4 26 Douglas Ls Newsletter
4 26 Douglas Ls Newsletter
4 26 Douglas Ls Newsletter
Bible: Elijah Helps Others
Memory Verse: Psalm 23:5 “You prepare a
table before me in the presence of my
enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my
cup overflows.”
Daily Five Student Independent Work
Story - “Peter’s Chair”
Skill - Theme
Spelling: Test over List #25
English: Adjectives for how many
and Article Adjectives
Math: 2-Place Addition
Science: Local Ecosystems
Visual Arts - Monday
Spanish - Tuesday
Performing Arts - Wednesday
Performing Arts - Thursday
Science Lab - Friday
Chapel - Wednesday and Friday
College Day
Because next Thursday, May 2, is College Signing Day for the Upper
School, our lower school students may wear their favorite college t-shirt
and jeans to school on this day. We will be talking about the importance of
attending college all throughout the day on College Day.