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Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s

Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering

(Autonomous College Affiliated to the University of Mumbai)

Course Structure and Syllabus

Third Year B. Tech.
Computer Engineering

Prepared by:- Board of Studies in Computer Engineering

Recommended by:- Academic Council of D. J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
Approved by:- Governing Body of D. J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
Revision: 1 (2021)
With effect from the Academic Year: 2021-2022
Scheme for Third Year B.Tech. Program in Computer Engineering : Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

Semester V

Teaching Scheme Semester End Examination (A) Continuous Assessment (B) Aggregate Credits earned

Sr Course Code Course Term CA
Theory Practical Tutorial Duration Sem Term Test 1 Avg (TT1
Credits Theory Oral Pract Oral & Pract Test 2 Termwork Total
(hrs.) (hrs.) (hrs.) (Hrs) Exam (TT1) & TT2)

DJ19CEC501 Data Mining and Warehouse 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

1 4
DJ19CEL501 Data Mining and Warehouse Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

DJ19CEC502 Processor Organization and Architecture 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

2 4
DJ19CEL502 Processor Organization and Architecture Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

DJ19CEC503 Artificial Intelligence 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

3 4
DJ19CEL503 Artificial Intelligence Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

DJ19CEEC5011 Advanced Operating System 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

DJ19CEEL5011 Advanced Operating System Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

DJ19CEEC5012 Advanced Databse Management System 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

4@ 4
DJ19CEEL5012 Advanced Database Mangement System Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

DJ19CEEC5013 Network Engineering 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

DJ19CEEL5013 Network Engineering Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

5 DJ19CEL504 Programming Laboratory-II ( Python) -- 4 -- 2 -- -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- -- 50 50 75 2 2

6# DJ19IHL2 Professional and Business Communication Laboratory -- 4 -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50 50 50 2 2

7 DJ19ILL1 Innovative Product Development-III -- 2 -- 1 -- -- 25 -- -- 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1 1

Total 12 18 0 21 20 300 25 0 125 425 100 100 100 225 325 775 21 21

@ Any 1 elective course

# 2 hrs. of theory (class wise) and 2 hrs of activity based laboratory (batch wise)

Prepared by: HoD

Name and Signatures (with date) Department of Computer Engineering Vice-Principal Principal

Checked By
Name and Signatures (with date)
Scheme for Third Year B.Tech. Program in Computer Engineering : Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Semester VI

Teaching Scheme Semester End Examination (A) Continuous Assessment (B) Aggregate Credits earned
Sr Course Code Course Term CA
Theory Practical Tutorial Sem Term Test 1 Avg (TT1
Credits Duration Theory Oral Pract Oral & Pract Test 2 Total
(hrs.) (hrs.) (hrs.) Exam (TT1) & TT2) Term Work
Total Total

DJ19CEC601 Software Engineering 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

1 4
DJ19CEL601 Software Engineering Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- 25 -- -- 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

DJ19CEC602 Advance Algorithm 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

2 4
DJ19CEL602 Advance Algorithm Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

DJ19CEC603 Information Security 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

3 4
DJ19CEL603 Information Security Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

DJ19CEEC6011 Big Data Infrastructure 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

DJ19CEEL6011 Big Data Infrastructure Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- 25 -- -- 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

DJ19CEEC6012 Internet of Things 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

4@ 4
DJ19CEEL6012 Internet of Things Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- 25 -- -- 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

DJ19CEEC6013 Business Analytics 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

DJ19CEEL6013 Business Analytics Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- 25 -- -- 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

DJ19CEEC6021 Machine Learning 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

DJ19CEEL6021 Machine Learning Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- 25 -- -- 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

DJ19CEEC6022 Compiler Design 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

5@ 4
DJ19CEEL6022 Compiler Design Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- 25 -- -- 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

DJ19CEEC6023 Human Machine Interaction 3 -- -- 3 3 75 -- -- -- 75 25 25 25 -- 25 100 3

DJ19CEEL6023 Human Machine Interaction Laboratory -- 2 -- 1 2 -- 25 -- -- 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1

6 DJ19ILL2 Innovative Product Development - IV -- 2 -- 1 2 -- 25 -- -- 25 -- -- -- 25 25 50 1 1

7 DJ19A5 Environmental Studies 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Total 16 12 0 21 27 375 100 0 50 525 125 125 125 150 275 800 21 21

@ Any 1 Elective Course

Prepared by: HoD

Name and Signatures (with date) Department of Computer Engineering Vice-Principal Principal
Checked By
Name and Signatures (with date)
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : V

Course : Data Mining and Warehouse Course Code:DJ19CEC501

Course : Data Mining and Warehouse Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEL501

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Semester End Continuous Assessment Marks
(Hours / week) Total
Examination Marks (A) (B)
Term Term marks
Theory Avg. (A+ B)
Total Test 1 Test 2
Lectures Practical Tutorial
75 25 25 25 100

Laboratory Examination Term work

Tutorial / Term
Laboratory Mini project / work
Oral Practical &Practi 50
Work presentation/
3 1 - 4 Journal

- - 25 15 10 25

Pre-requisite: Basic database concepts, Concepts of algorithm design and analysis

Course Objectives:

1. To identify the scope and essentiality of Data Mining and Warehouse.

2. To analyze data, choose relevant models and algorithms for respective applications.
3. To develop research interest towards advances in data mining.

Outcomes: On successful completion of course learner will be able to:

1. Understand Data Warehouse fundamentals and data mining principles.

2. Design data warehouse with dimensional modelling
3. Understand ETL process and apply OLAP operations.
4. Apply appropriate pre-processing techniques.
5. Identify appropriate data mining algorithms to solve real world problems.
6. Compare and evaluate different data mining techniques like classification, clustering and association rule

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)

Unit Description Duration

1 Introduction to Data Warehouse and Dimensional modelling: Introduction to Strategic 8
Information, Need for Strategic Information, Features of Data Warehouse, Data warehouse
versus Data Marts, Data warehouse versus Data Lake, Top-down versus Bottom-up
approach. Data warehouse architecture, metadata, E-R modelling versus Dimensional
Modelling, Information Package Diagram, STAR schema, STAR schema keys, Snowflake
Schema, Fact Constellation Schema, Factless Fact tables, Update to the dimension tables,
Aggregate fact tables.

2 ETL Process and OLAP: Major steps in ETL process, Data extraction: Techniques, Data 6
transformation: Basic tasks, Major transformation types, Data Loading: Applying Data,
OLTP Vs OLAP, OLAP definition, Dimensional Analysis, Hypercubes, OLAP operations:
Drill down, Roll up, Slice, Dice and Rotation, OLAP models: MOLAP, ROLAP.

3 Introduction to Data Mining, Data Exploration and Preprocessing: 6

Data Mining Task and Techniques, KDD process, Issues in Data Mining, Applications of
Data Mining
Data Exploration: Types of Attributes, Statistical Description of Data, Data Visualization,
Measuring data similarity and dissimilarity.
Data Preprocessing: Major tasks in preprocessing, Data Cleaning: Missing values, Noisy
data; Data Integration: Entity Identification Problem, Redundancy and Correlation
Analysis, Tuple Duplication, Data Value Conflict Detection and Resolution; Data
Reduction: Attribute subset selection, Histograms, Clustering and Sampling; Data
Transformation & Data Discretization: Data Transformation by Normalization,
Discretization by Binning, Discretization by Histogram Analysis, Concept hierarchy
generation for Nominal data

4 Classification and Prediction: 6

Basic Concepts of classification, Decision Tree Induction, Attribute Selection Measures
using Information Gain, Tree pruning
Bayes Classification Methods: Bayes’ Theorem, Naïve Bayesian Classification
Rule - Based Classification: Using IFTHEN Rules for classification, Rule Extraction from
a Decision Tree, Rule Quality Measures, Rule Pruning
Model Evaluation & Selection: Metrics for Evaluating Classifier Performance, Holdout
Method and Random Subsampling, Cross Validation, Bootstrap, Model Selection Using
Statistical Tests of Significance, Comparing Classifiers Based on Cost–Benefit and ROC
Improving Classification Accuracy: Ensemble classification, Bagging, Boosting and
AdaBoost, Random Forests, Improving Classification Accuracy in Class Imbalance Data
Prediction: Simple Linear regression
5 Clustering: 5
Cluster Analysis and Requirements of Cluster Analysis
Partitioning Methods: k-Means, k-Medoids
Hierarchical Methods: Agglomerative, Divisive
Density Based Methods: DBScan
Evaluation of Clustering: Assessing Clustering Tendency, Determining Number of
Clusters and Measuring cluster quality: Intrinsic and Extrinsic methods
6 Mining Frequent Patterns and Association Rules: 6

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Market Basket Analysis, Frequent Item sets, Closed Item sets, and Association Rule
Frequent Item set Mining Methods: Apriori Algorithm, Association Rule Generation,
Improving the Efficiency of Apriori.
FP growth, Mining frequent Itemsets using Vertical Data Format
Introduction to Mining Multilevel Association Rules and Multidimensional Association
7 Spatial and Web Mining: Spatial Data, Spatial Vs. Classical Data Mining, Spatial 5
Data Structures, Mining Spatial Association and Co-location Patterns, Spatial
Clustering Techniques: CLARANS Extension, Web Mining: Web Content Mining,
Web Structure Mining, Web Usage mining, Applications of Web Mining

Books Recommended:

1. Paulraj Ponniah, ―Data Warehousing: Fundamentals for IT Professionals‖, Wiley India.

2. Reema Theraja ―Data warehousing‖, Oxford University Press.
3. Han, Kamber, "Data Mining Concepts and Techniques", Morgan Kaufmann 3rd edition.
4. M.H. Dunham, "Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics", Pearson Education.

Suggested List of Experiments:

Sr. Title of Experiments

1. Build Data Warehouse/Data Mart for a given problem statement
i. Identifying the source tables and populating sample data
ii. Making information package diagram
iii. Design dimensional data model i.e. Star schema, Snowflake schema and Fact Constellation
schema (if applicable)

2. Perform data Pre-processing task on your dataset

3. To perform various OLAP operations such as slice, dice, drilldown, rollup, pivot

4. Implementation of Classification algorithm

i. Using Decision Tree ID3
ii. Naïve Bayes algorithm

5. Implementation of Clustering algorithm

i. K-means
ii. Hierarchical clustering (single/complete/average)
iii. DBScan

6. Implementation of Association Rule Mining algorithm

1. Apriori algorithm

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
2. FP Tree algorithm

7. Demonstrate performing Classification, Clustering, Association algorithm on data sets using data
mining tool (WEKA, R tool, XL Miner, etc.)
8. Case study on recent data mining applications

Evaluation Scheme:

Semester End Examination (A):


1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus, summing up to 75 marks.

2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.


1. Oral & Practical examination will be based on the entire syllabus including, the practical’s performed
during laboratory sessions.

Continuous Assessment (B):


1. Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a
compulsory term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment
on live problems or a course project.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the paper is 1 hr.
3. Average of the marks scored in both the two tests will be considered for final grading.

Laboratory: (Term work)

Laboratory work will be based on DJ19CEL501 with experiments to be performed in Python / R

programming languages.

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

i. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks

ii. Journal Documentation (Write-up and Assignments: 10 marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : V

Course : Processor Organization and Architecture Course Code: DJ19CEC502

Course : Processor Organization and Architecture Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEL502

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Semester End Continuous Assessment Marks
(Hours / week) Total
Examination Marks (A) (B)
Term Term Marks=
Theory Avg. (A+ B)
Tutoria Total Test 1 Test 2
Lecture Practical
l Credit
75 25 25 25 100

Laboratory Examination Term work

Tutorial / Total
Labora Mini project Term
Oral Practical tory / work 50
3 2 - 4 Work presentation/

- - 25 15 10 25

Pre-requisite: Digital Electronics, Operating systems

Course Objectives:

1. To have a thorough understanding of the basic structure and operations of a computer system.
2. To study the hierarchical memory system including cache memories and virtual memory.
3. To prepare students for higher processor architectures and embedded systems.
4. To apply innovative solutions and make progress in the knowledge to exploit the new paradigms of
computing, particularly in distributed environments.

Outcomes: On successful completion of course learner will be able to:

1. Understand the arithmetic and logic algorithms for processors.

2. Understand the concepts of memory organization and mapping techniques.
3. Explain, Interpret and implement the instructions and addressing modes of 8086 microprocessor and
write assembly and mixed language programs.
4. Understand the architecture and concepts of an 8051 microcontroller.
5. Understand advanced trends and technologies in processor architectures.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)
Unit Description Duration
Introduction to Computer Architecture & Organization:
Introduction, Basic organization of computer architecture; Von Neumann model and
Harvard architecture; Data Representation and Arithmetic Algorithms- Addition,
1 Subtraction, Multiplication - unsigned multiplication, Booth’s algorithm (Signed 6
multiplication), Division of integers - restoring division, non-restoring division.

Memory organization:
Types of RAM (SRAM, DRAM, SDRAM, DDR, SSD) and ROM; Characteristics of
memory; Memory hierarchy- cost and performance measurement; Virtual Memory:
2 Concept, Segmentation and Paging; Address translation mechanism; Interleaved and 8
Associative memory; Cache memory Concepts, Cache Coherency

Intel 8086 architecture and addressing modes:

3 Major features of 8086 processor; 8086 CPU architecture and pipelined operations; 6
programmer’s model and 8086 pin description; 8086 addressing modes.

8086 Instruction set, Interrupts and Programming:

Instruction set of 8086 microprocessor; assembler directives; procedure and macros;
Interrupts in 8086 microprocessor: Dedicated interrupts, Software interrupts, DOS
4 interrupts (Programming examples); Assembly language programming for 8086 10
microprocessor; mixed mode programming for 8086.

