Detector de Metal
Detector de Metal
Detector de Metal
Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd, reproduce for personal use only
by Thomas Scarborough
An induction balance (IB) metal loca-
tor has a good depth of penetration and
Want to find a fortune? Buried treasure, perhaps? Lost
distinguishes well between ferrous and coins on the beach? Or perhaps you fancy earning some
non-ferrous metals. It is also capable, to
a large extent, of rejecting iron and also pocket money finding other people’s valuables. Either way,
tin foil This is a boon for anyone who is this project should really interest you. It’s an el-cheapo
searching for coins or noble metals. induction balance (IB) metal locator that delivers surpris-
My aim with this design was to cre- ingly good performance.
ate a ‘minimalist’ device — one that
would work well but without all the
bells and whistles of the expensive, Simple, but it works only digital signals of a certain ampli-
commercial designs. I found that it was An IB metal locator is usually far tude break through to a peak detector
possible, with just a handful of compo- more complex than the design shown (IC1b). Since these are in the audio
nents, to design a high-quality metal here — the EE-Magenta Buccaneer, for range, they are immediately transferred
locator. example, uses more than 70 compo- to the piezo sounder or headphones.
For instance, on comparison with the nents. This one uses less than 20. On testing the sensitivity of this
first-class EE-Magenta Buccaneer, this The reason for the simplicity is that I design in air, with optimal tuning and
design delivers 95% of the perfor- have dispensed with analog circuitry, using a 25mm-diameter brass coin, it
gave a clear signal at 150mm, and a
mance in the category where it really
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air. This
Note that these figures In contrast, the locator is far more rejection of tin foil is due in
may not apply in tbe ground, where reluctant to pick up tin foil. A tin foil part to the metal locator’s low fre-
depth of penetration will depend largely disk of the same size as the brass coin quency, which avoids what is called
on the mineralisation present. was only detected at half the distance in skin effect.
Besides this, if the two coils are posi-
tioned as described, ferrous metals
(iron) are, to a very large extent,
rejected — to such an extent, in fact,
that a 25mm diameter brass coin weigh-
ing seven grams looks the same to the
metal locator as a lump of iron weigh-
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The receiver section (IC1b) is pre- at pins 8 and 12 is biased by the divider breaking through in the form of a crack-
ceded by a simple yet sensitive formed by the 10kΩ resistor and pots ling sound. When the locator’s output is
preamplifier stage, based on Q1, which VR1-VR3, so that only pulses of a cer- adjusted to a fast crackle, the presence
amplifies the signal received from the tain amplitude break through to output of metal turns this into a ‘scream’. This
Rx coil. This is fed directly to IC1b, pin 9. is heard from the piezo sounder or
which is used here as a high-perfor- There is a point at which, with care- through standard headphones. The 7556
mance sine-square convertor. Its input ful adjustment, the signal is just IC allows up to 100mA of output cur-
rent, therefore no further amplification
is required.
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the same way. In each case, mark the
beginning and end wires. Each coil is
then tightly bound by winding insulat-
ing tape around its entire circumference.
Now we add a Faraday shield to each
coil. This is accomplished with some
long, thin strips of aluminium foil. First
scrape the enamel off each coil’s end
wire. Solder a 100mm length of bare
wire to the winding wire, and twist this
around the coil, over the insulating tape.
This provides electrical contact for the
Faraday shield.
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meshes the coils into the resin.
The PC board of the Matchless Metal
Locator measures 48mm x 42mm, and
is coded 04106021. There are not many
components, so it should be easy to
assemble the board using the PC board
overlay diagram in Fig.3.
With the exception of the CMOS IC,
component values and types are not
critical. The one critical component is
the ICM7556IPD CMOS IC. I also tried
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(or Presstik) to tightly seal the holes hardened, so make no more adjust- (Fine Tune) to their mid-points. Then
underneath the plate before pouring in ments at this stage, but switch the adjust VR1 with a screwdriver or plas-
the resin — epoxy resin can be very circuit off and leave it for 24 hours or tic alignment tool until the metal locator
‘runny’ and sticks faster than many so. is just at the point where a crackle is
glues. I potted two sets of coils (that is, two heard, between silence and a scream (or
Also at this point carefully bend the complete search heads). The first between a low-level hum and a scream).
coils at the centre of the plate until you worked perfectly, precisely as I had set Use the tune and fine-tune knobs for
reach the exact balance at which there is it in the plate. The second contracted any further tuning.
neither silence nor screaming in the slightly as the resin set, so that no set- A fast crackling sound produces the
piezo sounder/headphones, but just a tings of VR2 or VR3 would produce a best results. Move a coin over the
crackle. A little drift should not matter tone in the headphones. However, this search head and the piezo sounder
at this point. is where the design of the Matchless should scream.
Now you are ready to mix and pour Metal Locator shows its flexibility. By In actual use, the adjustment of the
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the resin. Use a modest amount of cata- turning VR1 clockwise, the circuit was metal locator will be affected by the
lyst, so that there will be not too much again functioning normally when VR2 mineralisation of the ground you are
heat and shrinkage in the resin. Pour the and VR3 were set to their midpoint. searching, as well as temperature and
resin over the cloth which surrounds the voltage variations. So as mentioned ear-
coils, so as to soak it, and keep on pour- How to use it lier, readjustments to VR3 and VR2 are
ing at least until the entire bottom of the Keep the search head away from all inevitable from time to time.
plate is covered with resin. metal — and “noisy” computer equip- That’s really all there is to it. In case
The circuit may no longer function ment — and switch on. Adjust of any problems, though, the author
correctly at this point until the resin has potentiometers VR2 (Tune) and VR3 may be contacted at scarboro@iafrica.
Silicon Chip, June 2002 — Copyright