पर तपस्यका करनश्चे कश्चे सलयश्चे चलश्चे गयश्चे ।

महवरर्णा वविश्विकासमत कश्चे सगौ पगत थिश्चे । वपतका कश्चे तपस्यका करनश्चे कश्चे सलयश्चे चलश्चे जकानश्चे कश्चे बकाद उन्हयनश्चे
अपनश्चे वपतका कश्चे अपमकान कका बदलका लश्चेनश्चे कक भकाविनका सश्चे विससष्ठ कश्चे आशम पर आक्रमर कर ददयका

विससष्ठ नश्चे ककामधश्चेनग कक पगतती नसन्दनती दविकारका तकालजणधकादद रकाक्षिसय कयो उत्पन्न कर उनसश्चे
वविश्विकासमत कश्चे समस्त पगतय कयो मरविका डकालका । वविश्विकासमत कश्चे पगतय कयो मरविकानश्चे कश्चे बकाद विससष्ठ
कफिर अपनश्चे ययोग ध्यकान मक दन्तथचत्त हगए ।

वविश्विकासमत कयो जब अपनश्चे पत

ग य कक मत्म यग कका समकाचकार समलका तयो विश्चे अत्यन्त शयोक कश्चे ककारर
मतय छर्णा त हयो गयश्चे । आशमविकासती अन्य ऋवरयय दविकारका उपचकार हयोनश्चे पर जब वविश्विकासमत कक मयछकार्णा
भणग हगई तयो उन्हक अपनश्चे पत
ग य कका द:ग ख पनग : सन्तप्त करनश्चे लगका । उन्हयोनश्चे विससष्ठ सश्चे बदलका लश्चेनश्चे
कक ठकान कर पन ग : कठयोर तपश्चयकार्णा पकारम्भ कक ।

जब उनकक तपश्चयकार्णा कयो बहगत अथधक समय हयो गयका तयो बकाह्मकाजती नश्चे पकट हयोकर विर मकाणगनश्चे
कयो कहका । वविश्विकासमत नश्चे मत
म पगतय कश्चे पगनरूदभवि कक यकाचनका कक ।

बकाह्मकाजती तथिकास्तग कहकर चलश्चे गयश्चे ।

बकाह्मकाजती कश्चे चलश्चे जकानश्चे कश्चे बकाद वविश्विकासमत नश्चे विकाकक्षिर्णाकक ससम ष्ट कक रचनका पकारण भ कक । इससश्चे दश्चे वितका
लयोग धबरका उठश्चे । दश्चे वितकाओण नश्चे बकाह्मकाजती सश्चे पकाथिर्णानका कक कक - महकारकाज यह तनयतत कका वविधकान
परसररनविसत्तत हयो रहका हतै । आप इस अनथिर्णा कयो रयोककयश्चे ।
बकाह्मकाजती पन
ग : वविश्विकासमत कश्चे आशम मक गयश्चे । उन्हयोनश्चे ऋवर वविश्विकासमत कयो समझकायका कक -
आप जतैसश्चे बहगत ऋवर हयो गयश्चे हतै , ककन्तग ककसती नश्चे भती वविथध कका वविधकान पररविततर्णात करनश्चे कका
द:ग सकाहस नहही ककयका । आप यह क्यका कर रहश्चे हतै यह तयो अनथिर्णा मल य क हतै ।

वविश्विकासमत नश्चे उत्तर मक कहका - विससष्ठ नश्चे तकालजणधकादद रकाक्षिसय कक उत्पसत्त कर मश्चेरश्चे पगतय कयो
मरविका डकालका हतै । इससलयश्चे मह भती विकाकक्षिर्णाकक ससम ष्ठ दविकारका विससष्ठ सश्चे बदलका लयणगका ।

बकाह्मकाजती नश्चे कफिर समझकायका - स्थिकाविर सश्चे स्थिकाविर और जणगम सश्चे जणगम कक उत्पसत्त हयोतती हतै
अत: आप इस ककायर्णा कश्चे वविरत हयोकर स्विस्थि हयोइयश्चे । आपकका पत
ग शयोक कक शकासन्त कका उपकाय
करनका आविश्यक हतै । आप मश्चेरश्चे कथिनकानगसकार इसती समय महवरर्णा भरदविकाज कश्चे आशम मक चलश्चे
जकाइयश्चे । विश्चे आपकका पगत शयोक दरय कर आपकयो सब पककार सश्चे सकान्तविनका दक गश्चे ।

वविश्विकासमत बकाह्मकाजती कश्चे कथिनकानगसकार विकाकक्षिर्णाकक ससम ष्ठ सश्चे वविरत हयोकर महवरर्णा भरदविकाज कश्चे आशम
मक गयश्चे । महवरर्णा भरदविकाज नश्चे नकानका उपदश्चे शयो दविकारका उनकका शयोक दरय करतश्चे हगए कहका कक - गयश्चे
हगओ कश्चे सलयश्चे आप थचणतका न ककसजयश्चे । मह मकानतका हयह कक आपकका पगत शयोक द:ग सह हतै । इसकश्चे सलयश्चे
मह उथचत समझकातका हयह कक आप मश्चेरश्चे इन सगौ मकानस पगतय कयो अपनश्चे सकाथि लश्चे जकाइयश्चे । यश्चे आपकका
वपतका कश्चे समकान आदर करक गश्चे और सविर्णादका आपकक आजका मक रहक गश्चे ।

वविश्विकासमत नश्चे महवरर्णा भरदविकाज कका कहनका मकान सलयका । विश्चे उन सगौ मकानस पगतयो कयो अपनश्चे सकाथि लश्चे
आयश्चे । उन्हयोनश्चे उन ऋवरकगमकारय कयो नकानका कथिका कहकातनयय दविकारका अपनती ओर आकमष्ठ कर सलयका
। जब विश्चे बडश्चे हगए तयो वविश्विकासमत कश्चे आशम कश्चे तनकटविर ऋवरयय नश्चे अपनती लडककयकाण उन
ऋवरकगमकारय कयो ब्यकाह दहीण ।

वविश्विकासमत ऋवर धम य तश्चे हगए हरर6 चन्द कश्चे यज मक जका पहगचश्चे । हरर6 चन्द अपनश्चे जलयोदर रयोग कक
शकासन्त कश्चे सलयश्चे विकारूरश्चेसष्ट यज कर रहश्चे थिश्चे । उन्हयोनश्चे यज कश्चे सलयश्चे अजतीगतर्णा नकामक तनधर्णान
बकाह्मर कश्चे पत
ग शगन:शशॆप कयो बसल पशग कश्चे स्थिकान पर खरहीद सलयका थिका । अजतीगतर्णा महकातनधर्णान थिका
। तनधर्णानतका कश्चे ककारर विह अपनती बहगसन्ततत कका भरर पयोरर करनश्चे मक भती असमथिर्णा थिका । उसनश्चे
अपनश्चे पगत शगन:शशॆप कयो रूपयश्चे कश्चे लयोभ मक बश्चेच डकालका थिका ।