8051 microcontroller:
5 Architecture of 8051 microcontroller; Addressing modes for 8051; Instruction set for 6
8051 microcontroller: Data transfer, Arithmetic and logical; Interrupts in 8051

Intel Pentium Processor:

6 Features of Intel Pentium processor, Pentium Superscalar architecture, Pipelining, Branch 6
prediction, Instruction and data cache concept.

Books Recommended:
1. William Stallings- “Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance”, Pearson
Publication, 10th Edition, 2013.
2. John P. Hayes- “Computer Architecture and Organization”, McGraw-Hill, 1988.
3. John Uffenbeck – “8086/8088 family: Design Programming and Interfacing”, PHI.
4. Douglas Hall- “Microprocessor and Interfacing”, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. M. A. Mazidi, J. C. Mazidi, Rolin D. McKinlay- “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems
Using Assembly and C”, Pearson Education, 2ndEdition.
6. Kenneth J. Ayala- “The 8051 Microcontroller”, Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd, 3rdEdition
7. James L. Antonakos- “The Intel Microprocessor family: Hardware and Software principles and
Applications”, Cengage Learning.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Suggested List of Experiments:

Sr. No. Title of Experiments

1. To implement shift and add method of multiplication algorithm.

2. To implement Booth’s multiplication algorithm.

3. To study and implement Restoring division algorithm.

4. To study and implement Non- Restoring Division algorithm.

5. To implement First Fit Memory allocation policy.

6. To implement Best Fit Memory allocation policy.

7. To study and implement FIFO page replacement policy

8. To study and implement LRU page replacement policy

9. Assembly program for 16-bit addition

10. Assembly Program to transfer n block of data from one segment to another segment.

11. Assembly program to sort numbers in ascending/ descending order

12. Assembly program to find minimum/ maximum no. from a given array.

13. Assembly language program using Macros.

14. To implement mixed language programming using Assembly Language and C.

Evaluation Scheme:

Semester End Examination (A):


1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus, summing up to 75 marks.

2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.


1. Oral & Practical examination will be based on the entire syllabus including, the practical’s performed
during laboratory sessions.
Continuous Assessment (B):


1. Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a
compulsory term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment
on live problems or a course project.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the paper is 1 hr.
3. Average of the marks scored in both the two tests will be considered for final grading.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Laboratory: (Term work)

Laboratory work will be based on DJ19CEL502 with minimum 10 experiments to be incorporated.

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

i. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks

ii. Journal Documentation (Write-up and Assignments): 10 marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : V

Course : Artificial Intelligence Course Code: DJ19CEC503

Course : Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEL503

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Semester End Continuous Assessment Marks
(Hours / week) Total
Examination Marks (A) (B)
Term Term marks
Total Theory Avg. (A+ B)
Lecture Practica Test 1 Test 2
Tutorial Credit
s l
75 25 25 25 100

Laboratory Examination Term work

Tutorial / Total
Oral Mini project Term
Oral Practical &Practica / work 50
y Work
3 2 - 4 l presentation/

- - 25 15 10 25

Pre-requisite: Knowledge of
1. Basic Mathematics
2. Algorithms

1. Provide the basic ideas and techniques underlying the design of intelligent systems.
2. Impart the knowledge of various search techniques for problem solving.
3. Learn knowledge representation and provide the knowledge to deal with uncertain and incomplete
4. Impart the knowledge of planning and forms of learning.
5. Learn to apply techniques of Artificial Intelligence to different applications

Outcomes: On completion of the course, learner will be able

1. Develop a basic understanding of AI building blocks presented in intelligent agents.
2. Design appropriate problem solving method for an agent to find a sequence of actions to reach goal
3. Analyse various AI approaches to knowledge– intensive problem solving, reasoning and planning.
4. Design models for reasoning with uncertainty as well as different types of learning.
5. Design and develop the AI applications in real world scenario.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)

Unit Description Duration

1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence : 05

Introduction, History of Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Systems: Categorization of
Intelligent System, Components of AI Program, Foundations of AI, Sub-areas of AI,
Current trends in AI
Intelligent Agents :
Agents and Environments, The concept of rationality, The nature of environment, The
structure of Agents, Types of Agents, Learning Agent.

2 Problem solving : 12
Solving problem by Searching: Problem Solving Agent, Formulating Problems, Example
Search Methods:
Uninformed search, Breadth First Search (BFS), Depth First Search (DFS), Depth Limited
Search, Depth First Iterative Deepening (DFID), Informed Search Methods: Greedy best
first Search, A* Search, Memory bounded heuristic Search.
Local Search Algorithms and Optimization Problems:
Hill climbing search, Simulated annealing, Local beam search, Genetic algorithms, Ant
Colony Optimization
Adversarial Search:
Games, Optimal strategies, The minimax algorithm, Alpha-Beta Pruning.

3 Knowledge and Reasoning : 10

Knowledge based Agents, The Wumpus World, Propositional Logic,
First Order Logic, Inference in FOL, Forward chaining, Backward chaining,Knowledge
Engineering in First-Order Logic, Unification, Resolution,logic programming
(PROLOG), Knowledge Representation: Ontological Engineering, Semantic networks,
Description logics, RDF, OWL, Semantic Web.

Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning:

Uncertainty, Representing knowledge in an uncertain domain, The semantics of Bayesian
belief network, Inference in belief network.
Rule-based methods for uncertain reasoning, Dempster-Shafer theory, Fuzzy sets and
fuzzy logic.

4 Planning : 05
The planning problem, Planning with state space search, Planning graphs, Partial order
planning, Hierarchical planning, Planning and Acting in Nondeterministic Domain :
Sensorless planning, Contingent planning, Online replanning, Multiagent planning.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

5 Learning: 06
Types of Learning, Inductive Learning
Artificial Neural Networks:
McCulloh Pitts Model, Perceptron, Feed Forward Network, Backpropagation Algorithm,
Self Organizing Map.

6 Expert System: 04
Introduction, Phases in building Expert Systems, ES Architecture
Applications :
Natural Language Processing, Robotics, Character Recognition, Genetic Algorithm in
game playing, Travelling Salesman Problem, Best path finding, Recommender Systems,
Prediction Systems, Atari Games, Face Recognition

List of Laboratory Experiments:

Sr. No. Title of Experiments

1. Select a problem statement relevant to AI.

i) Identify the problem
ii) PEAS Description
iii) Problem formulation
2. Program to implement Family Tree in Prolog

3. Identify and analyze uninformed search Algorithm to solve the problem.

Implement BFS/DFS/DFID search algorithms to reach goal state.
4. Identify and analyze informed search Algorithm to solve the problem.
Implement A* search algorithm to reach goal state.
5. Program to implement Local Search algorithm : Hill climbing search

6. Program on Genetic Algorithm to solve a optimization problem in AI.

7. Identify,analyze, implement a planning problem/Rule based Expert System in a real world scenario.

8. Implementation on any AI Problem : Wumpus world, Tic-tac-toe, 8-Queens Problem

9. Program to implement learning : Perceptron Learning/Backpropagation Algorithm.

10. Case study of an AI Application.

Any other experiment based on syllabus may be included, which would help the learner to understand

Books Recommended:

Text Books
1. Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach “Second Edition" Pearson
2. Saroj Kaushik “Artificial Intelligence”, Cengage Learning.
3. George F Luger “Artificial Intelligence” Low Price Edition, Pearson Education., Fourth edition.
4. Deepak Khemani.” A First Course in Artificial Intelligence”, McGraw Hill Education (India), 2013.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

Reference Books

1. Ivan Bratko “PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligence”, Pearson Education, Third Edition.
2. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight “Artificial Intelligence” Third Edition
3. Davis E.Goldberg , “Genetic Algorithms: Search, Optimization and Machine Learning”, Addison Wesley, N.Y.,
4. Hagan, Demuth, Beale, “Neural Network Design” CENGAGE Learning, India Edition.
5. Patrick Henry Winston, “Artificial Intelligence”, Addison-Wesley, Third Edition.
6. Han Kamber, “Data Mining Concepts and Techniques”, Morgann Kaufmann Publishers.
7. N.P.Padhy , “Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems”, Oxford University Press.

Evaluation Scheme:
Semester End Examination (A):
1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus will comprise of 5 questions (All compulsory, but with internal
choice as appropriate), each carrying 15 marks, total summing up to 75 marks.
2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.

1. Oral and practical examination will be based on the entire syllabus including, the practicals performed
during laboratory sessions.

Continuous Assessment (B):

1. Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a
compulsory term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment on
live problems or a course project.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the paper is 1 hr.
3. Average of the marks scored in both the two tests will be considered for final grading.

Laboratory: (Term work)

Laboratory work will be based on DJ19CEL503 with minimum 10 experiments.

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

1. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks
2. Journal Documentation (Write-up and Assignments): 10 marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : V

Course : Advanced Operating System Course Code: DJ19CEEC5011

Course : Advanced Operating System Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEEL5011

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Semester End Continuous Assessment Marks
(Hours / week) Total
Examination Marks (A) (B)
Term Term marks
Theory Avg. (A+ B)
Total Test 1 Test 2
Lectures Practical Tutorial
75 25 25 25 100

Laboratory Examination Term work

Tutorial / Mini Term
Laborato project / work
Oral Practical &Practi 50
ry Work presentation/
3 2 -- 4 Journal

- - 25 15 10 25

Pre-requisite: Operating System and Computer Organization.

Course Objectives:

1. To understand the difference between distributed, multiprocessor and virtualization concepts.

2. To explore Real time operating system concepts.
3. To explore mobile operating system.

Outcomes: On successful completion of course learner will be able to:

1. Analyze the difference between different types of operating systems.

2. Describe real time operating systems.
3. Apply correct distributed and multiprocessor operating system concepts to solve real life problems.
4. Improve system performance by applying virtualization concepts.
5. Understand mobile operating system.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)

Unit Description Duration

Functions of operating systems, design approaches: layered, kernel based and virtual
1 machine approach, need for advanced operating systems, types of advanced operating 4
systems (NOS, DOS, Multiprocessor OS, Mobile OS, RTOS, Cloud OS)

Distributed operating Systems:

Architecture of distributed operating systems, system architecture types, issues in
distributed operating systems, inherent limitation of distribute systems.

Distributed mutual exclusion: classification of mutual exclusion algorithms, Lamport’s,

2 token-based algorithm, Suzuki-Kasami’s Broadcast algorithm, Raymond’s Tree based 10

Distributed deadlock detection, Distributed file systems, Distributed shared memory,

Distributed scheduling

Real Time Operating Systems:

Basic Model of Real time systems, Characteristics, Applications of Real time systems, Real
time task scheduling, Types of tasks and their characteristics.

3 Task Scheduling, Clock driven Scheduling, Hybrid Schedulers, Event driven Scheduling, 10
EDF Scheduling, Rate Monotonic Algorithm, handling resource sharing Resource
Handling: Resource Sharing, Priority Inversion, PIP, PCP, HLP, Scheduling real time tasks
in distributed systems

Multiprocessor Operating Systems:

Introduction, Basic multiprocessor system architectures, design issues, Threads

Process synchronization: the test and set instruction, the swap instruction, implementation
4 6
of the process wait.

Processor scheduling: Issues, Co-scheduling, Smart scheduling, Affinity Based scheduling

Introduction to Virtualisation, Types of Virtualisation, Bare Metal (XEN), Hosted (KVM)
5 Virtualisation, Para virtualisation, Full virtualisation, Emulation, Server Virtualisation, 6
Network Virtualisation and Storage Virtualisation.

Mobile Operating System:

Symbian O.S: introduction, kernel design in Symbian OS, scheduling in Symbian OS, File
6 6
systems on mobile phones, I/O in Symbian OS, Application development using Android.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Books Recommended:
1. Mukesh Singhal, Niranjan Shivaratri―Advance Concepts in Operating System, Mc Graw Hill.
2. K. C. Wang – embedded and Real Time Operating System, Springer.
3. Cris Wolf and Eric M Halter – Virtualization from Desktop to Enterprise, Apress.
4. Ben Morris – The Symbian OS Architecture Source Book, Willey India.
5. Sunita Mahajan and Seema Shah, Distributed System, Oxford.

Suggested List of Experiments:

LAB Topic / Activity Explanation of Activity

Lab1 Distributed Programming Implement concurrent client-server application.

Lab2 Logical Clock Simulate Lamport’s logical clock

Distributed Mutual
Lab3 Implement Ricart-Aggarwala Algorithm.

Distributed Deadlock
Lab4 Demonstrate deadlock detection using Edge Chasing algorithm.

Lab5 Hosted Virtualization Demonstrate hosted virtualization using KVM.

Load a new operating system virtually on the client machine using
Lab6 Bare Metal Virtualization the concept of bare metal virtualization by XEN.

Android Programming Hello world, linking activities, passing data.

Handing image and text ICreate a simple list view with image and text.
Lab8 using Android

Lab9 Building an Application Integrate a website inside an application, use of SQLite.

using Android

Lab10 Case study Symbian OS

Evaluation Scheme:

Semester End Examination (A):


1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus, summing up to 75 marks.

2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

1. Oral and practical examination will be based on the entire syllabus including, the practical’s performed
during laboratory sessions.

Continuous Assessment (B):


1. Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a
compulsory term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment
on live problems or a course project.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the paper is 1 hr.
3. Average of the marks scored in both the two tests will be considered for final grading.

