4 26 Douglas Ls Newsletter

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ISSUE #32 APRIL 26, 2019


Bible: Elijah Helps Others
Memory Verse: Psalm 23:5 “You prepare a
table before me in the presence of my
enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my
cup overflows.”
Daily Five Student Independent Work
Story - “Peter’s Chair”
Skill - Theme
Spelling: Test over List #25
English: Adjectives for how many
and Article Adjectives
Math: 2-Place Addition
Science: Local Ecosystems
Visual Arts - Monday
Spanish - Tuesday
Performing Arts - Wednesday
Performing Arts - Thursday
Science Lab - Friday
Chapel - Wednesday and Friday

College Day
Because next Thursday, May 2, is College Signing Day for the Upper
School, our lower school students may wear their favorite college t-shirt
and jeans to school on this day. We will be talking about the importance of
attending college all throughout the day on College Day.

Mystery Reader Reading Calendars Spelling & Memory Verse

I would like to thank Everett Please return your child’s We will have a spelling test and a
Stephens, Sebastian’s dad, for April Reading Calendar on memory verse test next Friday. The
new spelling list and memory verse
being our “Mystery Reader” Wednesday. We will not keep a
are both being sent home today in
today. I would like to thank him Reading Calendar for May your child’s folder.
for sharing his time and talents because it is such a busy month.
with us. It was the perfect way to However, please continue to read Spelling Sentences: I didn’t lie to
end our week! with your child as much as my mother about the pie I ate.
possible. Thank you so much for It was scorching hot at that hotel in
Spelling List #25: taping, tapping, your consistency in keeping up
We reported the problem to the clerk
meter, study, sounded, catch, edge, with your child’s Reading at the desk.
reporting, caution, boxes, change, Calendars all year. We chose to move to another room.

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