BE Mechanical Engineering CGPA
BE Mechanical Engineering CGPA
BE Mechanical Engineering CGPA
Syllabus for
Final Year Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Course Outline
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North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
Syllabus Structure for Final Year Mechanical Engineering w.e.f year 2015-16
Semester –VII
Course Evaluation Scheme Total Credits
Name of the Course Group Teaching Scheme
Code Theory Practical
Theory Tutorial Practical
Hrs Hrs Hrs Total ISE ESE ICA ESE
/week /week /week
Refrigeration and Air D 3 --- --- 3 20 80 --- --- 100 3
Computer Aided Design and D 3 --- --- 3 20 80 --- --- 100 3
Computer Aided Manufacturing
Interdisciplinary Elective E 3 --- --- 3 20 80 --- --- 100 3
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North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
Syllabus Structure For Final Year Electrical Engineering w.e.f year 2015-16
Semester –VIII
Course Evaluation Scheme Total Credits
Name of the Course Group Teaching Scheme
Code Theory Practical
Theory Tutorial Practical
Hrs Hrs Hrs Total ISE ESE ICA ESE
/week /week /week
Mechanical Vibration D 3 --- --- 3 20 80 --- --- 100 3
Finite Element Analysis and
D 3 --- --- 3 20 80 --- --- 100 3
Simulation Techniques
Elective-II E 3 --- --- 3 20 80 --- --- 100 3
Elective-III E 3 --- --- 3 20 80 --- --- 100 3
Mechanical Vibration D --- --- 2 2 --- --- 25 25 50 1
Finite Element Analysis and
D --- --- 2 2 --- --- 25 25 PR 50 1
Simulation Techniques
Elective-II D --- --- 2 2 --- --- 25 25 50 1
Industrial Lecture* E --- --- 1* 1 --- --- 50 --- 50 2
Project–II D --- --- 4 4 --- --- 75 75 150 6
Total 12 --- 11 23 80 320 200 150 750 23
ISE: Internal Sessional Examination ESE: End Semester Examination ICA: Internal Continuous Assessment
Elective-II Elective – III
1 Tribology 1 Introduction to Robotics
2 Power Plant Engineering 2 Advanced Welding Technology
3 Process Equipment Design 3 Energy Conservation and Management
4 Automobile Engineering – II
5 Thermal Equipment design
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Course Outline
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning RAC
Course Description: This course Familiarize under graduate students with the terminologies
associated with refrigeration & air conditioning, basic principles of psychrometry and applied
psychometrics, refrigerants; vapor compression refrigeration and multi-stage vapor
compression systems, components of vapor compression systems and other types of cooling
Teaching Scheme:
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Practical 02 14 28 01
Examination scheme:
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Course Description: The course presents the elements of solid modeling, creation of parts of
increasing complexity and the assembly of parts to form a final design, along with mechanism
simulation. The operation and programming of CNC machines is covered.
Teaching Scheme:
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Practical 02 14 28 01
Examination scheme:
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2. Computer Aided Graphics No. of Lectures –9, Marks : 16
Introduction, Graphic Primitives, Point plotting, Drawing of lines, Co ordinate
a system used in graphic element, Transformation in graphics,
2D transformation, Homogeneous transformation, Concatenate co ordinate
b transformation, Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Mirror, Reflection, Inverse co
ordinate transformation, clipping,
3D transformation, View Port, Windowing, Standardization in graphics IGES
3. Computer Aided Modeling & Automation No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
Requirement of Geometric Modeling, Geometric Model, Geometric Model
Construction Method: Wire Frame Modeling, Surface Modeling, Solid Modeling,
Representation of Curve & Surfaces, Design of curve shape, Cubic Spline, Bezier
curve, B-spline curve
b Concept of Automation, Types of Automation, Advantages & limitations of
Automation, Levels of Automation, Advanced Automation Function.
4. Computer Aided Manufacturing No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Continuous control system, Discrete control system, Computer process control,
a Forms of CPC, Computer process Monitoring, Direct Digital Control, Numerical
Control & Robotics, Programmable logic controller, Supervisory control,
Distributed Control & Personnel Computers
b Axis of CNC Machines, Manual Part Programming using G and M codes
Adoptable to Fanuc Controller for Lathe.
5. Introduction to FMS, GT and Robotics No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
FMS – Introduction, Components of FMS, Types of FMS, Application & Benefits,
a Planning & implementation issue, Typical FMS layout.
GT – Part families, Part classification & coding, optic coding system, Multiclass
b coding system, Application of GT.
Robotics – Robot Anatomy, Robot Control System, End effectors, Sensors,
Industrial Robot, Application and its selection.
Text Book and Reference Books
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3. Chandrupatla T.R. And Belegunda A.D. -Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering”
-Prentice Hall India
4. Segerling L.J. - Applied Finite Elements Analysis” John Wiley and Sons.
5. Rao P.N., Introduction to CAD/CAM Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
6. Groover M.P.-Automation, production systems and computer integrated manufacturing‟
-Prentice Hall of India
7. Yoram Koren - Robotics McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
8. James G. Keramas, Robot Technology Fundamentals, Delmar Publishers.
9. S.R.Deb, Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation, Tata McGraw Hill.
10. Lakshiminarayana H. V. Finite Element Analysis (Procedures in Engineering), University
Press, 2004.
11. Chandrupatla T. R., Finite Element Analysis for Engineering and Technology, University
Press, 2009.
12. Seshu P. Text book of Finite Element Analysis, PHI Learning Private Ltd. New Delhi,
13. P. Radhkrishnan, S. Subramanyam, V. Raju ,”CAD/CAM/CIM” , New Age Publication.
14. Mikell P. Grover, Emory W. Zimmers ,”Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing”, P.H.I.
15. Zeid ,”CAD/CAM” ,T.M.H.
16. B.S.Pabla, M.Adithan ,”CNC Machine “, New Age International(P) Ltd.
17. Rao, Tiwari, Kundra ,”Computer Aided Manufacturing” ,T.M.H.
18. CAD/CAM & AUTOMATION by FarazdakHaidri
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Interdisciplinary Elective
Course Outline
Operation Research Techniques ORT
Course Description: This course introduces under graduate students to imparting knowledge
of various decision making techniques.
Teaching Scheme:
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Examination scheme:
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3. Transportation Theory No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Transportation problem introduction, mathematical model of transportation
problem, Algorithm, methods for finding initial solution northwest corner
a method ,Least cost method, vogels Approximation method, test for optimality
steps of MODI method, maximization problem, unbalanced, degeneracy,
prohibited transportation Routes problem.