शगन:शशॆप अपनती मत्म यग तनकट दश्चे खकर धबरका रहका थिका । विह वविश्विकासमत कक बदहन कका पत
ग थिका ।
शगन: शशॆप नश्चे वविश्विकासमत कयो दश्चे खतश्चे हही उनसश्चे अपनश्चे छगटककारश्चे कक पकाथिर्णानका कक । वविश्विकासमत नश्चे
शगन:शशॆप कयो विश्चेद कक ऋचकायक बतलकाई, सजनकश्चे पभकावि सश्चे बसलदकान हगआ शगन:शशॆप बच गयका ।
यज समकासप्त कश्चे बकाद जब सब लयोग चलश्चे गयश्चे तयो वविश्विकासमत नश्चे शगन:शशॆप कयो आककाश सश्चे उतकार
कर हररश्चन्द कश्चे सभकासदय कयो ददखलकायका । सभती लयोग आश्चयर्णाचककत रह गयश्चे । इसकश्चे बकाद
वविश्विकासमत शगन:शशॆप कयो अपनश्चे सकाथि लश्चे आयश्चे ।

धर आकर उन्हयोनश्चे अपनश्चे पगतयो सश्चे समस्त वित

म कान्त कहका और उन्हक आदश्चे श ददयका कक - शनग: शशॆप
तगम्हकारका भकाई हतै । तगम इसश्चे अपनश्चे बडश्चे भकाई कश्चे समकान समझयो, और इसकका आदर करयो । यह भती
मश्चेरका पगतक हयोगका । तगम्हकारश्चे समकान यह भती मश्चेरश्चे धन मक दकायभकाग कका अथधककारही हयोगका । इस पर
वविश्विकासमत कश्चे विश्चे सगौ मकानस पगत दयो पणसक्तयय मक वविभक्त हयो गयश्चे । बडश्चे पचकास एक ओर थिश्चे । छयोटश्चे
पचकास दस
य रही पणसक्त मक थिश्चे । पहलही पणसक्त विकालय सश्चे जब ऋवर नश्चे यह पश्न ककयका तयो उन्हयोनश्चे शगन:
शशॆप कयो अपनका बडका भकाई मकाननका अस्वितीककार कर ददयका । इस पर महवरर्णा वविश्विकासमत अत्यन्त
कगनरद हगए । उन्हयोनश्चे अपनश्चे बडश्चे पचकास पगतय कयो शकाप दश्चे कर म्लश्चेच्छ बनका ददयका ।

इसकश्चे बकाद महवरर्णा वविश्चकासमत नश्चे अपनश्चे छयोटश्चे पगतय सश्चे पश्न ककयका - तगम लयोग इसश्चे अपनका बडका भकाई
समझयोगश्चे यका नहहीण ? छयोटश्चे पचकास पगत सजनमक पमगख महवरर्णा मधगछन्द थिश्चे, ऋवर कश्चे शकाप सश्चे
भयभतीत हयो गयश्चे थिश्चे । उन्हयोनश्चे तत्ककाल ऋवर कका आदश्चे श सहरर्णा स्वितीककार ककयका । ऋवर वविश्विकासमत
भती अपनश्चे पगतय कक अनगशकासनशतीलतका सश्चे पसन्न हयो गयश्चे । उन्हयोनश्चे अपनश्चे उन पचकास पगतय कका
धनविकान पत
ग विकान हयोनश्चे कका आशतीविकार्णाद ददयका ।

ऋचतीक कश्चे पगौत और जमदसगन कश्चे पत

ग परशगरकाम नश्चे अपनश्चे वपतका जमदसगन कक आजका सश्चे अपनती
मकातका और भकाइयय कका ससर ककाट डकालका थिका । सजसकश्चे पकायसश्चत स्विरूप उन्हयोनश्चे पतैदल पथ्म विती
पयर्णाटन ककयका थिका । समस्त पथ्म विती कका पयर्णाटन करनश्चे कश्चे बकाद विश्चे अपनश्चे वपतकामह ऋचतीक ऋवर कश्चे
आशम मक गयश्चे ।

कगशल प 6 न कश्चे बकाद परशगरकाम नश्चे अपनती इक्ककस बकार कक जततय-वविजय कक कहकानती अपनश्चे
वपतकामह कयो कह सगनकाई, सजसश्चे सगनकर ऋवर ऋचतीक अत्यन्त द:ग खती हगए । उन्हयोनश्चे अपनश्चे पगौत
परशगरकाम कयो समझकायका कक - तगमनश्चे यह ककाम ठठीक नहहीण ककयका, क्ययोककण बकाह्मर कका कतर्णाव्य
जमका करनका हयोतका हह जमका सश्चे हही बकाह्मर कक शयोभका हयोतती हतै । इस ककायर्णा सश्चे तगम्हकारका बकाह्मरत्वि
कका हकास हगआ हतै । इसकक शकासन्त कश्चे सलयश्चे अब तगम्हक वविष्रगयज करनका चकादहयश्चे ।

अपनश्चे वपतकामह कक आजका मकानकर परशगरकाम नश्चे पससद लयोहकागर्णाल ततीथिर्णा मक वविष्रगयज ककयका ।
परशगरकाम कश्चे उस यज मक कश्यप नश्चे आचकायर्णा और विससष्ठ नश्चे अध्वियगर्णा कका ककायर्णा सम्पन्न ककयका ।
लयोहकागर्णालस्थि मकालका पविर्णात नकामक पविर्णात सशखर पर आशम बनका कर रहनश्चे विकालश्चे मकानसयोत्पन्न
मधगछन्दकादद ऋवरयय नश्चे उस यज मक ऋसत्विकन कका ककायर्णा तनष्पकादन ककयका ।
यज-समकासप्त कश्चे बकाद परशगरकाम नश्चे सभती सभ्यय कका यथिकाययोगय आदर सत्ककार कर यज कक
दकक्षिरका दही । यज कश्चे ऋसत्विकन मकानसयोत्पन्न मधगछन्दकादद ऋवरयय नश्चे यज कक दकक्षिरका लश्चेनका
अस्वितीककार कर ददयका । इससश्चे परशगरकाम कका थचत्त पसन्न न हगआ । उन्हयोनश्चे आचकायर्णा कश्यप सश्चे
कहका -

तनमणततत मधगछन्दकादद ऋवर यज कक दकक्षिरका नहहीण लश्चेनका चकाहतश्चे । उनकश्चे दकक्षिरका न लश्चेनश्चे सश्चे मह
अपनश्चे यज कयो असम्पयरर्णा समझतका हयण । अत: आप उन्हश्चे समझकाइयश्चे कक विश्चे दकक्षिरका लश्चेकर मश्चेरश्चे यज
कयो सम्पयरर्णा करक ।

कश्यप नश्चे मधगछन्दकादद ऋवरयय कयो बगलकाकर कहका - आप लयोगय कयो यज कक दकक्षिरका लश्चे लश्चेनती
चकादहयश्चे, क्ययोककण यज कक दकक्षिरका लश्चेनका आविश्यक हतै । दकक्षिरका कश्चे तबनका यज असम्पयरर्णा समझका
जकातका हतै । आप लयोगय कयो दकान लश्चेनश्चे मक वितैसश्चे भती कयोई आपसत्त नहहीण हयोनती चकादहयश्चे । कश्चेविल एक
बकाह्मर विरर्णा हही ऐसका हतै जयो कश्चेविल दकान लश्चेतका हतै । अन्य विरर्णा दकान दश्चे नश्चे विकालश्चे हतै , लश्चेनश्चे विकालश्चे नहहीण ।
इसकश्चे सकाथि सकाथि यह भती वविशशॆर बकात हतै कक यह रकाजका बकाह्मर कगल कका पयोरक हतै । इससलयश्चे
इसकक दही हगई दकक्षिरका ग्रहर कर आप लयोग इसकयो पसन्न करक । यदद आप यज दकक्षिरका नहहीण
लश्चेनका चकाहतश्चे तयो आप भती अन्य पजकाऒ ण कश्चे समकान रकाजका कयो रकाज्य कर ददयका करक ।