Laboratory: (Term work)

Laboratory work will be based on DJ19CEEL5011 with minimum 10 experiments to be incorporated.

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

i. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks

ii. Journal Documentation (Write-up and Assignments: 10 marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : V

Course : Advanced Database Management System Course Code: DJ19CEEC5012

Course : Advanced Database Management System Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEEL5012

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Semester End Continuous Assessment Marks
(Hours / week) Total
Examination Marks (A) (B)
Term Term marks
Theory Avg. (A+ B)
Total Test 1 Test 2
Lectures Practical Tutorial
75 25 25 25 100

Laboratory Examination Term work

Tutorial / Term
Laboratory Mini project / work
Oral Practical &Practi 50
Work presentation/
3 2 - 4 Journal

- - 25 15 10 25

Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Database management System.


1. To provide overview of advancement in SQL and Database technology.

2. To impart knowledge of query processing and optimization.
3. To provide an overview of distributed database systems.
4. To introduce the concept of document-oriented database.
5. To create awareness about potential security threats to a database and mechanisms to handle it.
6. Understand the usage of advanced data models for real life application.

Outcomes: On completion of the course, learner will be able:

1. Discuss new developments in database technology.

2. Measure query cost and optimize query execution.
3. Design distributed database for better resource management.
4. Demonstrate the understanding of the concepts of document-oriented databases.
5. Apply appropriate security techniques database systems.
6. Implement advanced data models for real life applications.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)
Unit Description Duration
1 Advance Databases 06
Indexing and Hashing:Types of Single-Level Ordered Indexes; Multilevel Indexes;
Dynamic Multilevel Indexes Using B-Trees and B+-Trees;
New database applications and architectures: e.g., Data Warehousing; Multimedia
database; Mobility database; NoSQL, Native XML databases (NXD), Document
orientated databases, Graph database, Federated Databases

2 Query processing and Optimization 08

Query Processing: Overview, Measures of Query cost, Selection operation, Sorting,
Join Operations, and other Operations, Evaluation of Expression
Query Optimization: Translations of SQL Queries into relational algebra, Heuristic
approach and cost-based optimization

3 Distributed Databases 08
Introduction: Types of Distributed Database Systems, Distributed Database
Distributed Database Design: Data Fragmentation, Replication and Allocation
Distributed Query Processing (Semi join)
Transaction Management, Concurrency Control (locking) and Recovery in Distributed

4 Document oriented database 08

Object Oriented Database: Need of object-oriented database, Impedance matching
problem between OO languages and Relational database, Case study db4O
Document Oriented Database: Need of Document Oriented database, difference
between Document Oriented Database and Traditional database, Types of encoding
XML, JSON, BSON, Representation XML, Json Objects. Case study on doc oriented
based such a Mariadb

5 Advanced data models 06

Temporal data models: Aspects of valid time, Bitemporal time and bi-temporal time
with examples of each.
Spatial model: Types of spatial data models - Raster, Vector and Image
MYSQL Postgres, Mobile databases

6 Data Security 06
Introduction to Database Security Issues; Authentication and authorization, Database
auditing, Discretionary Access Control Based on Granting and Revoking Privileges,
Mandatory Access Control and Role-Based
Access Control for Multilevel Security
Introduction to Statistical Database Security

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Books Recommended:

Text books:

1. Elmasri&Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems” IV edition. PEARSON Education.

2. Korth, Silberschatzsudarshan, “Database systems, concepts” 5th edition McGraw Hill
3. Raghu Ramkrishnan& Johannes Gehrke, “Database Management System” Tata McGraw Hill. III edition.
4. Ruosell J.T. Dyer, Learning MySQL and Mariadb.

Reference Books:

1. Chhanda Ray, “Distributed Database System”, Pearson Education India.

2. Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffery D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom, “Database system Implementation”
3. Thomas M.Connolly Carolyn Begg, Database Systems: A practical Approach to Design, Implementation
and Management, 4/e.

Suggested List of Experiments:

LAB Topic / Activity Explanation of Activity

Lab1 SQL Programming Case study on Professional and Commercial Databases:

Summary and Comparison
Simulate Query optimization by applying an SQL Query
Lab2 Query Optimization on any database.

Implementation of Query monitor (QEP- Query Execution

Query Monitoring
Plan, Query Statistics)

Perform Fragmentation (Range, List, Hash and Key) in

Distributed Database Design
DDBS design.

Lab5 Distributed Database Design Implementation of Replication transparency in DDB

Implementations of two phase / three phases commit

Lab6 Distributed Database Design

Lab7 Query execution on XML database.

XML Programming
Data handing using JSON. (eg. Display user information
Lab8 Document Database from JSON file downloaded from Mobile)

Spatial and Temporal Data Handling Processing of Spatial and temporal data

Case study on Database security issues and measures taken

Lab10 Case study
to handle those issues.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Evaluation Scheme:

Semester End Examination (A):


1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus, summing up to 75 marks.

2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.


1. Oral & Practical examination will be based on the entire syllabus including, the practical’s performed
during laboratory sessions.

Continuous Assessment (B):


1. Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a
compulsory term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment
on live problems or a course project.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the paper is 1 hr.
3. Average of the marks scored in the two tests will be considered for final grading.

Laboratory: (Term work)

Laboratory work will be based on DJ19CEEL5012 with minimum 10 experiments to be incorporated.

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

i. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks

ii. Journal Documentation (Write-up and Assignments: 10 marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : V

Course : Network Engineering Course Code: DJ19CEEC5013

Course : Network Engineering Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEEL5013

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Semester End Continuous Assessment
(Hours / week) Total
Examination Marks (A) Marks (B)
Term Term marks
Theory Avg. (A+ B)
Lecture Practica Test 1 Test 2
Tutorial Credit
s l
75 25 25 25 100

Laboratory Examination Term work

Tutorial / Ter
Oral Mini project m
Oral Practical &Practica / 50
Work work
l presentation
3 2 - 4 / Journal

- - 25 15 10 25

Pre-requisite: Computer Networking.

Objectives: Students will try to:

1. Study the Design and Analysis of Advance Computer network.
2. Acquire knowledge of design and analysis of networking paradigms and protocols.
3. Gain advance knowledge of Network layer routing protocols and IP addressing.
4. Study complex network concepts and design issues.
5. Study advance networking architectures vise Software defined network (SDN).
6. Understand the high-performance networking and apply them in real time applications.

Outcomes: Students will be able to

1. Analyze the existing network architecture.
2. Understand the routing design principles.
3. Describe different protocol specifications and their components.
4. Design the complex network by converging different technologies.
5. Understand and explain advance network architectures and its components.
6. Understanding and developing high performance networks.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)

Unit Description Duration

1 Design and Analysis of networks 06

Address Masks, Prefixes, and Sub networks, Network Address Translation (NAT) IP
Switching and Routing - Local Delivery and Loopbacks - Address Resolution Protocol
Route Control and Recording
Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery - Congestion-Avoidance Mechanisms – DECbit -
Random Early Detection - Source-Based Congestion Avoidance – Tahoe, Reno, and Vegas
QoS Application Requirements - Real-Time Audio - Taxonomy of Real-Time
Applications - Approaches to QoS Support

2 Internet Routing Design 08

Router Architectures: Functions, Types, Elements of a Router, Packet Flow
Packet Processing: Fast Path versus Slow Path
Router Architectures
QoS Attributes
Adapting Routing: A Basic Framework. Update Frequency, Information Inaccuracy, and
Impact on Routing
Dynamic Call Routing in the PSTN Heterogeneous Service, Single-Link Case
A General Framework for Source-Based QoS Routing with Path Caching, Routing
Protocols for QoS Routing

3 Protocol Engineering 08
Protocol Specification: Components of specification, Service specification.
Communication Service Specification Protocol entity specification: Sender, Receiver and
Channel specification
Interface specifications Interactions, Multimedia specifications, Alternating Bit Protocol
Specification, RSVP specification
Protocol Specification Language (SDL): Salient Features. Communication System
Description using SDL Structure of SDL. Data types and communication paths
Examples of SDL based Protocol Specifications: Question and answer protocol, X-on-X-
off protocol, Alternating bit protocol, Sliding window protocol specification

4 Complex Networks 08
Types of network: Social networks, Information networks, Technological networks,
Biological networks
Properties of network: Small world effect, transitivity and clustering, degree distribution,
scale free networks, maximum degree,network resilience

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Applications: Search on networks, exhaustive network search guided network search,
network navigation; network visualization
5G Mobile network: Requirement, Designing and deployment of 5G networks

5 Software Defined Networking 04

SDN vs. P2P/Overlay Networks Players in the SDN Eco-system
SDN Applications, SDN Open source, SDN Future

6 High Performance Networks 08

Network Performance analysis: Objectives and requirements for Quality of Service (QoS)
in high performance networks Architecture of high performance networks (HPN)
Design issues, protocols for HPN, VHF backbone networks
Virtual interface architectures, virtual interface for networking

Books Recommended:
1. Design and Analysis of Communication Networks By V Ahuja , McGraw Hill
2. Storage Networks Explained – UifTroppens, R Erkens and W Muller, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
3. Alex Goldman, “Storage Area Networks Fundamentals”, Cisco Press 2002
4. Storage Area Network Essentials: a Complete Guide to understanding andimplementing SANs- Richard
Barker and Paul Massiglia, John Wiley India
5. Paul Goransson, Chuck Black, " Software Defined Networks: A Comprehensive Approach", Morgan
Kaufmann, Elsevier, USA, 2014
6. PallapaVenkataram and Sunilkumar S. Manvi: Communication Protocol Engineering, PHI, 2004.
7. S. N. Dorogovtsev and J. F. F. Mendes, Evolution of Networks, Oxford University press
8. James D.McCabe, Network analysis, Architecture and Design, 2nd Edition, Elsevier,2003.
9. Bertsekas&Gallager, Data Networks, second edition, Pearson Education, 2003.
10. 5G Mobile core Network: Design, Deployment, Automation and Testing strategies, by R. Shetty, Apress
Suggested List of Experiments:

Sr. No. Title of the Experiment

1. Configure a DHCP Server to serve contiguous IP addresses to a pool of four IP devices with a
2. Configure, implement and debug the following: Use open-source tools for debugging and
3. Demonstrate any one of the protocol –
a) ARP/RARP protocols
b) RIP routing protocols
c) BGP routing
d) OSPF routing protocols

4. Evaluate Network Performance Evaluation using NS-2

5. Comparative analysis of routing protocols with respect to QOS parameters using Xgraph
/gnuplot for different load conditions.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
6. Analyze HTTP Traffic using Wireshark.

7. Configure and use iptables

8. Simulate simple SDN network

9. Evaluate different QoS parameters through ns2

10. Creating and set up a virtual LAN.

Evaluation Scheme:
Semester End Examination (A):
1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus, summing up to 75 marks.
2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.
1. Practical and oral examination will be based on the entire syllabus including the practical’s performed
during laboratory sessions.
Continuous Assessment (B):
1. Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a
compulsory term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment
on live problems or a course project.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the paper is 1 hr.
3. Average of the marks scored in the two tests will be considered for final grading.
Laboratory: (Term work)
Laboratory work will be based on DJ19CEEC5013 with minimum 06 experiments along with a mini project to be
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
1. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks
2. Journal Documentation (Write-up and Assignments: 10 marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester: V

Course: Programming Laboratory –II (Python) Course Code: DJ19CEL504

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Semester End Continuous Assessment Marks
(Hours / week)
Examination Marks (A) (B) Total
Term Term
Theory Avg. (A+ B)
Total Test 1 Test 2
Lectures Practical Tutorial
- - - - -

Laboratory Examination Term work

Tutorial / l
Oral Mini Ter
Oral Practical &Prac project / m 75
ry Work
- 4 - 2 tical presentatio work
n/ Journal

- - 25 25 25 50

Course Objectives:
1. To learn the basic and OOP concepts of Python.
2. To study various advance python concept like inheritance, exception handling, modules etc.
3. Learn to develop GUI based standalone and web application.
Outcomes: On completion of the course, learner will be able to:
1. Understand basic and object-oriented concepts, data structure implementation in python.
2. Apply file, directory handling and text processing concepts in python.
3. Apply database connectivity, client-server communication using python.
4. Apply various advance modules of Python for data analysis.
5. Develop python-based application (web/Desktop) using django web framework/Tkinter.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

Unit Description Hours

1 Python basics 12
Data types in python, Operators in python,
Input and Output, Control statement,
Arrays in python, String and Character in python,
Functions, List and Tuples, Dictionaries Exception,
Introduction to OOP, Classes, Objects, Linked List, Stack, Queues, Inheritance

2 Advanced Python 10
Building Modules, Packages: Python Collections Module, Opening and Reading
Files and Folders (Python OS Module, Python Datetime Module, Python Math and
Random Modules
Text Processing
Regular expression in python

3 Python Integration Primer 10

Graphical User interface using Tkinter : Form designing
Networking in Python: Client Server socket programming
Python database connectivity: Data Definition Language (DDL), and Data
Manipulation Language (DML)
Emails with Python: Introduction to Emails with Python, Sending Emails with
Python, Receiving Emails with Python

4 Python advance Modules 12

Numpy: Working with Numpy, Constructing Numpy arrays, Printing arrays,
Arithmetic Operations on matrix
OpenCV: Open CV - Installation, Sample code – Open CV
Matplotlib: Matplotlib-Installation & Sample code, Bar Chart
Pandas: Data Processing, Pandas-Data structure, Pandas-Series data, Data Frames

5 Django Framework 12
Introduction to Django: Django’s take on MVC: Model, View and Template,
Installation and set up,,, Setting up database connections
Managing Users & the Django admin tool
Designing a good URL scheme, Generic Views,
Form classes, Validation, Authentication, Advanced Forms processing techniques

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Django REST framework

Books Recommended:
Text books:
1. Core Python Programming, Dr. R. Nageswara Rao, Dreamtech Press
2. Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1. James Payne, Wrox publication
3. Introduction to computing and problem-solving using python, E Balagurusamy, McGraw Hill
Reference Books:
1. Learn Python the Hard Way: (3rd Edition) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series)
2. Python Projects, Laura Cassell, Alan Gauld, Wrox publication
Digital Material:
1. "The Python Tutorial",
Suggested experiments using Python:

Expt No Experiment Title

1 Exploring basics of python like data types (strings, list, array, dictionaries, set, tuples) and control

2 Creating functions, classes and objects using python.

3 Menu driven program for data structure using built in function for link list, stack and queues.

4 Demonstrate exception handling.

5 Python program to explore different types of Modules

6 Demonstrate File handling and Directories

a. Python program to append data to existing file and then display the entire file.
b. Python program to count number of lines, words and characters in a file.
c. Python program to display file available in current directory
7 Make use of RE module to perform text processing.