Assignment problem- introduction, mathematical models of assignment
problem, solution method of assignment problem, Hungarian method,
b maximization case, unbalanced Restrictions on assignment, travelling salesman,
4. Decision Making Theory No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Decision Theory- Introduction, steps in decision making process types of
a decision making Environments, Decision tree
Theory of games- introduction ,Two person Zero sum game, pure strategies,
maximin, minimax principles, game with saddle point, mixed strategy games,
b The principles of dominance ,games without saddle point,algebraic method,
arithmetic method, sub game method, Graphical method.
5. Sequencing No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Replacement and maintenance method- Introduction, types of failure- gradual
failure ,sudden failure Replacement of items whose efficiency deteriorates
a with time, Replacement of items that completely fail, individual replacement
policy, Group replacement policy, staffing problem ,failure trees.
Sequencing problem- Introduction notations, Terminology, and assumptions of
sequencing problem, Processing n jobs through two machines, Processing n
b jobs through three machines, Processing n jobs through four machines,
Processing n jobs through five machines
Text Book and Reference Books
1. Hira , Gupta ,”Operation Research
2. Taha ,”Operation Research”
3. S.D. Sharma, “Operation Research”, Khanna Publication
4. Manohar Mahajan, “Operation Research.
5. J. K. Sharma ,”Operation Research, Problem and Solution” , Macmillan
6. N. D. Vohra ,”Quantitative Techniques in Management” ,TATA McGraw Hill
7. Ravindran,” Operation Research Principles and Practice ”,Wiley India Pvt.Ltd. New
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Interdisciplinary Elective
Course Outline
Energy Resources and Technology ERT
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Examination scheme:
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2. Solar Photovoltaic Energy Conversion No. of Lectures–9, Marks : 16
Photovoltaic Conversion, Silicon Solar Cells, Photovoltaic Modules, Module
efficiency, PV panels and arrays, Solar Photovoltaic Systems(SPS), Solar PV
a lighting systems, PV Lanterns, Solar water Pumping, PV Roof top technology,
Life cycle cost estimates.
3. Solar Thermal Energy Conversion No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Liquid Plat Plate collectors, transmissivity, heat losses and heat loss
a coefficients, thermal analysis, Concentrating collectors, types, performance
analysis of cylindrical parabolic collector.
Solar water heating system, solar cookers, Solar Distillation, Solar Cooling, Solar
b Ponds, Solar power plants, Concentrated Solar Power Plants.
4. Wind and Nuclear Energy Conversion No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
Wind Energy Conversion-Principles of wind energy conversion, Site selection
a considerations, Wind, Power plant design, Types of wind power conversion
systems, Operation, maintenance and economics.
Nuclear Energy Conversion - Chemical and nuclear equations, Nuclear
reactions, Fission and fusion , Energy from fission and fuel burn-up ,
b Radioactivity , Neutron energies , Fission reactor types ,Nuclear power plants ,
Fast breeder reactor and power plants , Production of nuclear fuels.
5. Biomass, Geothermal and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Energy from biomass - Sources of biomass ,Different species, Conversion of
biomass into fuels, Energy through fermentation, Pyrolysis, gasification and
combustion, Aerobic and anaerobic bio-conversion, Properties of biomass,
A Biogas plants, Types of plants, Design and operation, Properties and
characteristics of biogas.
Geothermal energy – Availability, system development and limitations
B Ocean thermal energy conversion – Wave and tidal energy – Scope and
Text Book and Reference Books
1. K.M. Mittal: Non-conventional Energy Systems-Principles, Progress and Prospects,
Wheeler Publications, 1997.
2. Kothari: Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies, PHI, Eastern Economy
Edition, 2012
3. G.N. Tiwari: Solar Energy-Fundamentals, Design, Modelling and Applications, Narosa
Publishers, 2002.
4. M.M. E1- Wakil; Power Plant Technology, McGraw Hill, 1985.
5. M.M. E1-Wakil: Nuclear Power Engineering, McGraw Hill, 1962.
6. Mukherjee and Chakrabarti, Fundamentals of Renewable Energy systems, New age
International Publishers, 2004.
7. S.P. Sukhatme, Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage,Tata McGraw
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Course Outline
Mechatronics MTX
Course Description: This course introduces to graduate students the basic mechatronics
system components, and the design principles of using mechatronics to meet functionality
requirements of products, processes and systems.
Teaching Scheme:
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Practical 02 14 28 01
Examination scheme:
Component Interconnection and No. of Lectures –9, Marks : 16
Signal Conditioning
Introduction to Basic components, need of interconnections, impedance
a characteristics, resistance, inductors, capacitors, amplifiers.
Introduction to Analog and digital filters, Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog
b converters, Bridge circuits (Wheatstone, Maxwell), Signal Analyzers and
Display devices.
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3. Sensors and Transducers No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Motion transducers, potentiometer, variable inductance transducers,
a Permanent magnet transducers, variable capacitance transducers,
Piezoelectric Sensors, Effort Sensors, strain gauges, torque sensors, tactile
4. Electrical Actuators No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Stepper motors, construction and Principle of operation, torque motion
a characteristics, damping, control, selection and applications of stepper motors
D.C. motors, construction and operations, static torque characteristic,
b brushless D. C. Motors, control and selection of D.C. Motor
5. Mechanical Actuators No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Linear Actuators, Hydraulic and Pneumatic actuators, components of
a Hydraulic control system
Pumps, motors, valves, feedback control, constant flow systems, pump
b controlled hydraulic actuators, pneumatic control system, Flapper valves, and
hydraulic circuits.
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Course Outline
Advanced Machine Design AMD
Course Description: This course provides a broad treatment of stress, strain, and strength
with reference to engineering design and analysis. Major emphasis is placed on the analytical
and experimental methods of determination of stresses in relationship to the strength
properties of machine elements under various loading conditions. Also considered are
deflection, post-yield behavior, residual stresses, thermal stresses, creep, and extreme
temperature effects as applied to the design of fasteners, shafts, power trains, and rotational
Teaching Scheme:
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Practical 02 14 28 01
Examination scheme:
c Pressure angle, radius of curvature, force on follower and cam, cam design
with elasticity of part is considered, ramps.
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2. Springs No. of Lectures –9, Marks : 16
Helical springs under static and fatigue or variable loading, buckling of helical
a compression spring, vibration and surging of helical springs, Optimum design
of helical spring.
Design analysis of Belleville springs, ring spring, volute spring, rubber springs
b and mountings.
3. Design Against Fatigue No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Fatigue Damage theories, Cycle counting Techniques, Stress based fatigue
a Analysis & design: one dimensional analysis, multiaxial analysis, and
Cumulative damage.