कश्यप कक इस यसग क्तयक्

ग त बकात कयो मधछ
ग न्दकादद ऋवरयय नश्चे मकान सलयका । कश्यप नश्चे परशगरकाम
कयो सथग चत ककयका कक मधछ
ग न्दकादद ऋवर यज कक दकक्षिरका लश्चेनश्चे कयो ततैयकार हतै । उस समय परशगरकाम
कश्चे पकास एक सयोनश्चे कक विश्चेदही कयो छयोडकर कगछ नहहीण बचका थिका । विश्चे अपनका सविर्णास्वि दकान मक दश्चे चगकश्चे थिश्चे ।
उन्हयोनश्चे उस विश्चेदही कश्चे सकात खण्ड टगकडश्चे ककयश्चे । कफिर सकातय खण्डय कश्चे सकात सकात खण्ड 1 x 7 = 7
x 7 = 49 कर पत्यश्चेक ऋवर कयो एक एक खण्ड ददयका ।

इस पककार सगविरर्णा-विश्चेदही कश्चे उनचकास खण्ड उनचकास ऋवरयय कयो समल गयक, ककन्तग मकानसयोत्पन्न
मधगछन्दकादद ऋवर सणख्यका मक पचकास थिश्चे । इससलयश्चे एक ऋवर कयो दश्चे नश्चे कश्चे सलयश्चे कगछ न बचका तयो
सभती सभ्य थचसन्तत हगए । उसती समय आककाशविकारती दविकारका उनकयो आदश्चे श समलका कक तगम लयोग
थचन्तका मत करयो । यह ऋवर इन उनचकास कका पयज्य हयोगका । इन उनचकास कगलय मक इसकका शश्चेष्ठ
कगल हयोगका ।

इस पककार यज कक दकक्षिरका मक यज कक हही सयोनश्चे कक विश्चेदही कश्चे खण्ड ग्रहर करनश्चे सश्चे मकानसयोत्पन्न
मधगछन्दकादद ऋवरयय कका नकाम खण्डल अथिविका खकाण्डल पड गयका । यश्चे हही मधगछन्दकादद ऋवर
खकाण्डलवविप यका खण्डश्चेलविकाल बकाह्मर जकातत कश्चे पवितर्णाक हगए । इन्हही कक सन्तकान भवविष्यत न मक
खकाण्डलवविप यका खण्डश्चेलविकाल बकाह्मर जकातत कश्चे नकाम सश्चे पससद हगई ।
खसाण्डल ववप (खण्डडेलवसाल बसाह्मण) गप्रोत -

१ मसाठप्रोललयसा

मठ्मकालयमकासकाध जकाप जगदहीश्विम ।

अतयो मकाठकालययो भम
य गौ बकाह्नरक ख्यकाततमकागतक ॥१॥

मठ नमक स्थिकान मक बतैठकर जयो जगदहीश्विर कका जप ककयका करतका थिका, विह बकाह्नर पथ्म विती पर
मठकालय (मकाठयोसलयका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥१॥

मठकालय कका मकाठयोसलयका रूप समय पकाकर बनका हगआ हतै । लयोक मक अन्य पररवितर्णानय कश्चे समकान
शकासब्दक पररवितर्णान भती हयोतश्चे रह्तश्चे हतै , उसती अनगसकार आरण भ कका मठकालय समय पकाकर मकाठकालयका
और कफिर मकाठयोसलयका रुप मक पररविततर्णात हयो गयका।

२. बढसाढरसा

विणटकयोलण समकाहत्य चकाहकारमनगकल्पयहत ।

ततस्तस्य समकाह्विकानण विटकाहकारसमतत कक्षितगौ ॥२॥

बडविणटश्चे (विरगद कश्चे फिल) इकटश्चे कर जयो ॠवर भयोजन करतका थिका, उसश्चे लयोग विटकाहकार ( बढकाढरका )
कहनश्चे लग गयश्चे ॥२॥

उच्छविसम त्त परकायर ऋवरययो मक कन्दमल

य खकानश्चे कका जयो पचलन थिका, उसकश्चे अनस
ग कार ॠवर
ग कार कन्दमयल कका चन
ग कावि करतश्चे थिश्चे।

३. शप्रोततय (सप्रोतत)

वविपश्चेभ्ययोवप ददगौ धतीमकान विश्चेदकान सकाड्गकाननक्र

ग मकात ।

पकाठतयत्विका ततयो वविपक शयोततययो वविशगतत गतक ॥३॥

जयो बवग दमकान वविप छहयो अणगयो सदहत अध्यकापन दविकारका बह्मरयो कयो विश्चेद जकान पदकान करतका थिका विह
शयोततय (सयोतती) कश्चे नकाम सश्चे पससद हगआ ॥३॥
४. ससामरसा

दश्चे वितैक सह सदका यस्य व्यविहकारक पवितर्णातश्चे ।

सकामरक स तग वविख्यकातक स्विगर विका कक्षिततमणडलश्चे ॥४॥

सजस वविप कका लश्चेनदश्चे न दश्चे वितकाओ कश्चे सकाथि रहका करतका थिका, विह स्विगर्णा और पपथ्विती मण्डल मक सकामर
(सकामरका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥४॥

५. जप्रोशत

ज्ययोततवविर्णादकाम्बरयो धतीरयो यजवितैलकाण ददकाविथि ।

ज्ययोततपतीतत समकाख्यकातयो दश्चे विवविपसभकासग यक ॥५॥

ज्ययोततवविर्णादयो मक जयो वविप यज विश्चेलका कका मगहयतर्णा दश्चे नश्चे विकालका थिका, विह दश्चे वि वविप सभकाओण मक ज्ययोततरती
(जयोशती) कश्चे नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥२॥

एक दहीरर्णाककाल सश्चे आयर्णा दहन्द य समकाज मक ज्ययोततवरयय कश्चे सलयश्चे जयोशती शब्द कका व्यविहकार पचसलत
हतै । इसती आधकार पर ज्ययोततवविणद अथिविका ज्ययोततर ममर्णाज कका गयोत (सकासन यका अविटण क) जयोशती
नकाम सश्चे पससद हगआ ।

६. रणवसा

ररमगदव्हतश्चे ययोऽसगौ यजध्नतैदतैत्यपणग

ग वितैक ।

यजसणरक्षिरयतैवि ररयोदविकाहहीण पथिकाण गतक ॥६॥

जयो यज नकाशक दतै त्य पणग

ग विर्वो सश्चे यगध्द कर यज कक रक्षिका करतका थिका, विह ऋवर ररयोदविकाहही (ररविकाद
अथिविका ररविका) नकाम सश्चे पससद हगआ ॥६॥

ऋवर समकाज मक आत्मरक्षिर कश्चे सलयश्चे शस्त ग्रहर करनका उपयक्

ग त समझका जकातका थिका। विह श्लयोक
इसकक पसग ष्ट करतका हतै ।

७. बतलवसाल
सगपक्विकातन च वविल्विकान यजकाथिर्णा सणहतकातन च ।

वविल्विविकानथि स ख्यकातयो बकाह्रकारश्चेरग दवविजयोत्तमक ॥७॥

जयो दवविजयोत्तम पकश्चे हगए वविल्वि फिल इकटश्चे कर यज कश्चे सलयश्चे लकायका करतका थिका, विह बह्मरयो मक
वविल्विकान (बतीलविकाल) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥७॥

