CRT Rejuvenator Monochrome
CRT Rejuvenator Monochrome
CRT Rejuvenator Monochrome
The circuit of a simple, inexpensivemonochrome
c.r.t. rejuvenator that has been built and used successfully on numerous occasionsis shown in Fig. I :
the basic idea is to connect the grid and cathodeof
the c.r.t. into the circuit as a diode, the flow of grid
current reactivatingthe cathode.The devicehas been
used on all sizes of tubes, including modern 24in.
ones: there have been only two failures and these
were only to be expected since one tube gave a
reading of only 3V acrossits heater while the other
had an intermittent cathodeconnection.
The basic procedure for using the rejuvenator is
to switch the set off and remove the c.r.t. base,
then fit the base from the rejuvenator to the c.r.t.
and plug the rejuvenatorinto the mains. The 100W
by K. J. Young
THe line output valve is one of the most important
parts in a television set. It is however one of the
most difficult componentsto checkin operationas the
high-amplitudepulsespresent at the anode make it
risky to use a voltmeter or oscilloscopeat this point.
Servicingdata often shows the shapeand amplitude
of the waveform to expect at the grid so that the
drive can be checked using an oscilloscope(the
receiver under test should be fed from a doublewound isolating transformerwhen this is done).This
is a very useful checksinceif it is found that the grid
drive is insufficientthen we know immediatelythat
the causeof the fault must be sought earlier in the
circuit: we also get a warning not to continue
operating the line output valve under these conditions.
It is neverthelessfeasible-provided the set is fed
from a double-woundisolating transformer-to use
an oscilloscope in conjunction with a resistorcapacitorpotential divider to observethe anodepulse
waveform. Say the grid leak resistorof the oscilloscope'sY amplifier input stage is I Mo: this could
be shunted with a 470pF earth-isolation ceramic
CRTgrid (pin 2l