Strain based fatigue Analysis & design: one dimensional analysis, multiaxial
b analysis .Surface integrity & fatigue life improvement.
4. System Approach No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Introduction, System approach to design mathematical model, Dynamic
a response to a distributed system, Dynamic response to a lumped system
Modeling the elasticity's, Modeling the masses, Modeling the inertia, Modeling
b friction and damping
5. Optimum Design No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Introduction to optimum design, Adequate design, Johnson’s method of
a optimum design.
Course Outline
Machine Tool Design MTD
Course Description: The course aim of imparting the knowledge of Machine tool Design the
background required include a knowledge of Mathematics, Engineering materials, Theory of
Machines, Engineering Mechanics.
Teaching Scheme:
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Practical 02 14 28 01
Examination scheme:
e Machine tool drive – Types of speed and feed regulation, classification of speed
and feed boxes.
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2. Design of machine tool structure No. of Lectures–9, Marks : 16
a Function of machine tool, structure and their requirements, design criteria for
machine tool structure.
b Materials and its properties, dynamic and static stiffness.
3. Design of Guide ways and power Screws No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
a Function and types of Guide ways, types of slide ways and types of anti friction
b Design of slide ways – Shapes, materials, method of adjusting clearance in slide
c Design criteria and calculation for slide ways – (i) for wear (ii) for stiffness
d Guide ways operating under liquid friction conditions – (i) hydrodynamic slide
ways (ii) Hydrostatic slide ways
e Design of Aerostatic and anti-friction guide ways.
4. Design of Spindles and Spindle supports. No. of Lectures–8, Marks :
a Function of spindle unit and requirement, material of spindle
b Effect of machine tool compliance on machinery accuracy.
Control System in Machine tools and Industrial Robots. No. of Lectures–8, Marks :
Function, requirements and classification, control system for changing speeds
and feed with simple centralized control
Control system for changing speeds and feed with pre-selective control
Control system for changing speeds and feed with Selective control
Control system for executing and forming auxiliary motion. Manual control
d Automatic control system and adaptive control system.
Industrial robot and its application.- Introduction and basic function of robotic
elements, mobility of robot.
f Reliability in operation and various control system in robots.
Robot language – Robot language outline, general description of programming
language. Real time, geometric modeling, movements.
h Sensors, tools, programming ARL, HARL, AL, VAL, AML, IRL, LM and MCL.
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Course Outline
Automobile Engineering I AE-I
Course Description: The course aim of imparting the knowledge of different parts uses in
automobile, the background required include knowledge of Engineering materials, IC engine.
Teaching Scheme:
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Practical 02 14 28 01
Examination scheme:
c Frame, Function s of the frame, Types of the Frame, Defects in Frame, Sub
Frame, Body
Introduction to Safety System, Seat Belt System, Power Seats, Air Bag System,
d Electric Mirrors, Central Locking and Electric Window, Electric Horns,
Windscreen Wiper System, Analog and Digital Speedometer
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2. Automobile Suspension No. of Lectures –9, Marks : 16
c Types of Suspension Spring, Plastic springs for motor cars, Shackle, Shock
d Front Axle Suspension System, Rear Suspension System, Spring and Suspension
trouble shooting chart
3. Automobile Steering No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
4. Automobile Wheels, Tyres and Tubes No. of Lectures–8, Marks :
a Introduction, Wheel Assembly, Wheel and Tyre Sizes, Types of wheels, Wheels
balance, Rims
b Tyres, Types of tyres, Tyres Construction and Constituents, Tyres thread
Patterns, Load Ratings
c Tyres Selections and Tyre Properties, Tyres Pressure and wear, Causes of Tyre
Wear, Tyre size, Tyres maintenance, Factors increase life of tyres
d Tubes , Types of Tubes, Wheels and tyre troubles
5. Automobile Transmission (Gear Box & Clutch) No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
Introduction, Purpose of Transmission, Types of Transmission, Gear-boxes with
a different speed gear, Three speed and Four speed Gear-box, Gear shifting, Gear
box troubles Lubrication of gear box
Introduction., Clutch and its functions, Principles of Operations, Requirement of
Clutch, Main Parts of clutch, Types of friction materials, Properties of good clutch
b lining, Types of clutches, Clutch Maintenance, Clutch troubles and their causes
Factors Affecting the Power Transmitted by the Clutch, Propeller Shaft,
Universal Joint, Rear Axle
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Text Book and Reference Books
1. Automobile Engineering Vol. 1 & 2 by Dr. Kripal Singh, (Standard Publishers
2. A textbook of Automobile Engineering I & II by P. S. Gill, (S. K. Kataria& Son’s).
3. Automobile Engineering by R. B. Gupta, (SatyaPrakashan).
4. Automobile Engineering by Dr. V. M. Domkundwar, (DhanpatRai&Company ).
5. A textbook of Automobile Engineering by R. K. Rajput, (Laxmi Publication Pvt. Ltd.).
6. Automobile Engineering by K. M. Moeed, (S. K. Kataria& Son’s).
7. Automobile Engineering by Dr. A. K. Basu, (S. Chand Company Pvt. Ltd.).
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Course Outline
Operation Research OR
Course Description: This course introduces under graduate students to imparting knowledge
of various decision making techniques.
Teaching Scheme:
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Examination scheme:
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2. Linear Programming No. of Lectures –9, Marks : 16
Linear programming – The simplex method Introduction, standard form of an
a LP problem, simplex algorithm (maximization, minimisation case) Degeneracy
in simplex problem, unbounded Infeasible solution.
Duality in Linear programming, formulation of dual LPP, Advantages of duality,
b rules for constructing the Dual from primal, sensitivity Analysis in LP
3. Transportation Theory No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Transportation problem introduction, mathematical model of transportation
problem, Algorithm, methods for finding initial solution northwest corner
a method ,Least cost method, vogels Approximation method, test for optimality
steps of MODI method, maximization problem, unbalanced, degeneracy,
prohibited transportation Routes problem.
Assignment problem- introduction, mathematical models of assignment
problem, solution method of assignment problem, Hungarian method,
b maximization case, unbalanced Restrictions on assignment, travelling salesman,
4. Decision Making Theory No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Decision Theory- Introduction, steps in decision making process types of
a decision making Environments, Decision tree
Theory of games- introduction ,Two person Zero sum game, pure strategies,
maximin, minimax principles, game with saddle point, mixed strategy games,
b The principles of dominance ,games without saddle point,algebraic method,
arithmetic method, sub game method, Graphical method.