८. बतल

वविल्विमकालकाच सशरसस गलश्चे च भगजययोरवप ।

वविल्विमगलश्चे सस्थितयो ययोऽसगौ तस्मकादवविल्वि इतत शगतक ॥८॥

जयो ससर, गलश्चे और भगजकाओण मक वविल्वि कक मकालकायक धकारर करतका तथिका जयो वविल्वि कश्चे नतीचश्चे बतैठका
करतका थिका, विह इसती ककारर वविल्वि (बतील) नकाम सश्चे पससद हगआ ॥८॥

९. कक जवसाड

लतकागहम समकाथशत्य जजकाप परमण जपक ।

कगज्विकाडडतत वविख्यकातयो बकाम्हरयो बम्हववित्तमक ॥९॥

म मक बतैठकर सजसनश्चे उत्कमष्ट जप ककयका, विह बह्म्विश्चेत्तका बह्म्र कगन्जविकाद (कगन्जविकाड)
नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥९॥

ऋवर लयोग पकमतत पश्चेमती हयोतश्चे थिश्चे । उनकका बगौवदक वविककास पकमतत कश्चे सकातनध्य सश्चे हही हयोतका थिका । विश्चे
लयोग लतका कहग जय मक हही जतीविन तबतकातश्चे थिश्चे ।

१०. सडेवदसा

ररक्षि सश्चेविथधण दव्यमर

म तीरकाण परमकाजयका ।

तस्मकात्स सश्चेविथधनकार्णामका वविख्यकातयो भयववि बकाह्मरक ॥१०॥

जयो ऋवरयय कक आजकानस

ग कार यजतीय धन कक रक्षिका ककयका करतका थिका, विह बकाह्म्र पथ्
म विती पर सश्चेविथध
(सश्चेविदका) नकाम सश्चे पससद हगआ ॥१०॥
११. चप्रोटटियसा

सशखका विद
म तरका यस्य सविकार्वांगश्चे लगसलतका परका ।

तस्मकाच्चगौल इतत ख्यकातयो भयसगरयो भवग विमणडलश्चे ॥११॥

बडती भकारही चयोटही सजसकश्चे सकारश्चे शरहीर पर पडती रहका करतती थिती, विह बकाह्म्र पथ्
म विती मणडल मक चगौल
(चयोदटयका) नकाम सश्चे पससद हगआ ॥११॥

१२. मणडगगरसा

मरडमकाथगरतश्चे तनत्यण दन्तहहीनयो दवविजयोत्तमक ।

ततयो मरडथगलक ख्यकातक सविर्णादका भगववि मणण्ड्लश्चे ॥१२॥

जयो दवविज शश्चेष्ठ दन्त हहीन हयोनश्चे कश्चे ककारर पततददन चकाविलयो कका मकाणड वपयका करतका थिका, इसती ककारर
विह पथ्म विती मण्डल मक मण्डथगल (मणडथगरका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥१२॥

१३. सकन्दररयसा

सगन्दरस्तगसन्दलयो ययोऽसगौ ततविल्यका पररशयोभतश्चे ।

तश्चेनतैवि सगन्दरयो भगमगौ वविख्यकातयो वविपसत्तमक ॥१३॥

सजस शश्चेष्ठ बकाह्म्र कक तयद ततविलही सश्चे सश

ग योसभत थिती विह उसती ककारर पथ्म विती पर सन्
ग दर
ग दररयका) नकाम सश्चे पससद हगआ ॥१३॥

१४. झकनसाडसा

झरनतर्णानमकालयोक्य परमकानन्दमकात्मनक ।

ययो मश्चेनश्चे मनसका धतीमकान झरनकाट्य इतत स्मत

म क ॥१४॥

जयो बवग दमकान बकाह्म्र मछसलयय कका नत्म य दश्चे खकर अपनश्चे मन मक आनन्द कका अनभ
ग वि करतका थिका,
विह झरनकाटय (झखनकाडका) नकाम सश्चे स्मरर ककयका गयका ॥१४॥

१५. ररूंथलसा
चरूस्थिकालही करश्चे कमत्विका पजपन्मणतमगत्त्मम ।

अजयोहवियोत्तदका विन्दगौ चरूस्थिकालहीतत वविशतक ॥१५॥

जयो चरूस्थिकालही कयो हकाथि मक लश्चेकर मणत जपतका हगआ असगन मक आहगततयकाण ददयका करतका थिका विह
चरुस्थिकालही (रुण थिलका) नकाम सश्चे पससद हगआ ॥१५॥

१६. गप्रोधलसा

गयोधयलही समयश्चे तनत्यण ययो भन

ग सक्त महकामततक !

स तदव्रतपभकाविश्चेर गयोधयसलख्यकाततमकागतक ॥१६॥

जयो महकामतत गयोधयसल विश्चेलका मक भयोजन ककयका करतका थिका, विह उस बत कश्चे पभकावि सश्चे गयोधयलही
(गयोधलका) नकाम सश्चे पससद हगआ ।

१७. गप्रोरलसयसा

गयोतक्र यक वपविश्चेसन्नत्यण मन्यदन्नण न भजयश्चेत ।

गयोरस इतत ख्यकातयो वविपक पगण्यश्चेन कमर्णार ॥१७॥

जयो तनत्य कश्चेविल गयोतक (गकाय कक छकाछ) वपयका करतका थिका और दस

य रका अन्न नहहीण खकातका थिका, विह
वविप पण्
ग य कमर्णा सश्चे गयोरस (गयोरससयका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥१७॥

१८. झन्
क झकनसाद

यजस्यकान्तश्चे च ययो तनत्यण सकामविश्चेदण स्विरकासन्वितम ।

धगनयोतत बकाह्म्रक शतीमकान झगन्झगनकाद इततीररतक ॥१८॥

यज समकासप्त पर जयो सस्विर सकामविश्चेद कका गकान करतका थिका, विह झगन्झगनकाद (झगन्झगनकादका) नकाम सश्चे
पगककारका जकानश्चे लकागका ॥१८॥

१९. भम
भ रसा

भयगतकार्णान्यत कयतकावप दय्ष्ट्विका भरतत यक सदका ।

भयभरक स तग वविख्यकातक सविर्णात सख
ग दयो दवविजक ॥

जहका कहहीण पथ्

म विती मक गड्टय कयो दश्चे खकर जयो सदका उनकयो पकात दश्चे तका थिका, सविर्णात सगख दश्चे नश्चे विकालका विह
दवविज भयभर ( भयभरका ) नकाम सश्चे तबख्यकात हगआ ॥१९॥

२०. वटिप्रोटटियसा

विटमयलमगपकाथशत्य नतैत्यकण कगरूतश्चे तग यक ।

विटयोधका धतै समकाख्यकातयो भय सरग श्चे सग तनरन्तरम न ॥२०॥

जयो विरगद कश्चे नतीचश्चे बतैठकर तनत्य कमर्णा करतका थिका, बह तनरन्तर भयसगर विगर्णा मक विटयोधका ( विटयोदटयका
अथिविका विट ओदटयका ) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥२०॥

२१. कसाछ्वसाल

कक्षिमकाथशत्य वितैधकास्तग जगहगयकामणतसणयगतम ।

क्जकाविकातनतत सविर्णात वविख्यकातक ऋवरपगड्गविक ॥२१॥

जयो विश्चेदही कश्चे कयोनश्चे मक बतैठकर मणतयोच्चकारर पगविक

र्णा आहगतत ददयका करतका थिका, विह ऋवर शश्चेष्ठ सविर्णात
कजकाविकान (ककाछविकाल) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥२१॥

