4 6 Douglas Ws Newsletter

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ISSUE #28 APRIL 7,, 2017


Bible: God Speaks to Samuel
Memory Verse: Psalm 23:2
Daily Five Student Independent Work
Story - “Cinderella”
Skill - Theme
Phonics: Combination wh; The
Letter A; Digraph ei; Digraph ew
Spelling: Test over List #22
Poetry; Adjectives for size
Math: Numbers Through 120,
Add and Subtract Tens
Science: Light
Spanish - Monday
Visual Arts - Tuesday
P. E. - Wednesday
Science Lab - Thursday
Performing Arts - Friday
Chapel - Wednesday

Poetry Project
Please help your child remember that his or her favorite poem is due on Wednesday,
April 25. Your child may bring a written or printed copy of the poem to school, or your
child may bring a book containing the poem. I am really looking forward to hearing
the poems that are selected.

Field Trip Mystery Reade rs Spelling and Memory Verse

I would like to thank Imesia We will have a spelling test and a
We have a field trip planned Hudson, Elizabeth Camacho, memory verse test on Friday of
on Tuesday, May 1, to visit the and Ryan Robinson for being next week. The new spelling list
planetarium at The Pink our “Mystery Readers” this and memory verse are both
Palace and see the show week. Yes, we had three this being sent home today in your
“Secret of the Cardboard week! What a special treat! I child’s folder.
Rocket.” A note is going would like to thank them for Spelling List #22: old, find,
home today in your child’s sharing their time and their taking, fault, saw, plastic,
folder with details about this love of reading with us! now, shouted, joining,
field trip. Please be on the
lookout for it! starvation, word, four

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