5. Sequencing No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Replacement and maintenance method- Introduction, types of failure- gradual
failure ,sudden failure Replacement of items whose efficiency deteriorates
a with time, Replacement of items that completely fail, individual replacement
policy, Group replacement policy, staffing problem ,failure trees.
Sequencing problem- Introduction notations, Terminology, and assumptions of
sequencing problem, Processing n jobs through two machines, Processing n
b jobs through three machines, Processing n jobs through four machines,
Processing n jobs through five machines
Text Book and Reference Books
1. L.C. Jhamb ,”Quantities Techniques” Vol I and II, Everest Publication
2. Hira , Gupta ,”Operation Research
3. Taha ,”Operation Research”.
4. S.D. Sharma, “Operation Research”, Khanna Publication.
5. ManoharMahajan, “Operation Research.
6. J. K. Sharma ,”Operation Research, Problem and Solution” , Macmillan
7. N. D. Vohra ,”Quantitative Techniques in Management” ,TATA McGraw Hill.
8. Ravindran,” Operation Research Principles and Practice ”,Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
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Lab Course Outline
Course Description: The course presents the elements of solid modeling, creation of parts of
increasing complexity and the assembly of parts to form a final design, along with mechanism
Teaching Scheme:
Hours Per Week No. of Weeks Total Hours Semester Credits
Laboratory 2 14 28 1
Evaluation scheme:
Note : Oral will be based on the prescribed term-work presented in the form of certified
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Lab Course Outline
Course Description: This course Familiarize under graduate students with the terminologies
associated with refrigeration & air conditioning, basic principles of psychrometry and applied
psychometrics, refrigerants; vapor compression refrigeration and multi-stage vapor
compression systems, components of vapor compression systems and other types of cooling
Teaching Scheme:
Hours Per Week No. of Weeks Total Hours Semester Credits
Laboratory 2 14 28 1
Evaluation scheme:
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12.Visit to cold storage/ice plant/ central air conditioning system.
13. Cooling load calculation of any laboratory / class room in the institute & suggest the
requirement of Air conditioner unit in terms of capacity.
Note : Lab file should contain any eight experiments out of the above to be performed
with minimum three trials.
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Lab Course Outline
Elective- I
Evaluation scheme:
Prerequisite Course(s): Basic knowledge of Electrical and Electronic systems and Drives.
Outline of Content: This course contains any five experiments and three assignments.
1) Study of Basic block diagram of mechatronics system components.
2) Study and demonstration of motion / force transducers.
3) Study and demonstration of temperature / pressure transducers.
4) Study and demonstration of AD / DA converter
5) Study and demonstration of hydraulic actuator / pneumatic actuator.
6) Study and demonstration of graphic / magnetic tape recorders.
7) Study of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
8) Study of Robot / Autonomous guided vehicle
Note : Oral will be based on the prescribed certified journal.
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Lab Course Outline
Elective- I
Course Description: This course provides a broad treatment of stress, strain, and strength
with reference to engineering design and analysis. It consist study of deflection, post -yield
behavior, residual stresses, thermal stresses, creep, and extreme temperature effects as
applied to the design of fasteners, shafts, and rotational machinery.
Teaching Scheme:
Hours Per Week No. of Weeks Total Hours Semester
Laboratory 2 14 28 1
Evaluation scheme:
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Lab Course Outline
Elective- I
Laboratory 2 14 28 1
Evaluation scheme:
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Lab Course Outline
Elective- I
Course Description: The course aim of imparting the knowledge of different parts uses in
automobile, the background required include knowledge of Engineering materials, IC engine.
Teaching Scheme:
Hours Per Week No. of Weeks Total Hours Semester
Laboratory 2 14 28 1
Evaluation scheme:
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Course Title Short Title Course Code
Project-I P-I
Course Description:
The course explores the knowledge of design, experiment and analysis of data. The course
develops ability to work on multidisciplinary teams, Identify, formulate, and soIVe engineering
problems in view of economic, environmental and societal context.
8. Use the techniques, skills, modern engineering tools and software necessary for
engineering practice.
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(Lab Course Contents)
Semester-VII Examination Scheme:
Teaching Scheme: (ICA) Internal Continuous Assessment: 25 Marks
Practical: 2 Hrs/Week (ESE) End Semester Examination (OR): 25Marks
• It is expected that the broad area of Project-I shall be finalized by the student in the
beginning of the VII semester / extension of Minor project undertaken may be Project-I.
• A group of Minimum 3 and Maximum 5 students shall be allotted for Project-I and same
project group for Project-II.
• Exhaustive survey of literature based on a clear definition of the scope and focus of the
topic should be carried out by the students. The Synopsis/Abstract on the selected
topic, after detail literature survey should be submitted to the Project coordinator
appointed by Head of the department.
• Project-I may invoIVe literature survey, problem identification, work methodology
preparing specification and material procurement, collection of data, conduction of
experiments and analysis. The project work shall invoIVe sufficient work so that
students get acquainted with different aspects of fabrication, design or analysis.
• Approximately more than 50% work should be completed by the end of VII semester.
• Each student group is required to maintain log book for documenting various activities
of Project-I and submit group project report in the form of thermal bound at the end of
semester –VII. Submit the progress report in following format:
a. Title
b. Abstract
c. Introduction
d. Problem identification and project objectives
e. Literature survey
f. Case study/Analysis/Design Methodology
g. Work to be completed (Progress status)
h. Expected result and conclusion
i. References.
Guide lines for ICA : The Internal Continuous Assessment shall be based on the active
participation of the students in the Project work and knowledge / skill acquired.
Assessment of the project-I for award of ICA marks shall be done jointly by the guide
and departmental committee as per the guidelines given in Table-A.
Guide lines for ESE: The End Semester Examination for Project shall consist of
demonstration if any, presentation and oral examinations based on the project report.
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Assessment of Project-I
Name of the Project:
Name of the Guide:
S Name Problem Literatur Project Progres Presentatio Tota
N of Identificatio e Survey Methodology/Design/PC s Status n l
Studen n and B/
t project hardware/
objectives simulation/
5 5 5 5 5 25
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Course Title Short Title Course Code
Course Description: The course explores the knowledge of presentation and effective
communication. The course develops ability to work on multidisciplinary teams, Identify,
formulate, and solve engineering problems in view of economic, environmental and societal
General Objectives: The objectives of Seminar –II are to develop ability express our view,
presentation and effective communication. The scope of seminar-II is study various national
and international journal for design, experiments conduct, as well as to analyze and interpret
data within realistic constrain such as economic, environmental, social, safety and
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able to:
1. Understand literature survey for selection of seminar topics.
2. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering for effective presentation
of selected topic.