२२. लशवप्रोद्वसाहह (सप्रोडवसा)

सशविमगदविहतश्चे कण्ठश्चे तनत्यण भक्त्यका मतग नमहकार्णान ।

सशवियोदविकाहहीतत लयोकयोसस्मन तश्चेन ख्यकातयो वविदकाम्बरक ॥२२॥

जयो महकामतग न भसक्त पवि

ग कर्णा तनत्य कण्ठ मक सशविजती कयो धकारर करतका थिका, विह सशवियोदविकाहही
(सयोडविका) नकाम सश्चे लयोक मक पससद हगआ ॥२२॥

२३. भसाटिहवसाडसा

भटस्य रूपमकास्थिकाय यध्

ग यतश्चे ययो तनरन्त्म ।

तश्चेनतैवि भगतलश्चे ख्यकातयो भकाटहीविकातनतत पणडडतक ॥२३॥

ययोदका कका रूप धकारर कर जयो तनरन्तर यद
ग ककयका करतका थिका विह पसण्डत भकाटहीविकान (भकाटहीविकाडका)
नकाम सश्चे पथ्
म विती तल पर वविख्यकात हगआ ॥२३॥

२४. गप्रोवलसा

गकाक पकालयतत यक स्नश्चेहकासन्नयण धमर्णापरकायरक ।

तकासकामश्चेत बलयो यस्य गयोबलक कथथितयो दवविजतैक ॥२४॥

जयो पश्चेम पवि

य कर्णा धमर्णापरकायर हयोकर तनत्य गगौओण कका पकालन करतका थिका और सजसकश्चे गयोओण कका बल
हही पधकान थिका विह दवविजय दविकारका गयोविल (गयोविलका) नकाम सश्चे पक
ग कारका गयका ।

२५. वशतवसाल

विशतीकमत्य जनकान न सविकार्णान न वितर्णातश्चे कक्षिततमण्डलश्चे ।

तत्पभकाविकात न समकाख्यकातयो विशतीविकातनतत भयतलश्चे ॥२५॥

जयो सब जनय कयो विश मक कर तनविकास करतका थिका, विह उसती पभकावि सश्चे पथ्
म विती पर विशतीविकान न
(विशतीविकाल) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥२५॥

२६. मरूंगलहसारसा

मनसका विचसका तनत्यण सविररकामसभविकाच्छतत ।

मणगलकाहरतत ययोऽसगौ तस्मकान्मणगलहकारकक ॥२६॥

मन और विकाखर सश्चे जयो सब कका भलका चकाहतका थिका और सब कका मणगल करतका थिका, विह मणगलकाहर
(मणगलहकारका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ।

२७. बप्रोचतवसाल

जयो क्रकान्तकमकार्णा धमकार्णान्धमकार्णात्मकक कवविक ।

तस्मकादसगौ च वविख्यकातयो वियोचतीविकातनतत नकामतक ॥२७॥

जयो क्रकान्तकमकार्णा धमकार्णात्मका ऋवर यजशकालका मक धकासमर्णाक उपदश्चे श ददयका करतका थिका, यह इसती ककारर
वियोचतीविकान न (वियोचतीविकाल) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥२७॥

२८. धकगप्रोललयसा

ददययो गयोलमथिकालम्व्य विखरर्णातण व्ययोमवविस्तरम न ।

तस्मकादत समकाख्यकातयो धयगयोल इतत वविदविरक ॥२८॥

खगयोल कका अविलम्बन कर सजसनश्चे खगयोल कका वविस्तकार पवि

य कर्णा विरर्णान ककयका, इसती ककारर विह
जकातनयय मक शश्चेष्ठ धग
य योल (दग
ग योसलयका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥२८॥

ऋवरयय मक नकानका पककार कक गविश्चेररकायक करनश्चे कका पचलन थिका । इस अविटण क कश्चे पवितर्णाक ऋवर नश्चे
भती खगयोल कका पकामकाखरक अनगसन्धकान ककयका थिका ।

२९. ककन्जवसाडसा

गगन्जकाववितकानमकाछकाध विटस्य पररतयो बध

ग क।

तत चयोविकास ययो धतीरयो गगन्जकाविकाट इतत शगतक ॥२९॥

जयो वविदविकान न गगन्जका कश्चे लतका कगन्जय कयो बड पर चढकाकर उनकश्चे नतीचश्चे तनविकास करतका थिका, विह
गगन्जकाविकाट (गगन्जकाविडका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥२९॥

३०. परवसाल

पविकालगगौरविरर्णाश्र्च पविकालतैश्चतैवि मसण्डतक ।

पविकालमकालययोपश्चेतक पविकालक स च कथ्यतश्चे ॥३०॥

जयो ऋवर पविकाल कश्चे समकान गगौर विरर्णा थिका और जयो पविकालय सश्चे वविभवय रत और पविकाल मकालकाधकारही थिका,
उसकका नकाम लयोगय नश्चे पविकाल (परविकाल) रक्खका ॥३०॥

३१. हभचरसा

हय हय नकामकानमकाहयय चकानद्दजविश्चेश्मतन ।
चकारयकामकास गकान्धविर्णा तस्मकादयचरकयो दवविजक ॥३१॥

यजगह म मक हयहय नकामक गकान्धविर्णा कयो बगलकाकर जयो गकान्धविर्णा विश्चेद कका गकायन करविकायका करतका थिका, विह
दवविज (हयचररयका) नकाम सश्चे पससद हगआ ॥३१॥

३२. नवहसाल

ग मयण नयत्नण हलण जपकाह ययो दवविजक ।

चकरर्णा यकाकजककण भसय मण नविहकाल पथिकाण गतक ॥३२॥

सजसनश्चे जकामगन कका नयका हल बनका कर यज कक भयसम कयो जयोतका, विह बकाह्मर नविहकाल नकाम सश्चे
पससद हगआ ॥३२॥

३३. वसारूंठप्रोललयसा

यजविकाटमगपकागम्य ह्यसलखन न स्थिसण्डलण तग यक ।

जजकाप परमण जकापण तश्चेन विकाणटयोसलकक स्मत

म क ॥३३॥

जयो यज कक विश्चेदही मक रण ग भरका कर गकायतती कका जप ककयका करतका थिका, विह उसकयो लयोग विकाणठयोसलक
(विकाणठयोसलयका) कहतश्चे थिश्चे ॥३३॥

३४. पतपलवसा

अश्वित्थिमयलमकासकाद्द तस्वितैवि फिलमसत्त यक ।

वपप्लविकातनतत ख्यकातयो भयमगौ वविपविरस्ततक ॥३४॥

पतीपल कश्चे पश्चेड कक जडयो मक बतैठकर जयो पतीपल कश्चे हही फिल खकायका करतका थिका, विह वविपविर वपप्पलविकान
(पतीपलविका) नकाम सश्चे पससद हगआ ॥३४॥

३५. मकछसावलसा

श्मशसग भमगख
र्णा मकाच्छन्नयो वितर्णातश्चे यजमण्डलश्चे ।

श्मशगलयो दह समकाख्यकातक समगदकान्तगर्णातयो भगववि ॥३५॥

दकाढही मछ
य य सश्चे सजसकका महगह ढकका रहतका थिका, विह ऋवर दवविजय मक श्मशगन (मछ्
ग विकाल) नकाम सश्चे
वविख्यकात हगआ ॥३५॥