8 Creating GUI with python containing widgets such as labels, textbox, radio, checkboxes and
custom dialog boxes.

9 Program to demonstrate CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations on database (SQLite/
MySQL) using python.

10 Implementation of simple socket programming for message exchange between server and client.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
11 Make use of advance modules of Python like OpenCV, Matplotlib, NumPy

12 Creating web application using Django web framework to demonstrate functionality of user login
and registration (also validating user detail using regular expression).

Evaluation Scheme:
Practical and Oral(A):
Oral & Practical examination will be based on the practical’s performed during laboratory sessions.
1. Implementation:15 Marks
2. Oral:10 Marks
Total :25 Marks
Continuous Assessment (B):
Term Work:
Laboratory work will be based on syllabus with minimum 10 experiments to be incorporated. Experiments
should be completed by students in the given time duration.
The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.
1. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 10 Marks
2. MCQ Quiz:15 Marks
3. Mini Project:20 Marks
4. Attendance (Practical): 05 Marks
Total: 50 Marks

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : V

Course : Professional and Business Communication Laboratory Course Code: DJ19IHL2

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
(Hours / week) Semester End Continuous Assessment
Examination Marks (A) Marks (B) Total
Term Term (A+ B)
Theory Avg.
Test 1 Test 2
Lectures Practical Tutorial
Credits -- -- -- -- --

Laboratory Examination Term work

Tutorial / Term
Oral & Laboratory Mini project / work
Oral Practical 50
Practical Work presentation/
-- 4* -- 2 Journal

-- -- -- -- --- 50

*2 hrs. Theory (Class wise) and 2 hrs. Tutorial (Batch wise)

Basic course in Effective Communication Skills

1. To inculcate professional and ethical attitude at the workplace
2. To enhance communication and interpersonal skills
3. To develop effective presentation skills
4. To hone written skills for technical documentation

Outcomes: On completion of the course, learner will be able to:

1. Plan, organize and write technical documents like reports, proposals and research papers in the prescribed
format using appropriate language and style with an understanding of ethics in written communication
2. Apply techniques of writing resume, participating in a group discussion and facing interviews
3. Develop interpersonal skills in professional and personal situations
4. Understand the documentation process of meetings and conduct meetings in a professional manner
5. Understand communication across cultures and work ethics
6. Design and deliver effective presentations using Power Point

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)

Unit Description Duration

Unit 1:Technical Writing
Report Writing : Types of report, parts of formal report, collection of data and survey analysis, 08
pre-writing of report, language and style in reports, formatting of reports, referencing in report
Proposal Writing :Types of technical proposals, format of proposal, language and style,
presentation of proposal
Technical Paper Writing: parts of a technical paper, language and formatting, referencing in
IEEE format
Plagiarism : Types of plagiarism, consequences of plagiarism
Unit 2: Employment Skills
Group Discussion: Purpose of a GD, types of GD, criteria for evaluating a GD, Dos and Don’ts 06
of a GD, Tips to be successful in GD
Cover Letter & Resume Writing: Format and content of cover letter, types of resume,
structure, content and formatting of resume
Interview Skills: Types and modes of interview, Preparation for interview, Dos and Don’ts of
interview, frequently asked questions during interview
Unit 3 : Introduction to Interpersonal Skills
Emotional Intelligence: Definition, difference between IQ and EQ, how to develop EQ 05
Leadership: Types of leadership, leadership styles, case studies
Team Building: Difference between group and team, importance of team work, strategies to be
a good team player
Time Management: Importance of time management, cultural views of time, 80/20 rule, time
wasters, setting priorities and goals,
Conflict Management: Types of conflicts, strategies to manage conflict, case studies
Unit 4: Meetings and Documentation
Planning and preparation for meetings, strategies for conducting effective meetings, notice, 02
agenda and minutes of a meeting, business meeting etiquettes
Unit 5: Cross-cultural communication and Ethics
Communication across cultures, professional and work ethics, responsible use of social media, 03
introduction to Intellectual Property Rights
Unit 6 :Presentation Skills
Presentation strategies, overcoming stage fear, techniques to prepare effective PowerPoint 02

List of Assignments
1. Business Proposal (PowerPoint presentation)
2. Resume writing
3. Interpersonal Skills (documentation of activity)
4. Meetings and Documentation (Notice, Agenda, Minutes of Mock Meetings)
5. Business ethics

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
6. Presentation Skills
Books Recommended:
Reference Books
1. Fred Luthans, “Organizational Behavior”, McGraw Hill, edition
2. Lesiker and Petit, “Report Writing for Business”, McGraw Hill, edition
3. Huckin and Olsen, “Technical Writing and Professional Communication”, McGraw Hill
4. Wallace and Masters, “Personal Development for Life and Work”, Thomson Learning, 12th edition
5. Heta Murphy, “Effective Business Communication”, Mc Graw Hill, edition
6. Sharma R.C. and Krishna Mohan, “Business Correspondence and Report Writing”, Tata McGraw-Hill
7. Ghosh, B. N., “Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development”, Tata McGraw Hill. Lehman,
8. Bell, Smith, “Management Communication” Wiley India Edition, 3rd edition.
9. Dr. Alex, K., ”Soft Skills”, S Chand and Company
10. Subramaniam, R., “Professional Ethics” Oxford University Press.

Evaluation Scheme:
Laboratory: (Term work)
Term work shall consist of 6 assignments, Group Discussion and Power Point Presentation based on the written
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Assignments ……………………………………………… (25) Marks
Project Report and Presentation…………………………… (15) Marks
Group Discussion………………………………………….. (10) Marks
TOTAL: …………………………………………………... (50) Marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory
work and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : V

Course Code: DJ19ILL1
Course : Innovative Product Development-III

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
(Hours/week) Semester End Continuous Assessment
Examination Marks (A) Marks (B) Total
Term Term (A+ B)
Theory Avg.
Test 1 Test 2
Lecture Practical Tutorial
Credits -- -- -- -- --

Laboratory Examination Termwork

Tutorial / Total
Labora Mini project Term
Oral &
Oral Practical tory / work 50
-- 02 -- 01 Work presentation
/ Journal

-- -- -- -- 25

1. To acquaint the students with the process of identifying the need (considering a societal requirement) and
ensuring that a solution is found out to address the same by designing and developing an innovative
2. To familiarize the students with the process of designing and developing a product, while they work as
part of a team.
3. To acquaint the students with the process of applying basic engineering fundamentals, so as to attempt at
the design and development of a successful value added product.
4. To inculcate the basic concepts of entrepreneurship and the process of self-learning and research required
to conceptualise and create a successful product.

Learner will be able to:
1. Identify the requirement for a product based on societal/research needs.
2. Apply knowledge and skills required to solve a societal need by conceptualising a product, especially while
working in a team.
3. Use standard norms of engineering concepts/practices in the design and development of an innovative
4. Draw proper inferences through theoretical/ experimental/simulations and analyse the impact of the
proposed method of design and development of the product.
5. Develop interpersonal skills, while working as a member of theteam or as theleader.
6. Demonstrate capabilities of self-learning as part of the team, leading to life-long learning, which could
eventually prepare themselves to be successful entrepreneurs.
7. Demonstrate product/project management principles during the design and development work and also
excel in written (Technical paper preparation) as well as oral communication.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Guidelines for the proposed product design and development:

 Students shall form a team of 3 to 4 students (max allowed: 5-6 in extraordinary cases, subject to the
approval of the department review committee and the Head of the department).
 Students should carry out a survey and identify the need, which shall be converted into conceptualization
of a product, in consultation with the faculty supervisor/head of department/internal committee of faculty
 Students in the team shall understand the effective need for product development and accordingly select
the best possible design in consultation with the faculty supervisor.
 Students shall convert the best design solution into a working model, using various components drawn
from their domain as well as related interdisciplinary areas.
 Faculty supervisor may provide inputs to students during the entire span of the activity, spread over 2
semesters, wherein the main focus shall be on self-learning.
 A record in the form of an activity log-book is to be prepared by each team, wherein the team can record
weekly progress of work. The guide/supervisor should verify the recorded notes/comments and approve
the same on a weekly basis.
 The design solution is to be validated with proper justification and the report is to be compiled in a standard
format and submitted to the department. Efforts are to be made by the students to try and publish a technical
paper, either in the institute journal, “Techno Focus: Journal for Budding Engineers” or at a suitable
publication, approved by the department research committee/ Head of the department.
 The focus should be on self-learning, capability to design and innovate new products as well as on
developing the ability to address societal problems. Advancement of entrepreneurial capabilities and
quality development of the students through the year long course should ensure that the design and
development of a product of appropriate level and quality is carried out, spread over two semesters, i.e.
during the semesters V and VI.

Guidelines for Assessment of the work:

 The review/ progress monitoring committee shall be constituted by the Head of the Department. The
progress of design and development of the product is to be evaluated on a continuous basis, holding
a minimum of two reviews in each semester.
 In the continuous assessment, focus shall also be on each individual student’s contribution tothe
team activity, their understanding and involvement as well as responses to the questions being raised
at all points in time.
 Distribution of term work marks during the subsequent semester shall be as given below:
o Marks awarded by the supervisor based on log-book : 10
o Marks awarded by review committee : 10
o Quality of the write-up : 05

In the last review of the semester VI, the term work marks will be awarded as follows.

 Marks awarded by the supervisor (Considering technical paper writing) : 15

 Marks awarded by the review committee : 10

Review/progress monitoring committee may consider the following points during the assessment.

 In the semester V, the entire design proposal shall be ready, including components/system selection
as well as the cost analysis. Two reviews will be conducted based on the presentation given by the
student’s team.
 First shall be for finalisation of the product selected.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester V (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
 Second shall be on finalisation of the proposed design of the product.
 In the semester VI, the expected work shall be procurement of components/systems, building of the
working prototype, testing and validation of the results based on work completed in semester III.
 First review is based on readiness of building the working prototype.
 Second review shall be based on a presentation as well as the demonstration of the working
model, during the last month of semester IV. This review will also look at the readiness of
the proposed technical paper presentation of the team.

The overall work done by the team shall be assessed based on the following criteria;
1. Quality of survey/ need identification of the product.
2. Clarity of Problem definition (design and development) based on need.
3. Innovativeness in the proposed design.
4. Feasibility of the proposed design and selection of the best solution.
5. Cost effectiveness of the product.
6. Societal impact of the product.
7. Functioning of the working model as per stated requirements.
8. Effective use of standard engineering norms.
9. Contribution of each individual as a member or the team leader.
10. Clarity on the write-up and the technical paper prepared.

 The semester reviews (V and VI) may be based on relevant points listed above, as applicable.

Guidelines for Assessment of Semester Reviews:

 The write-up should be prepared as per the guidelines given by the department.
 The design and the development of the product shall be assessed through a presentation and demonstration
of the working model by the student team to a panel of Internal and External Examiners, preferably from
industry or any research organisations having an experience of more than five years, approved by the Head
of the Institution. The presence of the external examiner is desirable only for the 2 nd presentation in
semester IV.Students are compulsorily required to present the outline of the technical paper prepared by
them during the final review in semester VI.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester: VI

Course: Software Engineering Course Code: DJ19CEC601

Course: Software Engineering Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEL601

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
(Hours / week) Semester End Continuous Assessment
Examination Marks (A) Marks (B) Total

Term Term marks

Theory Avg. (A+ B)
Test 1 Test 2
Tuto Total
Lectures Practical
rial Credits 75 25 25 25 100

Laboratory Examination Term work

Mini Total
project Term
Oral & Laboratory
Oral Practical / work 50
Practical Work
3 2 -- 4 present

25 -- -- 15 10 25


1. Concepts of Object Oriented Programming & Methodology

2. Knowledge of developing applications with front end & back end connectivity.

Objectives: To provide the knowledge of Standard Software Engineering discipline.

Outcomes: On completion of the course, learner will be able:

1. Understand and Demonstrate basic knowledge in Software Engineering.

2. Identify requirements, analyse, design and develop the software projects.
3. Plan, schedule and track the progress of the projects.
4. Identify risks, manage the configuration and change in software.
5. Apply testing principles on software projects.
6. Apply latest tools and techniques on software projects.