3. Function on multidisciplinary teams, communicate effectively and Knowledge of
contemporary issues.
6. Practice the use of various resources to locate and extract information using offline &
online tools, journals.
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(Course Contents)
Semester-VII Examination Scheme:
Teaching Scheme: (ICA) Internal Continuous Assessment: 25 Marks
Practical: 2 Hrs/Week
1. Each Student shall select a topic for seminar which is not covered in curriculum.
Seminar topic should not be repeated and registration of the same shall be done on first
come first serve basis.
2. Topic of Seminar shall be registered within a three weeks from commencement of
VII Semester and shall be approved by the committee.
3. The three-member committee appointed by Head of the department shall be
constituted for finalizing the topics of Seminar-II. Seminar shall be related state of the
art topic of his choice approved by the committee.
4. Each student should deliver a seminar in scheduled period (Specified in time table or
time framed by department) and submit the seminar report (paper bound
copy/Thermal bound)in following format:
a. Title
b. Abstract
c. Introduction
d. Literature survey
e. Concept
f. Functional and Technical Details
g. Applications
h. Comparison with similar topics / methods
i. Future scope
j. References
Guide lines for ICA: ICA shall be based on topic selection, presentation and Seminar-II report
submitted by the student in the form of thermal bound. Assessment of the Seminar-II for award
of ICA marks shall be done jointly by the guide and a departmental committee, as per the
guidelines given in Table- B
Name of Guide:
SN Name of Seminar Topic Literature Report Depth of Presentation Total
Student Topic Selection survey writing under-
5 5 5 5 5 25
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Course Title Short Title Course Code
Industrial Visit IV
Course Description: The course explores the knowledge industry organization, new trends in
manufacturing, maintenance and safety. The industrial visit provides the practical visualization
of theoretical study of various engineering subject.
Hours per Week No. Of Weeks Total Hours Semester Credits
Practical - - - 1
General Objectives: The main objective behind these visits is to explain the working of
industrial equipments in running conditions to the students and tell them about the
expectations of the industrialists from the fresh engineers.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able to:
1. Understand organizational set up of an industry.
2. Develop our self for expectations of the industrialists from the fresh engineers.
3. Understand manufacturing, material handling, maintenance, safety standard and
environmental consideration in industry.
4. Function on multidisciplinary teams, communicate effectively and Knowledge of
contemporary issues.
Page 37 of 72
Industrial Visit
(Course Contents)
1. Industry visits to minimum two industries shall be carried out by each student preferably or
college shall arrange the industrial visit during the vacation period otherwise during the regular
VII semester.
2. The student should obtain appropriate certificates of visit from the concerned organizations just
after the visits.
3. Every Student should submit Industrial Visit report individually at the end of Semester-VII(First
Term of Final Year)
4. The report(Thermal Bound) should contain information about the following points:
a. The organization - activities of organization and administrative setup technical personnel and
their main duties.
b. The project / industry brief description with sketches and salient technical information.
c. The work / processes observed with specification of materials, products, equipments etc. and
role of engineers in that organization.
d. Suggestions (if any) for improvement in the working of those organizations.
5. The evaluation of the report of technical visits will be made by panel of three teachers appointed
by Head of the department based on following points:
Guide lines for ICA : ICA shall be based on knowledge gain by student and Industrial Visit Report
submitted by the student in the form of Thermal bound. Assessment of the Industrial Visit for award of
ICA marks shall be done jointly by industrial visit coordinators departmental committee based on viva -
voce as per the guidelines given in Table- C
SN Name of Student Name of Industry Report Depth of Total
writing Under-
15 10 25
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Syllabus for
Final Year Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Course Outline
W.E.F 2015 – 2016
Page 39 of 72
Course Outline
Mechanical Vibration MV
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Practical 02 14 28 01
Examination scheme:
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Damped Free &Forced Vibrations of Single Degree of Freedom Systems
No. of Lectures– 9, Marks : 16
Damped Free Vibrations of Single Degree of Freedom Systems: -
a Introduction, Different types of dampings, Free vibrations with viscous
damping, Logarithmic decrement.
Viscous dampers, Dry friction or coulomb damping, Solid or structural
damping, Slip or interfacial damping.
Forced Vibrations of Single Degree of Freedom Systems:- Introduction,
Forced vibrations with constant harmonic excitation, Forced vibrations with
rotating and reciprocating unbalance, Forced vibrations due to excitation of
Energy dissipated by damping, Forced vibrations with coulomb damping,
d Forced vibrations with structural damping, Vibration isolation and
3. Two Degree of Freedom Systems No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
Introduction, Principal modes of vibration, Other cases of simple two degree
of freedom systems, Combined rectilinear and angular modes.
b Undamped forced vibrations with harmonic excitation, Vibration absorbers.
Critical speed of shaft- Introduction, critical speed of light shaft having single
c disc without damping, critical speed of light shaft having single disc with
Multi Degree of Freedom Systems Exact Analysis& Numerical Methods
No. of Lectures – 8, Marks : 16
Multi Degree of Freedom Systems Exact Analysis: - Introduction, Free
a vibrations equations of motion, Influence coefficients, Generalized coordinates
and coordinate coupling.
Natural frequencies and mode shapes, Forced vibrations by Newtons second
law of motion, Torsion vibrations of multi-rotor systems.
Multi Degree of Freedom Systems Numerical Methods: - Introduction,
Rayleigh’s method, Dunkerley’s method, Stodola’s method.
Continuous Systems & Non-Linear Vibrations.
No. of Lectures– 8, Marks : 16
Continuous Systems: - Vibrations of strings, Longitudinal vibrations of bars,
Torsional vibrations of circular shafts, Lateral vibrations of beams.
Non-Linear Vibrations: - Introduction, Examples of non-linear systems,
Phase plane, Undamped free vibration with nonlinear spring forces.
Pertubation method, Forced vibration with non-linear spring forces, Self
excited vibrations.
Text Book and Reference Books
1. Dilip Kumar Adhwarjee “Theory and Applications of Mechanical Vibrations” Laxmi
Publications (p) Ltd., New Delhi.