३६. ततवसाडत

ततदविकार समकागम्य जजकाप जननती शतग तम न ।

ततविकारहीतत च लयोकश्चेसस्मन न वविख्यकाततमधगनका गतकाक ॥३६॥

जयो ततीन दविकार कका मककान बनकाकर उसमक गकायतती जपका करतका थिका, विह इस लयोक मक (ततविकाडती) कश्चे
नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥३६॥

३७. परसाशलसा

परकाशकाथिर्णा च ययो लकातत यस्मकात्कस्मकादनण बहगक ।

ततक परकाशलयो वविपयो वविख्यकातयो भगविनतयश्चे ॥३७॥

जयो ऋवर ससमधका सणचय कश्चे सलयश्चे इधर उधर सश्चे पयकार्णाप्त धन लकायका करतका थिका, विह लयोकतय मक
परकाशल (परकाशलका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥३७॥

३८. घसाटिवसाल

रटमकाथशत्य कगण्डस्य भकारत्यकाक मणतमगज्जपन न ।

रटविकातनतत वविपश्चेशक सविर्णात वविददतयो ह्यभत

य न ॥३८॥

जयो यजविश्चेदही कश्चे ककनकारश्चे बतैठकर सरस्वितती कका जप ककयका करतका थिका, विह सविर्णात रटविकान (रकाटविकाल)
नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥३८॥

३९. बणलसयसा

विनश्चे च तनविसन्ययो वितै मन्त च दविकादशकात्मकम न ।

जजकाप परयका भवित्यका विकानस्थियो वविशगतयो भवग विक ॥३९॥

जयो विन मक तनविकास करतका हगआ दविकादश अक्षिरकात्मक "नमयो भगवितश्चे विकासगदश्चेविकाय" मणत कका जकाप
ककयका करतका थिका, उसकयो विनकाशय (विरससयका अथिविका विनसकातयक) नकाम सश्चे पक ग कारतश्चे थिश्चे ॥३९॥

४०. लसरूंहप्रोटिसा

ससणहपष्म टसमकारूह्य भगवित्यकाक पसकादतक ।

सविर्णातकाटतत ययो धतीमकाहस्ततक ससणहयोटकक स्मत

म क ॥४०॥

जयो बवग दमकान ऋवर भगवितती कश्चे पसकाद सश्चे ससणह पर चढकर सविर्णात रम
य का करतका थिका, विह ससणहयोटक
(ससणहयोटका अथिविका ससणहयोदटयका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥४०॥

४१. भकरटटियसा

र्णा ण च तर
म ण सम्यगकादकाय शयनण रचश्चेत न

र्णा इतत वविख्यकातयो बभयवि धरखरतलश्चे ॥४१॥

जयो भरूणट रकास कयो तबछकाकर सयोयका करतका थिका, विह धरखर तल पर भयभट
र्णा (भरूदटयका अथिविका
भगरदटयका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥४१॥

४२. टिरूं कहसारह

टण कण टण कण समकादकाय चकाहकारण कगरूतश्चे सदका ।

टण कहकारहीतत वविख्यकातयो लयोकश्चे च परमवरर्णासभक ॥४२॥

जयो तनत्य चकार चकार मकासश्चे कश्चे ग्रकास लश्चेकर भयोजन ककयका करतका थिका, विह महवरर्णाययो दविकारका टण कहकारही
नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥४२॥

४३. अजमडेररयसा

अजश्चे बह्मखर ययो मश्चेधकाण सणययोज्य कमर्णा सणचरश्चे त ।

अजमश्चेधका महहीपष्म टश्चे सविर्णात वविददतयो ह्यभयत न ॥४३॥

जयो ऋवर अजन्मका बह्म मक बवग द लगका कर कमर्णा ककयका करतका थिका, विह सविर्णात पथ्
म विती तल पर
अजमश्चेधका (अजमश्चेररयका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥४३॥

४४. डतडवसाणणयसा

डडणडडमण च परग स्कमत्य वविचचकार महहीतलश्चे ।

डडणडडमविकातनतत ख्यकातयो भयसगरयो भयसममण्डलश्चे ॥४४॥

जयो डमरू लश्चेकर पथ्म विती पर वविचरर ककयका करतका थिका, विह बकाह्मर डडणडडमविकान (डतीडविकाखरयका
अथिविका डतीडविकारका) नकाम सश्चे पथ्म विती पर पससद हगआ ॥४४॥

४५. तनटिसाणणयसा

तनधनकातन च भययकाणसस समकादकाय धनश्चेश्र्विरकात न ।

वविभज्य यकाचकश्चेभ्ययोऽदकासन्नधकातनययो दह सयोप्यभयत ॥४५॥

जयो ऋवर सगबश्चेर सश्चे बहगत सका धन लकाकर यकाचकय मक बकाणटका करतका थिका, विह तनधकानतीय
(तनटकातनखरयका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥४५॥

४६. डसाभडसा अथवसा डसावस्यसा

दभर्णाभकारण समकादकाय तस्यकास्तररमकाकहयोत न ।

तश्चेनतैवि हश्चे तगनका वविपक दभर्णाशकायतीतत वविशत

ग क ॥४६॥

जयो डकाभ तबछका कर सयोयका करतका थिका, विह दभर्णाशकायती (डकाभडका अथिविका डकाविस्यका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात
हगआ ॥४६॥

४७. खडभडसा अथवसा तनठकरसा

तनष्ठगरण विचनण यस्तग विदत्यश्चेवि जनश्चेसष्विह ।

तन्नकाम तनष्ठगरयो लयोकश्चे बभयवि परमकादत

ग म न ॥४७॥
जयो ऋवर मनष्ग यय कश्चे समह
य मक कठयोर विचन बयोलका करतका थिका, इसतीसश्चे विह परमकादभगत ककाम करनश्चे
विकालका तनष्ठगर (तनठगर अथिविका खडभडका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥४७॥

४८. बप्रोहरसा अथवसा भभसकरसा

व्यविहकारवपययो लयोकश्चे व्यविहरतत जनश्चेसष्विह ।

व्यविहकारहीतत वविपयोऽसगौ सततण ख्यकाततमकागतक ॥४८॥

व्यविहकार वपय जयो ऋवर सणसकार मक लश्चेन दश्चे न कका व्यविहकार करतका थिका, विह वविप तनरन्तर व्यविहकारही
(बयोहरका अथिविका भस
य गरका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥४८॥

४९. वसारूंटिणसा

आयकान्तण बकाह्मरण द्दष्ट्विका तस्मतै यच्छतत ययो धनम न ।

तस्मकात्तग वविपयो वविख्यकातयो वविभकाजतीतत जनश्चेरग सक ॥४९॥

जयो समकागत बकाह्मर कयो दश्चे खकर उसश्चे धन ददयका करतका थिका, विह वविभकाजती (विकाणटरका) नकाम सश्चे
वविख्यकात हगआ ॥४९॥

५०. शककन्यसा

शकगनकातन च सविकार्णाखर वविचचकार वविचकारयन न ।

शकाकगनतीतत ततयो लयोकश्चे वविख्यकाततण गतविकान्मगतनक ॥५०॥

जयो मगतन समस्त शकगनय कका वविचकार करतका हगआ वविचरर करतका थिका, विह लयोक मक शकाकगतन
(शकगन्यका) नकाम सश्चे वविख्यकात हगआ ॥५०

Shringi Rishi
Shringi Rishi/Shranga Rishi /Rishi Shring is the legendary Indian Hindu seer or Rishi of seer
Kashyapa's lineage. Shringi Rishi is great saint of the Ramayan era of ancient India. His father is
great saint Vibhandak Rishi.