35 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)

Unit Description Hours

1 Introduction to Software Engineering and Process Models: 10
Nature of Software, Software Engineering, Software Process, CMM, Generic Process Model.
Prescriptive Process Models: The Waterfall Model, V Model.
Incremental Process Model: Incremental Model
Evolutionary Process Models: Prototyping Paradigm, The Spiral Model
Concurrent Process Models: Concurrent Process Model
The Unified Process
Agile Methodology: Agility Principals, Agile Process Models: Extreme Programming (XP),
Adaptive Software Development (ASD), Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM),
Scrum, Crystal, Feature Driven Development (FDD), Agile Modeling (AM), Kanban Model.
2 Requirement Analysis and Project Estimation: Requirement Elicitation, Software 08
Requirement Specification (SRS).
Requirement Models: Scenario Based Models, Class Based Models, Behavioural Models
and Flow Models.
Software Project Estimation: LOC, FP, Empirical Estimation Models COCOMO I
COCOMO II, Specialized Estimation Techniques.
3 Design Engineering and Analysis: 06
Design Principles, Design Concepts, Effective Modular Design-Cohesion and Coupling.
Translating the requirement models into the design model.
Architectural Design, Component Level Design, User Interface Design.
4 Project Scheduling and Control: 04
Management Spectrum, 3Ps, Process and Project Metrics
Work Breakdown Structure, Network Diagram, Gantt Chart.
5 Software Risk: 05
Risk Identification, Risk Assessment, Risk Projection, Risk Refinement, RMMM Plan.
Software Configuration Management:
SCM, SCM Repositories, SCM Process, Change Control and Version Control.
6 Software Testing Fundamentals: 06
Strategic Approach to Software Testing, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Verification,
Validation Testing, System Testing, Test Strategies for WebApps
Software Testing Techniques:
White Box Testing, Basis Path Testing, Control Structure Testing and Black Box Testing.
7 Latest Trends In Software Development Engineering: 03
DevOps: DevOps Toolchain, DevOps Architecture (e.g. Docker), DevOps for Deployment.
Books Recommended:

36 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Text books:

1. Roger Pressman, “Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach”, McGraw-Hill Publications 7th

2. Ian Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, Pearson Education 9th Edition.
3. Ali Behfrooz and Fredeick J. Hudson, “Software Engineering Fundamentals”, Oxford University Press.
Reference Books:
1. Ugrasen Suman, “Software Engineering-Concepts and Practices”, Cengage Learning
2. Pankaj Jalote, “An integrated approach to Software Engineering”, Springer/Narosa
3. Jibitesh Mishra and Ashok Mohanty, “Software Engineering”, Pearson
4. Rajib Mall, “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”, Prentice Hall India.
5. “Machine Learning Applications in Software Engineering” Volume 16, World Scientific by Du Zhang
and P Tsai
Suggested List of Experiments:

Lab Title
1 Prepare detailed statement of problem for the selected / allotted mini project and identify suitable
process model for the same with justification.

2 Develop Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document in IEEE format for the project.

3 Use project management tool to prepare schedule for the project.

4 Prepare RMMM plan for the project.

5 Identify scenarios & develop UML Use case and Class Diagram for the project.

6 Draw DFD (upto 2 levels) and prepare Data Dictionary for the project.

7 Develop Activity / State Transition diagram for the project.

8 Develop Sequence and Collaboration diagram for the project.

9 Change specification and make different versions using any SCM Tool.

10 Develop test cases for the project using testing techniques.

11 Experiment on DevOps application.

Any other practical covering the syllabus topics and subtopics can be conducted.

37 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Evaluation Scheme:

Semester End Examination (A):


1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus will comprise of 5 questions (All compulsory, but with
internal choice as appropriate), each carrying 15 marks, total summing up to 75 marks.
2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.

1. Oral examination will be based on the entire syllabus of course DJ19CEC601 including the practical
performed during laboratory sessions of course DJ19CEL601.
2. Oral examination will be of 25 marks.
Continuous Assessment (B):


1. Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a
compulsory term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment
on live problems.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the paper is 1 hr.
3. Average of the marks scored in both the two tests will be considered for final grading.

Laboratory: (Term work)

Laboratory work will be based on DJ19CEL601 with minimum 10 experiments.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
1. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks
2. Journal Documentation (Write-up and Mini Project): 10 marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Note: Mini Project Presentations can be conducted if required.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

38 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year Computer Engineering Semester : VI

Course : Advance Algorithm Course Code: DJ19CEC602

Course: Advance Algorithm Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEL602

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Semester End Continuous Assessment
(Hours / week) Total
Examination Marks (A) Marks (B)

Term Term marks

Theory Avg. (A+ B)
Test 1 Test 2
Lectures Practical Tutorial
Credits 75 25 25 25 100

Laboratory Examination Term work

Tutorial / Total
Oral & Mini project Term
Oral Practical Practica / work 50
3 2 -- 4 l presentation/

-- -- 25 15 10 25

Prerequisite: Concepts of Data structures, Discrete Mathematics and Analysis of Algorithm

Objectives: To provide conceptual and practical knowledge of Advance Algorithm

Outcomes: On completion of the course, learner will be able to:

1. Analyze the chosen algorithm.

2. Choose appropriate data structure and algorithm for given problem statement.
3. Design the algorithm.

39 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)

Unit Description Hours

1 Analysis of Algorithm Based on Time: 6
Asymptotic notations: Omega, Theta, Big-O, Small-o, small Omega and Tilde
Amortized Analysis: Aggregate Method, Accounting Method, Potential Method
Beyond worst-case analysis
Dynamic tables and its amortized analysis
RAM model analysis of algorithm

2 Probabilistic and Randomized Algorithm: 6

Probabilistic approach to algorithm and Randomized Analysis
Indicator Random Variable (IRV)
Randomized Quick Sort
Analysis of Hiring Problem (Flipped Classroom: Analysis of Birthday Paradox Problem,
Bins and Balls Problem using IRV)
Numerical Probabilistic algorithms with example
Las Vegas and Monte Carlo algorithm
Game theoretic randomized algorithm techniques (Tic-Tac-Toe)

3 Advanced Data Structures: 12

Balanced Search Trees: Red-Black Tree, Randomized BST, Tango Tree
Heap and Operations: Binomial Tree, Binomial Heap
Spatial Data Structure: KD Tree, R Tree (Flipped Classroom: R* Tree)
Probabilistic Data Structure: LogLog and HyperLogLog, MinHash with Data mining
context. (Flipped Classroom: Count-Min Sketch with Data mining context)

4 Graph Based Algorithms: 6

Flow Network Introduction: Residual Network, Augmenting Path, Ford-Fulkerson
Method, Edmonds-Karp Method, Push-Relable Algorithm (Flipped Classroom: Relable to
Front algorithm)
Bipartite Matching: Maximum Bipartite Matching, Weighted Bipartite Matching,
Weighted Non-Bipartite Matching (Edmonds algorithm)
Max Flow Min Cut

5 Computational Geometry: Line Segment Properties, Convex Hull Graham’s scan 6

algorithm, Determining whether any pair of segments intersects, Finding the closest pair of
points. (Flipped Classroom: Conic Programming)
Geometric Searching: Point Location in polygon using Ray Crossing.
Online Algorithms: River Search Problem, Competitive Ratio, K-Server (Flipped
Classroom: List accessing, Paging)

40 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

6 Algorithm Classes: P, NP, NP Hardness and NP Completeness 6

Np Completeness Proofs: Satisfiability(3 sat), Reducibility, TSP (Flipped Classroom:
Sum of Subsets)
Approximation Algorithms: Vertex Cover Problem, Travelling SalesPerson problem
Network Approximation: Randomized Rounding, Primal Dual algorithms
Randomized Classes: RP, BPP, ZPP (Adleman’s theorem)
Special Topic: Turing Machine Halting Problem (time and space bounds,
nondeterminism), Diagonalization problem.

Books Recommended:

Text books:

1. Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L Rivest, Clifford Stein,
Third Edition.
2. Design and analysis of algorithms by S. Sridhar
3. Horowitz, Sahani and Rajsekaran, ―Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms‖, Galgotia.
4. Harsh Bhasin, Algorithms Design and Analysis, Oxford, 2015.
Reference Books:
1. Rajeev Motwani, Prabhakar Raghavan, Randomized Algorithm, Cambridge University
2. S. K. Basu, Design Methods and Analysis of Algorithm, PHI
3. Vijay V. Vajirani, Approximation Algorithms, Springer.
4. Computational Complexity, Stanford University.
Suggested List of Experiments:

Lab Title
1 Experiment on Amortized Analysis
2 Experiment on Randomized Algorithms (Randomized Quick Sort)
3 Experiment on Advanced Data Structure (Red-black Tree Operations)

4 Experiment on Graph Based Algorithms (Ford Fulkerson Method)

5 Experiment on Online Algorithms (K-Server algorithm)

● Students need to select the problem statement of relevance and provide the implementable solution by
selecting appropriate Advance Data structure and Advance Algorithm.
● Also perform Analysis of the same.

Any other practical covering the syllabus topics and subtopics can be conducted.

41 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Evaluation Scheme:

Semester End Examination (A):


1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus will comprise of 5 questions (All compulsory, but with
internal choice as appropriate), each carrying 15 marks, total summing up to 75 marks.
2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.

1. Oral and practical examination will be based on the entire syllabus of course DJ19CEC602 including the
practical performed during laboratory sessions of course DJ19CEL602.
2. Oral and practical examination will be of 25 marks.
Continuous Assessment (B):


1. Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a
compulsory term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment
on live problems.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the paper is 1 hr.
3. Average of the marks scored in both the two tests will be considered for final grading.
Laboratory: (Term work)

Laboratory work will be based on DJ19CEL602 with minimum 6 experiments to be incorporated.

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

1. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks
2. Journal Documentation (Write-up and solution of selected problem statement): 10 marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

42 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : VI

Course : Information Security Course Code: DJ19CEC603

Course : Information Security Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEL603

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Semester End Continuous Assessment Marks
(Hours / week) Total
Examination Marks (A) (B)
Term Term
Total Theory Avg. (A+ B)
Lecture Practica Test 1 Test 2
Tutorial Credit
s l
75 25 25 25 100

Laboratory Examination Term work

Tutorial Total
/ Mini Term
Laboratory project /
Oral Practical &Practic work 50
Work present
3 2 - 4 al

- - 25 15 10 25
Pre-requisite: Knowledge of Programming Basics and Computer Network.


1. To introduce classical encryption techniques and concepts of modular arithmetic and number theory.
2. To explore the working principles and utilities of symmetric cryptographic algorithms.
3. To distinguish symmetric and asymmetric cryptography and explore the working principles and utilities
of asymmetric cryptographic algorithms.
4. To understand data integrity and explore the design issues and working principles of various
authentication protocols, PKI standards and various secure communication standards
5. To understand network and system attacks and develop utility programs for secure communication.
6. To explore Software vulnerability and develop and apply preventive measures.

Outcomes: On completion of the course, learner will be able to:

1. Understand system security goals and concepts, classical encryption techniques and acquire fundamental
knowledge on the concepts of modular arithmetic and number theory.
2. Understand, compare and apply different encryption and decryption techniques to solve problems related
to confidentiality and authentication
3. Apply the knowledge of cryptographic checksums and evaluate the performance of different message digest
algorithms for verifying the integrity of varying message sizes.
4. Apply different digital signature algorithms to achieve authentication and design secure applications
5. Understand network security basics, analyze different attacks on networks and systems.
6. Understand Software vulnerability and Apply preventive measures.

43 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)

Unit Description Duration

1 Introduction and Number Theory 07

Services, Mechanisms and attacks-the OSI security architecture-Network security model

classical Encryption techniques (Symmetric cipher models, substitution techniques,
transposition Techniques), Number theory Groups, Rings, Fields-Modular arithmetic-
Euclid’s algorithm-Finite fields-Polynomial Arithmetic –Prime numbers-Fermat’s and
Euler’s theorem, Chinese Remainder theorem.

2 Symmetric Cryptography: 07

Block cipher principles block cipher modes of operation, Simplified Data Encryption
Standard (DES), DES, Double DES, Triple DES, Simplified Advanced Encryption
Standard (S-AES), AES- Blowfish, IDEA.

3 Asymmetric Cryptography: 08

Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Cryptography, Principles of public key cryptosystems, and

Essential Number Theory for Public-Key Algorithm: Euclidean algorithm, Extended
Euclidean Algorithm, Euiler’s Phi Function, Fermat’s Little Theorem and Euiler’s
Theorem. The RSA algorithm, Key management, Diffie Hellman Key exchange, Elliptic
curve arithmetic, Elliptic curve cryptography.

4 Integrity, Authentication and Digital Certificates: 07

Cryptographic hash functions, Properties of secure hash function, MD5, SHA-1, MAC,
HMAC, CMAC. User Authentication and Entity Authentication, One-way and mutual
authentication schemes, Needham Schroeder Authentication protocol, Kerberos
Authentication protocol. RSA Signature Schemes, Elgamal Digital Signatures, Digital
Signature Algorithm. Digital Certificate: X.509, PKI.

5 Network Security: 08

Network security basics: TCP/IP vulnerabilities (Layer wise), Packet Sniffing, ARP
spoofing, port scanning, IP spoofing, TCP syn flood, DNS Spoofing. Denial of Service:
Classic DOS attacks, Source Address spoofing, ICMP flood, SYN flood, UDP flood,
Distributed Denial of Service, Defenses against Denial-of-Service Attacks. Internet
Security Protocols: SSL, IPSEC, Secure Email: PGP, Firewalls, IDS and types, Honey pots,
Case Study on Network Security.

