UT Tyler Teacher Directed Lesson Plan Format
UT Tyler Teacher Directed Lesson Plan Format
UT Tyler Teacher Directed Lesson Plan Format
Safety concerns:
There are no safety concerns put in place for this lesson that are not already put in place for the
classroom. Jackets, chairs, and other materials should be cleared away and off of the Eloor so
students can easily move around the room in stations.
Management concerns:
Students will complete the beginning of the lesson in whole group, followed by stations in small
groups, closure in whole group, and an exit ticket individually. Expectations for behavior will be set
beforehand, so that students can be successful in following them.
Tier 1 students will be provided with extra additions to the lesson, such as the application of the
elements in the lesson to books they have read recently. Tier 2 students will participate in the
lesson and be assessed informally for comprehension, and Tier 3 students will receive extra time in
answering questions, and guidance in the material.
- Laptop
- Student Computers
TEK 2.21 - Students are expected to understand and use the following parts of speech in the
context of reading, writing, and speaking:
(vi) - Pronouns
Technology Integration:
Technology will be used to project the example list of pronouns during the review, to show a music
video on pronoun, and in one of the stations, which will include modules in the I-XL computer
Opening of Lesson
Gain student attention/Focus: Describe how you will open the lesson and seek student
knowledge of the topic to be taught. Consider how you will:
My mentor teacher has covered pronouns before, so this lesson will be an extension of that.
Students will use the prior knowledge of their Eirst lesson on pronouns.
The students love moving around the classroom any chance they get, so the fact that they get to do
work stations will peak their interest.
The students will be involved and engaged the entire lesson through interactive discussion, work
stations, and independent assessments.
4) How will you hook the learner’s attention to the lesson and/or assess what students know
about the topic?
The Schoolhouse Rock video will “hook’ the students’ attention to the lesson. Observation during
the work stations will serve as an informal assessment, and the “exit ticket” will serve as a formal
means of assessment.
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify, list, and deEine pronouns.
Students will encounter pronouns the rest of their academic (and non-academic) careers, as they
are a vital part of the English language.
What is the clear explanation of content being taught? (Concepts and generalizations.)
Planned examples:
What other formative assessment strategies will be used during this lesson? How will
students answer? How will you select students to respond?
All students will be given the chance to respond and participate. Formal and informal means of
assessment will be used to ensure student comprehension throughout the lesson.
Feedback: How will you respond to correct answers? How will you respond to incorrect
answers? How will you respond to misconceptions?
I will praise correct answers, and direct incorrect answers in the right direction until the student
answers correctly, and then praise the correct answer.
How will you determine if you are going at an appropriate pace for your students?
If students seem bored, uninterested, or get answers correct quickly, I know I am going at too slow
of a pace for them. If they seem confused, are not answering any questions, or answer incorrectly, I
know I need to go at a slower pace and review.
The review of pronouns at the beginning of the lesson, followed by the modeling of each work
station will serve as the guided portion of the lesson.
- I-XL modules
Independently, students will complete the “exit ticket” before recess, which will serve as an
assessment. This will be the last step of the lesson.
This lesson will be taught in “mini-lesson’ format, in which students will receive a short review of
pronouns, then be released to rotate through work stations where they can practice the material.
Closure will be in whole group.
How will you differentiate instruction for Tier 1, 2, and 3 students? What kind of student
grouping(s) will be needed for this lesson?
Tier 1 students will be provided with extra additions to the lesson, such as the application of the
elements in the lesson to books they have read recently. Tier 2 students will participate in the
lesson and be assessed informally for comprehension, and Tier 3 students will receive extra time in
answering questions, and guidance in the material.
Technology will be used to project the example list of pronouns during the review, to show a music
video on pronouns, and in one of the stations, which will include modules in the I-XL computer
The I-XL computer program tracks student progress for the teacher to review, as well as showing
students their progress. In order to move on to the second module or farther, their score must equal
Closing of Lesson:
Review of key ideas of lesson - Describe how you will close the lesson.
I will close the lesson with a short recap of what was taught and a reElection of the lesson outcome,
followed by an “exit ticket”, in which students individually complete a short task with pronouns for
assessment purposes before recess.