Shringi Rishi performed 'Putrakameshti Yajya' for King Dashrath of Ayodhya, after that Lord
Rama and his three brothers were born. There is an ashram of Shringi Rishi situated at Ayodhya
on the banks of Sarayu river near Laxman Ghat.Legend has it that Shringi Rishi cursed King
Parikshit for his sinful conduct against rishi Lomash. The boons and curse uttered by him were
proved to be absolutely true. Rishi Shringi was a distinguished expert of the super science of
mantras. A temple of Shringi Rishi, is also located at Banjar in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, in whose
honour a fair is held every year in May.Shringi Rishi is the ruling deity of Banjar valley. Here rishi
is popularely known as Skirni Deo. Skirni Deo is thought to be the king of Kaliyuga. A wooden
temple of Shringi Rishi is located at Skiran (12000 feets),where pindi of Shringi and Bhagvati
Shanta is established. In 2008, this temple has been reconstructed after 60 years. Shringi rishi is
one of the ancient deity of Kullu valley, also included among atthara kardoo (eighteen chief deities
of Kullu). Here rishi used to trevel whole valley after certain interval of time. Some of the tours are
trips to Rakti sar, Dhol Garh, Hamta , Malana, Panch Kothi doura and Lambti doora.Each trip is
followed by one and another in the regular interval of 12–18 years.Each trip lasts for about one
month or so, though Dhol Garh trip usually lasts for three and half months. Devatas (In Kullu,
there are about more than 600 palanquins of gods called rath) from the whole valley used to
come and meet Shringi rishi whenever there is sevre drought in the area. cave is also located in
district Sirmaur near Nahan in Bagthan where he is supposed to have stayed. It is a long cave
where he is supposed to do yagna and worth seeing.

Sikhwal (also known as Sukhwal, Shringi) are one of the prominent Brahmin sects of Rajasthani
Brahmins who trace their origin from the great sage Rishi Shringi (or Rishi Shring). Rishi Shringi
was the son of Sage Vibhandak, himself a highly respected Vedic scholar of Kashyaap linage.
Rishi Shringi is credited in Indian mythology as the inventor of ‘Putrakameshti Yagna’, the Vedic
sacrifice for begetting a male progeny. This first ever Putrakameshti Yagna was performed by
Rishi Shringi for the Suryawanshi Emperor Dashrath of Ayodhya (of Ikshavaku lineage) and the
outcome of this Yagna was the birth of Lord Rama, the great Indian God-king and revered ‘Avtaar’
(incarnation) of Lord Vishnu, the powerful god in the holy Hindu trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh.
Lord Rama was born with the blessings of the Gods who were appeased by Rishi Shringi with
powerful mantras. Three more sons were born to Dashrath besides Rama (born to his eldest
Queen, Devi Kaushlya) Laxman, Bharat and Shatrughna born to Devi Sumitra and Devi
Kaikayee, the other two Queens of Emperor Dashrath.

The Yagna was an elaborate affair spreading over twelve days and was performed with much
fanfare befitting its uniqueness. The legend has it that Emperor Dashrath’s only Sister, the
beautiful young Princess Shanta, who was actively involved in the organizing of the Yagna, fell in
love with the handsome and scholarly young sage Shringi. Her brother, Emperor Dashrath
understood her feelings and on the occasion of ‘Poornaahuti’ (final sacrifice offered to gods,
announcing the completion of Yagna process) proposed royal princess Shanta’s hand in marriage
to Rishi Shringi. They were married and had eight sons and many daughters. All the sons born
out of the alliance were highly respected for their knowledge of the holy Vedas and involved
themselves in scholarly pursuits. Their descendants were later organized into the sub-sect of
Brahmins, called Sikhwal Brahmins (also known as Sukhwal, Shringi Brahmins).

Cities of uttar Pradesh such as Jhansi, Lalitpur, Kanpur and many other subcities like
Baruasagar,Babina,Dhaurra in jhansi have a presence of Shringirishi Brahmins. Cities of Madya
Pradesh such as Bhopal, Jabalpur, Saugor, Jhansi, Khurai, Damoh and many villages of the
state like
etc. still have their designation.

Cities of Jaipur, Ajmer, Kota and Udaipur and many other places in Rajasthan, Kolkota in West
Bengal, Hyderabad and Vijaywada in Andhra Pradesh, Mumbai, Nasik, Jalgaon, Akola, Amravati,
Latur and other places in Maharashtra have a significant presence of Sikhwal Brahmin
population. Today, the Sikhwals are spread all over India and also in USA and Europe.

Other prominent Rajasthani Brahmin sub-sects are Gaur, Gujar-Gaur, Daima (also called
Dayama or Dadeech), Pareek, Khandelwal (not to be confused with the ‘Vaisha’ community of the
same name) and Saraswat Brahmins.

In Rajasthan the other five castes i.e. Guar, Gujar-Gaur, Daima, Pareek and Khandelwal [not
vaisha] together form Chh-Nyatee Bhai. Though they do not marry among themselves, but share
a strong social bonding and invite each other on all auspicious occasions. In Pushkar near Ajmer
in state of Rajasthan, India, Sikhwal Brahmins have an inn and a temple dedicated to Shringi

Shringi Rishi Ashram

40 Km away from Faizabad after reaching Gosaiganj and 8 Km from Bandanpur there is
a Market called Mehbubganj you reach to Sherwaghat.There is also an ashram of Shringi
20 Km away from Jhansi after reaching Baruasagar there is a Shringirishi temple.
20 Km away from Bina MP after reaching village Sarkhadi there is Shringirishi Temple.
80 Km away from Jhansi in village Sangaouli there is new temple of Shringirishi.
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 E




1st (Svayambhuva) Manvantara








2nd (Svarocisha) Manvantara







3rd (Uttama) Manvantara








4th (Tamasa) Manvantara





5th (Raivata) Manvantara










6th (Cakshusha) Manvantara








7th (Vaivasvata) Manvantara


Gautama (Nyaya?)



Four Kumaras




















Jaimini (Mimansa)

Kambu Swayambhuva

Kanada (Vaisheshika)



Kapila (Samkhya)












Shringi Rishi







Vibhandak Rishi

Vyasa (Vedas, Vedanta)


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 Portal

Pushkarna is one of the Brahmin communities in India. The Pushkarnas primarily hail
fromSindh (Pakistan)and Persia (Iran) region.
Most of the Pushkarna Brahmins migrated from erstwhile Bharatvarsh (now theocratic Pakistan)
to India. The initial migration began during the Islamic Invasion in 800 AD. Some historians claim
this phase began initially with the migration from Pakistan to Jaisalmer, and from there
toPhalodi, Pokhran and Jodhpur (in India). Subsequently Pushkarnas settled in other parts of
India. The second phase of migration took place around the partition of India in 1947, when most
of the families settled in Khairthal (Alwar). There was a notable migration in 1971, mainly
to Barmer. There is also evidence of smaller, intermittent migrations between these main

Evidence of migration are commonly found embossed on the traditional utensils around the
Sindhi cities such as Thatta and Hyderabad (Sindh, as well as in Pakistan). Many Pushkarna can
also trace a common lineage to Sindh.
One theory of migration also suggests that during the Islamic Invasion in Sindh in 800 AD,
Pushkarnas went to settle in Central Asian countries, such as Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
However, as a sign of respect for the place they came from (like Chhang or Chhat), they used
surnames like Chhangani, Chattani, etc. This phase integrated several elements of Central Asian
Culture that still can be observed in its remnants like the spices, food preparation etc. The
community came back from Central Asia once the regions they belonged to were stable.