44 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
6 Software Security 05

Software Vulnerabilities: Buffer Overflow, Salami Attack, Format string, cross-site

scripting, SQL injection, Malware: Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Logic Bomb, Bots, Rootkits
Introduction to Secured Software Development Life Cycle. , Case Study on Software

Books Recommended:

Text books:

1. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practice, 7thEdition, Pearson Education,
June 2017.
2. Behrouz A. Ferouzan, ―Cryptography & Network Security, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2007

Reference Books:

1. Applied Cryptography, Protocols Algorithms and Source Code in C, Bruce Schneier, Wiley.
2. Charles Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger & Jonathan Margulies, Security in Computing, 5th Edition,
Prentice Hall

3. Secured Development Life Cycle by Michael Howard, Steve Lipner , Microsoft Press.

List of Laboratory Experiments: (Any Seven)

Sr. No. Title of the Experiment

1 Design and Implement Caesar cipher cryptographic algorithm by considering letter [A..Z] and digits
[0..9]. Apply Brute Force Attack to reveal secret.

2 Design and Implement Encryption and Decryption algorithm using Simple Columnar Transposition
cipher technique. Study how dictionary attack can be applied on it.

3 Design and Implement your “own” cipher combining “Substitution” and “Transposition” techniques.

4 Implement RSA Cryptosystem using RSA Algorithm / Implement Elliptical Curve Digital Signature
Algorithm (ECDSA).

5 Demonstrate the data integrity using various cryptographic algorithms viz. MD-5, SHA-1 using
VLAB, IIT Bombay.

6 Implement registration webpage asking for information along with the password (Strong enough).
Store the password in database in encrypted form after adding few salt characters in the password.
Verify the strength of password and perform analyses using various attack.

45 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
7 Study the use of network reconnaissance tools like WHOIS, dig, traceroute, nslookup to gather
information about networks and domain registrars.

8 Study of packet sniffer tools wireshark, : Download and install wireshark and capture icmp, tcp, and
http packets in promiscuous mode. Explore how the packets can be traced based on different filters.

9 Implementation of Network Intrusion Detection System using SNORT and IPTABLE

10 Implement DOS Attack using HPing, Hping3 and other tools.

11 Implement Buffer Overflow Attack using Ollydbg, Splint, Cppcheck

Any other experiment based on syllabus may be included, which would help the learner to understand topic/concept.
Evaluation Scheme:
Semester End Examination (A):
1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus will comprise of 5 questions (All compulsory, but with internal
choice as appropriate), each carrying 15 marks, total summing up to 75 marks.
2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.


1. Oral and practical examination will be based on the entire syllabus including, the practicals performed during
laboratory sessions.

Continuous Assessment (B):

1. Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a
compulsory term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment on
live problems or a course project.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the paper is 1 hr.
3. Average of the marks scored in both the two tests will be considered for final grading.

Laboratory: (Term work)

Term work shall consist of minimum 7 experiments, 1 Power Point Presentation and minimum 2 assignments.

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

i. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks

ii. Journal Documentation (Write-up, Power Point Presentation and Assignments: 10 marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

46 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : VI

Course : Big Data Infrastructure Course Code: DJ19CEEC6011

Course : Big Data Infrastructure Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEEL6011

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Semester End Continuous Assessment
(Hours / week)
Examination Marks (A) Marks (B) Total marks
Term Term (A+ B)
Theory Avg.
Tuto Total Test 1 Test 2
Lectures Practical
rial Credits
75 25 25 25 100

Laboratory Examination Term work

Tutorial /
Oral Labor Term
project /
Oral Practical &Practi atory work 50
3 2 - 4 cal Work

25 - - 15 10 25

Pre-requisite: Databases, Python ,Java,R, Linux OS

Course Objectives:
1. To define big data solutions for business intelligence.
2. To analyse business case studies for big data analytics.
3. To develop map-reduce analytics using Hadoop and related tools.
4. To perform data storage and management using NoSqL.
5. To perform realtime analysis on streaming data.

Outcomes: Students will be able to

1. Describe big data and use cases from selected business domains.
2. Perform map-reduce analytics using Hadoop.
3. Use Hadoop related tools such as HBase, Cassandra, Pig, and Hive for big data Analytics
4. Build and maintain reliable, scalable, distributed systems using Apache Spark.
5. Design and build MongoDB based Big data Applications and learn MongoDB query language.
6. Use streaming tools for real time analysis of bigdata.

47 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)

Description Duration

1 Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop 02

● Introduction to Big Data
● Distributed file system
● Big Data characteristics, Drivers, types of Big Data,
● Traditional vs. Big Data business approach,
● Case Study of Big Data Solutions.
● Bigdata Applications
● Societal and Ethical issues associated with the use of big data analytics
● The key privacy issues.


● Big Data – Apache Hadoop & Hadoop EcoSystem
● Moving Data in and out of Hadoop – Understanding inputs and outputs of
MapReduce Concept of Hadoop
● HDFS Commands
● MApReduce-The Map Tasks, Grouping by Key, The Reduce Tasks, Combiners,
Details of MapReduce Execution


● HDFS-Overview, Installation and Shell, Java API;
● Hive Architecture and Installation, Comparison with Traditional Database,
HiveQL Querying Data, Sorting And Aggregating,
● Map Reduce Scripts, Joins & Sub queries
● HBase concepts, Advanced Usage, Schema Design, Advance Indexing, PIG-
Grunt – pig data model – Pig Latin – developing and testing Pig Latin scripts
● Zookeeper , how it helps in monitoring a cluster
● Build Applications with Zookeeper and HBase

4 SPARK 06
● Introduction to Data Analysis with Spark
● Downloading Spark and Getting Started
● Programming with RDDs
● Machine Learning with MLlib.

5 NoSQL 08
● Types of NoSQL databases, Why NoSQL?, Advantages of NoSQL, Use of
NoSQL in Industry, SQL vs NoSQL,
● Introduction to MongoDB key features:

48 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
● Core Server tools, MongoDB through the JavaScript’s Shell, Creating and
Querying through Indexes, Document-Oriented, principles of schema design,
Constructing queries on Databases, collections and Documents , MongoDB Query

6 Processing of Real Time Data and Streaming Data 06

● Data Streams: Introduction and Ingestion
● Kafka
● Storm & Storm Assignment
● Spark Streaming

Books Recommended:
Text Books
1. Understanding Big data - Chris Eaton,Dirk derooset al. McGraw Hill
2. MongoDB in Action - Kyle Banker,Piter Bakkum, Shaun Verch, Dream tech Press
3. Beginning Apache Pig-Big Data Processing Made Easy-Balaswamy Vaddeman, Apress'
4. Tom White, "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide", Third Edition, O'Reilley, 2012.
5. Eric Sammer, "Hadoop Operations", Reilly, 2012.

Reference Books
1. Paul Zikopoulos, Chris Eaton, Dirk DeRoos, Tom Deutsch, George Lapis, Understanding Big Data:
Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and streaming Data,The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2012.
2. Vignesh Prajapati, Big data analytics with R and Hadoop, SPD 2013.
3. E. Capriolo, D. Wampler, and J. Rutherglen, "Programming Hive", O'Reilley, 2012.
4. Alan Gates, "Programming Pig", O'Reilley, 2011

Suggested List of Experiments:

Sr. No. Title of the Experiment

1. Installation of Hadoop on a single node cluster

2. Execution OF HDFS Commands.

3. Execution of MapReduce program for sorting of numbers and counting word occurrences in
a text file.
4. Execute HIVE commands to load, insert, retrieve, update, or delete data in the tables.

5. Execute PIG built in commands and rum pig scripts on HDFS

6. Installation and Configuration of Apache Spark

7. Execution of ML algorithms using Apache Spark Mlib

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
8. Perform CRUD Operations using Mongodb

9. Read streaming data using Kafka.

10. Perform Twitter Sentiment analysis usinfg Spark Streaming

Evaluation Scheme:
Semester End Examination (A):
1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus, summing up to 75 marks.
2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.
Oral examination will be based on the entire syllabus including the practicals performed during laboratory
Continuous Assessment (B):
1. Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a
compulsory term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment
on live problems or a course project.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the paper is 1 hr.
3. Average of the marks scored in the two tests will be considered for final grading.

Laboratory: (Term work)

Laboratory work will be based on DJ19CEEC6011 with minimum 06 experiments along with a mini project to be

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

1. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks
2. Journal Documentation (Write-up and Assignments: 10 marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : VI

Course : Internet of Things Course Code: DJ19CEEC6012

Course : Internet of Things Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEEL6012

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Semester End
Continuous Assessment
(Hours / week) Examination Marks Total
Marks (B)
Term Term (A+ B)
Theory Avg.
Test 1 Test 2
Tuto Total
Lectures Practical 75 25 25 25 100
rial Credits

Term work
Tutorial / Term
Oral Laborat Mini project
Practi work 50
Oral &Practic ory /
al Work presentation/
3 2 - 4 Journal

25 - - 15 10 25

Pre-requisite: Basics of python programming, Computer Networks

Course Objectives:

1. Provide an overview of concepts, trends and challenges of Internet of Things.

2. Impart the knowledge of sensors and embedded systems.
3. Describe IoT deployment levels and M2M technologies
4. Facilitate use of hardware and software technologies related to Internet of Things.
5. Provide the knowledge of IoT communication models and protocols.
6. Develop skills to relate the IoT technologies for practical IoT applications.

Outcomes: At the end of the course, learner will be able to

1. Comprehend the Internet of Things concepts and investigate the challenges.

2. Gain knowledge of sensors and embedded systems.
3. Develop and deploy IoT system prototype with enhanced IoT Technologies.
4. Get hand-on exposure to different IoT processors and controllers
5. Use IoT communication models and protocols.
6. Design and develop small IoT applications to create smart objects

51 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)

Unit Description Duration

1 Introduction to WSN and IoT: 04

Introduction to WSN and its Technologies, Architecture and characteristics of WSN,

Scalability issues and challenges of a Wireless Sensor Network
Introduction to Internet of Things, Characteristics and applications of IoT, IoT Reference
Model, Security issues in the IoT, Disambiguation of IoT vs IoE vs M2M vs others
2 Transducers, Sensors and Actuators: 05

Introduction and classification of Transducers, Sensors and Actuators, Types of Sensors:

Motion Detectors, Occupancy Detectors, Force Sensors, Strain Sensors, Tactile sensors,
Pressure sensors, Chemical sensors, Temperature Sensors etc. Types of Actuators,
Solenoid, Voice Coil, DC Motor, AC Motor and Stepper motor, Embedded systems:
Characteristics of Embedded Systems
3 Introduction to Arduino and Raspberry Pi: 08
Pin configuration and architecture, Device and platform features, Concept of digital and
analog ports, Familiarizing with Arduino Interfacing Board and its types, Introduction to
Embedded C and Arduino platform

Introduction to Raspberry Pi, Comparison of various Rpi Models,

Understanding SoC architecture and SoCs used in Raspberry Pi, Pin Description of
Raspberry Pi, On-board components of Rpi
4 IoT model and protocols: 10

IoT Levels & Deployment Templates, IoT Level 1, IoT Level 2, IoT Level 3, IoT Level 4,
IoT Level 5, IoT Level 6, M2M, Various operating systems, TinyOS, Contiki OS,
MANTIS, Protocol Classification, MQTT, XMPP, DDS, AMQP, COAP, REST, IPv6,
6LoWPAN, Comparison of protocols

IoT Routing Protocols, Data-centric and Flat-Architecture Protocols, Flooding, Gossiping,

Sensor Protocols for Information via Negotiation (SPIN), SPIN PP, SPIN EC ( Energy
Conserve), SPIN BC, Hierarchical Protocols, LEACH, QoS-Based Protocols

5 IoT applications : 08

IoT for Entertainment and wearables: Bluetooth Headset, Fitness, Smart Watch,
location and Tracking – Personal navigation Device
IoT for Manufacturing: Flow Optimization, Real Time Inventory, Asset Tracking
Process, Analytics (pH, Gas, Concentration, Force& Humidity)- portable data terminal,
IoT for Employee safety – Fire and safety detector, Predictive Maintenance, Firmware
Updates, IoT for healthcare : Remote Monitoring-ECG, Ambulance Telemetry, Drug
Tracking, Hospital Asset Tracking, Access Control, Predictive Maintenance, IoT for
Logistics & Supply chain. Retail Supply chain control, NFC Payment, Intelligent
shopping application, Smart product management, Case studies on Smart cities, Smart
Home, Smart Environment, Smart Agriculture

52 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
6 05
IoT in Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing:
Overview of Cloud and Fog Computing, Definition, Difference between Fog and Cloud,
Related Paradigms and Technologies like MCC, MEC, Edge Computing, Taxonomy of
Fog Computing, Different dimensions of Fog computing Advantages and Applications.
Edge Computing: Architecture of Edge Computing, Benefits, Applications, Cloud, Fog
and Edge Computing Use Case Scenarios for IoT
7 05
Artificial Intelligence in IoT

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Internet of Things,

Real world examples: Tesla Motors – Self Driving Cars, WildTrack – Endangered Species
Preservation, Nest Labs – Smart thermostat, Automated vacuum cleaner – iRobot Roomba

IoT companies and vendors: Commercially available IoT devices from vendors, Google
Home Voice Controller, Amazon Echo Plus Voice Controller, August Doorbell Cam,
August Smart Lock

Books Recommended:

1) Internet of Things by Srinivasa K.G., Siddesh G.M., Hanumantha Raju R., CENGAGE publication (Text Book)
2) Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach by Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, Universities Press
3) Internet of Things, Architecture and Design Principles by Raj Kamal, Mc Graw Hill Education

Suggested List of Experiments:

Sr. Title of the Experiment

1. LED glow

2. Traffic signal

3. Seven segment display

4. Piezo sensor

5. Light emission

6. PIR sensor

7. IR remote control sensor

8. Ultrasonic sensor

9. ESP8266 WiFi Module

53 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
10. ThingSpeak Platform

11. Blynk App

12. Working with Own Cloud Server (Hosting)

13. Creating a platform to control home appliances with own server

1. Varying the brightness of LED using R-pi

2. Making a user interface to Turn Things On and Off

3. Controlling GPIO Outputs using a Web Interface

4. Create an user interface to control Servo motor

5. Camera Interfacing and Programming

6. Playing an Audio File

7. GSM/GPS interfacing and programming

8. Measuring distance

9. Displaying sensor values

10. Logging to a USB flash Drive

Evaluation Scheme:

Semester End Examination (A):


1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus, summing up to 75 marks.