2. G.K. Grover “Mechanical Vibrations” New Chand & Bros Roorkee (U.P.)
3. Leonard Meirovitch “Element of Vibration Analysis” Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi
4. Singiresu S. Rao “Mechanical Vibrations “Pearson Education Ptd. Ltd., Delhi.
Page 41 of 72
5. S. Graham Kelly “ Schaum’sOut lines Mechanical Vibrations “ Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
6. Thompson,” Theory of Vibration with Application”, Pearson Education.
7. V. P. Singh “Mechanical Vibrations “ Dhanpat Rai & Co. (P) Ltd., Delhi.
8. B. H. Tongue,” Principles of Vibration”, 2/ed. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
9. Sadhu singh“ Mechanical vibration & Noise control” published by Khanna Publisher New
Page 42 of 72
Course Outline
Finite Element Analysis and Simulation Techniques FEAST
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Practical 02 14 28 01
Examination scheme:
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2. One-Dimensional Analysis No. of Lectures –9, Marks : 16
Discritization. Derivation of Shape functions, interpolation function, Stiffness
matrices, global stiffness matrix, application of boundary, and force vectors.
Assembly of Matrices - solution of problems in one dimensional structural
b analysis, Stepped and Taper Bars, Torsion of circular shaft, thin vaIVe tubes
steady state heat conduction& convection, laminar pipe flow.
FEM direct approach elements stiffness, potential energy approach, treatment
of boundary conditions, temperature effects.
d Analysis of Plane Trusses, Analysis of Beams.
3. Two-Dimensional Analysis No. of Lectures – 8, Marks : 16
a Introduction. Finite element analysis for two dimensional problems.
Natural coordinates and coordinates transformations, Derivation of shape
functions for triangular element.
Application of heat transfer, analysis of structural vibration. Finite element
formation of beams.
Two Dimensional Vector analysis No. of Lectures– 8, Marks :
a Equations of elasticity – Plane stress, plane strain problems.
b Automatic mesh generation and imposition, Eigen value problems.
c Jacobian matrix, stress analysis of CST element.
Applications to free vibration problems of rod and beam. Lumped and
consistent mass matrices.
Simulation Theory and Application No. of Lectures– 8, Marks :
System models and studies: - concepts of a system, system environment,
a stochastic activities, continuous and discrete systems, system modeling, types
of models, principles used in modeling, types of system studies.
System simulation:-The techniques of simulation, Monte Carlo method,
comparison of simulation and analytical methods, analog computers and
methods, hybrid computer, simulators, continuous system simulation
languages, system dynamics, growth models, logistic curves, multi segments
models, probability concepts in simulation, system simulation, events,
representation of time, arrival pattern.
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Elective- II
Course Outline
Tribology TRB
Course Description: The course aim of imparting the knowledge of Tribology. The background
required includes knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, engineering materials, fluid mechanics.
The objective of the course is to understand the tribilogical concept, bearing design and its
application, lubrication practices.
Teaching Scheme:
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Practical 02 14 28 01
Examination scheme:
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2. Lubrication and Hydrostatic bearings No. of Lectures–9, Marks : 16
Construction, operation, Advantages, Limitations and Application of Hydrostatic
Bearing (Circular Step bearing)
Flow rate and pressure distribution, Load carrying capacity and film thickness,
Power losses and temperature rises in Hydrostatic Step bearing.
3. Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
Theory of hydrodynamic lubrication, Mechanism of Pressure development in oil
Two dimensional Reynold Equation, (i) By Direct method (ii) By Navier’s Stokes
c Infinitely long Journal Bearing, Infinitely short Journal bearing
Hydrodynamic Thrust Bearing and Elastro Hydrodynamic lubrication.
No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
a Introduction and analysis of flat pad thrust bearing (tapered pad thrust bearing)
b Analysis of tilting pad thrust bearing and tapper land fixed pad bearing
c Analysis of Reyligh step thrust bearing, spring mounted thrust bearing
Hydrodynamic pocket thrust bearing, quantity of oil flow with circumferential
groove and hole.
Elastro hydrodynamic lubrication, basic concept, hydrodynamic equation, Hertz
equation for pressure and deformation.
f Ertel-Grubin equation. Application of Elastro hydrodynamic lubrication.
5. Hydrostatic Squeeze film and gas lubrication. No. of Lectures–8, Marks :
Page 46 of 72
Analysis for a approximation of square plate by using a circular plate. Analysis
for rectangular plate approaching a plane.
Gas Lubrication – Introduction, requirements, merits, demerits and application,
Reynold Equation for a gas lubrication.
Tilting pad air bearing, magnetic recording disc with flying head, porous gas
e Seals – Classification, functions and application in detail.
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Elective- II
Course Outline
Power Plant Engineering PPE
Description:To understand the various components, operations and applications of different
types ofpower plants.
Teaching Scheme:
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Practical 02 14 28 01
Examination scheme:
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2. Diesel and Gas turbine Power Plant No. of Lectures–9, Marks : 16
a Diesel power plants: Diesel engine performance and operation, plant layout,
log sheets, selections of engine size.
Gas turbine plants: Plant layout, methods of improving output and
b performance fuel and fuel systems, methods of testing, open and closed
cycle plants, operating characteristics
3. Hydroelectric and Nuclear Power Plant No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
Hydroelectric plants: Penstocks, water turbines, specific speed, turbine
a governors, hydro-plant auxiliaries, plant layout, automatic and remote
control of hydroplants, pumped projects, cost of hydroelectric project.
b Nuclear power plants: Elements of nuclear power plants, nuclear reactor
fuel moderators, coolants, control.
c Fusion energy: Control through fusion of hydrogen and helium. Energy
release rates-present status and problems. Future possibilities.
4. Renewable Energy Power Plant No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
a Basic bio-conversion mechanism; source of waste; simple digester;
composition and calorific values of bio-gas.
5. Solar Energy Power Plant No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Energy from the sun: Techniques of collection; Storage and utilisation;
a Types of solar collectors; Selective surfaces; Solar thermal processes;
Heating; Cooling; Drying; Power generation, etc.
Direct energy conversion methods: Photoelectric, thermoelectric,
b thermionic, MHD (magneto-hydrodynamics) and electro-chemical devices;
Solar cells, Solar Concentrators
Text Book and Reference Books
1. Domkundwar and Arora “Power Plant Engineering“, DhanpatRai and Sons, New
2. E.I. Wakil, “Power Plant Engineering“, Publications, New Delhi
3. P. K. Nag, “Power Plant Engineering“, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
4. R. K. Rajput,“ Power Plant Engineering“, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
5. R. Yadav - Steam and Gas turbines, central publishing house, Allahabad
6. G. D. RaiNon conventional energy sources,
Page 49 of 72
Elective- II
Course Outline
Process Equipment Design PED
Course Description: The student should have basic understanding of Mechanical and
Process Design aspects of Process Equipment Design. Introduction to various codes
(ASTM, API, Japanese, German etc.) used in chemical process industries and their
application. Basic Engineering design approach and selection of pressure vessel
components such as Head, closure, flanges, gasket, nozzles etc, Design of process vessel
support Mechanical design of process equipment such as pressure vessel, shell & tube
Teaching Scheme:
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Practical 02 14 28 01
Examination scheme:
Page 50 of 72
2. Design of Machine Elements No. of Lectures –9, Marks : 16
a Introduction, shaft, keys and pins, couplings, bearing, belt and pulley.
b Chain drive, gear drives, joints, fasteners, brackets, gaskets, mechanical seal.