Smartism,Shaivism, Vaishnavism and prayers to goddess are common, as isht or primary

deity.Hanuman Ji and Baba Ramdev are also highly revered.

 Smartism:

Prayers to all the gods, and none as the prime deity is commonly practised.

 Shaivism:

There is an enormous faith in Shiva in the community. Famous temples

are: Mandalnath,Balaknath, Eklingji (situated 22 km from Udaipur) etc.

 Vaishnavism:

The adoloscent avatar of Lord Krishna is prayed to in the form of ShinrathJi. The famous
ShrinathJi temple is situated in Nathdwara (48 km from Udaipur), Rajasthan. The followers are
said to belong to a sect called 'Vallabh Kul'.

 Deity Goddess:

Pushkarna revere the famous Maa Ushtvahini (or the one who rides on a camel) as their Kul
Devi. The community also has a deep faith in Dehra Mata (supposedly the idol was brought
during the time of their migration from Sindh, and later reinstated here) and Latiyal Mata temple.
The goddess Ashapura Mata is worshipped as the isht devi and Kul Devi (deity) by some of the
Pushkarnas (Vyas of Mewar and Bissas of Bikaner). Maa Ashapura's temple is situated at
Bedwas village (5 km from Udaipur city).

 Lord Shree Keshavraiji:

Lord Shree Krishna, killed Demon Keshi (As per Hindu Mythology), and hence this avataar is
known as Keshavraiji. The Ancient Temple is located opposite to Shankh-Narayan Temple & lies
near Shree Mahaprabhuji Baithak at Bet-Dwarka Island (Ancient Name-Shankhoddhar), in District
Jamnagar, Gujarat. Shree Keshavraij is worshiped by Vaishnavities and followers of Shree
Vallabhacharya . This temple is estimated to be over 450 Years old. Records & Inscriptions
(सशलकालश्चेख) as old as 275 years have been found in the temple. Pushkarna Brahmins From
Rajasthan, Gujarat, Kutch, Sindh & Punjab worshiping Lord Shree Keshavraiji as their Ishtdev.
Interestingly, the last Pushkarna Brahmin Priest Of the Temple had registered way back in 1899 in
the records room at S&S Commission for State of Amreli (now Baroda,Gujarat) that the temple
was built more than 5-6 Generations before his Guru & Father. Major Awareness was brought by
Pushkarna Brahmins of Jamnagar after they came to know about Shree Keshavraiji Temple in
the year November 2000 with the devine powers of Shree Vasuki Subrahmanya Temple in
Udupi, Karnataka.

 Shree Hanuman:

Thakur ji in form of Shri Hanuman ji has been blessing the pushkarna Brahmins for ages. People
revere Marutinandan immensely.

Prayers to trinity are quite common as well. Apart from theses Pushkarnas also pray to Baba
Ramdevji of Ramdevra (Pokhran), also known as Runicha.


Pushkarnas supposedely lived on both sides of Sindhu(Indus) river or Pushkarni river. Hence the
community is also referred to as Sindhuvarni Brahmins. Spread across the world, Pushkarnas
reside primarily in Rajasthan. Pushkarnas are also settled in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Punjab (India) and Tharparkar District of Pakistan. Sizable Pushkarna Brahmin
populations in Rajasthan are located in Jodhpur, Bikaner, Khairthal (Alwar), Jaipur and Barmer.
Some other cities in Rajasthan (Udaipur, Kishangarh, Jaisalmer), and in Gujarat
(Ahmedabad,Gandhidham, Vadodara) also have large Pushkarna populations. Small
communities are also located in Dubai, the USA and Sharjah.


 Language:

The languages spoken by Pushkarnas are primarily offshot of the root language Dhatki or Dhati.
Local languages like Marwari, Gujarati, Sindhi, Mewari and Punjabi are also spoken by Brahmins
living in communities where these languages are spoken. Interestingly, some of words in the
vocabulary originate from Saraiki.

 Food and Drinks:

Alcohol is generally not a part of Pushkarna life. Some of the famous Pushkarna dishes areheero,
(seera), ker-komatiya, hongri, (sangri), gatta, (gatte), lawasi, ker dakhon ro haag, haldi ro
haag, dal-bati-churma, gulaab and kheech.

Most Pushkarnas are strictly vegetarian. Use of onions, garlic and carrots is prohibited in
traditional Pushkarna families (and is largely practiced).

 Music and Dance:

Various folk lores praising the bravery and intellect of the clan are sung across both sides of
border, in India and Pakistan.
 Family & Practices:

The orthodox families follow a purdah system for females in front of elder brothers in law and
fathers in law. This is largely regarded as an expression of deep respect. The family structure is
patriarchal, with ample participation from females. Forefather worship (Pitra Puja) is practiced by
Pushkarna Brahmins.

 Marriages:

The marriages are generally quite flamboyant. The characteristic of having 4 pheras (a practice
close to Vedic Religion) during marriage, unlike 7 is unique. There is also great zeal for
community marriages, especially in Bikaner. Large numbers of marriages are held on a particular
day in the sawa, every 4 years. Hence this is sometimes also known as marriage olympics.
However, due to the unavailability of an effective platform for Pushkarnas to identify and contact
different members of the community, the different lingusitic subgroups within the larger Pushkarna
Brahmin community across the world often marry outside the Pushkarna Brahmin community.

 Hathai

Hathai is a unique concept where in, males discuss their day to day activities, as well as other
vital and non-vital forms of conversations. It's associated with an elevated sitting place, generally
near the bustling parts/roads of the city. Hathai is an important cultural cornerstone in the walled
cities of Jodhpur, Bikaner and Jaisalmer etc. Literal Connotation is negative in local languages
with references such as " Aa kai hathai jamai ho ate ?" ( Why this whiling of time by the group ?) (
Source : Marwari )


Raja Dahir

According to some historians, Raja Dahir (Last Hindu Ruler of Sindh) was Pushkarna. As per the
Chach Nama, the oldest chronicle of the Arab conquest of Sindh, It is recounted that Raja Dahir
was a Pushkarna Brahmin king and son of Chach of Alor, who ascended the throne upon the
death of his uncle Chandar. His sister Dahar grew up at Alor with their elder brother Dahar-Sena
who arranged her marriage to the King Sohan of Bhatia.

[edit]Common Surnames (Gotra)

Acharya maha Brahmin

 Acharya
 Ballani(Shandilya)(Purohit)
 Bissa
 Bhatt
 Bohra
 Bora
 Chanda
 Chhangani(Kapil, Kapilash)
 Chhattani
 Derasari
 Gajja
 Gandriya
 Gopa
 Harsh
 Joshi(Chandwani Joshi: Shandilya)
 Kalla
 Kapta
 Kewalya
 Kiradu
 Lodha
 Lohara
 Malani
 Mattar
 Mutha
 Ojha
 Paniya
 Purohit(Shandilya)
 Pushkarna
 Ramdeo
 Ranga
 Thanvi
 Upadhyay
 Vasu
 Vora
 Vyas(Bharadwaj)

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