2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.


1. Oral examination will be based on the entire syllabus including, the practical’s performed during
laboratory sessions.

Continuous Assessment (B):


1. Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a
compulsory term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment
on live problems or a course project.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the paper is 1 hr.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
3. Average of the marks scored in both the two tests will be considered for final grading.

Laboratory: (Term work)

Laboratory work will be based on DJ19CEEL6012 with minimum 10 experiments to be incorporated.

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

i. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks

ii. Journal Documentation (Write-up and Assignments: 10 marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : VI

Course : Business Analytics Course Code: DJ19CEEC6013

Course : Business Analytics Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEEL6013

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

(Hours / week) Semester End Examination Continuous Assessment Marks
Marks (A) (B) Total
Term Term
Theory Avg. (A+ B)
Test 1 Test 2
Lectures Practical Tutorial
Credits 75 25 25 25 100

Laboratory Examination Term work

Tutorial / Mini Term
Oral project / work
Oral Practical ory 50
&Practical presentation/
3 2 - 4 Work

25 - - 15 10 25

Pre-requisite: Basic statistics and Database

Course Objectives: Students will try to:

1. Business Analytics refers to skills, practices and techniques used in converting data into information
and knowledge that aid business decision making.
2. Statistical learning including quantitative, qualitative analysis techniques
3. The use of the above analysis and visualization to aid decision making.

Outcomes: Students will be able to

1. Able to familiar with Base SAS programming.
2. Understand and demonstrate visual analytics.
3. Able to design the report using reporter
4. View various reports using different media devices.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)

Unit Description Duration

1 Introduction to Base SAS: 08
SAS Program : Introduction to SAS program, Submitting a SAS program – SAS Studio, SAS
Enterprise Guide, SAS Windowing environment, SAS program syntax
Accessing Data :Examining SAS Data sets, Accessing SAS Libraries
Producing Detail Reports: Subsetting Report data, Sorting and Grouping Report data,
Enhancing Reports
Formatting Data Values: Using SAS Formats, User defined Formats

2 Reading SAS Dataset , Spreadsheet and Database data 05

Reading SAS Dataset.

Customize SAS Dataset.
Router Reading Spreadsheet data
Reading database data.
3 Visual Analytics 04
Getting Stated with SAS Visual Analytics: Exploring SAS VA concepts, Using Home page
Administrating the Environment and Managing Data: Exploring Data Builder, Exploring
Demonstrations and Exercises.

4 Using the Explorer 08

Selecting Data and defining Data Item properties

Creating Visualisations, Enhancing Visualisations with Analytics

Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations

5 Designing Reports with Reporter 08

Creating a Simple Report
Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs
Working with Filters and Report sections
Working with other objects
Demonstrations and Exercises

57 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
6 Viewing SAS VA Reports and Case Study 06

Creating Analyses and Reports.

Viewing Reports on the Web

Viewing Reports on the Mobile Device/ Office Analytics

Case Study – Creating Analyses and Reports

Books Recommended:
1. SAS programming 1 – Essentials.
2. SAS Visual Analytics – Fast Track.
3. SAS Support

Suggested List of Experiments:

Sr. No. Title of the Experiment

1. Importing data in SAS from Excel and CSV file.

2. Creating summary statistical data.

3. Exporting results to Excel and PDF.

4. Manipulating data with functions.

5. Using data with formats like charts and graphs.

6. Creating data by applying filters and performing data analysis on it.

7. Working with graph level display rules.

8. Analyzing a Text data source.

Evaluation Scheme:

Semester End Examination (A):

1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus, summing up to 75 marks.
2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.

1. Oral examination will be based on the entire syllabus including the practical’s performed during laboratory

58 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Continuous Assessment (B):
1.Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a compulsory
term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment on live problems
or a course project.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the paper is 1 hr.
3. Average of the marks scored in the two tests will be considered for final grading.

Laboratory: (Term work)

Laboratory work will be based on DJ19CEEL6013 with minimum 06 experiments along with a mini
project to be incorporated.

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

1. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks
2. Journal Documentation (Write-up and Assignments: 10 marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

59 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : VI

Course : Machine Learning Course Code: DJ19CEEC6021

Course : Machine Learning Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEEL6021

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Semester End Continuous Assessment Marks
(Hours / week) Total
Examination Marks (A) (B)
Term Term marks
Theory Avg. (A+ B)
Total Test 1 Test 2
Lectures Practical Credit
s 75 25 25 25 100

Term work
Tutorial / Term
Oral Mini project
Laboratory work 50
Oral Practical &Practi /
cal presentation
3 2 - 4 / Journal

25 - - 15 10 25

Pre-requisite: Data Structures, Basic Probability and Statistics, Algorithms

Course Objectives:

1. To introduce students to the basic concepts and techniques of Machine Learning.

2. To become familiar with regression, classification and clustering tasks.
3. To become familiar with Dimensionality reduction Techniques.

Outcomes: Students will be able to

1. Gain knowledge about basic concepts of Machine Learning

2. Identify machine learning techniques suitable for a given problem
3. Apply Dimensionality reduction techniques.
4. Solve the problems using various machine learning techniques
5. Understand the basics of Reinforcement and deep learning.
6. Design application using machine learning techniques

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)

Unit Description Duration

1 Introduction to Machine Learning 05
Types of Machine Learning, Issues in Machine Learning, Application of Machine
Learning, Steps involved in developing a Machine Learning Application.

2 Learning with Regression and trees: 07

Learning with Regression: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression.
Learning with Trees: Decision Trees, Constructing Decision Trees using Gini Index,
Classification and Regression Trees (CART).

3 Dimensionality Reduction: 07
Dimensionality Reduction Techniques: Principal Component Analysis, Independent
Component Analysis, Single value decomposition,

4 Learning with Classification and Clustering 12

Learning with Classification:
Artificial Neural Networks- Backpropagation Algorithm, Self-Organizing Maps
Non-parametric classification: K Nearest Neighbour Algorithm
Support Vector Machine: Maximum Margin Linear Separators, Quadratic Programming
solution to finding maximum margin separators, Kernels for learning non-linear functions.
Bayesian belief Networks: Markov Models, Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods, ,
Markov Random Fields, Hidden Markov Models

Learning with Clustering:

K-means clustering, Hierarchical clustering, Expectation Maximization Algorithm
Supervised learning after clustering, Radial Basis functions.

5 Reinforcement and Deep Learning 05

Reinforcement Learning:
Introduction, Elements of Reinforcement Learning, Model based learning,
Temporal Difference Learning, Generalization, Partially Observable
Deep Learning:
Introduction to Deep Neural Network, Wide Vs. Deep Neural Network, Reasons to opt for
deep neural network, Deep Neural networks for unsupervised learning

6 Applications of Machine Learning 04

Recommender Systems, Machine Learning for Image Recognition, Sentiment Analysis,
Machine Learning for video surveillance

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Books Recommended:

Text Books

1. Peter Harrington ―Machine Learning In Action‖, DreamTech Press

2. Ethem Alpaydın, ―Introduction to Machine Learning‖, MIT Press
3. Tom M.Mitchell ―Machine Learning‖ McGraw Hill
4. Stephen Marsland, ―Machine Learning An Algorithmic Perspective‖ CRC Press
5. Kevin P. Murphy , Machine Learning ― A Probabilistic Perspective‖
6. Andreas C. Müller and Sarah Guido- Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data
7. François Chollet, Deep Learning with Python| Manning
8. J.-S.R.Jang "Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing" PHI 2003.

Reference Books

1. Han Kamber, ―Data Mining Concepts and Techniques‖, Morgann Kaufmann Publishers
2. Margaret.H.Dunham, ―Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics‖, Pearson Education

Suggested List of Experiments:

Sr. No. Title of the Experiment

1. To implement Linear Regression

2. To implement Logistic Regression

3. To implement CART decision tree algorithm.

4. To implement Support Vector Machine.

5. To implement Bayesian Classification.

6. To implement PCA.

7. To implement K-Nearest Neighbour.

8. To implement Radial basis functions.

9. Mini project based on any machine learning application.

Evaluation Scheme:

Semester End Examination (A):


1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus, summing up to 75 marks.

62 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.


1. Oral examination will be based on the entire syllabus including the practical’s performed during
laboratory sessions.

Continuous Assessment (B):


1. Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a
compulsory term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment
on live problems or a course project.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the paper is 1 hr.
3. Average of the marks scored in the two tests will be considered for final grading.

Laboratory: (Term work)

Laboratory work will be based on DJ19CEEL6021 with minimum 06 experiments along with a mini project
to be incorporated.

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

1. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks

2. Journal Documentation (Write-up and Assignments: 10 marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

63 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester: VI

Course: Compiler Design Course Code: DJ19CEEC6022

Course: Compiler Design Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEEL6022

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Semester End Continuous Assessment Marks
(Hours / week) Total
Examination Marks (A) (B)
Term Term marks
Theory Avg. (A+ B)
Total Test 1 Test 2
Lectures Practical Tutorial
75 25 25 25 100

Laboratory Examination Term work

Tutorial / Term
Laboratory Mini project / work
Oral Practical &Practi 50
Work presentation/
3 2 - 4 Journal

25 - - 15 10 25

Pre-requisite: Data Structures and Algorithms, Theory of Computation

Course Objectives:

1. To initiate an understanding of compilers in general and in brief about phases of compiler.

2. To provide a theoretical framework for optimizing the code.
3. To familiarize and encourage the students to use various compiler construction tools.

Outcomes: On successful completion of course learner will be able to:

1. Understand the basics of compilation steps.

2. Apply knowledge of automata theory and formal languages.
3. Understand and Implement a Parser.
4. Describe techniques for intermediate code and machine code optimization.
5. Apply various Error Recovery mechanisms.

64 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)

Unit Description Duration

1 Introduction to compilers: 04
Compilers Analysis of source Program, the tasks of a compiler
Analysis of the Source Program, Phases and Passes in compilers, The Grouping of phases
Cousins of the compiler, Compiler - construction tools

Introduction to Interpreters: Phases of interpreter, Types of interpreter, Compiler vs.

2 Lexical Analysis: 04
Role of a Lexical analyser
Input buffering, specification and recognition of tokens
Designing a lexical analyser generator, Pattern matching based on NFA’s.
3 Syntax Analysis: 10
Role of Parser
Top--down parsing, Predictive parsers -(LL)
Bottom-Up parsing, Operator precedence parsing, SLR, CLR and LALR parsers.
4 Syntax directed Translation: 04
Syntax directed definitions, Inherited and Synthesized attributes, Evaluation order for
SDDs,S - attributed Definitions, L- attributed Definitions
5 Intermediate code generation: 06
Intermediate Code types: Postfix, Parse tree and syntax tree, Three address code.
Types of Three address code: Quadruples, Triples and Indirect triples
Translation of Assignment statements, Boolean expression, case statements, array
references and procedure calls.
6 Code generation: 04
Issues in the design of Code Generator, Basic Blocks and Flow graphs, Code generation
algorithm, DAG representation of Basic Block.
7 Code optimization: 04
Principal sources of Optimization
Optimization of Basic Blocks, Loops in Flow graph, Peephole Optimization
8 Run-time storage management: 06
Data Structures for symbol table, representing scope information, Error detection and
recovery, Error handling
Storage allocation strategies, parameter passing, introduction to garbage collection and

65 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Books Recommended:
Text Book:

1. A. V. Aho, R. Shethi, Monica Lam, J.D. Ulman: Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools, Pearson
Education, Second Edition.

Reference books:

1. Lex & yacc, 2nd Edition by John R. Levine, Tony Mason & Doug Brown O ‘Reilly

2. Compiler construction: principles and practices, Kenneth C.Louden ,CENGAGE Learning

Suggested List of Experiments:

Sr. No. Title of Experiments

1. Develop a lexical analyzer to recognize a few patterns in c (ex. Identifiers, constants, comments,
operators etc.)
2. Implementation of lexical analyzer using lex tool.

3. Derive First and Follow of a variable.

4. Design LL (1) Parser.

5. Implementation of Intermediate code generation.

1. Assignment statement
2. Boolean statement
3. Loop

6. Implementation of code generator algorithm

7. Implementation of code optimization techniques (constant folding etc.)

8. Case study: LLVM

Evaluation Scheme:

Semester End Examination (A):


1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus, summing up to 75 marks.

2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.


1. Oral examination will be based on the entire syllabus including, the practical’s performed during
laboratory sessions.

66 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Continuous Assessment (B):


1. Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a
compulsory term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment
on live problems or a course project.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the papers is 1 hr.
3. Average of the marks scored in both the two tests will be considered for final grading.