3. Design of Pressure Vessels No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
a Introduction, operating condition, uses, codes.
5. Process Equipment Design and Standards No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
Role of process equipment designers, basic process requirements of
Introduction of design codes and standards IS, ASME, API, BS and its
Page 51 of 72
Elective- III
Course Outline
Introduction to Robotics Robotics
Course Description: This course is aimed to provide exposure on the Robot anatomy,
sensors, kinematics, applications and problems associated with their design.
Teaching Scheme:
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Practical 02 14 28 01
Examination scheme:
Page 52 of 72
2. Mechanical Systems: Components, Dynamics And Modeling
No. of Lectures–9, Marks : 16
Objectives, Motivation, Review elementary concept, Motion Conversion,
Modeling of Mechanical systems.
Kinematics chain, Forces encountered in Moving coordinate systems,
Lagrange’s Analysis of Manipulator.
3. Drives And Control System No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
4. End Effectors, Sensors And Vision Systems No. of Lectures-8Marks:16
End Effectors Types of end effectors, mechanical grippers, vacuum,
magnetic, adhesive grippers, tools as end effectors, Gripper selection and
Introduction to Sensors: Need of sensors in a robotic system, selection of
sensors, photo sensors, limit switches.
Range sensors, proximity sensors, touch / sensors. VISION SYSTEMS:
concept of low level and high-level vision in a robotic system.
5. Robot Programming No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Methods of robot programming, lead through programming methods, a
robot program as a path in space.
b Motion interpolation WAIT, SIGNAL, AND DELAY commands.
ROBOT LANGUAGES: The textural robot languages, generation of robot
programming languages, robot language structure, constant, variables and
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Elective- III
Course Outline
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Practical 02 14 28 01
Examination scheme:
2. Advanced welding Techniques No. of Lectures–9, Marks : 16
Principle and working and application of advanced welding techniques such
a as Plasma Arc welding, Laser beam welding, Electron beam welding,
Ultrasonic welding etc.
Page 54 of 72
3. Advanced welding Techniques No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
4. Metallurgy and Weld Life No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Weld Design: Welding machines/equipments and its characteristics and
a arc-stability, Weld defects and distortion and its remedies,
Inspection/testing of welds, Weld Design, Welding of pipe-lines and
pressure vessels.
Life predication. 4 51 Thermal and Metallurgical consideration: Thermal
considerations for welding, temperature distribution, Analytical/Empirical
analysis/formulae, heating & cooling curves.
c Metallurgical consideration of weld, HAZ and Parent metal, micro & macro
structure. Solidification of weld and properties.
5. Advance welding No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Welding Under The Influence Of External Magnetic Field: Parallel Field,
a Transverse Magnetic Field, Longitudinal Magnetic Field, Improvement Of
Weld Characteristics By The Application Of Magnetic Field, Magnetic
Impelled Arc Welding.
Fundamentals Of Underwater Welding- Art And Science:
b Comparison Of Underwater And Normal Air Welding, Welding Procedure,
Types Of Underwater Welding, Underwater Wet Welding Process
Text Book and Reference Books
1. Little R.L., "Welding Technology", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1994.
2. Ghosh A. and Mallik A.K., "Manufacturing Science", East West Press, 1985.
3. Davies A.C., "The Science and Practice of Welding", Cambridge University, New York,
4. Balchin N.C., "Health and Safety in Welding and Allied Processes", Jaico Publishing
House, Mumbai, 1989.
5. Rao P. N., "Manufacturing Technology", Tata McGraw Hill, 1990.
6. Mukharjee P. C., "Fundamental of Metal Casting Technology", Tata McGrew Hill,
7. Jeffus Larry “Welding Principles and Applications” Delmar Publishers, 1999.
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Elective- III
Course Outline
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Examination scheme:
3. Energy Management & Audit No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
Definition, energy audit, need, types of energy audit. Energy management
(audit) approach-understanding energy costs.
Bench marking, energy performance, matching energy use to requirement,
b maximizing system efficiencies, optimizing the input energy requirements,
fuel and energy substitution.
Financial Management:
Investment-need, appraisal and criteria, financial analysis techniques-simple
c payback period, return on investment, net present value, internal rate of
return, cash flows, risk and sensitivity analysis; financing options, energy
performance contracts and role of Energy Service Companies (ESCOs).
4. Energy Monitoring and Measurement No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
Defining monitoring & targeting, elements of monitoring & targeting, data
and information-analysis, techniques – energy consumption, production,
cumulative sum of differences (CUSUM). Energy Management Information
Systems (EMIS)
Basic measurements – Electrical measurements, Light, Pressure,
Temperature and heat flux, Velocity and Flow rate, Vibrations, etc.
Instruments Used in Energy systems: Load and power factor measuring
equipments, Wattmeter, flue gas analysis, Temperature and thermal loss
measurements, air quality analysis etc. Mathematical and statistical
modelling and analysis.
Page 57 of 72
Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities and systems
No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
Energy efficiency in thermal utilities like boilers, furnaces, pumps and fans ,
a compressors, cogeneration (steam and gas turbines), heat exchangers,
lighting system, Motors belts and drives, refrigeration system.
Heat Recovery and Co-generation:-
b Heat recovery from ventilation, air co-generation of heat and electricity, heat
recovery and bottoming cycles.
1. Energy Engineering and Management Amlan Chakrabarti Prentice hall India 2011
2. Energy Management Principles, CB Smith, Pergamon Press, New York,
3. Bureau of energy efficiency –Hand outs New Delhi .
4. Energy Management Hand Book. W. C. Turner. John Wiley and sons
5. Handbook on Energy Efficiency, TERI, New Delhi, 2009
6. Energy Auditing and Conservation; Methods, Measurements, Management & Case
Study, Hamies, Hemisphere Publishing , Washington, 1980.
7. Industrial Energy Management & Utilization, Write, Larry C Hemisphere Publishers,
Washington, 1998.
8. Energy Conservation In Process Industry, W. F. Kenny
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Elective- III
Course Outline
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Examination scheme:
2. Automobile Electrical System No. of Lectures–9, Marks : 16
Introduction to Starting System, Lead-Acid Battery, Recharging of Battery,
a Charging procedure, Battery voltage, Battery Capacity, Battery Rating,
Battery Life, Factors affecting Battery life, Battery testing, Battery troubles
Introduction to Ignition System-Types, Introduction Charging System, Spark
Introduction To Wiring System, Standard Color coding, Tracking faults in
wiring, Functioning of the Electrical system in an Automobile, Improvement
in Electrical system in an Automobile
Page 59 of 72
Automobile Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
Nature of Heat, Heating System, Air Conditioning System and its Operational
a Principle, Air Conditioning System and its Operational Principle, Air
Conditioning Components, Effect of Air Conditioning on Fuel Economy
Air Conditioning System Refrigerant, Conventional Heating and Ventilation,
b Air Distribution Parts, Automatic Climate Control, Automatic Temperature
Control System, Air Conditioning Troubleshooting, Heating System
4. Alternative Fuelled Automobiles No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
a Introduction, Battery of Electrical Vehicle(EV), Fuel Cell-as a Source of
Energy, Solar Powered Automobiles, Hybrid Drives, Drive Motors
5. Automobile Emissions and its Control No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
Introduction, Air Pollution- Environment & Health Impacts, Major
a Pollutants and their Sources of Emission, Pollutants and Mechanism of their
Formation, Mechanism of Pollutants Formation in SI Engine
Smoke, Causes of Smoke, Factor Affecting Diesel Smoke, Comparison of
b Diesel & Gasoline Engine emission, Harmful Effects of Different Pollutants,
Emission Control System
Regulation and Norms on Exhaust Emission, Introduction to Green House
c Effect and Global Warming, Noise Pollution and its Control, EURO & Indian
Emission Standards
Text Book and Reference Books
1. Automobile Engineering Vol. 1 & 2 by Dr. Kripal Singh, (Standard Publishers
2. A textbook of Automobile Engineering I & II by P. S. Gill, (S. K. Kataria& Son’s)
3. Automobile Engineering by R. B. Gupta, (Satya Prakashan)
4. Automobile Engineering by Dr. V. M. Domkundwar, (Dhanpat Rai& Company)
5. A textbook of Automobile Engineering by R. K. Rajput, (Laxmi Publication Pvt. Ltd.)
6. Automobile Engineering by K. M. Moeed, (S. K. Kataria & Son’s)
7. Automobile Engineering by Dr. A. K. Basu, (S. Chand Company Pvt. Ltd.)
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Elective- III
Course Outline
Lectures 03 14 42 03
Examination scheme:
Page 61 of 72
3. Optimization No. of Lectures –8, Marks : 16
4. Mathematical Modeling- Thermodynamic properties
No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
Page 62 of 72
5. Dynamic behavior of thermal system No. of Lectures–8, Marks : 16
c Stability analysis, Normalizing the variable for Inversion to the time (Take
the case to regulate the air pressure in a reservoir)
d Translating the physical situation in block diagram (take example for air
heating system and its control), non linearity’s
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Lab Course Outline
Evaluation scheme:
Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA) 25Marks 50Marks
Note : Lab file should contain at list five experiments from above mentioned list.
ESE (Oral Examination). The Oral Examination will comprise of viva on the above
Page 64 of 72
Lab Course Outline
Teaching Scheme:
Laboratory 2 14 28 1
Evaluation scheme:
Internal Continuous Assessment 25Marks 50Marks
End Semester exam(ESE)(PR) 25Marks
Note : Lab file should contain any five experiments by using any design software
ESE (Practical
nthe Practical's.
Page 65 of 72
Lab Course Outline
Elective- II
Laboratory 2 14 28 1
Evaluation scheme:
Guidelines for ICA: ICA will be based on Practical assignments submitted by the student
in the form of journal.
Page 66 of 72
Lab Course Outline
Elective- II
Teaching Scheme:
Hours Per Week No. of Weeks Total Hours Semester Credits
Laboratory 2 14 28 1
Evaluation scheme:
Prerequisite Course(s):
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Lab Course Outline
Elective- II
Course Description: The student should have basic understanding of Mechanical and
Process Design aspects of Process Equipment Design. Basic Engineering design approach
and selection of pressure vessel components such as Head, closure, flanges, gasket, nozzles
etc, Design of process vessel support Mechanical design of process equipment.
Teaching Scheme:
Hours Per Week No. of Weeks Total Hours Semester Credits
Laboratory 2 14 28 1
Evaluation scheme:
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Industrial Lecture
(Course Contents)
Semester-VIII Examination Scheme:
Teaching Scheme: (ICA) Internal Continuous Assessment: 50Marks
Lecture: 1 Hr
1. There is a need to create avenues for a close academia and industry interaction
through all the phases of technology development, starting from conceptualization
down to commercialization.
2. List of renowned persons from industry shall be prepared by the committee
appointed by Head of the department. After approval from the Principal, Minimum
five Industrial lectures in alternate week shall be arranged, which shall be delivered
by the experts/Officials from Industries/Govt. organizations/ Private
Sectors/Public Sectors / R&D Labs covering the various aspects.
3. Topics of Industrial Lectures shall be Technical in nature and should not be the
specific contents from the curriculum.
4. Students shall submit the report based on minimum five lectures giving summary of
the lecture delivered.
5. The summary should contain brief resume of the expert, brief information of his
organization and brief summary of the lecture in bullet point form.
Guide lines for ICA: Assessment of the Industrial Lecture for award of ICA marks shall be
done jointly by departmental committee as per attendance in industrial lecture, report
submitted by student and overall performance in semester as per the guidelines given in
Table- D
SN Name of Attendance Dept of Report Total
Student (05 Marks per Understanding Writing
Lecture) (03 Marks per
25 15 10 50
Page 70 of 72
Course Title Short Title Course Code
Project-II P-II
Course Description:
The course explores the knowledge of design, experiment and analysis of data. The course
develops ability to work on multidisciplinary teams, Identify, formulate, and soIVe
engineering problems in view of economic, environmental and societal context.
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(Lab Course Contents)
Semester-VIII Examination Scheme:
Teaching Scheme: (ICA) Internal Continuous Assessment: 75Marks
Practical: 2 Hrs/Week (ESE) End Semester Examination OR: 75Marks
Guide lines for ICA: ICA shall be based on continuous evaluation of students’ performance
throughout semester in project-II and report submitted by the students’ project group in
the form hard bound. Assessment of the project-II for award of ICA marks shall be done
jointly by the guide and departmental committee as per the guidelines given in Table-E.
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