Laboratory: (Term work)

Laboratory work will be based on DJ19CEEL6022 with 10 experiments to be incorporated including 07

from the above suggested list.

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

i. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks

ii. Journal Documentation (Write-up and Assignments): 10 marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

67 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester: VI

Course: Human Machine Interaction Course Code: DJ19CEEC6023

Course: Human Machine Interaction Laboratory Course Code: DJ19CEEL6023

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Semester End Continuous Assessment
(Hours / week) Total
Examination Marks (A) Marks (B)

Term Term marks

Theory Avg. (A+ B)
Test 1 Test 2
Tuto Total
Lectures Practical
rial Credits 75 25 25 25 100

Laboratory Examination Term work

Oral Mini Total
Labor Term
&Pr project
Oral Practical atory work
/ 50
3 2 - 4 al present

25 - - 15 10 25

Prerequisite: Web Technologies; Experience in designing interfaces for applications and web sites. Basic
knowledge of designing tools and languages like HTML, Java, etc
Course Objectives: At the end of the course, students will be able to –

1. Learn the foundation of human machine interaction.

2. Understand the importance of human psychology in designing good interfaces.
3. Be aware of mobile interaction design and its usage in day – to – day activities.
4. Understand various design technologies to meet user requirements.
5. Encourage to indulge into research in Machine Interaction Design.
Outcomes: On completion of the course, learner will be able to:

1. Identify User Interface (UI) design principles.

2. Analysis of effective user friendly interfaces.
3. Apply Interactive Design process in real world applications.
4. Evaluate UI design and justify.
5. Create application for social and technical task.

68 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)
Unit Description Duration
The Human: History of User Interface Designing, I/O channels, Hardware, Software and
Operating environments, The Psychopathology of everyday Things, Psychology of
everyday actions, Reasoning and problem solving . The computer: Devices, Memory,
processing and networks. Interaction: Models, frameworks, Ergonomics, styles, elements,
interactivity, Paradigms.
Mistakes performed while designing a computer system, Human interaction with
computers, importance of human characteristics, human consideration, Human interaction
speeds .Interactive Design basics, process, scenarios, navigation, Iteration and
prototyping. HMI in software process: software life cycle, usability engineering,
Prototyping in practice, design rationale. Design rules: principles, standards, guidelines,
rules. Recognize the goals, Goal directed design process. Evaluation Techniques:
Universal Design.
The graphical User Interface: Popularity of graphics, the concept of direct manipulation,
graphical systems, Characteristics. Web user Interface: Interface popularity,
characteristics. The merging of graphical Business systems and the Web. Principles of
user interface design.
Design goals , Screen planning and purpose, organizing screen elements, ordering of
screen data and content , screen navigation and flow, Visually pleasing composition,
amount of information, focus and emphasis, presentation information simply and
meaningfully, information retrieval on web, statistical graphics, Technological
consideration in interface design.
Mobile Ecosystem: Platforms, Application frameworks: Types of Mobile Applications:
Widgets, Applications, Games, Mobile Information Architecture, Mobile 2.0, Mobile
Design: Elements of Mobile Design, Tools.
Windows:Characteristics, Components, Presentation styles, Types of Windows,
Management, operations. Text messages: Words, Sentences, messages and text words,
Text for web pages. Icons, Multimedia and colors
Books Recommended:
Text books:

1. Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory Abowd, Russell Beale, ―Human Computer Interaction‖, 3rdEdition, Pearson
Education, 2004.
2. Wilbert O. Galitz, ―The Essential Guide to User Interface Design‖, Wiley publication.
3. Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann, David Cronin, ―About Face3: Essentials of Interaction design‖,
Wiley publication.
4. Jeff Johnson, ―Designing with the mind in mind‖, Morgan Kaufmann Publication.
5. Donald A. Normann, ― Design of everyday things‖,Basic Books; Reprint edition 2002.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
6. Brian Fling, ―Mobile Design and Development‖, First Edition , O‘Reilly Media Inc., 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Rogers Sharp Preece,‖Interaction Design:Beyond Human Computer Interaction‖,,Wiley.
2. Guy A. Boy ―The Handbook of Human Machine Interaction‖, Ashgate publishing Ltd.
3. Kalbnde,Kanade,Iyer,‖Galitz‘s Human Machine Interaction‖, Wiley Publications.
Suggested List of Experiments:

Sr. No. Title of Experiments

1. Design a Mobile app/ Website that can teach mathematics to children of 4-5 years age in schools in
Rural /Urban Sector

2. Design a Mobile App/Website that can help people to sell their handmade products in metro cities

3. ATM machine/KIOSK screen design for rural people.

4. Design a Mobile App/Website to get an experience for passengers whose flight /train is delayed.

5. Design an UI application for Institute event management.

6. Design of User interface for the system using various interaction styles.

7. Statistical Graphics and its use in visualization

8. Design appropriate icons pertaining to a given domain .(Eg. Greeting cards)

9. Design UI for Motor paralysis for disabled people.

10. KIOSK design for hospital/school/educational campus/National Institute.

Evaluation Scheme:

Semester End Examination (A):


1. Question paper based on the entire syllabus, summing up to 75 marks.

2. Total duration allotted for writing the paper is 3 hrs.


1. Oral examination will be based on the entire syllabus including, the practical’s performed during
laboratory sessions.

Continuous Assessment (B):


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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
1. Two term tests of 25 marks each will be conducted during the semester out of which; one will be a
compulsory term test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other can either be a term test or an assignment
on live problems or a course project.
2. Total duration allotted for writing each of the paper is 1 hr.
3. Average of the marks scored in the two tests will be considered for final grading.

Laboratory: (Term work)

Laboratory work will be based on DJ19CEEL6023 with minimum 08 experiments to be incorporated.

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

i. Laboratory work (Performance of Experiments): 15 Marks

ii. Journal Documentation (Write-up and Assignments: 10 marks

The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of laboratory work
and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

71 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : VI
Course Code: DJ19ILL2
Course : Innovative Product Development-IV

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme Semester End
(Hours/week) Continuous Assessment
Examination Marks
Marks (B) Total
Term (A+ B)
Theory Test Avg.
Tu Total Test 2
Practical tor Credi
ial ts -- -- -- -- --
Labo / Mini
Oral & Term
Pract rator project /
Oral Practic work 50
ical y presentat
-- 02 -- 01 al
Work ion/
25 -- -- -- 25

1. To acquaint the students with the process of identifying the need (considering a societal requirement) and
ensuring that a solution is found out to address the same by designing and developing an innovative product.
2. To familiarize the students with the process of designing and developing a product, while they work as part
of a team.
3. To acquaint the students with the process of applying basic engineering fundamentals, so as to attempt at
the design and development of a successful value added product.
4. To inculcate the basic concepts of entrepreneurship and the process of self-learning and research required
to conceptualise and create a successful product.
Learner will be able to:
1. Identify the requirement for a product based on societal/research needs.
2. Apply knowledge and skills required to solve a societal need by conceptualising a product, especially while
working in a team.
3. Use standard norms of engineering concepts/practices in the design and development of an innovative
4. Draw proper inferences through theoretical/ experimental/simulations and analyse the impact of the
proposed method of design and development of the product.
5. Develop interpersonal skills, while working as a member of theteam or as theleader.
6. Demonstrate capabilities of self-learning as part of the team, leading to life-long learning, which could
eventually prepare themselves to be successful entrepreneurs.

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
7. Demonstrate product/project management principles during the design and development work and also
excel in written (Technical paper preparation) as well as oral communication.

Guidelines for the proposed product design and development:

 Students shall form a team of 3 to 4 students (max allowed: 5-6 in extraordinary cases, subject to the
approval of the department review committee and the Head of the department).
 Students should carry out a survey and identify the need, which shall be converted into conceptualization
of a product, in consultation with the faculty supervisor/head of department/internal committee of faculty
 Students in the team shall understand the effective need for product development and accordingly select
the best possible design in consultation with the faculty supervisor.
 Students shall convert the best design solution into a working model, using various components drawn from
their domain as well as related interdisciplinary areas.
 Faculty supervisor may provide inputs to students during the entire span of the activity, spread over 2
semesters, wherein the main focus shall be on self-learning.
 A record in the form of an activity log-book is to be prepared by each team, wherein the team can record
weekly progress of work. The guide/supervisor should verify the recorded notes/comments and approve the
same on a weekly basis.
 The design solution is to be validated with proper justification and the report is to be compiled in a standard
format and submitted to the department. Efforts are to be made by the students to try and publish a technical
paper, either in the institute journal, “Techno Focus: Journal for Budding Engineers” or at a suitable
publication, approved by the department research committee/ Head of the department.
 The focus should be on self-learning, capability to design and innovate new products as well as on
developing the ability to address societal problems. Advancement of entrepreneurial capabilities and quality
development of the students through the year long course should ensure that the design and development
of a product of appropriate level and quality is carried out, spread over two semesters, i.e. during the
semesters V and VI.

Guidelines for Assessment of the work:

 The review/ progress monitoring committee shall be constituted by the Head of the Department. The
progress of design and development of the product is to be evaluated on a continuous basis, holding
a minimum of two reviews in each semester.
 In the continuous assessment, focus shall also be on each individual student’s contribution tothe team
activity, their understanding and involvement as well as responses to the questions being raised at all
points in time.
 Distribution of term work marks during the subsequent semester shall be as given below:
o Marks awarded by the supervisor based on log-book : 10
o Marks awarded by review committee : 10
o Quality of the write-up : 05

In the last review of the semester VI, the term work marks will be awarded as follows.

 Marks awarded by the supervisor (Considering technical paper writing) : 15

 Marks awarded by the review committee : 10

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

Review/progress monitoring committee may consider the following points during the assessment.

 In the semester V, the entire design proposal shall be ready, including components/system selection
as well as the cost analysis. Two reviews will be conducted based on the presentation given by the
student’s team.
 First shall be for finalisation of the product selected.
 Second shall be on finalisation of the proposed design of the product.
 In the semester VI, the expected work shall be procurement of components/systems, building of the
working prototype, testing and validation of the results based on work completed in semester III.
 First review is based on readiness of building the working prototype.
 Second review shall be based on a presentation as well as the demonstration of the working
model, during the last month of semester IV. This review will also look at the readiness of
the proposed technical paper presentation of the team.

The overall work done by the team shall be assessed based on the following criteria;
1. Quality of survey/ need identification of the product.
2. Clarity of Problem definition (design and development) based on need.
3. Innovativeness in the proposed design.
4. Feasibility of the proposed design and selection of the best solution.
5. Cost effectiveness of the product.
6. Societal impact of the product.
7. Functioning of the working model as per stated requirements.
8. Effective use of standard engineering norms.
9. Contribution of each individual as a member or the team leader.
10. Clarity on the write-up and the technical paper prepared.

 The semester reviews (V and VI) may be based on relevant points listed above, as applicable.

Guidelines for Assessment of Semester Reviews:

 The write-up should be prepared as per the guidelines given by the department.
 The design and the development of the product shall be assessed through a presentation and demonstration
of the working model by the student team to a panel of Internal and External Examiners, preferably from
industry or any research organisations having an experience of more than five years, approved by the Head
of the Institution. The presence of the external examiner is desirable only for the 2nd presentation in semester
IV.Students are compulsorily required to present the outline of the technical paper prepared by them during
the final review in semester VI.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

74 | P a g e
Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

Program: Third Year B.Tech. in Computer Engineering Semester : VI

Course : Environmental Studies Course Code: DJ19A5

Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
(Hours / week) Semester End Continuous Assessment
Examination Marks (A) Marks (B) Total
Term Term (A+ B)
Theory Avg.
Test 1 Test 2
Lectures Practical Tutorial
Credits - - - - -

Laboratory Examination Term work

Tutorial / Term
Oral & Laboratory Mini project / work
Oral Practical -
Practical Work presentation/
1 - - - Journal

- - - - - -

Pre-requisite: Interest in Environment and its impact on Human


1. Understand environmental issues such as depleting resources, pollution, ecological problems and the
renewable energy scenario.
2. Familiarise environment related legislation

Outcomes: On completion of the course, learner will be able to:

1. Understand how human activities affect environment

2. Understand the various technology options that can make a difference

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Syllabus for Third Year B.Tech Program in Computer Engineering- Semester VI (Autonomous)
(Academic Year 2021-2022)
Detailed Syllabus: (unit wise)

Unit Description Duration

1 Social Issues and Environment: 4

Ecological footprint and Carrying Capacity, Depleting nature of Environmental resources

such as soil, water minerals and forests, Carbon emissions and Global Warming.
2 Technological Growth for Sustainable Development: 4

Social, Economical and Environmental aspects of Sustainable Development, Renewable

Energy Harvesting, Concept of Carbon credit, Green Building, Power and functions of
Central Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Board.
3 Green Technology:
History, Agenda, and Challenges Ahead. Sustainable Cloud Computing, and Risk 5
Management, Sustainable Software Design, Data Center Energy Efficiency, Thin-Client and
Energy Efficiency.

Books Recommended:

Text books:

1. Environmental Studies From Crisis to Cure, R. Rajagopalan, 2012

2. Textbook for Environmental Studies For Undergraduate Courses of all Branches of Higher Education,
Erach Bharucha
3. Green Information Technology A Sustainable Approach, Mohammad Dastbaz, Colin Pattinson, Babak Akhgar,
Morgan and Kaufman, Elsevier, 2015.

Reference Books:

1. Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering: New Trends and Challenges, Paulina Golinska,
Marek Fortsch, Jorge Marx-Gómez, Springer, 2011.

Prepared by Checked by Head of the Department Principal

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